Organizing a Community Tree Planting

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Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

A step by step guide

Produced by: The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

So you are planning a Community Tree Planting! This packet is brought to you by The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s “Tree Tenders” program. In 1993 PHS created Tree Tenders to train residents affiliated with community groups to plant and care for trees. Basic training consists of sessions about theory, practical information, and hands-on experience. Continuing education workshops are held regularly. Our success as a program–-and specifically with organizing large-scale tree plantings–-is in part due to our partnerships. We would especially like to acknowledge our partnerships with Penn State Cooperative Extension, PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry and TreeVitalize program, University City Green, and the Fairmount Park Commission. Whether your planting involves 10 trees or 100 trees, this kit is designed to guide you through the process. While watching the “Organizing a Community Tree Planting” DVD, follow along with the “Step by Step Plan.” This will be your hardcopy reference as you move ahead in organizing your planting. You will find many useful materials in the kit. The videos on how to plant different stocks of trees (balled and burlapped, container and bare root) can be shared with team leaders prior to planting day to make sure everyone is using identical planting techniques. Many of the handouts you will find in the kit are also available on the enclosed CD. These include a template for a “Move Your Car/No Parking” sign, a sample flyer recruiting volunteers for planting day, and tree care instructions. Feel free to personalize these handouts and use them for your projects. Remember, the most important things are to start early, start small, and have fun.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Packet Contents • Organizing a Community Tree Planting: Step by Step Plan (companion to enclosed DVD)

COMMUNITY TREE PLANTING SUPPORT MATERIALS • The Value of Trees • Top 10 Reasons We Need Trees • Guidelines for Marking Street Tree Pits • Tools, Materials and Supplies for Community Plantings • Recruiting Volunteers/Keeping Volunteers • Volunteer Roles • Sample Volunteer Job Descriptions: Tool Organizer & Tree Planter • Sample Planting Day Site Map •Training Tree Volunteers • Basic Tree Care • Community Tree Care Programs Starting a Green Corps Starting a Pruning Club COMMUNITY TREE PLANTING FORMS & HANDOUTS • Property Owner Tree Request Form/Agreement to Plant a Street Tree in Your Municipality • Caring for Your Tree • Community Tree Planting Block Map • Make Room for Trees: Move Your Car Flyer * • Help Plant Trees!: Volunteer Recruitment Flyers * • Registration Procedure and Follow Up for Large Scale Planting Events* • Tree Planting Instructional Flyers (Bare Root; Balled & Burlapped; Container) • Tree Planting Sign-in Sheet* ACCOMPANYING DISKS • DVD “Organizing a Community Tree Planting”/How to Plant a Tree • CD (electronic files for personalization and reproduction) * Available as hard copy and as electronic files on CD Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Step by Step Plan 6 months out • Assemble organizing team Put together an organizing team and include people with a mix of skills. Include tree-planting specialists and experts at promoting and organizing volunteer events. o Arborists o Landscape Contractors o Recruiters o Promoters o Organizers • Select location and date o Have the organizing team identify the date and location of event at the start of the planning process. o If you haven’t chosen an area, immediately begin to contact homeowners, municipal officials, organizations and community leaders to identify potential sites. A notice in the local newspapers may also yield some interest.

• Get permission forms o o o o

Once the date and location have been selected, distribute event flyers and permission forms to area households, businesses and organizations. Each owner must fill out and sign a permission form to authorize a tree planting on their property. As the tree requests are collected, write notes directly on the individual forms regarding special site conditions such as overhead wires or the need for concrete cutting, stump removal or stump grinding. It is also useful to note each property owner’s species preferences. Wherever possible, encourage locating trees in a lawn or planting strip instead of a sidewalk tree pit. The more room for the roots to spread out, the better. You may be required to have the tree requests approved by a municipality or municipal arborist. These professionals are trained to evaluate locations based on factors such as traffic visibility and safety. This can take quite a long time, so be sure to leave plenty of time to complete the process required in your municipality.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Step by Step Plan


3 months out • Tag trees o As soon as you have finalized your tree approval process and have determined the total number and types of trees you will need, work with a tree expert to select and reserve the best plants for your sites. There are many things to consider during this “tagging” process. o Check for any local list of approved street trees. o Sites with overhead high-voltage wires call for species that are

shorter at maturity. Certain trees have proven to be hardy urban survivors, making them the best choice for heavily trafficked locations. o In general, since planting only one species of tree can facilitate the spread of disease, it’s good practice to select a variety of species. o Once the trees are selected, begin to plan the move from the nursery to the planting sites. Bare-root and some container- grown stock are lightweight enough to be be moved easily by individuals. If you select large container-grown trees or balled- and-burlapped stock, you will need to arrange for equipment such as a forklift and a truck.

• Locate tree storage facility o Look for a secure storage facility that can hold the trees on the days just before the event. This allows time to check the order for quality and to be sure you’re getting what you requested. o The trees can be tagged by species type and by the address of their final destination and organized for distribution ahead of time. o The storage site should have access to water and be able to accommodate large trucks.

• Identify base of operations o This is also the time to begin the search for a central meeting place where volunteers can assemble on the planting day. Look for a site with restrooms. A recreation center, church or school is often ideal.

• Begin recruiting volunteers

Step by Step Plan


o The entire team should begin to recruit volunteer planters early in the planning process. Scouts, churches and businesses will often provide willing participants. Contact local schools and universities. Many students need to fulfill a service-learning requirement or simply enjoy volunteering. o As a general rule, multiply the number of trees to be planted by two in order to determine the number of volunteers to recruit. o Aim to enlist one skilled supervisor for every five volunteers. A supervisor should have prior experience planting trees and working with inexperienced volunteers. o A rule of thumb is that a team of five planters, a team leader, and a team assistant should be able to plant two trees per hour. Having a team larger than seven or eight people is not advised. This can lead to confusion or volunteers with too little to do.

o This model should make it possible to complete the work with approximately a half day’s work.

1 month out • Cut concrete o If you need tree pits cut into sidewalks, check for listings of contractors who will remove concrete. Please note that your state may require that you contact the ONE CALL system (just call 811) to have the underground utilities marked before digging starts. This important law is in place to keep people safe and avoid any disruption of utility services. o The ONE CALL technicians will use color-coded spray-paints to identify the utility locations in the planting area. Because trees must be planted a certain distance from gas, electric, and water lines, you may have to relocate or adjust the size of the desired pit based on their marks. Use white spray-paint to mark the final pit locations for the concrete contractor. o The ONE CALL service may provide assistance free of charge for homeowners groups. To avoid charges, be sure to tell the ONE CALL phone representative that you’re involved in a volunteer neighborhood planting. o As a courtesy to nearby residents, put flyers on car windshields a day or two before the concrete is to be cut. Include the date and time of the work and ask that they move their cars during this time. This is also an opportunity to remind residents about the event and invite them to join the effort. o After the cutting is complete, be sure all concrete rubble is removed and the tree pits are filled up to grade level with mulch or soil. If the pit is not at grade level, block off the pit to prevent a tripping hazard. o Confirm that the contractor will bring the concrete rubble to an official concrete recycling center. o All of the concrete cutting work should be completed at least two weeks prior to the event.

• Gather tools and supplies o At this point you should also be gathering the tools and supplies for the event. Look for opportunities to borrow tools. You may find that a local civic organization or municipal streets department will loan tools for community beautification events. o You may also want to consider soliciting donations of food, beverages, or give-aways such as t-shirts or hats.

• Continue recruiting volunteers

Step by Step Plan


o If you’re still short of volunteer help, it’s time to step up recruitment efforts. Asking all members of the organizing team to email their contact lists is a good start. Be sure to

get the tree recipients involved in the recruiting efforts. You can use flyers and list-serves to get the message out and draft a press release to submit to radio stations, local papers, and community-group newsletters.

• Assign jobs o With one month to go, develop a list of all the volunteer jobs to be completed both prior to the planting and on the day itself. You will need volunteers for a variety of tasks rangingfrom soliciting donations and gathering tools to registering participants and digging holes. Job descriptions should be distributed along with the work assignments. o Be sure to assign someone to take pictures, not only on the day of the event itself, but also before and after the trees are planted. These, along with fun pictures of the participants, are great for future publicity efforts and to inspire future funders and volunteers.

One week to go! • Reconfirm logistics o With only one week to go, there are still many tasks to complete and logistics to confirm. Check, then double check. You may be surprised by what can change in a week or even overnight! o Reconfirm the delivery of the trees, tools, and supplies. Double check that restrooms and water sources will be available for the planting. Also, call your team leaders to confirm where and when to report.

• Train volunteers o

Ideally, volunteers should be taught ahead of time how to plant a tree. At minimum, try to get together with the team leaders to review the instructional handouts, event schedule, and volunteer management techniques. (Instructional videos showing proper tree planting methods are included, and can also be found on the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s website:

• Post flyers o During this week, post flyers advising motorists to relocate their cars on planting day.

• Media advisory o Send out media advisories about the event. Getting press coverage is a great way to generate enthusiasm and support. Step by Step Plan


• Planning planting day o Plan a registration system and be sure to include a sign-in sheet to gather contact information. o Also put together a planting day schedule, including a map of the planting sites and the planting team assignments. It is also a great idea to identify on this map where the restrooms, water sources and mulch piles will be.

• Move B&B trees o It is during this week that the trees should be moved from the nursery to the temporary storage facility where they can be sorted, labeled and watered.

The Day Before • Move B&B trees o One day to go, and it’s time to move the heavier balled-and- burlapped trees to their final destinations. o Because bare-root and container-grown trees are generally light weight, they can be easily carried away. To avoid loss, these trees should not be delivered until planting day.

• Tools and supplies ready o The day before the planting, have all the tools and supplies ready to transport to the event staging area.

Planting Day o The big day has arrived! Get there early, take pictures, and make sure everyone is gainfully occupied and having fun. Be sure to tell the volunteers how much you appreciate their efforts. o Provide water and snacks and announce where to find the restroom. Have enough tools and materials for the tasks you aim to complete. o Making the experience pleasant and rewarding is the best way to assure that volunteers will come out to future events. o As people arrive, form teams and put them to work as soon as they are equipped. Each team should be assigned to an experienced supervisor and be given tree planting flyers with step-by-step planting instructions. o After the trees are in the ground, make sure the pits are mulched and the trees are thoroughly watered. Some trees will need staking for protection or stabilization. o Of course, any trash, leftover soil and rubble must be disposed of properly.

Step by Step Plan


After Planting Day • Thank you notes o Remember to save a bit of energy for several important follow-up tasks. It’s important to send thank you notes to the key participants and donors. Keep a database of contact information to draw on for the next planting.

• Tree care information o Be sure the tree recipients have basic tree-care information and watering reminders.

• Record and share data o To share the pride in this accomplishment, count up the volunteer hours, number of volunteers, and other contributions for your records and to share with the participants. If you can send a batch of photos, even better.

• Celebrate and review o Soon after the event, have a meeting of the organizing team, both to celebrate your achievement and evaluate the process. Make notes about what worked and what could be improved, and use this information to help guide you next time. o What’s left? Take pride in what you’ve accomplished, and start planning your next community tree planting! For information about all of the exciting programs offered by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, call 215-988-8800 or visit For more information about UC Green, visit

Step by Step Plan


Community Tree Planting Support Materials

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Statistics Sheet The Value of Trees Studies prove that trees have a positive effect on many aspects of people’s lives, including their health, homes, businesses, communities, drinking water, and air quality.

Economic Contributions • Research shows that shoppers in well-landscaped business districts are willing to pay more for parking and up to 12% more for goods and services.27 • Landscaping, especially with trees, can significantly increase property values. Here is one example: A value of 9% ($15,000) was determined in a U.S. Tax Court case for the loss of a large black oak on a property valued at $164,500.12 • Trees reduce runoff and erosion from storms by about 7% and reduce the need for erosion control structures. In urban areas with trees, the use of smaller drainpipes can save cities on materials, installation and maintenance.11 • Desk workers with and without views of nature were surveyed. Those without views of nature, when asked about 11 different ailments, claimed 23% more incidence of illness in the prior 6 months.6 • Amenity and comfort ratings were about 80% higher for a tree-lined sidewalk compared with those for a nonshaded street. Quality of products ratings were 30% higher in districts having trees over those with barren sidewalks.28 • In the United States over 200 million cubic yards of urban tree and landscape residue are generated every year.26 Of the 200 million cubic yards of urban tree and landscape residue, 15% is classified as "unchipped logs." If these logs were sawn into boards, they theoretically would produce 3.8 billion board feet of lumber, or nearly 30% of the hardwood lumber produced annually in the United States.1

Energy Savings • The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.20 • Trees properly placed around buildings as windbreaks can save up to 25% on winter heating costs.5 • As few as three trees properly positioned can save the average household between $100 and $250 annually in energy costs.23 • Fifty million shade trees planted in strategic, energy-saving locations could eliminate the need for seven 100-megawatt power plants.10 • Shade from two large trees on the west side of a house and one on the east side can save up to 30% of a typical residence’s annual air conditioning costs.17 • Annual benefits provided by parking lot trees in Sacramento, California, (8.1% tree shade) were valued at approximately $700,000 for improved air quality. By increasing shade to 50% in all parking lots in Sacramento, the annual benefits will increase to $4 million.9 • Rows of trees reduce windspeed by up to about 85%, with maximum reductions increasing in proportion to visual density. Because even a single row of dense conifers can cause large reductions in windspeed, effective windbreaks can be planted on relatively small house lots. Compared with an open area, a good windbreak that does not shade the house will save about 15% of the heat energy used in a typical home.4 Urban and Community Forestry Appreciation Tool Kit USDA Forest Service NA-IN-02-04

Statistics Sheet continued Environmental Contributions • Modest increases of 10% canopy cover in the New York City Area were shown to reduce peak ozone levels by up to 4 parts per billion or by nearly 3% of the maximum and 37% of the amount by which the area exceeded its air quality standard. Similar results were found in Los Angeles and along the East Coast from Baltimore to Boston.8 • Leafy tree canopies catch precipitation before it reaches the ground, allowing some of it to gently drip and the rest to evaporate. This lessens the force of storms and reduces runoff and erosion. Research indicates that 100 mature tree crowns intercept about 100,000 gallons of rainfall per year, reducing runoff and providing cleaner water.25 • Trees reduce noise pollution by absorbing sounds. A belt of trees 98 feet wide and 49 feet tall can reduce highway noise by 6 to 10 decibels.13 • Trees in Davis, California, parking lots reduced asphalt temperatures by as much as 36 degrees Fahrenheit, and car interior temperatures by over 47 degrees Fahrenheit.16 • Philadelphia's 2.1 million trees currently store approximately 481,000 metric tons of carbon with an estimated value of $9.8 million.14 • A typical community forest of 10,000 trees will retain approximately 10 million gallons of rainwater per year.24

Social Contributions • Views of nature reduce the stress response of both body and mind when stressors of urban conditions are present.15 • Trees in urban parks and recreation areas are estimated to improve outdoor leisure and recreation experiences in the United States by $2 billion per year.3 • Trees reduce crime. Apartment buildings with high levels of greenery had 52% fewer crimes than those without any trees. Buildings with medium amounts of greenery had 42% fewer crimes.7 • Hospital patients recovering from surgery who had a view of a grove of trees through their windows required fewer pain relievers, experienced fewer complications, and left the hospital sooner than similar patients who had a view of a brick wall.21, 22 • Americans travel about 2.3 billion miles per day on urban freeways and highways. Studies show drivers exposed to roadside nature scenes had a greater ability to cope with driving stresses.29 • Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children are relieved after contact with nature. Specifically, ADHD kids are better able to concentrate, complete tasks, and follow directions after playing in natural settings. The greener the setting, the more relief.18 • Trees help girls succeed. On average, the greener a girl’s view from home, the better she concentrates and the better her self-discipline, enabling her to make more thoughtful choices and do better in school.19 • Trees and forests in urban areas convey serenity and beauty along a number of sensory dimensions, often surrounding the individual with nature in an environment where natural things are at a premium.2

Statistics Sheet continued References 1. Bratkovich, Stephen M. 2001. Utilizing Municipal Trees: Ideas from Across the Country. NA-TP-06-01. [Newtown Square, PA:] USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. 2. Dwyer, J. F.; Schroeder, H. W.; Gobster, P. H. 1991. The Significance of Urban Trees and Forests: Toward a Deeper Understanding of Values. Journal of Arboriculture 17(10). 3. Dwyer, John F.; Schroeder, Herbert W.; Louviere, Jordan J.; Anderson, Donald H. 1989. Urbanities [sic] Willingness to Pay for Trees and Forests in Recreation Areas. Journal of Arboriculture 15(10). 4. Heisler, Gordon M. 1990. Tree plantings that save energy. In: Rodbell, Philip D., ed. Proceedings of the Fourth Urban Forestry Conference; 1989 October 15-19; St. Louis, MO. Washington, DC: American Forestry Association. 5. Heisler, G.M. 1986. Energy Savings With Trees. Journal of Arboriculture 12. 6. Kaplan, R.; Kaplan, S. 1989. The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. 7. Kuo, F.; Sullivan, W. 2001. Environment and Crime in the Inner City: Does Vegetation Reduce Crime? Environment and Behavior 33(3). 8. Luley, Christopher J.; Nowak, David J. 2004. Help Clear the Smog with Your Urban Forest: What You and Your Urban Forest Can Do About Ozone. Brochure. Davey Research Group and USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 9. McPherson, E.G. 2001. Sacramento's Parking Lot Shading Ordinance: Environmental and Economic Costs of Compliance. Landscape and Urban Planning 57. 10. McPherson, E.G.; Simpson, J.R. 2003. Potential Energy Savings in Buildings by an Urban Tree Planting Program in California. Urban Greening 2(2003). 11. Miller, Alban L.; Riley, J.; Schwaab, E.; Rabaglia, R.; Miller, K. 1995. Maryland’s Forests: A Health Report. Annapolis: Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service. 12. Neely, D., ed. 1988. Valuation of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants, 7th ed. Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, International Society of Arboriculture. 13. New Jersey Forest Service. [undated]. Benefits of trees. Fact sheet. Jackson, NJ: Forest Resource Education Center. 14. Nowak, D.; Crane, D.; Stevens, J. 2003. Draft Plan. Philadelphia’s Urban Forest, Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) Analysis. Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 15. Parsons, R.; Tassinary, L.G.; Ulrich, R.S.; Hebl, M.R.; Grossman-Alexander, M. 1998. The View From the Road: Implications for Stress Recovery and Immunization. Journal of Environmental Psychology 18(2). 16. Scott, Klaus I.; Simpson, James R.; McPherson, E. Gregory. 1999. Effects of Tree Cover on Parking Lot Microclimate and Vehicle Emissions. Journal of Arboriculture 25(3). 17. Simpson, J.R.; McPherson, E.G. 1996. Potential of Tree Shade for Reducing Residential Energy use in California. Journal of Arboriculture 22(1). 18. Taylor, A.F.; Kuo, F.; Sullivan, W. 2001. Coping with ADD: The Surprising Connection to Green Play Settings. Environment and Behavior 33(1). 19. Taylor, Andrea Faber; Kuo, Frances E.; Sullivan, William C. 2002. Views of Nature and Self-Discipline: Evidence from Inner City Children. Journal of Environmental Psychology 22(1-2). 20. The National Arbor Day Foundation. 2004. The value of trees to a community. (January 12). 21. Ulrich, R. 1984. View through Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery. Science 224. 22. Ulrich, R.S. 1985. Human Responses to Vegetation and Landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 13. 23. U.S. Department of Energy. 2003. Energy Savers, Tips on Saving Money and Energy at Home. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse. 24. USDA Forest Service. 2003. Is All Your Rain Going Down the Drain? Look to Bioretainment—Trees are a Solution. Davis, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Center for Urban Forest Research. 25. USDA Forest Service. 2003. Benefits of Urban Trees. Urban and Community Forestry: Improving Our Quality of Life. Forestry Report R8-FR 71. [Atlanta, GA:] Southern Region. 26. Whittier, Jack; Rue, Denise; Haase, Scott. 1995. Urban Tree Residues: Results of the First National Inventory. Journal of Arboriculture 21(2). 27. Wolf, K. L. 1999. Nature and Commerce: Human Ecology in Business Districts. In: Kollins, C., ed. Building Cities of Green: Proceedings of the 9th National Urban Forest Conference. Washington, DC: American Forests. 28. Wolf, Kathy L. 1998. Trees in Business Districts: Positive Effects on Consumer Behavior! Fact Sheet #5. Seattle: University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Center for Urban Horticulture. 29. Wolf, Kathy L. 2000. The Calming Effect of Green: Roadside Landscape and Driver Stress. Factsheet #8. Seattle: University of Washington, Center for Urban Horticulture.

Top 10

Top 10

Reasons We Need Trees

Reasons We Need Trees

1. Trees help purify the air we breathe by absorbing pollutants.

1. Trees help purify the air we breathe by absorbing pollutants.

2. Trees increase property values and improve the tax base in communities.

2. Trees increase property values and improve the tax base in communities.

3. Trees improve neighborhood appeal, attracting businesses, shoppers, and homeowners.

3. Trees improve neighborhood appeal, attracting businesses, shoppers, and homeowners.

4. Trees cool our cities and towns by reducing heat generated by buildings and paved surfaces.

4. Trees cool our cities and towns by reducing heat generated by buildings and paved surfaces.

5. Tree shade, properly placed, can save an average household up to $250 annually in energy costs.

5. Tree shade, properly placed, can save an average household up to $250 annually in energy costs.

6. Trees reduce the amount of pollutants in sewer systems, saving communities millions of dollars in water treatment costs.

6. Trees reduce the amount of pollutants in sewer systems, saving communities millions of dollars in water treatment costs.

7. Trees soften harsh building lines and large expanses of pavement, making urban environments much more pleasant.

7. Trees soften harsh building lines and large expanses of pavement, making urban environments much more pleasant.

8. Trees provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, maintaining a balance with nature even in urban areas.

8. Trees provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, maintaining a balance with nature even in urban areas.

9. Trees reduce the amount of water-borne pollutants that reach streams and rivers.

9. Trees reduce the amount of water-borne pollutants that reach streams and rivers.

10.Trees reduce levels of domestic violence and foster safer, more sociable neighborhood environments.

10.Trees reduce levels of domestic violence and foster safer, more sociable neighborhood environments.

Organization ID Label Here

Organization ID Label Here

Urban and Community Forestry Appreciation Tool Kit USDA Forest Service NA-IN-02-04

Urban and Community Forestry Appreciation Tool Kit USDA Forest Service NA-IN-02-04

The USDA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

The USDA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Guidelines for Marking Street Tree Pits The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Note: These guidelines are typical for many municipalities. Check with your municipality for local guidelines. Pits are marked at least one day in advance with white paint (two days in advance is preferred). By now the ONE CALL system has marked all underground utilities.

Recommended Pit Sizes •

Minimum – 16 square feet*

Preferred – 20 - 25 square feet

Variations – any shape to attain maximum possible square footage

Locations •

Not in front of steps, doorways or alleyways

15’ from light poles, utility poles, street signs and fire hydrants

30’ from stop signs and traffic lights

15-30’ from other trees (depending on mature size and form)

30’ from street corners

5’ from driveways

5’ from manhole covers, storm drains and main utility lines

Edge of tree pit 18” minimum from residential utility lines (or soil must be hand dug)

Edge of tree pit should be at least 36” from steps, stoops or walls to allow 3’ of unobstructed sidewalk

* Some urban settings may limit pit size to 3’ x 3’.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Tools, Materials & Supplies for Community Plantings The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Tools for estimated 50 trees:

Thanks to

• 25-100 round-head shovels (long-handle preferred) • 5-10 square-head shovels (to help clear dirt from sidewalk) • 10-15 picks (mattock-head and/or other) • 10 five-gallon buckets and water sources (plus wagons or carts to haul buckets) • 5 wheelbarrows (optional: if you plan to move mulch from piles near trees) • 50-100 pairs work gloves • 50-100 six-foot wooden stakes (to protect trees from car doors, etc.) • 1-2 sledge hammers or stake-pounders • “Arbor tie”, bike inner tubes, nylon stockings, or other method to loosely tie trees to stakes (optional) • 5-10 bow rakes • 5-10 brooms • 3 pitchforks (for mulch) • 1 ax (in case of buried stump, etc.) • 1 digging/pry bar • 1 long-handled lopper • Mulch: (approximately 1 cubic yard per 10 tree pits or 1 bag per tree) • 10 Leader Bags [for container, balled & burlapped (B&B) plantings] Each contains: 1 heavy-duty bolt cutter [if the B&B trees are in wire baskets] 2 utility knives 2 pairs scissors 1 hand pruner 1 hand trowel 1 permanent marker “How-To Plant” instructional tree planting handouts List/map of tree locations for each team List of cell phone numbers for planting supervisor and other coordinators 5 large trash bags

Other materials and equipment recommended for planting day: • 2 pickup trucks: one to move mulch, one to deliver stakes and be a “floater” • For registration: tables (at least 2), chairs, sign-in sheets, pens • “How To Plant Trees” handouts for volunteers • Trash cans • Restrooms • First Aid Kit • Refreshments for volunteers (small water bottles are a good idea) • “Caring for Your Tree” handouts for new tree owners

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

• Name tags (optional) • Shirts, bandannas, or other identifier for team leaders • Digital camera • “Return Gloves” signs • Boxes of T-shirts • Banners • String & scissors • Tape w/dispenser • Signs: “Sign in here”, “Restrooms”, “Recycle plastic bottles” • Sign for any items for sale and price • Petty cash: $50 w/ receipt book & pen • Sharpie pen • Stapler • Brochures, flyers, bumper stickers, pins – anything with identifying logo • Staple gun • Paper towels • Tarps • Duct tape • 5-in-1 screw driver • Extra-strength hand cleaner • Air pump for wheelbarrow tires • Megaphone for announcements

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Recruiting & Keeping Volunteers The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Constantly Recruit

o Communicate your enthusiasm for your organization o Talk it up – with everyone, everywhere o Take handouts wherever you go o Reach out to potential volunteers, don’t be passive

Truly Connect with Potential Volunteers

o Find out what they want o Meet their needs o Be “warm and fuzzy” o Remember, there’s competition out there!

Know What You’re Recruiting For

o Be prepared with specifics: planting, fundraising, outreach, etc. o What skills are needed? o What tasks will be performed? When? Where? o Everyone has something to give, be ready to receive it!

Sources of Volunteers

Thanks to: David Bower Volunteer Coordinator Fairmount Park Commission Environment, Stewardship,

o Tabling at your site o Schools – community service and service-learning programs, clubs, fraternal groups o Schools – senior projects o Alumni Associations o Businesses, offices, corporations o United Way o Scout troops – merit badges, Eagle Scout projects o Newspapers – especially community newspapers o Churches – church bulletins o Poster, flyers, bulletin boards o Business cards o Community events, festivals o Signs and banners during workdays o Judicial system

and Education Division

Be Reachable

o By phone, mail, e-mail, website, fax o Follow the “48 Hour Rule” - return calls within 48 hours

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

“Keeping Volunteers” begins as soon as they arrive at your site. o Always work to keep volunteers enthusiastic about volunteering with you

o Be on time and start promptly o Be prepared with meaningful tasks and all the supplies you need o Be enthusiastic o Start a sign-up sheet o Greet and welcome volunteers, have them explain why they are there o Give a brief orientation – describe your organization o Tell everyone why the project is important and what the goals are o Describe tasks, review safety and personal needs such as restrooms o Encourage initiative and creativity as much as possible o Reinforce, thank and encourage throughout the project o Have fun! o Leave time for reflection, thanks, and recruiting for future projects


o List name, phone, address, and email, if possible o Respect requests for privacy o Check the list for legibility before volunteers leave o Use the list for follow-up – thank you letters, future recruiting


o Give flyers, newsletters, business cards, etc., to volunteers and passersby


o Food, certificates, T-shirts, etc. o Solicit donations, gift certificates from local businesses


o Phone call, letter – “Never stop saying Thank You” o See “Recruiting Volunteers” and use the same techniques to keep volunteers

Thanks to: David Bower Volunteer Coordinator Fairmount Park Commission Environment, Stewardship, and Education Division

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Volunteer Roles These are some roles that may play an important part in a successful community tree planting. Keep in mind these are just suggestions; not an all-inclusive list. o Organizing tools o Planting trees o Coordinating media – radio, TV, newspapers o Photographing event/ before and after pictures o Leading planting team o Coordinating food and water o Coordinating tree acquisition; delivery; storage o Registering volunteers at event o Delivering drinking water to planting volunteers o Delivering water for watering trees o Delivering mulch to individual planting sites o Coordinating statistics/results after planting o Writing thank you notes to volunteers and donors

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Sample Volunteer Job Description The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Tool Organizer Duties prior to planting day: 1. Based on the recommended list “Tools, Materials and Supplies for Community Plantings”, develop a tool list specific to your event. 2. Locate sources for tools. 3. Notify volunteers of additional tools that they should bring to the planting event. Duties on planting day: 1. Assemble tools at the meeting site. 2. Make sure tools are marked with owner’s name or other identifiers. 3. Divide tools into sections for each planting group. 4. Make a list for each group of the tools they have been assigned. 5. At completion of the planting event, make sure all tools have been returned to their rightful owners in good condition. Work schedule: 1. Prior to planting day: on your own. 2. Tree planting day: arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to planting time. 3. Expect to finish 30 minutes after planting is completed. Work environment: 1. Planting site – corner of 5th and Main Streets, Anytown. 2. Outdoors. Dress accordingly and for the weather: work boots, clothes that can get dirty, layers for when you warm up, garden gloves, and hat. 3. Bring a bottle of water and sunscreen. 4. We plant rain or shine. Qualifications: 1. Good general health and willingness to help and work with others. 1. Good organizational skills.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Sample Volunteer Job Description The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Tree Planter Duties: 1. All aspects of planting trees with guidance from Planting Leaders including digging holes, mulching, staking new trees, watering, etc. 2. All work is shared, therefore ability to lift heavy items is not required. 3. Be sure to mark your personal tools with your name or identifying mark. 4. Clean up. Work schedule: 1. Meet at 9 am at the corner of 5th and Main St. 2. Tree planting from 9 am to approximately noon. 3. Lunch will be provided. Work environment: 1. Planting site - Main Street between 3rd and 5th streets, Anytown 2. Outdoors. Dress accordingly and for the weather: work boots, clothes that can get dirty, layers for when you warm up , garden gloves, and hat. 3. Bring a bottle of water and sunscreen. 4. We plant rain or shine. Qualifications: 1. Good general health. 2. Willingness to help and work with others.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Planting Day Site Map The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Free maps for your sites can be downloaded at:

#1 #2


MAP FOR VOLUNTEERS Map shows where planting site is located. Areas for each group leader are marked.



Map shows Group #2 planting sites and where to find water, mulch and the restroom. Tree Location Water Source Restroom Mulch Pile

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Training Tree Volunteers The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Talking Points The following topics should be covered during basic training sessions for volunteers who will be planting and caring for trees. Ideally, a certified arborist or other tree expert should conduct the training. Encourage the creation of neighborhood tree care clubs or groups to help build community-wide awareness of and advocacy for trees.

Tree Stressors

Roots: • Too much mulch: a 2-3” layer of mulch is best; keep mulch several inches away from trunk • Pit problems: small; compaction; salt; dog waste; chemicals/toxic substances • Girdling roots • Weeds; grass; competing perennials • Impervious surfaces/drought Trunk: • Mechanical damage; mowers, car doors • Attached wires, lights, nails • Buried too deep • Fungi; insect damage Canopy: • Poor pruning • Too little sun • Heat islands • Insects • Overcrowding

Tree Planting

• • • • • • • •

Choosing a healthy tree Preparing the planting site One Call -- to identify underground utilities before you dig • Pit size • Soil preparation Handling the tree (B&B; bare root; container) Planting technique • Remove wire/burlap • Girdling root issues with containers • Protecting the exposed roots of bare root trees • Root flare – don’t bury • Mulch – 2-3” deep, not touching trunk Watering requirements – slow and deep Bucket with a few nail holes Tree gators

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Tree Care Below Ground (root care) • Root flare • Benefits of mulch • Weeds and grass as competitors • Watering deep and slow • Fertilizer is not plant food • Benefits of cultivating soil Above Ground (pruning) • Pruning safety • Branch collar/branch bark ridge • Three point cuts • Always remove 3-Ds (explain dead, diseased & damaged) and crossing branches • When to prune (training young trees/after leaf drop, before bud break) • Bypass vs. anvil pruners and other pruning tools • Cleaning tools between cuts on diseased trees • How much to remove- no more than 25% of living tissue • 2/3 Canopy to 1/3 stem proportions

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Basic Tree Care The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Community Tree Care Programs The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

An effective tree canopy program involves 10% proper planting technique and 90% afterplanting care! For many groups, the after care is the most challenging part of tree planning, but it is also the key to tree survival. What follows is an example of a model for citizen tree care that has been successfully used by University City Green (UC Green), one of the first groups to emerge from Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Tree Tenders training program, now its own nonprofit organization. UC Green is a nonprofit organization that was formed to promote, coordinate, and support volunteer community greening in University City, West/Southwest Philadelphia neighborhoods. Through partnerships they build community, endorse sustainable practices, and champion environmental stewardship. In addition to planting hundreds of trees each season, UC Green has developed several programs to promote the continuing care of neighborhood trees. One program developed by UC Green to ensure that newly planted trees receive care during their first few growing seasons is the UC Green Corps. This is a greening maintenance program that offers an opportunity for environmental education and job training for youth and adult leadership. The program provides sustainable seasonal maintenance to approximately 500 trees & select public spaces in University City neighborhoods. The program is funded by grants and fee-for-service contracts with community partners. For on-going maintenance, UC Green has also started a Pruning Club, enlisting volunteers to address the pruning needs of young trees, under the supervision of a trained arborist. The following are sample documents used by UC Green to guide the activities of these two programs, including the orientation manual for Green Corps employees, and a description and work outline for the Pruning Club. You are welcome to use any or all parts of these documents as you adapt the models for your own use. Thanks to

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 1.

Starting a Green Corps Sample Orientation Dear UC Green Corps team member, Welcome! You are part of an exciting program that - with your help - will make this a most memorable summer experience. As a team member you are expected to give 100% of everything you do and to encourage and support your teammates. GOALS Our goals for this summer are to provide watering as well as weeding, mulching, and pruning 600 + young trees planted by UC Green volunteers, and to help care for select public green spaces in the University City/ West & Southwest Philadelphia area. RESPECT The primary code of the UC Green Corps is RESPECT. Respect of yourself, respect for your teammates, and respect for all living things. CONDUCT All team members will be on probation the first two weeks of the program. Supervisors have the option of terminating a team member at any time. EXPECTATIONS That ALL team members give 100% - that is what is expected/required of all team members. ATTITUDES No disrespectful attitudes, act professionally. You are here to work as a team. Poor conduct is unproductive and hinders us as a team. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR STAFF/SUPERVISORS/TEAM MEMBERS: [Names and phone numbers/cell phone numbers provided here]

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 2.

Safety It can not be emphasized enough the importance of safety in regard to working with tools, on busy streets, and in the summer sun. • Gloves will be provided to protect your hands. • Safety vests will be worn at ALL times. • Hat will be worn at ALL times to protect from sunburn. • Ear plugs will be worn when operating the water pump. • Jewelry--no hoop earrings, post earrings only. No bracelets, no necklaces. Watch only. • Pants cannot drag on the ground. It looks unprofessional and can be unsafe. • A belt will be provided by UC Green. It must be worn at all times. • Footwear must be sturdy and closed-toe to protect feet. • At times we will be double-parked on busy streets so you will wait in the truck for the supervisor’s OK. Always use extreme caution and look out for each other. • You will be instructed on the proper use of every tool & piece of equipment and it is your responsibility to follow safety precautions and use each item properly. • Tools will be placed neatly away from your work area when not in use to avoid injuring yourself and others. Respect and care for the tools. • Use sunscreen with an SPF of 45 or higher, applying it liberally, and reapplying it every 2 hours when sweating heavily. • Drink plenty of water every day. We recommend bringing water with you to drink on your break. • Avoid caffeinated drinks, which make the body lose water. • Be sure to eat something for breakfast EVERY DAY before you come to work. We recommend bringing a snack or lunch to eat on your break. • Build up tolerance to the heat and work activity without over-exertion. • Tell co-workers if feeling ill.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 3.

WORK SCHEDULE “People forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it.” - Howard Newton 7:00-7:15 Meet at shed in cemetery at 40th & Woodland Ave.




11:30-12:00 Pack up, return tools to shed. Empty tank.




Load truck with tools for the day.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Get assignment for day. * Team members are not permitted to go to the store during their break time.

Even if it is raining, come prepared to work! ATTENDANCE (Revised 6/15/09) Late (beyond 10 minutes)* First Offense – Verbal Warning Second – Written Warning Third – Your pay is DOCKED 1 hour Fourth – Your pay is DOCKED 4 hours (This equals ENTIRE TEAMS pay for the time they had to wait.) Absences Excused absences - notify supervisor one week prior to absence In case you are ill call ___________ by 5:00 am so we have time to call an alternate. If you are ill for more than 3 days in a row it is required that you bring a doctor’s note upon your return to work. Unexcused Absences This is the most serious offense in your position here or in any other job you will have. UC Green’s supervisors need to know where the entire crew is at start time. If you can not come to work for whatever reason you must notify your supervisors immediately. If you do not call: first offense – verbal warning and written warning. Second offense written warning. Third offense – termination of employment. (*In Pennsylvania your supervisor has the right to terminate your employment at any time.)

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 4.

WORK ATTIRE Hats are provided and must be worn at all times while working. Six UC Green Corps t-shirts will be provided. You are to arrive in a clean shirt each day. Pants or shorts must be clean, not have any holes, no cut-offs, or commercial slogans or symbols permitted. They must fit properly at waist and not hang below hips. One belt will be provided. It’s mandatory that you wear the belt supplied by UC Green while working. Footwear must be closed-toe; no flip flops or sandals. PAYCHECKS You will be paid every two weeks based upon the number of hours worked at $8/per hour less taxes. All UC Green Corps members will be paid by direct deposit. You will need to open a checking account if you do not have one. Provide a voided check to allow processing.

RESPONSIBILITIES • Learn to follow proper safety practices and use plus care of tools • Watering, mulching, pruning trees • Weeding and clean-up of tree pits • Perform additional duties as requested • Interacting safely, politely and professionally with teammates and others

EDUCATIONAL PROCESS • The primary objective is “the team” and we realize not all individuals learn at the same pace • Supervisors will instruct the team on what to do: o Will clearly show how to do the task correctly. o Team members will repeat, showing supervisor they understand the task. o Team members will tell supervisor what they just did. o Supervisor will provide honest & constructive criticism • Learn correct planting & mulching procedures • Team members will learn from experienced tree pruners correct pruning techniques. • There will be workshops and some off-site trips to enhance the learning experience.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 5.

SUPERVISOR’S ROLE • Will coordinate & coach the team • Creates daily & weekly schedules • Develops & updates maps of work sites • Tracks locations & work done (number of trees, hydrant usage, etc.) • Responsible for purchasing and maintaining tools and equipment • Coordinate in-field & educational opportunities • Tracks team hours worked & payroll details

ADDITIONAL POLICIES • Team members are allowed to have a cellular phone, however, it may ONLY be used for workrelated calls when on the clock. (ex. Supervisor calling to check watering/location status if you are at separate sites.) Personal calls may be made or returned ONLY during your break time. In case of an emergency during work hours, please inform parents and guardians to contact: • All tools and parts will be checked-in at the end of each workday. • Replacement cost for lost items such as tools and hose parts – will be divided amongst the team. Help each other keep track of work items. UC Green will replace broken items due to normal wear and tear but is counting on each of you to care for and keep track of items. • Replacement cost of uniform: o Hat – you will be given one UC Green hat; if it is damaged, lost or misplaced you are required to replace it at a cost of $15.00. Hats must be worn every day during work hours. o T-shirts – you will be given six UC Green Corps t-shirts; if you need additional shirts they cost $5.00 each. o Belt – you will be given one belt. Replacement cost is $7.00. Belt must be worn everyday during work hours. o Gloves – you will be given one pair of UC Green Corps gloves; additional gloves are $5.00 per pair. o Glove clip – you will be given one clip to be used to secure your gloves to your pants while not in use. Replacement is $4.00 per clip. o Ear plugs - you will be issued one pair for the season. Replacement cost is $5.00 per pair. • Team members are to discuss any problems or concerns with their supervisor and are to strive to enhance the functioning and productivity of the team. If a team member feels they have additional concerns they are to contact UC Green’s Executive Director:, ___________, and may ask for confidentiality. Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 6.

Tree Training All Green Corps members are required to attend a training that teaches basic tree biology, identification, planting, proper care and working with your community. Pruning Club Effective 2009 all UC Green Corps members are required to attend one session of the twelve sessions offered by the UC Green Pruning Club instructed by _______, certified arborist. Starts June 1st, 6:00PM – 8:30PM Mondays – August 31st. Program Assessment It’s mandatory that all UC Green Corps team members write a one page program assessment that will help next year’s team. Closing Exercises It’s mandatory that all UC Green Corps team members and at least one parent or guardian attend the UC Green Corps Picnic to celebrate the summer of hard work of our 2008 tree maintenance team! Location of event to be determined. Please save the date Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 5:30-7:30PM. Rain date Thursday, August 6th, 5:30 – 7:30PM. Sign and return this page to your supervisor. I have read my orientation packet and understand and agree to my role and responsibilities and to the policies of UC Green:




As parent of: ____________________________________ I have read the orientation packet and understand what is expected of my child and the policies of UC Green:

Parent’s name


Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING


Community Tree Care Programs 7.

Starting a Pruning Club Pruning Club meets one evening per week, June through August, from 6:30 to 8pm. Tree care training is recommended, but not required. The only requirement is to show up and be interested. Tools are provided for anyone who needs them. Trees to be pruned should be small enough for volunteers to prune while standing on the ground. During the weeks prior to a pruning event, flyers should be distributed, explaining the event and giving contact information if a property owner wishes to “opt-out.” Experienced pruners should be at all sessions to guide beginners and/or residents of the area being pruned. After a tree is pruned, a flyer should be left at the property indicating what care the tree received. New club members who attend at least four sessions can be rewarded with a free pruning tool at the end of the season.

Recommended 7 Year Training Cycle for Young Trees: • At Planting 1. Remove dead, diseased or damaged limbs; 2. Mulch; 3. Identify who will water the tree and provide them with instructions. • Year 1 1. Remove dead, diseased or damaged limbs; 2. Shorten or remove leaders and branches competing with the stem that looks like the best leader for the future; 3. Never remove more than 25% of live foliage! 4. Mulch; 5. Identify who will water the tree and provide them with instructions. • Year 2 1. Remove damaged limbs; 2. If tree is growing vigorously and beginning to block street or sidewalk, reduce or remove blocking limbs; 3. Shorten or remove competing leaders; 4. Weed and mulch; 5. Clarify how each tree will be watered. • Year 4 1. Remove damaged limbs; 2. “Limb up” or prune branches 9’ from ground for clearance over sidewalks and streets; 3. Shorten or remove competing leaders; 4. Begin to select permanent branches:“Scaffold Branches.” Smaller trees will have lower branches or multiple stems pruned for clearance (Cherries, for example). All lower branches on the tree when first planted are temporary. They will be removed over a number of pruning cycles; 5. Begin to train the tree to its future form, for best health, strength and appearance. Follow ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) standards for training young trees. View a training presentation from U. Fla. at, Training Young Trees; 6. Weed and mulch. Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 8.

• Year 7 1. Shorten or remove competing leaders; 2. Do not remove more than 25 to 35% of foliage; 3. Determine where you want the lowest permanent scaffold limb and shorten any branches lower than this limb; 4. Begin to space branches farther apart by shortening branches within 12-18� of largest diameter branches (there should be only one large branch per node (no clustered branches); 5. Shorten low branches that will have to be removed later so they do not become large; 6. Weed and mulch; 7. Remove damaged, dead or diseased limbs. • Future Pruning 1. Ideally Fairmount Park will continue pruning to shape the young trees as well as for clearance; (pruning now is for clearance only). 2. Continue to train smaller trees on a 3 to 4 year cycle. 3. Best practice pruning would continue professional training at 14, 20 and 25 years. 4. Continue to remove dead, diseased and damaged branches as needed.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Care Programs 9.

Community Tree Planting Forms & Handouts

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Property Owner Tree Request Form ***Check with your municipality for local requirements*** Return completed and signed form to: ___________________________________________________________ Return completed form by (due date): ___________________________________________________________ For assistance or information contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone # ____________________________________ Email ________________________________________ Initial all that apply and sign below: _____ I have read and understand the terms described in the “Agreement to Plant a Street Tree.� _____ I agree to share in the responsibility to care for the requested tree(s). _____ I understand if my site requires removing concrete, sidewalk or paving materials in order to plant the requested tree(s) that I give permission to have this done as specified below. _____ I am willing to volunteer to help plant my tree. _____ I am willing to help care for other trees in my neighborhood. Address of tree planting location _______________________________________________________________ Property owner name (print) __________________________________________________________________ Signature of property owner _________________________________________________ Date_____________ Phone # _____________________________________

Email ________________________________________

Property Owner Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip code) if different from tree planting location: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street tree planting location: __Front of property Yard tree planting location: __Front yard

__Side of property, side street name ___________________

__Side yard

__Rear yard

All yard trees must be within 10 feet of the street. Care and maintenance of yard trees are the sole responsibility of the property owner.

This site requires cutting or expanding a tree pit and removal of concrete or other material. Finished size of the tree pit ____ feet x ____ feet (minimum planting area = 16 square feet) Site restrictions: __Overhead wires

__Tree stump left in tree pit

__Other __________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Property Owners - Keep this page for your records

Sample Agreement to Plant a Street Tree By signing the tree request form, you, the property owner, agree that: An arborist from ____________________________ may inspect your location and determine whether it is an appropriate site for a tree(s) to be planted. __________________________ may determine an appropriate tree species for your location. If the site requires it, you give permission for a tree pit to be cut in your sidewalk or pavement. You will water the tree (15-20 gallons per week−the cost is less than $1 per year) March through December for two years following planting. You will protect your tree from damage by cars, lawn mowers, etc. You will notify _____________________________ if the tree appears to be sick or damaged. If you cancel the tree installation after signing this form and the pavement has been cut, you will be responsible for replacing the pavement at your expense.

You understand that: Your request for a tree may be denied; not all sites are appropriate for tree planting. Street trees are the property and responsibility of _____________________________. Trees planted in yards are the responsibility of the property owner. Only ________________________ can authorize major pruning or removal of street trees.

The Benefits of Trees • Increase property values • Bring beauty and character to neighborhoods • Save energy, cut heating and air-conditioning costs • Shade and cool neighborhoods, reducing temperatures on the hottest summer days • Clean pollutants from the air and water • Reduce storm-water runoff • Buffer and reduce noise • Promote community interaction, renewal • Provide habitat for birds and wildlife

Caring For Your Tree The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Water Water is crucial for your tree’s survival, particularly during the first year after planting. . Water your tree when the soil is dry beneath the mulch. Apply approximately 15-20 gallons of water once a week from March until the end of October, and as often as twice a week during hot and dry weather. . Trickle water onto the soil surface using a hose, or allow water to seep from a bucket with small holes in the bottom.

Weed and Clean Weeds and trash can prevent water from reaching your tree’s roots and cause a decline in your tree’s health. Substances like motor oil, de-icing salt, detergent, and urine can kill your tree. . Weed and clean the area around your tree periodically and prevent toxic substances like dog urine, leaking garbage, car oil or de-icing salt from entering the soil.

Protect Tree roots require water and air for survival. Compacted soil and cemented pits prevent water and air from reaching tree roots. . Avoid compacting the soil - don’t pile trash, walk, or drive around the tree’s roots. . Never cement over the surface of your tree pit. Bark is necessary for protecting the trunk and maintaining tree health. . Keep car doors, dogs, and bicycles away from the trunk to avoid potential bark wounds. . If you lay dry brick or stone around your tree, keep the material at least 6 inches away from the trunk and check each year to maintain this space (pavers placed too close to the trunk can damage the bark and strangle the tree as the trunk gets wider).

Remove Stakes and Straps Straps left on your tree for longer than a year may cut into the bark and strangle the tree. Remove and discard stakes and straps one year after planting.

Prune Newly planted trees (for the first year after transplanting) should only be pruned to remove dead, damaged and diseased branches. . For established trees, never remove more than 25% of the tree’s live branches during a season.

Cultivate Cultivating the soil surface around your tree encourages water and air to enter the soil. . Spring is a good time to cultivate the soil around your tree. . If the soil surface around your tree becomes compacted, loosen the first few inches of soil and break up any large clumps. Avoid damaging any large woody roots.

Mulch Mulch helps conserve water, control weeds, and keep roots cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter; prevents lawn mower damage and soil compaction. . Maintain a 2-4” layer of mulch around your tree, taking care not to pack it against the trunk. Always remember to weed and cultivate the soil before mulching. Recommended mulches include: aged wood chips, composted leaves, and pine needles.

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING

Community Tree Planting BLOCK MAP The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 •

Organizing a Community TREE PLANTING



Day, Date, Month, XAM to XPM (day/date/time to-from, am/pm)

We need access to the sidewalk to deliver the new trees! Please help us plant trees on __________________________________________________ (day/date/time)

Meet at ___________________________________________________________________ (location)

Call ____________________________________________________ for more information (name, telephone/email)


Organizing Group Name ____________________________________ (sponsoring organization)

Day, Date, Times ________________________________________ (day/date/time)

planting location ________________________________________ (location)

planting location ________________________________________ (location)

planting location ________________________________________ (location)

For more information on volunteering contact: Contact name, phone # and/or email

We need lots of volunteers to help with our community tree planting. Training and equipment will be provided. Even if you cannot help us plant trees, everyone has something they can contribute, from baking cookies to taking pictures!

Help reduce stormwater runoff, clean the air and improve your neighborhood!

Registration Procedure for Community Tree Planting Events The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society • 215-988-8800 • Thanks to

For 10 AM start time; 50 trees 8:30 AM Prep for Registration – Event organizers & team leaders

• Follow up calls to the media. • Assign happy and friendly people to staff the registration table. Make sure they are knowledgeable about the planting and sponsoring group. • Set up tables (at least one for registration and information and one table for coffee and breakfast). • Set up sign-in sheets on clipboards so you can accommodate several registration lines (have extra pens). • Hang banners, signs. • Set up trash cans, recycling. • Set up coffee and donuts for team leaders. • Offer work gloves to the team leaders. • Ask team leaders to sign in. • Give team leaders a T-shirt to wear immediately and name tag with their name and team #. • Check to see that the team leaders sign in correctly and legibly, zip code & affiliation/group name on sheet. One way to get everyone’s contact info is to collect it on a raffle ticket. Have a drawing at lunch for a few tree care tools. • Give each volunteer a lunch ticket. • Ask team leaders to read this registration overview.

9:00 AM Final preparations

• Sort tools, supplies and Leader Bags and set out in piles for each team. • Prepare snacks, coffee and drinking water. • Make sure cameras are ready.

9:15 AM Have orientation for team leaders

• Introduce team leaders and event leaders (who can answer questions). • Give team leaders site maps and step-by-step tree planting instructional flyers. • Give the following tips to team leaders:

Logistical tips:

Understand maps: How to get to planting site and the location of each tree Where bathrooms, mulch and water are located Have cell phone numbers of organizers for any questions or problems. Follow the step-by-step tree planting instructions. Be sure to water trees after planting. Deposit extra soil in low pits or bag it up for disposal. Sweep/clean-up planting area. Please finish the job completely… Team leaders are responsible for having their team return all tools to the designated area.


Other tips:

Do introductions with planting team. Get people talking with each other. Make it FUN! Do a demo planting first for the team before everyone gets started. Make sure everyone is involved. You can make one individual the bolt cutter expert or the water hauler, or assign your strongest to the tree moving team. Try to help out other teams if you finish early. Be sure to thank the volunteers for their efforts and invite them to lunch.

9:45 AM Start of general sign-in (for all other volunteers)

• Ask volunteers to sign in – greet everyone – be friendly and ask them where they’re from and why are they volunteering? • Check to see that people sign in correctly: zip code & affiliation/group name on sheet. • One leader may want to be in front of the tables guiding people to get in line and explaining the importance of signing in for record keeping and funding. • Explain where the bathrooms are. • Have two colors of raffle tickets available: Each volunteer gets one ticket for lunch, and one for a t-shirt (given post-planting – it’s a reward). • IMPORTANT - Give each volunteer a “How to Plant a [Container/Bare Root or B&B] Tree” handout and ask them to review it before they join their team. • Offer work gloves to all volunteers. • Last step: send them to an event organizer at a designated area for team and location assignments.

11:00 AM Preparing for the volunteers’ return • Once everyone has left for the planting, pack up. It’s time to get ready for rewarding the volunteers (lunch, T-shirts and praise). • Retain 2 - 4 volunteers to help with this transition period. • Pack up the sign-in registration materials and set up the table again, but this time with brochures, hats, totes, flyers – anything you want to promote or sell. Leave T-shirt boxes under tables – they take up a lot of room plus you have more control over distribution. • Clean up tables used for breakfast and set-up for lunch. • Choose a spot for tool check in (2 - 4 volunteers). • Choose a spot for glove return (1 volunteer).

12:00 – 12:30 PM Lunch served & gifts distributed

• Ask people to turn in used gloves while waiting for lunch/T-shirts. • Check in Tree Leader Bags/Check to see all tools are in bag. • Volunteers exchange ticket for lunch (buffet-style - pizza, water). • Volunteers exchange ticket for T-shirt. • Direct volunteers where to eat lunch. • Replace trash bags/recycling as filled.

1:00 – 2:00 PM Breakdown

• Pack up all materials and tools and load in trucks, vans or cars if available. • Break down tables. • Pick up trash. • Someone must remain on site until all items are picked up. The Event Organizer is responsible for the site being left clean.

Post event

• Count volunteers. • Count hours volunteered. • Meet with key people to talk and record successes and areas that need improvement (and remember to implement these next time). • Thank all volunteers.


Name (PRINT Clearly)

Group Affiliation

PRINT e-mail address or if none, address & phone

# hours worked

Name of group ________________________________________ Location of Planting __________________________________ Date_______

Tree Planting Sign-In Sheet

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