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Twelve years ago I spent the plane ride to Utah convinced of two things: one, I would live the rest of my life isolated and outcast due to my religious beliefs, and two, it would be almost impossible to see someone of the Mormon faith (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) come to know the true Christ. Fortunately, God is much bigger than I am, and He showed me I was wrong on both counts.

A year into our time in Utah, I began teaching kindergarten at a school near our house. Plugging into my new school community was a launchpad for my developing relationships and finding the purpose God had for me in our new adventure.

I quickly learned many things about the people of the LDS community and, consequently, developed strong, lasting relationships. Twelve years later, I am now the principal of that same school. I have gained trust and been blessed to impact many lives through my position.

Here are some practical suggestions I have learned in sharing my faith here in Utah. This will encourage you as you share your faith with Mormons and any friends, neighbors, or co-workers of different faiths.

1. People want to be loved and respected. Opportunities are lost if your Gospel-sharing approach is argumentative and combative. Be kind and seek first to understand rather than be understood.

2. Talk about differences and ask clarifying questions. LDS members love to talk about church and their faith. Lean into the open door and freely share yours as well.

3. Use Scripture to support what you share. Mormons have their own canon of Scripture in addition to the Bible. In those conversations, try to keep them in the Bible only, and don’t be pulled into a rabbit hole with other Scriptures.

4. Define your terms. Mormons can often talk and act similarly to Christians. It is easy to be confused and think you are discussing the same thing. Define your terms to distinguish exactly what you mean about Jesus, salvation, Heaven, etc.

5. Continuously point them to Jesus. People of the LDS faith are very dedicated and passionate. They love their religion and their Prophet but lose sight of the true personage of Jesus Christ. Point them continuously to Him as the Savior and educate them on whom the Bible says Jesus is.

6. Love them. We are commanded to love, even if they never come to faith in Christ. No one wants to be a project—don’t make them feel like one. Love them genuinely, host them in your home, befriend them, and pray earnestly for their souls.

I would love to connect with you and answer any questions you have about sharing your faith with Mormons. My email is graysonwolf88@yahoo.com.

Continued prayers for the work in Utah are appreciated.

About the Writer:

Grayson Wolf lives in Provo, Utah with her husband Logan and her two sons. Jacob is 6 and in kindergarten and Benny is 2 living the good life at home. Grayson is an elementary school principal and enjoys reading in her free time. Although the mountains of Utah are home now, she still misses the beaches of North Carolina and the BBQ.

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