Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders - April 2017 - Amended

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders April 2017

World Health Day 2017 More on Page 3

Welcome Welcome to the April issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on World Health Day 2017, Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to new publications and opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 3 In Focus - Within Wales 5 Opportunities 9 International Organisations and Newsletters


In Focus Beyond Wales

World Health Day 2017 The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrated its anniversary with the ‘World Health Day’, with this year’s theme chosen to be “Depression - Let’s Talk”, on the 7th April 2017. Mental health disorders are a major health challenge within the WHO European Region affecting people from all ages and backgrounds. The World Health Day creates a platform for open discussion and stigma reduction to advance prevention and treatment and motivate more people to seek and receive help. For more information please visit the WHO website. Keywords: World Health Organization, WHO European global/international, mental health, depression, advocacy


Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health The WHO ministerial conference on health and environment in Ostrava, Czech Republic, on the 13th – 15th June 2017 will offer an opportunity to shape actions, activities, and policies and bring together a variety of stakeholders from different sectors to improve health in the WHO European Region. The conference will outline the complex and multi-faceted relationship between environmental, biological, demographic, economic, social and other factors related to health in order to create supporting environments. For more information please visit the WHO EURO website. Keywords: WHO European Region, environmental health

WHO European Healthy Cities Network adopts the Pécs Declaration The WHO European Healthy Cities Network Annual Conference held in Pécs, Hungary, on the 3rd March 2017, gathered experts and delegates, including majors and political leaders with the aim to re-confirm the creation of healthy, safe, resilient and sustainable urban environments. In recognition of the important role of Healthy Cities, the ‘2017 Healthy Cities Pécs Declaration’ was signed emphasising the involvement and leadership the European Healthy Cities Network has provided. For more information please visit the WHO EURO website. Keywords: WHO European Region, Healthy Cities Network, environmental health

InWithin Focus Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales. If you are a Welsh health or other health professional involved in international work and would like to share your work, please email

Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health Annual Charter Celebration Conference Public Health Wales’ International Health Coordination Centre (IHCC) facilitated a conference entitled: “Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health” on the 27th March 2017 at the Future Inn, Cardiff Bay, Wales. The annual conference celebrated the Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales (the Charter) and highlighted the importance of working, engaging and strengthening national and international partnerships and collaborations for health.

The morning session was chaired by Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Executive, Public Health Wales, and the afternoon session by Kate Eden, Non-Executive Director, Public Health Wales. Key speakers included Dr Christoph Hamelmann, Head, World Health Organization (WHO) European Office for Investment for Health and Development, Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Social Services, Welsh Government, and Dr Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer for Wales. Panel discussions and speeches were delivered by delegates from: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, A Regional Collaboration for Health Programme (ARCH), Commonwealth Secretariat, Enterprise Europe Network, EuroHealthNet, Flemish Health Agency, Global Health Exchange, Healthy City, Hub Cymru Africa, Public Health England and Public Health Wales, Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET), Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA), Wales for Africa Heath Links Network, Welsh Government. The event was attended by over sixty delegates and 170 people followed the conference via live stream. Further information on the conference including the full programme, the conference report and videos with interviews and highlights of the day will follow soon, please visit the IHCC website. Keywords: global/international, IHCC Charter, Wales

MasterMind: PTHB collaborating for better mental health in Europe MasterMind is a European project that aims to make high quality treatment for depression more widely available across Europe through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Of the 26 partners, Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) is the only Welsh participant. MasterMind tested the use of ICT to improve the mental health of more than 5,000 patients across Europe including over 500 in Wales. The trial held in Wales showed benefits regarding access to treatment in rural communities, patient empowerment, and early detection of suicidal and criminal intentions, patient support and treatment management. Powys Teaching Health Board found the key benefits of working with different European partners to be; shared learning, being able to collaborate, sharing of innovative ideas and lessons learned and the ability to collaborate with multinational partners. For further information, read the full news story on the IHCC website or visit the MasterMind project website. Keywords: Wales, WHO European Region, mental health

The IHCC is proud to announce the launch of its new website About Us



Working Internationally




Get Involved

Keywords: Public Health Wales, international development, global/international, Wales


For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 on Regional Funding.

Funding Global Public Health: Partnership Awards Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) Keywords: public health, global/international, research, UK Deadline: 8th June 2017 Find out more on the MRC website.

EU Third Health Programme Call for Projects European Commission (EC) Keywords: noncommunicable diseases, education, health services, public health, WHO European Region Deadline: 15th June 2017 Find out more on the EC Participant Portal.

Open Calls DFID Funding for Technology Department for International Development (DFID) Keywords: international development, technology, funding, expertise Visit the DFID website for further information.

ECHO Funds The European Commission’s Protection Department (ECHO)

Humanitarian Aid


Keywords: grants, public procurement, humanitarian aid, volunteering overseas, third sector, Europe Visit ECHO’s website for further information.


Publications What has Europe ever Done for Health? The Lancet Keywords: policy, public health, WHO European Region Find out more on the Lancet website.

Championing a Healthier and Fairer Europe Evaluation and Program Planning Journal Keywords: health promotion, collaboration, measurement approaches, evaluation Find out more on the ScienceDirect website.

Horizon 2020 in Wales Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) Keywords: funding, WHO European Region, research, Wales Find out more on the WEFO website.

Return on Investment of Public Health Interventions British Medical Journal (BMJ) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Keywords: global/international, research Find out more on the BMJ website.

Tools and Resources World Health Day Campaign Essentials World Health Organization (WHO) Keywords: global/international, World Health Organization, mental health, advocacy Find out more on the WHO website.

Girls Education South Sudan (GESS) Medical Aid Films Keywords: education population



Watch the film on the MedicalAidFilms website.


Upcoming Events & Conferences

Global Health Symposium Queen’s University Belfast Belfast, 27th April 2017 Keywords: improving health, achieving equity, share research and practice Find out more on the Global Health Symposium website.

Sustain Wales Summit 2017 Cynnal Cymru Sustain Wales Cardiff, 27th April 2017 Keywords: urban health, low carbon future, sustainable cities Find out more on the Cynnal Cymru Sustain Wales website.

Launch: Working Internationally: A Guide for Nurses and Midwives (RCM) Royal College of Midwives, (RCN) Royal College of Nursing, (MSF) Médecins Sans Frontières and VSO London, 8th May 2017 Keywords: nurses/ midwifes, overseas/ humanitarian work To find out more and register please visit Eventbrite.

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health: Diversity and Health European Public Health Association, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, 17th – 19th May 2017 Keywords: global/international, migrants, policy, health services Find out more on the World Congress website.

MSF Scientific Days Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) London, 19th – 20th May 2017 Keywords: research, global/international, Humanitarian response Find out more on the MSF UK website.

European Observatory Venice Summer School European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Venice, Italy, 23th – 29th July 2017 Deadline for registration: 31st May 2017 Keywords: WHO European Region, services, health services, policy



Find out more on the European Observatory website.

Migration and Health The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, NOVA Health, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) Lisbon, Portugal, 8th June 2017 Keywords: migrants, policy, services, WHO European Region Find out more on the FHI website.




FPH Annual Conference 2017 UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Telford, 20th – 21st June 2017 Keywords: UK, global/international, research, policy For further information, please visit the FPH website.

North-West Europe Programme Information Welsh European Funding Office Cardiff, 27th June 2017 Keywords: funding, innovation, environment, WHO European Region If you wish to register please contact WEFO.

Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA) Bonn, Germany, 27th-29th June 2017 Keywords: global/international, WHO European Region, climate change, policy, research Find out more on the conference website.

Other Expertise & Opportunities Award European Health Award European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) Keywords: public health, healthcare services, WHO European Region Deadline for submission: 26th May 2017 Visit the EHFG website for further information.

Abstract submission European Public Health Conference European Public Health Association (EUPHA); Swedish Association of Social Medicine Keywords: research, policy, education, public WHO European Region, sustainable development


Deadline for submission: 1st May 2017 Visit the European Public Health Conference website for further information.

Manuscript Submission Global Journal for Medicine and Public Health Global Journal for Medicine and Public Health (GJMPH) Keywords: international health services



Visit the GJMPH website for further information.

Training Disaster Response Course Humanity First Medical Keywords: humanitarian response, global/international, health professionals, UK Leicester, 12th-14th May 2017 Visit the Humanity First Medical website for further information.

Global Policy Summer School 2017: Global Inequality and Development Durham University Keywords: global/international, policy, international development Durham, 17th – 21st July 2017 Visit the Durham University website for further information.

Consultation Purpose and Impact of the Erasmus+ Programme Erasmus+ Keywords: WHO European Region, funding Deadline for contribution: 31st May 2017 Visit the Erasmus+ website for more information.

EUPHA survey on Public Health Genomics European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Keywords: public health, research Visit the EUPHA website for more information.

International Organisations and Newsletters Connect Cymru Find out about International Youth Work opportunities on the new Connect Cymru website.

Cynnal Cymru/Sustain Wales Get up to date on events, training and consultancy from Sustain Wales by reading their newsletter.

EuroHealthNet Through the publication of its magazine, EuroHealthNet aims to explain its projects, its objectives and its ways of working. Go to the EuroHealthNet magazine website to find out more.

European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) EUREGHA is a network of 14 European Regional and Local Health Authorities focused on public health and health care. Read the latest news on the EUREGHA website.

European Commission: SANTE Health-EU View the SANTE Health EU newsletter on the European Commission website for information on, News from the EU, EU Press Releases, EU Health Award for NGOs, Forthcoming events, New publications and Reporting from across Europe.

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Read the latest newsletter on Active and Healthy Ageing on the European Commission website.

European Observatory To subscribe to the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies newsletter please visit the Observatory website.

Europe PHAME WHO newsletter The newsletter provides a quarterly update about public health aspects of migration in Europe and is a partnership between WHO Europe and University of PĂŠcs, Hungary, To receive their latest new sign up to their newsletter.

European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) To subscribe to the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies newsletter please visit the Observatory website.

European Public Health Association (EUPHA) The latest issue of EUPHA’s newsletter, available on their website, provides the latest updates in Public Health, including upcoming events, opportunities and news from its Members.

IHCC E-bulletin To subscribe to the IHCC E-bulletin, please visit the IHCC website to receive bi-monthly news.

International Health Partnerships (IHP+) newsletter To be updated about the work of the International Health Partnership and receive the latest news sign up to their newsletter on their website.

NHS Confederation NHS confederation offers a variety of newsletters that can be subscribed to by registering on their website.

NHS Confederation Europe The NHS Confederation European Office e-bulletin lets you know about policy, funding and the sharing of knowledge.

Tropical Health and Education Trust Forging partnerships with healthcare experts to deliver targeted training programmes in low and middle income countries. To find more about the work of THET and subscribe to their e-bulletin please visit the Tropical Health and Eudcation Trust website.

Wales for Africa Health Links Network The Wales for Africa Health Links Network (WAHLN) aims to facilitate a co-ordinated and effective approach to promoting and supporting the development of health links between Wales and Sub-Saharan Africa. To subscribe to the WAHLN newsletter and read about the Network’s latest news visit the WAHLN website.

WEFO Horizon 2020 e-news Put together for you by the Welsh Government’s Horizon 2020 Unit, the Horizon 2020 e-News is a regular digest of useful information for the Horizon 2020 community in Wales, to subscribe please email the Horizon 2020 mailbox. Or for more information visit the WEFO Horizon 2020 website.

Wessex Global Health Newsletter To keep in touch with the Wesseex Global Health Network and receive regular updates, read their weekly update or sign up to their newsletter on their website.

WHO Europe Get up to date with public health news from around the WHO European Region by subscribing to the WHO Europe’s e-bulletin.

WHO Panorama Public Health Panorama provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

WHO Regions for Health Network This bulletin provides up to date information on the work developed by WHO’s RHN network, read the latest issue on the RHN website.

Contact Us Email Telephone 02920 104 459 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Capital Quarter 2 Tyndall Way Cardiff CF10 4BZ Website _

Twitter @IHCCWales

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