product information
Speed of light High-tech in a didactic form ˂W
Speed of light c0 = 299 792 458 meter / second
Measuring the speed of light, as well as distances, with only one device all thanks to state-of-the-art digital measuring technology The speed of light meter as central device features a modulated laser. The laser beam is guided along the measuring path and back into the measuring instrument. The phase shift between the emitted signal and the received signal enables the speed of light to be determined with an accuracy in air of +/2%. All of the measurement quantities that are required for calculating the speed of light are displayed. If one places various transparent media, such as water, oil, synthetic resin, or acrylic glass into the beam path, the change in the speed of light can be measured. If one knows the speed of light, the unit can be used for measuring distances. An oscilloscope is not required for the experiment. The unit is, however, equipped with output sockets for the signals so that the measurement method can be demonstrated in an even more profound didactic manner with a simple two-channel oscilloscope.
Features Quick set-up and minimum adjustment needed The speed of light can be measured with an accuracy of +/- 2 % in air Measurements can be performed with or without an oscilloscope Integrated display of all of the relevant measurement quantities (ƒ, ∆φ, ∆t, ∆x) Determination of the speed of light of liquids and solids Distance measurements can be performed with the same device