product information
Demonstration track – a fascinating way to demonstrate linear motion
The fascinating way to demonstrate linear motion - study objectives through a simple, quick and reliable method. The PHYWE Demonstration track enables all required physics experiments in the field of
What you can learn about Uniform acceleration and deceleration
linear motion and dynamics. The experimen-
tation system has a wide range of accessories.
Momentum (elastic and inelastic collision)
It is easy to use and allows a quick and reliable presentation of low-friction motions. It provides excellent results due to the nearly frictionless motion of the PHYWE experimentation cart.
Newton’s laws Potential and kinetic energy Friction Grade resistance Inclined plane
product information
The demonstration track
Use of Phywe standard photo gates which can
The aluminium profile of the demonstration track
Support feet adjustable over the entire track length, i.e. trouble-free and safe set-up also
offers enough space for all the required physical experiments. The track is particularly distinguished by a lot of features:
on short tables Particularly easy alignment of the demonstration track due to levelling support feet
All advantages at a glance Quick-lock system for easy and safe fastening of photo gates
Tape measure integrated in the track Wide range of accessories available
Products Basic Set The set consists of: aluminium track with scale, adjustable feeds, and quick lock system for accessories, two low friction carts (sapphire bearing) with holders and sockets for use with numerous accessories two weight pieces Demonstration Track Basic Set for Linear Motion Experiments
PHYGATE bundle to upgrade the demonstration track for easily measure path-time diagrams with PC. The set consists of: PHYGATE USB interface for light barriers, incl. software, universal fork-type light barrier incl. incremental wheel, pulley, weight-holder etc. PHYGATE upgrade bundle
Cobra4 set “Linear Motion” with the “Timer/Counter” Sensor-Unit Includes: Cobra4 “Timer/Counter” Sensor-Unit (12651.00), Cobra4 Wireless Manager (12600.00), Cobra4 Wireless-Link (12601.00), Cobra4 Remote-Link (12602.00), 4 compact fork-type light barriers (11207.20), 3 adapters for the “Timer/ Counter” Sensor-Unit (12651.01), software “measure Cobra4”, single user and school licence (14550.61) Cobra4 set “Linear Motion” with the “Timer/Counter” Sensor-Unit
Timer 2-1-Set Consists of one timer 2-1, two fork light barriers compact incl. Holders and 6 connecting cables Timer 2-1-Set
Demonstration Track complete set includes all necessary articles for performance of experiments regarding motion. The set consists of: demonsrtation track aluminium with scale, adjustable feeds, with quick lock system for accessories, two low friction carts (sapphire bearing), with holders and sockets for use with numerous accessories, weights for carts, two diaphragms for cart, starter system, Timer 4-4, four fork light barriers with holders, accessories, connecting cables, etc. Complete Demonstration Set
Linear Motion Manual with 17 experiments Handbook: Linear Motion
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
T. +49 (0) 551 604 - 0 F. +49 (0) 551 604 - 107
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 D-37079 Göttingen
© 2010 - Copyright by PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG. GmbH & Co. KG. Subjects to alteration, errors and omissions excepted.
experimenting is ensured. As it is 1.5 m long, it
also be used for other experiments
has been designed such that easy, safe and quick