february 19, 2010
issue 7, volume 12
from Park Hill South
It’s Not Me, It’s You pg. 8
day didn’t >> Valentine’s go so well? Don’t sweat it. Use some of the View’s advice to recover.
february 19, 2010
issue 7, volume 12
what’s Up
BEGGING FOR ATTENTION [4] art Students show their work publicly CHANGE FOR HAITI [6] south Students do their part to give back
what’s Hot THE WORD [13] nothing Rhymes with America’s Funniest Home Videos ROID RAGE [14] wishful Thinking
what’s The Big Idea
I love being on
so I can
dance team show off my school spirit.
WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU GRADUATE [13] a Checklist for things you don’t want to miss
-Haley Knoll, junior
Photo By: Alex Edwards
BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO [8] February is the month of loathe, not love
what’s What
DON’T BOTHER WITH RELATIONSHIPS [3] the View staff says say single instead
For most girls, the one thing they search for all their lives is their one true love. Don’t get me wrong, I cry at ''The Notebook'' like everyone else (besides Julia Sumpter, I love her), but maybe finding the love of your life shouldn’t be at the top of your ''To Do'' list. I love my family and I love my friends. But loving a boy as well may be too much to handle. Not trying to sound insensitive, but pining for a boy, waiting for his phone calls and hanging out with him more than once a week is a little much. People, I think, should worry more about loving themselves first before they love another. Also, people should concentrate on being in love with the things they do. I love to write as you can see, so maybe you should find something you could love as equally as the love of your life, something that is less complicated. The point is that we, as people, shouldn’t be hung up on falling in love. As corny as this may sound, if it is meant to be, it will happen. So while you wait for Prince Charming or the girl of your dreams, work on loving yourself and the person you are.—LAUREN MOORE
From The Editor
Stayin’ Single need. Such foolishness. One of the bigger contra points has to be that there is an inevitable end to all of these couples. People come to a point where they don’t want to be with that other person, and then come the tears and the anger and the drama. One person ends up loathing the relationship. Maybe the other person is overbearing, annoying or slightly less attractive, so they end it. And that leaves the other person feeling defeated and lonely. One person has to feel the anger of that last stretch of time in that relationship, while the other deals “ «People can with the period save some after, where they time, save do not want to let the drama go. The epitome of a lose-lose and make some golden situation, only made worse memories, when they are by the other person’s not in a» ambivalence relationship at both stages. Finally, high school relationships might not be worth our time, because they shouldn’t be the most important thing in life. Most people know a couple or two
ith Valentine's Day fresh in our minds and Summer just around the corner, it is a time when many people concern themselves with the opposite sex, trying to find another high school student that is their perfect opposite and falling deeply in love. So the question is, why would anyone not want to be in a high school relationship? Well one of the main problems that people may have is that they almost definitely won’t last forever. We can’t be sure of the number of high school sweethearts that get married or, let alone, stay together past their senior year. So why do people waste all of that time? They pour their souls into another person for weeks, months and, God forbid, years. This is a time in our lives when we are at the most free, so why give up all of that freedom? If most people don’t meet that certain someone now, then they just time to find somebody for the time being, somebody that they know will not fulfill everything they
that are inseperable and borderline annoying for the time that they are dating. But when they break up, they realize they missed out on other things. Instead of looking back on times in their teens when they were involved at school, with close friends or just being wild, that person might be stuck with the memory of making out with some person they didn’t really care for, in the basement of their parents' house, while watching ''A Walk to Remember.'' And who needs that? So let’s just skip all of it. People can save some time, save the drama and make some golden memories when they are not in a relationship, so there is no need to even go through all of that trouble. Maybe people, for the time being, are better off alone. —THE VIEW STAFF EDITORIAL
Changes bring Buddy Rooms for Freshman Tutorial
Since school has started, tutorials have been on a roller coaster. Switching from one specific grade, to splitting up a classroom to half freshmen and juniors or half sophomores and seniors, and now to combining tutorials to help freshmen focus on finding their place at South and figure out the way high school works. The FMP met with the Leadership Council to express their concerns over the split tutorials. Their main worry? The attention freshmen are not getting. “Sometimes the freshmen got distracted by the juniors and didn’t want to do the activities with the FMPs and combining with another tutorial should help everyone get to know more people,” senior Tessa Canon, team leader for FMP, said. In past years, tutorial was simple for the Freshmen Mentors. Every Tuesday and Thursday, four or five mentors would meet with their freshmen for about 30 minutes and teach them the habits from “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers.” Last semester it got a little trickier; there were less freshmen, less mentors, more tutorials and adding around 15 juniors to the equation did not make things easier. But now, there is a possible solution in place: buddy tutorials. “We all agreed that for this year, the problem would be solved and we would have more consistency and control over what happens with that FMP time,” said
FMP coordinator Jenny Orlowski. “It also removes the element of the juniors in the tutorial which had become a distraction for the freshmen.” However, as this is not meant to be the final solution, there will always be problems. Some that mentors already see are the constant switching of tutorials, mentoring new freshmen halfway through the already complicated year and for the freshmen, taking direction from new leaders. “I like the buddy tutorial because I get to be with other freshmen instead of juniors,” said freshman Marie Gehrke. But while some freshmen see the new tutorial as a huge improvement, FMPs are still revising and considering every aspect of the new tutorial situation to find a better solution. At the end of February, they will be asked to complete surveys to evaulate how well the new buddy rooms are working. “Having the freshmen move classrooms every other Tuesday doesn’t provide a steady environment for the freshmen and may make them feel somewhat confused and displaced,” Orlowski said. “We are working toward a permanent change in the future that acknowledges the importance of the Freshmen Mentoring Program and value of establishing comfortable environments for the freshmen.” —ALI FISHER
what’s What
>>the View staff takes on High School relationships
Begging for
Art students have opportunity to show their art in public location
^^ John Sedler, assistant principal, and seniors Matthew Robaska and Courtney Stout cut the ribbon for the new vending machines on Feb. 8.
ost students are aware of the new custom vending machines located by the lunch room. One is full of the typical snack foods: pop tarts, Cheez-its and the traditional fruit snacks. The other is now filled with sandwiches, salads and yogurt. Healthy choices. These treats may be accessed by using school lunch codes and having money taken out of your account, but recently some students have been typing in other lunch codes instead of their own. “It is not hard because you could just type in four random numbers and it could be someone's code,” said Brenden Bishop, senior. Bishop is a fan of the new vending machines but feels that there needs to be measures taken so that people can not steal. “We had some kids who have been stealing,” said Donna Blankenship, food services manager. Blankenship has assured that the money has been returned to the original accounts. “Everyone that did it is paying it all back,” said Dr. Dale Longenecker, principal. Longenecker said that people make mistakes. And there are security measures being taken so that people cannot take from other students' accounts. One of the actions
taking place is that students have to type in their birthdates.
“We don’t want students to be afraid to use the machines. We will catch whoever is doing it,” said Blankenship. Even with the theft that took place, people seem to enjoy the new machines. “I never have money on me so it makes it easier,” said Bishop. Longenecker also thinks they are also a good asset because it is a new vending option for students for when they come back to school from a game or debate tournament. Students can just type in their code and get something to recharge. So with the stealing at a halt and security tight, students can know that their money is safe and pg should feel free to use the machines as they please to take advantage of the new luxury. —LAUREN MOORE
South students from all art classes, excluding Design and Draw, have been given the opportunity to have their artwork shown at Beggars Table gallery every day in the month of February. For the second year in a row South's art teachers have put together an art show, which opened Friday, Feb. 5 at Beggars Table Gallery, located in the Crossroads District. Roughly 25 to 30 art students from a variety of different art classes were handpicked to show their artwork to the public. All sorts of different types of art are presented in the upcoming show. “It gives students the exposure of displaying artwork at a professional gallery,” said Laura Lenhert, art. Not only does this give student’s the hand they need to get their artwork out in the public, but the show also provides them a connection to art outside of school and shows students all the details of being in a professional gallery. This is a ''big deal'' for South students like Tess Spalty, senior, who plans to attend Glasgow, a prestigious art school in Scotland. Spalty will display three of her 12 pieces in her conception portfolio for AP Studio Art in the gallery all throughout February. “My artwork shows different emotion with slight movement,” Spalty said. Many students at South receive offers to sell their work through the show, but Spalty is planning for the future. She said she is not able to sell her work because she must save it to send to some of the top art schools in the U.S. and even the world.
It’s really nice to be in high school and already have your artwork out that’s being viewed by an audience outside of the school, said Spalty.
...Savannah Cable, senior feels the same way. She is just as thrilled to be in a professional gallery as Spalty. “[The art show] gives me and others involved experience at a young age,” Cable said. Cable said that one of the many reasons the public show is so exciting for her is because some of her artwork isn’t “school appropriate” and it would start controversy. Now that she is able to be in the art show, she can present whatever she feels without getting in trouble. To support South artists, head to The Beggars Table Gallery, open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday through Friday. Don’t miss out on witnessing the talent South has to offer. —MOLLY REINMUTH
what’s Up
Courtwarming Competition
>>Student athletes struggle to make big dance
For athletes at South Saturday, Feb. 20 is more than just Courtwarming. It is also state competition for wrestlers and swimmers. However, some athletes are going to attempt to make it to both. “If I don’t make it to the finals then I’m going to get a ride back,” said Sam Eickhoff, junior. The state championship for wrestling is in Columbia from Feb 18-20 at the University of Missouri. Wrestling duels will take place Thursday and Friday with finals on Saturday with awards following. For some wrestlers the meet should be over by Saturday, but if anyone were to advance to finals, it would make it unlikely to get back in time for the Courtwarming dance. “I’m going to have to hurry up to make it back in time for the dance,” said Eickhoff. For athletes like senior, Grant Gould the weekend will be very stressful because of the jam packed schedule.
Money can be dropped at lunch for Haiti donations. When donating money, generous students and faculty recieve a green ribbon for showing their support. Photo by Alex Edwards
raised in one week by fccla for haiti relief
he Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) organized “Change for Haiti” at South after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, leaving an estimated 200,000 dead and over a million homeless. South students could donate change at a table set up in the lunchroom. “Change for Haiti” was a two week long fundraiser that started on Jan. 18. FCCLA sponsor Katie O’Donnell said that at first there was no goal on how much was to be raised but after raising $260 at the end of the first week, it wasn’t impossible to say they couldn’t raise $500. FCCLA worked with the Global Orphan Project, located in Riverside. After the money is raised they will get a check from the school and give it to the charity where they will use it for food, medicine or whatever the residents of Haiti require. “We are all about volunteer service and responding to the community’s needs and hopefully the money will be used however it is needed,” said O’Donnell. Haitian Prime Minister Bellerive told delegates from 20 countries that they would need massive support for recovery. “The real disaster in Haiti is lack of economic freedom and political corruption... beyond that, I’m skeptical of anything really changing,” said Nelson, social studies. According to Nelson, the country needs to rebuild their government because of corrupt leaders that take advantage of the citizens and all of the funds that are being raised to help out the country. The Kansas City community is also doing their part. Pembroke Hill Lowe School, for example, had their firstgraders participate in Walk for Life. They walked 24 laps around the school gym and raised more than $5000 that will be donated to the American Red Cross. On Fri. Jan 22 the Salvation Army in KC sent a letter appeal for Haiti donations to 65,000 people. They raised over $100,000. Also, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education collaborated with Convoy of Hope in Springfield and packaged over 100,000 hygiene kits in one week. South is helping add to the cause on the Feb. 20 Courtwarming Dance. Single tickets will cost $11 and couples will cost $17. Two dollars of every purchase will go to relief in Haiti. —DREW BERRY
Relief For Haiti
Tickets for Courtwarming on Feb. 20 cost one dollar more for single and two dollars more for couples to raise money for Haiti relief. Photo by Alex Edwards
“It’s going to be a big hassle because of the tight schedule and I might miss out on the Finals,” said Gould. Gould is also on Courtwarming court so this will be an even tougher task. Also that weekend is state competition in St. Louis for girls’ swimming. Swimmers like senior Bailey Peterson will most likely not be able to make it in time for Courtwarming due to the three and half hour drive to St. Louis compared to the two hour drive to Columbia. “I probably won’t be able to make it because we won’t get back until around ten or eleven that night,” said Peterson. Sure there will be athletes that will be upset about not making it back in time for the dance. But for athletes like Gould, Eickhoff and Petersen they are there for one reason and that is to win gold and sacrifice equals success. —DYLAN BERRY
Remembering the FALLEN
Black History Month has been a celebrated event ever since 1976, when Dr. Carter Woodson proposed a time to celebrate all of the African American figures and achievements in the past. This month is meant to appreciate and remember all of the people who fought for civil rights and what they believed in from the past to the present. Some students and staff at South have their own meaning of Black History Month. “It is a time for just us as people and not just a laughing stock anymore,” said Lauren Moore, freshman. Fighting for what people believe in got America to what it is today. People like Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are the people that come to mind when talking about civil rights. Their stories will fall into the history books for all time and students will continue to read and be inspired by their stories. “I most look up to Rosa Parks. She proved that all people have rights and we are not just people on the side of the street,” said Moore. Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus. A white man stepped on the bus and the white section was full, so the bus driver demanded that the four African Americans sitting behind the white section move so the man could sit. Parks quietly refused to give up her seat and was arrested for violating Jim Crow Laws. Parks had to spend the night in jail but had a lifetime of achievement. That summer the buses were boycotted. “Now we celebrate black history. I’ve never really thought what is means to me,” said Jacquez Carter, junior. Many students take time this month to ponder its meaning to them personally, also thinking about what they
take for granted and try not to forget the people that fought for the rights and freedoms that were fought for in the past. “I really look up to President Obama. He changed history being the first black president,” said Carter. Barack Obama is a active part of the African American Caucus or the A.A.C. The A.A.C. also hosts democratic campaigns and things of that nature. “A.A.C. is a group to empower young African American students in all aspects of life, academically and socially,” said Adrian Singletary, social studies, who spoke at the African American Caucus on the topic of discussion at the meetings. The African American Caucus is a community based organization, stretching all across the country. There are also organizations such as this for positions of power like congressman and other state legislation, as well as the clergy like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and of course Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I think that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision for the world to change is coming to fruition. More equality for any race and gender,” said Singletary. The A.A.C. is making their move into the White House with president Obama being a member. The A.A.C. is a influential part in many African American young people’s lives. Their first meeting at South was in late January “I went and they talked about not conforming to what people think and living up to our expectations,” said Moore. Black History Month brings up mixed emotions. Feelings of sadness and rejoicing for the people who stood up and fought for what they believed in. African American history is a subject that seems to be a subject in most history classes across the nation as those events had a hand in the shaping of America. —CODY MEADE
We need to talk... It’s not me, it’s you The trials and tribulations of high school dating are accentuated by February’s made-up holiday
s the first two nervewracking weeks of February quickly approached, many students at South felt great apprehension. Thoughts of love and compassion soon become common with most students. But the celebration of Valentine’s Day does not come in one respect. For as many would be reminded of their current relationships, others would see Feb. 14 as a reminder of a not-so-glamorous breakup or awareness of the fact they have no one to celebrate this holiday with. For those students that experienced a less than heartfelt Valentine’s Day, there is salvation yet. Janis Huff, family and consumer science, teaches Interpersonal Relationships and has witnessed the nature of teen relationships first-hand. “I think students need to concentrate on looking for qualities that would be also be found in friendships. High school dating is a learning experience and should not be taken so seriously,” said Huff. “Any healthy relationship takes place face to face, and so should the break-ups.” Yet, Huff is not the only offered source of relationship wisdom. Many students, freshman and senior alike, have been through the ups and downs of high school romance. Lauren Vanchina, senior, thinks that dating is a simple idea turned complicated. “Relationships are confusing. We are taught that you are supposed to know yourself before you date someone, yet relationships teach you things about yourself that you wouldn’t know otherwise. In the end,
just don’t take it too seriously,” said Vanchina. Other students, like senior Ryan Gilsdorf, believe that relationships should be relaxed. “High school relationships are a time of transitions. Better than middle school, yet still not quite there,” said Gilsdorf. “They bring down the stress level. If you are about to break up, just be as truthful as possible and don’t do it right before a dance.” But how the dumpee takes the breakup is only half of the equation. There are many methods used to break that heavy news. Some of the many popular phrases include '‘We would work better as friends,'' ‘'I need some me time’' and ‘'Sorry, your breath smells,'’ or the ever-classic ‘'It’s not me, it’s you.'’ Whether it be by one of these many quotes, or by a reasonable explanation, the split needs to be done calmly and carefully. Although the positives of dating help teach students valuable life lessons, breaking up should not contradict those lessons. So, if you are one of the many people to not receive candy chalk hearts or a box full of chocolate, just remember: it’s only high school love. —JESSE MCGINNESS
break-up one
Thou shalt expect the following reactions: questioning, crying, arguing, bargaining/begging, lashing out
Thou shalt not express thine broken heart via dramatic facebook statuses
Thou shalt remain positive, even in this depressing time
Thou shalt not delay the inevitable
Thou shalt listen to “everybody hurts” by REM on repeat
7. 8. 9. 10.
Thou shalt giveth back what was given Thou shalt maintain thine poise Thou shalt bro-down for at least a week Thou shalt make the break-up facebook official in a timely manner
what’s the Big Idea
Thou shalt break-up in person
Block Scheduling Still Best Bet
he current Park Hill School District master schedule, four-by-four block scheduling, was rather revolutionary when brought in over ten years ago, and now it is still one of the only districts using this schedule. Most schools that do four blocks a day alternate every class, every other day. Dr. Dale Longenecker, principal, called this system “efficient” because it allows the school to possibly have less teachers and keep every class about the same size. “We decided against that kind of schedule,” said Longenecker, “because we felt this schedule was better for the kids.” Years ago when deciding on such a plan, the district pulled many teachers from their regular work at Park Hill so they could spend an entire semester researching the best schedules. They decided on the current schedule that South uses: four blocks for two semesters.
To Tip? Or Not To Tip? Seven dollars and 25 cents. That’s the standard pay (otherwise known as minimum wage) if your place of employment is Pac Sun or Stride Right at Zona Rosa. If you’re a server at Chili’s, Outback or Lonestar, however, the pay is substantially less. Waiters and waitress do not receive minimum wage automatically because it is assumed they earn money from tips. When Shelly Evans, social studies, was a waitress at Olive Garden, she earned $2.01 an hour plus tips. The average salary for a server in Missouri ranges from $3.00-3.50 an hour. Factoring in taxes, servers count on tips for a significant portion of their income. In most European countries, a service charge is added at the end of the bill and a couple of Euros are left on the table if the service was exceptional. Servers in America do not have the same luxury. Customers are not obligated to leave gratuity, but it is mostly expected. Teenagers, just like their parents, are held to this same standard. Tipping has become a social custom in the US, and some South students are breaking the norm. Rocky Benson, junior, admits the tip he leaves is partly based on how much money he has. pg “I’ll feel bad about not tipping,” said Benson. “But if I had a really great server, I try to tip
The administration currently has no plans to change their schedule. Block schedule works ''perfectly'' because in a regular seven or eight block day, the first five or ten minutes are lost due to hustle and bustle. This only happens 4 times at South a day. “We just want to revisit the idea,” said Longenecker. The administration wants to keep their unconventional schedule as fresh as possible. “I like block because it makes the day go by faster,” said junior Mackenzie Williams. “Also we get less homework because we have more class time.” So although there is no change in sight for the next year, the administration's plan to reevaluate the current schedule may alter future plans. — SAM PETERSON
them no matter what.” Others, like Jordan Locke, junior, take a different approach to tipping. “I was at iHop and the waiter was slow bringing my stuff out, so I kind of got fed up,” said Locke. Her server at iHop received no tip. But Locke feels that if good service equals a good tip, then bad service equals a bad tip, or sometimes no tip at all. Being uneducated about the actual income of servers plays at least a small part in teenagers lack of enthusiasm for tipping. The majority of South students work at clothing stores or fast food chains where minimum wage is normal. It is easy for them to assume that for waiters and waitresses, it is the same. “I told my freshmen how much servers make, and they were shocked,” said Evans. The ignorance does not stop at the freshmen level. Senior Pat Brady did not know that servers earned only a base pay around $3.00--which, in the end, goes back to the government through taxes. “I always tip,” Brady said. “But now I’ll tip more.” Brady thought that some servers had the tendency to alter their quality of service when they realized it was a table full of teenagers. A waitress for a year and a half at iHop, Chelsea Ponick, junior, agreed that there is a preconceived notion of customers 18 and under: they do not want to wait on them. “It is just assumed that teenagers
Alex Edwards
will be rude,” said Ponick. Despite the mind set againt teenage customers, Ponick said her service was not affected. At the end of the meal, the decision to tip is left in the hands of the customer. The fact remains that some teenagers will always leave a little something for their servers. And others will sometimes leave their waiter empty handed. —STEPHANIE GRIFFITH
Reviving Mario
Childhood classic comes alive again with Wii
intendo has done well with the revival of its classic game, Super Mario Bros. This adaptation for the Nintendo Wii provides a look into the past for the next generation of gamers while still offering entertainment to its players. The same as the original, players strive to rescue a damsel in distress, Princess Peach, from her distresser, Bowser, in the new Super Mario Bros. Aside from graphics and other innovations, the biggest difference between the new game and the old is the capability for companionship along the way. Up to four people may work to complete the rescue. Personally, I find this addition to be mandatory in the current gaming world. .. With an increasing amount of online games and players, a means of social interaction was necessary in the product of this game. I believe the multi-player interaction Nintendo has introduced has partially filled such void. Along with the ability to work as a team, Nintendo has introduced new power ups in the Super Mario for the Wii. Players can now shoot snow balls along with the original fire balls. Also, players can collect a power up for flight and a penguin suit for walking on ice. The final innovation introduced into the new game is one I find to be most intriguing. Players can now control their characters through the rotation and agitation of their motion-calibrating Wii controllers. I found this not only to be entertaining, but interesting. It is definitely a blatant example of how technology is moving forward. Purchasing this new technology will set you back a solid $49.99; however, this is a Hamilton less expensive than any other game for the competing PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Who's to say that a look into one's video game past can be too expensive? I find Super Mario Bros to be a breath of fresh air in the complex video game world. With its simplistic 2D platform, it offers a sense of entertainment for those, such as myself, incapable of familiarizing with the current standard of 3D interaction. I give the blast from the past three thumbs up. —CHRIS BARTH
MODEL Students model for local business Modeling is no longer a professional career. Students from high schools around the metro area have started modeling and even several students from South were in the recent Watercolors Fashion Show. Many audience members were there to support the young models. Attendees to the Watercolors High Fashion show on Feb. 5 were submersed in one large crowd. Just a week before the show, Watercolors anticipated attendance to reach 600 people at the “Flair Fashion Show.” ...Shelley Wood, owner of Watercolors, a high fashion store in downtown Parkville, had high hopes for this show after the success of her first fashion show, three months ago. This particular fashion show’s purpose was to present a new line, according to Wood.
“Shelley’s Sprinkles” is high fashion and contains many new dresses.
Also modeled were couture shirts for guys. The models that wore the high fashion clothing were not just professional models; there were quite a few models from high schools around the area, as well. However, these students said their amateur status did not mean they were of lesser quality. “The models are only of the highest caliber,” said senior Dean Frazier, a model in the show. In all actuality, anyone can model for Watercolors; however, Wood said the main purpose of having teens as models is to find “kids who will make a difference in today’s world” and expose them to the world through television. “A film production company called Z Cam Media, all the way from L.A., will be filming a pilot for a reality show called, ‘Dare to be Different’ in Parkville,” said Wood. Four guys and six girls from South modeled in the Flair Fashion Show. A few of these models also modeled in the previous Watercolors Fashion Show and some were new. The fashion shows do not only need models, they need fans, too, according to Jessica Freeman, sophomore. “Watercolors has fashion shows to get the word out about their high fashion line,” said Freeman, another model. “Come and see new styles debut.” To attend one of Watercolors upcoming fashion shows later in the year, the price is 15 dollars, which students who are in the show sell in advance, and 20 dollars at the door. A percentage of the ticket sales for the Feb. 5 fashion show went to the Parkville Chamber of Commerce. This was to help small businesses in Parkville, according to Wood. “Buying a ticket is a great way to support not just one local business, but a lot of them,” said Freeman. According to Wood, every time Watercolors has a fashion show, they support a local organization. Their last fashion show supported The Main Street Association and Friends of Parkville Animal Shelter. pg If you would like to be a part of this cause and possibly be in a reality show, Watercolors still needs models for their May fashion show. To contact Wood, stop by the store in downtown Parkville or contact them through their website, watercolorshighfashion.com. —AMY WILLSEY
What to do Before you Graduate A Checklist
Give Sam Peterson 20 dollars.
Go to Prom, no matter how lame it seems.
Have/ attend a ragin’ house party... A birthday party, of course!
Compete in a dance off, or at least attempt a dance off, even if you can’t dance. Just study up on your ABDC .
Skip school, even if you’re not a senior. “Life moves pretty fast. If you stop to take a look around, you might miss it,” Ferris Bueller.
Volunteer. Don’t do it for the shirt, do it to help.
Lose your voice at a football game screaming in support for our team, no matter how much they are losing by.
Actually let people know what you think of them. Speak your mind, don’t be fake to make people happy.
Road trip with your friends. Drive as far as you can until the gas tank is on E (bring money to get back), taking in the scenery and sweet truck stops.
what’s Up
Break away from your normal social groups and broaden your horizons.
Rhymes with America’s Funniest Home Videos
The Word
Recently, during a bout of soul-searching, I had to come to terms with a rather embarrassing secret of mine. I am completely immersed in the world of “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” I LOVE that show. I should probably be ashamed that I could spend about six straight days watching AFV, marinating on my couch while all my muscles atrophy, but I’m not. I’m too busy laughing at those crazy pet antics on the television. I don’t care how many times I’ve seen a middle-aged man get a softball launched at his groin, I think it’s funny every single time. Weird baby faces and noises? Priceless. I am completely willing to overlook that every single episode of the show features the same funny scenes over and over, just with different idiots to execute them. Though in the real world, I would generally avoid any person who followed their spaniel around with a camcorder in a strained attempt to capture some bit of comical genius, but if someone puts it on TV, I’ll definitely watch it. Honestly, I love everything aout AFV, especially how it tends to be on air in giant four-hour long blocks of time. AFV represents more than what it appears to be. It’s not just a wonderful archive filled with pets in weird outfits and footage of grandpa going down a slip-and-slide. It’s a reminder to the American people to enjoy the little things. Put down your work and your laptop for a minute and turn on the TV for a cheap laugh at someone toppling down a snow-covered hill. Your lowering blood pressure will thank you. —JULIA SUMPTER
ver my 18 years, I have seen and done a lot. I’ve gotten to watch the great Derrick Thomas sack opposing quarterbacks like he was a bag boy for Price Chopper. I’ve seen Mike Sweeney get a standing ovation following yet another game-winning hit. I’ve seen the Wizards win the MLS Cup. But those are just Kansas City memories we long for. Well, on my eighteenth birthday (yesterday), I was reliving these experiences. Right before I blew the candles out, I made not one wish, but 10. These are my top 10 wishes for the next year in the world of sports. 1. Chiefs go 7-9 next season This year a new playbook and head coach were implemented, and improvement is already shown. With the acquisitions of coaches like Charlie Weiss and Romeo Cremmel, head coach Todd Haley brings to KC coaches that have experience with each other. Jamal Charles is another backfield surprise the Chiefs have discovered, and the leadership of Matt Cassel, with some good draft picks, should make for a .500 Chiefs team. 2. Royals have a winning division record Last season they Royals went 15-18 against their AL Central opponents. Although they finished in
Wishful Thinking
fourth place, as opposed to their usual cellar spot in fifth, they were still 14 games behind third place Chicago. A few more divisional wins could boost them. 3. Two Royals make the All-Star game After Billy Butler’s breakthrough season last season with a .301 batting average and 21 homeruns, Billy the Kid should have no trouble joining Zach Greinke. 4. Missouri’s boys’ basketball team make the Sweet 16 two years in row Not only did everyone doubt the tigers last season, but for Missouri to make the big dance and go halfway through again would sway people to believe that the boys from Missouri are for real. 5. Missouri’s baseball team make it past the regional round For seven straight years the tigers have been there, and for seven straight years the tigers have been sent home early. They have won at least 35 games the past seven seasons as well, but Tim Jamieson and his team need to pull through one regional. 6. Kansas’ boys’ basketball team not end Big 12 play in first place. The Chickenhwawks will beat anyone at home, but take them out of the chicken coop and they get tested against every decent team. 7. NBA team call the Sprint Center
home. It’s a state of the art facility that has already hosted one NBA game and was a playing site for the NCAA tournament last year. 8. Missouri Mavericks become Kansas City’s own little secret. Although the arena is out in Independence, it is well worth the drive to watch the exciting and bone crushing semi-pro hockey. 9. Wizards rise back up to the caliber of team they were in 2000. Since their move from Arrowhead Stadium to Community America Ballpark, the Wizards have a lowly average attendance of 9,481; a difference of 1,903 fans to their average attendance at Arrowhead from 2008. 10. Park Hill South baseball rise above .500 for the first time since Tommy Hottovy roamed the halls. If there ever was a year, this is the one. With seniors like college ball-bound Matt Robaska, Matt Mitchell and Patrick Brady, there is no reason that they shouldn’t contend for the conference and district title this 2010 season. No I’m not crazy, and yes I do believe that all of these are realistic. Besides, anything is possible when it comes to the wide world of sports, no matter what level. —MATT SWIHART
Major League Baseball season preview
The Royals even managed to get some love from some of the students. “Last year was supposed to be the Royals’ year. With Grienke, they’ve got to be good,” said Mitchell. Mitchell predicts that Royals will be good enough to finish second in the division. This would be the highest the Royals have finished in their division since 1995. Others were a little more skeptical about the Royals. “I think they can improve a few games but Grienke will win another Cy Usually Feb. 14 means one thing: Young,” said Dejesus. Valentine’s Day. But this year, it means Others, like Chapman Williams, senior, feel mixed emotions about much more. It signifies the beginning of the Royals. baseball as pitchers and catchers finally “I’m excited about watching the Royals because I love to see them play and report for Spring Training. watch the young guys like Butler, Gordon and Grienke, but at the The Yankees will look to repeat same time, there is an emptiness because I know they’re not good,” said last year’s performance of winning the Williams, senior. World Series, and some students are Some people are ready for baseball season to begin, and they do not have convinced that they will. to wait much longer. “They will win because they have “I am excited for the season to begin so we get to see all of the great all their players returning and the best rivalries and who comes out on top,” said Sbarro. — EVAN WHITE pitching including the best closer in the game,” said Joe Sbarro, senior. People have different ideas on who will make it to the upcoming Fall classic after spring training. Matt Mitchell, senior, chose the New York Mets and Tampa Bay Rays to be the attending teams at the World Series f you have come across the commercials for the movie ''Legion'' with an this year. old woman climbing up the wall and turning into a demon, then you might “The young guys like Price and have thought it would be a good B-movie or a serviceable mix of action Longoria have another year to learn,” and horror; sadly, it is neither of those. said Mitchell. “The addition of Bay and The centerpiece of the commercials have been the grandma scene, Santana is healthy.” and the ice cream truck scene. Now, this grandma scene lives up to and Jason Bay, formerly of the Red Sox surpasses everything you see in the commercials and the ice cream hit 39 home runs and 119 RBIs, earning man part is good enough, but really that’s it. The movie is just a ton of himself a four year $66 million contract. action scenes glued together really, and that would be fine if those parts Johan Santana, the two time Cy Young were good. winner, has had problems with injuries The action in the movie isn’t very stylized and it really comes and goes the last two years and spent two stints without anything totally cool happening. For instance, three people die by a on the DL last season. cut to the belly. Just your normal, run of the mill, spinning belly cut. That’s Mitchell was not the only one that felt not a very sweet move and it happens a lot. So for the most part, the mass like the Mets found the missing link. killing of angel-infected humans isn’t too cool. “The Mets will win because Santana The biggest problem that the movie has is its terrible, yet pervasive, is healthy this year and they got Jason storyline. The movie spends 45 minutes dissecting these characters and Bay,” said Pat Brady, senior. cooking up this biblically unsound story about a fickle god, who can be The Mets continued to be the sexy easily persuaded by the British angel. Most of the characters just fall into this pick, according to the students. melancholy and annoying interspection for the entire middle of the movie. “I like the Mets because they are my On top of the ambivalence that is inevitable towards the main characters, favorite team and they had a great off the dialogue isn’t even good except for when you end up making fun of the season, and the Yankees because they movie afterward. are now a perennial powerhouse,” said Oddly enough, the most well-conceived piece of this movie is the acting. senior Xavier Dejesus. Everyone from Dennis Quaid to the red headed lady that used to be on Every year there is usually a certain “Grey’s Anatomy” gave pretty good performances. The Forest Whitaker team that shocks the rest of the league, look-a-like that plays the one handed cook delivers an astonishingly good like the San Fransisco Giants were able performance. I always feel lame going off about acting. But for the crap they to do last season. were given to perform, they go above and beyond. Brady felt like the Seattle Mariners This isn’t a must see movie. I definitely didn’t think it was pg would be that team this year, “The worth my time. But of course, every blemish in the movie is Mariners with the addition of Lee got a canceled out by the old lady scene. Getting an old lady to lot better,” said Brady. scream obscenities and take a chunk out of a guy’s neck is worth any amount of money. — SAM PETERSON
Lacks Luster
Feb19 and 25: Friday Tutorials Feb 20: Courtwarming Dance Mar 17: St. Patrick’s Day
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19 Bon Jovi at Sprint Center
>> Pick up the next issue of the View! The Park Hill south High School newspaper, the View, is part of the educational curriculum of the Park Hill School District. Although the paper is a classroom activity of newspaper class, material may be submitted for consideration from students who are not enrolled in the course. Students’ submission should meet guidlines set forth in the board policy and regulation IGDB, copies of which are available in all buildings and Central Office. Students may also submit letters to the editor which are 250 words or less on timely issues. Editorials must be published with the name of the responsible individual. Bring any submissions to room C200 or e-mail them to the adviser at hughesm@parkhill.k12.mo.us. All submitted material may be edited for content, length and grammar. The View is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association. The View is printed by Osage Graphics in Olathe, Kan.
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>> MEGAN HUGHES adviser