Quiz language genious

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Photography as a Pedagogical Tool

Future Generation

eTwinning project 2012/13

Question 1 Lithuania

By which 3 languages was the Lithuanian language influenced? A German, B Finnish,

Finnish and English

Polish and Russian

C Italian,

Czech and English

D Finnish,

Czech and Polish

By which 3 languages was the Lithuanian language influenced? A German, B Finnish,

Finnish and English

Polish and Russian

C Italian,

Czech and English

D Finnish,

Czech and Polish

Question 2 Lithuania

Which alphabet do Lithuanians use? A

Roman alphabet


Latin alphabet


Romanic alphabet


Germanic alphabet

Which alphabet do Lithuanians use? A Roman



Latin alphabet


Romanic alphabet


Germanic alphabet

Question 3 Portugal

Which Portuguese word has no translation to other languages? A







None of the options

Which Portuguese word has no translation to other languages? A Saudade B Otorrinolaringologista C Azenha

Question 4 Portugal

In which position, in the ranking of the most spoken languages in the world, is the Portuguese language?









In which position, in the ranking of the most spoken languages in the world, is the Portuguese language? A








Question 5 Turkey

What language do 90% of all contemporary speakers of Altaic languages speak? A


B English and Turkish C


D English and Albanese

What language do 90% of all contemporary speakers of Altaic languages speak? A Albanese B English and Turkish C Turkish

D English and Albanese

Question 6 Turkey

The Turks began to borrow both lexical conventions and grammatical conventions from the Arabic language because: A they wanted to improve their language. B of the political situation in Turkey.

C of their history. D of their prestige, religious, scientific and literary traditions.

The Turks began to borrow both lexical conventions and grammatical conventions from the Arabic language because: A they wanted to improve their language.

B of the political situation in Turkey. C of their history. D of their prestige, religious, scientific and literary traditions.

Question 7 Poland

Which language group does the Polish language belong to? A

West Latin group


North Germanic group


East Slavonic group


West Slavonic group

Which language group does the Polish language belong to? A West

Latin group

B North

Germanic group

C East

Slavonic group

Question 8 Poland

Which languages influenced the Polish language? A German, Latin, French, Czech & Italian B

Latin and English

C French, Spanish, Latin, English & Italian D

Czech, Latin and English

Which languages influenced the Polish language? A German, Latin, French, Czech & Italian

B Latin

and English

C French, Spanish, Latin, English & Italian

Question 9 Czech Republic

What did Czech language derive from? A From the first king of the Czech Republic.

B From a Slavic tribe of Czechs. C From a Slavic soldier. D From a historical Czech tribe.

What did Czech language derive from? A From the first king of the Czech Republic. B From a Slavic tribe of Czechs.

C From

a Slavic soldier.

Question 10 Czech Republic

What other countries have a similar language to Czech? A Lithuanian, Slovak and Czech B

Russian and Lithuanian

C Slovak, Russian and Polish D

Polish and Czech

What other countries have a similar language to Czech? A Lithuanian,

Slovak and Czech

B Russian and Lithuanian C Slovak, Russian and Polish

Question 11 Spain

What makes of Spanish or Castilian languages Romanic languages? A B C

They have the same alphabet. They appeared at the same time. Some terms they have in common with the Romanic language.

D Their origin in Latin, the language of Rome .

What makes of Spanish or Castilian languages Romanic languages? A They

B They

have the same alphabet. appeared at the same time.

C Some terms they have in common with the Romanic language.

Question 12 Spain

Spanish is, after Mandarin Chinese and English, the‌ A first most spoken language in the world.

B second most spoken language in the world. C third most spoken language in the world.

Spanish is, after Mandarin Chinese and English, the‌ A first most spoken language in the world. B second most spoken language in the world. C third most spoken language in the world. D None of the options below.

Question 13 Italy

Why can we affirm that the term “Latin” is often used as a synonym of “Roman”? A Because they spoke the same language. B Because they socialised together. C It is the third most spoken language in the world. D Because they lived together in the same area.

Why can we affirm that the term “Latin” is often used as a synonym of “Roman”? A Because they spoke the same language. B Because

they socialised together.

C Latins gave a decisive contribution to the formation of the People of Rome.

Question 14 Italy

In which period did the Italian language spread out?

A During the First World War.

B After the First World War.

C After the Second World War.

In which period did the Italian language spread out? A During


the First World War.

After the First World War.

C After

the Second World War.

Congratulations You won’t win 1 Million but now you can consider yourself a language genious!

eTwinning project 2012/2013

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