Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders - February 2018

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders February 2018

Agreement to tackle global environment and health risks More on Page 4

Welcome Welcome to the February issue of the IHCC European and international e-bulletin. This month’s issue will provide you with information on the agreement to tackle global environment and health risks and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 4 In Focus - Within Wales 6 Opportunities 8

The IHCC has a new website!

Our E-bulletin is making space for this new resource, the best place to stay updated on a range of topics related to work within and beyond borders, such as:





Working Internationally If you would like to find out more about Welsh, UK, European, or International organisations involved or supporting international work, please visit the Services section. Would you like to promote your international work? Go to Get Involved and find out how to submit a project, an event or a news item to the

IHCC website.

Continue reading to find out what’s ‘In Focus Beyond and Within Wales’

In Focus Beyond Wales

Agreement to tackle global environment and health risks On 10 January 2018, Mr Erik Solheim, Executive Director of the United Nations Environmental Programme, and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), signed an agreement for joint action to strengthen collaboration in order to address the root environmental causes of ill health. They agreed to a new global collaboration framework that builds on the WHO European Region’s strong regional collaboration through the European Environment and Health Process, as well as complements the key areas of the Declaration of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in 2017. Keywords: environmental health, global/ international, WHO European Region For more information on the new agreement and the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, please visit the WHO Regional Office for Europe website.

Key milestones and events for the WHO European Region in 2018 The WHO Regional Office for Europe has announced its key milestones and events for the new year. It will continue to focus on implementing the Health 2020 policy framework and the Sustainable Development Goals across the region. This year will mark the 70th anniversary of the WHO’s establishment in 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO European Healthy Cities Network will turn 30; since its establishment, the global movement has linked cities committed to addressing the social determinants of health and sustainable development by promoting health in all policies and improving governance for health.

Several meetings will be of high importance this year, such as the Small Countries Initiative meeting for member countries to share their knowledge on implementing Health 2020, the high-level regional meeting on health systems response to non-communicable diseases, and the 68th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. Keywords: global/ WHO European Region





To read all the key milestones and events for 2018 for the WHO European Region, please visit the WHO Euro website.

International Women’s Day 2018 On March 8th each year, International Women’s Day is celebrated globally. This year’s campaign theme, ‘Press for Progress’, will focus on women’s equality, using the context of women’s economic empowerment in line with the Sustainable Development Goals – especially goals 5 (achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) and 4 (ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning). Keywords: gender, global/ international, women For more information of the annual celebration of International Women’s Day, please visit the United Nations website and this year’s International Women’s Day campaign website.

In Focus Within Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales.

Welsh cancer survival statistics now comparable with OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which promotes policies focusing on the economic and social well-being of people globally, just published a new report titled ‘Health at Glance 2017’. The report outlines the most recent comparable data on the health status of populations and health system performance in OECD countries. For the first time, Welsh cancer survival rate statistics are broadly comparable with the figures for the United Kingdom as a whole and for the other OECD countries. This follows the UK-wide adoption of International Cancer Survival Standard weights in cancer survival analysis.Also, at the European Union (EU) level, health information can be compared through the European Core Health Indicators (ECHI). These indicators are the result of a long-term cooperation between the European Union Member States and the European Commission creating a knowledge system to monitor and observe health status. The full Health at a Glance report can be viewed on the OECD website. For further information on the cancer survival statistics for Wales, please visit the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit website of Public Health Wales. For further information on the European Core Health Indicators, please visit the European Commission website. Keywords: cancer, evidence, global/ international, research, Wales

Welsh Database for International Health Partnerships (IHCC website) Mapping of Public Health Wales’ international activity has been carried out and the information used to start forming a dynamic database. The Welsh Database for International Health Partnerships outlines collaboration and participation in international and global health networks, as well as partnerships, projects, and relevant case studies of recent and key activities. We would like to give all Welsh Health Boards and Trusts the opportunity to highlight their international engagement. If you wish to submit information on your international activity, please visit the IHCC website or email the International Health Division directly at To view the Welsh Database for International Health Partnerships, please visit the IHCC website. Keywords: global/ international, international health, good practice

Opportunities For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 or visit the IHCC Website for more information on funding opportunities.

Funding African Research Leader Scheme Medical Research Council Keywords: global/ international, international health, research, WHO African Region Closing Date: 27 February 2018 Find out more on the Medical research Council website.

Building international efforts on population and patient cohorts Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, international/global Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

Collaboration in health research and innovation Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, WHO South-Asian Region



Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.




Fostering collaboration with the Russian Federation on HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, WHO European Region, health services, HIV/AIDS Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

Collaborative cancer research with Latin America Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, WHO American Region, WHO European Region, health services, noncommunicable diseases, cancer Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

International flagship collaboration with Canada - human data and personalised medicine Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, WHO American Region, WHO European Region, health services Deadline: 18th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

European Electronic Health Record exchange Horizon 2020, European Commission Keywords: evidence, funding, research, WHO European Region, health services Deadline: 24th April 2018 Find out more on the Horizon 2020 participant portal.

Contact Us Email Telephone 02920 104 459 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Capital Quarter 2 Tyndall Way Cardiff CF10 4BZ Website Twitter @IHCCWales

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