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2020god iS BEttEr than

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lovE part 1

lovE part 1

God is Better Than 2020

Psalms 139:14-16: I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

At nineteen years old, my young, first-time mother tried to convince doctors something was wrong with her baby. She even tells of a dream she had during her pregnancy of all the family gathered around after I was born talking about what a beautiful baby I was, but then someone asked, “what is wrong with her eyes?” She tells me that’s when she knew I would be a girl. Medical professionals of the time quickly silenced her concerns.

Many people have glaucoma, an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve, but I was one of the few born with it. Congenital glaucoma occurs when the eyes’ drainage system does not develop correctly. At birth, my pressures were over 100 in my right eye and the 90’s in my left. This was astronomical, and the damage to my optic nerve was irreversible—leaving me with 20/100 vision in my left eye and in my right, 20/400 vision, which is legally blind before the aid of corrective lenses. My mom says God used that dream to prepare her for the roller coaster that would be the first year of my life. I had many surgeries and spent much of that time in hospitals. My mom was right there with me the entire time, even sleeping under my hospital crib on the floor when she had nowhere else to go.

Throughout my childhood, the prescription in my glasses changed often, and eye drops were a necessity. Putting drops that burned into my eyes and keeping up with my glasses were challenges for my parents. Early school years also had their difficulties. I could not see the board for assignments, had to use huge text-

books, and had a social worker come to see me often in class. It was embarrassing. Then at ten-years-old, my pressures began to climb again. I had to have two additional surgeries. Funding for these surgeries presented its own set of problems for our family. It was unclear how long these surgeries would last before I would begin to see my pressures rise again, but miraculously they have been controlled for 38 years! Only recently, have I had to use drops again. The best doctors have been able to get my vision is 20/200 in my right eye and 20/80 in my left. This was partially due to my inability to clearly communicate what I needed clearly as a child. Still, mostly it is because technology and materials were not advanced enough then. In December 2016, I went to see a new doctor in Manning, South Carolina. He took extra time and asked the right questions. He knew what to do to get me a pair of glasses that gives me 20/60 vision in my left eye. Wonderful! One of my biggest struggles has been the inability to drive. In the state of South Carolina, this was good enough for me to obtain a driver’s license!

My childhood eye doctor always told me I would see considerable advancement in the medical field regarding vision care in my lifetime. So far he has been right, but regardless, I know the Master Doctor. God has allowed me to see and experience more in this lifetime than I could have ever dreamed. It is not because I am worthy, but because He is gracious. I know He has a plan for all areas of my life, including my eyes. Through the low points and on the mountains, He is good, and He is in control!

About the Writer: Misty Todd serves alongside her husband Chris, in ministry at the South Carolina Free Will Baptist State Office. Prior to this role, the couple served as pastor and wife for 13 years. Misty graduated from Liberty University and has two children, Gloria and Emmit.

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