The importance of enteric coated curcumin
Well, there are a lot of benefits you can get when you consume curcumin supplements on a daily basis, in particular the enteric coated curcumin supplements. Which are the best curcumin supplements? Scientists and researchers suggest that there is one drawback to curcumin. The fact is that it cannot be easily absorbed into the bloodstream of a person. As soon as it is ingested, curcumin breaks down right away in the stomach and then the intestines. In addition, it gets eliminated soon. Hence, a substance that promotes the bioavailability and absorption of curcumin is certainly needed in order to enjoy its benefits completely. Therefore, reputable supplement companies choose to add a wonderful substance like the piperine, Bromelain, or flax seed oil to the curcumin supplements they manufacture so as to increase its absorption levels and bioavailability. Entering coating When you are buying curcumin supplements, as mentioned earlier, you should also read the label and see if the capsule is enteric coated. A capsule that comes with an enteric coating bypasses the harsh and dangerous stomach acids quite easily and gets released in intestines directly, eventually enabling quick absorption as well as ultimate bio-availability. The term e teric tra slates to s all i testi e. E teri g coati g o the capsule preve ts the release of the key ingredient curcumin in the stomach & makes it to be directly released in the intestines, thereby providing its full benefits to the target organs.