Public Health Network Cymru eBulletin June 2016

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Pwyslais ar Ddiwrnod Hepatitis Spotlight on Hepatitis Day

Mehefin 2016 June 2016

Cynnwys Contents Croeso/Welcome


Pwyslais ar Ddiwrnod Hepatitis/Spotlight on Hepatitis Day 3-6 Pynciau llosg/The Grapevine


Crynodeb o’r Newyddion/News Roundup


Beth sy’n digwydd/What's going on


Cysylltwch â Ni/Contact Us


Croeso Welcome


roeso i rifyn Mehefin o Efwletin Rhwydwaith Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru. Mae’r pwyslais y mis yma ar Hepatitis, mewn pryd ar gyfer Diwrnod Hepatitis y Byd ar 28 Gorffennaf 2016. Mae tua 400 miliwn o bobl ar draws y byd yn byw gyda hepatitis B neu C, sydd, gyda’i gilydd, yn achosi tua 80% o’r holl farwolaethau yn sgil canser yr iau ac yn lladd bron 1.4 miliwn o bobl bob blwyddyn. Mae Aelod-wladwriaethau Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd yn bwriadu mabwysiadu’r Strategaeth Ddileu gyntaf erioed ar gyfer Hepatitis Feirysol, gyda thargedau uchelgeisiol a nod o ddileu hepatitis fel bygythiad iechyd y cyhoedd erbyn 2030. Dyma fydd y tro cyntaf i lywodraethau cenedlaethol ymuno ac ymrwymo i’r nod o ddileu hepatitis feirysol.


elcome to the June edition of the Public Health Tip! Network Cymru Ebulletin. The spotlight this month centres around Hepatitis, just in time for World Hepatitis Day on 28 July 2016. Around 400 million people worldwide are living with Hepatitis B or C, which together cause approximately 80% of all liver cancer deaths and Tip! every year. WHO kill nearly 1.4 million people Member States are set to adopt the first ever Elimination Strategy for Viral Hepatitis, with ambitious targets and a goal to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. This will be the first time national governments sign up and commit to the goal of eliminating viral Hepatitis.

Taflu goleuni ar Spotlight on Hepatitis Day Trydedd ysgol yn cael cynnig brechiad yn yr achos o Hepatitis A Third school to be offered vaccination in Hepatitis A outbreak


ae disgyblion a staff mewn trydedd ysgol yn cael cynnig brechiad fel rhagofal yn yr achos o Hepatitis A yn ne Cymru. Mae dau acos newydd wedi'u cadarnhau, ac mae un ohonynt yn ddisgybl yn Ysgol Rhydygrug, Aberfan. Oherwydd mai dyma'r ail ddisgybl â'r haint yn yr ysgol hon, mae'r holl ddisgyblion a staff yn cael cynnig brechiad ar gyfer hepatitis A fel rhagofal. Mae gan bob achos gysylltiadau y gellir eu holrhain yn ôl i Ysgol Gynradd Glyn Gaer yng Nghaerffili, lle nodwyd yr achosion cyntaf ym mis Ebrill. Mae sesiynau brechu llwyddiannus wedi'u cynnal yn flaenorol yn Ysgol Gynradd Glyn Gaer ac yn Ysgol Rhydywaun, ysgol uwchradd yn Rhondda Cynon Taf lle mae rhai o'r achosion yn ddisgyblion. Mae Hepatitis A yn haint feirws, nad yw fel arfer yn para'n hir, sydd â symptomau annymunol ond yn anaml y mae'n ddifrifol. Yn aml, dim ond salwch ysgafn fydd plant yn ei gael. Gall symptomau Hepatitis A gynnwys salwch tebyg i ffliw fel blinder, poenau cyffredinol, pen tost a thwymyn, yn ogystal â cholli archwaeth, cyfog neu chwydu, poen yn y bol, y clefyd melyn, troeth tywyll iawn a chroen coslyd.


upils and staff at a third school are being offered vaccination as a precaution in the Hepatitis A outbreak in South Wales. Two new cases have been confirmed, one of which is a pupil at Ysgol Rhydygrug, Aberfan. As this is the second pupil with the infection in this school, all pupils and staff are being offered vaccination for hepatitis A as a precaution. All cases have links that can be traced back to Glyn Gaer Primary School in Caerphilly, where the first cases were identified in April. Successful vaccination sessions have previously been held both in Glyn Gaer Primary School and at Ysgol Rhydywaun, a secondary school in Rhondda Cynon Taf where some of the cases are pupils. Hepatitis A is a viral infection, usually short lived, which has unpleasant symptoms but is rarely serious. Children often only have a very mild illness. Symptoms of Hepatitis A can include flu-like illness such as tiredness, general aches and pains, headaches and fever, as well as loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pains, jaundice, very dark urine and itchy skin.


ywedodd Heather Lewis, Ymgynghorydd Diogelu Iechyd ar gyfer Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru: "Nid yw'r achosion newydd hyn yn annisgwyl. Fel y gwelwyd eisoes yn yr achos hwn, gall yr haint ledu i gysylltiadau agos. "Rydym yn cymryd pob rhagofal i reoli ymlediad pellach yr haint. Fodd bynnag, oherwydd bod y cyfnod magu ar gyfer HA mor hir a bod lledu heb symptomau yn gyffredin, efallai y gwelwn achosion ychwanegol cyn bod yr achos drosodd. "Er bod yr haint fel arfer yn ysgafn, os bydd pobl yn datblygu symptomau a all fod yn Hepatitis A dylent weld eu meddyg teulu. "Mae'n bwysig bod pobl yn parhau i'n helpu i atal y feirws rhag lledu. Y peth pwysicaf y gall pobl ei wneud i atal y feirws rhag lledu yw sicrhau eu bod yn defnyddio technegau golchi dwylo da ar Ă´l defnyddio'r toiled a chyn paratoi neu fwyta bwyd." Nid yw brechiad rhag Hepatitis A yn cael ei gynnig fel mater o drefn ar y GIG oherwydd bod yr haint yn anghyffredin yn y DU, gyda dim ond 12 o achosion wedi'u cofnodi yng Nghymru yn 2015. Fodd bynnag, cynghorir bod unrhyw un sy'n teithio i wlad lle mae'r haint yn fwy cyffredin (yn enwedig Affrica, gogledd a de Asia, Canolbarth America a de a dwyrain Ewrop) yn cael y brechiad Hepatitis A ynghyd ag unrhyw imiwneiddiadau teithio eraill a argymhellir gan eu meddyg teulu. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am Hepatitis A ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn


eather Lewis, Consultant in Health Protection for Public Health Wales, said: "These new cases are not unexpected. As we have already seen in this outbreak, the infection can spread to close contacts. "We are taking every precaution to control the further spread of infection. However, as the incubation period for Hepatitis A is so long and asymptomatic spread is common, we may well see additional cases before the outbreak is over. "Although the infection is usually mild, if people develop symptoms that may be Hepatitis A they should see their GP. "It is important that people continue to help us prevent the virus spreading. The single most important thing everyone can do is to ensure they use good hand washing techniques after using the toilet and before preparing or eating food." Hepatitis A vaccination is not routinely offered on the NHS as the infection is rare in the UK, with only 12 reported cases in Wales in 2015. However, it is advised that anyone travelling to a country where the infection is more common (particularly Africa, Northern and Southern Asia, Central America and Southern and Eastern Europe) should receive the Hepatitis A vaccination along with any other travel immunisations recommended by their GP. Further information about Hepatitis A is available on the Public Health Wales website at

Webinar Diwrnod Hepatitis y Byd 2016 World Hepatitis Day Webinar 2016

Dyma restr o adnoddau a gwefannau sy’n ymwneud â Hepatitis o Gymru a’r DU List of resources and websites linked to Hepatitis from Wales and the UK Hepatitis C in the UK: 2015 report. Public Health England

Hepatitis C in the UK: 2015 report. Public Health England

Shooting Up: infections among people who inject drugs in the UK. Public Health England

Shooting Up: infections among people who inject drugs in the UK. Public Health England

Reading between the lines: The annual profile for substance misuse 2014-15 Adroddiad ystadegol blynyddol ar ddefnyddio alcohol a chyffuriau ar wasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg yng Nghymru trwy gydol cwrs bywyd. Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru

Reading between the lines: The annual profile for substance misuse 2014-15 Annual statistical report on alcohol and drug use on health, social care and education services in Wales through the life course. Public Health Wales

Harm Reduction Database Wales: Needle and syringe provision 2014-15. Public Health Wales Enhanced surveillance of blood borne viruses in drug users in Wales: Annual report 2015. Public Health Wales Galw Iechyd Cymru: Hepatitis Tudalennau Hepatitis Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar y We: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis E

Harm Reduction Database Wales: Needle and syringe provision 2014-15. Public Health Wales Enhanced surveillance of blood borne viruses in drug users in Wales: Annual report 2015. Public Health Wales NHS Direct Wales: Hepatitis Public Health Wales Hepatitis Web Pages: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis E

Gwnewch yn siŵr mai dileu hepatitis feirysol fydd ein cyflawniad mwyaf nesaf Make the elimination of viral hepatitis our next greatest achievement

Diwrnod Hepatitis y Byd: Adnabod hepatitis. Gweithredu nawr



World Hepatitis Day: Know hepatitis. Act now ae Diwrnod Hepatitis y Byd, 28 Gorffennaf 2016, yn gyfle i gynyddu ymdrechion cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol yn ymwneud â hepatitis ac i annog partneriaid ac Aelod-wladwriaethau i gefnogi’r gwaith o gyflwyno Strategaeth gyntaf y Sector Iechyd Byd-eang ar hepatitis feirysol ar gyfer 2016-2021, a gafodd ei chymeradwyo yn ystod Chwe deg nawfed Cynulliad Iechyd y Byd ym Mai 2016. Mae’r strategaeth yn cyflwyno’r targedau byd-eang cyntaf erioed ar gyfer hepatitis feirysol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gostyngiad o 30% yn yr achosion newydd o hepatitis B a C, a gostyngiad o 10% mewn marwolaethau erbyn 2020. Y prif ymagweddau fydd ehangu rhaglenni brechu ar gyfer hepatitis B; gwella diogelwch chwistrellu, gwaed a llawfeddygol; gwasanaethau “lleihau niwed” ar gyfer pobl sy’n chwistrellu cyffuriau; a mwy o fynediad i ddiagnosis a thriniaeth ar gyfer hepatitis B a C. Ar Ddiwrnod Hepatitis y Byd 2016, bydd WHO yn galw ar wneuthurwyr polisïau, gweithwyr iechyd a’r cyhoedd i "Adnabod hepatitis, gweithredu nawr". Mae’r Sefydliad yn eu hannog i wybod am yr haint, cymryd camau cadarnhaol i wybod eu statws trwy gael prawf, ac yn olaf, cael triniaeth i leihau marwolaethau diangen oherwydd yr haint hwn y gellir ei atal a’i drin. Cynhelir gweithgareddau ar draws y byd i wella gwybodaeth y cyhoedd am y perygl o hepatitis, a gwella mynediad i wasanaethau profi a thrin hepatitis.

orld Hepatitis Day, 28 July 2016 is an opportunity to step up national and international efforts on hepatitis and urge partners and Member States to support the roll-out of the first Global Health Sector Strategy on viral Hepatitis for 2016–2021, which was approved during the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly in May 2016. The new strategy introduces the first-ever global targets for viral hepatitis. These include a 30% reduction in new cases of Hepatitis B and C, and a 10% reduction in mortality by 2020. Key approaches will be to expand vaccination programmes for hepatitis B; focus on preventing mother-to-child transmission of Hepatitis B; improve injection, blood and surgical safety; “harm reduction” services for people who inject drugs; and increase access to diagnosis and treatment for hepatitis B and C. On World Hepatitis Day 2016, WHO will call on policy-makers, health workers and the public to "Know Hepatitis, act now". The Organisation urges them to inform themselves about the infection, take positive action to know their status by getting tested, and finally seek treatment to reduce needless deaths from this preventable and treatable infection. Activities will take place around the world to improve public knowledge of the risk of Hepatitis, and enhance access to Hepatitis testing and treatment services.

Posteri Diwrnod Hepatitis y Byd World Hepatitis Day Posters WORLD HEPATITIS DAY 28 JULY








Hepatitis virus types A, B, C, D and E cause infection and inflammation of the liver that can lead to severe disease and death.

Hepatitis virus types A, B, C, D and E cause infection and inflammation of the liver that can lead to severe disease and death.



Spread by poor food hygiene, unsafe water and lack of sanitation The risk is higher in rural areas of developing countries but you can

Spread by blood, semen and other body fluids

Pynciau llosg The Grapevine Y Diweddaraf am y Rhaglen Cyfoethogi Gwyliau Ysgol yng Nghaerdydd



Update on the School Holiday Enrichment Programme in Cardiff ae’r Rhaglen Cyfoethogi Gwyliau Ysgol (SHEP) yn beilot aml-asiantaeth o dan fantell Bwyd Caerdydd, i ddarparu prydau bwyd o ansawdd da, sgiliau maeth ac addysg chwaraeon i blant sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd o amddifadedd cymdeithasol yng Nghaerdydd. Uchelgais SHEP oedd dylanwadu ar bolisi yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol er mwyn lleihau anghydraddoldebau trwy arddangos problem gynyddol Ansicrwydd Bwyd Teuluoedd a datblygu model effeithiol o arfer gorau i helpu i fodloni ymrwymiad Cymru i ddileu tlodi plant erbyn 2020 o fewn fframwaith Deddf Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol. Y prif nod oedd sefydlu a oedd y rheiny sy’n mynychu clwb gwyliau yn hepgor prydau bwyd yn ystod y gwyliau ac i sefydlu a yw SHEP yn ymyrraeth effeithiol ar gyfer lleihau faint o brydau bwyd sy’n cael eu hepgor. Yn ystod haf 2015, cynhaliwyd SHEP am 3 diwrnod yr wythnos am 4 wythnos ar draws pum ysgol Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yng Nghaerdydd. Roedd yn rhoi brecwast iach i blant ac yna gweithgareddau addysg bwyd a maeth, gweithgareddau chwaraeon, chwarae creadigol ac addysgiadol. Cafodd y pecyn addysg maeth ei ddatblygu a’i gyflwyno gan dîm deieteg iechyd y cyhoedd, gyda’r holl weithgareddau’n cael eu mapio i’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol ac i Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Cymru. Roedd cinio poeth yn cael ei ddarparu oedd yn cydymffurfio â Deddfwriaeth Bwyta’n Iach mewn Ysgolion (Cymru). Gwahoddwyd rhieni a brodyr a chwiorydd i ymuno â’r plant am ginio unwaith yr wythnos.

he School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP) is a multi-agency pilot, developed under the Food Cardiff umbrella, to provide good quality meals, nutrition skills and sports education to children living in areas of social deprivation in Cardiff. The ambitions of SHEP were to influence policy locally and nationally to reduce health inequalities by demonstrating the growing issue of Family Food Insecurity and developing an effective model of best practice to help meet Wales’s commitment to eradicate child poverty by 2020 within the framework of the Future Generations Act. The primary aim was to establish whether those attending holiday club were skipping meals in the holiday and to establish whether SHEP was an effective intervention for reducing the number of meals skipped. Over Summer 2015 SHEP ran for 3 days a week for 4 weeks across five Community First schools in Cardiff. It provided children with a healthy breakfast followed by food and nutrition educational activities, sporting activities, creative and educational play. The nutrition education package was developed and delivered by the public health dietetic team, with all activities being mapped to National Curriculum and to the Wales Numeracy and Literacy Framework. A hot lunch was provided that complied with the Healthy Eating in Schools (Wales) Legislation. Parents and siblings were invited to join the children for lunch once a week.


efnyddiwyd y prosiect gan 171 o blant a’u teuluoedd mewn rhannau difreintiedig o Gaerdydd a chafodd dros 1000 o brydau bwyd eu paratoi a’u gweini.Nododd 35% o blant eu bod wedi hepgor un pryd bwyd o leiaf ar y diwrnod nad oeddent wedi mynychu o’i gymharu â 19% ar y diwrnod y gwnaethant fynychu. Nodwyd bod effeithiolrwydd yr ymyrraeth yn arwyddocaol yn ystadegol. Mae partneriaeth rhwng Bwyd Caerdydd, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru a Decipher (Prifysgol Caerdydd) wedi arwain at ddatblygu SHEP Cenedlaethol wedi ei ariannu’n llawn fydd yn cael ei redeg yn ystod haf 2016 mewn cyfanswm o 5 awdurdod lleol (Caerdydd, Bro Morgannwg, Port Talbot, Sir Ddinbych, Wrecsam) a gallai hyd at 1000 o blant sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig o Gymru gael darpariaeth yn ystod gwyliau. Bydd fframwaith gwerthuso’n cael ei ddatblygu mewn partneriaeth â Decipher ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a bydd y Rhaglen yn cael ei goruc wylio gan Fwrdd Cynghori Annibynnol SHEP. Yng Nghaerdydd mae un ar ddeg o ysgolion yn cynnig cyflwyno Hwyl Bwyd yr haf hwn i ryw 600 o blant. Bydd staff sy’n arwain y gwaith o gyflwyno’r rhaglen mewn ysgolion wedi cwblhau hyfforddiant Gwneud i Bob Cyswllt Gyfrif ac wedi cyflawni tystysgrif Sgiliau Maeth am Oes Lefel 1 fel isafswm. Cynhelir y rhaglen o 9am tan 3pm, 3 diwrnod yr wythnos am 4 wythnos o’r gwyliau haf. Bydd yn cynnwys brecwast, cinio, addysg sgiliau maeth, chwaraeon a rhaglen o weithgareddau wedi ei datblygu trwy dimau’r ysgolion, Cymunedau yn Gyntaf ac asiantaethau eraill. Bydd diwrnod olaf pob wythnos yn cynnwys cinio teuluol a phrynhawn o weithgareddau. Wrth ddatblygu SHEP 2016 yng Nghaerdydd, ymgynghorir â’r rhanddeiliaid canlynol yng Nghaerdydd: Grŵp Llywio a Chynhadledd Penaethiaid, Cymunedau yn Gyntaf/Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf/Dechrau’n Deg/IFSS, Undebau Athrawon, Timau Partneriaeth y Gymdogaeth a Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru. m fwy o wybodaeth am y rhaglen, cysylltwch â Katie Palmer, Cydlynydd Dinasoedd Bwyd Cynaliadwy


he project was accessed by 171 children and their families in deprived parts of Cardiff and over 1000 meals were prepared and served. 35% of children reported skipping at least one main meal on the day they did not attend compared to 19% on day they attended. The efficacy of the intervention was shown to be statistically significant. A partnership between Food Cardiff, the Welsh Local Government Association and Decipher (Cardiff University) has led to the development of a fully funded National SHEP which will be run during Summer 2016 in a total of 5 local authorities (Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, Port Talbot, Denbighshire, Wrexham) and could see up to 1000 children living in deprived areas of Wales receiving holiday provision. An evaluation framework will be developed in partnership with Decipher at Cardiff University and the Programme overseen by an Independent SHEP Advisory Board. In Cardiff eleven schools are proposing to deliver Food Fun this summer to around 600 children. Staff leading the delivery of the programme in schools will have completed Making Every Contact Count training and achieved Nutrition Skills for Life Level 1 certification as a minimum. The programme will run from 9am until 3pm for 3 days a week for 4 weeks of the summer holidays. It will include breakfast, lunch, nutrition skills education, sport and a programme of activities developed through the schools, Community First Teams and other agencies. The last day of each week will feature a family lunch and activity afternoon. In developing SHEP 2016 in Cardiff the following stakeholders have been consulted with: Headteachers Steering Group and Conference, Community First/Family First/ Flying Start/IFSS, Teaching Unions, Neighbourhood Partnership Teams and Public Health Wales. For further details on the programme please contact Katie Palmer, Sustainable Food Cities Coordinator

Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru- Llyfryn ysgol ‘Mae Jac yn Sôn’ Ymgynghoriad Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust -Jack Tells You More’ school booklet Consultation


el sefydliad, rydym yn cydnabod bod plant a phobl ifanc yn rhanddeiliaid pwysig a’u bod yn ymgysylltu â gwasanaethau a ddarperir gan Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru. Yn dilyn ymlaen o lwyddiant ein llyfryn ysgol cyntaf ‘Mae Jac yn Sôn am Wasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru’ sydd wedi ei anelu at blant 6-8 oed; rydym wedi datblygu ail gomig dwyieithog sydd yn addas ar gyfer plant 9-11 oed. ‘Mae Jac yn Sôn’ wedi ei ddylunio mewn arddull comig er mwyn cyfleu mewn ffordd syml yr ystod o wasanaethau sydd ar gael yn y gymuned ar gyfer y rheiny sydd angen cyngor neu gymorth iechyd, a’u hannog i ‘Ddewis yn Dda’. Er mwyn sicrhau bod y comig yn addas, rydym yn gofyn am adborth gan ystod eang o ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth yn cynnwys staff, plant, athrawon a chydweithwyr eraill sydd yn gweithio ym maes Iechyd Plant a hoffwn eich cynnwys chi yn ein hymgynghoriad. I roi adborth i ni, gallwch fynd ar-lein: Noder mai fersiwn draft yw hwn a bydd y llyfryn o faint comig safonol (ychydig yn llai nag A4). Mae fersiynau Cymraeg a Saesneg y comig ar wahân at ddibenion yr ymgynghoriad yn unig. Dychwelwch eich adborth dim hwyrach na dydd Gwener 24 Gorffennaf 2016. Os oes angen mwy o wybodaeth arnoch neu os ydych yn dymuno trafod hyn ymhellach, cysylltwch â mi yn Fiona.maclean@ neu ffoniwch ar 01792 776252 est 45445. Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru


s an organisation, we recognise that children and young people are important stakeholders and that they are engaged in services provided by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust. Following on from the success of our first school booklet ‘Jack tells you all about the Welsh Ambulance Service’ aimed at 6-8 year olds; we have developed a second bilingual comic suitable for 9-11 year olds. ‘Jack tells you more’ is designed in a comic style to get across in a simple way the range of services available in the community for those needing health advice or support, encouraging them to ‘Choose Well’. To make sure the comic is suitable, we are asking for feedback from a wide range of service users including staff, children, teachers and other colleagues that work within Child Health and would like to involve you in our consultation. To give us your feedback, you can go online: Please note this is a draft version and the size of the booklet will be of a standard comic size (slightly smaller than A4). The English & Welsh versions of the comic are separate just for consultation purposes. Please return your feedback no later than Friday 24th July 2016. If you require any further information or wish to discuss this further, please contact me at Fiona.maclean@wales. or call on 01792 776252 ext 45445. Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Cynllun Addysg Ymwybyddiaeth Asthma Cyfnod Allweddol 1



Asthma Aware Key Stage 1 Education Scheme Mae Cymdeithas Bediatrig Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi lansio eu cynllun Ymwybyddiaeth Asthma newydd yn ddiweddar, gyda’r nod o gyrraedd pob ysgol gynradd yng Nghaerdydd a’r cyffiniau er mwyn addysgu plant Cyfnod Allweddol 1 (CA1) am asthma a beth i’w wneud os bydd rhywun yn cael pwl o asthma. Gan fod gan 1 ym mhob 11 o blant yn y DU asthma, mae’r cynllun yn darparu addysg hanfodol i blant ifanc am y cyflwr. Mae tri phrif nod i’r cynllun: Deall beth yw asthma, Adnabod pwl o asthma, Gwybod beth i’w wneud os bydd rhywun yn cael pwl o asthma. Mae asthma yn gyflwr sy’n bresennol mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth ym mhob ysgol ar hyd a lled y wlad, ond nid oes llawer o wybodaeth am y cyflwr, yn arbennig ymysg plant yn y grwpiau oedran iau. Yn y pen draw, ein gobaith yw addysgu plant ar draws y wlad am asthma, gan roi’r sgiliau allweddol iddynt ymdrin â phwl o asthma a lleihau’r nifer uchel o farwolaethau y gellir eu hosgoi yn sgil asthma, sy’n digwydd bob blwyddyn. Mae’r cynllun yn cael ei greu fel estyniad o brosiect Breathing Easy ar draws y DU a grëwyd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain ac sy’n datblygu melin drafod am Asthma ac ymwybyddiaeth o’r cyflwr. Cafodd rhy glen Ymwybyddiaeth Asthma ei dylunio gan Caitlin Peers a Rhys Hughes, dau fyfyriwr meddygaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i helpu i ymestyn y cynllun Breathing Easy ar draws y DU a, hyd yn hyn, mae wedi cael ei roi ar brawf mewn dosbarthiadau CA1 yn Ysgol Gynradd Lakeside yng Nghaerdydd. Yn dilyn adborth cadarnhaol iawn ac ymestyn y cynllun, mae Prifysgol Caerdydd bellach yn gobeithio rhoi’r cynllun ar waith ar draws yr ardal, gan annog pob ysgol gynradd leol i gymryd rhan. Mae’r cynllun addysg unigryw hwn yn cynnwys sesiynau 30 munud o anatomeg ryngweithiol, cyflwyniad a chwis ar gyfer y plant, gan atgyfnerthu prif negeseuon y cynllun. Os oes gan unrhyw ysgolion ddiddordeb yn cymryd rhan yn y cynllun neu i gael mwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Chymdeithas Bediatrig Prifysgol Caerdydd yn neu drwy’r Ysgol Feddygaeth.

ardiff University Paediatric Society have recently launched their new Asthma Aware scheme, aiming to reach out to all primary schools across Cardiff and surrounding areas to teach Key Stage 1 (KS1) children about what asthma is and what to do if someone has an asthma attack. With 1 in 11 children in the UK having asthma, the scheme is providing vital education to younger children about the condition. The scheme has three main aims: Understanding what asthma is, Recognising an asthma attack, Knowing what to do if someone has an asthma attack. Asthma is a condition that is present in classrooms in every school up and down the country, yet there is little knowledge about the condition especially by children in the younger age groups. Ultimately they are hoping to educate children across the country about Asthma, giving them the key skills to deal with an asthma attack and reducing the high number of preventable deaths from Asthma that happen each year. The scheme is being created as an extension of the Breathing Easy UK wide project that was created in University College London and is building a think tank about Asthma and its awareness. The Asthma Aware programme was designed by Caitlin Peers and Rhys Hughes, two medical students from Cardiff University to help expand the whole Breathing Easy scheme across the UK and has so far been trialed in KS1 classes as Lakeside Primary School in Cardiff. After some very positive feedback and expansion of the scheme the team at Cardiff University are now hoping to implement the scheme across the area, encouraging all local primary schools to get involved. This unique education scheme involves 30 minute sessions of an interactive anatomy, presentation and quizzes for the children, reinforcing the key messages of the scheme. For any schools interested in getting involved with the scheme or wanting more information please contact Cardiff University Pediatric Society via or via the Medical School.

Cynhadledd Gyntaf Iechyd Meddwl Dynion De Cymru



First South Wales Men’s Mental Health Conference afodd Rhwydwaith Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wahoddiad i fynychu’r gynhadledd gyntaf erioed yn Ne Cymru wedi ei neilltuo i Iechyd Meddwl Dynion. Cynhaliwyd y gynhadledd yng Ngholeg Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ar 15 Mehefin 2016. Trefnwyd y gynhadledd a’i chadeirio gan Mark Williams o ‘Reaching Out PMH’ sy’n cynnig gwasanaeth ymwybyddiaeth, addysg a chyfeirio i helpu tadau i oresgyn heriau iechyd meddwl ac yn ymgyrchu dros wasanaethau gwell. Noddwyd y digwyddiad gan Tracscare. Roedd siaradwyr y bore yn cynnwys Amser i Newid Cymru a Tim Rhys Evans, arweinydd ‘Only Men Aloud’ ac ‘Only Boys Aloud’ a siaradodd yn ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod am ei frwydr gyda salwch meddwl pan oedd ei lwyddiant cenedlaethol ar ei anterth. Roedd ffocws ar chwaraeon yn sesiwn y prynhawn gyda siaradwyr o’r Elusen Chwaraeon State of Mind a sefydlwyd i hybu iechyd meddwl cadarnhaol ymysg dynion a menywod ym myd y campau, dilynwyr a chymunedau ehangach ac, yn y pen draw, atal hunanladdiad. Maent yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r materion yn ymwneud ag iechyd a lles meddwl ac yn darparu addysg ar y pwnc i grwpiau chwaraeon, busnes, addysg a chymunedol ar bob lefel. Rho dodd Tom Morgan, 26 oed, chwaraewyr rygbi lleol yn Ne Cymru sydd wedi chwarae i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr, Abertawe a Chastell-nedd hefyd araith ysbrydoledig yn dweud ei hanes a’r ffordd y mae’n goresgyn cael diagnosis o ADHD, Tourettes ac Asperger. Mae Tom yn defnyddio chwaraeon i gael ffocws a chadw ei feddwl yn egnïol ac mae’n teimlo bod hyn wedi bod o gymorth mawr iddo yn ei fywyd. Cafodd Tom ddiagnosis o Tourettes yn 15 oed ac ADHD ac Asperger pan yn 21 oed. Roedd yn rhyddhad mawr i rieni Tom pan gafodd ddiagnosis am ei fod bob amser wedi cael ei alw’n fachgen drwg pan oedd yn tyfu i fyny. Roedd Elaine, mam Tom, yn gwybod bod rhywbeth ddim yn iawn ers pan oedd yn 3 oed ond nid oedd yn gallu canfod beth ydoedd. Yn ddiweddar, mae Tom wedi bod yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am ei gyflwr er mwyn helpu eraill mewn sefyllfa debyg. Mae Tom bob amser wedi bod yn angerddol am rygbi a chwaraeon ac mae’n canfod bod hyn bob amser wedi bod o gymorth iddo i ymdrin â’i gyflwr ac mae’n well nag unrhyw feddyginiaeth am ei fod yn rhan o dîm. Lansiodd Tom ei Elusen Menter Gymdeithasol newydd ‘Mentoring Plus UK’ sydd yn ceisio helpu ieuenctid i ragori mewn chwaraeon, waeth pa rwystrau sydd yn eu ffordd! Mae mwy o fanylion am yr elusen ar gael yn www.

ublic Health Network Cymru was invited to attend the first ever conference in South Wales dedicated to Men’s Mental Health, the conference took place at Bridgend College on 15 June 2016. The conference was organised and chaired by Mark Williams of ‘Reaching Out PMH’ who offer awareness, education and signposting to help fathers overcome mental health challenges and campaign for improved services. The event was sponsored by Tracscare. The morning speakers included Time to Change Wales and Tim Rhys Evans conductor of ‘Only Men Aloud’ and ‘Only Boys Aloud’ who spoke frankly about his battle with mental illness during the height of his nationwide success. The afternoon session took on a sport focus with speakers from the State of Mind Sport Charity which was established to promote positive mental health among sportsmen and women, fans and wider communities, and ultimately to prevent suicide. They raise awareness of the issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing and deliver education on the subject to all levels of sport, business, education and community groups. Tom Morgan, 26, a local South Wales rugby player who has played for Bridgend, Swansea and Neath also gave an inspirational speech about his story and how he is overcoming his diagnoses of ADHD, Tourettes and Asperger’s. Tom uses sport to keep him focussed and his mind active and feels that this has helped him tremendously in his life. Tom was diagnosed at 15 years of age with Tourettes and at 21 years of age with ADHD and Asperger’s. It was a huge relief for Tom’s parents when he was diagnosed as he was always classed as the naughty boy when he was growing up. Tom’s mother, Elaine, knew that something wasn’t quite right from the age of 3 but was unable to find out what it was. Tom has recently been raising awareness of his conditions to help others in a similar situation. Rugby and sport have always been a passion of Tom’s and he finds that this has always helped him deal with his condition and is better than any medication as he is part of a team. Tom launched his new Social Enterprise Charity ‘Mentoring Plus UK’ which aims to help youngsters excel in sport, no matter what stands in their way! Further details of the charity can be found at

“... mae’n rhaid i chi fod yn onest gyda phobl a chael cymorth, ni allwch ei gadw i mewn neu mi fyddwch yn ffrwydro” “Rwyf ar fin sefydlu Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol fy hun o’r enw Mentoring Plus UK yn ymwneud â chwaraeon yn bennaf. Rwyf eisiau ceisio rhoi ymwybyddiaeth i hyfforddwyr chwaraeon proffesiynol am blant â phroblemau ymddygiad, ASD, ADHD a Tourettes. Nid wyf eisiau gweld plentyn talentog iawn yn methu cyfle i gael gyrfa broffesiynol, yn arbennig mewn rygbi, oherwydd eu hanableddau a’u bod yn cael y cyfle gorau posibl.”

“... you’ve got to be honest with people and get the help, you can’t bottle it in because you’ll explode" “I’m in the process of setting up my own Community Interest Company called Mentoring Plus UK mainly around sports. I want to try and give professional sports coaches awareness of kids with behavioural problems, ASD, ADHD and Tourettes. I don’t want to see a very talented young kid not have that chance at a professional career especially in rugby because of their disabilities and given the best possible chance they can.”

Gwella Iechyd yn y Gymuned LGBT Dydd Gwener, 22 Gorffennaf 2016

12:00 - 16:00

Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ Nod y seminar yw: Codi ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o iechyd LGBT Dysgu mwy am y dystiolaeth bresennol a’r dystiolaeth sy’n dod i’r amlwg yn ymwneud ag iechyd LGBT I nodi blaenoriaethau ar gyfer ymchwil yn y dyfodol ac ymarfer yn y dyfodol Mae’r siaradwyr yn cynnwys: Dr Paul Willis, Prifysgol Bryste Nigel Sherriff, Prifysgol Brighton Jenny-Anne Bishop, Unique Transgender Network

I archebu lle, ewch i dudalen Eventbrite Rhwydwaith Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru

Improving Health Within The LGBT Community 22 July 2016 12:00 - 16:00 Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ The seminar aims to: Raise awareness and understanding of LGBT health To learn more about the present and evolving evidence related to LGBT health To identify priorities for both future research and future practice Speakers include: Dr Paul Willis, University of Bristol Nigel Sherriff, University of Brighton Jenny-Anne Bishop, Unique Transgender Network

To book, please visit the Public Health Network Cymru Eventbrite page

Crynodeb o'r Newyddion News Round-up


mis yma rydym yn treialu fersiwn cryno o'r crynodeb newyddion. Cliciwch ar y testun i fynd â chi i'r eitemau newyddion sy'n gysylltiedig â'r testun hwnnw. Os oes gennych unrhyw adborth, anfonwch ebost at

Iechyd Meddwl


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