Health Within and Beyond Welsh Boards April 2016

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders April 2016

The EU Regional funding calls for 2016 opening now More on Page 6

Welcome Welcome to the April issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin! This month’s issue will provide you with information on the 2016 World Health Day, the European Immunisation Week, new indicators on Health and Wellbeing in Wales and new European Regional funding calls opening in April. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC Website.

Contents In Focus - Europe 2 In Focus - Wales 4 Opportunities 6 International Organisations and Newsletters


In Focus Europe

World Health Day 2016: Beat diabetes For this year’s World Health Day on 7 April 2016, WHO is focusing on diabetes. Diabetes affects about 350 million people worldwide, mostly in low and middle income countries. In order to support national actions to increase awareness about diabetes and trigger a set of actions to prevent and treat it, WHO has prepared a campaign portal providing material, event lists and social media packs adapted to different audiences. On this occasion, WHO is also launching the first Global report on diabetes. Find out more about this year’s global campaign on WHO’s website and read about what is happening in Wales for World Health Day on the Public Health Network Cymru E-bulletin.

European Immunisation Week European Immunization Week (EIW) is celebrated across the European Region from the 24th to the 30th of April 2016. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunization for people’s health and well-being. Activities in 2016 will focus on the progress and challenges in the Region’s concerted effort to eliminate measles and rubella. On this occasion in Wales, the Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme (VPDP) is organising the 13th Welsh Immunisation Conference 2016 for Health Professionals involved in immunisation. Find out more about EIW on the WHO website and the VPDP website.

First European Joint Procurement for health: European countries joining forces against infectious diseases For this first use of the EU Joint Procurement of Medical Countermeasures Agreement, five European countries have joined forces to jointly purchase personal protective equipment for the treatment of highly infectious diseases. The Joint Procurement Agreement enables countries to procure pandemic vaccines and other medical countermeasures and equipment as a group, rather than individually – thus negotiating better terms. This first call was published on March, 17th and will run until 9 May 2016.

Kick-off meeting of the third Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Joint Action The third European Joint Action for sustainable cooperation on Health Technology Assessment in Europe (EUNetHTA 3, 2016-2019) was officially launched on 3 March 2016 in Amsterdam. Building on achievements of the previous Joint Actions, EUNetHTA 3 will include 75 partners from 27 EU countries (Including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) and aims to strengthen cooperation between HTA bodies in the EU and increase and improve joint work.

In Focus Wales

Here we would like to share recent examples of Welsh activities, collaborations, events and other work related to protecting, improving and promoting health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities linking to Europe and the world. If you are a Welsh health or related professional involved in such international work and would like to share it with your colleagues, please, email All contributions welcome!

IHCC EU funding catalogue The International Health Development Division has produced a funding catalogue linking key European Union (EU) funding opportunities to Wales’ health and well-being priorities. This first issue covers Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme. Next ones will explore European Regional Funding such as Structural Funds (European Social and Regional Development Fund), Territorial Cooperation Funds (Interreg), and others. Find out more on the IHCC website.

Tracking progress: new national and global indicators published The new 230 global indicators tracking progress towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have been published. This coincides with the adoption of national indicators to measure progress towards achieving The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act goals as well as the Public Health Outcomes Framework for Wales. Both documents have been informed by and developed in line with the global goals indicators and the European Health 2020 strategy indicators. For further information on public opportunities under the WFGA and how it fits with national and global policies, visit Public Health Network Cymru’ event page “Wellbeing of Future Generations: Public Health Opportunities”.

WEFO Annual Horizon 2020 event The Welsh European Funding Office hosted its Annual Horizon 2020 event on the 17th of March, presenting the latest Horizon 2020 information, interesting debate and networking opportunities. 81 Welsh organisations are currently involved in over 77 Horizon 2020 projects. For information on Welsh success stories under Horizon 2020 and the Annual Horizon 2020 report, go to the Welsh government webpage on Horizon 2020.

WCVA - Europe Matters to Wales: Tackling poverty & social exclusion In partnership with Welsh Government, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) organised on event on 17 March to talk about Wales’ tackling poverty work and EU funding opportunities that could further support Welsh action to tackle poverty and social exclusion. An overview of the day is available on the WCVA website

Public Health Wales staff awarded Churchill Travelling Fellowships Two members of Public Health Wales have been awarded Churchill Travelling Fellowships by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust this year. Mary Wilson, Specialty Trainee in the Dental Public Health Team and Nicola Meredith, Lead Nurse (influenza) in the Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme have each been awarded the Fellowship for their respective work in childhood dental decay and healthcare worker flu vaccine uptake.

PONT’s training to fight cholera epidemic in Uganda Last February, PONT launched an appeal to help prevent the spread of a cholera outbreak in Mbale, Uganda. Thanks to a fast and effective response, the epidemic has been contained. Thanks to the donations it received, PONT trained over 80 Village Health Team Leaders from Mbale and Manafwa district and is planning further training days for a further 50 Team Leaders. Find out more on PONT’s website.


Funding Interreg Europe – Second call for proposals This European inter-regional policy exchange programme aims to improve the implementation of policies and programmes for regional development and promoting exchange of experience and policy learning. The second call is running from 5 April to 13 May 2016 Themes covered under this call are: - Research and Innovation - SME Competitiveness - Low-carbon Economy - Environment and Resource Efficiency Find out more on the Interreg Europe website

The Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme The Ireland Wales Co-operation programme supports businesses and organisations across both nations. This programme operates on an open call basis. The fund focuses on innovation, climate change, cultural and natural recourses, and heritage and tourism. For more information, please go to the WEFO website.

Atlantic Area – First call for proposals This European territorial cooperation programme funds transnational cooperation projects among Atlantic regions of 5 European countries, in the fields of Innovation & competitiveness; resource efficiency; territorial risks management; biodiversity and natural & cultural assets. The first call will be running from 26 April to 27 May (timetable to be confirmed). This is a two-stage process. Priorities covered are: - Stimulating innovation and competitiveness - Fostering resource efficiency - Strengthening the territory’s resilience to risks of natural, climate and human origin - Enhancing biodiversity and the natural and cultural assets Find out more on the Atlantic Area website.

North-West Europe – Third call for proposals This European Territorial Cooperation Programme aims to make the North-West Europe area a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation, sustainability and cohesion. The third call will be running from 18 April – 27 May 2016 The themes covered are: - Innovation - Low Carbon - Resource & materials efficiency Find out more on the North-West Europe website.

URBACT – Third call for networks This European Territorial Cooperation programme aims to foster sustainable integrated urban development in cities across Europe. Transnational exchange and learning networks for European cities – funded under the current call - are one of the core strands of activities of the URBACT programme. The third Call will be running from 22 March to 22 June 2016 The types of networks funded are: Implementation Networks: supporting cities with the delivery of an existing integrated urban strategy/ action-plan Find out more on the URBACT website.

European Structural and Investment Funds These funds are part of the European Union’s Regional Cohesion Policy. During 2014–2020 Wales will benefit from around £1.8bn European Structural Funds investment to fund projects covering East Wales, West Wales and the Valleys. This programme operates on an open call basis and covers the following themes: - research and innovation, - the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, - renewable energy and energy efficiency, - connectivity and urban development - tackling poverty through sustainable employment - skills for growth - youth employment and attainment Please go to the WEFO website for further information.

ECHO Funds The European Commission’s Humanitarian aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) is the Commission’s department in charge of EU relief assistance within and outside the EU. It operates through various financial instruments, including project grants, public procurement and support to volunteering overseas. Visit ECHO’s website for further information.

The Third Health Programme - 2016 work plan The third health programme is the main instrument the European Commission uses to implement the EU health strategy. The call is based on the third programme for the Union’s action in the field of health (2014-2020) and the 2016 Annual Work Programme. The 2016 work plan sets out details of the financing mechanisms and priority areas for action to implement the programme. The current call is running until 2 June 2016. Read more on the European Commission website.

Horizon 2020 Under its main research funding programme Horizon 2020, the European Commission DG Research and Innovation has published a series of calls and prizes under the topic of “societal challenges”. The topics and deadlines are specific to each call. Visit DG Research participant portal for further information.

Publications and Tools Final Report of the Wales EU Funding Ambassadors published (March 2016) Keywords: Wales EU Funding Ambassadors, final report, funding, Wales, European Union, policy Find out more on the Welsh Government website.

Health Partnerships: An Effective Response to the Global Health Agenda THET (2015-2016) Health Partnerships Series Keywords: health system strengthening, training, twinning relationships, critical reflection Find out more on the BioMed Central website.

Person-centred care in Europe: A Cross-Country Comparison of Health System Performance, Strategies and Structures The Picker Institute, February 2016. Keywords: policy, practice, person-centred care, patient choice, patient involvement Find out more on the NHS Confederation website.

From Innovation to Implementation – eHealth in the WHO European Region study published WHO EURO (2016). Keywords: e-health application, emerging trends, public health, health service delivery Find out more on WHO website.

Growing Up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young People’s Health and Well-being. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study: International Report From the 2013/2014 Survey WHO EURO (2016) Keywords: young people, health, social environment, well-being, health outcomes, risk behaviours, migration, cyber bullying. Find out more on the WHO website.

The Veneto Model - A Regional Approach to Tackling Global and European Health Challenges WHO EURO (2016) Keywords: WHO, Italy, regional partnership, European health policies, multi-actors partnerships, modelling intervention. Find out more on the WHO website.

OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: United Kingdom 2016, Raising Standards OECD (2016) Keywords: best practice, targeted assessments, international benchmarks. Find out more on the OECD website.

WHO Pregnancy Management in the Context of Zika Virus, Interim Guidance WHO (2016) Keywords: pregnancy, Zika virus, risk management, research evidence, international guidance. Find out more on the WHO website.

Upcoming Conferences and Events 13th Welsh Immunisation Conference 2016 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme Wrexham, Wales, 19 April 2016 Keywords: health professionals, immunization, Welsh policy, public health Find out more on the VPDP website.

Conference: Towards Better Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases European Commission Brussels, 21 April 2016 Keywords: chronic diseases, policy, prevention, healthcare Find out more on the European Commission website.

‘Improving Global Health through Leadership Development’ Programme: Presentation Evening Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy Winchester, 28 April 2016, 6.15pm RSVP by 22 April 2016 at Keywords: overseas placement, volunteering opportunities, healthcare, UK, worldwide Find out more at the Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy.

Focus on: Health in Africa Hub Cymru Africa Rhyl, Wales, 11 April 2016 Keywords: Wales-Africa health links, volunteering, Ebola crisis, HIV/AIDS, experience sharing Find out more on the eventbrite website.

First International Smart Cities in Smart Regions 2016 Conference Lahti University of Applied Sciences Lahti (Finland), 10-12 May Keywords: regional development, urban sustainability, industry, innovation Find out more at the Lahti University website.

The Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference and Public Health Exhibition 2016 Public health in a cold climate: melting hearts and minds with evidence The Faculty of Public Health, Royal College of Nursing Brighton, 14-15 June 2016 (Registration by 3 May 2016) Keywords: public health, policy, health services, mental health, local authority, evidence-based practice Find out more at the FPH website.

European Public Health conference: All for Health, Health for all EUPHA Vienna (Austria), 9-12 November Keywords: health promotion, public health, healthcare, E-health, solidarity Registration: open from 1st March 2016 Abstract submission deadline 1st May 2016 Find out more at the EUPHA website.

Other Expertise Opportunities Consultation Call for Ideas for a European Innovation Council European Commission Keywords: EU, innovation, sciences, consultation Open consultation: Call for Ideas for a European Innovation Council to support Europe’s most promising innovators. Deadline: 29 April 2016 Further information on the European Commission’s website

Stakeholder consultations for Horizon 2020’s Work Programme 2018-2020 European Commission, DG Research Keywords: research, innovation, funding, policy, sciences Open consultations: - Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive - Future and Emerging Technologies Flagships (until 30 April 2016) - Mathematics for Excellence in Science in Horizon 2020 Deadline: 30 April 2016 Further information and upcoming consultations on the European Commission’s website

Public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on Biological effects of ultraviolet radiation relevant to health with particular reference to sunbeds for cosmetic purposes European Commission Keywords: scientific expertise, ultraviolet radiation, cancer, consultation Deadline: Submission of written comments on the preliminary opinion by 27 April 2016 Further information on the European Commission’s website

Award 10th European Health Award European Health Forum Gastein Keywords: public health, healthcare, Europe, demographics, diversity Deadline: Submission by 27 May 2016; Results announced in September 2016 Prize: €10,000 Further information on the Gastein Forum’s website

Training Observatory Venice Summer School 2016: “Primary health care: innovating for integrated, more effective care” European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Keywords: primary healthcare, innovation, vulnerable populations, comparative studies Deadline: 31 May 2016 Further information on the Observatory’s website

Erasmus Summer Programme Erasmus Programme Keywords: global health, epidemiology, research, research methodology Deadline: Registration in April 2016, Courses in August 2016 Find out more on the Erasmus Summer Programme 2016 website

Better Training for Safer Food European Commission Key words: controlling authorities, EU legislation, food, feed, animal health and welfare, plant health, consumer protection Deadline: specific to each training, contact UK’s national contact point for details and applications. Further information on the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency’s website.

Call for papers Public Health Panorama calls for papers on “Strengthening the use of evidence, information and research for decision making” WHO EURO Keywords: evidence, decision-making, evidence-based policy, national health information, public health research systems Deadline: 30 April 2016 Further information on the WHO EURO website

Expertise Call for experts on ad hoc rapid risk assessment of chemical threats European Commission Keywords: rapid risk assessment, chemical threat, pool of experts, European Commission Deadline: 22 April 2016 Further information on the European Commission website

Call for interest for the European Reference Networks (ERN) for Rare and complex diseases European Commission, ERN Board of Member States Keywords: rare diseases, best practices, European cooperation, healthcare Deadline: 21 June 2016 Information day: 7 April 2016 Useful resources: EU Health programme website, Manual for ERNs, ERN Board of Member StatesManual for ERNs Further information on the European Commission website

International Organisations and Newsletters WHO Europe Get up to date with public health news from around the WHO European Region by reading the WHO Europe March e-bulletin and Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe Newsletter.

WHO Regions for Health Network (RHN) This bulletin provides up to date information on the work developed by WHO’s RHN network, the latest issue featuring Regions for Health Network Twenty-second annual meeting report and other relevant news.

WHO Panorama Public Health Panorama provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

EuroHealthNet Through the publication of its magazine, EuroHealthNet aims to explain its projects, its objectives and its ways of working. Go to the EuroHealthNet magazine website to find out more.

European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) EUREGHA is a network of 14 European Regional and Local Health Authorities focused on public health and health care. Read the latest news on the EUREGHA website.

WHO Europe European Commission: SANTE Health-EU View the SANTE Health EU newsletter on the European Commission website for information on news from the EU, EU Press Releases, EU Health Award for NGOs, Forthcoming events, New publications and Reporting from across Europe.

European WHO Europe Public Health Association (EUPHA) The latest issue of EUPHA’s newsletter, available on their website, provides the latest updates in Public Health, including the upcoming European Public Health Conference in 2016 and the 6th European Conference on Migrant and Minority Health MEMH 2016.

NHS Confederation NHS confederation offers a variety of newsletters that can be subscribed to by registering on their website.

NHS Confederation Europe The NHS Confederation European Office e-bulletin lets you know about policy, funding and the sharing of knowledge.

Interburns Newsletter The first newsletter from Interburns, covering work in 2015 and forthcoming plans for 2016. Read the Interburns Newsletter online.

WEFO Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 in Wales e-News (coming soon): A regular focused update on the latest news and topics relevant to Welsh organisations seeking Horizon 2020. For more information visit the WEFO website.

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Email Telephone 02921 841938 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Hadyn Ellis Building Maindy Road Cardiff CF24 4HQ Website Twitter @IHCCWales

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