Health Within and Beyond Welsh Boarders February 2017

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders February 2017

Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health More on Page 5

Welcome Welcome to the February issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on the “Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health” Annual Charter Celebration Conference and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to new publications and opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 3 In Focus - Within Wales 5 Opportunities 9 International Organisations and Newsletters


InBeyond Focus Wales

Meeting of the Health and SDGs Expert Working Group On 17th–19th January 2017, WHO Europe convened the first meeting of the Health and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Expert Working Group with the aim of supporting the WHO Secretariat in drafting the roadmap. The meeting was held at the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development in Venice, Italy. Participants highlighted the importance of the SDGs in achieving health and well-being, and the paradigm shift required to reach the SDG targets. Such a shift needs to focus particularly on: governance and intersectoral action for health; leaving no one behind; the alignment of national development and health policies, as well as policy coherence across multiple SDGs; and on the means of implementation. The latter includes partnerships, sustainable financing, research and innovation, and enhanced monitoring and accountability. The draft roadmap will be made available online for consultation mid-February 2017. The roadmap will be presented for endorsement at the next session of the Regional Committee in September 2017. For more information please visit the WHO EURO website.

Wales and the UK in Brexit Negotiations As the UK moves to leave the EU, First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones and leader of Plaid Cymru Leanne Wood published a White Paper that sets out the main issues for Wales in Brexit negotiations on the 23rd January 2017. This document identifies six areas that the Welsh Government wants addressing as part of the negotiation process, including: the Single Market and international trade, migration, finance and investment, constitutional and devolution issues, social and environmental protections and values, and transitional arrangements. In addition, the National Assembly for Wales’ External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee published its first report on the Implications for Wales of leaving the EU. Find out more about Wales’ involvement in the Brexit negotiations on the Welsh Government’s website. On the 17th January 2017, the current prime minister Theresa May informed Britain about the plan the UK government will apply to negotiate Brexit. The plan includes 12 priorities outlining post-Brexit visions about future relationships with EU and non-EU countries, including control of own laws, trade agreements, science and innovation as well as immigration. Theresa May specifically outlined the importance of maintaining an independent and self-governing Britain, while seeking new and equal partnerships and sustaining existing allies in the EU. To receive more information please visit the UK Government website.

InWithin Focus Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales. If you are a Welsh health or other health professional involved in international work and would like to share your work, please email

Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health Conference

The International Health Coordination Centre, Public Health Wales is delighted to invite you to attend “Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health� Annual Charter Celebration Conference, to be held on the 27th of March 2017 in the Future Inns, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4AU. The IHCC is pleased to confirm that many of our local and international partners will be attending the conference exemplifying the collaborative work and its crucial benefit to Wales.

In addition to the Chief Medical Officer and the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport, speakers are attending from WHO EURO and organisations such as the Global Health Exchange and THET.

Other participants include: The International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), whose key priority it is to gather experience and expertise of its member to strengthen health systems. The IHCC will take part in a peer-assistance approach that supports sharing expertise and experience among the members of IANPHI. The Commonwealth Secretariat will also be present at this year’s conference, who offers advisory services to its members by supporting them to achieve sustainable and equitable development. The WHO Healthy Cities Network which engages local governments in health development by “a process of political commitment, institutional change, capacity-building, partnership-based planning and innovative projects”. If you wish to register, please go to Eventbrite. If you have any queries, please contact

Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health Annual Charter Celebration Conference 27 March 2017, Future Inns, Cardiff, Wales The conference will focus on how to maximise the benefits of national and international networks, building active and sustainable partnerships and collaborations as well as celebrating the progress made in the implementation of the Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales (the Charter) and how it contributes to the global health and sustainable development agenda. Conference Objectives: • Share experiences and opportunities including the benefits and challenges from taking part in international networks and collaborations • Explore synergies and approaches in achieving health, wellbeing and reducing inequalities across various sectors and networks in Wales, the UK, Europe and globally • Show interrelation between implementing the Global Health agenda, Health 2020, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act2015, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development • Share progress towards implementing the Charter across the NHS through partnerships and links within Wales and across Europe and the world • Provide a forum for international exchange, discussion, networking and learning Promoting and supporting international collaboration is at the heart of the work of the IHCC, which provides a focal point for health related international work across the NHS in Wales. For the last two year, the IHCC has been actively supporting the implementation of the Charter. With a set of values and principles that all NHS Health Boards and Trusts in Wales pledged to, the Charter is a key tool to continue to drive this agenda forward and is a good example of the NHS being globally responsible in keeping with the Well-being of Future Generations Act goals. We are very pleased to confirm that Vaughan Gething, AM, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport in Wales, will open this year’s conference and Dr. Christoph Hamelmann, Head of the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, will address the event on behalf of the WHO Europe. We are very much looking forward to celebrating with you this special occasion.


For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 on Regional Funding.

Funding Hub Cymru Africa Grant Round Open Hub Cymru Africa Keywords: Wales, WHO African Region, funding, international development Deadline: 6th March 2017 Find out more on the Hub Cymru Africa website.

Erasmus+ Higher Education Call European Commission, British Council Keywords: higher education, strategic organisational partnership, UK National Agency Deadline: 29th March 2017 Find out more on the Erasmus+ UK website.

Erasmus+ Youth Dialogue Call European Commission, British Council Keywords: young people interaction, active youth participation Deadline: 29th March 2017 Find out more on the Erasmus+ UK website.

North-West Europe: Fifth Call For Projects Interreg North-West Europe Programme Keyword: Europe, funding, innovation, environment Deadline: 24th May 2017 Find out more on the North-West Europe website.

Open Calls Frontier Technology Livestreaming Department for International Development (DFID) Keywords: international development, technology, funding, expertise Visit the DFID website for further information.

ECHO Funds The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO) Keywords: grants, public procurement, humanitarian aid, volunteering overseas, third sector, Europe Visit ECHO’s website for further information.

Publications & Tools Planetary Health: A New Discipline The Lancet Keywords: planetary health, human civilization, global environmental change Find out more on the Lancet website.

Championing a Healthier and Fairer Europe EuroHealthNet Keywords: health promotion, collaboration and partnerships Find out more on the EuroHealthNet website.

Environmental and Public Health Tracking to Advance Knowledge for Planetary Health European Public Health Association Keywords: changing health challenges, ecological and planetary health Find the related article on the European Public Health Association website.

Advocating Intersectoral Action for Health Equity and Well-being WHO Regions for Health Network Keywords: cross-sectoral approach, health development, adapting community Find the related report on the World Health Organization Europe website.

Mobile Professional Voluntarism and International Development: Killing me softly? Authors: Ackers, Louise, Ackers-Johnson, James Keywords: analysis, aid, impact, low resource countries, policy transfer, THET Find out more on the Palgrave website.

DFID’s Economic Development Strategy 2017 Department for International Development (DFID) Keywords: international/global, international development, policy, Sustainable Development Goals Find out more on the DFID website.

Tools and Resources 2016: The WHO European Region’s Year in Review World Health Organization Europe Keywords: WHO European Region, challenges and progress, Health 2020, 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda Find out more on the WHO Europe website.

Brexit Hub Published BOND Keywords: Europe, international/global, UK, news, resources Find our more on the BOND website.

Upcoming Conferences & Events Networks and Partnerships: Wales Collaborating for Global Health Annual Charter Celebration Conference International Health Coordination Centre Cardiff, 27th March 2017 Keywords: partnerships, collaboration, inter-sectoral and international work If you wish to register please visit Eventbrite.

Homeless and Inclusion Health 2017 Annual Symposium Pathway and Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health London, 1st - 2nd March 2017 Keywords: homelessness, multiple exclusion, social services Find out more on the Homeless and Inclusion Health website.

BioWales Conference, Exhibition and Partnering BioWales Cardiff, 7th – 8th March 2017 Keywords: life sciences, regenerative medicine, medical technology Find out more on the BioWales website.

North-West Europe Programme Information Day Interreg North-West Europe Programme Manchester, 9th March 2017 Keywords: funding, Europe, learning opportunity Find out more on the Eventbrite website.

Horizon 2020 Annual Event Welsh Government Cardiff Bay, 30th March 2017 Keywords: innovation program, global competiveness Find out more on the Welsh Government website.

World Congress on Public Health Public Health Association Australia and World Federation of Public Health Associations Melbourne, Australia, 3rd – 7th April 2017 Keywords: global public health, protect/ promote health Find out more on the World Congress on Public Health website.

Global Health Symposium Queen’s University Belfast Belfast, 27th April 2017 Keywords: improving health, achieving equity, share research and practice Find out more on the Global Health Symposium website.

Other Expertise Opportunities

Expertise Registration for Community of Practice UKMed Keywords: healthcare workers, humanitarian work, emergency response Visit the UKMed website for further information.

Abstract submission Urban Development International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) Keywords: urban health, urban development, urban governance, Sustainable Development Goals, international/global Deadline for submission: 17th March 2017 Visit the ISUH website for further information.

Training Managing an EU Funded Project The Third Sector European Team (3-SET) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) Keywords: project planning, monitoring and evaluation, European Structural and Investment Funds Colwyn Bay, Wales, 23rd March 2017 Visit the 3-SET website for further information.

Volunteers Abstract Mentoring Programme European Public Health Conference Keywords: mentor program, abstract submission, European Public Health Conference Visit the European Public Health Conference website for further information.

Consultation Action Plan to fight Antimicrobial Resistance European Commission Keywords: animal and human health policy, antimicrobial resistance Deadline for contribution: 28th April 2017 Visit the European Commission website for more information.

International Organisations and Newsletters 1000 Lives newsletter The monthly newsletter provides information about the work of 1000 lives. 1000 Lives improvement is the national improvement service for NHS Wales delivered by Public Health Wales. To find out more please visit the 1000 Lives website.

Connect Cymru Find out about International Youth Work opportunities on the new Connect Cymru website.

Cynnal Cymru/Sustain Wales Get up to date on events, training and consultancy from Sustain Wales by reading their newsletter.

EuroHealthNet Through the publication of its magazine, EuroHealthNet aims to explain its projects, its objectives and its ways of working. Go to the EuroHealthNet magazine website to find out more.

European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) EUREGHA is a network of 14 European Regional and Local Health Authorities focused on public health and health care. Read the latest news on the EUREGHA website.

European Commission: SANTE Health-EU View the SANTE Health EU newsletter on the European Commission website for information on, News from the EU, EU Press Releases, EU Health Award for NGOs, Forthcoming events, New publications and Reporting from across Europe.

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Read the latest newsletter on Active and Healthy Ageing on the European Commission website.

Europe PHAME WHO newsletter The newsletter provides a quarterly update about public health aspects of migration in Europe and is a partnership between WHO Europe and University of PĂŠcs, Hungary, To receive their latest new sign up to their newsletter.

European Public Health Association (EUPHA) The latest issue of EUPHA’s newsletter, available on their website, provides the latest updates in Public Health, including upcoming events, opportunities and news from its Members.

International Health Partnerships (IHP+) newsletter To be updated about the work of the International Health Partnership and receive the latest news sign up to their newsletter on their website.

NHS Confederation NHS confederation offers a variety of newsletters that can be subscribed to by registering on their website.

NHS Confederation Europe The NHS Confederation European Office e-bulletin lets you know about policy, funding and the sharing of knowledge.

Tropical Health and Education Trust Forging partnerships with healthcare experts to deliver targeted training programmes in low and middle income countries. To find more about the work of THET and subscribe to their e-bulletin please visit the Tropical Health and Eudcation Trust website.

Wales for Africa Health Links Network The Wales for Africa Health Links Network (WAHLN) aims to facilitate a co-ordinated and effective approach to promoting and supporting the development of health links between Wales and Sub-Saharan Africa. To subscribe to the WAHLN newsletter and read about the Network’s latest news, contact Buddug Nelson at the WAHLN Secretariat.

WEFO Horizon 2020 e-news Put together for you by the Welsh Government’s Horizon 2020 Unit, the Horizon 2020 e-News is a regular digest of useful information for the Horizon 2020 community in Wales, to subscribe please email the Horizon 2020 mailbox. Or for more information visit the WEFO Horizon 2020 website.

Wessex Global Health Newsletter To keep in touch with the Wessex Global Health Network and receive regular updates, read their weekly update or sign up to their newsletter on their website.

WHO Europe Get up to date with public health news from around the WHO European Region by subscribing to the WHO Europe’s e-bulletin.

WHO Panorama Public Health Panorama provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

WHO Regions for Health Network This bulletin provides up to date information on the work developed by WHO’s RHN network, read the latest issue on the RHN website.

Contact Us Email Telephone 02920 104 459 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Capital Quarter 2 Tyndall Way Cardiff CF10 4BZ Website _

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