ielts writing task 2

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“Tài liệu này được tổng hợp từ rất nhiều nguồn khác nhau, bao gồm cả sách in, tài liệu trên mạng, chia sẻ từ những thí sinh đạt điểm cao, và từ các thầy giáo dạy IELTS có tiếng trên Thế Giới. Vì tôn trọng tác giả nên tất cả sẽ được đề cập ở phần 'Tham khảo' dưới cùng của tài liệu này.”

Đối với IELTS WRITING TASK 2, mỗi thầy sẽ có một lối viết khác nhau nên KHOA khuyên các bạn chỉ nên luyện theo một lối viết duy nhất, tránh bị chồng chéo kiến thức. Khoa thì theo lối viết đơn giản, cố gắng không mắc lỗi, trả lời đúng yêu cầu đề, và dùng từ phù hợp, kèm thêm vài cấu trúc phức mà thôi. Lưu ý: Những câu tổng hợp trong bài này là những cấu trúc hỗ trợ bạn tiết kiệm thời gian nhập đề chứ không phải là mấu chốt giúp bạn đạt điểm cao trong IELTS WRITING. Phần nội dung diễn giải vẫn sẽ luôn là yếu tố hàng đầu tiên quyết cho điểm số của bạn.

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 

Dàn bài chung cho IELTS Writing Task 2 INTRODUCTION (~50 words) 1st sentence – Background (Câu mở đầu giới thiệu bao quát về chủ đề sẽ viết.) 2nd sentence – Paraphrasing & Thesis statement (Diễn giải lại câu hỏi của đề và đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân. Nếu cần thiết, bạn có thể viết tách ra thành 2 câu.)

BODY (150 ~ 200 words) Paragraph 1 - Ý trái chiều với mình Topic sentence Supporting sentences

Paragraph 2 - Ý của mình, phản biện lại ý ở đoạn trên Topic sentence Supporting sentences

(optional) Paragraph 3 - Tiếp tục ủng hộ ý của mình Topic sentence Supporting sentences

CONCLUSION (~50 words)

1 or 2 sentences - Statement of most important points & Opinion (Tóm tắt lại những điểm đã nêu và nhắc lại ý kiến riêng của mình. Không được đề cập thêm ý mới.)

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Các câu nhập đề mẫu Lưu ý: Những câu đánh dấu sao * là những câu mang ý nặng nề, chỉ nên dùng cho những dạng đề mang tính thời sự nghiêm trọng như năng lượng hạt nhân, tội phạm, môi trường… Bạn cũng nên cẩn thận khi dùng những từ ngữ sau vì nó mang nghĩa rất mạnh về một chân lý nào đó không thể thay đổi: It is undoubtable that… It cannot be denied that… Nowadays… In today’s modern world… It is obvious that… Everyone knows that…


AGREE OR DISAGREE / DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS & YOUR OPINION 1st sentence – Background - Whether or not …[specific issue]… is a topical/controversial issue. - Whether or not …[specific issue]… is a topic of controversy/much debate. - Whether or not to …[do sth]… is a contentious/debatable topic. - Whether …[issue]… or …[issue]… has triggered a heated debate. * - Opinions regarding what constitutes …[sth]… seem to vary from to another. - …[specific issue]… is causing growing concern / increasing controversy. - …[specific issue]… has become a topic of broad interest. - In …[sth/somewhere]… there has always been divided opinion regarding …[sth]… and …[sth]… - …[specific issue]… has sparked major controversy in some countries. * - Few subjects are likely to provoke controversy as …[specific issue]… * - When the issue of …[specific issue]… is considered, opinions are divided. - When the issue of …[specific issue]… is brought into view, opinions are divided. - There is ongoing debate that …[specific issue]… - Increasing concern is expressed over the issue as to whether or not …[do sth]… - Arguments over …[specific issue]… have been going on since …[sth]… began. - In recent years, a heated debated arose when …[specific issue]… - …[specific issue]… often represents different things to different people. - An issue attracting the attention of quite a few people is …[specific issue]… - One of the matters raising certain concern among society members is …[general topic]… .To make


it clearer, the problem is …[specific issue]… - These days people are becoming more concerned with …[specific issue]… - …[specific issue]… has long been an issue of concern to …[s.o.]…

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- This essay will discuss whether or not …[specific issue]… - Many people feel that …[specific issue]… - Some people are of the opinion that …[specific issue]… - According to some people, …[specific issue]…

2nd sentence – Paraphrasing & Thesis statement - Some people maintain that …[view 1]… However, there is a growing concern that …[view 2]… - While some people maintain that …[view 1]…, others reject this notion, believing that …[view 2]… - While there is growing concern that …[view 1]…, some people argue that …[view 2]… - According to some people, …[view 1]…, whereas in others’ opinion, …[view 2]… - Some are in favour of the view that …[view 1]… while others say …[view 2]… - My opinion is that / My view is that …[agree or disagree]… - Personally, I am of the opinion that …[agree or disagree]… - From my viewpoint, I believe that …[agree or disagree]… - While I accept that …[opposite view]…, I believe that …[your view]… - While I accept that …[opposite view]…, I tend towards the viewpoint that …[your view]… - Although …[opposite view]… I believe that …[your view]… - This essay will try to discuss both sides of the argument as well as provide my opinion. - In my opinion, I agree that the idea reflected is justifiable based on the following grounds/reasons. - Implausible as some people may denounce it is, I believe that …[agree with a solution]… - Although advocates of this issue have their own arguments, I believe that this issue is subject to question based on the following assumptions. (disagree) - Although it may sound feasible, I believe this suggestion still presents certain setbacks that need to be considered before it can be widely applied. (disagree with a solution) - However/Nevertheless, I do not agree that/with …[disagree]… - (However/Nevertheless), I (entirely/completely/strongly disagree) (that/with) …[disagree]…

ADVANTAGES vs. DISADVANTAGES 1st sentence – Background 2nd sentence – Paraphrasing & Thesis statement (Sử dụng lại những câu trên và linh hoạt thêm những câu dưới đây) - Although this idea may bring in some (minuses/pluses), it actually calls for more serious consideration. My arguments are as follows. * - This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this trend. - In this essay, the advantages and disadvantages of this trend will be examined.


- This essay will analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this trend. - While …[specific issue]… has its own advantages, there are also some drawbacks associated with it.

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PROBLEMS, EFFECTS & SOLUTIONS 1st sentence – Background 2nd sentence – Paraphrasing & Thesis statement (Sử dụng lại những câu trên và linh hoạt thêm những câu dưới đây) - This essay will analyze the (causes/effects) of this issue and outline some possible solutions. - This problem can be best explained by …[cause 1]… and …[cause 2]…, but can be alleviated/minimized by the following suggested measures. - This essay will discuss these (causes/effects) and suggest some solutions to solve this issue. - This essay will pinpoint the main causes/effects and thus, suggesting some measures which can be implemented to address the problem. - …[issue]… and its (causes/effects) will be discussed hereafter, with some solutions being presented in order to (combat/tackle) the (issue/problem).

BODY (Agree or disagree / Discuss both views & your opinion)

Paragraph 1 starts with:

Support / Explanation / Example:

- First of all, …

- Firstly, … Secondly, …

- The argument in favour of … would be that …

- This means that …

- People should first recognize that …

- To be specific, …

- Perhaps the strongest argument in favour of …

- To be detailed, …

would be that …

- To be clearer, … / To make it clearer, …

- Advocates of …[one viewpoint]… think that

- What this means is that …

there are some justifications worth considering. *

- Many studies have made it clear that …

- With regards to / In terms of …

- Most would agree that …

- The option to/of …

- One example of …[sth]… is …

- According to …

- For example/For instance, …

- According to advocates of this particular

- Take … as an example in this case.

viewpoint, … *

- In reality, …

- I can understand the arguments for/against … - It can be argued that … - A quite convincing opinion to support the above

Lưu ý: Ở phần này, đây chỉ là những từ ngữ “cứu

position is that …

cánh” giúp bạn triển khai ý dễ dàng hơn thôi. Các

- There are several reasons why …

bạn nên nhớ rằng, những câu diễn đạt tiếp theo

- …[sth]… can never be achieved through such

của bạn mới thực sự quan trọng giúp bạn đạt

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things as …

điểm cao trong IELTS. Bạn có thể dẫn dắt và giải

- On the one hand, …

thích luận điểm của mình bằng các cấu trúc ngữ

- Some supporters of …[view 1]… contend

pháp như: simple, compound, và đặc biệt là


complex, compound-complex.

- … is totally (justified/convincing). - Central to this point of view is the argument that

Một vài ví dụ:

- Rather than / Instead of / Despite / In spite of /

- A plausible argument which lends support to

Although / Even though / Even if …

this point of view is that …

- In order to … - Not only …, but also … (các cấu trúc đảo ngữ)

Paragraph 2 or 3 starts with:

- Either … or …

- Secondly, …

- Neither … nor …

- Apart from the concerns expressed above, …

- Unless …

- Another point worth mentioning is that …

- If …

- Equally important, …

- As long as …

- In terms of …

- Who, whom, which, where, in which, of which …

- With regards to …

- Just as …, so too have …

- In terms of …

- In no way / By no means …

- According to …

- Rarely / Little / Always / Often / Nowhere …

- In addition, … should not be ignored.

- Never before / Hardly / Seldom …

- Another key reason why this view should be upheld is that … - In line with the previous idea, the second argument is not less important. - … is yet another reason illustrates why … - On the other hand, … - As regards the (second/opposite) view, it seems that … - From another viewpoint, I can understand the arguments against …[view 1]… - From another viewpoint, I can understand the arguments for …[view 2]… - Despite the above arguments, …[view 2]… - From a different angle, … - Adopting a different stance, other people insist that … - The above mentioned point, however, does not


appeal to some people who, on the other hand, cling to the view that …[view 2]…

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BODY (Advantages & Disadvantages)

Paragraph 1 starts with: - On the one hand, …[view 1]… has more (advantages/disadvantages) as follows. - Admittedly, there are several benefits associated with …[view 1]… - The discussion can be started with a look into the (favourable/unfavourable) factors of the issue. - The advantages/benefits of …[view 1]… are numerous. - …[view 1]… has more drawbacks than favourable points. - On the (upside/downside), it can be seen that …

Paragraph 2 or 3 starts with: - On the other hand, … - On the downside/upside, … - In addition, let us look further into other (positive/advantageous/disadvantageous/negative) points of this issue. This is to say, … - In terms of (benefits/drawbacks) that this issue may present, the most important point of all is that … - Another of concern can be … - Although this trend has many positive points, it is not without drawbacks. - However, this trend contains within it many drawbacks. - As regards the (benefits/drawbacks) of …, it can be argued that …

BODY (Problems, effects & solutions)

Causes / Problems: 1st cause: - As regards the causes, one of the primary factors giving rise to this issue is that … - The greatest factor contributing to …[issue]… is … - The greatest cause of …[issue]… comes as a result of … - There are some factors that account for …[issue]… - As …[issue]… several related problems can be anticipated.

6 2nd or other causes: - Equally noteworthy is the explanation that… It is largely due to the fact that…

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- The problem may also find its roots in the fact that… - In addition, let us look further into other causes of this issue. - From a different angle, the second cause of this question is… - This problem is also brought about by …[cause]…, which means…

Effects: 1st effect: - When it comes to this intricate issue, there are several serious repercussions that need to be attended to. Most acute of all, … * - In terms of consequences that people involved should be well aware of, the most serious of all is that… * - According to many, there are (one/two/three…) common effects of such a (disturbing/damaging/devastating) (situation/problem). - The effect of …[issue]… tend to manifest themselves as …[effect]… 2nd or other effects: - Another detrimental effect that the situation may bring about is that… - Arising as another possible consequence is …

Solutions: 1st solution: - There may be various ways to address this situation, but the following suggestions can be substantially effective. Firstly, … - To alleviate this problem, certain measures should be taken into account. Firstly, … - In order to provide help for …[sth or so]… these problems need to be addressed. Firstly, … - To successfully address the problem, there are some feasible solutions. Firstly, … - There are several actions that …[sth or so]… could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, … - Various measures can be taken to tackle the problems. Firstly, … 2nd or other solutions: - This approach is productive to some extent, but some other measures should be given equal consideration. - Besides …[sth]…, other endeavours, such as …[solution 2 and 3]… are equally important.


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AGREE OR DISAGREE / DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS & YOUR OPINION - In conclusion / To conclude / As outlined previously / To sum up / In summary / All things considered / In brief, … - In brief, after all the above arguments are discussed, my view is that … - In brief, after all the above-mentioned facts are discussed, my unshakable conviction is that … * - In conclusion, after all aforementioned (arguments/facts) are discussed, I believe that … - In conclusion, it is quite difficult to decide which point of view is sounder and more logical. However, from the previous discussion, I am convinced to assert that …[your opinion]…. - All things considered, convincing as two viewpoints may appear at first, I am assured to say that …[your opinion]… is more logic-based according to the above assumptions.

ADVANTAGES vs. DISADVANTAGES - As can be seen from the above, there are more (pluses/advantages/benefits/minuses/disadvantages/drawbacks) to …[issue]… . No matter how this issue is (coped/dealt) with, caution should be taken due to the two opposite aspects like what has been discussed. - In conclusion, my preferable view tends to fall more on (negative/positive points) of …[issue]… as mentioned above. As a matter of fact, …[your opinion]…

PROBLEMS, EFFECTS & SOLUTIONS - In brief, …[issue]… is a multi-faceted problem which needs to be tackled in no time. My firm belief is that … - In conclusion, the discussion above has pinpointed the main causes (and/or effects) of this pressing problem. In my opinion, I believe that …[so]… should take the lead in taking actions to alleviate this situation before it is aggravated and the suggested solutions above can be of great help. - In conclusion, …[so]… should play their part in … - In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have shown the main causes (and/or effects) of this issue. Personally, I believe that the authorities should accordingly have further considerations on this (issue/problem) and make necessary actions to (curb/alleviate) its (negative/serious) effects.


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Tham khảo Tài liệu này được tổng hợp từ các nguồn sau: British Council English, Jeffrey IELTS, IELTS Ryan, Marvelous Techniques for IELTS Writing, Model Essays for IELTS Writing, High Scoring IELTS Writing, Barron’s. Chúc các bạn học tốt 


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