Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders - December 2017 - Amended

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders December 2017

Human Rights Day 2017 More on Page 4

Welcome Welcome to the December issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on the Human Rights Day 2017 and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 4 In Focus - Within Wales 7 Opportunities 12

The IHCC has a new website!

Our E-bulletin is making space for this new resource, the best place to stay updated on a range of topics related to work within and beyond borders, such as:





Working Internationally If you would like to find out more about Welsh, UK, European, or International organisations involved or supporting international work, please visit the Services section. Would you like to promote your international work? Go to Get Involved and find out how to submit a project, an event or a news item to the

IHCC website.

Continue reading to find out what’s ‘In Focus Beyond and Within Wales’

In Focus Beyond Wales

Human Rights Day 2017 The annual celebration of Human Rights on the 10th of December 2017 commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration was in response to the atrocities of the Second World War and sets out inalienable rights to which everyone is inherently entitled. The universal values are based on equality, justice and freedom. To date, the Declaration has been signed by 48 countries. In Wales, human rights are protected through the activities of organisations such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHCR). The EHCR was established through the Equality Act 2006 and is mandated to help create a fairer Britain through protecting and promoting the human rights of everyone in Britain and through enforcing equality legislation on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. To find out more about this year’s Human Rights Day and to read the full Declaration of Human Rights, please visit the UN website. Additional information about the Commission and their latest projects can be found on the Welsh Equality and Human Rights Commission website. Keywords: international development, equality, international/global

European Public Health Conference The 10th European Public Health Conference (EPHC) took place in Stockholm, Sweden between the 1st and 4th November 2017. This year, the conference focused on ‘Sustaining resilient and healthy communities’ and brought together national and international researchers, decision-makers and practitioners from across Europe to share their knowledge and expertise and explore ways in which public health in Europe could be improved. The EPHC aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering a means for exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health and health services research as well as public health training and education in Europe. Colleagues from Public Health Wales attended the conference and gave presentations on a number of key emerging issues and areas of public health work. Liz Green, Public Health Wales’ Principle Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Development Officer, presented ‘Integrating health in planning sectors in Wales. Developing a resource for practitioners’ during the session on ‘Integration of health appraisal within urban planning and environmental impact assessment’ and ‘Health Impact Assessment in Wales: From voluntary to statutory’ during the session on ‘Mapping legal requirement for HIA institutionalisation across Europe’ For further information about the European Public Health Stockholm, please visit the European Public Health Conference website. Keywords: global/ international, environmental health inequalities, international development






20th European Health Forum Gastein – Drawing a Better Future for Europe The 20th anniversary of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) brought together politicians, decision-makers, third sector organisations, the private sector, and experts in the field of public health and healthcare around the theme of “Health in All Politics – a better future for Europe”, During the 3-day conference, over 500 participants debated the biggest health challenges in Europe in sessions organised around four key themes: Health in All Policies; European Health Systems; Access to Medicines; Innovation, Bid Data and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), central to which was how to reduce health inequalities and promote equity. This year’s conference also had a strong global focus with delegates benefiting from the many shared experiences and expertise offered during the course of the sessions and a closing plenary session dedicated to “Global perspectives on Health in All Politics”. The conference was also an opportunity for Public Health Wales’ international team to present their work and build new collaborative relationships.

Dr Mariana Dyakova, International lead at the Policy, Research and International Development Directorate (PRID), presented the Investment for Health and Wellbeing report, a collaborative Public Health Wales – World Health Organization publication, and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act in the session focusing on Transformative approaches for equity and resilience – Harnessing the 2030 Agenda for health and well-being.

The key findings from the Investment for Health and Wellbeing report were also highlighted in a poster exhibited by Elodie Besnier, PRID’s international health policy officer, in the Young Forum Gastein (YFG) poster exhibition. YFG is an initiative which sponsors young health professionals’ participation in the annual EHFG conferences, enabling them to join a network of over 400 YFG members from all over the world. YFG also provides opportunities for young health professionals to participate in workshops, summer schools and conferences at other times of the year. Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety said: “Our aim must be to get all policies, all Ministers, all stakeholders, at all levels, to contribute to keeping people in good health.” He continued by saying: “Global Health is another issue on the Gastein agenda this year. I hope to seize on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to raise the profile of global health.” Reports, photos, recordings and summaries of the sessions can be found on the the EHFG and the YFG blog. For further information about the YFG initiative, please visit the EHFG website. Keywords: sustainable development, global/ international, policy, WHO European Region

In Focus Within Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales.

Welcome to the Team! Hi – my name is Lucy and I’m the newest addition to the International Health Division at Public Health Wales. In my role as Principal Public Health Specialist, I’ll be working to embed health and wellbeing within the context of sustainable development. I’ll also be using international evidence to improve the health of communities here in Wales. I bring with me a broad range of UK and international public health experience - from developing London-wide public health strategies and shaping NHS workforce policy, to working on health system strengthening projects in Zambia and Cambodia. I am especially passionate about working to improve health inequalities through the prioritisation of equity, inclusivity and social justice. I’m really inspired by the Welsh approach to public health, both at home and internationally, and I look forward to being part of this agenda going forward.

Welsh Public Health Conference The 2017 Welsh Public Health annual conference took place in Newport between the 26th and 27th November 2017. Entitled ‘Building on our strengths to ensure a healthy sustainable future’, the conference was opened by Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Executive, Public Health Wales, with keynote speeches from Dr Christoph Hamelmann, Head of World Health Organization (WHO) European Office for Investment for Health and Development, Dr Frank Atherton, Wales’ Chief Medical Officer and Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Housing and Regeneration (formerly Minister for Social Care and Public Health). The two-day conference, organised jointly by Public Health Wales and Welsh Government, adopted a creative approach to address the key public health challenges around health and well-being. The conference was attended by delegates from across a broad range of private, public and third sector organisations e.g. NHS organisations, the emergency services, the education sector, local authorities and third sector organisations, with sessions addressing issues such as global health challenges, Brexit, investment for health, digital surveillance, and understanding and influencing behaviour change.

A poster walk was organised which enabled conference delegates to gain an insight into the many and varied collaborative international partnerships and projects Public Health Wales and its international academic and non-academic partners are involved in. The conference’s closing session, dedicated to exploring ways in which to build resilience in communities facing uncertainty, was facilitated by Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Executive, Public Health Wales, and the Welsh actor, Michael Sheen. Further information about the Welsh Public Health Conference website. .




A highlights video can be found on the Wales NHS website.

Keywords: sustainable development , UK, well-being , evidence




Dr Christoph Hamelmann (WHO EURO) in Wales Dr Christoph Hamelmann, Head, World Health Organization (WHO) European Office for Investment for Health and Development (Venice, Italy) took the opportunity to visit Public Health Wales when he opened the Welsh Public Health Conference in October. During Dr Hamelmann’s visit to Public Health Wales, the Policy, Research and International Development Directorate’s international health team met with Dr Hamelmann to gain insights into the opportunities and challenges around investment for health and well-being. The team took this opportunity to explore the key policy options for investment for health and record a podcast featuring Dr Hamelmann. The focus of the podcast was on Public Health Wales’ collaboration with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO EURO) and the work around investment for health and well-being - what it is, why it matters, and why it’s relevant to the population of Wales and beyond. Dr Hamelmann spoke about current investment policies and practices, which are widely held to be unsustainable if the highest attainable standard of health for all at all ages is to be achieved. Further information on the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development can be found on the WHO EURO website. The podcast of Dr Hamelmann’s Public Health Network website. Keywords:



interview ,




accessed policy,





Disease Control Priorities Report Professor Mark Bellis worked as part of a small international team including the violence leads for the World Health Organization, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA) and The Task Force for Global Health to review the global impact of interpersonal violence on health and well-being and the most effective methods for violence prevention; especially in low and middle-income countries. The work forms part of the Disease Control Priorities (Third Edition) published by the World Bank. For more information and to Disease Control Priorities website.








For further information on the CDC, please visit the CDC website. Keywords: sustainable development, global/ international, noncommunicable disease

Only in English

Public Health Wales Wins the Circular Economy Award Amanda Davies and Sally Attwood (Strategic Programmes and Facilities Division, Public Health Wales) received the Local Governments for Sustainability Procura+ International Award (ICLEI) for Best Tender Procedure of the Year 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia. The award was given in recognition of the sustainable remanufacturing of office furnishings in Capital Quarter 2 using existing office equipment, furniture and flooring and for sourcing and procuring remanufactured goods from outside of the organisation. Procura+ is a network of European public authorities that connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement. Amanda and Sally attended the EU Congress where Sally delivered a presentation on ‘Circularity’, the new buzz word for Circular Economy. Amanda Davies commented that: “many of the presenters during their presentations referred to Public Health Wales as being an excellent example of best practice and what can be achieved when you think outside of the box!”. Public Health Wales ‘Remanufacture of office furnishings in Wales’ project has been included as a case study in the newly-published European Commission guidance document on ‘Public Procurement for a Circular Economy’ produced under their Green Public Procurement initiative. To read more about Procura+ and the Procura+ International Award, please visit the Procura+ website. The European Commission guidance document can be viewed on the European Commission website. Keywords: sustainable development, global/ international, environmental health


For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 or visit the IHCC Website for more information on funding opportunities.

Funding Grants Programme to Strengthen Civic Voice Commonwealth Foundation Keywords: global/international, international development, governance development, policy, equality Deadline: 3rd January 2018 For more information, please visit the Commonwealth Foundation website.

Health Systems Research Initiative Medical Research Council (MRC) Keywords: global/international, professional development, research, evidence Deadline: 30th January 2018 Find out more on the MRC website.

Erasmus+ (Learning Mobility of Individuals) European Union (EU) Keywords: global/international, professional development, research, evidence Deadline: 1st February 2018 Find out more on the EU website.

Erasmus+ (Strategic Partnerships) European Union (EU) Keywords: global/international, international development, governance development, policy, equality Deadline: 1st February 2018 Find out more on the EU website.

Prevention and/or treatment of neglected infectious diseases (NID) Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, global / international, health services Deadline: 6th February 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

Ebola +: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of filoviral infections Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, health services



Deadline: 16th March 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.




Global prevention and management of hypertension and/or diabetes Horizon 2020, European Commission; Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Keywords: evidence, non-communicable disease






Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

International Network of Social Sciences Research Centres on infectious threats Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, international/ global, health services Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

Other Opportunities & Expertise Calls A Call for Abstracts on Planetary Health The Planetary Health Alliance Keywords: environment, environmental climate change, natural environment



Deadline: 5th January 2018 For more information about the conference and the abstract submission, please visit the Planetary Health Alliance website.

A Call for Planetary Health Case Studies The Lancet Keywords: international/global, climate change, natural environment Deadline: 10th January 2018 Visit the Lancet website for further information.

A Call for Abstracts on Health Systems Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Keywords: sustainable development, health services, research, evidence Deadline for organized session proposals: 15th January 2018 Deadline for individual abstracts: 15th January 2018 Visit the Global Symposium on Health Systems research website for further information.

Training A Call for Emerging Voices for Global Health 2018 Emerging Voices for Global Health 2018 (EV4GH) Keywords: professional development, sustainable development, international/ global Deadline: 5th March 2018 For further information, please visit the EV4GH.




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