Public Health Network Cymru eBulletin Child Safety Week

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Welcome to the May edition of Public Health Network Cymru’s e-bulletin. The spotlight this month is ‘Child Safety Week‘. Child Safety Week is run by Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. They provide a range of resources to help practitioners run local activities and events and promot safety messages in a fun and engaging way. Child Safety Week 2018 will take place between 4th-10th June 2018. Please get in touch with any information you would like to include on the website or e-bulletin by contacting us at


Safe children:

together we’ve got this!

With thanks to our official sponsors:

Also thanks to our official supporter:

Spotlight on cHILD sAFETY wEEK Resources Released for Child Safety Week 2018 This year’s theme is Together We’ve Got this! What is the purpose of the theme? It’s easy for parents to feel overwhelmed by the demands that come with family life and keeping children safe can feel very challenging. For practitioners the reality is that there are fewer staff and less resource than ever, so child safety can seem a challenge to effectively address. Child Safety Week is designed to help simplify the issues and highlight the quick win’s and most effective ways to have an impact. The message from the theme is that by making the most of Child Safety Week and the resources CAPT produces and by working in partnership with other local agencies, everyone can get child safety right. Much of the excellent work that goes on with families is about supporting them to grow in confidence and become effective parents. Feeling empowered to keep your child safe is an important and practical step towards this. So use the theme to profile your work with families and show them that with your advice and support they can get child safety right. You can access the Materials here on the Child Accident Prevention Trust Website.

Access to play, particularly outdoors, is essential for a

Freely chosen, self-directed play has traditionally served us well in terms of children’s health is increasing concern about the mental and physical health of children and young people. O multiple health benefits. It is linked with improved mental well-being and a reduced risk of chi others and learn from them, building resilience for life.

Children have an inborn urge to play – research suggests that playing has an impact on the survive, thrive and shape their social and physical environments. A significant amount of re creativity, flexibility and adaptability in human beings. These useful character traits enable us thus keeping ourselves safe.

To children and young people, playing is one of the most important aspects of their lives – th prefer to play outdoors in stimulating places. In this situation children tend to be physically a All children need to seek out risk. It’s a natural part of growing up and it’s a way for them to le a degree of risk and challenge children are less likely to seek the thrill and sense of achieve Play involves children doing as they wish in their own time and in their own way. However, w to play freely near where they live, some don’t for a range of reasons. Parents report a range play, time pressures and safety fears. There is a concern in society that playing outdoors is n young people of Wales over their life course.

To address these concerns and barriers, Play Wales is working with Public Health Wales to p to play, particularly outdoors, is essential for a happy and healthy childhood. Without the sup be denied the freedom, spaces and time to act on their natural instincts – the Joint Statement It complements the Health and Safety Executive position that emphasises that when plannin and the benefits – no child will learn about risk if they are wrapped in cotton wool and denie

Play is a basic right for all children, and is worthwhile for the enjoyment it brings to children a pact on multiple important health outcomes including increased physical activity, reducing ch resilience.

For more information about play and challenge, please visit:

healthy, happy and safe childhood

and wellbeing – it has a significant contribution to make to the current health agenda. There Outdoor play increases levels of physical activity in children and this increase in activity has ildhood obesity. Furthermore, play helps children to test out behaviours and interactions with

e physical and chemical development of the brain. It influences children’s ability to adapt to, esearch shows the major role that play makes in supporting the development of resilience, s all to deal positively with unexpected challenges that will inevitably happen during our lives,

hey value time, freedom and quality places to play. Consultations with children show that they active and stretch themselves both physically and emotionally. earn how to survive and find their way in the world. If we support opportunities to experience ement that comes with overcoming fears, in places that are potentially less appropriate. whilst playing comes instinctively to all children and some children have enough opportunities e of barriers preventing children playing out, including traffic, difficulty in accessing spaces to not seen as safe and this risk aversion is damaging the long-term health of the children and

publish a Joint Statement on the Health Benefits of Outdoor Play, which stresses that access pport of parents, policy makers and the wider community to make play a priority, children will t includes a range of recommendations for all adults who impact on children’s access to play. ng and providing play opportunities, the goal is not to eliminate risk, but to weigh up the risks ed the opportunity to experience it.

and their families in the moment. However, play also has the benefit of having a positive imhildhood obesity, improving wellbeing in children and young people and helping to develop


ASH Wales warn of Dangers of Second Hand Smoke f

Smoking is an addiction of childhood; there’s no doubt about it. Nearly 11,000 children in Wa intervention and prevention work crucial. Smoking is still the single largest preventable caus regular smokers with two thirds of smokers starting before the age of 18 and almost 40% sta

Children are heavily influenced by what goes on around them and research shows: • Children with just one parent who smokes are 70% more likely to smoke themselves • 22% of children are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke in the home • Exposure to second-hand smoke in children generates over 300,000 GP consultations and

There is no safe level of second-hand smoke – evidence suggests regular exposure to seco charity in Wales dedicated to the protection of children from the harms of tobacco. Children breathing and less developed immune systems. This makes them more susceptible to respir

Research has found that children exposed to smoking are significantly more likely to start sm up the habit. Children with one parent who smokes are 70% more likely to start smoking. It is Smoking at an early age has been shown to have a severe impact on long-term health too. T smoking earlier are often the heaviest smokers later in life. They are also the group likely to become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater the risk of developing

Children are at particular risk from second-hand smoke with over 20,000 cases of lower res and asthma, 200 cases of bacterial meningitis, and 9,500 children admitted to hospital ever and others who suffer from allergies or medical conditions like asthma and heart disease. Ma in the home, nor can they remove themselves from a room full of smoke.

The principle source of second-hand smoke exposure among children is in the home. This h flu, bronchitis and pneumonia) by around 50%, whilst it is also found to more than double a ch five years of age and those whose mothers smoked in the postnatal period. Smoking while mother smokes a cigarette, she inhales carbon monoxide (CO) which reduces the amount of long-term problems, from premature delivery to increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or su family member. This can cause significant health risks once a child is born including respira glue ear. Second-hand smoke in an enclosed environment such as the home or a car is parti

Furthermore, evidence suggests exposure to SHS in the home not only impacts on the health 23,000 adolescents in the UK were smoking as a result of exposure to household smoking opening a door or window, keeping smoking to one room, or smoking when people aren’t ar

ASH Wales continues to tackle the problem of second-hand smoke around children and w children play and frequent - smokefree places, such as beaches and school gates. We wor health problems associated with smoking and tobacco use. While we have a vested intere dedicated to tackling high rates of smoking prevalence in areas that are considered ‘most de

The key activities of ASH Wales are to: communicate the issues relating to smoking and to control arena; provide advocacy and support to individuals and projects working in the tobac practice; lobby for public health measures to protect the health of all people in Wales from the areas, particularly with young people.

for Children

ales take up smoking every year – that’s a classroom full every single day. This makes early se of ill health and death causing over 5,000 deaths in Wales. 19% of all adults in Wales are arting before the age of 16.

d around 9,500 hospital admissions costing the NHS about £23.3 million annually

ond-hand smoke increases the chances of lung cancer by up to 30%. ASH Wales is the only n are particularly vulnerable to second-hand smoke because, they have smaller lungs, faster ratory and ear infections triggered by passive smoking.

moking themselves. Children with two parents who smoke are three times more likely to take s also known that two thirds of now-adult smokers took up smoking before the age of 18 The younger someone starts smoking, the greater the harm is likely to be. People who start be most dependent on tobacco and with the lowest chance of quitting. The earlier children g lung cancer or heart disease, which often leads to early death.

spiratory tract infection, 120,000 cases of middle ear disease, 22,000 new cases of wheeze ry year in the UK. Second-hand smoke can also cause health problems for pregnant women any children don’t have the power to complain or nag their parents on the upset smoking has

has been found to increase young infants’ risk of lower respiratory tract infections (including hild’s risk of invasive meningococcal disease, with the greatest risks found for children under pregnant puts both mother and baby at risk of significant harm to their health. Every time a f oxygen to the placenta and causes harm to the baby. Smoking causes both short-term and udden infant death. Some women may be exposed to second-hand smoke via a friend or a atory problems such as asthma, birth defects such as cleft lip and hearing problems such as icularly damaging to younger children who cannot escape from the smoky environment.

h of children but also their likelihood of becoming smokers themselves. It’s estimated around g and that 80% of cigarette smoke is invisible and can hang around for 4 hours - this means round makes little difference to the smoke in the home.

we currently have numerous projects running to help make public areas - especially where rk coordinate campaigns in order to achieve a reduction in, and eventual elimination of, the est in improving health and well-being for every single person in Wales we are especially eprived’. Our ultimate aim is for Wales to become a smokefree nation.

obacco use in Wales; build effective networks of interested parties working in the tobacco cco control arena, and to those who are not adequately represented in public health policy or e harm caused by smoking and tobacco; undertake projects and research in tobacco control

THINK! launches new child road safety campaign

THINK! has published a new campaign.

Launched May 16, the think’ when crossing

The free resources, w photographs and illu THINK! map to help c

A new ‘Safer Journey alongside other gam children are likely to

To mark the launch o School in Walthamsto

Sam Homewood said: “I’m delighted to be a part of this THINK! campaign to help spread the

“Working with children every day, I see the huge impact that simple precautions can have o them to look out for each other.”

The DfT says THINK! campaigns have helped reduce child road deaths by 90% since record on the UK’s roads.

Jesse Norman, road safety minister, said: “Britain has some of the safest roads in the world b “As more children take advantage of the better weather by walking to school or playing outs “THINK!’s new resources will make it fun and easier than ever for schools and parents to hel The quality of the campaign resources has been welcomed by Road Safety GB.

Steve Horton, director of communications, said: “It’s really good news that DfT are supportin clearly well produced and carry the hallmark of engagement with educationalists, for which D “The clear use of learning objectives and outcomes, and the inclusion of differentiation and “The information, advice and structure they offer to schools, local authority road safety o profession to ensure we have good quality people to deliver them; development through the “I commend these resources to all road safety professionals who work in or work with sch directly or supporting school staff to integrate them into their curriculum.

“Preparing young road users for future safer road use is an important aspect to casualty redu a lifetime of safer road use.”

The new campaign follows a long and a proud tradition of successful child road safety cam hedgehogs, Kevin Keegan, James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader) and David Prouse as

d more than 50 new child road safety resources for parents, teachers and schools as part of

e campaign is fronted by CITV star Sam Homewood and urges children to ‘stop, look, listen, the road.

which are available from the THINK! website, include mobile games and educational films, ustrations created by students from Farnborough Sixth Form College – as well as a new children pinpoint risky areas near them and consider the best way to travel safely.

ys Anthem’ (below), featuring the ‘stop, look, listen, think’ message, has also been launched, mes, films and lesson plans – ahead of the half term and summer school holidays when be spending more time outdoors.

of the campaign, Sam Homewood – who features in one of the new films – visited Holy Family ow to encourage pupils to think carefully about crossing roads.

e word about road safety among young people.

on their lives. I hope this campaign will help keep children safe on our roads and encourage

ds began in 1979. However, six children die and 170 more are seriously injured every month

but we are always looking at new ways to make them safer. side, it is important they know how to cross roads safely. lp children learn good habits that can last a lifetime.”

ng local road safety activity with the production of these high quality lesson plans. They are DfT should be rightly commended. options to extend the learning show that a lot of thought has gone into these resources. officers and other professionals means good quality products are available and its for our e RSGB Academy of course can support the provision of quality delivery. hools, and encourage them to promote their use through either delivering the interventions

uction activity; structured learning around the key safety attitudes and behaviours underpins

mpaigns, spanning several generations and featuring much-loved icons such as the family of s the Green Cross Code Man.

Higher rate of hospital admissions for children living alcohol dependency

Children who live with an adult with a mental health condition or alcohol dependency are maltreatment, suggests a study by the National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Re Wales, found that hospital admissions for injuries increased by 14% for a child who lived with an alcohol related problem. For emergency admissions related to child maltreatment, increases w with an adult with an alcohol related problem. The team looked at de-identified hospital admi studies showed that exposure to adverse childhood experiences is associated in adulthood involvement in violence. However, little was known about the effects of exposure to adverse child physical health.

Prof Shantini Paranjothy, Deputy Director of NCPHWR, Cardiff Universi families; with our research showing that children in one in three households a children living in families affected by mental health conditions and alcohol m highlights the importance of providing support for these families. In addition, continued effo major contributing factor to emergency hospital admissions for children.”

Key findings: 1 in 3 households with infants has an adult who has or is experiencing a mental health condit Children living with an adult who had an mental health condition had: 14% increased risk of emergency admissions for injuries – including accidents, self-harm and 55% increased risk of emergency admissions for victimisation- where there is concern for th 17% increased risk of an unplanned admission for any cause Children living with an adult who had an alcohol-related condition had: 13% increased risk of emergency admissions for injuries 44% increased risk of emergency admissions for victimisation The risk of admissions in children increases if a parent has a combination of a mental health In addition, the team also found that greater social deprivation, children born to young mother

Professor Mark Bellis, Director of Policy, Research and International Development at Public health-harming life course and increase a child’s own risks of developing alcohol and menta how we can break this harmful cycle. This study is one part of an important collaboration betw support they need and children grow up without suffering adverse childhood experiences.”

g with adults with mental health conditions or

significantly more likely to have an unplanned hospital admission, especially for injury and esearch (NCPHWR). The study, which is the first of its kind to look at the whole population of n adult with a mental health condition and increased by 13% for those living with a parent with an were 55% for children living with an adult with a mental health problem and 44% for those living ission and GP records for 253717 children living in Wales, for the first 14 years of life. Previous with substance misuse, mental ill-health, obesity, heart disease, cancer, unemployment, and dhood experiences such as mental health conditions and alcohol misuse in the family on a child’s

ity, who led the research, said: “Mental disorders are common in are living with an adult with a mental health condition. “Our study shows that misuse are more likely to have emergency admissions during childhood. This orts should be made to address socio-economic inequalities – which our study shows are a


d assault he welfare of the child

h condition and alcohol misuse. rs and mothers who smoked during pregnancy also had an increased risk of A&E admissions.

c Health said: “Experiencing maltreatment and injury in childhood can set individuals on a al health problems as they grow up. Research like this plays a critical part in understanding ween universities, Public Health and government in Wales aimed at ensuring families get the

The role of vaccines in reducing health inequalities Vaccination is a highly cost effective health intervention, but not all children benefit from it. It seems that the most vulnerable children in our societies are the least likely to be fully vaccinated. The new EuroHealthNet fact sheet on Childhood, health inequalities, and vaccine-preventable diseases explores the links between social and economic inequalities and childhood vaccination, and what can and is being done to improve vaccination rates in low socio-economic groups. One in ten children in the European region remains vulnerable to potentially life-threatening diseases as they have not received a basic set of vaccinations usually delivered in infancy. Although Europe is a world leader controlling vaccine preventable diseases, hesitancy is on the rise and there have been several outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in Europe in 2016-2017. We cannot be complacent. Wealth distribution, maternal education, place of residence, the gender of the child, and poverty are linked to levels of vaccination coverage. Inequalities in access to childhood immunisation persist. Studies of the health status of families in precarious situations, migrant and refugee children, and Roma children have suggested that a significant number of infants are missing out on the vaccinations they need. Transparent and evidence-based information needs to be delivered in targeted and tailored ways, according to the specific needs of the audience. For example, in Sweden, communication materials are produced in minority languages, whilst in Greece separate campaigns target different socio-economic groups and groups of professionals. It is important to invest in health service staff who can deliver vaccinations and information to families. They are a trusted information source for families, and with training and knowledge of how to support those who need it most, can be a powerful resource. Successful programmes also include strong health promotion and education components. Investment is needed to increase health literacy amongst disadvantaged families. Removing financial, legal, and information barriers to accessing vaccinations for the most vulnerable families would also be a clear step forward. More information about health inequalities and vaccine preventable diseases can be found in the new EuroHealthNet factsheet, and the summary of EuroHealthNet’s responses to public EC consultations on vaccine preventable diseases.

wATCH, lISTEN and Learn Podcasts We are pleased to announce that we have a new series of podcasts beginning soon; our first interview will be with Pip Ford, Public Affairs and Policy Manager for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, offering insight into their “Love Activity, Hate Exercise?� campaign. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to be the first to know when the episode launches!

Youtube Sexual Health in Wales for Present and Future Generatrations

On the Grapevine

Welsh Government Survey

The Welsh Government is currently exploring the experiences of service users and staff navigating the system for people with complex needs. For those who have mental health, substance misuse and/or housing difficulties, there is often a need to access services that span health, local authority and the third sector. Coordination of care can be challenging, and having to repeat your story for multiple assessments can be frustrating. We want to understand what barriers and opportunities currently exist, and to continue investing in solutions that result in smoother transitions, better understanding of how different services are accessed, how information is shared, and that promote recovery based on the holistic attainment of individual goals. Your feedback will be used alongside information from workshops to discuss ways of improving the coordination of services, to consider training opportunities, and to ensure those who need it can access timely, appropriate support to meet their needs. Please access this 5 minute staff survey by clicking on the following link: The survey will be available until Friday, 15 June, 2018. Please disseminate to all staff widely within your networks, across health, local authority, third sector, housing and substance misuse teams (particularly frontline staff). Information is anonymous unless you provide your details in the survey responses.

Mortality in Wales 2002 to 2016 report published The Public Health Wales Observatory has published its latest report, which examines the faltering decline in mortality rates in Wales from 2002 to 2016. Mortality in Wales 2002 -2016 Overall the mortality rate in Wales – which describes the number of deaths per 100,000 people in Wales and takes account of changes in the population size and age structure – has been declining since the Second World War. However, since around 2011, this decline has faltered and rates have shown little change. A plateau in life expectancy in Wales is also in evidence since around 2011. This phenomenon has been repeated across much of Western Europe, although in Wales the effect occurred earlier. Now only Scotland has lower life expectancy. Dr Ciarán Humphreys, Director of Health Intelligence said: “The faltering of the decline in the overall mortality rate has been driven by increased deaths in the 85-89 and over-90s age groups. However, mortality rates among 55-84 year-olds are also no longer in decline. “Mortality rates rose significantly in 2015, attributed at least in part to increases in deaths from flu and pneumonia, and dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among those aged over 75. “The levelling off of mortality rates in Wales, in conjunction with a growing vulnerable elderly population, may mean that increases in mortality such as that seen in 2015 will be more likely in the future.” The initial findings of the Observatory’s report will lead to further research and ongoing monitoring by Public Health Wales, working closely with other UK-bodies. “The slowing of the improvement in mortality for Wales is a cause for concern,” continues Dr Humphreys. “We remain in close communication with the Office for National Statistics, Public Health England and other organisations studying the changes to mortality trends, to monitor the ongoing pattern of mortality and explore the underlying factors,” he concludes. The report can be viewed at the Public Health Wales Observatory page: Mortality in Wales 2012 -2016

Marketing fund to inspire kids to eat more vegetables

A new fund has been launched 3rd May to tackle the critical issue of veg consumption w marketing fund that will use the top people in the advertising industry to create im supporting the creation of the fund and believes this is a real chance to use ‘advertis dren are leaving primary school obese or overweight, leaving them at higher risk of d POWER is being backed by celebrity chefs, medical experts, food producers and teache digital content it will inspire children to embrace and love the huge variety of vegetables support and help parents by offering an alternative to the junk food advertising that kids are Parents and children are bombarded with advertising and promotions and currently only 1.2%

Jamie Oliver said: "I'm a parent and like everyone else, I want my kids to have a proper balanced diet, packe challenge, so we need to get them really excited about veg by celebrating all the beautiful, c

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall said "80% of our children are not eating enough veg and it's impacting their health. There's end something really amazing. Let’s power up the next generation with vegetables!"

Dan Parker, who is assisting the Food Foundation, is a former advertising executive and know 2 diabetic, is planning to use impactful and appealing content to get kids pestering for peas “Advertising works, which is why companies spend so much money to promote their product vegetables with smiley faces. It’s about making veg cool and contemporary in a way that me There is already evidence that targeting advertising of fruit and vegetables has impact. Sinc risen from £370m to £1.26 Billion.

The long-term goal is for VEG POWER to be sustainably funded by Government and the Food children’s attitudes and offer health benefits leading to huge savings across the NHS by redu year treating Type 2 Diabetes alone. It will also support our farmers to produce more vegeta up to Brexit and beyond. A Crowdfund goes live today appealing to veg lovers, parents, gro Oliver, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Dr Rangan Chatterjee all appear in the Crowdfunding

Katie Palmer of Food Cardiff, the Wales arm of Peas Please said “We will be supporting Veg Power in Wales and will be using all the tools and networks we h on the health of our children and the wider population”

For more information: Web: Facebook: @VegPowerUK Twitter: @Veg

which is contributing to 20,000 premature deaths every year in the UK. VEG POWER is a mpactful, innovative digital campaigns aimed at children. Sir John Hegarty has been sing for good’. We have hit crisis point with our children’s diets and 1 in 3 of our childeveloping diet related diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes. Action is needed now. VEG ers and will aim to transform children’s current attitude to vegetables. With strong simple on offer. Currently 80% of our kids are not eating enough vegetables. The fund will also exposed to everyday. 86% of children are reported by parents to pester them for junk food. % of food and drink advertising spend goes on vegetables.

ed full of lovely veg! But we all know that encouraging kids to eat more greens can be a colourful, fun things you can do with them."

dless junk food advertising but why aren't we marketing the good stuff to our kids? Let’s do

ws how to use digital and advertising to inspire people's food choices. Parker, himself a Type not pudding. Dan Parker said ts. People buy happiness not health, so this is no longer about the health message & cartoon eans kids don’t need to be bribed with dessert to finish their greens”. ce British Summer Fruits launched their PR campaign in 2002 the annual sales of berries has

d Industry and VEG POWER aims to prove that investing in promoting vegetables will change ucing the cost of treating diet related disease. The NHS currently spends over £10 billion per ables in the UK and support jobs and the economy. This will be hugely important in the lead owers and sellers across the UK to support the fund. The aim is to raise £100,000. Jamie g video.

have, both at the city level and National level, to ensure Veg Power has the maximum impact

gPowerUK Instagram: @VegPowerUK Crowdfund:

The Headlines

Sporting Memories Project Launches Cardiff City FC Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of a new ‘Sporting Memories’ project in collaboration with the Royal British Legion. The project has been designed to use the power of Cardiff City FC to engage with older, socially isolated veterans in and around Cardiff who would not normally make themselves known to veteran support services.

An Egg a Day Could Reduce Risk of Stroke by a Quarter People who consume an egg a day could significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular diseases compared with eating no eggs, suggests a study* published in the journal Heart. Previous studies looking at associations between eating eggs and impact on health have been inconsistent, with most finding insignificant associations between egg consumption and coronary heart disease or stroke.

Relationship Focus as Sex Education is Overhauled in Wales Children in Wales will be taught what makes healthy relationships and there will be more emphasis on sexuality as part of an overhaul of sex education. Primary and secondary schools will have a statutory duty to cover the issues.

Nine out of 10 people worldwide breathe polluted air, new data shows Nine out of 10 people worldwide breathe polluted air, new data shows International team, led by Professor Gavin Shaddick of the University of Exeter produce new estimates of global air quality. New data released today (May 1st 2018) by the World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that air pollution levels are dangerously high in many parts of the world.

Alcohol cHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE cOMMUNITIES education Environment Gambling Gender Homelessness Lifestyle Maternal and Newborn Mental Health Noncommunicable diseases Nutrition Older People Oral Health Parents People with disabilities Pharmacy Physical Activity Policy Poverty Prisoners Research and Evidence Sexual Health Sexuality Smoking Substance Misuse Unemployment Veterans Violence and Abuse Work

Whats on in




Promoting Digital Citizenship, Wellbeing and Resilience for Children and Young People




28 Move Week

National Event






Promoting Digital Citizenship, Wellbeing and Resilience for Children and Young People

“Keeping Our Children Safe” Training



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Improving Public Health Services for Children Aged 0-5

All In The Mind: Gambling Addiction and the Brain

Poverty Awareness

Central London


Colwyn Bay







IPLA Conference 2018: Physical Literacy – Coaching, Community and Education Cardiff


Cervical Screening Awareness Week 11-17 June 2018 #SmearTestsSaveLives

in the next issue National Parks Week

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