Story and Illustrations by Donald Pettit Edited by Lisa Prescott
Brianna Cloudhopper and the Big Storm Š 2016 Oh So Nice Productions
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer All text and layout is the copyright of the author and Oh So Nice Productions. Nothing in this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the author or publisher. All copyrights are recognized and used specifically for the purpose of criticism and review.
To Briannita.
May your imagination always soar up to the clouds.
Book Number One
Greetings. My name is Brianna Cloudhopper.
I live with my mama and papa.
Our house is small and cozy. It is on the side of a mountain high in the sky.
I like to help Papa with chores.
I also like tidying up with Mama.
After the chores are done, Papa lets me fly Wind Catcher.
Wind Catcher is a flying machine.
It uses the breeze to glide through the sky with ease.
I use Wind Catcher to visit Sky Village.
My friend Billy Nimbus lives there.
Billy and his grandfather are waiting for me on the air dock.
I ask Billy’s grandfather if he can ride Wind Catcher with me. He says yes and we soar away!
While riding Wind Catcher, we see a BIG DARK storm approaching.
Storms can be dangerous to sky dwellers. Billy and I quickly fly home to warn our families.
The storm arrives fast. The thunder and lightning boom and flash. The wind howls and Wind Catcher pulls at its moorings.
We have sealed the house tightly. All we can do now is wait for the storm to end.
Finally the storm moves on. We are lucky and have very little damage.
Papa and I rush to Sky Village to check on Billy and his grandfather. The houses have been tilted this way and that by the wind.
Papa helps Billy and his grandfather set the houses straight again. Soon things are back as they were before the storm.
Mama arrives and joins us on the dock. Shortly we are laughing at Grandfather Nimbus’s jokes and having a good time.
Before long, Billy and I smile and are racing through the clouds once again.