Wingmakers Philosophy

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These discourses are dialogues between a teacher and their student, and are recorded for their teaching value so others can utilize the same instruction. The Lyricus discourses provide remarkable insights into the oral teaching methods of the Lyricus Teaching Order that is comprised mostly of members from the Central Race. The Lyricus Discourses can be read in any order, as each is completely unique and independent. They are presented here in the order they were translated.

Lyricus Discourse 1 Experiencing the Wholeness Navigator Student: What prevents me from experiencing my innermost self? Teacher: Nothing. Student: Then why don’t I experience it? Teacher: Fear. Student: So, then fear prevents me? Teacher: Nothing prevents you.

Student: But didn’t you just say that fear is the reason I can’t experience this state of consciousness? Teacher: Yes, but it does not prevent you. Student: Then what does? Teacher: Nothing. Student: Then what role does fear play? Teacher: If you are in prison, what do you fear most when you dream of being liberated? Student: Returning to prison… So, you’re saying that I fear experiencing my inmost self because I will return to my ignorance. Teacher: No. I am saying that your fear of ignorance holds you in ignorance. Student: I’m confused. I thought you were saying that I feared the experience of my highest self, but now it sounds like you’re saying that I fear my human self. Which is it? Teacher: You fear the return to your human self after experiencing the God-fragment within you. Student: Why? Teacher: If you are thirsting in the desert, what is it that you desire above all else? Student: Water?

Teacher: So if I gave you a glass of water, you’d be satisfied? Student: Yes. Teacher: For how long? Student: Okay. I see your point. What I would desire above all else is to be near water so I could drink whenever I wanted, or better yet, I would want to leave the desert entirely. Teacher: And if you loved the desert, wouldn’t you fear to leave it? Student: You’re saying that I fear the experience of my inmost self because I would want to leave this world behind, but how can I fear this when I have no experience of it whatsoever? Teacher: This is not the fear that floods your body when someone is about to kill you. It is the fear of a shadow so mysterious, ancient, and primordial that you know immediately that it transcends this life and this world, and its knowing will change you irrevocably. Student: So it’s really this change that I fear? Teacher: It’s the irrevocability of the change that you fear. Student: But how do you know? How do you know I fear this so much that I cannot experience my inmost self? Teacher: In order to keep the human instrument in stable interaction with its world, the designers of the human

instrument created certain sensory constraints. Because these were not absolutely effective, there was also designed into the Genetic Mind of the human species an instinctual fear of being displaced from its dominant reality. For these two reasons, I know. Student: But this isn’t fair. You’re saying my capacity to experience my inmost self has been diminished by the very beings that designed it. Why? Why should I be continually frustrated to know I have a God-fragment inside me, but not be allowed to interact with it? Teacher: Do you love this world? Student: Yes. Teacher: You are here as a human instrument to interact with this world and attune to its dominant reality, and bring your understanding of your inmost self to this world even if this understanding is not pure, strong, or clear. Student: But if I had this experience of my inmost self, couldn’t I bring more of this understanding into this world? Teacher: This is the fallacy that frustrates you. Do you think the experience of this sublime energy and intelligence can be reduced to human translation? Student: Yes. Teacher: Then how? Student: I can teach others how it feels to be in rapport with their souls. I can bring more light to this world and

inspire others to seek this out within themselves. Isn’t this what you do? Teacher: Have I taught you how to achieve this state? Student: No. But you have inspired me. Teacher: Are you sure? Haven’t I just told you that you can’t experience this state in the human instrument? Is that inspiration by your definition? Student: I didn’t mean in this specific case, but you inspire me to think deeper into the issues or problems that confront me. Teacher: If you want to bring more light into this world, why will interaction with your inmost self enable you to do so? Student: That’s just it. I don’t know if it will. It just seems logical that it would. Don’t all good teachers have this insight? Don’t you? Teacher: It’s true that there are teachers who can switch their dominant realities, and have learned to integrate this in their life without losing balance or effectiveness in this world, but they are extremely rare. Student: I know this. But this is what I aspire to learn. It is learned isn’t it? Can’t you teach me? Teacher: No, it is not learned. It is not teachable. It is not acquired through instruction, esoteric technique, or revelatory process.

Student: Then how do those teachers who have this ability acquire it? Teacher: No one acquires this ability. That’s my point. No teacher within a human instrument on Earth at this time, or any previous, has the ability to live as a human and simultaneously live as a God-fragment. Nor does any teacher juggle between these realities with certainty and control. Student: I’m surprised to hear this. Why is this so? Teacher: For the same reasons I told you earlier. Do you not think this applies to all humans? Student: Even Jesus? Teacher: Even Jesus. Student: Then why do I have this desire? Who put this notion into my head that I should be able to experience this inmost self or God-fragment? Teacher: If one experiences the wind, do they not understand something of a hurricane? Student: I suppose. Teacher: And if they experience the rain, don’t they understand even more about hurricanes? Student: Yes. Teacher: If you never experienced a hurricane, but you experienced wind and rain, might you be able to imagine

a hurricane better than if you never experienced wind and rain? Student: I should think so. Teacher: Such is the case of the God-fragment within the human instrument. You can experience unconditional love, supernal beauty, harmony, reverence, and wholeness, and in so doing, you can imagine the features and capabilities of the God-fragment within you. Some teachers have simply touched more of the edges of the God-fragment than others, but I assure you, none have entered into its depths while living in the human instrument. Student: But don’t some teachers travel outside their body? Teacher: Yes, but they are still living in a human instrument whilst they travel. Everything I said still applies. Student: So what do I do? Give up the desire to have this experience? Teacher: There is a fish that can leave its underwater world upon the equivalent of wings. While it is only for a short time, it experiences the realm of the air-breathers. Do you think this flying fish ever desires to touch a cloud, climb a tree, or venture into a forest? Student: I don’t know‌ I doubt it. Teacher: Then why does it fly above the water?

Student: I suppose it’s an instinct, something of an evolutionary imperative— Teacher: Exactly. Student: So you’re saying this is true of humans as well. We strive to experience our God-fragment out of an evolutionary imperative or compulsion? Teacher: Yes, and like the flying fish, when we break from our world it is only for a short time and we fall beneath the surface once again. But while we are above the surface of our world, we momentarily forget we are just a human with a beginning and an end. Yet, when we do this, we do not imagine that we can touch the face of God within ourselves. Student: But I do. I feel that I can, and even should, touch this God-fragment. Teacher: You think this way because you have the hopeful exuberance and naïveté of a person unacquainted with the experience of First Source. Student: So you don’t feel this way? Teacher: Anyone attuned to the highest vibrations of their innermost self will feel this and be guided by it. The only difference is that I am content in knowing that I will not experience it while I am embodied in a human instrument. Student: And what does this contentment provide you that I don’t have?

Teacher: The ability to channel my energy into this world rather than to apply it in the pursuit of another. Student: But I thought you said it is an evolutionary imperative? How do I control this desire or ambition? Teacher: Live in this world with all your passion and strength. See the God-fragment in this world, even if it is only a diminished beacon or tired light. See it! Nurture it! Do not be so quick to look for it in the depths of your heart or mind where you believe it might be. Student: It’s hard not to be disheartened at the sound of these words. It is like someone telling me that the vision I had was merely a mirage, or a trick of the light. Teacher: This is a world of shadows and echoes. You can chase the source of these if you desire, but you will likely do so at the loss of living in this world. You will diminish your experience of the shadows and echoes, and this is the very reason you incarnated upon this planet at this time. Student: But it sounds so passive, as if I should settle for experiencing this world, and not try to change it. I feel like I’m here with a mission to improve it, to change it for the better, and I’m missing some experience, some capability to do this. What is it I feel and why? Teacher: When you experience the warmth of the sun, do you change the sun? Student: No.

Teacher: And if you hold a piece of ice in your hands, do you change it? Student: Yes. It begins to melt. Teacher: So there are some things you can only experience, and there are some things you can change. Student: And I should know the difference. Teacher: It helps. Student: I know this. It’s elementary. I’m not sure it helps me feel less disheartened. Teacher: You know this, I agree, but you have not necessarily practiced it. It is a principle of life to practice discretion and discernment, and while people will think this concept elementary, it is a critical difference in living life in a state of fulfillment or, as you put it, frustration. Student: So I can’t change the fact that the Godfragment within me is unknowable to my human mind, and I need to accept that. Is that the lesson to be learned here? Teacher: No. Student: Then what is? Teacher: The concept of the God-fragment within you has power. It can be contemplated, but it cannot be experienced as a dominant reality in a human instrument. Through this contemplative approach you can learn discernment, and through this discernment you will learn how to navigate in the world of shadows and

echoes in such a way that you bring changes that are in accord with the objectives of First Source. You externalize the will of the God-fragment, rather than seek its experience. In so doing, you eliminate the fear and frustration energies that flow through your mind. Student: Thank you. Your teaching just struck the chord I have been seeking since I found this path, and I feel its resonance. Teacher: In resonance you will be guided.

Lyricus Discourse 2 Calling Forth the Wholeness Navigator tudent: Is God a physical being? Teacher: Are you?

Student: Of course. Teacher: Then doesn’t it stand to reason that God is as well? Student: I don’t know… Teacher: Can a dead man govern a city? Student: No. Teacher: Then how does First Source govern the Grand Universe that is — at its most coarse expression — a physical manifestation? Student: First Source inhabits a body like you and me? Teacher: Can any person upon Earth create something more magnificent than their human instrument? Student: I can’t think of an instance. Teacher: So, within this world, the human instrument is the highest expression of materiality? Student: I think so. Teacher: And whatever a human creates, its creation is less magnificent than it is. Student: Unless it is a child.

Teacher: And who is the child of First Source? Student: We are. Teacher: No. Humans are thousands of generations removed from First Source. Who was the original child or first creation of God? Student: I don’t know. Source Intelligence or Spirit? Teacher: Source Intelligence isn’t a creation of God; it is the mobility and presence of God. Student: Then I’m afraid I don’t know. Teacher: When a cloud emerges from a blue sky, there are specific conditions that create the cloud. It appears from the sky, but does not resemble the sky in color, scale, texture, or scope. And yet, is it not accurate to say that the cloud was a child of the sky? Student: I suppose, but what does this have to do with the physical body of God? Teacher: Think of First Source as the sky, and the physical body of First Source as the cloud. Student: So, the first child of God was the physical body of God? Teacher: Yes.

Student: First Source created the conditions whereby its physical counterpart could manifest to govern the physical universe. Then which came first, the physical universe or the physical expression of God? Teacher: Do you elect a president before you have a nation? Student: Okay, I see your point. Is it true that we were created in the image of God? Teacher: There are genetic archetypes that reside within the physical manifestation of God, and these archetypes are seven-fold. Student: So there are seven manifestations of God? Are they all physical? Teacher: They can be summoned physically at will, but God appears to each of his seven offspring in the form they will recognize as their father. Student: Are you referring to the seven root races of Earth? Teacher: No. The seven races of humankind are part of the most ancient genetic line of the universe in which Earth is an infinitesimal component. I’m referring to the seven genetic archetypes that reside within the Seven Tribes of Light that are known as the Central Race. They are

sometimes referred to as the Elohim, Shining Ones, or WingMakers. Student: And you’re saying that these beings are separated into seven, genetic groups? Teacher: The Grand Universe consists of seven universes, and each of these converges in the central-most region of the Grand Universe. It is within this region that the seven, physical manifestations of First Source live, each an archetype of the human instrument designed for the universe of its destiny. Student: Are you saying there are seven versions of God? Teacher: There is only one God, but there are seven human instruments — each with different attributes and capabilities — that the one God inhabits. Our universe is associated with the Seventh Archetype, and it is this expression of First Source that interacts with, and governs, our universe. Student: Are all seven universes like our own? Teacher: The physical worlds are similar in all material respects, but the life forms that populate them possess different genetic capabilities, forms,

and expressions, each based on the archetype of First Source. Student: A human instrument from universe one would not be similar to a human instrument from any of the other six universes? Teacher: Correct. Student: But isn’t this true even within our own universe? Not all humanoid life forms look the same? Teacher: This is not a matter of appearance. You are 99% identical to a chimpanzee — genetically speaking — and yet you undoubtedly consider yourself quite different in appearance. Student: What you’re saying is that all humanoid life forms, regardless of where they are located within our universe, are genetically linked to the Seventh Archetype of First Source? Teacher: Correct, but you can extend this to include a broad spectrum of other life forms as well. In other words, it’s not just the human instrument. Student: Then in the other six universes, each has its own archetype that is embodied by God, and the life forms of these universes conform to this

archetype — at least from a genetic perspective, if not in appearance. Is this accurate? Teacher: Yes. Student: Then the obvious question is why? Why does First Source divide itself into seven, genetic universes? Teacher: When you approach a vast mystery, a mystery as infinite as the Grand Universe, what do you, as the creator, desire above all other things? Student: Assurance that the universes will not be destroyed. Teacher: Assume that you have no doubt of this — so perfect is your plan. Student: Then I would probably want to inhabit what I created and explore it. Teacher: And how would you do this? Student: I would need to travel somehow. Teacher: Assume that you are the Seventh Archetype of First Source. You are alone in your universe, and the universe is populated only with celestial bodies. There are no sentient life forms and no method of travel.

Student: But isn’t that what Source Intelligence is for? Doesn’t First Source utilize Source Intelligence for its travel or omnipresence? Teacher: Let me remind you that we are discussing a physical expression of God. The Seventh Archetype of First Source is not able to travel about the universe independent of the laws of the universe. You may think of these seven Archetypes as the Human Instruments of First Source, and attribute similar characteristics and limitations to them, as we ourselves must bear. Student: So, the physical archetypes of First Source do not share the omnipresence and omniscience of their Father? Teacher: They do not. Student: Do they operate as a team, or are they independent? Teacher: They operate in cooperation and collaboration, but they exercise their sovereign wills as it pertains to the universe under their charge. Student: Were the archetypes of First Source created right after the creation of the Grand Universe?

Teacher: They were created in succession the same way a family is created. Student: Why? Teacher: There is much to learn from the creation of one that can be passed on to the next. Student: I want to see if I understand this correctly. At some point in time there was a Grand Universe created by First Source, consisting of seven universes, each governed by a physical expression of First Source. The universes were devoid of life other than celestial bodies like stars and planets. Is this correct so far? Teacher: Yes. Student: And then the creation of life occurred. How? Teacher: First Archetype of First Source created life forms, what we shall call, the Central Race of First Universe. These beings were very powerful and not unlike their creator in function and form. They, in turn, created the genetic structures that became the first, pure physical soul carriers that housed the individuated spirit energies of First Source. Student: And this repeated itself six more times?

Teacher: Each universe was populated with genetic structures that were based on the Archetype of First Source for that particular universe. Each genetic structure had unique capabilities that were suited for the exploration and colonization of their particular universe. Student: So, there are seven, different, genetic structures of soul carriers exploring the Grand Universe. For what reason? Why does First Source design the universe this way? Teacher: The Grand Universe is a vast network of life-bearing planets that enable the individuated spirit consciousness, housed within a soul carrier or human instrument, to interact with the limitations that physical worlds — by their very structure — impose. By interacting with these limitations, the genetic structures evolve, and in this evolution, they become unified. Student: Are you saying that evolution’s final form is unity? Teacher: Not in all species, but in the most advanced formats of physical existence, unity is the outcome of evolution. Student: Why?

Teacher: When you create something that is in your image, what do you think is the most difficult thing to do? Student: Let it go? Teacher: Correct. You want your creation to explore and colonize the universe, but you also want your creation to return. Thus, you instill a fundamental instinct within your creation to desire to return to their place of origin. This is the unification instinct and it is one of the most powerful instincts designed into the soul carriers, of which the human instrument is one. Student: Then human-like, soul carriers exist throughout the Grand Universe, and all of them are designed to explore the expanding universe, but also to return to the central-most region after they’re done. This doesn’t make a lot of sense. Teacher: It is not the soul carriers that return. These are physical-based vehicles that, like all physical matter, decay and transform. Only the Wholeness Navigator within the soul carrier neither decays nor transforms. It remains everlasting, and within this specific element of humanity it is designed to return to its origins. Student: Where does one draw the line between First Source and other life forms?

Teacher: How do you mean this? Student: Are the Archetypes of First Source separate from First Source. In other words, do they have their own identity, or do they think of themselves as First Source? In the same way, what about the Central Race? Teacher: There are five rings of life that comprise First Source. At the center is the consciousness of First Source. At the whole is Source Intelligence. In between are three rings of life: the seven Archetypes of First Source, the Central Race, and the individuated spirit-essence, or Wholeness Navigator. Student: And each of these rings of life draws their identity from First Source? Teacher: Yes. Student: What you’re really saying is that all of these life forms are threaded together as one consciousness? Teacher: No more than a family is one consciousness. Student: They are separate? Teacher: They are both separate and unified.

Student: How? Teacher: The five rings of life are distinct forms of consciousness. In the formless state, each ring of life is aware of its unity, purpose, and inherent kinship with the others. In the physical realms, where consciousness is expressed through a dimensionally focused soul-carrier, they have a diminished awareness of this connection. Thus, they are both separate and unified, depending upon which strata of consciousness the entity is focused. Student: Then you’re saying that even the Archetypes of First Source, since they have a physical body, operate in the three-dimensional world without a strong sense of connection to First Source? It hardly seems possible. Teacher: No one within the Central Race pretends to know the degree in which the Archetypes of First Source have a diminished capacity to recall their Source vibration. However, those within the Central Race are well aware of how the soul carriers of three-dimensional substance, create the condition of separation in which divine recall is reduced to such a degree that the entity regards itself as separate from First Source, and therefore its capabilities.

Student: Separate from the capabilities of First Source? Teacher: If you believe you are an ant, how do you behave differently than an eagle? Student: But an ant is not an eagle. Teacher: But the Wholeness Navigator is First Source. If the ant were an eagle, in every respect except form, but associated its capabilities with that of an ant, the eagle would slowly lose its ability to fly, it’s entire physical body, mind, and emotional make-up would change. Its soul carrier would literally devolve. Student: Our bodies cause our souls to devolve? Teacher: No. Our sense of separation from our Source vibration causes our human instrument to remain devolved. The devolution has already occurred; it is merely perpetuated. Student: Then the goal is to awaken this Source vibration and begin to re-associate with its divinity – this is what causes the human instrument to evolve in the direction of the Wholeness Navigator? Teacher: If you are going to start a fire, what do you need?

Student: Dry wood, kindling and a lot of work generating sufficient heat to combust the kindling. Teacher: And what is the most critical of these? Student: I suppose the kindling. Teacher: Can you start a fire without any of the elements? Student: No. Teacher: Are you sure? Student: Well, I could start a fire with the kindling, but without the dry wood, it won’t last very long. Teacher: Aren’t they all critical then? Student: Yes. Teacher: And if I had all the critical components to start a fire, but I had no experience, would I be able to produce fire? Student: Probably not. Teacher: I might not even know, if someone were to give me all of these items, that their purpose was to create a fire. Correct? Student: Correct.

Teacher: So we can add experiential knowledge as a critical component. Student: Yes. Teacher: And what if I didn’t see the need for a fire? Student: Okay, so you also need a reason or desire. Teacher: Yes. Desire and purpose is critical. Student: Okay, I agree we can add that to our expanding list. Teacher: And if we were outside and it was raining and our kindling became wet— Student: I understand, conditions must be right. Teacher: So conditions are important also? Student: Yes, but where are you going with this? I don’t understand how this applies to my question about what causes the Wholeness Navigator to evolve? Teacher: You simplified your question to the extreme. The equations of evolution are so complex that they are invisible to the mind of the human instrument. It is not merely the reassociation with the Source vibration or God-

Fragment that draws the Wholeness Navigator to it divinity and re-asserts its capabilities as a replica of First Source. This equation carries thousands upon thousands of critical elements bundled in a coherent, carefully orchestrated path. I wanted you to remember this. Student: But isn’t it necessary to simplify in order to approach the subject? How can anyone give all of these factors equal weight and still have an intelligent discussion? Teacher: That’s my point. You cannot. Student: So we can’t even discuss it? Teacher: No, not with any degree of accuracy. Evolutionary circuits are dependent on complex systems, and these systems are so vast and multifaceted that words – when applied to depict them – only serve to bring focus on one element and this element is never – in itself – powerful enough to catalyze or mobilize the evolutionary path. Student: So what does? Teacher: If you had a magical friend that was infallible in her judgment. Perfect in her decisions because she saw clear to the destination of First Source and therefore knew how to travel the

landscape to achieve her reunion with God. What would you do with this friend? Student: I’d listen to them. I’d ask them for directions and guidance. I’d follow as closely behind them as I could. Teacher: Even if they led you to a cliff and jumped off. Student: Well, if I really believed they had this infallible judgment as you put it, yes, even if they jumped off a cliff. Somehow I’d trust that I would be okay if I followed them over. Teacher: What if they didn’t know you were following and they had capabilities that you did not? In this example, they could fly, but you could not. Student: I guess I would have made a terrible mistake in following them, and I’d die as a result. Teacher: So your friend’s judgment, even though it was infallible for herself, led to your own destruction. Student: Yes. Teacher: So who then do you offer your trust to? Student: Myself.

Teacher: And why? Student: Because I know my own limitations. Teacher: So what do you think is the mobilizing factor for one’s evolutionary path to Wholeness and unity? Student: You mean if I could sum it up in a single concept – despite the fact you showed me earlier that it couldn’t be done? Teacher: You’re learning very well. Student: It would be to trust myself. Teacher: What part of your self? Student: The soul. Teacher: And not the carrier? Student: Okay, I would need to trust the whole of me. Teacher: Trust the parts and the whole. Trust the connection of these to First Source. Trust the GodFragment that orchestrates all of this complexity into coherent experience and knowledge that assures the recollection of your divinity. Trust the evolutionary process defined by First Source. Trust each of these above the external voices that meet you, no matter how infallible they may appear to

be. Trust your self-knowing and its ability to guide you in the ascending spiral of your journey. Student: Even though I am but a student? Teacher: Are we not all students? Student: But there are those who know more than me. I don’t feel like I know that much to trust myself. How can I overcome this self-doubt? Teacher: It is not something to overcome. If it were, would you then require trust? Student: I suppose not. Teacher: When you grapple with the finer distinctions of a concept, you invariably come to a wall that defines the limits of your memory or experience. When you find this wall, there is nothing wrong with seeking help from others, but remember that you are the entity that is most aware of your own needs. The wall that you find may be precisely what you need at that time. Student: Then it seems that I need to become more aware of my self-interests and needs. Teacher: The needs that you have which fuel your evolution as a Sovereign Integral. If you are hungry, your stomach will remind you. If you are tired, you will yawn and your eyelids will become

unbearably heavy. What is the equivalent for your evolution as a Sovereign Integral? Student: It’s an interesting question. I don’t know. Teacher: What causes you to search for your higher self? Student: I guess unanswered questions. Not knowing who I am, where I am going, or why I am here. Teacher: Really? Unanswered questions awaken you to your highest self-interests? Student: I can tell by your question that I answered wrong. What is it then? Teacher: It is inspiration! Inspiration from the spiritual masters who came before you. Inspiration from Nature. Inspiration from art. But most importantly, it is the inspiration that enters from the realm of the Wholeness Navigator within you, into your human instrument and then tirelessly kindles your desire to recollect the reality of the God-Fragment stored inside you. Student: How do I recognize this inspiration? Teacher: It is not important to recognize it. It only matters that you feel it and welcome its presence

because this is how you develop self-trust and selfknowing. Student: Are there techniques to accomplish this? Teacher: Of course. Student: What are they? Teacher: You haven’t invented them yet? Student: I thought you might know some that you could share. Teacher: I know my own. I do not know yours. Student: They’re different for everyone? Teacher: I don’t know. Student: How did you create your own techniques? Teacher: If you want to establish a relationship with someone that you want to know, what are some of the things you do? Student: I might invite them for a conversation over tea, or possibly write them an introductory letter describing my wish to meet them. Teacher: And if they don’t respond. Student: I will probably assume that they are too busy, or more likely, not interested in meeting me.

Teacher: Then this is the problem. Student: What? Teacher: The human instrument gives up too easy, if it invites the Wholeness Navigator into its realm at all. Student: I think we’re all sensitive to rejection. Teacher: Do you think it’s possible to be rejected by the divine instruments of First Source? Student: I never thought about it before. Maybe? Teacher: It is not. The divine instruments of First Source are ever vigilant for sincere prayers, and never reject the offer to extend their presence within the human instrument of an entity that desires to ascend in consciousness. This is an immutable law of the universe. Student: Is there a better way to extend this invitation than simply asking in prayer? Teacher: It is not your words that will be heard. It is your feelings and the purity of their motivation. You could be drunk from wine and swearing in your loudest voice, but if your innermost feelings were pure, sincere, humble, and motivated by love, your invitation would be answered. In contrast, you could be meditating for days, striving to be of

perfect character, and asking in the quietest whisper of a clear mind, but if you were tainted with the motivations of honor and pride, your invitation would most likely be declined. Student: Why would the Wholeness Navigator, or any divine instrument of First Source, care? Teacher: Why do you care if the food you eat is served on a clean plate or a dirty floor? Student: I don’t understand the comparison. Teacher: The human instrument is a vessel or soul carrier. Upon your planet, it houses the pure and perfect instrument of First Source: the Wholeness Navigator. If the human instrument is impure with thoughts of materiality, motivations of selfaggrandizement, or actions of hatred, it makes the soul carrier less receptive to the vibrations of the Wholeness Navigator. In some cases, the Wholeness Navigator, if it enters into such a vessel and offers its capabilities, these very capabilities are corrupted for selfish purposes. Student: So the Wholeness Navigator does not want its capabilities to become contaminated by an impure soul carrier? Teacher: This is partially true, but it is more that the God-Fragment within you chooses to expose its

energies to a human instrument that has invited it to share its vision and understanding. Once it is invited, it will monitor the response of the human instrument to its presence. If the invitations are repeatedly extended, the God-Fragment will continue to materialize as an infused, spirit-led consciousness that directs the human instrument in its earthly mission. Student: It sounds like the God-Fragment takes over. Is that how it is? Teacher: The God-Fragment injects divine perspective to the human instrument. It enables the soul carrier to become the soul’s vision in service to First Source. In doing this, the human instrument is transformed. Student: I understand. I think I need some time to sort all of this out. Thank you for sharing your perspective and helping me with my understanding. Teacher: You are very welcome.

Lyricus Discourse 3The Nature of Knowledge

Student: Is there a technique to gain knowledge of God? Teacher: What God do you speak of? Student: The one and only source of all. Teacher: No. Student: Why then are there some who seem blessed with the knowledge of God, and some that seem completely ignorant of his presence and value? Surely those who are enlightened discovered a technique to secure their knowledge. Teacher: There are no techniques. This is the great fallacy that has swept across the universe of sentient beings. We persist in our belief that there is a formula or ritual or teacher that can bring us enlightenment – or the knowledge of God. Student: If there is no technique or teacher, then why does all of this exist? Why do you, my teacher, sit before me? Or why are there books and learned masters here, in this instructional setting? Are you telling me they’re all worthless? Teacher: When there are questions there are answers waiting to be heard. All of this exists for the questions of people such as you. If these questions did not exist, this would not exist. Student: But what’s the point if the answers are not bringing me closer to the knowledge of God?

Teacher: Why doesn’t the knowledge of destruction lay in the hands of the many instead of the hands of the few? Student: What do you mean? Teacher: Why is the knowledge of how to destroy humankind – on a mass level – so carefully safeguarded? Student: You’re talking about weapons of mass destruction? Teacher: Yes. Student: Naturally the technology is so destructive it needs to be managed and controlled by responsible governments. Teacher: Why is it controlled? Student: If it were in the power of any one person to destroy the lives of many, he or she might do so if they became sick of mind. Teacher: Is the knowledge of mass destruction the opposite of the knowledge of mass enlightenment? Student: I don’t know. Teacher: What if you were given the power to enlighten the masses of humanity or destroy humanity? Would you not be the most powerful person on earth? Student: I can’t imagine how I could be more powerful. Teacher: How would you choose to wield your power?

Student: I suppose I’d have to have many advisors helping me to make the right decisions in order to build a great society that was rich in culture and learned citizens. Teacher: What if the citizens that you ruled rebelled? What if they chose to be independent of your power? What would you do then? Student: But if I had the power to enlighten them, why would they rebel? They would be enlightened and, as a result, they would choose to live harmoniously. Teacher: But some might not want to be enlightened. Perhaps they feel that they know what is best for their development and would resist an outside source, no matter how benevolent and wise. Student: Then I would let them have their own way. Teacher: Even if they killed themselves and behaved in decadence? Student: I would try to teach them how to behave properly so they would learn to live harmoniously. Teacher: Do you think they would listen? Student: If they didn’t, I’d place the good and respectful people separate from those that were warring and cruel. Teacher: I see. So you would divide your citizens into two groups? Student: It would be the only way to bring harmony to some, if it couldn’t be brought to all.

Teacher: And if the warring and cruel citizens ultimately had children that desired to live in harmony, what would happen then? Student: They would only need to ask and they could rejoin the society. Teacher: So the citizens of your society would accept them without any problem and confer upon them the same social benefits that they themselves enjoy? Student: Yes. Teacher: And if they didn’t? Student: I would have to order it – make it a law – I suppose. But again, if I had the power to enlighten my citizens, they surely would forgive those that were led astray by their parents, and let them re-enter the broader society. Teacher: And what would be the result if one of these new citizens murdered someone within your enlightened society? Student: They would be expelled and punished. Teacher: Not enlightened? Student: I would assume they were not able to be enlightened. Teacher: So your power to enlighten was not perfect. Student: I guess not.

Teacher: And what if the decadent society decided that the enlightened society should be conquered? Student: Why would they attack if they knew I had the power to annihilate them? Teacher: Perhaps they believed you didn’t actually possess the power, or if you did, that you would never use it. Student: We would then have to defend ourselves and capture the decadent society’s leaders and lock them up until they changed their ways of thinking and acting. Teacher: Then your power to destroy was not perfect either. Student: Not in the same way I thought it was. Teacher: You have answered these hypothetical questions wisely. Do you see how power complicates? Student: Yes. Teacher: Do you understand that having the power to enlighten or destroy is a type of power that most people consign to God? Student: Yes. Teacher: So I was asking you to play God, hypothetically. Student: I understand, but how does that answer my question about gaining the knowledge of God?

Teacher: It may not. I simply wanted you to have a glimpse of the perspective of the human-imagined God. Student: Why? Teacher: If you want the knowledge of God, you must have some perspective on the position of a God. Student: But I didn’t mean that I wanted to have the knowledge of the God that humans have created. Teacher: It’s the only knowledge you can have. Student: Why can’t I obtain the knowledge of the true God, First Source? Why isn’t there a technique that I can use to find and acquire this knowledge? Teacher: Let’s return to our hypothetical scenario. Suppose that your power to destroy was simply a thought away. If you became angry, your power to destroy would be unleashed and the recipient of your anger would be obliterated. Student: Would it work the same way for enlightenment? In other words, would I be able to enlighten with a simple thought? Teacher: Yes. Student: Okay. Teacher: How many times a day do you have an angry thought and a thought to enlighten someone? Student: I don’t know. On a good day, I don’t have any angry thoughts.

Teacher: On a bad day? Student: Maybe three or four. Teacher: Each time you have these thoughts, if you were angry with a person, your anger would harm the object of your rage. Student: What about the other side of the coin. What if I were loving and kind, would my thoughts enlighten them as well? Teacher: Precisely. Student: So, with nothing but my thoughts, I can harm or help a person. Teacher: Yes. Student: Then wouldn’t it make sense that if I had the knowledge of God, I would also have the discipline to control my thoughts and emotions? Teacher: No. Student: Why? Teacher: Because your dominant reality is that of a human being with all of its weaknesses and foibles. You are designed to have spontaneous thoughts and emotions. You have instincts that respond to stimuli, and you cannot control your natural thoughts or emotions. You can suppress them. You can ignore them. You can even extinguish them, but only for a period of time.

Student: And this is why I can’t have the knowledge of God? Teacher: Correct. Student: Then every human is sealed inside a world of limitation because they have this inability to control their impulses – be they thoughts or emotions? It seems unfair. Teacher: Perhaps, but this same limitation is liberating. Student: In what way? Teacher: Do you know the will of First Source? Student: No, but I think I have an idea of what is aligned with the will of God and what is not. Teacher: If you truly know what is aligned and what it not, then you would need to know the will of First Source, would you not? Student: I mean that I know the general direction or intention of God’s will. Teacher: But not the details? Student: Correct. I know that what is of love and light is aligned with the will of God, and what is of evil and darkness is not. But I might not be able to distinguish between the more subtle shades of light and darkness or good and evil. Teacher: I see. And how did you arrive at this conclusion?

Student: It is what I have been taught. Teacher: And who taught you this? Student: My teachers, the books I’ve read. Everyone believes this don’t they? Teacher: And because you have been taught that the will of God is knowable, you believe you can make the judgment that a loving act is aligned, but an evil act is not. Student: Basically, yes. Teacher: What if I suggested to you that understanding the will of God is one and the same as possessing the knowledge of God? Student: I’m not sure that I understand what you mean. Teacher: What do you think I mean? Make an effort to express your thoughts, no matter how murky they may be. Sometimes the fog lifts only when you struggle to see through it. Student: I have the sense that you’re suggesting that if I understand what the creator desires from his creation, I would also understand a key component of the knowledge of God. In other words, in order to have the knowledge of God, I must know what God wants from me, what he desired me to become. Teacher: And what do you think God wants you to become? Student: Liberated.

Teacher: From limitation? Student: Yes. Exactly. Teacher: First Source desires that you live without limitation, but creates a soul carrier and a setting for that soul carrier to live within that is rooted in limitation. Why do think it is the will of God that you shrug off your limitations? Student: Because if I have no limitations, I am liberated of the things that reduce my spiritual awareness. Teacher: And what will you do then – when you are free of all limitation? Student: I’m not exactly sure, but it will be blissful and likened to what Buddha called Nirvana – freedom from desire. Teacher: Why would your Creator create you, set you in a soul carrier that was bound to a reality of limitation, construct an elaborate universe school to educate you, and commission a vast array of instructors, only to enable you to pass into Nirvana or a blissful state? Student: I don’t know. That’s in part what I’m trying to understand. Teacher: Are you sure? Student: Well it’s certainly one of the things I’m trying to understand. Teacher: If you’re trying to understand this, then answer my question.

Student: But I don’t know the answer. Teacher: Try to articulate it as best you can. Student: I agree it doesn’t make sense that God would have me educated in the ways of the universe and then leave me to simply enjoy it, but I don’t know what else I would do. No one paints this picture very clearly. Teacher: The picture, as you put it, is found in the service to a plan. The plan is the collective unfolding of souls to realize the singular nature of universehood as an undivided process. We move from neighborhoods to cities, to states, to nations, to continents, to hemispheres, to planets, to solar systems, to galaxies, to local universes, to superuniverses, to the Grand Multiverse – the allencompassing structure of our collective unity. And every step we emerge the victor of the lesser state of being in that our lives increasingly exemplify the presence of our collective perception of what is best for the evolutionary course set forth by First Source for the Grand Multiverse. Student: Okay, so this is the reason? To simply be able to hold the perspective of what is best for the Grand Multiverse? How can I ever know such a thing? Teacher: You cannot. Student: So again, I’m frustrated in ignorance. This seems to be the theme of spiritual matters.

Teacher: It is only because you take the undivided process and leap to its end, wishing to bring it closer into your reality of now. Your patience is exceeded by your vision of what is to be. Student: I know. But what can I do about it? Teacher: Define the knowledge that you need to accomplish each step of your process. Don’t profess to need the knowledge of God before you have the knowledge of your earth world or the knowledge of your human instrument. Frame your knowledge in the context of your design. Student: How do you mean that? Teacher: You are a physical body with complex, emotional impulses and instincts; you are also a system of nerves and data collectors that feed your consciousness and brain. Moreover, you are a collective of consciousnesses that span your entire species and time. These elements comprise your human instrument. Like most seekers, you try to understand the mysterious substance of your inmost spirit – the Wholeness Navigator – before you understand your human instrument. And even more to the point, you seek to understand the Creator and sustainer of the Wholeness Navigator before you understand your inmost spirit. You have intuited the undivided process because it is stored within you, but if you stretch the reach of your understanding it is because you seek to know the stars before you know the planet upon which you stand. And I

ask you, what good is the knowledge of the stars when your home is misunderstood? Student: You’re saying that I need to study my body and mind before I study the soul? Teacher: No, I’m saying the knowledge of God that you seek is contained in every step of the undivided process. It is not realized in some sudden, elusive revelatory experience at the end of your journey. It is found in every step along the way. Student: Yes, I understand this in concept. I’ve heard this many times before, but I sense that you’re making a different distinction here. Teacher: Perhaps. I’m only recommending that you understand the soul carrier before you seek to know the soul, and that you understand the soul before you seek to understand its creator. Otherwise, if you first channel your energy into understanding the Creator, you will see it marginally, and this partial knowledge will deform your understanding of the soul carrier and the soul within it. Student: But how will I know that my understanding of the soul carrier is adequate so that I can embark on the understanding of my soul? Teacher: The human instrument is an amazing composite of miraculous connections between the material and nonphysical worlds. When you understand these connections, they will guide you to your understanding of the soul within you.

Student: So then I should really be asking you about how I can gain the knowledge of these connections. Is that correct? Teacher: Yes. Student: So how do I? Is it the chakras that are key? Teacher: Much has been said and written about the energy centers that are revealed within the human instrument, but these energy centers are not the connections between the physical and non-physical realms. What weaves together the physical body with the nonphysical bodies is what we refer to as the phantom core. Student: What is this composed of? Teacher: The phantom core is not composed of anything material. It is like a shadow of soul consciousness that can move between the realms of the human instrument. Student: So it can operate equally well within the mind and body? Teacher: The phantom core is the consciousness that moves between the body, emotions, mind, and genetic mind at speeds greater than light. Yet it is a point of awareness that distributes the experiences of the human instrument to the soul. Student: Does it embellish the experiences or simply report them like a recorder? Teacher: It reports everything in extraordinary terms.

Student: How do you mean? Teacher: Even in the quiet moments of your life when you are staring through a window or reading a book, there is a great universe of experience that is perceived by this phantom core, and every miniature detail is faithfully recorded and transmitted to the soul. The phantom core is the super consciousness of the human instrument. It is separate from the soul, and is considered the soul’s emissary to the natural world in which the human instrument must interact. It is through this awareness that soul experiences the natural world of limitation and separation, drawing in the experiences that help it to build appreciation for the Grand Multiverse that is the garment of First Source. Student: Why have I never heard of this before? Teacher: Who should tell you? Student: You, for one. Teacher: I just did, were you not listening? Student: Yes, but I’ve been your student for two years and this is the first I’ve heard of this phantom core. Why? Teacher: We teach through association and metaphor. You have been taught about the phantom core, you just haven’t heard its name before now. And now that you have its name, it crystallizes in your mind a clearer picture of its design and purpose. Student: But two years it takes for me to know its name?

Teacher: For some it is two hours for some it a lifetime. It depends on the person and how they arrive at their answers. You sought the unknowable before you sought what is to be known in your present life – where your consciousness resides now. Student: Okay, we’ve established that I’m a dreamer – Teacher: There’s nothing wrong with seeking the unknowable. I am not suggesting that you have wasted your time in the pursuit of a dream. Student: But it seems that I need to place more time in understanding this phantom core. What do you recommend I learn in this regard? Teacher: Learn all that you can about the human body, emotions, and mind. Make it the focus of your study for a period of time – perhaps a year or two, depending on the availability of your time. As you do this, take notes about the features of the human instrument that either seem connected or anomalous. For example, the brain is dominated by the data received from the eyes. Why do the eyes not dominate consciousness? As you produce your notes, organized around connections and anomalous phenomenon, begin to define the structure of the human instrument as one would if they were making a map of the interaction between the body, emotions, mind, and genetic mind. Remember that the phantom core is the shadow of the soul and operates seamlessly between the folds of the human instrument. It is the first perceiver and transmitter of the experience

that consumes the human instrument of a specific individuality. It is the continuity of the undivided process within the material realms, while the soul is the continuity of the undivided process within the nonphysical realms. Student: And what about the Wholeness Navigator? Teacher: It is the bridge of continuity between these two worlds. The Wholeness Navigator is the interlock between the worlds of time and the worlds of non-time. It is the fusion of the soul and the phantom core, integrating this vast experiential storehouse of data, and making it coherent as a force of transformation. Student: It will take me a long time to create this picture and understand the connections. Teacher: It will take you a lifetime, if you are fortunate. However, if you set forth upon the path of First Source without first understanding the fundamental structures within which your soul operates, you will pursue a mirage. God will appear and disappear, and doubt will shake you every time a new occurrence crosses your path. It will seem that all is impermanent, even the face of God. Student: You said a moment ago that the Wholeness Navigator uses the experiences of the soul carrier and soul as a force of transformation. Transformation of whom and for what purpose? Teacher: The transformation is of the individual personality – the God-fragment that sojourns in both the worlds of time and non-time, and is devoted to the One

Plan that embraces all forms, personalities, and opinions therein. This personality is the identity that endures the shape shifting of forms and the ceaseless churning of time to become a conscious extension of the One Plan. The purpose of this transformation is to explore the Grand Multiverse as emissaries of First Source, creating new opportunities for the expansion and ongoing evolution of the One Plan. Student: I suspect you purposely gave me an abstract answer as a way of reminding me of the task ahead. Teacher: I gave you what is available to be given. Words themselves are an abstraction, are they not? Student: If you don’t mind, I want to return to my task: studying the human instrument. Is there a model I can use so I can compare my approach with others? Teacher: There may be some who would gladly share their research and findings. I would encourage you to collaborate with your fellow students. It is a very useful practice. Student: You spoke of connections in the human instrument and anomalous phenomenon. Can you please elaborate on these? Teacher: The connections of the human instrument are the threads that make up the fabric of the phantom core. These threads weave together the pathways between the physical body, emotions, mind, and genetic mind. Within each of these are sub-layers, just as the skin of the

human body is different than the nervous system, which is different than the skeletal structure. The body is therefore made up of many layers and subcomponents that comprise the total structure. This is equally true for the emotions, mind, and genetic mind. The connections between these layers or strata of the human instrument, which number 24 primary systems, each originate from the Wholeness Navigator. In other words, these threads have a common ground and spiral out touching each of the 24 primary systems, binding them together in a holistic system. Student: What are the 24 systems? Do I know them? Teacher: It is not important to recognize each of them individually. Some have not been discovered in the world of time and space. I only mention the number so that you can know the depth of the human instrument and its impeccable and miraculous structure. Student: Why is this so important? Teacher: The human instrument is regarded by most cultures as a body that is vulnerable and fragile. It is considered flawed and imperfect because it degenerates over time and is susceptible to disease. In some areas, it is considered nothing more than an animate object for the sensing of pleasure or pain. It is held in low regard, and even those who feel a spiritual imperative, regard it as the lesser or lower self. Student: But it is the lower self isn’t it?

Teacher: It is the vessel of the transcendent soul. When you see a vessel of beauty, do you wonder what is inside it? Student: I guess when I see a beautiful vessel – like a work of art – I assume the vessel is for appreciation, not utility. Teacher: It doesn’t require a utilitarian function because its beauty is sufficient a purpose. Correct? Student: Exactly. Teacher: The human instrument is the same way. It is a beautifully conceived creation; so much so that most believe it is empty. Its purpose is in itself. They do not see the 24 strata, they perceive only the five dominant strata: skin, muscle, bones, emotions, and mind. Student: Why? Why do we only see these five and not the whole 24? Teacher: You are taught these perceptions by your educational indoctrination and society as a whole, and conversely, you are not taught to appreciate and understand the other 19 strata. In most cases, these strata require more vigilance and persistence to understand and appreciate. Student: So how do I learn about the other dimensions of the human instrument? Teacher: You study the human instrument. You study the body, emotions, mind, and genetic mind. You learn to understand this sacred vessel for what it truly is: the

exploratory, albeit temporary, vehicle of your inmost, immortal consciousness in the worlds of time and space. Student: But if you gave me information about the 24 strata, wouldn’t it help me in my studies? Teacher: Perhaps, but it is not necessary to understand all of these levels with the human mind. And here again, you seek to know the staircase before you understand the first few steps. It is the function of time to make the staircase comprehensible in steps, not singular revelations. Student: I understand. Teacher: I have highlighted the universal path; now tell me what you have learned. Student: Okay, I’ll do my best. The phantom core connects the 24 levels of the human instrument, and is the observing consciousness of the worlds of time and space for the human soul. The phantom core has multiple threads, for lack of a better description, that weave these 24 levels together, and it uses these connective threads like pathways to move – as a consciousness – from one level to the next at quantum speeds. It then passes this experiential information to the soul, which then processes this incoming data in order to evolve its understanding of how to align with the One Plan and increasingly bring light to the darker outposts of the Grand Multiverse. Teacher: Take a deep breath. You have listened well. Student: Did I get it right?

Teacher: Are you concerned about being right or are you interested in learning? Student: Are they so different? Teacher: They can be polar opposites. Student: I’m interested in learning and being right. Teacher: You asked me at the beginning of this dialogue, as to whether there is a technique to gain the knowledge of God. Do you remember? Student: Yes. Teacher: And have you discovered your answer? Student: No. I don’t think there is an answer. Teacher: Perhaps there’s an answer, but it is different for every human. All beings approach their creator in a unique path that has never been navigated before. If you stitched together the vast reservoir of your experience in the worlds of time and space, do you think it has ever been replicated? Student: I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it before. Perhaps at a basic level it has. Teacher: Only if you grossly simplified it would you see any similarity in the paths of the ascending souls to their Creator’s realm. Truthfully, we are each as unique as the planets that number the Grand Universe, and it is precisely this uniqueness that prevents a universal technique from ever becoming the magical pill of enlightenment.

Student: I understand this. Was this done as part of the design? Teacher: Yes. Student: I guess the real question is what knowledge is required in order to construct my own techniques for gaining the awareness of my own, multi-layered self? Teacher: You are on your way if it is your practice to make this inquiry every morning that you arise, and you feel yourself a magnet attracting this very knowledge into your life through every facet of your experience. Student: Does it help if I believe that the phantom core is present within me and absorbing this knowledge even if my conscious mind is not? Teacher: It does and it is. Student: I am grateful. Teacher: You are most welcome.

Lyricus Discourse 4 Universe Relationship eacher: And so you desire to experience the Wholeness Navigator. Have you decided how?

Student: This is why I wanted to meet with you. I thought you could instruct me on a method or technique to achieve this. Teacher: If I could do this, wouldn’t all that exists here (the ashram) be obsolete? Wouldn’t all of your education fall to yourself? Wouldn’t all of your connection to people erode into an existential journey of self-knowledge? Student: I don’t understand. Teacher: You have assembled the inner and outer knowledge like a bridge without a middle, and the missing middle section is your experience of that which confirms that the two ends do indeed join; that there is cohesion between these worlds; that the bridge has function. Yes? Student: Yes. Teacher: If you found this middle section within your experience, your bridge would be built and you could pass between the inner and outer worlds unencumbered and independent. You would desire to then teach others how to build their own bridges. Yes? Student: Exactly. Teacher: Do you think any of the teachers that have lived on earth have built this bridge and not shared it with others? Student: No.

Teacher: Then where is this technique you speak of? Is it hidden so well that none of the world’s finest teachers can articulate it into a sensible methodology? Student: Are you saying that none have built this bridge? Teacher: No. I’m saying that none have wanted to build this bridge. Student: Then why does it consume me so? Teacher: Because you believe it can be built by answers, by experience, and by initiative. Student: And it can’t? Teacher: It cannot be built anymore than you can build something that is already built. Student: What do you mean? Teacher: Can you build this rock? (I was holding a rock I had gathered from the ground.) Student: Do you mean can I build an exact duplicate? Teacher: No, I mean this rock? Student: No. It’s already built. Teacher: So is your bridge. Student: Okay… I understand this in concept, but if you’ve never experienced it, what good is it if it’s built? Teacher: That depends on you.

Student: In what way exactly? Teacher: Do you see what’s present more than you see what’s missing? Student: I don’t know… I’m not sure what you mean. Teacher: You have knowledge and discipline. You have intuition and insight. You have initiative and cunning. You have power of will and persistence. Are these more important to you than the missing conscious experience of the Wholeness Navigator? Student: I believe that when I have the experience of the Wholeness Navigator, it will supercede these other things, or it will put them in some kind of collective order and I will be a better person and therefore a better teacher because of it. Teacher: But if you cannot build something, how do you teach its construction? Student: But then you’re saying that I already have this experience and so does everyone else; it’s just that we don’t know it. And again, I realize this in concept, but it seems like some do have this experience. Teacher: Even at this moment you are having this experience, as am I. Student: Yes, but you’re probably conscious of it, I’m not. Teacher: No, I’m conscious of us. I’m conscious of wherever and whatever I turn my attention to. I cannot

turn my attention to the Wholeness Navigator because it is of an energetic frequency that is out of the range of the senses of this body and mind. Student: So you’re saying that the Wholeness Navigator or human soul is invisible to our human senses no matter what we do? There isn’t any technique that will allow us to attune to it, or it to us? Teacher: Correct. Student: So my desire is unfounded? Teacher: Your desire is natural and well founded; it is just that it will not culminate in the experience you hope for. Student: Then why do I feel like something vital is missing? Why do I have this nagging belief that my unanswered questions hold me back from my rightful path? Teacher: As I said before, your attention shifts to what is missing because you have invited the impossible into your world and idealized what others before you achieved in the sharing of their knowledge. You believe that great knowledge can only come from the experience of the unknown, hidden worlds in which the human soul lives, and without this experience you are unable to fulfill your promise. Student: But many of the greatest teachers shared their vision of these inner worlds and dimensions of which the Wholeness Navigator is a part. If I cannot explore these

worlds as they, how can I hope to expand the consciousness of my time? Teacher: I will share a secret with you. It is not something I do with satisfaction but rather a sense of duty. The accounts of the other worlds are clothed in the very same fabric as dreams. The mystics, saints, and even some of the greatest teachers of the human species lived in bodies with the same limited range of perception as you and I. Their sometimes-spectacular accounts of other dimensions and planes of existence were subjective, non-replicable lucid dreams that were retold as objective worlds of splendor. Student: Are you saying that the accounts of mysticism are fabrications? Teacher: Some are. Some are misinterpretations of lucid dreams. Some are encounters with the meta-dimensional worlds of the future multiverse. Some are encounters with off-planetary beings. Some are planned deceptions. The point I’m making is that those who speak loudest of their experiences of the human soul and the worlds in which it resides are often seeking to describe their own glory more than an objective reality. Student: This will take me a moment to absorb. You seem to be impugning my own teachers, with whom I hold the greatest of respect. Teacher: I told you that I take no satisfaction in this. Nor am I trying to discredit any teacher. Let me describe it this way. If I discovered a place upon earth that no one else had ever come upon, and I made a map with

coordinates of this discovery, I would be able to explain to anyone who can read a map how to find this same place. I could also lead people to it based on my experience. Why then are there no maps of the inner worlds? And before you answer, remember that while there are maps, they are not consistent in scale or measure, and thus, they do not describe the same inner geography. Student: I agree there is incongruity about the structure of the multiverse, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it doesn’t exist. Teacher: I’m not suggesting that it doesn’t exist. There is no map! There are no cartographers of these worlds because these worlds are infinite in scope. How do you map the infinities of First Source? With paper and pen? How do you reduce the extraordinary vision of our collective Creator to words and methodologies? Student: Are you saying it’s all impossible – this desire to experience the inner dimensions of my being? Teacher: The best teachers allow for the possibility, and at the same time never consider it missing in their lives. The fascination of phenomenon is replaced with the consent of the real qualities of the human spirit to shine through their countenance, words, and deeds, and to do so with their unique personality intact. Student: How then can the consciousness evolve if every generation teaches nothing new about the inner worlds? Or worse yet, only adds to the confusion of how these worlds operate within our consciousness?

Teacher: As I said before, the bridge, or consciousness, in this case, is built. It cannot be evolved, improved, or enhanced. It is a multi-faceted consciousness that is as far beyond the human mind as the boundaries of the universe are beyond earth. The appreciation of this consciousness is what requires evolution; and its application as a source of guidance and inspiration is what requires instruction. Student: Exactly what I wanted to get to. This is precisely what I want to teach, but if I myself have no experience of this super-consciousness, how can I help others to evolve their appreciation? Teacher: You have been asking for help to experience something that cannot be experienced, instead of choosing to tell the universe what you want to appreciate. Student: I don’t understand. Teacher: The universe responds to your directives, not your questions, hopes, and prayers. If you choose to define your future by telling the universe what you desire to experience and appreciate, and you hold these thoughts in your mind with fierce persistence, the universe – by its own design – will respond accordingly. If, on the other hand, you ask questions and pray for answers, the universe will respond with a deafening silence because you have not given it direction. Student: This is the co-creative process you speak of, and I understand the principles of this, but how does it

relate to my desire to expand my understanding of consciousness and teach this understanding to others? Teacher: Desire is not a directive. Simply desiring to achieve something does not engage the universe; it engages your personal power and applies your will to achieve a goal. Praying, as it was originally intended, held two complementary purposes: To demonstrate to the universe that an individual made choices regarding their destiny, and expressing gratitude to the universe for its unfailing support. Student: Given what you’ve said, I assume it doesn’t make sense to make a directive to the universe that I want it to bring me the personal experience of the Wholeness Navigator? Teacher: You can make any directive you select. The universe is not obligated to respond, it simply does. By your selection the universe knows you. You are revealed in this simple act, and through this intimacy, the universe will respond in kind and reveal itself. If you direct the universe to bring you the experience of the Wholeness Navigator, it will bring you this experience, but you will not have consciousness recollection because, as I’ve said before, the signature vibration of the Wholeness Navigator is not perceptible to the human senses or mind. There is no method to capture the experience – the mind is like a camera, but the senses – the film – are not present.

Student: So the universe responds according to the directive, but I may think it wasn’t listening because I don’t recall the experience? Teacher: Yes. It is a frequent occurrence with higher dimensional directives, something akin to a perceptual omission. The condition can create resentment and an uneasy sense that the universe is indifferent or even malfunctioning, despite the fact that most individuals consider the breakdown to be their own fault – at least consciously. However, in most students, lurking below the guilt of the conscious mind is the sense that the universe is indifferent, or even worse, purposely nonresponsive. Student: How do I direct the universe? Is it a forceful command? Teacher: Each individual is a creator of his or her wisdom path. As such, they must create the priority and structure of their path on their own. They may tap resources like teachers or books, but the creation of the path is their own, regardless of the external circumstances such as religious conformity. Once this is understood and internalized, it becomes the foundation from which you operate. This is one’s spiritual duty, and it is the first step on the path of co-creation with the universe. The second step upon this path is the informed assignment of priority. There is a sequence to all directions – an order in which they build to an end goal or achievement.

Student: Please explain how this applies to spiritual revelation? Teacher: When you have a goal to comprehend your identity – not only as a human being but also as a spiritfragment of First Source, you must break your goal into component building blocks, and see the order within the process. Underlying this order is the fluidity that provides for rapid transformation and adaptation. Once this is defined you direct the universe to respond to this plan by the simple and persistent act of defining and, most importantly, re-defining it. The thought uppermost in your mind is that the universe is “eavesdropping� on your plans, and shifting or re-arranging your material, emotional, mental, and spiritual environments in direct response to its observations. It does this without regard to what you would call your worthiness. It does this because it is its nature. Student: What if my plans are just plain wrong or ill conceived? Teacher: You will most likely be frustrated or unsatisfied by the events that unfold. Student: Can you give me an example? Teacher: If someone plans to begin their teaching profession before they have adequately trained as a student, and the universe responds in kind by providing them students, they may perpetuate their own misunderstandings upon those they teach. This is a common example for would-be teachers of the spiritual arts.

Student: But what you said earlier, about defining your plan and its order, if you truly did this properly would you not avoid the ill-conceived plan? Teacher: The universe watches faithfully your every movement and emotional connection to your goal. The ability to avoid the ill-conceived plan rests mostly in the discovery of your original voice – sorted out from the thousands of voices that have influenced you – and to allow this voice to define and direct your approach to your divinity. It is this voice and the judgment and insight behind it that places you and retains you in the security of the universe. Student: But there are so many more insightful than I. Why would I listen to my own voice amidst those of my teachers? Teacher: Do you listen to your teachers, or do you compare their words with what resonates with what you sense is true? Student: To be candid, I compare their words with my own sense of truth. Teacher: So you already listen to your own voice? Student: In a way, I suppose. But I use my voice as a ruler, measuring the words of my teachers with my intuition or… or some related faculty. I don’t originate the thought or idea – I simply evaluate it. Teacher: And why do you do this? Why do you assign yourself the diminished role of measuring and analyzing instead of creating and invention?

Student: Because I am inexperienced and lack knowledge. Teacher: But you just agreed that you have experience in evaluating the substance of your instruction – that you can perceive the truth and value of an instruction, principle, or suggestion. Student: Yes, but it is one thing to have the knowledge and skill of evaluation, and quite another to be able to invent or perceive the knowledge of truth within oneself. Teacher: Why? Student: I’m not sure that I know how to explain this. Teacher: The knowledge that will transform you derives from your personal experience of two fundamental phenomena: the Light and Sound vibrations of First Source. Student: Exactly, and how to achieve this experiential knowledge of the Light and Sound requires expert instruction – the kind that only the highest spiritual teacher can supply. Teacher: Do you appreciate the transformation of consciousness? Is it something you have directed the Universe to supply, or are you waiting for a teacher to take you by the hand and lead you to the Light and Sound? In other words, are you waiting to evaluate the instruction of a human being, or are you directing the Universe to supply this experience?

Student: I came here, to this ashram, to learn how to experience the Light and Sound of First Source so I can bring this knowledge to others. Teacher: So you are waiting for a human being. Student: Perhaps this is the way the Universe would respond to my directive, to bring me a teacher who can show me the way. Teacher: The Universe and you are the teacher. Together you are the active, unswerving, tireless, ceaseless, ondemand pathway that can provide the direct experience. Or, you can wait for the Universe to send you messengers clothed in human form who are less active, direct, energized, responsive and enduring – if that is your choice… your directive. Student: So you’re telling me to become more of an active partner with the Universe. Teacher: Add responsibility and acceptance of your capacity to partner with the Universe, and you have properly evaluated my instruction. Student: But I feel as if you’re suggesting that teachers do not serve a role in this process. Is this true? Teacher: Everyone upon your life-path will serve a role in this – teachers included. The Universe will arrange the right words, the rights sounds, the right light, the right meaning to enter your life-path, and these will come through nature, humans, animals, technology, and combinations thereof. The process, the Universe, and you are inseparable when properly directed.

Student: So the real knowledge is knowing how to direct the Universe? Teacher: It is the one relationship you will have that is responsive to the impressions of your thoughts and the expressions of your heart. You can direct it and it will respond. Student: What is the key to directing the Universe? Teacher: To feel in union and harmony with the Universe. To truly feel that the Universe flows through you and in doing so creates the life-path upon which you walk. To trust this life-path, knowing it is a co-creation between you and the Universe, and to demonstrate this trust in matters small and large. Assuming all of these foundations are in place, then it is merely articulating the highest possible expression of your deepest heart. Student: How do I come to know this? Teacher: You listen to your original voice. You allow it to be expansive, mysterious, paradoxical, boundless, and joyful. When you give this part of you an opportunity to express itself, it will articulate the innermost yearning of your heart and soul, and it is to these yearnings that the Universe is most attuned to hear and respond to. Student: But doesn’t the Universe also respond to our thoughts and prayers? Teacher: There are those who will tell you that you can ask the Universe for abundance, health, good relations, new job and anything else your mind desires, and it will respond to your wishes. The Universe is neutral to your

material status within the worlds of form. How successful you are as a human being – measured by the system of men – is not the concern of the Universe, it is the concern of the socially trained mind and ego. Student: But there are practical implications of this partnership with the Universe isn’t there? Teacher: If your highest aspirations from the deepest part of you are being supported by the Universe, you are more likely to succeed in your material quest for prosperity and right relations – for the two are related, are they not? Student: Yes. Teacher: However, those of power devise the system within the worlds of form, and it is this power that dictates the definition of prosperity. The Universe is not involved in these matters, it is humans in power who define such things, and the Universe is not aligned to these definitions. Student: So the two paths are not compatible? Teacher: What two paths are you referring to? Student: The petitions of human prosperity and practical survival, and the aspirations of my highest self. Teacher: There is no inherent incompatibility. It is simply a matter of where you place your focus and how you define prosperity, right relations, success, and so forth. If you try to direct the Universe towards the field of human prosperity and material concerns, do so with the

understanding that the Universe is indifferent about these concerns, and you are really petitioning the Genetic Mind, not the Universe. You may receive some support from the Genetic Mind and psychic influences therein, but generally it does not supplant the time-honored system of practice, persistence, creation, evolution, and patience. Student: I think I understand your counsel. Thank you for your advice. Teacher: You are most welcome.

Chamber One

Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral The entity model of expression is designed to explore new fields of vibration through biological instruments and transform through this process of discovery to a new level of understanding and expression as a Sovereign Integral. The Sovereign Integral is the fullest expression of the entity model within the time-space universes, and most closely exemplifies Source Intelligence's capabilities therein. It is also the natural state of existence of the

entity that has transformed beyond the evolution/saviorship model of existence and has removed itself from the controlling aspects of the Hierarchy through the complete activation of its embedded Source Codes. This is the level of capability that was "seeded" within the entity model of expression when it was initially conceived by First Source. All entities within the timespace universes are in various stages of the transformational experience and each are destined to achieve the Sovereign Integral level as their Source Codes become fully activated. The transformational experience is the realization that the entity model of expression is capable of direct access to Source Intelligence information, and that the information of First Source is discovered within the entity level of the Sovereign Integral. In other words, the human instrument, complete with its biological, emotional, and mental capabilities, is not the repository of the entity's Source Codes. Nor is the human instrument able to reach out and gather in this liberating information -- this glorious freedom to access All That Is. It is the entity that is both the harbor of, and instrument of access to, the Source Coding activation that permits the transformational experience to manifest through the integration of the human instrument and the sovereign entity. The transformational experience consists of the realization that perceived reality is Source Reality personified in the form of individual preferences. Thus, Source Reality and sovereign reality become inseparable as the wind and air. This confluence is realized only

through the transformational experience, which is unlike anything known within the time-space universes. There have been those upon terra-earth who have experienced a shallow breath of wind from this powerful tempest. Some have called it ascension; others have attributed names like illumination, vision, enlightenment, nirvana, and cosmic consciousness. While these experiences are profound in human standards, they are only the initial stirrings of the Sovereign Integral, as it becomes increasingly adept at touching and awakening the remote edges of its existence. What most species define as the ultimate bliss is merely the impression of the Sovereign Integral whispering to its outposts of form and nudging them to look within to their roots of existence and unite with this formless and limitless intelligence that pervades all. The transformational experience is far beyond the calibration of the human drama much like the stars in the sky are beyond the touch of terra-earth. You can observe the stars with your human eyes, but you will never touch them with your human hands. Similarly, you can dimly foresee the transformational experience with the human instrument, but you cannot experience it through the human instrument. It is only accessed through the wholeness of the entity, for it is only in wholeness that the Source Codes and their residual effects of Source Reality perception can exist. And truly, this wholeness is only obtained when the individual consciousness is separated from time and is able to view its existence in timelessness.

Nevertheless, the human instrument is critical in facilitating the transformational experience and causing it to trigger -- like a metamorphosis -- the integration of the formful identities into the Sovereign Integral. This is the next stage of perception and expression for the entity model, and it is activated when the entity designs its reality from life principles that are symbolic of Source Reality, as opposed to the reality of an external source that is bound to the evolution/saviorship model of existence. These life principles are Source Intelligence templates of creation. They are designed to create reality from the perspective of the Sovereign Integral and hasten its manifestation within the fields of vibration that has thus far repelled it. They are principles that construct opportunities for the integration of the entity's formless and formful identities. They are bridges that the human instrument -- with all of its componentry intact -- can experience the Sovereign Integral perception of wholeness. As the human instrument becomes increasingly responsive to Source Intelligence it will gravitate to life principles that symbolically express the formative principles of prime creation. There are wide ranges of expressions that can induce the transformational experience of the Sovereign Integral and liberate the entity from time-space conditioning and external controls. Inasmuch as the expression can vary, the intent of the expression is quite narrowly defined as the intent to expand into a state of integration whereby the human

instrument becomes increasingly aligned with the Sovereign Integral perspective. There are three particular life principles that accelerate the transformational experience and help to align the human instrument with the Sovereign Integral perspective. They are: 1) Universe relationship through gratitude 2) Observance of Source in all things 3) Nurturance of life When the individual applies these principles, their life experience reveals a deeper meaning to its apparently random events -- both in the universal and personal contexts.

Universe Relationship through Gratitude This is the principle that the Universe of Wholeness represents a collective intelligence that can be personalized as a single Universal Entity. Thus, in this model of inference, there are only two entities in the entire cosmos: the individual entity and the Universal Entity. Inasmuch as the individual is impressionable and

constantly changing to adapt to new information, so is the Universal Entity, which is a dynamic and living template of potential energies and experiences that are coherent and as knowable as a friend's personality and behavior. The Universal Entity is responsive to the individual and its perceptions and expressions. It is like a composite omnipersonality that is imbued with Source Intelligence and responds to the perceptions of the individual like a pool of water mirrors the image that overshadows it. Everyone in a human instrument is indeed, at their innermost core, a sovereign entity that can transform the human instrument into an instrument of the Sovereign Integral. However, this transformation is dependent on whether the individual chooses to project an image of a Sovereign Integral upon the "mirror" of the Universal Entity, or project a lesser image that is a distortion of its true state of being. The principle of universe relationship through gratitude is primarily concerned with consciously designing one's self image through an appreciation of the Universal Entity's supportive "mirror". In other words, the Universal Entity is a partner in shaping reality's expression in one's life. Reality is an internal process of creation that is utterly free of external controls and conditions if the individual projects a sovereign image upon the mirror of the Universal Entity. This process is an interchange of supportive energy from the individual to the Universal Entity, and this energy is best applied through an appreciation of how perfect and exacting the interchange occurs in every moment of life.

If the individual is aware (or at least interested in having the awareness) of how perfect the Universal Entity supports the individual's sovereign reality, there is a powerful and natural sense of gratitude that flows from the individual to the Universal Entity. It is this wellspring of gratitude that opens the channel of support from the Universal Entity to the individual and establishes a collaboration of purpose to transform the human instrument into an expression of the Sovereign Integral. It is principally gratitude -- which translates to an appreciation of how the inter-relationship of the individual and the Universal Entity operates -- that opens the human instrument to its connection to the sovereign entity and its eventual transformation into the Sovereign Integral state of perception and expression. The relationship of the individual with the Universal Entity is essential to cultivate and nurture, because it, more than anything else, determines how accepting the individual is to life's myriad forms and manifestations. When the individual accepts changes in sovereign reality as the shifting persona of the Universal Entity, they live in greater harmony with life itself. Life becomes an exchange of energy between the individual and the Universal Entity that is allowed to play out without judgment and experienced without fear. This is the underlying meaning of unconditional love: to experience life in all its manifestations as a single, unified intelligence that responds perfectly to the projected image of the human instrument. It is for this reason that when the human instrument projects gratitude to the Universal Entity, regardless of

circumstance or condition, life becomes increasingly supportive in opening the human instrument to activate its Source Codes and live life within the framework of the synthesis model of expression. The feeling of gratitude coupled with the mental concept of appreciation is expressed like an invisible message in all directions and at all times. In this particular context, gratitude to the Universal Entity is the overarching motive behind all forms of expression that the human instrument aspires to. Every breath, every word, every touch, every thought, every thing is centered on expressing this sense of gratitude. A gratitude that the individual is sovereign and supported by a Universal Entity that expresses itself through all forms and manifestations of intelligence with the sole objective of creating the ideal reality to activate the individual's Source Codes and transform the human instrument and entity in to the Sovereign Integral. It is this specific form of gratitude that accelerates the activation of the Source Codes and their peculiar ability to integrate the disparate componentry of the human instrument and the entity, and transform them to the state of perception and expression of the Sovereign Integral. Time is the only factor that distorts this otherwise clear connection between the individual and Universal Entity. Time intervenes and creates pockets of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment. However, it is these very "pockets" that often activate the Source Codes of the entity and establish a more intimate and harmonious relationship with the Universal Entity. Time establishes

separation of experience, and the perceived discontinuity of reality, which in turn creates doubt in the Universal Entity's system of fairness and overarching purpose. The result creates fear that the universe is not a mirror, but rather a chaotic, whimsical energy. When the human instrument is aligned with the Sovereign Integral and lives from this perspective as a developing reality, it attracts a natural state of harmony. This does not necessarily mean that the human instrument is without problems or discomforts, rather it signifies a perception that there is an integral purpose in what life reveals. In other words, natural harmony perceives that life experience is meaningful to the extent you are aligned with the Sovereign Integral, and that your personal reality must flow from this strata of the multidimensional universe in order to create lasting joy and inner peace. Gratitude is a critical facet of love that opens the human instrument to acknowledge the role of the Universal Entity and redefine its purpose as a supportive extension of sovereign reality, rather than the whimsical outreach of fate or the exacting reaction of a mechanical, detached universe. Establishing a relationship with the Universal Entity through the outflow of gratitude also attracts life experience that is transformative. Experience that is richly devoted to uncovering life's deepest meaning and most formative purpose.

Observance of Source in All Things This is the principle that First Source is present in all realities through all manifestations of energy. IT is interwoven in all things like a mosaic whose pieces adhere to the same wall, and are thus, unified. However, it is not the picture that unifies the mosaic, but the wall upon which its pieces adhere. Similarly, First Source paints a picture so diverse and apparently unrelated that there appears to be no unification. Yet it is not the outward manifestations that unify, it is the inward center of energy upon which the pieces of diversity are layered that unifies all manifestations. This centerpiece of energy is the collective storehouse of all life in all fields of vibration within the Universe of Wholeness. It is First Source who divests ITSELF in all forms through the projection of ITS Source Intelligence in to all fragments of life. Thus, Source Intelligence -acting as an extension of First Source -- is the unifying energy that is the "wall" upon which all the pieces of life's mosaic adhere. Life flows from one energy Source that links all to All and one to One. Observance of Source in All Things is the principle that all manifestations of life convey an expression of First Source. It does not matter how far the unifying energy has been distorted or perverted; the Source can be observed. It is the action of perceiving the unification of energy even when the outward manifestations appear random, distorted, unrelated, or chaotic.

When all manifestations of life are genuinely perceived as fragmentary expressions of First Source, the vibration of equality that underlies all life-forms becomes perceptible to the human instrument. Life initially emerges as an extension of Source Reality, and then, as an individuated energy frequency invested within a form. It vibrates, in its pure, timeless state, precisely the same for all manifestations of life. This is the common ground that all life shares. This is the tone-vibration of equality that can be observed within all life forms that unifies all expressions of diversity to the foundation of existence known as First Source. If an individual is able to look upon any form of life with the outlook of equality, then they are observing Source in all things. While this may seem like an abstract concept, it is actualized through the practice of looking for the outward and inward manifestations of First Source. In a very real sense, the individual expects to observe the workings of Source Intelligence in every facet of their experience. It is the unassailable expectation that everything is in its rightful position, performing its optimal function, and serving its purpose to activate the fullest expression of its life in the present moment. It is the outlook that all life is in a state of optimal realization and experience regardless of condition or circumstance. It is the perception that life is perfect in its expression because it flows from perfection, and that no matter how divergent its manifestations are, life is an extension of Source Reality. In light of the obvious turmoil and apparent destruction that accompanies life on terra-earth, this is an outlook or

perception that seems naive. How can life -- in all its forms and expressions -- be perceived as optimal or perfect? This is the great paradox of life, and it cannot be reconciled with the human instrument's mental or emotional capabilities. It can only be understood in the context of the entity, which is deathless, limitless, timeless, and sovereign. Paradoxes exist because the human drama is too limited in scope and scale to allow a perception of wholeness to intervene and illuminate how the pieces of the puzzle are unified in perfect relation. The dimensions of time and space and the elements of energy and matter circumscribe the human drama. It is played out upon the stages of survival and dysfunctional behavior because of the Hierarchy's methods of controlling information and manipulating conditions. The entity within the human instrument is largely unexpressed and under-utilized in the human drama, and therefore, life's apparent perversions and imperfections are seen in isolation as impediments to perfection rather than perfection itself. Life is perfect in its resolve to expand and express an intelligence that is limitless. This is the fundamental purpose of life in all its diverse manifestations, and this is the presence of First Source -- expressing ITSELF as a vibration of equality -- that can be observed in all things. Sensory input derived from the human instrument is limited to frequencies in specific ranges that only convey an echo of this Source vibration. The true frequency is understood through deliberate and focused contemplation of equality inherent in all things, and the ability to

penetrate beyond the picture of a thing to the origin of the picture. These insights require a new sensory system beyond the five-senses that rule the human world in your time. These new senses are the outgrowth of the Source Code activation, and represent the first stage of the transformation experience. With this new perceptual ability, the human instrument will be capable of sensing not only the presence of First Source, but also the timeless essence within all life that is individualized and uniquely separate from First Source. Calling forth the perceptions of the entity within the human instrument is the ideal method to access a lasting sensitivity to the Source vibration. This is how an individual can develop the ability to observe Source in all things. It is not only that First Source is within every individual manifestation of energy, but is also the wholeness of life itself. Thus, the principle requires an observance of Source in all ITS diverse forms of manifestation, as well as in the wholeness of life.

Nurturance of Life Life, in this definition, is an individual's sovereign reality. It is subjective and impressionable to the human instrument. Life is the wholeness of experience flowing

past the individual's field of perception in the dimension of nowness. There is never a closure to life or final chapter written. It is eternal, but not in the abstract sense of never ending or beginning, but rather in the real sense that life is ever expanding in order to express Source Intelligence in all fields of vibration within the Universe of Wholeness. The nurturance of life is the principle that an individual is in alignment with the natural expansion of intelligence inherent within all life. This is an alignment that enhances the life-energy that flows past the individual with the clear intent of gentle support. It is the action of identifying the highest motive in all energy forms and supporting the flow of this energy towards its ultimate expression. In so doing, the action is performed without judgment, analysis, or attachment to outcome. It is simply nurturing the energy that flows from all manifestations and supporting its expression of life. This is a departure from the normal perception that nurturing support can only be granted when energy is in alignment with personal will. However, when the individual can view life as an integrated energy flowing in the expression of expanding intelligence, life is honored as an extension of First Source. In this context, there is no energy that is misdirected or unworthy of support and nurturance. While this may seem contrary to the evidence of abusive energy upon terra-earth, even energy that is laden with "evil intent" is nevertheless energy that is flowing outward in search of a higher expression.

All forms of energy can be nurtured and supported to their highest expression, and this is the fundamental action of this principle. It requires the ability to perceive the causal motive and ultimate expression of life-energy as it passes through the individual's sovereign reality. Energy is an element of life that is so subtly interwoven with form that it is one; in much the same manner as space and time are inextricably linked in union. Energy is a motive. It is intelligent beyond the mind's ability to reason. While it is a force that can be subject to human applications that deny its highest expression, energy is always imbuing life with the motive to expand and evolve. Life-energy is always in a state of becoming. It is never static or regressive in its natural state. The human instrument is very capable of nurturing this natural expansion of energy to forge new channels of expression and experience. In fact, it is the primary purpose of the human instrument to expand the life-energy that encircles its sovereign reality within physical existence and transform it to new levels of expression that more accurately reflect the perspective of the Sovereign Integral. There are many specific actions that can be taken to nurture life. Each entity is, in a sense, programmed within its Source Codes to transmute energy through a tremendous variety of means. Working through the human instrument, the entity is able to collect and store energy within the human instrument and re-direct its purpose or application. The transmutation of energy can occur on either the personal or universal levels of

expression. That is, within the sovereign reality of an individual, energy can be transmuted to conform to a vision of personal welfare, or aligned with a vision of universal welfare and goodwill. One of the best methods to transmute energy is through one's belief system. All beliefs have energy systems that act like birthing chambers for the manifestation of the belief. Within these energy systems are currents that direct life experience. The human instrument is aware of these currents either consciously or unconsciously, and allows them to carry it into the realm of experience that exemplifies its true belief system. By cultivating beliefs that expand and transform energy, the human instrument is able to engage energy systems that are nurturing to life in all its myriad forms. When beliefs are clearly defined as preferred states of being, the energy system is engaged in nowness -- not in some future time. Now. The energy system becomes inseparable from the human instrument and woven into its spirit like a thread of light. Clarity of belief is essential to engaging the energy system of the belief, and allowing the nurturance of life to prevail in all activities. So again, the nurturance of life is critical to both personal and universal realities within the Universe of Wholeness which contains all the fields of vibration that are interlinked like threads of an infinitely expanding fabric. Thus, as the individual awakens to their creative power to transmute energy and enhance it with the clear intent of gentle support, they become transmitters of Source Reality and architects of the synthesis model of existence.

Through the ongoing application of these life principles, Source Intelligence increasingly becomes the identity of the entity, and the entity becomes the identity of the human instrument. Thus, identity is transformed, and in the wake of this transformation, the Sovereign Integral unifies the human instrument with the entity, and the entity with Source Intelligence. It is this unification and shifts of identity that is the explicit purpose in expressing the life principles of the Sovereign Integral. If there is any other intention or objective these principles will remain misunderstood and their catalytic powers dormant. It is the perspective of the Sovereign Integral that all life is pure love in its fullest expression, and that in this single concept, all life is conceived and forever exists. This becomes the core belief from which all other beliefs arise, and by their extension, one's belief system emerges with a clear intent of supporting this fundamental perspective; of nurturing, observing, and appreciating the Universe of Wholeness as the cradle from which all life is created, evolves, and ultimately acknowledges. These life principles are merely symbols represented in words and served to the human instrument as a potential recipe to stir awake the embers of light that tirelessly burn within. There are no specific techniques or rituals that are required to invoke the power of these principles. They are simply perspectives. In a real sense, they are intentions that attract experience that expand consciousness. They do not provide quick fixes or instant realizations. They are amplifiers of personal will and

intention that clarify how one lives. Their transformative power is contained exclusively in the intent of their application. Through these life principles of the Sovereign Integral, the individual can become a master of unlimiting the Self. Boundaries are set, veils are pulled down, and one's light is subdued, simply because external, hierarchical controls create fear of the unknown and mystical practices of a sovereign being. In these life principles, if they are truly applied with proper intent, are the tools to accelerate the emergence of the Sovereign Integral and feel its perspective, its insights, and its empowered abilities to create new realities and shape them as learning adventures that liberate and expand consciousness. This is the underlying purpose of the principles and perhaps the best reason to explore them.

Lyricus Discourse 5 The Interface Zone Student: I was meditating this morning and found myself distracted by the sounds of my fellow students. Is there a

technique to block these distractions so I can concentrate better on my meditation? Teacher: What do you hope to accomplish with this improved concentration? Student: I’ll perform my meditations with greater clarity, and this in turn will result in deeper insights. Teacher: I see. Does any of this deeper insight include the perception that the outer world is not a distraction to the inner world, but rather a catalyst for learning? Student: So you’re saying that I shouldn’t worry about distractions when I perform my meditations? Teacher: Isn’t worry the source of your distraction? Student: I suppose it is. But if these distractions— Teacher: They are not distractions. They are phenomenon of the outer world—vibrations traveling in the ethers from sources you have no control over. That and nothing more. Student: But these vibrations influence my mind and my ability to concentrate. Isn’t concentration a vital component of successful meditation? Teacher: Again, what influences your mind is not external vibrations, but your reaction to them. Student: So how do I change my reaction so I can be more successful in my meditations? Teacher: Is this issue only relevant to your meditations?

Student: It’s during my mediations that I notice it the most. Teacher: Do you notice the fear or stress that the external world brings you as well? Student: Yes. Teacher: Isn’t this fear akin to a distraction? Student: I suppose. Teacher: Yet without it, wouldn’t you have the tendency to lapse into complacency? Student: I don’t think so. Teacher: Fear, and all the so-called negative emotions, can represent distractions, but they are catalysts and instigators of action just as well. Are they not? Student: I see your point, but these distractions and fears are leading me away from my spiritual studies and cause me to behave in a manner not consistent with a spiritual person. Teacher: And how does a spiritual person behave? Student: They are poised and benevolent. They are tranquil in the face of distractions and fears. They exude peace and exemplify compassion. They express divine love to all. Teacher: You have adequately described a mythological saint, but you have not described a spiritual person. Even in total darkness, a spiritual person can discover light.

They are truth seekers and they wear the countenance of a thousand different personalities. They are not truth tellers. They are not truth expressers. They are not saints. They are truth seekers. Student: My definition is a little idealistic, I’ll admit to that, but why is this important to the discussion around fear and distractions? Teacher: Isn’t your concern related to your view of what constitutes a spiritual person’s behavior and your perceived shortcomings relative to that image? Student: You’re suggesting that all of this can be traced to this fundamental misperception? Teacher: Yes. It is a significant part of what energizes your reaction to fear and distractions. It is a form of selfjudgment that defines your response to the external world. As you cling to the image and behavior of what you believe defines a spiritual person, so do you adjudicate your comparative performance, and in this regard, you will dependably fall short. Student: But if I’m frustrated as a result of my idealistic image of how I think I should behave, are you suggesting I only need to temper my expectations and my frustration will end? Teacher: Why should your frustrations come to an end? For what purpose do you choose to experience contentment and calm? Did you incarnate into this world for the purpose of composure and regal repose?

Student: I’m only saying that I desire to demonstrate spiritual values—of which peace and contentment— Teacher: Spiritual values are as much about turmoil and stress as they are about peace and contentment. Spiritual values are not monotonic nor are they benign. Student: But you speak like spiritual values are undefined and encompass… anything. Teacher: You started this dialogue with the opinion that you were frustrated with external noise that prevented your successful practice of meditation. I pointed out to you that the issue was not noise or distraction, but your narrow perception of what behavior constitutes spiritual conduct and what does not. Student: Yes, and I agree, but still spiritual behavior is not about anger, hatred, and greed. You agree with this much don’t you? Teacher: If you define too narrowly what actions and activities constitute spiritual behavior, you will become not only a judge of yourself but all others as well. You unwittingly close down your interface zone. Student: What is the interface zone? Teacher: The interface zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA, which acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source. Student: And what is this vast network?

Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA. Student: So you’re saying that what happens inside me is transmitted to all other humans? Teacher: The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network. You are not aware of the network unless you are interfacing with your computer. To access the network and retrieve and share information, you must be present at your computer. Similarly, the Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species. Student: You’re saying that I can communicate with everyone who is human? Teacher: The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions. Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words? Teacher: Yes. Student: This is a little hard to believe.

Teacher: Isn’t this what mantras and affirmations do within your body? Don’t these words and frequencies alter you, even physiologically? Student: Yes, I believe that based on my experience, but you’re saying that these same words communicate beyond my body into the species at large. This is a hard concept to understand let alone believe. Teacher: It does not automatically communicate to the DNA network anymore than your thoughts are automatically communicated to the computer network. On the computer network you must convert your thoughts to words and enter them via a keyboard into your computer, and then select the path to send your thoughts to the network. Student: I understand how this applies to the computer network, but how does this work on the DNA network? Teacher: The Interface Zone is the equivalent of a computer node and it requires software and activation in order to access the network. Student: And what is the software and how do I activate it? Teacher: You desire to know this before you desire to understand why you would want to have access to the DNA network? Student: My curiosity leapt ahead of my logic. Can you tell me why I would want to establish an Interface Zone?

Teacher: The Interface Zone is the meeting place of the physical and energetic levels. It is the transport of language between the two vibratory worlds. It is the gateway from the individual to the species. It is highly relevant in most biological species, but humans have sealed this gateway through the expression of their individuality and the pursuits of their ego. Student: You’re speaking of group consciousness‌ like ants and bees? Teacher: Yes, but there are countless species that have this capacity and exercise it. Student: If humans have sealed this gateway, there must be a reason. Teacher: It is the act of polluting the genetic mind that has kept this gateway sealed. Student: Polluting the genetic mind? Teacher: Thoughts are the only real form of pollution to the human species. Beyond purely instinctual expression, thoughts assemble language and language assembles behavior. This behavior can be destructive to the genetic mind of the species and can place severe limitations on its capacity to discern the soul from the soul carrier. Student: So humans learn to identify with the soul carrier and not the soul? Teacher: Yes. Student: And who seals the gateway?

Teacher: Humans‌ subconsciously they know it is in their best interest to close this doorway in order to prevent irreversible damage to the genetic mind. Intuitively they know that a time will come when it will be reopened and the Interface Zone will once again be accessible to humanity. Student: And how will it be unsealed? Teacher: There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. These individuals embody what is to come relative to the human species. In a sense, they are time travelers who bring the future of human capacities to the present-day. They transmit the future vision first, and then the tools to activate others. Student: I still don’t feel I understand the purpose of all this. Teacher: It is largely through the activation of the DNA network that humankind will discover the Grand Portal because access to the genetic mind is essential to this discovery, as is the extra-sensory communication between those destined to assemble the discovery’s component parts and piece together the seven-fold puzzle. Student: How does one gain access to the Interface Zone? Teacher: Do you want to know how to access it before you understand the effect this access will have on you?

Student: Again my impatience gets the best of me. I am interested in understanding what this access will mean to me. Please explain. Teacher: The Interface Zone is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity. If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels. Student: How? How does this all happen? Teacher: The Interface Zone is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery and it will become known as the connecting element of the human species that unifies its genetic mind, and in this unification, unleashes its power and capability to create solutions to the natural challenges of planetary life. Student: How does this relate to an individual like me? Teacher: In choosing to consciously access the Interface Zone, you tap into the genetic mind with greater clarity. This results in more vivid thought processes and enhanced intuition. It also improves extra-sensory perceptions that enable remote healing and remote communication. Student: What about the communication into the genetic mind? You mentioned that the doorway opens in both directions.

Teacher: This is a far more sensitive disclosure and one that I will not make until you have advanced further in your training. I think we can begin with the receptive mode before we investigate the transmit mode. Student: How do I move into the receptive mode? Teacher: It is through natural language. As I said, the Interface Zone operates within the constructs of language since it contains all language archetypes. Student: Then what words do I speak? Teacher: First, language is not necessarily constructed of words. It can be visual and it can be musical as well, consisting of tempo, frequency, modulation, etcetera. Student: Which is more effective? Teacher: The most effective is to begin with a clear conceptual picture of the Interface Zone and how it can be activated to be more receptive as a carrier wave of the genetic mind. Student: How do I do this? Teacher: Remember how I said the DNA could spontaneously configure wormhole-like structures? Student: Yes. Teacher: These structures are extra-sensory, and do not conform to three-dimensional constructs of spacetime. They rise and fall in their configurations in spontaneous reaction to a variety of stimuli.

Student: Like affirmations and mantras? Teacher: Yes. They are like programming pods, in one sense, because the individual can reprogram their cellular DNA in such a way that it enhances their intuition or access to the genetic mind. Student: How is this done precisely? Teacher: The imagery of the wormhole structure, its impermanence and spontaneity, the manner in which this occurs outside of three-dimensional spacetime structures, the way in which the energy exchange is reciprocal, the image of DNA as an inter-species network—all of these elements enhance your picture of the process. Student: I have a conceptual picture of this, but it’s by no means clear. Teacher: You cannot have a clear mental picture of something that operates outside of spacetime structures. However, if you compare the picture you have now with the one you had ten minutes ago, it is infinitely more precise, wouldn’t you agree? Student: I suppose, since I didn’t have any picture before. Teacher: Exactly. Student: This conceptual picture—vague as it is—is sufficient for me to begin? Teacher: No. You need to picture it in your mind’s eye and contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this

process. How the DNA is like tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body, but also has three-dimensional counterparts that communicate, store, and process information that reside mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system. Student: But is there some specific word or sound I need to make in order to activate or enhance my reception of the genetic mind? Teacher: If you have a computer that is not connected to the network, what is required? Student: A port or connection. Teacher: And software? Student: Yes, an interface of some kind. Teacher: And you need a password. Student: Sometimes. Teacher: And why is a password required in some instances? Student: Because the information is confidential or only meant to be accessible to certain individuals. Teacher: So you can have a computer, a connection, and a software interface, and if you want to get the information you might need a password. What about the information that is available to everyone without a password. Is it useful?

Student: It could be. Teacher: If everyone can get this information is it vital, potent, and catalytic? Student: I suppose not. Teacher: Why? Student: Because it’s not protected. Teacher: I see. So the most vital and potent information would be withheld from all people because it could not be protected from the unscrupulous individuals who would pervert and use this information improperly? Student: Yes. Teacher: Imagine that everyone within the human species, independent of age or social status, had a computer. Each person could access their computer, but only some had a connection to the network. Of these, some had a software interface. Of this group, a small percentage had developed content to place on this network, and of these, a very small fraction had created content that could be defined as inspiring to those who ventured onto the network. Now, a higher authority—let’s call it God—inserts information onto this network, but protects it with a password. Who do you think God will provide the password to? Student: The group that developed the inspiring content and have access to the network.

Teacher: There is truth to this analogy and there is a gentle deception as well. God is not interested in protecting the truth about the DNA network. Humans do this themselves. All people have the “password” as surely as they each can breathe, but most believe they are in the group who lacks a computer connection to the network, so they don’t even try to access the network. The small fraction that knows of this network, believes it to be password protected. Student: But if we have the password, we don’t use it? Teacher: We don’t know how. Student: Why? Teacher: As I said before, humanity has forgotten this capability because it is more interested in the exploration of the individual ego than the formation and evolution of the group consciousness. Student: Can you tell me what this password is? Teacher: You must have the conceptual picture and you must hold the following affirmation clearly in your mind and heart: I am forever connected to my brothers and sisters of all time and space. What is known by them I can know. What is found by them I can find. What is to come from them I can be. In all that I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. Student: This is the password?

Teacher: It is an encoded affirmation. It activates the Interface Zone within you. It stimulates the connection between you and the genetic mind of humanity. Student: But the password is something else? Teacher: You are looking for the key to turn the lock when you haven’t yet found the door. Be patient. All matters of the spirit are a process of interchange between the world of the body-heart-mind system and the inner dimensions of the soul. The Interface Zone is the connecting bridge between you and the species. What you desire is to connect, not isolate. To step forward into the group consciousness, not judge its imperfection. To offer your talents to this consolidated being, not the God of your image. The password is only a metaphor for accepting this basic attitude and allowing it authority in your heart of hearts and mind of minds. This attitude must hold primacy in your being. Student: But doesn’t it already? Teacher: By the very nature of your first statements in this dialogue, it does not. Student: Why? What did I say that makes this so evident? Teacher: You looked upon your fellow students as distractions to your study. Do you not remember? Student: I see your point.

Teacher: The password is not a magic word or mantra or affirmation. It is the construction, over time, of an attitude that becomes intrinsic to your character. When you can cite the affirmation I gave you and know in your heart and mind that you have truly lived this for a period of months, perhaps years, you will have the transparent access to the genetic mind that you seek. Student: Thank you for your insight. I understand what I came to learn this day. I have only one remaining question. Teacher: What is your question? Student: The affirmation says that whatever I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. Isn’t the mind of one a metaphor for First Source? And if this is the case, why should I place my trust upon the genetic mind instead of the ultimate Creator of all life? Teacher: The mind of one is you. First Source is neither the mind of one nor the mind of many. It is the Mind of All… to the degree that First Source can be referred to as a mind. Student: So the mind of many is a metaphor for the genetic mind of humanity? Teacher: Yes. It is an ancient term that is encoded. Your DNA actually “hears” this affirmation, and the “wormholes” of connection spontaneously form as a result. First Source and those concerned about the evolutionary path of humanity are encoding an aspect of the genetic

mind to be a tool useful in the discovery of the Grand Portal. This particular affirmation is useful in accessing this specific part of the genetic mind. It is not resonant with all aspects of the genetic mind. Student: I understand. Thank you. Teacher: You are most welcome.

Lyricus Discourse 6 Techniques of the Intuitive Intelligence Student: How does one discern their inner voice from the voice that has been learned from this world? Teacher: The voice of this world can be traced to the ego-personality, while your original voice whispers and nudges from the depths of your heart. Student: But the voice of my heart is not necessarily formed of words, but rather feelings. And these feelings are subtle and constantly changing. Hope can turn to despair, or love to hate in a mere flash of time. Teacher: Like the universe, the heart is multi-leveled. The heart of which I speak is adept at expressing intuitive intelligence in the spirit of compassion and understanding. When you hear a voice within that strikes this balance, you have found your inner voice.

Student: Does everyone have this inner voice and the ability to express it? Teacher: No. Student: Why is this limitation bestowed on human nature? Teacher: It is simply an outgrowth of the imperfections of the human instrument colliding with the imperfections of the three-dimensional environment. Student: And these imperfections subdue the heart’s expression and diminish its voice? Teacher: No more than the clouds control the sun and lessen its warmth. Student: So the inner voice continues to express itself even though the imperfections make its voice inaudible? Teacher: Yes. Student: Using your analogy, how does one eliminate the clouds? Teacher: You can’t eliminate imperfections, but you can achieve supremacy over them for periods of time. Imagine if the sky were always shrouded in clouds. The telescope would not exist, would it? Student: I suppose not. Teacher: Suppose that the clouds would disappear, but for only one day each year, and it was only on this day

that you could see the vastness of the universe. Do you suppose the telescope would be invented? Student: Perhaps… Teacher: The answer is, yes. The moment the human spirit understands the depths and heights of its universe, the will to apprehend it—to study it—is engaged. Student: But how does this relate to the heart’s inner voice? Teacher: The imperfections of the human instrument and the three-dimensional world are like clouds that obscure the depths of the heart. If you can see beyond these clouds, if only for a short time, you will try to access and understand your inner voice and express it fully in your life despite the imperfections. Student: Again, using your analogy, what is the “telescope” as it relates to the heart’s deepest expression? Teacher: They are the techniques of the intuitive intelligence. Student: Can you explain them to me? Teacher: There is a component of the human instrument known poetically as the Heart’s Scribe. Your emotional history—every nuance—is recorded and inscribed within the circuits of your heart. This, in large measure, is the source of the “clouds” we spoke of earlier. Student: And they need to be cleared. How do I do that?

Teacher: First and foremost, it is vital to understand the heart. The heart is so much more than a physical muscle pumping blood. This is only the surface manifestation of nothing less than the source of your intuitive intelligence. The energetic heart is the source template of the physical heart. Student: The source template? Teacher: As the physical heart distributes life-giving oxygen to the body, so does the energetic heart distribute intuitive intelligence to the mind. The energetic heart is the source template for the formation of the physical heart, and more than this, it is the point of connection to the highest form of consciousness from which your inner voice arises. Student: My physical heart is based on an energetic heart, and this energetic heart is what I want to have access to? Teacher: Think of it this way. The heart is dimensional and multi-faceted. It expresses emotional currents; regulates physiological functions; activates certain brain chemistry; communicates throughout the body and mind; receives precognitive impressions from your future environments; and connects you to all other states of being. The heart is also the gateway to the compassion frequency of love—the purest force of the multiverse. Student: I’ve never heard of this before. What do you mean by the compassion frequency of love?

Teacher: Love, like all things dimensional, can be separated into a spectrum of frequencies—each frequency a part of the wholeness, but each possessing a different intelligence. Student: Intelligence? Teacher: Are all forms of love the same? Student: Of course not. Teacher: Love imbued with compassion and understanding is different from love that is stubborn and selfish, is it not? Student: Yes… but I don’t think of it as a difference in intelligence in the love itself, but rather the person expressing it. Teacher: That is because you don’t understand that emotions have an embedded intelligence based on their frequency and how the frequency resonates with the higher circuits of the multiverse. Student: I don’t understand. Teacher: Think of the multiverse as eleven holographic spheres of consciousness, each interpenetrating the one that is more inward. Only the outer sphere contains all spheres, and this is the consciousness of First Source, while the innermost sphere is the consciousness of inanimate objects like a stone or seashell. Love is separated into frequencies that resonate in harmony with each of these “spheres” or domains of consciousness. Similarly, the heart itself consists of different layers of

consciousness, and each “layer” has an intelligence of perception and expression. This intelligence is linked to the brain and higher mind, so that the human instrument is capable of expressing from any dominant frequency or sphere of the multiverse. Student: Including the level of First Source? Teacher: Yes. Student: So the heart is the multiverse inside each of us? Teacher: It is the gateway to the multiverse because of its ability to decode emotional frequencies from the highest levels of the multiverse and express them into three-dimensional environments through a human instrument. Student: I thought the brain was the supreme organ of the human instrument. The crown chakra, the third eye… aren’t these associated with the brain and the higher mind? Aren’t these more closely connected with the First Source vibration than the heart? Teacher: The heart operates at the highest frequency within the human instrument. Emotions are even faster than the speed of thought. They operate outside of time/space when they are in resonance with the higher circuits of the multiverse. Student: If the heart operates at the highest frequency then emotions are more certain to be the catalysts that awaken us to our true selves?

Teacher: Yes, this is why the most profound spiritual experiences are woven from the textures of the heart’s emotions rather than the thoughts of the mind. Student: Okay, so how does this all relate to clearing the emotional debris that’s been inscribed upon my heart? Teacher: It is not the heart itself that it has been inscribed upon. The emotional debris is passed from the heart to the brain and the neural network that surrounds it. Thus the clearing takes the same route and is a process, not an event. It begins with the compassion frequency of the emotion called forgiveness. This frequency can be evoked within your heart through this command: As the light of my heart brightens, so does my capacity to forgive. As forgiveness flows into my heart it moves upwards, filling my entire head with the most delicate and refined light imaginable, and from this light, a compassion for my past settles in, and all that has occurred is rewritten in this light. While this invocation is being said, you can listen carefully to the words and allow them to form visual pictures in your heart. Student: That’s interesting. I’ve always been taught to form pictures in my mind, but never in my heart. Teacher: Visualization is not confined to a specific position in the body or head. It can be placed anywhere by projection. Simply project the pictures to the area in the center of your chest. The one who views the

projection can be outside of your body watching from a distance of a few meters. Student: Who is watching outside my body? Teacher: You are. Student: Is this one of the techniques you referred to as techniques of the intuitive intelligence? Teacher: Yes, but this technique has additional facets to it. When you have completed this first step, three remain. Student: What are they? Teacher: The second step is to allow this light to settle in. It requires that you perceive the light as a very, very refined mist of yellow-gold, suspended, yet moving at a level beneath perception. It is important to sense that this movement of the light inside your head possesses intelligence—capable of rewiring, rewriting, adapting your emotional history. Student: And by performing this technique I can begin to clear the “clouds” of my emotional history? Teacher: Yes, but visualization and imagination are vital elements of this process. Again, I want to stress that this is a process that requires a consistent practice for a period of time—typically thirty days or more. Student: Why are visualization and imagination so important to this process?

Teacher: They engage the heart’s core intelligence and the brain’s receptivity is the result. Student: You’re saying that the brain interprets the heart’s signals based on their… clarity? Teacher: The higher brain is designed to “read” the heart’s signals based on how well defined they are in terms of their visual energy and emotional authenticity. Student: Visual energy? Teacher: Whatever images are projected upon the heart region, they are energized. To the degree you can visualize the image clearly, project it to your heart area and imbue it with your heart’s core emotions, you will send a more potent signal to your higher brain. It is this potency that the higher brain responds to. Student: In what way? Teacher: In the context of this dialogue, it facilitates the course of action to rewrite your emotional history in the frequency of compassion and understanding. Student: So the heart and brain are partners, but ultimately the brain decides whether to act on the signal… or the directives from the heart? Teacher: Just as the physical heart has an energetic or quantum counterpart, so does the brain. These two organs and their peripheral systems—at both the physical and quantum levels—are completely integrated, in a manner which science is only now beginning to understand.

It is not that the heart transmits an order to the brain, and the brain, detecting the potency of the directive elects to act on it or not. The heart and brain are a unified system that cycles and recycles energy, information, and intelligence within the human instrument. This system operates with greater effectiveness, in terms of expressing its innate intelligence in three-dimensional environments, when it is entrained to the core heart energy of compassion and understanding. Student: You speak about compassion and understanding, but isn’t unconditional love the core heart frequency? Teacher: I choose to refer to these core frequencies in terms that are not so misunderstood, as is the term unconditional love. Student: You also mentioned emotional authenticity was a key element in how the brain responds to this technique. Can you expand on this? Teacher: When you see a piece of cloth from a distance of twenty meters, what distinguishes it? Student: Its color. Teacher: And when you are able to hold this same cloth and examine it closely, what then? Student: I suppose texture becomes more important‌ how it feels. Teacher: And the subtly of the design?

Student: Yes, I suppose at twenty meters one would not be able to see any subtle designs that had been woven into the fabric. Teacher: Emotions are imbued with texture and subtlety. The higher brain system is designed to scan the emotional data incoming from the heart system and determine if the textures and subtleties of the data are derived from the core heart frequencies, or are derivatives of the three dimensional environment and/or emotional history. Student: The higher brain makes this determination? How does it know? Teacher: Have you noticed my use of the word “Designed”? Student: Yes, but I’m not sure I interpreted it the way you meant it. Teacher: The heart and brain systems were designed to enable those who were able to apply their imaginations from the core heart frequencies to access the higher frequency, higher intelligence of the genetic mind. This access made them the prophets and philosophers of humanity—the wisdom bearers that elevated all of humanity. Student: So only those who had this knowledge would be able to access this higher state? Teacher: No. Everyone is able to. Student: Everyone?

Teacher: Should anyone be excluded? Student: What about those who knowingly practice evil? Teacher: A lifetime of 4000 weeks to explore and understand the infinite cosmos is the explanation of evil. Student: I don’t understand? Teacher: We are good, spiritual beings, not by the expression of our behaviors, but by our intrinsic nature— our origin. We are each allowed access to this higher knowledge not by how we act, but by simply being what we are. Student: Okay, I think I understand, and on some level, I’m relieved to hear this. However, all my life I’ve lived with the conviction that divinity is something earned. Those who were weak and easily led astray by the dark forces were not allowed access to the techniques that would empower their greed, hate, or evil tendencies. What you’re now telling me is that the techniques of the intuitive intelligence are available to any and all. Teacher: They are. This conviction you speak of is an artifact of the mystery schools and the esoteric practices that use techniques of liberation as rewards of loyalty. Student: But won’t some people abuse these techniques, using them for selfish or even evil purposes? Teacher: I just explained that the heart and brain are an integrated system designed to activate, access, and express the higher frequencies of compassion and understanding, and that the brain serves the role of

assessing the emotional authenticity of the heart. This skill, intelligence, insight whatever you choose to call it, is absolute and inborn within all higher life forms. No one can utilize the techniques of the intuitive intelligence if their heart is passing data to their brain that is derivative of emotional distortions common to three-dimensional environments. Student: I still don’t understand how the brain knows how to do this, but let’s move on. Can we review the technique you started to explain? Teacher: There are four steps to this particular technique. Its purpose is to help the practitioner to recast their emotional history into the compassion frequency, and by so doing, gain a deeper access and more fluent, on-demand expression of their inner voice or intuitive intelligence. Student: Does this technique have a name? Teacher: Only if you give it one. Student: And you’ve disclosed only two of the four steps thus far? Teacher: Yes, the first two we have covered: the invocation and imagination steps. The third step is to release. Student: How is this accomplished? Teacher: When you fine-tune your imagination and you see the refined light frequency within your head area and

you allow this—in a sense—to take up residency, you must adopt the inner attitude of surrender and release. Student: To what? Teacher: To the results of the technique. To the fact that the emotional history that you have stored in your neural and quantum network called the human instrument, may undergo change or modification. Student: But if I’m practicing the technique haven’t I already surrendered to the results? I mean, why would I be practicing it if I weren’t sincere? Teacher: Your desire for the end benefit, in this case, a more profound connection to your intuitive intelligence, can overshadow your willingness to see the wisdom in the process and delay gratification for the thing you desire. Student: You mean that I may become impatient? Teacher: It is more likely that you will be less inclined to allow the first two steps in this process to unfold organically—in their own time—for the purpose of recasting your emotional history. This is why this third step is designed into the process. Student: How do I perform this release as you call it? Is there a specific technique? Teacher: It is simple, and yet difficult at the same time. To release is to trust. To trust is to believe in the intelligence of both your innermost self, as well as the origin from which it arises. This is the simple part. The

difficult part is to understand that the judgment of the ego-personality is impaired, and in some measure antithetical to the intuitive intelligence. This stage of the technique is to release judgment of your progress within the bounds of the process. Student: How do you mean this? I’m not sure I understand. Teacher: If by clearing the clouds of your emotional history you improve access to your intuitive intelligence or inner voice, the ego will search for evidence of your progress in order to satisfy its innate hunger for achievement. The ego is not something to be banished, ignored or faulted for this attitude, but rather it is to be refined. Student: Is this part of the release technique? Teacher: Yes. Student: How? Teacher: Release is a psychological imperative when an individual aspires to access and express their intuitive intelligence. Your ego is adept at operating within the lower, outer forces, in much the same way as your heart is adept at operating within the higher, inner forces. As you seek to align to these inner forces, your ego will perceive the effort and the process therein as a trivial distraction to the real world problems that press upon you. The instinctual response of the ego-personality, in

this case, is to perceive the focus on your core heart frequencies as misdirected. Student: Why? Teacher: Because the ego resides within the lower mind and its attachment to the physical body is mainly through the eye-brain’s perception of its dominant reality—the three-dimensional world. To the pure ego, the heart is simply a bothersome appendage of the physical body that displays weakness. Student: Okay, I think understand the reason that release is the third step, but how do I specifically perform this step in the process? Teacher: Breathing through your heart region is the method to intermix the desires of the ego with the capacities of the heart, and this is the method of release. Student: How do I do this? Teacher: After you have completed the first two steps, center your attention on your breathing. Imagine that your in-breath brings the desires of your ego into an interior chamber of your quantum heart. Then, imagine this desire for achievement—in the form of an in-breath— is suspended within this interior chamber by holding your breath. As you do so, your breath is intermixing with the inflow of compassion that arises from your quantum or energetic heart. Now, expel this newly energized breath back through your heart area, and each time, as you exhale, repeat the phrase: “Leave it in the mystery to shine of its own light.” Do this six to eight times.

Student: That’s all? Teacher: Yes. Student: I was expecting the release part to be more complicated and difficult. Teacher: The difficult part is when you lack the technique for release, or you practice the technique without emotional authenticity and visual energy. Student: What is the fourth and final step of this process? Teacher: It is sometimes referred to as light distribution, though I prefer to think of it aslight connection. Student: How does it work? Teacher: Just as the physical heart distributes oxygen via the blood to the periphery of the physical body, the quantum heart distributes light via visual energy and emotional authenticity to the borders of the human instrument. The light distribution technique is to imagine light circulating—unimpeded—throughout the expansive you. Student: I’m not sure what that means. Teacher: The human instrument consists of the physical body, emotional system, and the facets of the mind. The grid that interconnects these elements and causes them to operate efficiently as a system is similar to the veins and arteries of the physical body. This grid conveys light that in turn unifies a quantum field and allows it to

operate independently of the multiverse. We sometimes refer to this individuated grid as the expansive you. Student: So I am this loose confederation of light particles that somehow manages to coalesce into a body and mind, and to this I need to visualize light being distributed without blockages or interruptions. Is this the idea? Teacher: You simply need to place your attention on the reality of what you are. It only takes a few moments, but it is critical that you practice this technique frequently and in a specific manner. Student: How frequently? Teacher: That is up to you, but you cannot do it too much. Student: Why do I even need to be conscious of this? It seems that the light flows just fine without my direction. Teacher: It does, but you are not directing it, you are accessing it, touching into this holographic gridwork of light that is the fundamental structure of your existence in the three-dimensional environment. Student: Maybe you should just explain the technique, and I’ll stop asking questions. Teacher: If you could concentrate this grid of light—make it brighter, more intense; what do you think the result would be? Student: More energy?

Teacher: No. It can actually have the opposite effect in the sense that the body is fatigued and weakened. Student: So distributing light is not about concentrating it? Teacher: No. It’s balancing the light quotient within the human instrument and ensuring it is coherent, rhythmic, and free flowing. Student: It sounds like you’re describing the physical heart again. Teacher: This is the natural state of the heart and the entire human instrument, but in the day-to-day interactions with the three-dimensional environment, the human instrument can lose this balance and slip into an incoherent, arrhythmic, and entangled state of existence. The heart perceives this state and, without knowledge of the proper techniques, responds in kind, fueling the mental dysfunction and physiological inefficiency with its energy. Student: More “cloud” cover? Teacher: Precisely. This is why this step in the process is important because it helps the heart to synchronize its energy with the deeper, sub-quantum structures upon which you depend. Student: What do I do? Teacher: Can you visualize your heart beating in your chest distributing oxygen to your body and brain system?

Student: Yes. Teacher: Imagine this same function is occurring in your quantum or energetic heart, and that instead of veins and arteries, there are filaments of light that diverge from your quantum heart and connect you to a broader grid. This grid is the source of your existence as a physical being. Now, you can think of these filaments as both roots and wings. Roots in the sense that they anchor and ground your existence; and wings in the sense that they provide uplift and expansion to your life. Throughout the day, simply feel the energy structure that surrounds you. When you do this, imagine that your heart is “plugging in� or connecting to this structure, even if you cannot visualize it, feel its presence like a primordial soil of life-giving energy. Feel this connection as a rhythmic pulsing of light, flowing from the grid into your heart system and then flowing out from your heart to the rest of your body. Student: I felt this just listening to you. Teacher: That is the technique for the fourth and final step. Student: Should this fourth step be performed in concert with the other three techniques? Teacher: It is not necessary to perform this when you act upon the other three steps. This fourth technique can be performed throughout the day and only takes a matter of seconds. It can be performed twenty times each day for

the rest of your life. It is a technique to rebalance and replenish your core heart frequencies and to ensure they are being distributed throughout the human instrument. It activates the inner currents. Student: What are those? Teacher: When a river loses its current what happens? Student: It slows down and becomes stagnant. Teacher: Clarity and tempo are related, are they not? Student: I think this is true as it relates to rivers, but I assume you’re talking about the human system as well. Teacher: Correct. Student: So the techniques of the intuitive intelligence are really multi-faceted in what they bring to the individual? Teacher: If you can access your intuitive intelligence, in a sense, increase the bandwidth of your connection to the light energy grid that supports you, a single word can catapult you into understanding, when before a hundred books left you in ignorance. Intuitive intelligence is the potency of the quantum heart trickling into the three dimensional world. It is the key to the knowledge that matters. For this knowledge changes everything in the dimensions of the past, present and future. Student: I will faithfully practice it. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Teacher: It is my honor.

Chamber Two The Shifting Models of Existence The consciousness of the Sovereign Integral is the destination that beckons the human instrument inward into the reality of First Source. In all of the wanderings of the human consciousness from Source Reality, it has eliminated the compelling features of Source Reality through the application of the logical mind and the persistent belief in the language of limitation that flows from the external controls of the hierarchy. Source Reality, hidden behind language, has gradually become "illuminated" by the prophets of your world, and has thus, taken on the image of

language, rather than the expression of its compelling features. Language is the purveyor of limitation. It is the pawn of tyranny and entrapment. Virtually all entities within the timespace universe desire to preserve a dependence upon a hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the compelling features of Source Reality. It is the hierarchy that utilizes language as a form of structural limitation, though in relative terms, it can appear to be liberating and empowering. Source Reality is the dwelling place of First Source, and it dances outside of the constructs of any language. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all species within the Universe of Wholeness. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each entity's innate design and ultimate destiny. ITS essence is so far beyond conception that the human instrument's tendency is to resort to the language of externals -- and ultimately the hierarchy -- to define Source Reality. The hierarchy, through the purveyance of an evolution/saviorship model of existence, has attempted to guide the development of all entities throughout the Universe of Wholeness. The connection between the individual and the Source

is subtly undermined through the layers of language, belief system manipulation, and ritual controls designed by the hierarchy to intervene between the spiritual essence of entities and their source, First Source. Each individual must know them self to be free of all forms of external reliance. This is not to imply that one should not trust others or band together in alliances of friendship and community. It is simply a warning that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control, and even though their motives may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the hierarchy withholds information, the interpretive centers for relative truth are positioned to acquire and maintain power rather than dispensing the empowerment of Source equality. There are so many layers of relative truth that if you listen to the language of externals, you will most likely abandon your own power in favor of the proclamation of language. Language is seductive to the ego's drive for power and control, as well as the mind's inclination to surrender to, and believe in, the language of externals. It can lure the unsuspecting into believing images and ideas -- real or imagined -- for the sake of holding individuals in bondage to a lesser truth, or keep individuals supporting the hierarchy when it no

longer serves a purpose. The time is fast approaching when the veils of control at all levels of the hierarchy will be rendered obsolete by entities who are destined to pull down the veils and allow sovereign power to prevail over hierarchical power. There are entities that have woven their future existence with terra-earth and are destined to demonstrate the truth of Source equality among all entities at all levels of expression. It will become the fundamental purpose of the hierarchy to slowly remove these barriers to equality in such a way that the hierarchy appears to be the savior of consciousness rather than the guard of consciousness. There are those present who will ensure that the curtain falls swiftly for those who are ready to be equal with their Source; are willing to skirt the hierarchy's tangled pathways; and embrace their divinity as sovereign expressions of Source Reality. The hierarchy represents diverse interests, perceptions of reality, and motives of action. It is this diversity that causes the hierarchy to become ineffective in leading individuals to their equal status with First Source. However, this diversity is also what permits the hierarchy to attract and initially awaken such a breadth of individuals to their spiritual energies and intuitive centers.

Nevertheless, the hierarchy has trapped itself in diversity and vested specialization that prevents it from evolving from an arduous ladder of evolution to a joyous river of Light that is aligned with the purpose of empowering entities to Source equality. The saviorship concept results from the feelings of inadequacy that constantly surge within the mass consciousness of humanity through the genetic mind. These feelings are related to the fragmentation of the human instrument and its inability -- while fragmented -- to fully grasp its wholeness perspective and reach into its divine origins and accept itself as equal with First Source. Thus ensues the seemingly endless search to be saved from the inadequacy and insecurity that result from the fragmentation of the human instrument. The motive to evolve consciousness derives from the feeling of being less than whole. And in particular, the feeling of being disconnected from First Source due to imperfect judgment caused by the fragmentation of the human instrument. It is through these feelings that the fragmentation perpetuates itself for the entire species and is passed into the genetic mind, which is the shared foundation of the human instrument. The genetic mind of the human species is the single most powerful component of the hierarchy and it is

formed by the very conditions of the human instrument living in a three-dimensional, fivesensory context that is all-consuming. When the entity initially enters a human instrument at birth, it is immediately fragmented into a physical, emotional, and mental spectrum of perception and expression. From that day forward the entity is carefully conditioned to adapt into, and navigate within, the three-dimensional, fivesensory context of terra-earth. In effect, the entity purposely fragments its consciousness in order to experience separation from wholeness. In this state of separation, the entity has handicapped itself for the purpose of new experience and a deeper understanding of the Primal Blueprint or grand vision of First Source. Through this deeper understanding, the entity can, through the human instrument, transform the three-dimensional context into a self-aware, integrated component of the Universe of Wholeness. This magnificent and purposeful endeavor produces the urge within the human instrument to seek out its wholeness and reexperience its divine connection to First Source. This search, in large measure, is the fuel that drives the individual to seek out and explore the evolution/saviorship model of existence. It

provides the individual with the motivation to seek help and guidance from a specific subgroup of the hierarchy, and in so doing, develop a sense of belonging and unity. It is this very same sense of belonging and unity that helps to catalyze a growing awareness of the underlying union between the human instrument, the Entity Consciousness, the Universe of Wholeness, Source Intelligence, and First Source. This is why the evolution/saviorship model is so critical as a component to the Grand Experiment. It is the stage whereby the human instrument develops a sense of unity and belonging. A sense of relationship to some grand and encompassing vision. This is why the hierarchy nurtures saviors. It is also why the feelings of inadequacy and insecurity are developed and nurtured by the hierarchy. It actually hastens the unification of humanity, which in turn, will hasten and lead to the unification of humanity with the Universe of Wholeness. Spiritual leaders are able to peer deeply beneath the surface reality of life and experience how intricately connected every life form is, and how this composite of life is intelligent far beyond the human instrument's capability to both perceive and express. It is because of this condition that spiritual leaders can only interpret reality through

their personal abilities to perceive and express life's dimensional depth and limitless intelligence. No one is able to articulate life's dimensional depth and breadth with the tools of language. They can only, at best, describe their interpretation or their impressions. Every human is able, in varying degrees, to peer beneath the surface reality of life and perceive and express their personal interpretations of the Universe of Wholeness. They require only the time and intention to develop their own interpretations. And this is precisely what all the great spiritual leaders have taught. Life's deeper meaning is not an absolute to be experienced by the chosen few, but an evolving, dynamic intelligence that wears as many faces as there are life forms. No life form or species has the exclusive portal into the Universe of Wholeness in which First Source expresses ITSELF in all ITS majesty. The portal is shared with all because First Source is within all things. The great spiritual leaders of terra-earth have all, in their own way, interpreted the Universe of Wholeness and humanity's role therein. In so doing, their interpretations, because they were articulated with authority and depth of insight, became a target of debate among various subgroups of the hierarchy. This debate and inquiry process creates a polarity of belief. A

sympathetic constituency will emerge to defend and embellish their particular leader's interpretation, while everyone else will hold it in contempt of previously held beliefs. This peculiar method of creating a religion that is fixated on a savior's or prophet's interpretation of the Universe of Wholeness is unique to a species that is exploring the evolution/saviorship model of existence. The spiritual leaders that are recognized as great prophets or saviors have produced a vision of the Universe of Wholeness beyond what was currently defined by the hierarchy. They created a new portal into the Universe of Wholeness and were willing to share their vision at the expense of debate and probable ridicule. These men and women were the gateways for humanity to explore new facets of itself. To engage a part of its oversoul or universal consciousness that was essential at that particular time in its evolutionary cycle. But the leader's interpretations too often become interpreted by the followers who desire to create a religion or sect, and the vision quietly recedes into the hands of the hierarchy where it becomes de-vitalized by the very fact that it is connected to a massive structure that both protects and promotes it.

First Source is connected to individuals not organizations. Thus, the hierarchy is unconnected to the Source in a vital and dynamic way. The hierarchy is more connected to its own collective desire to help, to serve, to perform a function that allows the use of power to drive toward the vision of its leaders. In itself, this is not wrong or misguided. It is all part of the Primal Blueprint that orchestrates the unfoldment of consciousness from Prime Source to entity, and entity to Collective Source. This is the spiral of integration that breeds wholeness and cascading beauty within Source Intelligence. What the hierarchy has loosely labeled as Spirit comes as close as any word to the symbol of Source Intelligence. Source Intelligence inhabits all fields of vibration as an extension of the Source. It is the emissary of First Source that interweaves with the hierarchy as its counter-balance. Source Intelligence is the factor of integrity and alignment, which ensures that the hierarchy is serving its purpose within the Primal Blueprint. Source Intelligence is, in effect, the "scientist" who oversees the Grand Experiment and establishes the criteria, selects the variables, monitors the results, and evaluates the alternative outcomes in the laboratory of time and space.

The Grand Experiment is the ongoing transformation and expansion of Source Intelligence through all entities in all dimensions of existence. It is the purpose of the Grand Experiment to test alternative models of existence to determine, with some certainty, the model that is best able to unify consciousness without impinging on the sovereignty of the entity and First Source. The Grand Experiment is composed of many distinct stages that interlink, leading to the Great Mystery. Most of these different stages are being simultaneously played out within the timespace universe in order to prepare the universe for the impending expansion of Source Reality into all dimensions of existence. In the case of terra-earth, this is the stage of existence that promotes the clear connection of individual consciousness to the compelling features of Source Reality without the intervention of a hierarchy of any kind. This is when the fables and myths of history step into the light and become known as they truly are and have been. This is the time when language will be transmuted into a new form of communication that exhibits the compelling features of Source Reality in an artistry of energy and vibration that break down all barriers of control.

It is time to recognize that the hierarchy extends throughout the cosmos to the very borders of discovery. It has branches that extend from every star system, every known dimension; and virtually all life forms are "leaves" of this vast cosmological tree. This constitutes the grand indoctrination of species, spirits, planets, and stars as they each evolve through the branches of the tree. Thus, the hierarchy is an assemblage of externals that desire to invest their energies in support of a sub-group that has nested somewhere within the greatest of all structures -- the hierarchy. Service is the operational motive of the hierarchy, and in most cases, this translates into the concept of saviorship and the teacher/student ordering of the universe. The hierarchy is composed of all entities of all motives that have linked their energies into subgroups. These sub-groups are independent branches of the vast, cosmological tree that encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious instincts. At the base of the tree the first branches sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the species. The middle branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches represent the contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The

whole tree, in this definition, is the hierarchy, and its seed was initially conceived, planted, and nurtured by Source Intelligence for the purpose of stimulating the Grand Experiment. This is the experiment of transformation verses evolution. Evolution is the arduous and ongoing process of shifting positions within the hierarchy -always assessing your present position in relation to a new one that beckons you. Transformation is simply the recognition that there are accelerated pathways that bypass the hierarchy leading to sovereign mastership rather than interdependent saviorship, and that these new pathways can be accessed through direct experience of the equality tone-vibration that is present within all entities. This tone vibration is not what is more commonly referred to as the music of the spheres or the vibration of spirit moving through the universe in resonance to Source intention. It is a vibration that holds together the three principles of the transformational experience: Universe relationship through gratitude, observance of Source in all things, and the nurturance of life. The application of these life-principles in a specific equation of conduct de-couples an entity from the controlling elements of the hierarchy.

How can the hierarchy act in the role of an interpretive center of truth without manipulating entities, and thus, obscuring their free will? The Grand Experiment was designed with free will as its primary method of obtaining authentic information that can be used to expand Source Reality to all dimensions of existence. Free will is the thread of authenticity that imbues value in the various tests within the Grand Experiment. The hierarchy or any other external structure never jeopardizes free will. Only the entity can choose their reality, and this is the fundamental principle of free will. Free will is not obscured simply because an entity is presented with alternative realities or relative truths that delay its realization of Source equality. It is the choice of the entity to invest itself in external accounts of reality instead of delving within its own resources and creating a reality that is sovereign. The value of free will is always expanding as you move towards sovereignty, and in like manner, is always diminishing as you move towards external dependence. The choice between sovereignty or external dependence is the basis of free will, and there is no structure or external source that can eliminate this basic choice. It is an inward choice that, regardless of outward

circumstance, is incapable of being denied by anything external. The Universe of Wholeness encompasses all dimensions (including Source Reality), and therefore, all realities are contained therein. In this incomprehensible diversity, each entity is provided a structure that defines their free will in terms of its relation Source Reality. Each of these structures varies in latitude of choice, but each is connected into the superstructure of the hierarchy. The structureless reality of Source Reality is where free will was initially conceived, and when the principle expanded into the time-space universe as the thread of authenticity, it became increasingly dependent upon the entity's recognition of its wholeness in relation to Source Intelligence. If the entity was fragmented into its component parts, its comprehension of free will was limited to that which the hierarchy circumscribed. If the entity is a conscious collective, realizing its sovereign wholeness, the principle of free will was a form of structure that was unnecessary, like a fire in a summer's day. When entities are unknowing of their wholeness, structure will occur as a form of self-imposed security. Through this ongoing development of a structured and ordered universe, entities defined their borders -- their limits -- through the expression of their insecurity.

They gradually became pieces of their wholeness, and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty. If you were to perceive the origin of your existence, you would undoubtedly see how vast the entity is. If you could pierce through the veils that cover your destiny, you would understand how much vaster you will become. Between these two points of existence -- origin and destiny -- the entity is always the vibrant container of Source Intelligence. It has willingly allowed itself to explore the time-space universes as an outpost of First Source. Therefore, while the hierarchy may obscure the entity's comprehension of its wholeness, it is the entity who has surrendered, by choice, to listen to the language of limitation, the proclamations of externals, and become seduced by the model of evolution/saviorship. Why has the hierarchy not provided the alternative model of transformation/mastership and enabled the entity to make a choice, and in so doing, truly exercise its free will? It is because the hierarchy, like most entities, is not aware of its wholeness. Its fragments, or subgroups, are completely devoted to boundaries. Where there are boundaries that define and limit, there is also structure. Where there is deeply ingrained structure there is a pervasive belief that transformation is impossible.

Naturally, the time-space universe conforms to the matrix of belief projection, and the very concept of transformation is removed from the hierarchy's reality. Thus, the hierarchy is unable to even conceptualize the model of transformation/mastership with any precision, let alone inform the entity that alternatives exist which issue from Source Intelligence. The hierarchy is not responsible for this condition, each entity is. The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal. It existed before the hierarchy. It is the entity that has chosen to explore the hierarchy's model of existence for the purpose of participating in the Grand Experiment and assisting in the emergence of the synthesis model of existence. The hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force, and merely represents a key ingredient to the recipe of wholeness that is transforming the entity to reach beyond its role as a vibrant container of Source Intelligence, and become the bridgeway in the expansion of Source Reality into the time-space universes. There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, that the time-space universes will ascend into Source Reality and the human instrument of love will accompany this ascension process. However, it is Source Reality that is expanding to encompass the time-space universes with the purpose of

aligning all entities to the synthesis model of existence. Source Intelligence is stripping away the veils that hide the true meaning of the entity model of expression in the time-space universes. When this occurs, the entity will possess Source equality in all dimensions and fields of vibration, and its componentry will be united for the full expression of its sovereign perspective. This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When the fragments are aligned and inter-connected, the entity becomes the instrument that facilitates Source Reality expansion. Thus, the entity does not ascend from the time-space universes, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its sovereign expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent, of Source Reality into the time-space universes. Ascension is often construed as the natural outcome of evolution. That all planetary systems and species are evolving to the point where they ascend from limitation, and that eventually, the time-space universes will somehow fold into Source Reality and cease to exist as fields of vibration. It is actually quite the opposite. Source

Reality is descending. It is inclusive of all things, and it is the Source intention to expand, not retreat. The entity transforms to wholeness within the cradle of the time-space universe, and, in so doing, becomes the accessory of Source Reality's intention to expand. Can you see the perfection of this Primal Blueprint? Can you feel the shifting of the matrix from which your reality is cast? Can you not also understand that you, the human instrument, consist of a componentry that is individuated as a single point of pure energy, yet live in many places on many dimensions simultaneously? Only within the entity is the place of transformation discovered, where the formless Self can enter and commune with its various outposts of form. The formless is the Eternal Watcher who lives behind the veil of form and comprehension, and draws forth the wisdom of time from the well of planets. It is the point of origination from whence Source Intelligence flows. The Eternal Watcher is the only real interpretive center for the entity. It is the only stable guidance system that can propel the entity to its wholeness. Thus, the entity is composed of both the formless identity of Source Intelligence and the formful identity of densified energy. While the formless is one, the formful is divested in many fragments of expression that isolate its consciousness as islands

of perception and expression. This condition results in the entity's denial of its vast and glorious nature of existence. In the human instrument, the entity, for the most part, is silent and unmoving. It appears like a fleeting whisper of gladness that touches you like a mountain wind. It is quiet like a deep ocean. Yet, the entity is coming forward into the time-space universe as a harbinger of Source Reality expansion. It is beginning to make itself known as it truly is. Many feel the shadow of their entity as it approaches. They consign all forms of definition to this "shadow", seldom believing it to be the torchbearer of their total selfhood. Here is where all the vows of faithfulness, all the ceremonies of love, and all the feelings of hope should be centered and given over to the sovereign entity that we each are. The primary reason that the hierarchy's model of evolution/saviorship is so compelling is because the entity has become fragmented in how it perceives its total selfhood. The Eternal Watcher that lives through the human instrument is illusive to the time-space conditioned mind, yet it is the mind that attempts to reach out and touch this subtle vibration of Source equality that is forever kindled by Source Intelligence. However, the mind is too conditioned and disempowered to realize the

total scope of the entity that exists beyond the shadows of intuition. It is for this reason that the species is exploring the evolution/saviorship model of existence. They have little or no conception of their wholeness, and require a savior and the acclimation process of evolution, to bring them security and happiness. It is a natural condition of an evolving species to have a desire, implanted by the hierarchy, to be saved and to be a savior. This condition results in the teacher/student ordering of the universe, and it is a building block of evolution and the very essence of the hierarchy's structural existence. While some species resort to the drama of survival to catalyze their evolutionary progress, other species resort to the drama of being saved and being a savior. The saviorship drama is an expression of sovereign entities that are preoccupied with the evolutionary process, and it is not confined to a religious context, but indeed applies to all facets of one's life. As there are relative truths, there are relative freedoms. If you are evolving through the hierarchical process you gain an ever-increasing sense of freedom, yet you are still controlled by the vibration of externals through languages, thought forms, frequencies of color and sound, and the seemingly indelible artifacts of the genetic

mind. Each of these elements can cause the human instrument to rely upon the hierarchy as it overlays a sense of inequality between you and your Source. The underlying equation of the evolutionary process is human instrument + Hierarchy = God connection. In the case of the transformational process, it is Entity + Source Intelligence = Prime Source equality. Source Intelligence, though it generally manifests as the vibration of equality, is subject to the will of First Source, and as the Source intention changes through the various stages of the Grand Experiment, Source Intelligence is also changing its form of manifestation. This change is occurring now within the worlds of time and space because First Source is beginning to set the stage for the integration of the two primary models of existence (evolution/saviorship and transformation/mastership) within the Grand Experiment. The time has come to integrate the dominant model of the hierarchy (evolution/saviorship) with the dominant model of Source Intelligence (transformation/mastership). This integration can only be achieved at the level of the entity. It cannot occur within the context of a human instrument or an aspect of the hierarchy. Only the entity -- the wholeness of inter-dimensional

sovereignty imbued with Source Intelligence -- can facilitate and fully experience the integration of these two models of existence. This form of integration occurs when the entity fully explores the two models and develops a synthesis model that positions saviorship as an internal role of the entity to "save" itself, and not rely upon externals to perform this liberating task. This act of self-sufficiency begins to integrate the saviorship idea with the mastership realization. The next step is to integrate the time-based incremental progress of the evolutionary model with the realization-based acceptance of the transformation model. This is done when the entity is thoroughly convinced that experience and utilization of its wholeness can only occur when it is completely detached from the various structures of the hierarchy. While the entity assumes its role of personal liberation, it does not mean that the hierarchy is to be shunned or avoided. The hierarchy is a wondrous instrument. It is symbolic of the body of First Source, enabling IT to submerge within the time-space universes similar to how the human instrument allows the entity to function outside of Source Reality. The hierarchy is a vehicle of transformation even when it acts to suppress information and keep species in obedience to its

controlling hand. It is part of the ancient formula that prepares a new universe for the synthesis model of existence and membership in the Universe of Wholeness. The combination of self-saviorship and detachment from the hierarchy initiates the synthesis model into manifestation. The synthesis model is the next outcome of the Grand Experiment, and in certain vibrational fields of the multidimensional universe, there are entities who are indeed experiencing this stage of the experiment as forerunners of the entity model of Source individuation. These entities are specifically designed to transmit this future experience into communication symbols and life principles that facilitate the bridging of the two models of existence. Beyond the initial design and construction of these "bridges", these entities will remain largely unknown. If they were to do anything more, they would rapidly become a fixture of the hierarchy and their missions would become compromised. These Sovereign Entities are not present in the time-space universe to be formal teachers. They are present to be catalysts and designers. They are present to ensure that Source Intelligence is allowed to balance the dominant force of the hierarchy and its model of evolution/saviorship.

They will not create a new belief system. Instead, they will focus on developing new communication symbols through various art forms that facilitate the entity's detachment from the controlling aspects of the hierarchy. The Sovereign Entities will also demonstrate the natural ease of interweaving the two primary strands of existence into a synthesis model. In the advancing epoch of human development, entities will collectively design new pathways beyond the synthesis model of existence so that a new hierarchy can be constructed that is fashioned from Source Intelligence information. This new hierarchy will be cast from the knowledge gained from the Grand Experiments of the time-space universes, and the cosmic cycle will regenerate itself into a new field of vibration and existence. This new model of existence resists definition, and word-symbols are completely inadequate to describe even the shadowy outlines of this new form of existence that is emerging from out of the synthesis model in your future time. The WingMakers are Sovereign Entities who will be transforming time-space universes from ladders of consciousness to inclusions of Source Reality. In other words, Source Reality will be extended into time-space universes, and all life forms therein will experience this extension through a new

hierarchical structure that is completely aligned with Source Intelligence. What some call "heaven on earth" is merely an echo-realization of this impending future time. What is truly bearing down on the time-space universes is the expansion of Source Reality through the accessibility of Source Intelligence information to all entities regardless of form or structure. When this accessibility is complete and the Source Coding is fully activated, all entities will be part of a new cosmological structure. This new structure will invoke the next model of existence, which is already being developed within Source Reality by Source Intelligence and the Sovereign Entities. What is being activated now upon this time-space universe is the initial preparations for these shifts in the models of existence. More specifically, upon terra-earth, these models of existence will be simultaneously played out over the next epoch of time. As always, it will be the choice of the entity as to which model they embrace as reality. These various models of existence will generally occur in a pre-determined sequence, but not necessarily in a pre-determined timeframe. The sequence of Source Reality expansion is: Source Intelligence creation of new fields of vibration; the ongoing development of an entity constructed hierarchy to act as the superstructure of the new

creation; the emergence from the hierarchy of a dominant model of existence, in this case, the evolution/saviorship model; the introduction of the Source Intelligence model of existence, in this case, the transformation/ mastership model; the intermixing of these two models to form a synthesis model of Source equality; and finally, Source Reality expansion to the inclusion of all dimensions and entities. When this sequencing of the Primal Blueprint is achieved, the process, with all that has been learned by Source Intelligence, will be reconfigured and a new element of the Primal Blueprint will be revealed that is unknown at this stage even by Source Intelligence. The time required to fulfill the complete cycle is undetermined, but it is reasonable to expect that its completion is yet so distant in time that to attach measurement is simply a feeble attempt at estimating the unknowable. Let there be no mistake, however, that the fulfillment of the Primal Blueprint is indeed the direction all entities are traveling. While entities of all levels are bestowed free will within their own realities, they are not, as aspects of Source Reality, given free will to choose their ultimate destiny. The origin of entities is Source Intelligence, and it is Source Intelligence that

determines destiny as well as origin. Still, entities are provided tremendous latitude of choices to propel themselves from origin to destiny and reemerge into an expanded version of Source Reality with a renewed vision of their identity. All of the highest imaginings of the human instrument are yet unaware of the deepest foundation of the Primal Blueprint. They have sought the upper reaches of the building, and remain unaware of the foundation's design. It is here, at the very bottom of existence that First Source is bursting forth with ITS energy and is retreating with ITS equality of sovereign mastership. It is here that equality is realized, not in the lofty places of relative truth lodged in the hierarchy, but in the deepest part of the foundational plan of life's origins and destiny, where time rejoins itself into timelessness. The origin and destiny of existence is the tone of equality in life. Listen for this tone -- this frequency of vibration -- and follow it back into the very foundation from whence all things arise and return. This frequency of the tone-vibration of equality is only heard with the seventh sense by the entity who is enveloped in a human instrument. The seventh sense can be developed by the time capsules' and will lead certain entities to their

innermost or core expression. The core expression is what activates the seventh sense. Thus, before one can hear the tone-vibration of equality, they must gain access to their core expression. There is encoded in each of the time capsules, a system of languages that can lead the individual to their core expression. It is hidden because it is so powerful. And we will only lead the worthy to this power. Consider these words as symbols only. Remember that language is a tool of limitation. Feeling is an antidote of limitation that permits the human instrument to leap over the boundaries of the logical mind and witness first hand the wordless power of collective energy individuated. Feel the truth that stands behind the symbols, and tap into this energy-force that reaches out for you. Know it as a tone-vibration -- a resonance that waits for you around every corner in which your life will turn. It is the beacon of the Source Vibration gathering itself into the form of language in order to usher you to the place from which you can experience the formless tone of equality. The bypass of limitation. The Primal Language of Source Intelligence that bestows to you the freedom to generate your deepest beauty in the expression of the highest truth.

Chamber Three The Blueprint of Exploration WingMakers' Philosophy rst Source created a blueprint of exploration to redefine itself and beget purpose to the multiverse and all existence therein. The purpose of this system is to explore the worlds of creation and evolve the ability of the individuated consciousness to acquire and express wisdom. Each individuated consciousness is a fragment of the beautiful mosaic that depicts the personage of First Source. The blueprint of exploration organizes these disparate fragments and adjoins them in their proper place to restore the wholeness of First Source -reconfigured to achieve the creation, inhabitation, and transformation of yet another universe. Throughout the cosmos there is life -- the expression of First Source in individuated form. These are the divine fragments that are always in the process of separating to experience individual expression of self, and congealing to experience universal expression of First Source. We are born from the very womb of the cosmos, and it is

here that all will return in time. It matters not when or how. It only matters why. The distance of this womb from your earth is near infinite, and yet, so close that it would make your heart quiver if you knew the reach of your imagination. In the very beginning of your existence, as a formless consciousness, you chose to experience individual expression and separate from your Source. And when you chose the three-dimensional world as your platform of experience, you embarked into the world of time in which you would encounter every conceivable obstacle and challenge to your restoration of oneness with your Creator. This blueprint of exploration is the underlying foundation of the cosmos and it consists of five basic stages of experience as it relates to the individual consciousness.

I. The Creation of the Entity Consciousness. From out of the spirit-essence of Source Intelligence, flowing from First Source, each of you is born. As particles of light leavened by Source Intelligence to arise and secure individual consciousness, you are born an immortal entity that shares the essence of First Source in non-time and non-space. This is the Entity consciousness that is imbued with the Wholeness Navigator that permits the Entity to separate from First Source into individuality, but remain guided by Source Intelligence.

The entity is the highest state of consciousness, dwelling in a state of total awareness of all lesser instruments or bodies, which feed it experience and insight. The entity consciousness is the infallible observer of experience and synthesizer of insight. In all respects, it is a miniature of First Source, lacking only the experiential relationship with time and space that develops its sense of empowerment to act independently of First Source. It is precisely this sense of independence that the birth of the entity begets. It is the central part of the blueprint of exploration because without this sense of independence, exploration of the cosmos and its various fields of vibration would be limited to the perception of First Source, peering through the lens of Source Intelligence. By definition it is a single dimensional perception, and therefore, an incomplete exploration. First Source decreed this exploration as a result of its creation of the multiverse, and when it was created, First Source summoned itself in the form of light particles and cast these particles into separation. The first of these creations was bestowed an individual identity through the use of a physical instrument known as a light body. The density of this body was sufficient to block the separated particles from First Source's dominant reality. In doing so, the particles became autonomous explorers and quickly populated the innermost realms of the Universe of Wholeness. However, they never ventured into the outer realms of creation where the density of vibration decelerated time to such an extent that exploration in bodies was impossible, owing to the great distance.

These initial entities understood that their existence held a very specific purpose, which was to construct a vehicle for the newly created entity consciousness to inhabit so the individuated spirit-form could enter the most remote sections of the multiverse and explore, experience, and learn from them. This would be similar to constructing a deep-sea diving suit that permits a diver to explore the sea bottom. First Source, working through Source Intelligence, could perceive the outermost realms of creation, but it was unable to experience them and, therefore, acquire wisdom about the very things First Source created. WingMakers were the first creations that housed the entity consciousness. We are the architects and designers of the human instrument in all of its various forms throughout the multiverse. The human species is not unique in the multiverse. There are many variations on other planets within your known universe. Nearly all of you have experience in these other realms of the universe, but you are not able to translate these experiences to your conscious mind. Even so, as First Source birthed the entity consciousness, the WingMakers created the instruments of exploration that enabled this newly formed consciousness to explore the dense vibratory realms of the outermost creation. Because the vibratory rate of the physical universe is decelerated to such an extent that particles solidify into clusters of objects, time decelerates into sequential frames of perception, allowing the entity consciousness to explore multiple worlds simultaneously. This enables one entity to explore hundreds, if not thousands, of

worlds in a single frame of time. This creates the perception -- albeit dimly felt by most of you -- that you have lived before and that you will live again. In reality, if you are within a human instrument, you are immortal light consciousness gathered from the same substance as First Source. You were born of this substance, and you will never die from it. It is not possible to discard or revoke this most pure of vibrations that is your core identity. Deep inside of you there is no doubt of this truth. There is only the question of why you were individuated.

II. The Individual of Time and Genetic Density The entity is driven by its very nature to explore creation. This is the core identity of First Source, and it was bestowed upon all of its creations like a genetic trait is passed from a parent to its child. This primal instinct instructs the entity to submerge into the realms of creation for the purposes of exploration, without the attendant anticipation of achievement or conquest. This form of exploration is not simply to discover new geographies or physical states of existence. More importantly, it is to discover new emotional states of perception that enhances the collective wisdom of First Source. Exploration begets wisdom. This is the practical perspective of the entity consciousness, and it is precisely this innate quality that compels the entity to descend into time and density.

The entity consciousness is aware of its connection to First Source through Source Intelligence. It is also aware of the opportunity to take its pure-state vibration into other dimensions of time and space through the instruments that have been created by the WingMakers. Through these instruments, or bodies, as you might think of them, the entity can explore decelerated vibratory states like your planet. When the entity takes on the light body, it is still essentially formless. Its identity, while separate from First Source, is not separate from other entities within the light body. Thus, it is not yet cast into individuality. This stage occurs only when the light body moves into an instrument of genetic density. What your scientists' call DNA is the instrument created by the WingMakers that permits the light body to explore the multiverse and acquire the individuated state of separation from First Source and its particles of light consciousness that we call the entity. The vast conditions of creaturehood beckon the light body to don an instrument and follow its instincts to explore. The moment this is done, the entity becomes aware of itself as an individual. However, this individuality is not overwhelming, nor is it feared. It is simply a new sense of independence; the microcosm of self-learning begins to bloom. Contrary to your religious instructions, there is no accompanying punishment that follows the state of independence. The entity is not punished for its choice of explorations, otherwise the state of independence would be impossible to achieve. It is only through this state of

independence or freewill that the entity can achieve a unique perspective. If the boundaries were prescribed too narrowly, and the entity was punished or allowed to accumulate sin each time it strayed, it would become more of an automaton than an explorer. Without authentic exploration within the worlds of creation, the value of the experience for both the entity and First Source is greatly diminished. Just as a newborn human expresses its energy in the awkward movements of its limbs, the new entity expresses its energy in the awkward decisions of its exploratory path. These decisions include every conceivable movement into darkness that can be imagined, and it is because of this that the entity develops its uniqueness.

III. The Acquisition of Experience through Separation When the entity becomes unique, it can acquire experience and insight that is unique. And this is the precious cargo that the entity was designed to transmit to First Source. Individuality and independence were the gifts bestowed to the entity, and unique insight was the gift returned. This is how the multiverse is designed, and the blueprint of exploration is indifferent to the nature of the instrument, its outward appearance, its usefulness to a given species, or its contributions to the world from which it was born. The only objective worth expressing is that the entity secured for itself, and provided to First Source, a unique perspective during its sojourn into time and genetic density.

When the entity functions within a human instrument it remains attuned to First Source, but the mind learns to identify with its instrument of exploration, and seldom achieves a sustainable impression of the entity's purestate vibration. However, this vibration is always remembered by the entity consciousness and expressed within the three-dimensional realm through the sense of equality and shared purpose that all entities possess. The human instrument, when it is donned by the entity, becomes a dominant reality in which the entity's observational stage is cast. It is very similar to a pilot who enters a plane and begins to fixate on the control panels. The entity can operate effectively within a wide range of one to approximately one thousand dominant realities -- each occurring in sequential time simultaneously. As a consequence, the entity is able to both accelerate and balance its learning across a broad range of experiential platforms. We understand that the concept of simultaneous experiential learning platforms is a concept that pulls against every three-dimensional fiber in your bodies and minds, but it is the true way in which you were designed. WingMakers have produced not less than one hundred thousand variations of the human instrument -- all structured around the same DNA template and each scattered across the seven physical universes of our multiverse. When you read these words, you are operating in tens, if not hundreds, of simultaneous realities throughout the multiverse, but only the entity is able to perceive these realities.

When the entity moves into independence, it initially operates in one dominant reality and gradually becomes adept at processing multiple data streams from multiple instruments. Remember that the entity is first and foremost within a light body, and that this light body is without structure, as you know it. It is both a point fixed in time and space, and a consciousness that is omnipresent. The human instrument was designed to have an aperture that focuses this omnipresent consciousness into multiple channels of perception, but at the same time limit the perception of the human instrument to one dominant reality. This was done by necessity because the mind, emotions, and body cannot withstand the aggregate experience of multiple instruments. It overloads the system and causes the human instrument to break down and ultimately collapse. It also makes the delicate connection between the entity awareness and the mind and emotions more clouded. Even with this accounted for; the subconscious realms enable these currents of simultaneity to disperse and provide a cleansing space for the mind and emotions. The entity is like a beam of white light, and as it passes into the genetic density of the human instrument, it separates into a broad spectrum of experience. Owing to the genetic structures into which the entity's light energy passes, it accumulates unique perspective that is shaped into an emotional wisdom that can be transmitted to First Source and to the species at large.

IV. The Ascending Spiral to the True Wisdom

The entity's sojourns within the physical realms of the multiverse are vast as measured by time and space. They comprise, in most cases, an aggregate of tens of thousands of years, and each of these years produce an effect on the entity. These messages of time shape them into new forms. And these forms emerge as exemplars of what is to be in the distant future. These are the Sovereign Integrals spoken of in our previous discourses. These beings are able to look upon their experience in all forms, places, and time, and integrate the total experience into an expression that is imported to the human species. It is the pinnacle of testimony, and it seldom occurs in a species until it has defined its true wisdom. You rightfully claim wisdom in your religious books, scientific journals, and philosophical discourses, but this in not your true wisdom as it pertains to your species. The difference is simple; your true wisdom will not divide your species. It will unite it. And it will not be unification through love and emotions; it will be through a shared connection to the rightful meaning of the multiverse because this is the only lens that, when focused, resolves your place as a species. Are we saying that science will lead you to this true wisdom? No, we are telling you that there will be a handful of your species that will step forward as Sovereign Integrals with a balanced scientific and philosophical nature, and they will have the benefit of an educated species that will listen to the inconvertible evidence.

Even First Source cannot bring a species to its true wisdom. The leaders of the species must achieve it through organic, self-inventive methods. First Source, through its original blueprint of exploration, enabled the humanoid species the ability and means to acquire this knowledge itself. If the true wisdom were brought to the species from outside itself, it would be inherently mistrusted and it would not be sufficiently compelling to unite the species. There are numerous revelations that have been brought to your species through non-physical entities in the form of what you term, channeled information. Even parts of your Holy books are channeled. However, these writings were for the few. They did not contain the true wisdom -they only hinted at the shadow it casts. The Sovereign Integrals will emerge like beacons for your species, and elevate the mental and emotional perceptions of the entire species. When one Sovereign Integral emerges, it will, by the catalytic forces of its own entity consciousness, cause another to arise, and another, and another, and it will cascade from one to one thousand in a single generation. From this one thousand, will arise one million in the next generation, and from this one million the entire population will arise, imbued with this insight gained from the portal into the multiverse. And from this portal will arise the organization of the true wisdom into a form that will endure against all attacks. This is the grand unification of the species around the new, non-hierarchal structures that enable the experience of the true wisdom to the newborn of its

species in order to perpetuate the unification of the species. Within six generations, the genetic mind of the species is stable and then becomes a powerful tool of exploration that the species will come to understand as its "spaceship" into the multiverse. The human species of your planet will become the teachers who channel the shadowy outline of the true wisdom to a new species that is, even now, unconsciously awaiting your arrival. The process is carried out over and over, always with variations and anomalies that spark deeper insights and pathways into the Central Universe from which First Source has its being. It is the most powerful of all gravity fields, and ultimately leads a species and its individuated entities to its periphery from which we, the WingMakers, reside as your future selves.

The Onward Journey of Developing Creation The entity is viewed in the universe of time and space as an evolving particle of exploration commissioned by First Source to explore, populate, develop, and transform the outposts of creations into enclaves of Source Intelligence. When the entity is viewed in the dimensions of non-time and non-space -- its natural habitat -- it appears as an immortal facet of First Source that has been individuated, but when viewed in the three-dimensional environment of genetic density, it appears as a temporal facet of its species.

The species -- in this case, the human species -- evolves in time as the elder race that guides a developing race in the formation of its metaphysical and scientific foundations. They become the culture-builders of a new species. The evolution of a species stretches from its origins in the Central Universe as a unified genetic model fit to explore the multiverse, to a fragmentation of the species into biologic diversity, to its re-unification through culture and technology, to its ascension as a non-physical unified Genetic Mind, to its application of this Genetic Mind as a means to explore the outer reaches of the cosmos and help guide a developing species, and to the merging of this Genetic Mind with the Genetic Mind of its ancestral race. Your scientists have defined the evolution of the species on a scale that is only the equivalent of a tiny splinter of wood in a vast forest of time and space. The evolution of the human specie through the "forest" of time and space is an exceedingly dense process, consisting of innumerable levels of progress that ultimately enables the Genetic Mind of the species to blend harmoniously with First Source. What fuels this process is the genetically endowed drive of the entity to explore the worlds of creation, and to ultimately acquire the necessary wisdom and compassion to lead a younger species to its true wisdom. You may wonder why this process seems so convoluted and fraught with missteps and mistakes. We tell you that the process is not what it seems. The Genetic Mind of the elder race that is working with your species on terra-

earth operates in a window of time more comprehensive and inclusive than you can imagine. The gateway into your future is through the completion of this blueprint, and this blueprint is encoded deep within your species. At your root, you are not an immortal psychic impression, or mental echo, but rather, you are the faultless triune of First Source, Source Intelligence and the sovereign entity, colliding in a dance of energy that is evermore. Your mind must grasp the fullness of your true nature and depth of your being, or you will fall prey to the psychic impression and mental echo of your lesser self. If you believe, as you are taught, in the lesser self, you will reach for the food that nourishes the shadow and not the substance. The substance of your design is awakened with the words that form the concepts of your enlarged self-image. And these words are not merely spoken, but they are seen, felt, and heard as well. They lead you to the tone of equality and the perception of wholeness. Allow these words to wash over you like a gentle wave that brings you buoyancy and movement. It will sweep you to a new shore, and it is there that you will begin to uncover your true nature and purpose. The blueprint of exploration is the genetic substrate of your design, and all of the so-called "lower" life forms are the "limbs" of your species. Without them, you could not exist. And so the composite life form is truly the species of which we speak when we speak of the human species. We do not separate you from the plant and animal kingdoms. We see them as one composite species. It is your scientists who have chosen to separate the one

species into billions of sub-species because wholeness cannot be classified and analyzed. The tools of the mind suppress the true nature of your species. Only when you observe with the frequency of equality foremost in your heart and mind, can you bypass this suppression and feel the linkages that organize your specie into a master organism. It is this organism that is in perfect alignment with First Source like two circles that overlap so perfectly that only one is seen. It is the very nature of First Source to create innumerable fragments of itself and lead each to cohesion as a master organism, while allowing each fragment to retain its sovereignty. This is the perfect bestowal of love. While First Source cannot be found through searching, if you will submit to the leading impulse of the sovereign entity within you, you will unerringly be guided, step by step, life after life, through universe upon universe, and age by age, until you finally peer into the eyes of your Creator and realize you are one. And in this realization you will see that the specie from which you emerge is one also. The fragments of the one congeal through the blueprint of exploration whose end is not foreseen, and whose beginning is not measured by time.

Chamber Four Beliefs and Their Energy Systems WingMakers' Philosophy

All beliefs have energy systems that act like birthing rooms for the manifestation of the belief. Within these energy systems are currents that

direct your life experience. You are aware of these currents either consciously or subconsciously, and you allow them to carry you into the realm of experience that best exemplifies your true belief system. Belief systems resonate with, and are the byproduct of, the dominant energy system of a sympathetic group, culture, and even species. Thus, energy systems are more fundamental than beliefs, and create experience that creates beliefs. Energy systems are wide ranging in their context, but as they relate to beliefs, they can be defined as primordial thought forms crystallized within the human DNA. Some would refer to these fundamental energy systems as instinctual knowledge. Within each entity is the genetic compound of its ancestry, moving across innumerable generations and species, and, in the vastness of galactic time, this genetic compound accumulates energy systems that pertain to how one survives in the three-dimensional universe. Thus, survival is the dominant energy system of the human entity, which informs its genetic code and triggers its life experience and beliefs. Survival is the focal point of conformity. When an entity believes so deeply in survival, it is near impossible to break from the conformity that survival requires. And so, the human species, rooted in an energy system of survival, has become a conformist to the dictates of its genetic

predispositions and instincts, and its experience reflects this, conditioning its belief system to follow. Life circumstances do not differentiate nor insulate an entity from this pervasive reality. Thus the equation for three-dimensionally based species: Survival-Based Energy System + Galactic Time = Conformist Life Experience = Belief System. What this means is that survival, as the core energy system of the species, will beget over long periods of time, a life experience that produces conformity to the requirements of survival. Consequently, belief systems are largely a byproduct of the genetically based instinct to conform in order to survive. The cycle of conformity entrains energy systems of individuals and groups, and it casts belief systems that obey the energy system just as surely as a shadow conforms to the general shape of an object. Within the boundaries of the survival-based energy system are transition zones that permit a recasting of one's belief system in accordance to cosmological, multidimensional energy systems. Think of these transition zones as isolated portals of energy that intersect the dominant energy system of the human species not unlike energy vortexes intersecting space. The energy system that permeates terra-earth -creating predictable belief systems of conformity -will be energetically transformed to enable more accessible transition zones. How one accesses

these portals or transition zones and utilizes their enabling energy system will be the real issue of your 21st century. Think of these transition zones as portals that lead one out of the prevailing energy system of survival and conformity of the mind-body into a new energy system that is of the mind-soul. The mind-soul energy system is characterized by creative energy directed to realizing that the Wholeness Navigator is the personality that endures and is therefore the creator of enduring beliefs and life experience. When this realization is achieved by accessing one of these transition zones or portals, the entity can begin to restructure their belief system independent of time and the predominant notion of survival. There are two kinds of transition zones: Tributary Zones and the Grand Portal. The Tributary Zones fluctuate over time and are generally found in the high-culture of a robust civilization -- notably the art movements that are grounded in spiritual principles, sacred mythology, and cosmic context. Art of this nature, whether it is music, painting, poetry, drama, or dance, can be constructed into a Tributary Zone that transitions entities to discover the Grand Portal. The Grand Portal is the prime achievement that awaits humanity in the last quarter of the 21st century. It will be the irrefutable discovery of the human soul by authoritative science. This Grand Portal will usher in a new awareness for humanity

that will enable it to shift from a survival-based, mind-body energy system, to an exploratory-based, mind-soul energy system. This exploratory energy system will manifest the belief system of the Sovereign Integral; the Golden Age long prophesied. The WingMakers, working in conjunction with the existing Hierarchy, have created or inspired the Tributary Zones throughout human history. Each of these Tributary Zones emerges on the timeline of humanity not as religious or philosophical movements, but as artistic expressions of refined beauty and spiritual adoration. As time draws nearer for the discovery of the Grand Portal, these artistic expressions will become increasingly multidimensional, integrated, and, like directional beacons, guide the way to the Grand Portal's discovery. This is the way of enlightenment for the human species. The WingMakers created the initial Tributary Zones in accelerated, non-physical dimensions as outposts of creative energy linked to the higher circuits of First Source, and these act as guideposts that gently steer humankind's finest representatives of the arts and culture to create Tributary Zones that are physically based, which in turn, guide humankind's finest representatives of the sciences to ultimately discover and prove the existence of the Wholeness Navigator. In so doing, humanity is forever changed from a survival-based

energy system to an explorer-based energy system. This is the event that will change the life experience of humanity more profoundly than any other event of the 21st century. Eleven thousand years of civilization will culminate in this event, and it will occur through art and science. Religion will be a factor as well, but only a subsidiary factor. When this discovery is made, religion will have no choice but to honor it and adopt the far-reaching implications. Religion will fear it will be displaced by science, and it will know only one course of action: integrate with the new science that combines technology, psychology, metaphysics, and cosmology. Tributary Zones will become the new religion of the 22nd century. They will become the touchstone for accessing the new energy coming into the planet as a result of the Grand Portal's discovery. In this time, the new structure of the Hierarchy will -- like a glove turned outside in -- finally fit the "human hand". This will herald the Return of the Masters who have remained behind the veil of secrecy because of the survival-based interests of religion, business, government, and science. However, these institutions will be reformatted, and those Masters who hold the vital information as to how the individual may use the Grand Portal to explore themselves and the universe, will be revered and finally appreciated by humanity at large. By the dawning of the 22nd century, the

Grand Portal will be ubiquitous in human culture and acknowledged in all classrooms of learning. The discovery of the Grand Portal is a carefully orchestrated event string, consisting of innumerable components. The reason this event has been, and continues to be, so carefully orchestrated is that it will galvanize the Genetic Mind of the human species to explore the multiverse, and not simply terra-earth or its solar system. It is the single event that establishes humankind on the Sovereign Integral Network, and shifts the energy system of the human species from which all manifestations arise. When a species in the three-dimensional universe discovers irrefutable scientific proof of the multiverse and the innermost topology of the Wholeness Navigator, it impacts on every aspect of the species. It is the most profound shift of consciousness that can be foretold, and it is this event that triggers the Return of the Masters to explicit influence and exoteric roles. There are many practical applications for restructuring one's own energy and belief system, and they require, in most cases, an active immersion into a Tributary Zone. This means to interact with the Tributary Zone on a deeply personal level, translating its meaning through indepth consideration for its personal messages. Each Tributary Zone is designed like a house of mirrors. Until one steps inside, there is no image to reflect. No personal content to convey.

The most common way of accessing a non-physical Tributary Zone is through meditation or the dream state. While in these altered states of consciousness the entity can begin to shift and restructure their energy system by accessing these Tributary Zones. Typically, this is done under the guidance of a select member of the Hierarchy who is a master of energy system transfer. The purpose is to guide an entity to become less dependent of the survival energy system complex that invites conformity and a life experience therein. These entities are invited to participate in this process in order to activate their sense of creative power and authority to manifest in the three-dimensional universe a deeper and more penetrating channel into the mysterious realm of the Wholeness Navigator. Entities are selected based on their accumulated desire to assist in the event string of the Grand Portal. As previously cited, the WingMakers created Tributary Zones in the accelerated dimensions whereby entities could access them in the dream state or, in some instances, through meditation. Exposure to these Tributary Zones, even though seldom remembered, enabled these entities to transfer a likeness of the non-physical Tributary Zone to the three-dimensional world of terra-earth. These initial physical creations dealt with spiritual values and were often the product of poetry, art, music, and drama. In the dawning of the 21st century, they will combine art, spiritual values,

technology, and science. and they will become Tributary Zones of greater import because they will prefigure the Grand Portal, and in this prefiguring they create the Framework of Discovery upon terra-earth. These physical Tributary Zones will catalyze the entities born of the 21st century in ways that the non-physical Tributary Zones cannot. Specifically, they will cause a resonance at a sub-molecular level through music and art that will reconfigure the four-dimensional protein patterns of the human brain and nervous system. In so doing, the nervous system will receive and transmit higher energy circuits that enable a very subtle mutation in the region of the brain where intuition or the sixth sense resides. There is a sixth sense in which the brain becomes an organ of the Genetic Mind instead of the physical body of an individual entity. This is a state of consciousness separate from the Sovereign Integral because it is not sustainable. It is only glimpsed for brief moments, but in these brief passages of time, the Genetic Mind can transfer ideas, insights, and innovations that make possible the discovery of the Grand Portal. There is a repository of knowledge that was seeded within the Genetic Mind nearly 11,000 years ago by the WingMakers. This knowledge is the blueprint for the discovery of the Wholeness Navigator. The human Hierarchy has drawn close to this Holy Grail through the efforts of its finest representatives.

We, the WingMakers, have included everything for your successful attainment. No detail has been left out or overlooked. We have undertaken this process of energy system transfer on countless lifebearing planets within the Grand Universe, and your finest representatives will succeed. However, the Grand Portal is not easily comprehensible. It will require an educated humanity in the fields of cosmology, technology, and science. It is for this reason that medical technologies in the field of genetics and neural mapping will proceed in the 21st century to enable a new, spatial intelligence to anyone who desires it. While this medical technology may seem to some as an artificial, and therefore unwelcome technology, it will be required for much of the human race in order to comprehend the Grand Portal, and it should not be feared. This technology will accelerate a portion of the brain center that is responsible for spatial, multidimensional constructs and highly abstract thought processes. In the average human mind, it will permit the Grand Portal's energy system to be comprehensible, and, therefore, believed as a scientific principle as factual as the force of gravity. The energy system of the Tributary Zones that prefigure the Grand Portal will be translated from the WingMakers to your finest representatives in the dawning of the 21st century. These Tributary Zones will manifest in the three-dimensional world of terra-earth, but will actually stem from a non-

physical dimension known only to the WingMakers and First Source. In a sense, these Tributary Zones are echoes of a reality from your future, bearing down on you as an energy field that makes possible the quantum leap required of your species to allow the Wholeness Navigator to fully embody humanhood. It is reasonably true to state that if humankind in your time believed it was a collective vehicle of First Source, endowed with ITS exploratory virtuosity, it would instantly recognize itself as the WingMakers. It is also true -- in the same sense -that the WingMakers would not exist if we were not successful in making visible the Grand Portal to humankind. Through our existence, humanity is assured of its future. When all the calamities of terra-earth are forecast, and your doom as a species is spelled out in the certainty of cataclysm and war, the event that will redeem you is in the discovery, acceptance, and application of the Grand Portal. This new energy system can be brought into your personal realm. When you believe, "I am a fragment of First Source imbued with ITS capabilities," you are engaging this energy system inherent within the feeling of connectedness. You are pulling into your reality a sense of connection to your Source and all of the attributes therein. The belief is inseparable from you because its energy system is assimilated within your own energy

system and is woven into your spirit like a thread of light. These threads, however, must be manifold, or they will break, and your energy system will remain in the shadows of survival and conformity. As you gain awareness of the Tributary Zones, you will gain insight into the new energy systems and how to anchor these energy systems into your own. There are specialized techniques for weaving this energy system to your own and exchanging -- over time -- your survival-based energy system for the exploratory energy system of the coming age. These techniques provide a means to weld survival and exploratory energy systems, as though one were creating a footbridge that enabled them to cross the chasm separating the two energy fields. These techniques are divided into three categories: Mind-Body Movement Techniques Mind-Soul Comprehension Techniques Emotion-Soul Acquisition Techniques Mind-Body Movement -- These techniques involve the expression of music in the form of body movement that focuses the mind on the body's rhythmic, improvisational flow. The mind is following the body, and the body is following the music. The music, as the organizing principal, must be designed for this explicit purpose, or it will not lead to the exploratory energy system. The music compositions of Chambers 17 through 24 -- from

each of the seven Tributary Zones created by the WingMakers -- are intended for this purpose. This technique requires a single-minded willingness to follow the interpretation of the body into the feel of the music. It would be like entering a meadow in the height of Spring with your eyes closed, knowing that your sense of smell would guide you to the flowers. In this same way, your mind must trust that your body is able to listen to the music and capture a sense of this new energy system encoded within the "field" of music. By placing the mind in the position of follower, it is reliant on the body to make interpretations of movement based solely on the music. Thus, the music can penetrate directly to the mind and entrain it to a new energy system. The music will -by design -- generate body movement that is high energy, complex, rhythmic, and stimulating to the emotional center of the brain. This is a form of meditation taught by the WingMakers that demonstrates the trust placed upon the body intelligence and the willingness of the mind to listen to this intelligence. This is a thread of this new energy system externalized through this technique. There are portals designed into the music that will open the brain's emotional centers to this new energy, and when they are discovered, you will feel the undeniable shift in your energy field. The movement of the body signifies the externalization of the new in direct counterpoint to the old. It demonstrates the

compatibility of the two energy systems, and how one can be in both fields simultaneously with comfort and confidence. There are no rules to this movement. It is not a choreographed dance with either right or wrong movements. It is an improvisational body expression bypassing the mind and allowing the music's voice to be heard as clearly as possible by the body intelligence. The physical body becomes the sail of the music's wind, while the mind is the ship's hull. Clarity of intention is all that is required. There is no qualitative difference beyond this that matters. The anchoring process requires a minimum of a cycle (seven expressions) of each composition in Chambers 17 through 24. There is a time period of the cycle that requires a completion in approximately one month of your time. Thus, each of the seven expressions for a single Chamber should be completed within a 30-day period of time. It can be less, but should not be more. It is recommended not to focus on more than two Chambers during a cycle. Each expression of a particular Chamber should change over the course of the seven expressions. This progression can be radical variances or simple refinements; it depends on the entity's body development, comfort, and ability to listen to the subtle layering of the music and its focus in the moment. It is not only the energy of the low frequency rhythms, or percussive frequencies, but

also the voices and melodies that can speak to the body intelligence. The approach is different from your art form of dance in that each expression of the eight Chambers will develop the body intelligence to recognize an exploratory-based energy system. It will, in effect, activate the body's natural radar for this energy system, helping the human instrument to navigate into the new energy. It also confers a degree of trust to the body intelligence that it is not about the body's movement in space that matters, but is rather how the body listens to vibrations and responds in kind. A grand cycle consists of a minimum of 56 expressions, and the grand cycle is the physical thread that generates an awareness of the new energy system in the body. It is important to anchor this awareness in the body because the body intelligence is the most instinctual of the human instrument, and while you may have awareness in your mind and soul, if it is not present in your body, your shift to the new energy is impeded because the body will instinctually gravitate to the survival-based energy system. There will be some who will not be comfortable in practicing the expressions of this technique. You have been programmed that your body does not possess its own intelligence, therefore, when you are told to listen and express with your body's intellect, you feel overly self-conscious to even try. It is natural, and is part of the old energy system

that controls your movement and sensory perceptions. It is indispensable to listen with your body, express with your body, and to feel with your body the movements that the music dictates. When you come to the end of your expression, you may sit or stand in silence and listen to the reverberations calling within you, and then transmit these to the human instrument as a whole. This is done by visualizing the body as a transmitter of the energy, generated from the expression, and projecting this energy into the human instrument like a coil's energy finally released. If you are unable to proceed through the grand cycle, you may still find the tools to build your bridge in the remaining two techniques. Mind-Soul Comprehension -- These techniques involve the knowledge of the new psychology destined to reach humanity in the 21st century. This is the psychology that integrates metaphysics and the spiritual perceptions of the Genetic Mind, with the science of the brain and the shaping influences of culture and personal genetics. Individual entities acquire their psychological acumen by studying behaviors and their consequences in others, such as family members or friends. It is the byproduct of this psychological study that helps to establish an entity's own behavioral boundaries. When psychology ignores the incomprehensible, the psychology of the

species is mostly based on the phenomenon of observable behavior. As psychology evolves it increasingly takes into account the brain, mind, and emotional interplay. The incomprehensible is First Source and the structure and interconnectedness of ITS creation. Human psychology has ignored this aspect of the human condition, venturing only as far as the dream state, which, by comparison, would be the equivalent of standing on a mountaintop reaching for the sun. The human condition is considered untouched by the incomprehensible, and yet, it is encompassed in it like a caterpillar within a cocoon. If the caterpillar were untouched by the cocoon would it emerge a butterfly? The mind-soul comprehension techniques focus the mind on the incomprehensible through the use of visual symbols that are just outside the intelligible regions of comfort as set forth by human psychology. By investigating visual symbols through the eye-brain, the mind can secure a glimpse into the Sovereign Integral consciousness and the special psychology therein. An entity may, through an imaginative scenario based on a Tributary Zone, gain comprehension of the new psychology. The technique is admittedly abstract, but very effective. In this visual scenario the mind becomes a personal identity, as does the soul. Together, these two identities coexist on an otherwise deserted island. The mind has discovered the symbols of the WingMakers' Chamber

Paintings, and must explain their purpose to the soul. Neither the mind nor the soul speaks the same language, and thus the mind must explain the symbols' purpose to the soul through telepathic means. Examine one of the Chamber Paintings, conducting a thorough mental analysis. Once completed, you may now take this knowledge and translate your understanding to your soul, bringing it comprehension without language. This is highly conceptual, but it is designed to be this way for a purpose, and the insights that will result are profound and far-reaching because they demonstrate how the mind-soul comprehension operates to enrich the mind's understanding of the incomprehensible. Comprehension of the incomprehensible does not flow from the soul to the mind, but rather from the mind teaching itself. When the mind grasps the incomprehensible through symbols -- be they mathematical formulas or the language of Gods -- it sharpens the lens of psychology to focus on the invisible persona of the human soul and the energy system that regulates its behavior in the world of non-time. Herein is the difficulty of the new psychology: It is based upon non-time, and here the mind is mute and blind. If you observe the Chamber Two Painting, using the aforementioned technique, you will learn a new dimension of time. If you inspect the Chamber Three Painting, you will gain knowledge of a new dimension of inner space. If

you study the Chamber Twelve Painting, you will discover a new dimension of energy. If you examine the Chamber Four Painting, you will be taught a new dimension of matter. All of this is encoded within these four paintings, but can be decoded through this technique. Remember, when applying this technique, the mind is a separate personality from the soul and is its instructor. In this example, the mind is the sail, the paintings the wind, and the soul the ship's hull. It is recommended to repeat this procedure for each of the four Chamber Paintings three times. During each dialogue between your mind and soul identity, record your key descriptors and look for the linkages between them. You are describing a dimension of time, space, energy, and matter that recedes into the incomprehensible. You will find a new confidence in your mind's ability to express the insights of the Genetic Mind after this technique is completed. And you will begin to feel an appreciation for the role of the new psychology where the mind acquires the incomprehensible to become the Wholeness Navigator, just as the caterpillar acquires the cocoon to become the butterfly. Emotion-Soul Acquisition -- Soul acquires emotional responses through the human instrument. Emotions, by definition, are responses to a time-based event, an energy, a memory, or an expectation. The mind and body predominantly condition emotional responses, while the soul

observes and acquires their constructive essence of bonding, appreciation, and special insight. The body and mind also acquire learning from the emotional responses, but unlike the soul, they are unable to sift the constructive from the destructive, so they are more affected by the emotional responses of anger, greed, and fear. These emotions anchor the mind to the survival-based energy system as firmly as anything in the world of creation. The Spirit-essence of the human instrument that guides it to wholeness with Source Intelligence, and ultimately First Source, is emotionally personified in the form of a voice. This voice is heard in the abstraction of poetry that is designed in a specific rhythm and vibration of meaning. The technique of emotion-soul acquisition is concerned with discerning the emotional voice of a poem, intending that voice to resonate within your soul, and releasing the emotion that arises from the resonance, letting it wander away from you like a wild animal released into its natural habitat. There are ten poems within the WingMakers' Ancient Arrow site that are designed for the application of this technique. They are: Circle Forever One Day Listening

Afterwards Of this Place Warm Presence Another Mind Open Of Luminous Things Like the Song of Whales Each poem strikes an emotional chord of subtle discord. It is discordance that stirs the emotional responses, making them accessible to the higher energies of the human instrument. This discordance is not concerning anger, greed, or fear, but rather the more subtle feelings of separation, abandonment, and spiritual neglect. The emotion-soul acquisition pays tribute to these feelings, and seeks to position the tether of discordance in the hands of soul, thus ensuring that the emotions have voice and influence in the shaping of soul's judgment, insight, and reasoning. It is the quiet emotions of separation and abandonment that fuel the strident emotions of fear, greed, and anger. Poetry can bring forth these quiet emotions and liberate their presence to the soul, and in so doing, allow them to be honored, and, in this process, understood. This understanding helps to diminish the anger and fear of the mind and body, which disaffect the human instrument from Source Intelligence and realization of the Wholeness Navigator consciousness. Thus, the emotionsoul acquisition technique is to trace the voice of the ten poems to the subtle emotions of abandonment and separation, allowing these emotions to arise within one's self as if they were on display to your soul. These

emotions are like ropes that pull the strident emotions into your life-stream, which anchor you to the energy system of survival. To the extent you can eliminate or diminish the "ropes" of the quiet emotions, you can eliminate or diminish the strident emotions. Be assured that each of these three techniques that you may practice, are done in our presence. You are not alone and you never fail. If your results are not as you expected, abandon your expectations. Set them aside and place your goal on not having any goals or standards. Also recognize that the realizations and shifts in your energy system may reveal themselves in unexpected ways, and therefore, remain largely invisible to yourself if you have set expectations for their materialization. It is purposely designed to be a struggle to make this shift both as a species and as an individual. As a species, humankind must be able to harness the appropriate tools of technology in order to attune the human instrument to permit the Wholeness Navigator to both inhabit and be in command of the brain centers, nervous system, and the subconscious artifacts of ancestral roots. It takes the equivalent of 5,200,000 years for a humanoid species to evolve to the threshold of the Grand Portal. As an individual, the aforementioned techniques enable a purposeful immersion into a Tributary Zone, whereby an individual can transform their energy system, which in turn, transforms their beliefs and life experience. However, no matter how effective an individual applies these techniques they will not achieve the discovery of the Grand Portal of their own efforts. The Grand Portal is

a discovery by humanity. It is the culmination of science, art, and technology, operating in unison, focused on the exploratory province of cosmology and metaphysics. Most humans have been raised on the premise of karma or fate. It is time to understand that while these doctrines are both valid; they are overshadowed by the reality of the Blueprint of Exploration. While karma or fate may explain the life experience of an individual, Source Intelligence orchestrates the species, from its very first emergence upon the planet, to discover the Grand Portal and establish its supremacy upon the planet. The Grand Portal then becomes the homing beacon that draws the galactic energy system to the planet and connects it to the network of galactic energy. When this occurs, the species is no longer a planet-based species. Humankind will be inter-galactic in its range of experience and realm of influence. The individual can participate in this orchestration of energies, being consciously aligned and supportive of the shifts required to achieve the discovery of the Grand Portal, or they can choose to live life within the survivalbased energy system and drift into the Grand Portal with their fellow humans. It is neither fate nor karma that is drawing the human species to the edge of the Grand Portal. It is the event string of First Source, and therefore, the outcome of every human action and thought is an element of this journey.

Chamber Five Poetry

Listening I am listening for a sound beyond sound that stalks the nightland of my dreams, entering rooms of fossil-light so ancient they are swarmed by truth.

I am listening for a sound beyond us that travels the spine's invisible ladder to the orphic library. Where rebel books revel in the unremitting light. Printed in gray, tiny words with quicksand depth embroidered with such care they render spirit a ghost, and God, a telescope turned backwards upon itself dreaming us awake. Never-blooming thoughts surround me like a regatta of crewless ships. I listen leopard-like, canting off the quarantine of bodies sickened by the monsoon of still hearts. There is certain magic in the heartbeat which crowds the sound I seek, but it is still underneath the beating I wish to go. Underneath the sound of all things huddled against the tracking dishes that turn their heads to the sound of stars. I am listening for a sound unwound, so vacant it stares straight with the purity to peer into the black madness of time sowing visions that oscillate in our wombs bearing radiant forms as the substrate of our form. When I look to the compass needle I see a blade of humility

bent to a force waylaid like wild rain channeled in sewer pipes. Running underground in concrete canals that quiver, laughing up at us as though we were lost in the sky-world with no channel for our ride. I am listening for a sound in your voice, past the scrub terrain of your door where my ear is listening on the other side. Beneath your heart where words go awkward and light consumes the delicate construction of mingled lives. I can only listen for the sound I know is there, glittering in that unpronounceable, stateless state quarried of limbs so innocent they mend the flesh of hearts.

Compassion Angels must be confused by war. Both sides praying for protection, yet someone always gets hurt. Someone dies. Someone cries so deep they lose their watery state.

Angels must be confused by war. Who can they help? Who can they clarify? Whose mercy do they cast to the merciless? No modest scream can be heard. No stainless pain can be felt. All is clear to angels except in war. When I awoke to this truth it was from a dream I had last night. I saw two angels conversing in a field of children's spirits rising like silver smoke. The angels were fighting among themselves about which side was right and which was wrong. Who started the conflict? Suddenly, the angels stilled themselves like a stalled pendulum, and they shed their compassion to the rising smoke of souls who bore the watermark of war. They turned to me with those eyes from God's library, and all the pieces fallen were raised in unison, coupled like the breath of flames in a holy furnace.

Nothing in war comes to destruction, but the illusion of separateness. I heard this spoken so clearly I could only write it down like a forged signature. I remember the compassion, mountainous, proportioned for the universe. I think a tiny fleck still sticks to me like gossamer threads from a spider's web. And now, when I think of war, I flick these threads to the entire universe, hoping they stick on others as they did me. Knitting angels and animals to the filamental grace of compassion. The reticulum of our skyward home.

Chamber Two Poetry

Temptress Vision A temptress vision has encircled me like a willful shadow of a slumbering dream. Is it the powerful light of purpose? If I squint with all my strength I may see it.

Always must it be inside of me like a pilot fish inseparable from its host. It fearlessly drinks my essence. Such a bitter taste I muse. Spit it out upon your table of perfection. Compare this grain of sand with your galaxy. This spire of sorrow with your deepest eye. If my callous mind can see you, there are no interventions. No pathway away. Convergence. I am a lock-picker. A tunnel-digger. A fence-cutter of the wicked watchers. A traveler that has sought the mystery that eludes all but the outlaws. The wild-eyed, unrelenting fools of purpose that remain outside the laboratory of wingless flight. You are the eternal Watcher who lives behind the veil of form and comprehension, drawing forth the wisdom of time from the well of planets. You cast your spell and entrain all that I am. Am I just a fragment of your world? A memory hidden by time? A finger of your hand driven by a mind

unfamiliar with skin. Touch yourself and you sense me. Visions wild with love. Splendor that beckons like a secret whisper of gladness spread on the winds by an infinite voice. The sound of all things unified. I am part of that voice. Part of that sound. Part of that secret whisper of gladness. This limitation must end in lucid flesh. The dream of sparks ascending quickening the cast of hope. Avoid the brand of passivity the signs complain. Shun manipulation before you are stained. Spurn all formula and write new equations in the language of sand. Heed no other, nor listen to the seduction of holy symbols standing before the windows of truth. Define from a foreign tongue. These are the battered keys that have led me to unlocked doors. Doors that collapse at a mere breath and behind which lay more pieces to collect for the Holy Menagerie. The never-ending puzzle.

All the stars in the sky recall the purpose of your hallowed light. Burn a hole through the layers. Peel all the mockery away. Enjoin the powers to answer this call: Bring the luminous vision hidden behind the whirling particles of the Mapmaker. Let it enter me like a shaft of light that enters a cave's deepest measure. Ancient fires still burn in these depths. Who tends them? What eyes are watching? Waiting. Waiting for time's flower to bloom. To submerge in the relentless subtlety that moves beyond my reach with a jaguar's stealth. To dream of elder ways that leap over time and leave behind the puzzle of our making. O' temptress vision you steal my hunger for human light. If there is anything left to hollow let it be me. If there is anything left to cage

let it run free. If there is anything left to dream let it be our union.

Language of Innocence When a river is frozen, underneath remains a current. When the sky is absent of color beneath the globe another world comes to light. When my heart is alone somewhere another heart beats my name in code that only paradise can hear. Is my heart deaf or is there no one who can speak the language of innocence? Innocence, when words suffer meaning and gallop away in its presence. I have seen it. Felt it. I have loosened its secrets in the blushing skin when upturned eyes witness its home and never turn away. And never turn away. There is this world of slumbering hearts and hollow love,

but it cannot carry me to daylight. My craving is so different and it can never be turned away.

Chamber Three Poetry

Half Mine When I see your face I know you are half mine separated by the utmost care to remember all of you. When I undress my body I see that I am half yours blurred by sudden flight that leaves the eye wondering what angels carved in their hearts to remind them so vividly of their home. When I see your beauty I know you are half mine never to be held in a polished mirror knowing the faithful hunger of our soul. When I watch your eyes I know they are half mine tracing a trajectory where sensual virtue is the very spine of us. When I hold your hand I know it is half mine wintered in kinship, it circles tenderness beneath the moon and well of water when the feast is done. When I kiss your lips I know they are half mine sent by God's genealogy to uncover us in the delicious cauldron of our united breath. When I hear you cry I know your loneliness is half mine so deep the interior that we are lost outside yearning to give ourselves away like a promise made before the asking.

And when I look to your past I know it is half mine running to the choke cherry trees invisible to the entire universe we found ourselves laughing in sudden flight eyeing the carved initials in our hearts. Sparing the trees.

Bandages of the Beast There were many random omens. Sending olive branches with thorns was only one of your repertoire. You offered me a book where all the answers lay encoded in some strange dialect. Symbols undulating like serpents restless for food. If I was windborne as a lambent seed you would still the air and I would fall into the thicket. If I yearned for sweet water you would pass me the bitter cup. If I was an injured fawn you would flush me from the cloister, corner me against cold stone, and admire my fear. Everywhere I steer I seek the one look of love; yet love humbles itself like a mannequin changing its clothes to accommodate the dressmaker.

Underneath there are bandages of the beast. Underneath there is the tourniquet of deliverance. But beneath the shell there is emptiness, so defiant it is clothed in finery that neither dressmaker nor beast can touch. You have mistaken my search as my soul. Raking through it for clumps of wisdom, you have found only what I have lost to you. Held like rootless dreams I will vanish in your touch. If you pass your rake over this emptiness you will feel clumps of my spirit. You will find me like tiny pieces of mirror broken apart yet still collected in one spot. Still staring ever skyward. Still reflecting one mosaic image. Still the accompanist of myself.

Chamber Four Poetry

One Day One day, out of this fleshy cocoon I will rise like a golden bird of silent wing graceful as the smoke of a fallen flame.

I will dream no more of places Hidden 単 secreted away in heaven's cleft where the foot leaves no print. One day, I will walk in gardens holding hands with my creation and creator. We will touch one another like lovers torn by death to say goodbye. We will lay in one another's arms until we awaken as one invisible to the other. One day, I will isolate the part of me that is always present. I will dance with it like moonlight on water. I will hold it to myself in a longful embrace that beats perfection in the hymn of the Songkeeper. One day, when I curl away inside myself I will dream of you this flesh-covered-bone of animal. I will yearn to know your life again. I will reach out to you as you now reach out to me.

Such magic! Glory to covet the unknown! That which is is always reaching for the self that cheats appearances. Who dreams itself awake and asleep. Who knows both sides of the canvas are painted, awaiting the other to meld anew.

Missing Facing another evening without you I am torn from myself in movements of clouds, movements of earth spinning like the sure movement of lava as it rolls to sea. Yet when I arrive from my dream you are still gone from me 23 footsteps away; a bouquet of the abyss. When I look to the east I think of you softly waiting for me to chisel you from the matrix with smooth hammer strokes from my hands.

Freed of barren, untouched shoulders, you can open your eyes again flashing the iridescent animals, valiant vibrations of your rich spirit. Your picture is the centerpiece of my table I stare at you in candlelight, the windows behind, black in their immensity, only enlarge you. Making you more of what I miss. At night I go among your body to feel the presence of your heart beating something golden spun from another world. You can feel me when this is done though I am invisible in all ways to you, but one. A reflection in the mirror. Beneath your eyes you see me dancing away the body. Dancing away the mind. Dancing away the incarnations of my absence.

Chamber Five Poetry

Life Carriers Life carriers spawn in the primal waters

of a giant embryo. Their progeny will settle in human dust. Pieces of clay with tiny thoughts of flight.

Knife-points veiled in turbid cloaks that shun the light of a tranquil star. In the remote wilds the life carriers emerge and perch upon the shoulders of gray stones. They signal their desires to fly, but their homes are suited for the comforts of rain and earth. The sky must wait. (The dirt companion smiles.) Circles break. Barriers overrun. Life carriers deny their ancient pull from the ground. Wings sprout like golden hair sinuous with nature's artifice. Ragged feet are left behind. The earth replaced with vivid sky. Gravity shines its menacing stare to hold them with assertive hands. Homeless cages are left to rot. To sink behind the groundless sky. Earthen faces have dropped their smiles and lost their smell of fresh dirt. The dream of flight

has invaded somber walls 単 life carriers have bounded to the other side. There they meet the next rung of the endless ladder, and trade their wings for wisdom's eye.

Another One skin may hide another,

I remember this from a poem when I launched a fire across a field of deadness. At least, to me, it seemed dead. I felt like a liberator of life force renewing the blistered and dying grasses. Actually, more weeds than grass, but nonetheless, the flora had flat-lined. I peeled back skin with holy flame and brought everything to black again as though I called the night to descend. From blackness will arise a new skin cresting green architecture from a fertile void. As the flames spread their inviolable enchantment I saw your face spreading across my mind. Remember the fire we held? I hoped it would unfurl a new skin for us as well.

Forever it will roam inside me invariant to all transformations and motions. (Einstein smiling.) One person may hide another, but behind you, love is molting a thicker skin than I can see through. No flame can touch its center. No eyes can browse its memory. I want nothing behind you in wait. Seconds tick away like children growing in between photographs. I will not forget you in the changes. Cursed with memory so fine I can trace your palm. I can inhale your sweet breath. I can linger in your arms' weight. I can hear your exquisite voice calibrate life with celestial precision. One purpose may hide another. I heard this as the fire died out to reveal the scent of the wet earth and growing things. I could feel my love decompose returning to the uninhabited realm where it belongs. Where all hearts belong when love is lost, and the code of the mute,

coiled in fists that pound, reveal the wisdom of another.

Chamber Five Poetry

Of This Place

Her heart ran in the wilds of deserted plains. Sun-etched land barren of clouds and singing water. If she listened closely her hand would call and signal its thoughts upon her brow. But in this place she could only offer her arms to the sky like a tree its branches and a flower its leaves. In this dusty basin, silence gathered like smoke clearing the mind of the scoundrel. The infidel of thoughts. Blots of yellow leaves and white bark could be seen hiding in pools of life surrounded by red rock spires. Clustered sand monuments held together by some other life form. She wasn't sure. Perhaps one life is the same as another only tilted sideways. Caught from underneath by some invisible hand that animates even the coldest stone of this place. A smile emerged and perched upon her face drinking the sun's clear ways.

She could spear a million miles of air in a glance and send the window of her flesh into the cloudless sky. Upon this ocean a hawk sailed ever closer. She watched the silver speck spiral overhead dreaming through its eyes. Feeling the winds gild her wings in the softest fold of time. A tree of pine sent its sky roots deep within the air to weep its sweetness. She entered, gliding through branches to every needle in their factory of air. So strange to feel the pull of earth in flight, but she knew the antagonism well in the splendor of this place. She knew it had settled deep, lodged like permanent ink in the heart of her. Under skin, muscle, bone it fought the single path. What madness calls her away? What dream is stronger than this? What heart beats more pure? Of this place, it is so hard to know which is host and which is guest.

Which is welcome, which is pest. Which is found and which is lost. Which is profit, which is cost. She gave her prayers to the skypeople and waited for a cloud 単 her signal to leave. She should return home before dusk settles in and the golden eyes peer out against the black code. In a single breath she held the ancient ways that never left. She turned them inside out and then outside in. Again and again. Waiting for her signals in the sky. If not a cloud... then perhaps a shooting star. (Besides, it was too dark for clouds anymore.) When the first star fell she held her breath afraid she would miss its spectral flight. She wondered with whom she shared its final light. What other eyes were heaven bound in that secret moment? Was this their signal home as well? And what was it they found buried so deep in a whisper of light

that none can tell? She waited with solemn eyes for more stars to fall, to gently sweep her away from the magnets of this place. If she listened to her hand it would scratch a sign in the sand for another to take her place. It would touch the land in honor of its grace and wisdom, and become a tree, rock, hawk, or flower.

Imperishable Through this night I have slept little. My eyes, closed like shutters with slats that remain open, wait to invent dreams of some charred reality. I sense you, but no weight on my bed. No shift or creaking other than my own restlessness. Wandering words self-gathered, self-formed, and released to the night like a mantra slowly drowned in music.

Your presence grew with the music devouring it in silence. You came to me so clear my senses aroused in electric storms of clarity. The buzz of mercury lamps alongside rutted roads, shedding their weightless light. In all of this waiting for you no fortress or foxhole bears my name. I lay on the Savannah staring at the sun hoping against hope it blinks before I do. My wounded cells, tiny temples of our mixture, have weakened in your absence. I can feel them wail in their miniature worlds. My feet resist their numbness, deny them their war. As I lay here alone waiting to be gathered into your arms, I ask of you one thing, remember me as this. Remember me as one who loves you beyond yourself. Who pierces shells, armor, masks, and everything protecting your spirit in needless fervor. Remember me as this.

As one who loves you unmatched by the deepest channels that have ever been forged. Who will love you anywhere and always. And if you look very closely at my love you will not find an expiration date, but instead, the word, imperishable.

Chamber Seven Poetry

Union You are not here. In this moment all that exists is here. But you are not. There are so many footprints leading to my door. Let us enter, they say. We cannot sleep in the desert it is too cold. Our tears will dry too fast. Our ears will hurt from the silence. Let us in. And so I gather them all up, swing wide my door, and step aside as they enter hoping they will lay in peace beside my fire. You were not among them. I looked everywhere for your face and saw only mimicry. The blind eye buried behind brain searching for your heart. An antenna so alert there is a peculiar nearness of you flying inside my body.

I can hold this like a tiny bird in my hands; fragile, vulnerable, waiting for my move to decide its fate. You are not here. I wish I could reach your skin, remove the camouflage tearing it away like black paper held before the sun as a shield. Unbundle you from your other lives and distill you in my now. You are my last love, my final embrace of this world and all the others that drop their prints at my door are dimmed by your approaching steps. I can see you will be here soon. There is victory in my heart and something invisible yet massive wants to speak. Reminding me of you and your coming. Quick, I plead, give me your lips. Give me your womanly tenderness that understands everything so I may lose myself in you and forget my loss. If you were here, I would tell you this secret. But you would need to be staring up at the stars when I told you, held within my arms

feeling the earth rise up beneath you like a holy bed. You would need our union to be your ears.

Song of Whales Your voice lingers when it speaks like rippling heat over desert floor. It draws my heart and I find myself leaning toward its source as though I know it will take me where you always are. It draws me near to your breath -- the spiracle that holds the words of home. It draws me to the blanket you hold around your soul you so willingly share. If you were to dive below the waters where the whales sing their songs into the gathering of deep currents that pull our courage along, channels that flow free of worldly levels, you would find me there. Listening to the voice I hear in you. Feeding my heart in the waters of deep blindness where currents flow mindful of you and your spirited ways.

Sometimes I listen so perfectly I hear your soft breath forming words before they are found by you. Before you can bring them from the deep blindness to your heart. I wish I could take your hand and let it hold my heart so you could see what I know of you. So you could know where we live where we always are. And you could pull your blanket of words around us and I could simply listen to your voice that honors words like the songs of whales.

Chamber Eight Poetry

Another Mind Open There was a fire where smoke gathered and danced like rivers without gravity to the rattle of drums.

Sometimes I would look inside the smoke but it curled away and covered itself with a cloak so opaque I could only cry. It became the mask of its consumption. The dream of its new life. The victorious skin always changing yet everlasting. There was a fire last night that proclaimed news of a newer testament that drinks tears, lies, vile words, even the deep fears that linger underneath the turncoat. I usually lurch away when it calls. To me, it burns too cold like a skinwalker lost in a body devoured by time. Sometimes I would dream it alive and it would blaze 単 vibrant sun 単 more durable than a grave. In times of stillness it would speak like a codicil of some lidless dream that words could not preserve. "The time has come to lift your gaze from the fire's brightness and cast shadows of your own." The words would echo into oblivion like stars lost in the swell of the sun's awakening.

In these flames I see my consumption fit and proper. In its smoke I am stored away like so many jars in a broom closet. Waiting to flee. Drawing my feet to oppose the floor. Struggling to reach the door inside these jars of sealed air. Stories escape the writer's hand and pursue me as though I alone held their vigil. Their very soul. When indeed these stories have never been told. They have never found words to hold though they ceaselessly try. Fires blind nature. They invest their life in her death. But the end is always beginning toward another end. And the dreams of the untold are always pursuing another mouth, another hand, another mind open. Sometimes I look to the errant expression of hope, and ask it to bring its flames deeper into my heart. To burn a clear sense of purpose.

To burn away the fool's crevice and enshroud me in its skin of smoke. Sometimes I offer myself to these flames and know they listen. Devising my world. Reality coalesces around their finery like a tower of glass enclothes a shell of steel. Sometimes I feel the flames send me words, notes, tones. Enchantment. Products of another kind. Tiny crucibles of earth that burn so brightly they can blind the sun's creatures of whimsy. And sometimes, without even thinking, I peek into these flames when the smoke peels away for an instant. There, behind the mask, is my future. Our future. The future. The present in another world. Calling out for another mouth, another hand, another mind open.

Longing Longing, when the eyelids open upon the deepest stimulus held by your lips and the amorous kiss becomes my orbit. I ache and long to have you with me so close our skin would melt together like two candle wicks sharing wax. I only know that what is of soul is of longing and ache. It delivers me to the edge, the precipice where I look down and see myself inextinguishable, longing to be consumed by you. And in that glittering place let me stretch with your heart at full speed, blind and intent. Let me dwell in you until I am so familiar with our union that it becomes part of my eyes. With memory full, we can walk home, hand-in-hand, in the permanence of longing. So much a part of the other that the "other does not exist.

Chamber Nine Poetry

Of Luminous Things

Of luminous things I have so little experience that I often think myself small. Yet when I think of you and your luminous ways my being swells with hope and prayers that you will permit the flames to grow. In mercy, we are torn apart into separate worlds to find ourselves over and over a thousand times aching for the other half. To dream of nothing but the One between us. Of luminous things I have squandered none nor have I held them to my heart and asked them to dissolve into me. Yet when I think of you, I desire only this. And if you disrobed your Self and watched it watch you, you would see me as clearly as I am. Not small and unworthy. Unafraid of fear. Not uncertain like empty space. But luminous like white light before the prism. In my thoughts I hold your heart sculpting away the needless for the essence. And when I find it

I will hold it to my heart and ask it to dissolve into me. I will know of luminous things that hurtle through time bringing us the uncharted, unfathomable desire we have never spoken. Words are not curious enough to say their names. Only love can weep their identity, and I am so perfectly defenseless to its music.

Forever Memory, like a root in darkness, piercing light with its stem has found me. Ordering my world like architecture of feelings bound to you, held for you as shields of hope. In the dispersion of love, identical throbbing has been our call answered in the sweetest caress two can share. And you wonder if ecstasy will diminish us

like rain the sun or wind the calm. When we know one another in the deepest channel of our hearts we can only utter one word cast from this stone's mind: forever. Forever. When winter calls my name in the highest desert of light, I will not despair because I know you in the deepest channel of my heart where I understand the word, forever. Instantly healed by your caressing lips that unmasks all that has tortured me. The panting of mouths tired but astir in passion's flame can only cease when I have entered you forever. I carry you in this flame, emerald-colored from my dreams of you beneath the trees within where your beauty consumed the sun and snared my soul so completely. I cannot truly know you apart from a throne. Spirits made to shine beyond the din of boorish poets that strike flint below water and cry without

passion. I have known you forever in lonely streets and the thundered plain. In wilted villages and cool mountain terraces. I have watched all of you torn open to me speaking like a river that moves on forever. And I have waited like the greedy mouth of an ocean drawing you nearer to my lips so I can know you forever as you empty into me abandoned of all fear.

Chamber Ten Poetry

Downstream Open me. Take me from here to there. Let the wind blow my hair and the earth's skin touch me.

Open me like broken bottles that bear no drink yet think themselves worthy of the trash man. Open me to the clans from which I sprout. Are they colors separated, cast apart like memories of drunkenness? Open me to Africa, Asia, America, Australia. Open me like a package of mystery left on your doorstep in the sweetness of laughter. Open me to the crudely made lens of love that screams to be of human hands and lips. Open me to the glance that comforts strangers like the tender overture of a mourning dove. Is the wisdom of horses mine to harness? Is the muscle of wolves lawless or the healer of sheep? Is the black opal of the eye the missing link we all seek? Open me to the authors of this beaten path and let them flavor it anew. Bring them flecks of the rumored and rotten slum that waits downstream. Show them the waste of their watch.

The shallow virility that exterminates. The ignominy that exceeds examination. Open me to the idols of the idle. Let me stare open mouthed at the herdsmen who turn innocence into fear. Is the plan of the sniper to uncivilize the nerveless patch of skin that grows unyielding to pain? Open me to the stains of this land that original sin cannot explain. Let these symptoms go like dead, yellow leaves fumbling in swift, guiltless currents downstream. Downstream where the slum lies in waiting. Downstream where the idols' headstones are half-buried in muddy rain. Downstream where animal tracks are never seen. Downstream where the lens of love is cleaned with red tissue. Downstream where the herdsmen herd their flock and beat the drums promising a new river that never comes. Downstream there lives a part of me that is sealed like a paper envelope with thick tape.

It watches the river like the underside of a bridge waiting to fall if the seal is broken. To plunge into the current when I am opened by some unforgiving hand unseen. To be drawn downstream in the gravity of a thousand minds who simply lost their way. A thousand minds that twisted the river away from earth's sweetness into the mine shaft of men's greed. So it must be. So it must be. Open me to the kindness of a child's delicate hand when it reaches out to be held. Let it comfort me when my bridge falls and the swift, guiltless currents pull me downstream where all things forgiven are lost. Where all things lost are forgiven.

What is Found Here What is found here can never be formed of words. Pure forces that mingle uncompared.

Like dreams unspoken when first awoken by a sad light. What is found here can limp with one foot on the curb and the other on the pavement in some uneven gait waiting to be hidden in laughter. What is found here can open the swift drifting of curtains held in mountain winds when long shadows tumble across like juries of the night. What is found here can always be held in glistening eyes. Turned by silence's tool of patience. Like feelings harbored for so long the starward view has been lost.

Chamber Eleven Poetry


I have found the ancient mirror that leads me. I have seen its ruthless eyes that always stare, burrowing their way to the crown I wear. I have sensed the holy fire like a blazing cocoon that offers no judgments amidst its power strewn. I have felt the innocent light. Of clarity in flight over native land where we are birthed apart from one command. I have touched the gentle eye that outlasts me. The huge patience upon my brow. I have offered all my earthly wisdom for the symptoms of its tongue; to drop its seeds into the fields that I plow. I have seen destiny's path gathering its flock for the journey of endless spaces. I have watched futures fall with eyelids closed and the gnawing tears of torn places. I have seen the Tribe of Light return the clock to the black pocket where all divisions occur.

Where weeds secure the humble land of fires unlit, yet pure. I have heard the masters of masters speak to every cell of my body; cutting new pathways in flesh like fear's executioner. I have watched the galaxies twirl like star wheels that spiral to the thought of a holy vision. I have felt my spirit follow the one sound that is free. I have vanished before. I have taken this body to an inner place where none can see. Only feelings can hear the sound of this space. This sacred place alone has brought me here to recover the thread. To see the weaving dance that calls my name in a thousand sounds. That draws my spirit in a single, perfectly round, circle.

Awake and Waiting

Child-like universe emerging from darkness, you belong to others not I. My home is elsewhere beyond the sky where light pollinates the fragile borders and gathers the husk. In the quiet of the desert floor my shell lingers in the pallid dusk of a starved garden. What holds me to this wasteland when others clamor for shadows and resist the vital waters? Where the ripening magnet holds us blind. Far away, kindling the presence of a timeless world hunting for memories of a radiant love; wingless creatures tune their hearts to the key of silence. It is there I am waiting. Alone. O' Paradise shore give me the heart to bear. Give me the lamp that sings at night. Give me the wings to strive against wind. Give me the smile to translate life into light.

Time obliterates the human moment. No one is absolved while beauty burns to charred ash too frail to last too secret to call. I will see clearly again past lives coarsened by time's reign. My light will retake its wings; its evergreen roots will embrace the sane earth once again. And this tiny fragment, spinning in silence among giant orbs unseen will resolve my soul and help me find the one heart awake and waiting.

shimmering high above a treeless landscape never to land.

Chamber Twelve Poetry

WingMakers I am destined to sit on the riverbank awaiting words from the naked trees

and brittle flowers that have lost their nectar. A thousand unblinking eyes stare out across the water from the other side. Their mute voices seek rewards of another kind. Their demure smiles leave me hollow. Am I a perpetual stranger to myself? (The thought brands me numb.) Am I an orphan trailing pale shadows that lead to a contemptuous mirror? Where are these gossamer wings that my destiny foretold? I am waiting for the river to deliver them to me; to lodge them on the embankment at my feet. My feet are shackles from another time. My head, a window long closed to another place. Yet, there are places that salvage the exquisite tongue and assemble her wild light like singing birds the sun. I have seen these places among the stillness of the other side. Calling like a lover's kiss to know again what I have known before; to reach into the Harvest and leave my welcome.

These thoughts are folded so neatly they stare like glass eyes fondling the past. I listen for their guidance but serpentine fields are my pathway. When I look into the dark winds of the virtual heart I can hear its voice saying: "Why are you trapped with wings?" And I feel like a grand vision inscribed in sand awaiting an endless wind. Will these wings take me beneath the deepest camouflage? Will they unmask the secret measures and faithful dwellings of time? Will they search out the infinite spaces for the one who can define me? Wings are forgotten by all who travel with their feet. Lines have been drawn so many times that we seldom see the crossing of our loss though we feel the loss of our crossing. We sense the undertow of clouds. The gravity of sky. The painless endeavor of hope's silent prayers. But our wings shorn of flight leave us like newborn rivers that babble over rocks yearning for the depths of a silent sea.

I have found myself suddenly old. Like the blackbirds that pour from the horizon line, my life has soared over this river searching for my wings. There is no other key for me to turn. There is no other legend for me to face. Talking to flowers and gnarled trees will only move me a step away 単 when I really want to press my face against the windowpane and watch the WingMakers craft my wings.

Arrival I have held a vigil for lucidity out in the horizonless fields where nothing shines but the light of my fire and the silver disk of the endless night. Suddenly, it's clear that I'm alone in the wilderness without human eyes to reach in to. Alone with my treasure of sounds in the pure silence of arrival.

Chamber Thirteen Poetry

Nameless Boy Beyond the frontier where borders blur into unknown thoughts there is a nameless boy -a drop of pure human light.

Through narrow cracks in the splintered fence I watch his innocence with envy, searching for the right meaning of his movements. The twilight of his smile nourishes my heart like crumbs of God's light. A longing in my mouth to speak, to weep, and gather this child into my arms and encipher his nature into mine. Through the exchange of eyes glances, purloined and routed into blindness, our language annulled. I can only grope towards him with antenna thoughts that dance in praise of his youthful beauty. I am waiting for stones to bloom. For venomous skies to wander into oblivion. For tracks to emerge like dust in a beam of light. Life's clever poison is closing the gate. The cracks are mended 単 the vision expunged. And the nameless boy dissolves, for there was no earth inside him.

My Son

My son is two. I watch him walk like a drunken prince. With his body bare I can see his soul better. His shoulder blades gesture like vestiges of wings. His features stenciled upon pale flesh by hands that have been before me. He so wants to be like me. His every movement like a dusty mirror or awkward shadow of a bird in flight. Every sound an echo heard. Every cell pregnant with my urges. But my urge is to be like him. To return to childhood's safe embrace and certain honor. If I return to this place I hope my eyes will look again upon his face even until his blades are wings once more. Until I have circled his creaturehood and know every hidden cleft where I have left my print indelible unable to be consumed. Until all that he is is in me and our hands are clasped, forged, entwined, in voiceless celebration.

Until we are alone like two leaves shimmering high above a treeless landscape never to land.

Chamber Fourteen Poetry


He walked a higher ground like a soul untethered to human flesh. Darkness implored単単 demanded his searching stop and match the drifting gait of others. But his pathway unwound like a ball of string sent upward only to fall in a sentence of light. Collisions with fate would unrail him and send him the wishes of obscurity. The lightning of desire. The curse of empty dreams. The witness to unspeakable horrors. He would laugh at the absurdity, yet aware of the dark ripples that touched him. Humanity was a creaseless sheet of blank paper waiting to be colored and crumpled into pieces of prey for the beast-hunter. Why did they wait? The palette was for their taking. The "distance" betrayed them. The shallow grave of the deep heart killed their faith. He knew, yet could not form the words. Nor draw the map. The ancient casts of the empyrean withstood definition. Paradise lost to the soundless blanket of the clearest thought, of the loneliest mind.

Separate Being Waking this morning, I remember you. We were together last night only a thin sheet of glass between us. Your name was not clear. I think I would recognize its sound, but my lips are numb and my tongue listless from the climb to your mouth. Your face was blurred as well, yet, like a distant god you took your heart and hand and there arose within me a separate being. I think you were lonely once. Your only desire, to be understood, turned away by some vast shade

drawn by a wisdom you had forgotten. So you sang your songs in quiet summons to God hoping their ripples would return and gather you up. Continue you. Brighten your veins and bring you the unquenchable kiss of my soul. Drunken by a lonely name you stagger forward into my nights, into my dreams, and now into my waking. If I try to forget you you will precede my now. I would feel your loss though I can't say your name or remember your face. I would awaken some morning and long to feel your skin upon mine knowing not why. Feeling the burn of our fire so clearly that names and faces bear no meaning like a candle flicking its light to the noonday sun.

Chamber Fifteen Poetry

Secret Language Night in bed, eyes closed, ears open, listening to the secret life outside my window. The liturgy of the nocturnal. Sounds and rhythms of swift-footed crickets giving testimony to the trees that overlook the native church like great archways carved of Roman hands.

The intricate language of tiny animals sweeping through the night air unfaltering they hold me spellbound. How can I sleep without an interpreter? If only I knew what they were saying. I could sleep again.

Wishing Light Sun walks the roof of the sky with a turtle's patience. Circling endlessly amidst the black passage of arrival and retreat. Moon can shape shift and puncture the confident darkness. The weaker sister of sun it bleeds light even as it dwindles to a fissure of fluorescence. Black sky like a monk's hood draped over stars with squinted eyes. Stewards lost, exiled to overspread the dark lair of the zodiac. This silent outback where light is uprooted and cast aside beats like a tired clock uneven. It dreams of sunlight passing so it can follow like a parasite. Tired of meandering in absence it wants to live the speed of light and feel its directness. Wishing to stay alive in light years and not some recumbent eternity. Desiring the sharp pain of life to the dull, numbing outskirts of ancient space. Darkness follows light like a tireless wind that pours over tumbleweeds. But it always seems to outlast the people if not the light.

Chamber Sixteen Poetry

Signals to Her Heart Out where the ocean beats its calm thunder against grainy shores of quartz and sand, she strolls, hands pocketed in a flowing gown of pearl-like luminance. I can see her with hair the color of sky's deepest night when it whispers to the sun's widow to masquerade as the sickle's light. This is she. The one who knows me as I am though untouched is my skin. The world from which she steps pounces from mystery,

announces her calm beauty like a willow tree bent to still waters. In this unhurt place she takes her body to the shoreline listening for sounds beneath the waves that tell her what to do. How great is her dream? Will it take her across the sea? Does she hear my heart's voice before the translation? She scoops some sand with her sculpted hands and like an hourglass the particles fall having borrowed time for a chance to touch her beauty. Her lips move with prayers of grace as she tells the wind her story; even the clouds gather overhead to listen. Her gestures multiply me with the sign of infinity, disentangled from all calculations, adorning her face with a poetry of tears. I am summoned by her voice so clear it startles me. I watch her because I can. I know her because she is me. I desire her because she is not me. In all my movement, in the vast search for something that will complete me, I have found her on this shoreline, her faint footprints, signatures of perfection that embarrass time with their fleeting nature. I am like the cave behind her watching from darkness, hollowed from tortured waves into a vault that yearns to say what she cannot resist. A language so pure it releases itself from my mouth like long-held captives finally ushered to their home. She turns her head and looks past me as if I were a ghost unseen, yet I know she sees my deepest light. I know the ocean is no boundary to her love. She is waiting for the final path to my heart to become clear. And I am waiting for something deep inside to take my empty hands and fill them with her face so I can know the rehearsals were numbered,

and all the splinters were signals to her heart.

Nothing Matters Space is curved so no elevator can slither to its stars. Time is a spindle of the present that spins the past and future away. Energy is an imperishable force so permanence can be felt. Matter flings itself to the universe, perfectly pitiless in its betrayal of soul. You can only take away what has been given you. Have you not called the ravens the foulest of birds? Is their matter and energy so different than ours? Are we not under the same sky? Is their blood not red? Their mouth pink, too? Molten thoughts, so hot they fuse space and time, sing their prophecies of discontent. Listen to their songs in the channels of air that curl overhead like temporary tattoos of light's shimmering ways. Am I merely a witness of the betrayal? Where are you who are cast to see? How have you been hidden from me? Is there a splinter that carries you to the whole? If I can speak your names and take your hands so gentle you would not see me, feeling only the warm passage of time and the tremor of your spine moving you to weep. Space is curved so I must bend. Time is a spindle so I must resolve its center. Energy, an imperishable force I must ride. And matter, so pitiless I refuse to be betrayed. So I stand naked to the coldest wind and ask it to carve out an island in my soul in honor of you who stand beside me in silence. Lonely, I live on this island assured of one thing: that of space, time, energy, and matter; nothing matters. Yet when I think of you in the cobwebbed corner, hoveled without wings like a seed planted beneath a dead tree stump, I know you are watching

with new galaxies wild in your breast. I know you are listening to the lidded screams smiling their awkward trust. All I ask of you is to throw me a rope sometimes so I can feel the permanence of your heart. It's all I need in the face of nothing matters.

Chamber Seventeen Poetry

Memories Unbound I have this memory of lying atop a scaffold of tree limbs

staring out to the black, summer blanket that warms the night air. I can smell cedar burning in the distance and hear muted voices praying in song and drum. I cannot lift my body or turn my head. I am conscious of bone and muscle but they are not conscious of me. They are dreaming while I am caught in a web of exemptible time. My mind is restless to move on. To leave this starlit grave site and dance with my people around huge fires crackling with nervous light. To join hand with hand to the rhythm of drums pounding their soft thunder in monotone commandments to live. I can only stare up at the sky watching, listening, waiting for something to come and set me free from this mournful site. To gather me up in arms of mercy into the oblivion of Heaven's pod. I listen for the sound of my breath but only the music of my people can be heard. I look for the movement of my hands but only wisps of clouds and crescent light move against raven's wings. Sometimes when this memory peeks through my skin it purges the shoreward view. It imposes on the known predicament with a turbulent bliss that bleeds defiance to the order. There is certain danger in the heritable ways of my people who send me the chatoyant skin humbled and circumscribed. My white appetite leached of earthly rations. Misplaced to the darshan of the devil, the very same that maneuvered my people to reservations 単 the ward of the damned. (At least I have no memories of a reservation). Perhaps it is better to lay upon this mattress of sticks with my wardrobe of feathers and skins chanting in the wind. Perhaps it would be better still to be set atop the cry shed and burned so prodigal memories would have no home to return to. I have this memory of escaping the pale hand

of my master that feeds me scraps of lies and moldy bread. My skin yearns for lightness, but it is the rope that obliges. I have this memory of holding yellow fingers, large and round, dripping with ancient legacies. Of seeing the rounded belly of Buddha smiling underneath a pastoral face in temples that lean against a tempest sky. I have this memory of dreaming to fly. Stretching out wings that are newly attached with string-like permanence only to fall in the blunted arms of obscurity. I have this memory of seeing my face in a mirror that reflects a stranger's mind and soul. Knowing it to be mine, I looked away afraid it would become me alone. I am patchwork memories searching for a nucleus. I am lost words echoing in still canyons. I am a light wave that found itself darting to earth unsheathed seeking cover in human skin.

Afterwards I've set loose the guards that stand before my door. I've let cells collide in suicide until they take me. If there were stories left to tell I would hear them. Behind the waterfalls of channeled panic spilling their prideful progeny I can stay hidden in the noise. Being invisible has its cameo rewards. It also keeps visible the durable lifeform murmuring beneath the wickedness. This is truly the only creature I care to know, with luminous ways of sweet generosity that suffers in the untelling universe of the unlistening ear. When I am found out 単 after I am gone 単 by a stranger's heart whose drill bit is not dulled by impersonation, I will open eyes, peel away skin, awaken the heart's coma.

I will set aside the costumed figure and redress the host so its image can be seen in mirrors I set forth with words bugged by God. When these words are spoken, another ear is listening on the other side beaming understanding like lasers their neutral light. The common grave of courage holds us all in the portal of singularity, the God-trail of rebeginning. Somehow, so seldom, words and images thrust their meaning into heaven and conquer time. But when they do, they become the abracadabra of the sacred moment. The pantomime of the public's deepest longing. Afterwards, the improbable eyelid glances open, the skin folds away, and the heroic eye awakens and remains alert. Afterwards, the words eat the flesh and leave behind the indigestible bitterness. The emotional corpse shed, an insoluble loneliness. The cast of separation.

Chamber Eighteen Poetry

Transparent Things There it is then, my open wound, eager for forgiveness. It comes with age like brown spots and silver hair. Shouldn't age bring more than different colors to adorn the body? I think it was meant to. It just forgot. Old age does that you know. Too many things to remember here. Both worlds demanding so much, one to learn, one to remember. Can't we see each other without wounds bearing grief?

There it is then, my hope for you to find me and apply yourself like a poultice to my wounds. The rest of me is barren too. Waiting for your arrival with speed built of powerful engines that groan loud from a piercing foot. Downward pressure never stopping even when floorboards are found. If there was silence in these waters my wound would dance open and separate itself from all attackers. Even this body. It would look at you in the orphaning light, diminished of features, and lead you away to its place of sorrow. It would ask you to lie down beside it and wave goodbye to the coiled currents that tug and pull to separate us from ourselves. It would hold your hands, so masterful in their wisdom, so mindful of their glory that it would disappear inside. In the future, someone, a friend perhaps, would read your palm and notice a small line veering off in a ragged ambush. Unchained from the rest of your palm's symmetry. A lonely fragment, waving goodbye to everything between us. There it is then, my prayer for you to close this wound and draw the shades around us. Deep, black solitude enfolding us, the kind found only in caves that have shut out light for the growing of delicate, transparent things.

Final Dream Strike the flint that burns a lonely world and opens blessed lovers to the golden grave of earth's flame. Listen to the incantation of raindrops as they pass from gray clouds to our mother's doorstep. Dreams of miracles yet to come harbor in their watery husks.

Stand before this cage splashed with beauty and stealth and arranged with locks that have grown frail. A simple breath and all life is joined in the frontier. Here is the masterpiece of creation that has emerged from the unknown in the depths of a silent Heart. Here is the laughter sought among rulers of death. Here are the brilliant colors of rainbows among the spilling reds that purge our flock. Here is the hope of forever among stone markers that stare through eyelids released of time. Here are the songs of endless voices among the heartless dance of invisible power. There is an evening bell that chimes a melody so pure even mountains weep and angels lean to listen. There is a murmur of hope that sweeps aside the downcast eyes of hungry souls. It is the fragrance of God writing poems upon the deep blue sky with pin-pricks of light and a sleepless moon. It is the calling to souls lost in the forest of a single world to be cast, forged, and made ready for the final dream.

Chamber Nineteen Poetry

Easy to Find I have often looked inside my drawers without knowing why. Something called out. Seek me and you shall find, but when I obey I'm confounded by memory's fleeting ways. Hands immerse and return awkwardly empty like a runaway child when no one came after them. I know there is something I seek that hides from me so I can't think about what I lack. It is, however, and this is the point,

too damn powerful to be silent and still. Besides, I know I lack it because I miss it. I miss it. Whatever "it" is. Whatever I need it to be it is not that. It can never be anything but what it is. And so I search in drawers and closets absent of why, driven like a machine whose switch has been thrown just because it can. I miss it. I wish it could find me. Maybe I need to stay put long enough for it to do so. Now there's a switch. Let the powerful "it" seek me out. But for how long must I wait? And how will I recognize it should it find me? There must be names for this condition that end in phobia. Damn, I hate that suffix. It all starts with a sense of wonder and ends in a sense of emptiness. God, I wish you could find me here. I'll tuck myself in a little drawer right out in the open. I won't bury myself under incidentals. I'll be right on top. Easy to find. Do you need me for anything? I hope so because I need you for everything.

Beckoning Places Of beckoning places I have never felt more lost. Nothing invites me onward. Nothing compels my mouth to speak. In cave-like ignorance, resembling oblivion, I am soulless in sleep. Where are you, beloved? Do you not think I wait for you? Do you not understand the crystal heart? Its facets like mirrors for the clouds absent of nothing blue. Invincible heaven with downcast eyes and burning bullets of victory that peel through flesh like a hungry ax, why did you follow me? I need an equal not a slayer. I need a companion not a ruler. I need love not commandments.

Of things forgotten I have never been one. God seems to find me even in the tumbleweed when winds howl and I become the wishbone in the hands of good and evil. Why do they seek me out? What purpose do I serve if I cannot become visible to you? You know, when they put animals to sleep children wait outside as the needle settles the debt of pain and age. The mother or father write a check and sign their name twice that day. They drop a watermark of tears. They smile for their children through clenched hearts beating sideways like a pendulum of time. And I see all of this and more in myself. A small animal whose debts are soon to be settled. Children are already appearing outside waiting for the smile of parents to reassure. The signature and watermark they never see. Of winter sanctuary I have found only you. Though I wait for signals to draw me from the cold into your fire I know they will come even though I fumble for my key. Even though my heart is beheaded. Even though I have only learned division. I remember you and the light above your door.

Chamber Twenty Poetry

Bullets and Light I am adrift tonight as though a privilege denied is the passageway to keep body and soul together. You have kept so much at bay I wonder if your enchantment is to tame passion. Cornered by your savage artillery you sling your bullets like schools of fish darting to a feast, and I surge ahead tired of being the food. When I look back I can see fragments of you hiding in the underbrush, stubborn remnants of your vanished heart. I can still love them. I can still hold their fragile nerves

clustered with a welder's tongue seething light as pure as any ever beheld. Perhaps I drift away because of the chasm I see. Bullets and light. How strange bedfellows can be. But you will never confess nor shed your doubt of me. I will always remain an enigma hurling itself like litter across your absolute path. A sudden shaft of light that begets a deep shadow that temporarily blinds. Hope-stirred eyes have always sought to steal you from the simian nature that collects at your feet and pulls at you like derelict children. My unearthly hunger drew me away from you, even against my will, or at least my conscious will. There was always something calculating the distance between us. Some cosmic abacus shuffling sums of bullets and light looking for the ledger's balance, but never quite locating its exact frequency.

Nature of Angels Midnight in the desert and all is well. I told myself so and so it is, or it is not, I haven't quite decided yet. Never mind the coyotes' howl or the shrinking light. Holiness claims my tired eyes as I return the stare of stars. They seem restless, but maybe they're just ink blots and I'm the one who's really restless. There is something here that repeals me. In its abundance I am absent. So I shouted at the desert spirits, tell me your secrets or I will tell you my sorrows. The spirits lined up quickly then. Wings fluttering. Hearts astir. I heard many voices become one and it spoke to the leafless sky as a tenet to earth.

We hold no secrets. We are simply windows to your future. Which is now and which is then is the question we answer. But you ask the question. If there is a secret we hold it is nothing emboldened by words or we would commonly speak. I turned to the voice, what wisdom is there in that? If words can't express your secret wisdom, then I am deaf and you are mute and we are blind. At least I can speak my sorrows. Again the wings fluttered and the voices stirred hoping the sorrow would not spill like blood upon the desert. But there were no more sounds save the coyote and the owl. And then a strange resolution suffused my sight. I felt a presence like an enormous angel carved of stone was placed behind me. I couldn't turn for fear its loss would spill my sorrow. But the swelling presence was too powerful to ignore so I turned around to confront it, and there stood a trickster coyote looking at me with glass eyes painting my fire, sniffing my fear, and drawing my sorrow away in intimacy. And I understood the nature of angels.

Chamber Twenty-One Poetry

Dream Wanderer Intoxicated with children's thoughts I wonder, why are souls so deep and men so blind? How can souls be eclipsed by such tiny minds? Do we love the damp passageways of Hell? Where every drop of pale water that falls from the cavern walls is unwashed music etched in silence... My favored dreams have disappeared astride the backs of eagles. With wings sweeping downward, lifting upward, they are carried away like finespun,

elegant seeds on a crystalline wind. Without them I am divinely barren like an empty vessel denied its purpose. I can only stare into the silence ever listening for heaven's murmur. Knowing that behind the darkening mist angels are building shelters for human innocence. Shelters torn from something dark and gravely wounded. Havens resistant to all disease. I thought I was endowed with a promised beauty that would free the neglected dreams of a demigod. That would untie their feeble knots and release them into light's caress. But the glorious reins that had once been mine, tattered and stained with blood, have slipped from my hands in disuse as a web abandoned to a ghostly wind. I can still reach them. I can feel their shadow across my hands. Their power, like an electric storm wandering aimlessly without fuel, soon to be exhausted. This piece of paper is torn from something dark and gravely wounded. It is the mirror I hold up to the blackened sky. A devious sacrifice. Leaping from star to star my eyes weave a constellation. My thoughts in search of the endless motherload. My heart listening for the sound of unstained children dreaming. The dream wanderer looks back at me. Calls my name in a whispered voice. Beckons me with an outstretched wing. "Fly! Your favored dreams await you!" The voice boomed like thunder swearing. My wings trembled with forbidden power as they searched the wind's current for signs of release. Currents that would carry me to the high branches of trees suckling the sun in fields beyond my kingdom. In a moment's interlude I unfolded my wings and vaulted skyward,

into the blue vestibule. Sheer speed. Rivers beneath were brown veins swollen on earth's legs, or savage cuts that bled green. The sun sliced holes in the clouds with tender spears of crimson light. The moon was rising in the eastern sky -an oyster shell pitted by time. Lonely winds would rush by searching for an outpost of stillness. The earthen dungeon peered up at me with contempt like a nursemaid relieved of her duty. I forgot the ground. I canceled gravity. Balanced against aboriginal hopes and fears I became the shaman who dances in the spirit waters of ancestors plucking words and meanings from the cumbrous air. I thought only of the dream wanderer... the holy wind that rekindles my exquisite longing for raw truth. To seize it like medicine in a sleepless fever hoping to be healed. The halcyon spire! The dusty places of purity. These wings are torn from something dark and gravely wounded. They carry me to my favored dreams and choke the inertia of indifference dead. Their strength is perfectly matched to my destination. One more mile beyond these trees, I would fall like a fumbled star into the moat of a starving world. My favored dreams will wander again. In time they will soar to trees of a richer kingdom. My wings will again follow their flight, track their heartbeat and build a quilt of a thousand dreams intermingled. One more turn of the infinite circle. The dream slate revivified. Navigable-even in the murky waters and cloudy skies of the itinerant traveler. The dream wanderer reveals (with a flip of the hourglass of heaven), as above so below. Create your world and let it go forward entrusted to the one that is all. The leavening will prevail.

It is the lesson I learned with my wings outstretched beneath the glaring sky. It is the rawness I seek untouched by another's polish.

Forgiver Last night we talked for hours. You cried in unstoppable sorrow, while I felt a presence carve itself into me source and savior of your dragging earth. You feel so deeply, your mind barely visible staring ahead to what the heart already knows. I see the distance you must heal. I know your pacing heart bounded by corners that have been rounded and smoothed like a polished stone from endless waves. For all I know you are me in another body, slots where spirits reach in to throw the light interpreting dreams. Prowling for crowns. Are there ways to find your heart I haven't found? You, I will swallow without tasting first. I don't care the color. Nothing could warn me away. Nothing could diminish my love. And only if I utterly failed in kinship would you banish me. Last night, I know I was forgiven. You gave me that gift unknowing. I asked for forgiveness and you said it was unneeded; time shuffled everything anew and it was its own forgiver. But I know everything not there was felt by you and transformed. It was given a new life, though inconspicuous, it wove us together to a simple, white stone lying on the ground that marks a spot of sorrow. Beneath, our union, hallowed of tiny bones beseech us to forgive ourselves and lean upon our shoulders in memory of love, not loss. Blame settles on no one; mysterious, it moves in the calculus

of God's plan as though no one thought to refigure the numbers three to two to one. The shape stays below the stone. We walk away, knowing it will resettle in our limbs in our bones in our hearts in our minds in our soul.

Chamber Twenty-Two Poetry

In the Kindness of Sleep I visited you last night when you were sleeping with a child's abandon. Curled so casual in sheets inlaid by your beauty. I held my hand to your face and touched as gently as I know how so you could linger with your dreams. I heard soft murmurs that only angels make when they listen to their home. So I drew my hand away uneasy that I might wake you even as gentle as I was. But you stayed with your dreams and I watched as they found their way to you in the kindness of sleep. And I dreamed that I was an echo of your body curled beside you like a fortune hunter who finally found his gold. I nearly wept at the sound of your breath, but I stayed quiet as a winter lake, and bit my lip to ensure I wouldn't be detected. I didn't want to intrude so I set my dream aside and I gently pulled your hand from underneath the covers to hold. A hand whose entry into flesh must have been the lure that brought me here. And as I hold it I remember why I came to feel your pulse and the beating of your heart in deep slumber. And I remember why I came in the kindness of sleep -to hold your hand, touch your face and listen to the soft breathing of an angel, curled so casual in sheets inlaid by your beauty.

Warm Presence I once wore an amulet that guarded against the forceps of humanity. It kept at bay the phalanx of wolves that circled me like phantoms of Gethsemane. Phantoms that even now replay their mantra like conch shells.

Coaxing me to step out and join the earthly tribe. To bare my sorrow's spaciousness like a cottonwood's seed to the wind. Now I listen and watch for signals. To emerge a recluse squinting in ambivalence inscribed to tell what has been held by locks. It is all devised in the sheath of cable that connects us to Culture. The single, black strand that portrays us to God. The DNA that commands our image and guides our natural selection of jeans. Are there whispers of songs flickering in dark, ominous thunder? Is there truly a sun behind this wall of monotone clouds that beats a billion hammers of light? There are small, flat teeth that weep venom. There is an inviolate clemency in the eyes of executioners while their hands toil to kill. But there is no explanation for voyeur saints who grieve only with their eyes. There is only one path to follow when you connect your hand and eye and release the phantoms. This poem is a shadow of my heart and my heart the shadow of my mind, which is the shadow of my soul the shadow of God. God, a shadow of some unknown, unimaginable cluster of intelligence where galaxies are cellular in the universal body. Are the shadows connected? Can this vast, unknown cluster reach into this poem and assemble words that couple at a holy junction? It is the reason I write. Though I cannot say this junction has ever been found (at least by me). It is more apparent that some unholy hand, pale from darkness, reaches out and casts its sorrow. Some lesser shadow or phantom positions my hand in a lonely outpost to claim some misplaced luminance. The phantom strains to listen for songs as they whisper. It coordinates with searching eyes. It peels skin away to touch the soft fruit. It welds shadows as one. I dreamed that I found a ransom note written in God's own hand. Written so small I could barely read its message, which said: "I have your soul, and unless you deliver -in small, unmarked poems --

the sum of your sorrows, you will never see it alive again." And so I write while something unknown is curling around me, irresistible to my hand, yet unseen. More phantoms from Gethsemane who honor sorrow like professional confessors lost in their despair. I can reach sunflowers the size of moonbeams, but I cannot reach the sum of my sorrows. They elude me like ignescent stars that fall nightly outside my window. My soul must be nervous. The ransom is too much to pay even for a poet who explores the black strand of Culture. Years ago I found an Impression -- like snow angels -- left in tall grass by some animal, perhaps a deer or bear. When I touched it I felt the warm presence of life, not the cold radiation of crop circles. This warm energy lingers only for a moment but when it is touched it lasts forever. And this is my fear: that the sum of my sorrows will last forever when it is touched, and even though my soul is returned unharmed, I will remember the cold radiation and not the warm presence of life. Now I weep when children sing and burrow their warm presence into my heart. Now I feel God adjourned by the source of shadows. Now I feel the pull of a bridle, breaking me like a wild horse turned suddenly submissive. I cannot fight the phantoms or control them or turn them away. They prod at me as if a lava stream should continue on into the cold night air and never tire of movement. Never cease its search for the perfect place to be a sculpture. An anonymous feature of the gray landscape. If ever I find the sum of my sorrows I hope it is at the bridgetower where I can see both ways before I cross over. Where I can see forgeries like a crisp mirage and throw off my bridle. I will need to be wild when I face it. I will need to look into its unnameable light and unravel all the shadows interlocked like paper dolls and cut from a multiverse of experience.

To let them surround me and in one resounding chorus confer their epiphany so I can hand over the ransom and reclaim my soul. When all my sorrows are gathered round in an unbroken ring I will stare them down. Behind them waits a second ring, larger still and far more powerful. It is the ring of life's warm presence when sorrows have passed underneath the shadows' source and transform like the dull chrysalis that bears iridescent angels.

Chamber Twenty-Three Poetry

Spiral Inside there is something gnawing with silken jaws and wax teeth. It holds me still in pureness like a circle whose middle is my cage.

While you went away from me I was ever tightening my circle. A spiral cut in glass. A flower's bloom dropping petals. A winnowed ball of yarn spilling color. I see the inside of your thigh brilliant in its smoothness, and I spiral ever closer to your edge. Paper cut touching I burn bleeding without pain. How could I spill so easily without knowing why? When I hear your voice there is no quenching this ache to hold you. Like one who draws near and then forgets the story they came to tell, I circle you waiting for thread's tautness to draw us ever closer though I know not how. The final luxury is the kiss of your boundless heart. The final beauty so pure all else limps behind blissfully in your wake. Drawing from your shadows the light of saplings lurking on the forest floor. If I could unbutton you, take your dress down I would see a map of my universe. A phantom limb, grown from my body like wings sprouting from a chrysalis reaches for you. It is the hand of clarity desperate for your skin so powerfully bidden as though a shimmering block of light cut from black velvet, stood before me. And all I could do was to reach out and touch it, not knowing why, but utterly unafraid.

Soul's Photograph Who will find me in the morning after the winds rush over the barren body that once held me like a tree a leaf?

Who will find me when mercy, tired of smiling, finally frowns in deep furrows of ancient skin? Who will find me? Will it be you? Perhaps it will be a cold morning with fresh prints of snow and children laughing as they lay down in the arms of angels. Perhaps it will be a warm evening when crickets play their music to the stillness of waiting stars. Perhaps it will be the light that draws me away or some sweet surrender that captures me in its golden nets. Who will find me when I have left and cast my line in new waters trickling so near this ocean of sand? Listen for me when I'm gone. Listen for me in poems that were formed with lips mindful of you. You who will outlast me. Who linger in the courage I could not find. You can see me in these words. They are the lasting image. Soul's photograph.

Chamber Twenty-Four Poetry

The Pure and Perfect Someday the messengers will arrive with stories of a nocturnal sun despondent, burning implacably in the deepest shade of a thousand shadows. They will tell you of the serene indifference of God. They will draw you by the hand through bruised alleyways and prove the desperation of man rejected from the beauty of an unearthly realm. The news will arrive as a tribute to the death of oracles. Sparing words of purpose the messengers will announce the cold fury of realism's cave. Someday, the messengers will send their thoughts through books that have no pulse. You will be accused of weakness that drowns you in servitude.

A queer rivalry will beset you and your life will crawl like an awkward beast that has no home. And you, my dearest friends, who are truth -- who were all along, will renew your devotion to a powerful image in a distant mirror. You will listen to these stories and tear at your silent heart with animal claws that are dulled by the stone doors of time. Where the unattested is confirmed your vestige-soul is stored. It will strengthen you and cradle you in the light of your own vision, which will be hurled like lightening through twilight's dull corridor. The messengers will cry at the sound of your rejection. They will scream: "Do you want to be a lowly servant and lonely saint?" Mutants of the light are always tested with doubts of a swollen isolation and the promise of truth's betrayal. Listen without hearing. Judge without pardon. The grand parasite of falsehood will prevail if you believe only your beliefs. Someday, when all is clear to you -when the winds have lifted all veils and the golden auberge is the locus of our souls -you will be tested no more. You will have reached destiny's lodge and the toilsome replica of God is jettisoned for the pure and perfect.

A Fire For You On this, the shortest day of the year, I have journeyed to the Great Plains to build a fire for you. The night air is cold like a cellar cut from ancient stones. But I found some wood among the deserted plains buried under the grasses and dirt, hidden away like leaves

that had become the soil. After I cleaned the wood by hand -- its dirt beneath my nails and the fabric of my cloth I sent a flame combusted by the mere thought of you. And the wood became fire. There were hermit stars that gathered overhead to keep me company. Your spirit was there as well amidst the fire's flames. We laughed at the deep meaning of the sky and its spacious ways. Marveling at the flat mirror of the plain that sends so little skyward, like the hearts of children denied a certain kind of love. You played with spirits when you were young among these fields. You didn't know their names then. I was one. Even without a name, or body, I watched your gaze, unrelenting to the things that beat between the two mirrors of the sky and plain. I believe it was here also that you learned to speak with God. Not in so many words as you're now accustomed, but I'm certain that God listened to your life and gathered around your fire for warmth and meaning. In the deserted plains he found you set apart from all things missing. Dear spirit, I have held this vigil for so long, tending fires whose purpose I have forgotten. I think warmth was one. Perhaps light was another. Perhaps hope was the strongest of these. If ever I find you around my fire, built by hands that know your final skin, between the sheets of the sky and plain, I will remember its purpose. In barren fields that have long been deserted by the hand of man I will remember. In the deepest eye of you I will remember. In the longest night of you I will remember.

On this, the shortest day of the year, I have journeyed to the Great Plains to build a fire for you.

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