Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders - October 2017

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders October 2017

World Health Organization Regional Committee More on Page 4

Welcome Welcome to the August e-bulletin.

issue of the IHCC European and international

This month’s issue will provide you with information on the World Health Organization Regional Committee for Europe and Welsh activity within and beyond Welsh borders, in addition to opportunities. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Beyond Wales 4 In Focus - Within Wales 9 Opportunities 12

The IHCC has a new website!

Our E-bulletin is making space for this new resource, the best place to stay updated on a range of topics related to work within and beyond borders, such as:





Working Internationally If you would like to find out more about Welsh, UK, European, or International organisations involved or supporting international work, please visit the Services section. Would you like to promote your international work? Go to Get Involved and find out how to submit a project, an event or a news item to the

IHCC website.

Continue reading to find out what’s ‘In Focus Beyond and Within Wales’

In Focus Beyond Wales

World Health Organization Regional Committee for Europe The 67th session of the annual World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Europe was held in Budapest, Hungary, from 11–14th September 2017. Delegates from 53 WHO European Region Member States, including health ministers, government officials and non-governmental organisations attended this year’s Regional Committee, which is the WHO’s decision-making body in the European Region. Topics covered during the 67th session focused on: • Sustainable development in public health in the 21st century • Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Health 2020 policy framework • Improving environment and health in the context of Health 2020 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Committee also discussed the 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health on 13th-15th June 2017, focusing on shaping future common actions to decrease the burden of diseases caused by environmental factors for current and future generations; working towards a sustainable health workforce in the WHO European Region through a framework for action; strengthening Member State collaboration on improving

access to medicines in the WHO European Region; and building regional partnerships for health. In his address to delegates, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO,stressed the need for transformative changes within WHO to enable it to better meet future global public health challenges. Of the urgent priorities that required action,Dr Ghebreyesus said that “strengthening WHO’s communications to mobilise political support for our global health agenda” was one initiative that had been ‘fast tracked’ since his appointment this year.

WHO and Public Health Wales produce collaborative report The WHO Health Evidence Network (WHO HEN) and the European Office for Investment for Health and Development also took this opportunity to present their joint report entitled ‘Investment for health and well-being’. The report, which was produced in collaboration with Public Health Wales, was presented to the 67th Committee and WHO Member States in a Session titled ‘Investment for health and well-being Strategies and practical examples’ Using a social return on investment (SROI) approach, the evidence gathered has led to three key findings:

• Doing ‘business as usual’ is unsustainable • Investment in public health policies provides effective, efficient, inclusive and innovative solutions and drives social, economic and environmental sustainability • Investment for health and well-being is a driver and an enabler of sustainable development and vice versa. The report is being used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO EURO) to inform a Roadmap to implement the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and builds on the WHO’s European health strategy and policy framework, Health 2020 (Only in English) .

Dr Dyakova, Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Wales said: “The 67th WHO Regional Committee for Europe was an excellent opportunity to share Public Health Wales’ joint work with WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development to show the pathways to achieve sustainable development objectives through evidence-based investment for health and well-being, achieving the highest attainable standard of health for all at all ages.” To find out more about the 67th session of the annual WHO Regional Committee for Europe, please visit the WHO EURO website. To read Dr Ghebreyesus full address, please visit the WHO EURO website. The full report, the associated leaflet and the supporting paper on SROI can be viewed on the WHO EURO website via the links below: Investment for health and well-being evidence synthesis report Investment for health and well-being highlights leaflet Social Return on Investment: Accounting for value in the context of implementing Health 2020 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development For further information, please visit the World Health Organization’s Health Evidence Network (WHO HEN) website and the European Office for Investment for Health and Development website. Keywords: sustainable development, global/ international, policy, WHO EURO

Health Impact Assessment The Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) has an all Wales remit and is responsible to Public Health Wales. The Unit provides independent advice, guidance and support through the provision of awareness raising presentations, training courses,direct mentoring and facilitation and support through the provision of awareness raising presentations, training courses, direct mentoring and facilitation and support for ongoing HIAs. The Unit also provides assistance and advice to build capacity within organisations.

In July of this year, WHIASU published its Quality Assurance (QA) Review Framework for Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The aim of which is: • Provide a common framework and understanding of what a high quality HIA looks like • Raise the standard of HIAs in Wales • Ensure that

that affect

evidence health and

used to well-being is

inform decisions robust and inclusive

• Aid commissioners, practitioners and decision makers form an opinion on any HIA and its output The WHIASU QA Review Framework is the first broad appraisal tool developed for HIAs globally and it is anticipated that it will make a significant contribution to the practice of HIAs nationally and internationally by ensuring that high quality HIAs are carried out in Wales that included a consideration of inequalities and all wider determinants of health and well-being. For more information on HIAs, the Journal on Global Health Promotion has produced a special issue covering topics such HIA in policymaking, health promotion, education and learning. To find out more about visit the WHIASU website.



To access articles on HIAs, Journal on Global Health Promotion website.





Keywords: health impact assessment, good practice, well-being

please the

In Focus Within Wales

This section highlights recent examples of Welsh activity within our borders. This could take the form of collaborations, events and other work related to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities in Wales.

New report published on Global Citizenship training for Welsh Health Professionals The International Health Coordination Centre (IHCC) in collaboration with the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA) has published its evaluation report on the pilot Global Citizenship training programme for Welsh National Health Service (NHS) health professionals. The training forms part of NHS Wales’ commitment to promoting global health through the Charter for International Health Partnerships and the Well-being of Future Generations Wales Act 2015 - a unique piece of Welsh legislation embedding the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The IHCC captured NHS Wales’s staff perception of Global Citizenship in a scoping report it published in 2015. This report identified a clear interest amongst staff in Global Citizenship training. Following this scoping work, the IHCC worked in collaboration with the WCIA to develop and pilot two Global Citizenship training courses for Welsh health professionals. The courses were delivered in partnership with Cwm Taf University Health Board as part of their international engagement under the Charter implementation and their recognition of international engagement as Continued Professional Development (CPD).The evaluation report published outlines the results of these pilot courses as well as recommendations for future training. To view the Scoping Report and the Training Evaluation Report, please follow the links below (only avaliable in English): NHS Wales Staff Perception of Global Citizenship: Scoping Report Global Citizenship for Welsh Health Professionals: Training Evaluation Report Keywords: international development, global/ international, professional development, global citizenship

Public Health Wales Success on Travelling Fellowship Claire Beynon, Specialist Registrar, Public Health Wales, currently on secondment with Welsh Government, received a British Association of Community Physicians (BACP) travelling fellowship from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH). Claire has a special interest in reducing childhood obesity in Wales and travelled to Japan to understand why levels of childhood obesity are lower in Japan than in the UK. Claire took this opportunity to present her public health work and learn more about Japanese culture. Coming






“The new experiences and culture that I have experienced from this educational trip make me more determined than ever to tackle childhood obesity in Wales. I am looking forward to being involved in the drafting of an obesity strategy for Wales as part of my placement with the Welsh Government and will share my experiences with other registrars and colleagues at every opportunity.” To read about Claire’s observations and experiences during her time in Japan, please visit the FPH Better Health for All blog. Keywords: global/ child development



Motorbike Ambulance Service in Uganda Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust (WAST) staff have been working in Mbale, Uganda with the PONT charity since 2008 where, together with local partners, they have successfully established a motorbike ambulance service which is backed-up by bicycle stretchers and mountain rescue stretchers. As part of its on-going commitment to the project, WAST recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with project partners to enable eligible staff to take study leave to travel to Uganda to work on the project

Staff returning from Uganda say they have benefited greatly from their involvement in this project. Amongst the key skills gained during their time in Mbale, they cite: developing training and organisational skills and learning to adapt their medical skills to enable them to be effective in a developing country. They also report the positive impact of their new-found skills on their roles within WAST when they return to duty. Please visit the WAST website and the PONT website for further information. Keywords: International WHO African Region




Opportunities For general information on European funding, read the IHCC European Funding Catalogue Part 1 on Horizon 2020 and the Third Health Programme, and Part 2 or visit the IHCC Website for more information on funding opportunities.

Funding Amplify: Collaborative Challenge Open Fund United Kingdom Department for International Development(DFID) Keywords: global/international, international health inequalities, education, climate change, women



Deadline: depends on each challenge Find out more on the DFID website.

Global Public Health: Partnership Awards Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) Keywords:





Deadline: 26th October 2017 Find further information on the MRC website.

Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation Grants The Conversation, Food and Health Foundation Keywords: humanitarian response, health inequalities, international development, global/ international Deadline: 1st January 2018 for round 1; 1st July 2018 for round 2 Find further information on the Conversations, Food and Health Foundation website.


Other Opportunities & Expertise Training Fundraising from Institutions: Preparing Winning Proposals BOND Keywords: professional development, funding London, 16th - 17th October 2017 Visit the BOND website for further information.

Call for Nominations Transnational Cooperation Initiatives Interreg European Union North-West Europe Keywords: environment, sustainable development, research, evidence Deadline for submission: 16th October – 17th November Find out more on the Interreg North-West Europe website.

Exchange Programme Training Experience for Health Professionals European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) Keywords: professional development, health professional, health services Deadline for applications: 31st October 2017-10-05 Visit the NHS European Office website for further information

Call for Abstracts Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Health Systems Global Keywords: research, policy, global/international, sustainable development, health inequalities Deadline for submission: 5th March 2018 For further information, please visit the Global Symposium on the Health Systems Research website.

Contact Us Email Telephone 02920 104 459 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Capital Quarter 2 Tyndall Way Cardiff CF10 4BZ Website _

Twitter @IHCCWales

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