Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders August 2016

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders August 2016

Special issue on the European Union Referendum and Wales More on Page 4

Welcome Welcome to the August issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on European Union (EU) Referendum and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to new publications and opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Europe 2 In Focus - Wales 4 Opportunities 6 International Organisations and Newsletters


In Focus Europe

The European Referendum and Health The UK voted to leave the EU on the 23rd June 2016. The newly formed government is preparing the negotiation to exit the EU, which will begin at the end of 2016 according to Prime Minister May. The implications of the referendum remain uncertain as they depend on the outcome of the withdrawal negotiations with the EU. In the short term, no immediate changes to legislation, international relations or work are foreseen as a result of this referendum, as the UK, and Wales respectively, will remain part of the EU until the end of the withdrawal negotiations.

A Summary of key publications and statements: Wales The EU Referendum: Policy and International Briefing (Policy, Research and International Development Directorate Public Health Wales) is an exploration of the immediate and short term impacts for Wales’ European and international relations and work, drawing on high level policy and health briefing papers. • • • • • •

Statement from the First Minister Welsh Government update on EU Funding Welsh Government meeting of the British-Irish Council Statement from the Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government The Welsh European Funding Office, Welsh Government National Assembly for Wales

UK • • • • •

UK Government Statements House of Commons Series Faculty of Public Health The Academy of Medical Sciences Statement The Royal Society Comments

Europe • •

European Council Statement Joint Statement by the Presidents of the European institutions

In Focus Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity outside of our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales. If you are a Welsh health or other professional involved in international work and would like to share your work, please email

Making a Difference A new Public Health Wales report highlights 10 key areas for action that Wales should prioritise to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities. The ‘Making a Difference: Investing in Sustainable Health and Well-being for the People of Wales’ report, offers research evidence and expert opinion in support of preventing ill health and reducing inequalities to achieve a sustainable economy, thriving society and optimum health and well-being for the present and future generations in Wales. The report consists of three parts: Making a Difference: Investing in Sustainable Health and Well-being for the People of Wales – Executive Summary Making a Difference: Investing in Sustainable Health and Well-being for the People of Wales – Supporting Evidence Eight info-graphics Focusing on Key Health Challenges for Wales and Suggested Evidence-based Solutions The report has been highlighted to international audiences and relayed by Public Health Wales’ partners including EuroHealthNet and WHO Regions for Health Network. Find out more about this report on Public Health Wales website.

Wales’ Contribution to Global Health This year’s Wales Africa Health Conference took place in Cardiff on the 6th July 2016. It brought together people from all over Wales and the UK who work in or have an interest in global health. Many of these committed and dedicated professionals are helping to support public health and healthcare improvements throughout Africa. They work through a variety of Welsh community groups and charities, contributing significant amounts of voluntary time, expertise and fundraising efforts. Find out more on the Hub Cymru Africa website.

Global Citizenship Training in the Welsh NHS An article written by the IHCC team has been published by Going International in collaboration with the Young Forum Gastein. It presents an overview of the work taking place in Wales towards the Global Citizenship agenda. Read the full article on the Going International website.

Working Across Borders to Improve Services for New Entrants to Wales Wales has a long tradition of welcoming people from all around the World to live and thrive within our communities. However, for people newly arrived in Wales, our healthcare system is unfamiliar and can be difficult to navigate. Many ‘New Entrants’ arriving via the asylum seeker or refugee routes may face specific challenges due to the circumstances surrounding leaving their home countries, such as exposure to violence, severe deprivation or living in refugee camps or due to the health effects of such circumstances e.g. absence of availability of immunisations, post traumatic stress disorder. Public Health Wales is among the many organisations that have recognised the need to provide specific information to new entrants and to those providing health and social care services, and have developed several guidance and information documents for primary care providers, health boards and local authority colleagues which assist with describing available provision within Wales. Public Health Wales is fully engaged with helping to develop and improve services for new entrant populations and we have been sharing our work with colleagues from across the UK and learning from their experiences and innovative approaches. Co-ordinated by Public Health England, we look forward to continuing to work with colleagues within public health, health boards, local authorities and third sector organisations to assist with new entrants’ transition to their new homes in Wales. Copies of briefings are available on request at General information for Wales can be found at Public Health Network Cymru.

Cwm Taf International Health Celebration Event In September colleagues from across Cwm Taf University Health board will be gathering together to share the excellent international health work they have been undertaking. The event will include presentations on these fascinating projects, as well as an opportunity to network with colleagues who are involved in international health work. Refreshments will be provided. For more information on this event, contact Hannah Brunskill (Cwm Taf LHB - Organisational Devlopment)


Funding Horizon 2020 European Commission DG Research and Innovation Keywords: Research, innovation Deadlines: call-specific Visit DG Research participant portal for further information.

Travelling Fellowships Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Keywords: benefits, research, practice, British citizens, 2017 Deadline: 20th September 2016 Find out more on the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust website.

Open Calls The Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme Welsh European Funding Office Keywords: Innovation, climate change, cultural and natural recourses, and heritage and tourism. For more information, please go to the WEFO website.

European Structural and Investment Funds European Union’s Regional Cohesion Policy Keywords: research, innovation, sustainable employment, renewable energy, urban development, skills for growth Please go to the WEFO website for further information.

ECHO Funds The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO) Keywords: grants, public procurement, humanitarian aid, volunteering overseas, third sector, European Union. Visit ECHO’s website for further information.

Publications EU Referendum - Brexit and UK immigration and asylum policy: a reading list (House of Commons Library) - 5 big issues of Brexit for the NHS (Kings Fund) - An analysis of the impact on NHS finances of the UK leaving the European Union (Health Foundation) - Brexit: impact on developing countries (Overseas Development Institute)

Zika Virus - Preparing for Zika in the EU (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) - Zika Situation Report (World Health Organization) - Zika Virus Outbreak Global Response (World Health Organization)

Environmental Impacts of TTIP by Trade SIA Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Draft Interim Technical Report ECORYS, European Commission Keywords: economic, social, human rights, environmental, impact, TTIP Find out more on the ECORYS website.

7th Report on the Migration Crisis Houses of Parliament Keywords: Migration, refugees, EU border control Go to the Parliament website for the full report.

United Nations Political Declaration on Ending AIDS 2016 United Nations General Assembly, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Keywords: political declaration, HIV, AIDS, public health Go to the UNAIDS website to find out more.

WHO Global Health Sector Strategies for HIV, Viral United Nations Political Declaration on Infections Ending AIDS 2016 Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted World Health Organisation Keywords: strategy, SDGs, public health, public health Find out more on the WHO website.

WHO Guidelines on the Management of Health Complications from FGM World Health Organisation Keywords: guidelines, FGM, policy, protocols Go to the WHO website to find out more.

Tools and Resources Maternal and Child Health Films in Native Languages Medical Aid Films Keywords: Local, language, health workers, Africa Go to the Medical Aid Films website to find out more.

21st International AIDS Conference Online International AIDS Conference Keywords: Conference highlights, analysis, HIV/AIDS Find out more on the International AIDS Conference 2016 website.

Upcoming Conferences and Events Symposium: Improving Care of People with Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings MSF and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, 2nd September 2016 (attend or webinar) Keywords: NCDs, evidence gaps, management, policy, research Find out more on the MSF website.

Discussing the Impact of Brexit: Universities, Higher Education and Research Funding Public Policy Exchange,London, 7th September 2016 Keywords: EU Referendum, funding, research Find out more on the Public Policy Exchange website.

G7 Health Ministers Meeting G7,Kobe, Japan, 12th September 2016 Keywords: health protection, prevention, outbreaks, health Find out more on the G7 website.

Public Health England Annual Conference Public Health England,University of Warwick, 13th - 14th September 2016 Keywords: Evidence into Action, research, social care, policy, global health Find out more on the Public Health England website.

Meeting Tomorrow’s Threats and Challenges Today Public Policy Exchange, London, 14th September 2016 Keywords: health protection, pandemics, infection prevention and control Find out more on the Public Policy Exchange website.

How to Put Together a Successful Funding Application Research Design and Conduct Service, Cardiff University,Cardiff 27th September 2016 Keywords: Funding, NHS staff, research, free Find out more at the Cardiff University website.

Global Health Film Festival Global Health Film initiative (GHFi) London, 11th -12th November 2016 Keywords: workshops, films, global health Deadline for submission: 15th August 2016 Find out more on the Film Freeway website.

Other Expertise Opportunities Consultations HIFA Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice Group thematic discussion on Implementation Research Healthcare Information for All Keywords: low- and middle income countries, health services, delivery, barriers, quality, implementation Deadline: 18th September 2016 To join the discussion go to the HIFA website.

Preliminary Opinion on Additives Used in Tobacco Products (Tobacco Additives II) European Commission Keywords: additives, tobacco, methodology Deadline: 22nd September 2016 Find out more on the European Commission website.

Training Bond – Multiple NGO Events - Impact assessment: what difference did we make? London, 20th-21st September 2016 - Applying for and managing DFID funds, London, 28th September 2016 - Planning and practice in monitoring, evaluation and learning, London,11th – 12th October 2016 - Putting value for money into practice, London,16th November 2016 - Project budgeting essentials, London, 2nd December 2016

Expertise APPG on Refugees - Refugees Welcome Inquiry The All Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees Keywords: experiences, asylum, resettlement, evidence, inquiry Find out more on the APPG Refugees website.

Female Genital Mutilation e-Discussion The Commonwealth Keywords: FGM, knowledge, evidence, shared-learning Deadline: 19th August 2016 Find out more on the Commonwealth website.

Awards 13th Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Award The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA) Keywords: Entries, sustainability, motivated workforce, health Deadline: 7th October 2016 Find out more on the Healthy Workplaces website.

Open Opportunities Training Social Determinants of Health: What is your role? Future Learn Keywords: Free, environment, economic, health equity Find out more on the Future Learn website.

Placements The International Learning Opportunities (ILO) programme AcademiWales Keywords: Lesotho, Uganda, leadership, skills development Deadline: Multiple Find out more on the AcademiWales website.

Knowledge Exchange European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Repository European Commission Keywords: innovation, solutions, implementation, solutions, knowledge Find out more on the European Commission website.

International Organisations and Newsletters Connect Cymru Find out about International Youth Work opportunities on the new Connect Cymru website.

Sustain Wales Get up to date on events, training and consultancy from Sustain Wales by reading their newsletter.

Wessex Global Health Newsletter To keep in touch with the Wessex Global Health Network and receive regular updates, read the latest issue of their newsletter or sign up on their website.

WHO Europe Get up to date with public health news from around the WHO European Region by reading the WHO Europe’s most recent e-bulletin.

WHO Regions for Health Network This bulletin provides up to date information on the work developed by WHO’s RHN network, read the latest issue on the RHN website.

WHO Panorama Public Health Panorama provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

EuroHealthNet Through the publication of its magazine, EuroHealthNet aims to explain its projects, its objectives and its ways of working. Go to the EuroHealthNet magazine website to find out more.

European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) EUREGHA is a network of 14 European Regional and Local Health Authorities focused on public health and health care. Read the latest news on the EUREGHA website.

European Commission: SANTE Health-EU View the SANTE Health EU newsletter on the European Commission website for information on, News from the EU, EU Press Releases, EU Health Award for NGOs, Forthcoming events, New publications and Reporting from across Europe.

European Public Health Association (EUPHA) The latest issue of EUPHA’s newsletter, available on their website, provides the latest updates in Public Health, including the upcoming European Public Health Conference in 2016 and the 6th European Conference on Migrant and Minority Health MEMH 2016.

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Read the latest newsletter on Active and Healthy Ageing on the European Commission website.

NHS Confederation NHS confederation offers a variety of newsletters that can be subscribed to by registering on their website.

NHS Confederation Europe The NHS Confederation European Office e-bulletin lets you know about policy,funding and the sharing of knowledge.

WEFO Horizon 2020 Put together for you by the Welsh Government’s Horizon 2020 Unit, the Horizon 2020 e-News is a regular digest of useful information for the Horizon 2020 community in Wales, to subscribe please email the Horizon 2020 mailbox. Or for more information visit the WEFO Horizon 2020 website.

Contact Us

Email Telephone 02921 841938 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Hadyn Ellis Building Maindy Road Cardiff CF24 4HQ Website _

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