Revista de test

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PageFlip FX - Parameters New Parameters Items in bold indicate default specification. Size of Book Pages: [Width, Height] No default. It must be specified by user in properties. (o sa avem si poreseturi la dimensiuni) Hardcover: [True/False] - Global XML Hardcover Spread Margin (Measurement in pixels): - Global XML Top: 5 pixel default Bottom: 5 pixel default Left and Right: 8 pixel default These defaults may need to be adjusted. We need to see what looks pleasing as a default for all these figures. Note: If Flip Direction is set to Vertical these measurement specifications are reversed. Top = Left, Bottom = Right, Left and Right becomes Top and Bottom (which is now specified as one figure). Most hardcover designs for real books are not the same size as the pages inside. Having a separate Top and Bottom specification allows the designer to adjust how the page centers vertically on the hardcover. One could imagine a navigation system at the top or bottom of the hardcover that would make this feature useful. Left and Right has to be one specification otherwise if the figures were different the book would not close correctly. By this I mean the two ends would not meet when closed. Spread Detection: [True/false] - Global XML When set to true and the image being loaded is exactly the same size as a full page spread then it assumes this is a spread. A full page spread may not be the exact size of the book page if the Frame Margin has been changed from the default value of zero pixels. Auto page spread takes this into account. The user must subtract margin pixels (when designing the spread) to obtain the right size for auto page spread to activate. This feature only works when the spread is the exact size as the image being loaded. In other words the loading dimensions are the same as the image dimensions. Auto Page Spread detection will insert a blank page if the image loading is not at the

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