Q3 2020 | Los Angeles Medicine Magazine

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QUARTER 3 2020

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PUBLISHER Gustavo Friederichsen | gustavo@lacmanet.org EDITOR Sheri Carr | editor@physiciansnewsnetwork.com HEADQUARTERS LOS ANGELES COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2290 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel 213.683.9900 | Fax 213.226.0350 www.losangelesmedicine.org


LACMA OFFICERS PRESIDENT | Diana Shiba, MD PRESIDENT-ELECT | Jeffery Lee, MD TREASURER | Omer Deen, MD SECRETARY | Jerry Abraham, MD IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT | Sion Roy, MD LACMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRUSTEES & CHAIR DELEGATION COUNCILORS-AT-LARGE Jerry Abraham, MD, CMA Trustee Sunny Jha, MD (1) Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD, Stacey Ludwig, MD (1) Chair of the LACMA Delegation Karen Sibert, MD (5) Sion Roy, MD, CMA Trustee Valencia Walker, MD (5) COUNCILORS Robert Bitonte, MD, JD (D1) Emil Avanes, MD (D2) Stephanie Booth, MD (D3) Heather Silverman, MD (D5) Marc Mendes, MD (D6) Kambiz Kosari, MD (D7) Steven Sawelson, MD (D9) Sharon Jakus-Waldman, MD (D10) William Hale, MD (D14) Nancy Ellerbroek, MD (D17) Lisa Firestone, MD (SCPMG) Roxana Yoonessi, MD, JD (SCPMG) Troy Elander, MD (SSGPF) Muntu Davis, MD (LA County) Cristian Rico, MD (AltaMed) Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD (1, YP Councilor) Hector Flores, MD (1, EPC Chair) Anna Yap, MD (Resident Councilor) Joshua Cenido, MD (Alt. Resident Councilor) Aileen Arevalo (Student Councilor, UCLA)

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A MESSAGE FROM LACMA CEO Gustavo Friederichsen


PPE to Over 2,300 Practices Over Five Days

LACMA, Hyundai Partnership Brings Drive-Through Testing to Boyle Heights

2020 Installation of Officers


LACMA Welcomes New President Dr. Diana Shiba with Virtual Celebration

LACMA’s Board of Directors consists of a group of dedicated physicians working hard to uphold your rights and the rights of your patients. They always welcome hearing your comments and concerns. You can contact them by emailing or calling Lisa Le, VP of Operations and Strategic Initiatives, at lisa@lacmanet.org or 213-226-0304. SUBSCRIPTIONS Members of the Los Angeles County Medical Association: Los Angeles Medicine is a benefit of your membership. Additional copies and back issues: $3 each. Nonmember subscriptions: $39 per year. Single copies: $5. To order or renew a subscription, make your check payable to Los Angeles Medicine, 10755 Scripps Poway Parkway, Suite 615 | San Diego, CA 92131. To inform us of a delivery problem, email editors@physiciansnewsnetwork.com. Acceptance of advertising in Los Angeles Medicine in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by LACMA Services Inc. The Los Angeles County Medical Association reserves the right to reject any advertising. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and not necessarily those of Los Angeles Medicine, LACMA Services Inc. or the Los Angeles County Medical Association. Los Angeles Medicine reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as to reject any material submitted. Los Angeles Medicine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.

Los Angeles Medicine (ISSN 1533-9254) is published quarterly by LACMA Services Inc. (a subsidiary of the Los Angeles County Medical Association) at 1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2290, Los Angeles, CA 90017-2548. Periodicals Postage Paid at Los Angeles, California, and at additional mailing offices. Copyright ©2017 by LACMA Services Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Los Angeles Medicine, 1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2290, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Advertising rates and information sent upon request.

A PUBLICATION OF PHYSICIANS NEWS NETWORK 10755 Scripps Poway Parkway, Suite 615 | San Diego, CA 92131 | Tel 858.226.7647 | www.PhysiciansNewsNetwork.com



With the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacting our communities, the healthcare delivery system in the United States is in flux. As local, state and national stakeholders continue to seek informed guidance in the development of policies impacting care delivery across the country, now and in the future, it is critical to raise the voice of those who are on the frontlines of this pandemic — our physicians. Physicians, who are often called to lead frontline healthcare teams, offer a unique perspective that is of critical value to those outside of healthcare. Elevating the physician voice is more than an opportunity; it is also a strategic means for the House of Medicine to influence the larger policy discussions around patient care delivery in a rapidly evolving healthcare milieu. Why? Because politicians and policymakers are listening. Policymakers are asking questions, seeking answers and engaging directly with physicians. Faced with issues ranging from provider relief funding to expanded care modalities like telehealth, all in the context of the pandemic and its anticipated aftermath, elected officials and regulators are listening with a new attentiveness to the physicians who are caring for their communities. Since early March, LACMA leaders have participated in dozens of Zoom calls with both state and federal legislators who view the physician community as an important resource when analyzing healthcare policy. These conversations have evolved into discussions about legislation that directly impacts physicians, including the importance of practice sustainability and relief funding, patient healthcare coverage, provider immunity, telemedicine and personal protective equipment (PPE), to name only a few.

“...LACMA is wellpositioned and fully committed to ensuring that the needs, perspective, and voice of our members are heard.�

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Physician advocacy has already proven effective. As a California state senator shared, a gubernatorial executive order was signed because of LACMA advocacy. When invited to sit at the table, physicians not only have the opportunity to share their clinical expertise and experience, but they also have the ability to use their community standing to promote positive change. Leveraging the physician voice also opens the door to joining larger collaborative efforts and partnerships at the state or national level. For example, LACMA, in collaboration with the California Medical Association (CMA), was able to distribute $12 million worth of PPE to nearly 3,000 medical practices throughout Los Angeles County as part of a larger $60 million initiative driven by CMA, who negotiated directly with state entities. As policymakers and community stakeholders continue to respond to the growing social, political and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the voice of our physicians is an invaluable resource and one that must be heard at the local, state and national levels. Our patients and communities are looking to us to be their voice and advocate for them during this healthcare crisis. Serving as your president, I look forward to supporting the incredible team of physician and patient advocates at LACMA. It is a privilege for LACMA to serve as a voice and advocate for the medical community, but it is also a great duty and responsibility. As the largest county medical association in California, and the second largest in the nation, LACMA is well-positioned and fully committed to ensuring that the needs, perspective, and voice of our members are heard. Our leadership team is bound by this strong esprit de corps, and we welcome every LACMA member to join in the effort. Your participation is critical to ensuring the continued strength of our voice. Together, we will continue to be impactful advocates for not only our communities, but also for the entire House of Medicine.


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Bye the Numbers COVID-19 has changed the way we look at preventing illness, the way we conduct business safely and has shattered conventional wisdom when it comes to consumer and even our member expectations. Before the pandemic, solo and small practices, groups and large integrated systems were caring for patient populations. Now, the healthcare industry is morphing in real time to solve complex virus-related issues, from testing to treatment to preventing spread. LACMA is no different. As members know, we launched the COVID-19 Rapid Response Initiative and have helped hundreds of practices across the county with financial and supply help. We heard from minority- and womenowned practices that needed supplies, resources to reopen, technology guidance to deploy telemedicine and guidelines for how to open. Yet, the most impactful action we launched was the PPE program, a weeklong series of PPE events. More than 2,300 practices participated, and another 1,000 requested shipment of supplies. A total of $12 million in PPEs was provided to solo and small practices. We have partnered with AltaMed Health Services and Cal State Los Angeles to provide PPEs to an additional 500 independent solo and small practices. The issue of Los Angeles Medicine is also about change. Dr. Diana Shiba, Dr. Jeffery Lee, Dr. Omer Deen and Dr. Jerry Abraham form the new, diverse board leadership for the 149th edition of officers. As social and racial unrest continues to plague our country and communities, the new Health Equity Council and Race Against Time Zoom conversations will look at how racism impacts access to care, the provision of care and the role LACMA can play to help minority communities and their physicians. We continue our partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Public Health to address the pandemic, food insecurity and how COVID-19 has exacerbated the vaping epidemic. When I wrote this column, the virus had killed more than 6,000 Angelinos, infected 250,000, and is hospitalizing 800 daily. There is no question supplies will be a challenge for physicians well into 2021, which is why LACMA will identify sustainable solutions to make a difference for providers. As we say good-bye to 2020, LACMA will continue to listen to our members so we can deliver unprecedented value for membership. We must deliver on not just supplies but on policy, practice resources, group-specific solutions and evolve as the practice of medicine has evolved literally overnight. It is my hope that members continue to share what we are doing right, what we can do better to earn membership, maintain your membership, and help you to thrive in a postpandemic world. As always, let me know at gustavo@lacmanet.org.

“As we say goodbye to 2020, LACMA will continue to listen to our members so we can deliver unprecedented value for membership.�

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LACMA, CMA Distribute PPE to More Than 2,300 Practices Over Five Days In late July, with temperatures soaring and media buzzing about, LACMA, the California Medical Association (CMA) and local groups came together to deliver much-needed relief to local doctors’ offices, distributing $12 million worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies to over 2,300 practices over five days.

A week of PPE distribution events kicked off at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena with a long line of cars stretched around the historic site, each of the 495 drivers waiting to pick up boxes of valuable personal protective equipment. Similar scenes played out throughout the week at the Torrance, Arcadia, Culver City and Woodland Hills events, with a grand total of 2,324 physician practices receiving PPE equipment made available free of charge by the State of California. Funding for the distribution of the equipment was provided by Altais, a new healthcare services company.

“LACMA partnered with CMA, the State of California and Altais to provide the free medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE) – including N95 and surgical masks, gowns, gloves and face shields – to small and medium-sized medical practices across the county,” said LACMA CEO Gustavo Friederichsen. Emil Ybanez with Harmony Health MD in Glendale told ABC7 that it’s been extremely difficult to find any masks during the past four months. “Our clinic does drive-through COVID testing. We go through more PPE than a regular

Volunteers help LACMA and CMA staff load PPE into physicians’ cars at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Torrance.

clinic would. I was just surprised how much they could get for us,” Ybanez said. George Abdelmessih is the director of his daughter’s Glendale practice. He told ABC7, “We are struggling on a day-to-day basis.” Abdelmessih said when he does find PPE to buy, it’s too expensive. “They’re going for an exorbitant amount of money right now as well as very limited quantities,” he said. “This week is something special,” said Friederichsen. “Thanks to CMA’s Mike Steenburgh and Hjalmer Danielson, who brought the trucks filled with supplies, manned the forklifts, co-designed traffic flow and worked side by side with LACMA staff, including Lisa Le, Vitelio Aguilar and Sheila Hoyer, and 70-plus volunteers resulting in a patchwork of successful events from Pasadena to Torrance, Arcadia to Culver City and finally Woodland Hills. Five events, five different locations, thousands of physicians helped during the pandemic.” “It was incredible to see our leadership, from LACMA president, Dr. Diana Shiba; immediate past president, Dr. Sion Roy; president-elect, Dr. Jeffery Lee; and board members Dr. Jack Chou, Dr. Roxana Yoonessi and Dr. Stephanie Booth—all pitched in to distribute boxes of PPE, greeting participating physicians and thanking staff and volunteers,” he added. “Simultaneously, Orange County and San Diego held their events. In fact, nearly 40 events will take place over three weeks to deliver muchneeded PPE to physicians in practices with less than 50 doctors across the entire state. We had various video and photo crews at each event as we have shared unprecedented events via social media.” Scenes from around the county as LACMA, CMA and 70-plus volunteers distributed $12 million worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies to over 2,300 practices over five days. 6 LOS A N G EL ES M ED I CI N E | Q UA RT ER 3 2020

LACMA, Hyundai Partnership Brings Drive-Through Testing to Boyle Heights As much of the LACMA team was busy distributing PPE aims to remove barriers to healthcare for our Eastside to physicians, across town in Boyle Heights, a COVID-19 communities. I thank Hyundai Motor America and its U.S. testing site opened thanks to a partnership between Los dealers for their generous $100,000 donation that will Angeles County and the Los Angeles County Medical help bring services to residents who get tested at our Association and a generous donation from Hyundai COVID-19 testing site in Boyle Heights. I am grateful for Motor Corporation. their commitment to expanding access to services and “Thanks to the leadership of Dr. Hector Flores, our making sure all residents are safe and healthy.” Patient Care Foundation will participate in a COVID-19 “The Patient Care Foundation, the nonprofit arm of the testing program in Boyle Heights. Hyundai Motor Los Angeles County Medical Association, is dedicated to Corporation’s Hope On Wheels and the Consul General improving access to healthcare services for vulnerable of Israel also contributed to make the event a reality for communities. We are proud to partner with Hyundai many low-income families over the next two weeks,” Motor America, Hyundai Hope On Wheels, TELACU, Los LACMA CEO Gustavo Friederichsen said. “Through this Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, the Consul collaborative, hundreds of residents with potential General of Israel also contributed and Total Testing COVID-19 symptoms can get tested at no charge over the Solutions to provide needed COVID-19 testing to the next two weeks.” community of Boyle Heights,” said Troy Elander, MD, chair, “When the U.S. first began to grapple with the Patient Care Foundation. COVID-19 pandemic in March, we knew testing would be our first line of defense,” said José Muñoz, president and CEO, Hyundai Motor North America. “We are pleased to continue funding our testing MEDI-CAL/M E D I C A R E strategy and support our neighbors MEDICAL PRACTICE PURCHASES, SALES AND MERGERS in Boyle Heights who have been disproportionately affected by the novel coronavirus.” “We know that hardworking families in East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights are more likely to live in multigenerational housing conditions and are more likely to work in essential service jobs that increase their Assisting physicians with exposure to the coronavirus, which legal issues for over three decades. is why I am committed to expanding access to COVID-19 testing, healthcare, Fenton Law Group, LLP and other services for all people,” said 1990 South Bundy Drive Suite 777 Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Los Angeles, CA 90025 The brand physicians trust L. Solis. “This testing site is the result 310.444.5244 www.fentonlawgroup.com of a private-public partnership that


Q UA RT ER 3 2020 | L A D O C S .O RG 7

LACMA Welcomes 149th President

Diana R. Shiba, MD

Installation of Officers Dr. Diana Shiba’s installation as the 149th president of the Los Angeles County Medical Association was met with weeks of media buzz leading up to the September 23, first-of-its-kind virtual celebration. While Dr. Shiba’s one-year term began on July 1, the traditional June gala was canceled due to COVID-19, and the LACMA team quickly pivoted and began reimagining a virtual extravaganza. Filled with warm wishes from state and local leaders, personal anecdotes from Dr. Shiba’s family and a round-table dinner discussion with LACMA physician leaders, the event was authentic, heartwarming and inspiring, far exceeding everyone’s expectations. Following a VIP Zoom “Happy Hour” where Dr. Shiba personally welcomed her guests, LACMA CEO Gustavo Friederichsen welcomed attendees to the virtual watch party and was followed by outgoing LACMA president, Sion Roy, MD. “Thanks to all of you joining us virtually tonight as we celebrate my friend and colleague, Dr. Diana Shiba, as she is installed as the 149th president of the Los Angeles County Medical Association,” Dr. Roy began. “I can’t imagine a more capable leader to take the helm at a time when LACMA’s support of our medical community is more important than ever.” “This year has brought challenges that none of us imagined a year ago, but I’m proud that LACMA has stepped up to be a positive force in our community,” he concluded. “It’s been the honor of a lifetime to represent LA County physicians at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to all the physicians in the county who have heroically put their patients first, even at great personal risk, in a call to duty like none other that we have faced in recent times. I’ve never been more proud to call myself an Angeleno physician. Congratulations to our next president, Dr. Diana Shiba, our first Asian American female president. As we head into our historic 150th anniversary as an organization, I look forward to her leadership as LACMA continues to fight for the physicians and patients of LA County.”

Dr. Jeffery Lee President-Elect

Dr. Omer Deen Treasurer

Dr. Jerry Abraham Secretary

The round-table portion of the event featured LACMA she brings in all this talent.” physicians enjoying dinner and sharing personal insights “Everything is done in such a focused yet kind and about Dr. Shiba. generous way, it’s truly remarkable,” Dr. Heather Silverman “What I have always loved about Diana is how energetic shared. “Plus she has such a great laugh and great energy. she is, how committed she is, how hardworking she is, She’s a wonderful person.” and I think she’s always been like that. It’s why almost ten “I’m super excited to see what this year holds for years ago, I wanted her her with all of these to be on my executive strengths,” Dr. Jerry committee when I was Abraham said. “She’s LACMA president,” Dr. Troy brought a great team Elander shared. “She had together on the executive To view the installation videos visit those traits then, and she committee, she has great still has them now.” relationships with staff, so, www.LADocs.org/Installation “One of the things especially right now given about Diana is that, not all the challenges that only is she accountable, the House of Medicine’s but she also has the facing, she’s the right ability to delegate, and leader for this job right she actually recruits talent,” said Dr. C. Freeman. now. I’m excited to see what she accomplishes.” Dr. Jeffery Lee agreed: “She’s very thoughtful when it Dr. Shiba then graciously took center stage, sharing the comes to mentoring new leaders, picking folks who she exciting vision for her presidency: “Three high-level goals thinks will pass on the legacy and keep LACMA headed in would include supporting physician practices, first and the direction and vision that it needs to.” foremost, especially during the pandemic; to engage more “I think one of the reasons she’s so effective at that is in community and public health, with a focus on health that she’s such a people person,” Dr. Omer Deen said. “I inequities; and to promote physician well-being.” think her engagement is really, really helpful. That’s how Dr. Shiba shared details about initiatives already under

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way related to each of her goals, including the allocation of $150,000 in grants for physician practices, the recent PPE distribution events, the newly formed Health Equity Council and upcoming Race Against Time Zoom Series, as well as a new collaboration between LACMA and the LA County Department of Public Health and UCLA that will focus on the social determinants of health. (Read more about all of these efforts in the next edition of Los Angeles Medicine magazine.) “It’s going to be an incredible privilege to be a part of the 150th-year anniversary of the LA County Medical Association,” Dr. Shiba said in conclusion. “LACMA has an incredibly rich history. Since 1850 when it was originally called the Medical Faculty of Los Angeles, and to see over the course of 150 years, how the organization has been involved in medical education, community health like purifying water, and even the cessation of smoking in public places in California, this organization is amazing, and I’m really excited to see what the organization does, not just in the next decade, but in the next few decades.”

As an advocate for patients and physicians, Dr. Shiba has been active for 16 years at the county, state, and national levels, as well as within her own specialty. She currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the CMA, the Executive Committee of America’s Physician Groups, and the Board of Directors of the California Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons. In addition to her professional role as an ophthalmologist, Dr. Shiba is the Chief Government Relations Officer and a Regional Assistant Medical Director for the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Shiba attended Georgetown University, where she graduated summa cum laude and was a Rhodes Scholar state finalist. She completed her medical education at the UC Davis School of Medicine, followed by her ophthalmology residency at the UCSD. She has received numerous awards for her advocacy work, including the Secretariat Award in Advocacy from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the prestigious Excellence in Leadership Award from the AMA Foundation. She was also a recipient of the University of San Diego’s annual clinical teaching award in ophthalmology. Dr. Shiba will lead LACMA into its 150th year (2021) and is launching the new Health Equity Council to address racism and health inequities. Her other areas of focus include physician practice sustainability and support for physician well-being, especially during these challenging times. Dr. Shiba is the mother of eight-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. She is married to Dr. Ritchie Yuson, also an ophthalmologist.

Photos from behind the scenes Left: Dr. Shiba being filmed at home with her twins. Middle: Dr. Shiba filmed seeing patients in her office for her acceptance video. Right, L to R: Dr. Omer Deen, Dr. Jeffery Lee, Dr. Troy Elander, Dr. Heather Silverman, Dr. Jerry Abraham and Dr. C. Freeman toast Dr. Shiba as they film the Installation round table.

From Local News to Modern Healthcare and Rolling Stone (Yes, Rolling Stone!)

LACMA IS MAKING HEADLINES With Dr. Shiba’s new presidency, LACMA’s PPE events and our “Put It On” campaign, LACMA and its physicians have been making local—and national— headlines in recent months. Dr. Shiba made a splash as the first Asian-American female president of LACMA, including interviews in several local news outlets and as a guest columinist in Modern Healthcare. In July, LACMA’s PPE events across the county and the Hyundai partnership for the Boyle Heights testing site drew local television and print reporters. In July we also introduced our “Put It On” public service media campaign with two PSA videos encouraging Los Angelenos to wear masks in accordance with public health guidelines. The first video, featuring local physicians, calls on the community to support facts and science, not misinformation and fiction, associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the video physicians representing various Los Angeles County communities highlight the life and death importance of wearing a mask in accordance with public guidelines. The second video features members of the beloved Los Angeles band Los Lobos sharing the “Put It On” message. Imagine the surprise when the campaign was mentioned in the last line of an article about Los Lobos in the July issue of Rolling Stone!

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