Our product range for schools – future-proof and targeted worldclass solutions
for better education
Extensive solution systems for natural sciences
excellence in science
Those who would like to tread new paths must know their roots
Learning and teaching the easy way – with PHYWE
More than 145,000 customers in more than 95 countries – mainly universities, colleges, schools, private institutes, museums, and science centres – have chosen PHYWE solutions. We are a leading global developer, manufacturer, Göttingen ist one of the most famous university and supplier of teaching materials in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and applied scitowns in Germany. Natural sciences have a longlasting tradition here. More than 40 Nobel ences. We continually improve our programme with constant quality control and evaluation, Prize winners such as Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, in which we continuously extend our product Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg worked range to include new trends. This is how we and lived in Göttingen and established the meet even the highest demands and fulfil our city’s reputation as a university and cultural own standards: enabling the best teaching town. and education at universities for a knowledgeGöttingen is where P HYWE is based. Our good based, independent, and progressive society name along with the synonym for quality of tomorrow. “made in Germany” enabled us to become a global market leader in education and teaching Together with our sales agency in Lüttich, which is mainly responsible for the francophone in natural sciences. With a long tradition of regions in North Africa, and more than 60 Innearly 100 years, PHYWE develops, produces, ternational Sales Partners (ISP) that are authorsupplies, and installs: ised by P HYWE, we can offer one-stop solutions experiments with blanket coverage, and all of this custom solution systems ised to your particular, individual needs. scientific equipment e-learning systems Together we are strong: PHYWE is a partner of software Lucas-Nülle Lehr- und Messgeräte GmbH, a developer and manufacturer of technical teaching and services such as: training
Otto Hahn visits P HYWE (1966) PHYWE would like to offer you the best systems and customised solutions for teaching the natural sciences. Our school course covers education at schools from a young age up to the secondary level II. “do” and “show” are the names of PHYWE’s products for pupils, such as TESS or the laboratory experiment system LEx (“do”) and in particular everything for teachers, such as our DemoX programme (“show”). The PHYWE solution systems are extensive and an exciting means for conveying the natural sciences. Our innovative measurement data recording system Cobra4, for example, is unprecedented in its
sheer number of possible applications. It is an unbeatable team in combination with our analysis and evaluation software measure. Our proven, modular TESS experiment system with more than 800 possible experiments is another example of a complete system solution that is “made by P HYWE”. It not only includes the complete experiment literature with instructions concerning the set-up, procedures, and evaluation of the experiments for students and teachers, but also everything that is required for successful experimentation. InterTESS offers you the oppor tunity to accompany the experiments on a PC in order to increase the didactic value of the TESS experiments. This integration of teaching and learning is a standalone feature of P HYWE on the market. Follow this path together with PHYWE and open up a nearly unlimited variety and flexibility when planning and structuring your classes, combined with the quality and service of a world market leader.
and learning systems for vocational training.
installation pre-
and after-sales support technical consulting
PHYWE school course for high-quality education
Education is the foundation for the future. With the school course, PHYWE has established a segment that conveys the natural sciences at school in a particularly easy, clear, and exciting way. As in all of our other products, the experiment, i.e. the direct experience of science phenomena, is at the focus of interest, which is true to the motto that you will never forget what you have actually experienced and tried for yourself. Both teachers and pupils will benefit from PHYWE’s school course: Our proven TESS experiment system with more than 800 possible experiments is the perfect example of a complete system solution that is “made by PHYWE”. PHYWE’s school course was developed in close co-operation with teachers and lecturers in order to offer high-quality, robust materials and system solutions for science classes, while taking into account the teaching curricula. Nearly 100 years of experience and continuity in the development and production of natural science teaching materials in turn ensure the optimum preservation of value and protection of your investment. In addition, we can ensure that the school receives the exact system solution that it needs, thereby eliminating additional costs. PHYWE’s school course enables the supply of curriculum-adapted equipment, experiment descriptions, and perfectly matched components that were specifically developed for teaching requirements.
“do” and “show” are how the students will never forget what they have learned
HYWE offers proven teaching systems for stuP dents and demonstration experiments for science classes of all types of schools and age groups. The equipment, storage, and experiment literature are all ideally adapted to each other and enable the reliable and convincing conveyance of scientific relations with the additional advantage of reduced preparation times. Both systems are proven and have undergone continuous further development based on decades of experience in student and demonstration experiments. In addition, they have been adapted to the teaching curricula of secondary school levels I and II. The design of the various equipment parts enables the optimal combination of teacher and student experiments.
Apart from the printed literature, the computerbased literature interTESS offers numerous other advantages. It supports the safe use of PCs, allows students to work at their own speed, and facilitates the evaluation. TESS training and experiment system TESS expert
Secondary level II
TESS advanced
Secondary level I + II
TESS beginner
Secondary level I
The teaching system for demonstration experiments includes the respective physics, chemistry, and biology collections for various subject areas that are adapted to the respective teachThe training and experiment system for students ing curricula, school types, and age groups. The system is complemented by experiment units (TESS) includes didactic student experiments for and manuals. Experiment units cover certain interdisciplinary classes at the beginning of secondary level I (TESS beginner) and classes of sec- fields of subjects, such as the “Food chemistry experiment units”. Manuals describe the exondary level I and II (TESS advanced) up to the advanced courses of secondary level II (TESS expert). perimental capabilities of a certain equipment All of the required components for any particular system via numerous experiments, such as the “Ripple unit manual”. The equipment and the subject area are stored in a high-quality, wellstructured, and stackable storage box. The didac- accompanying literature were specifically developed for the classroom. They are perfectly tic experiment literature includes student and adapted to each other so that you can perform teacher variants. This helps students work out a wide range of experiments with a small and deepen the scientific interrelations indenumber of equipment parts. pendently, while the teacher can prepare the experiments and check the results rather quickly.
Demonstration track
Everything is also well sorted in the new discipline “Applied Sciences” An overview of the subject areas that are covered by PHYWE is shown below.
TESS “do”
Demonstration experiments “show”
The teaching systems made by PHYWE are divided into four distinct categories. We offer curricula-adapted and demand-responsive standard and customised solutions for all of the classic natural sciences. In order to meet the global trends in education up to interdisciplinary applications in the natural sciences, we have introduced a fourth science category at PHYWE: Applied Sciences.
We have also categorised the student experiment system TESS into different levels. The starting point is the interdisciplinary introduction of the natural sciences with TESS beginner. The next higher levels for all of the relevant subject areas are the experiment sets TESS advanced for the secondary level I and II, and TESS expert for the highest school level at secondary schools.
The teaching systems for demonstration experiments are perfectly adapted to the TESS systems. They are combined in the following collection of experiments: Demonstration experiments for secondary level I Experiment units for certain subject areas
Manuals Manuals are experiment collections for systems, such as the ripple unit or the glass jacket system, which can be used for a wide range of experiments. The following list provides an overview of the subject areas that can be extensively taught with the demonstration teaching system.
TESS advanced
TESS advanced
Secondary level I and II:
Secondary level I and II:
n Mechanics
n Biology
n Mechanics
n Structures
n Heat
n Microscopic
n Acoustics
n Ecology
n Optics
n Microscopy
n Heat
n Wave
n Cobra4
n Optics
n Electricity/electronics
working techniques
– environment and field experiments
n Electrostatics
Applied Sciences
n Magnetism n Radioactivity n Renewable
TESS beginner n Heat
TESS expert
n Light,
n Optics/atomic
air, and earth
Applied Sciences
n Electrostatics
Secondary level I:
n Magnetism
n Heat
n Energy/energy n Atomic
n Renewable
n Senses
n Inorganic
TESS advanced
n All
n Renewable n Food
n Polymer
and magnets
n Renewable n Food
Secondary level I, partly also level II:
n Polymer
n Water n Current
TESS advanced chemistry
air, and earth
n Radioactivity
n Motion
n Food
n Light,
n Motion
and magnets
n Senses
and organic chemistry
and genetics
n Electricity/electronics
n Water n Current
and functions
n Polymer
fields of the general, inorganic, and organic chemistry
Integrated into both teaching systems are computer-assisted experiments, for example, with the wireless measurement data recording system Cobra4 with matching sets and separate manuals.
Further information can be found in our Applied Sciences and Cobra4 brochures as well as in our catalogues. You can also visit us online at www.PHYWE.com.
Our complete solution TESS – Training and experiment system for students
The student experiments of the TESS system are characterised by the fact that the accompanying experiment descriptions, equipment, and storage devices are optimally adapted to each other. The experiment literature covers all of the relevant subjects for your classes. For you, this means reduced preparation time, safe execution of the experiments, and easy checking of the results.
Perfectly adapted system components:
Ideally adapted to TESS – the interactive software interTESS
The software interTESS was developed based on the extensive literature. interTESS assists teachers and students in the set-up, execution, and evaluation of TESS experiments. Combine the advantages of computer-assisted learning with PHYWE’s excellent didactic TESS system. Enhance the learning effectiveness of your students! Attractive experiments Today, young people grow up with computers.
Experiment literature
Strucktured Storage
n versatile
n quick check for completeness
n robust and safe
n easy to transport
n easy to use
n stackable and, therefore, re-
duced space requirements
n perfectly adapted to each other
n robust
n functional
With interTESS, the fascination of the PC can be transferred to the natural sciences. Time-saving method The software assists students in the set-up, execution, and evaluation of the experiments. As a result, the teacher has more time to attend to the students on an individual level. Easy assessment of the results
TESS experiment literature The perfect symbiosis of student worksheets (S) and teacher sheets (T) n reduced preparation time n safe execution of the experiments n easy checking of the results
Teacher sheets (T) n definition of the learning goals and theoretical
background n notes concerning the set-up and execution of the
experiments n measurement results and diagrams
Student worksheets (S)
n answers to the questions on the student worksheets
n precise problem definition
n notes on the hazards and disposal
n notes on the hazards and disposal n complete equipment lists n set-up instructions n instructions concerning the execution of
the experiments n prepared tables to
n Current and magnets n Heat
be filled in
n Water n Senses
Minimum preparation time thanks to the “teacher function”
interTESS guides the user through the experiment, and detailed descriptions facilitate comprehension. The findings and results can be entered into prepared interactive tables. Diagrams are automatically created. A detailed description of the TESS system with a complete equipment and experiment list can be found in our TESS brochure.
The system offers model answers that can be displayed after the teacher password has been entered.
You can take the first steps with very young “researchers” and teach the following interdisciplinary subjects with our attractive TESS beginner sets:
n questions and
drawing templates for the evaluation
The software asks the user numerous questions that can be answered in the form of multiple choice, drawings, or brief texts – also as homework!
Explanations for every individual step ensure maximum learning results
Get to know interTESS. Order our free demo DVD!
n Motion n Light, air, and earth
One system for EVERYTHING – Recording and analysing measurement data with our measure software The computer-assisted recording and analysis of the measurement data is becoming increasingly important for demonstration and student experiments. Numerous phenomena cannot be conveyed or presented without computer assistance. In addition, the execution and evaluation of the experiments are considerably simplified. In addition, complex subject matters of the highest level at secondary schools, such as atomic and nuclear physics can be conveyed much more efficiently and convincingly with the aid of computers. A large, ever-increasing number of experiments of P HYWE’s school programme are computer-assisted. The central platform for the recording and analysis of measurement data is the measure software. There are numerous experiments with devices and units that can be directly connected to the computer, such as, for example, the X-ray unit, the multi-channel analyser, or the pH meter. Most of the experiments use the modular, wireless measurement data recording system Cobra4. The measure software is always used for capturing the data. Apart from the repre-
User advantages of measure n One software for all of the computer-assisted measurements
sentation and measurement features, measure also offers an extensive collection of tools for the analysis of data, the export and import of the data of other applications, and much more. In addition, measure offers particularly easy access to the experiment. The computerassisted experiments can be selected from the list of subjects. If desired, experiment descriptions, measurement settings, and example measurements can also be loaded. Another member of the measure family is measure Dynamics, our automatic video analysis software that enables the easy analysis of 1- and 2-dimensional movements. The easy creation of trajectories and movement, velocity, and acceleration diagrams facilitates the comprehension of dynamic and kinematic processes. The special features of measure Dynamics are the automatic detection and tracking of even several objects, the stroboscopic effect for complex motion sequences (flying hammer), the easy data transfer, and much more. More information concerning the various topics can be found in our catalogues or at www.PHYWE.com.
Measuring without limits in science classes with Cobra4
The use of Cobra4 offers new didactic opportunities to fill your students with enthusiasm for the natural sciences. Computer-assisted experiments can be performed together with the students regardless of the location of the PC – either in the classroom or during field trips. In addition, all of the experiments in the field of motion can be executed without any problems. The design of the measurement software based on measure is so intuitive that even inexperienced users can use it reliably and safely. Apart from the wireless recording of measurement data with our Wireless-Link, our Wireless-Manager, or our Remote-Link, the Cobra4 family also enables cable-linked measurements with our USB-Link and mobile measurement with our hand-held measuring instrument Mobile-Link. Numerous sensors can be connected to these basic units. Many of these sensors are multisensors that cover entire subject areas (chemistry, thermodynamics, electricity, and weather). Combined with the power and capabilities of measure, Cobra 4 is ideally adapted to the most versatile applications in the natural sciences and technology at schools. You can
choose from a large number of experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition, the category of everyday phenomena enables you to reach your students where their knowledge of scientific relations can be combined with practical applications. We offer a large number of Cobra4 sets that are ideally adapted to your applications, from demonstration experiments to student experiments (TESS). The hand-held measuring instrument Mobile-Link can be used for demon stration experiments without a PC. With an interconnected unit for wireless communication (Display-Connect), the data can be transmitted to one or several digital large-scale displays. You can find more about Cobra4 in the Cobra4 brochure or at www.PHYWE.com.
User advantages of Cobra4: n New didactic opportunities
and analyses
n No disturbing cables
n Intuitive operation
n Interdisciplinary use
n Easy import and export of data and graphs n High-performance evaluation and representation tools
n Multisensors covering entire subject areas
Basic chemistry set for demonstration experiments
n Ready-to-use experiments can be selected from a list of subjects
Wireless data transfer from the Mobile-Link
n Extensive help function
Perform the measurements
Evaluate the data
n Intuitive and clear design n Easy to use n Safe n Prepared experiments with reference to
technology and our everyday lives
10 11
Physics student experiments teaching system – “do” Modern physics classes are characterised by the fact that students can learn as independently as possible, train their ability to work in teams, and gain subject-related competences. With our TESS system, student experiments can be performed easily and safely and the fundamental principles of the subject can be worked out reliably. The physics range covers all of the classic subject areas: mechanics, heat, optics, wave optics, electricity, electrostatics, magnetism, radioactivity and – now, brand new – optics/atomic physics and renewable energy. The sets: n offer extensive treatment of the various subject areas n are optimally adapted to modern teaching on the secondary school levels I and II n are perfectly compliant with the respective curricula n can be combined with interTESS in order to reduce the preparation time and to ensure the problem-free execution of student experiments and their quick evaluation Excerpt of the TESS physics programme:
Physics demonstration experiments teaching system – “show” Remain flexible during your classes With our innovative physics demonstration board system, PHYWE opens up new dimensions for sciences classes. The particularly useful double-board system shifts the experiments from the horizontal to the vertical and convinces with unlimited possible set-ups, flexible positioning, and ease of installation with minimum preparation time. In addition, the demonstration board system is ideally adapted to TESS. The board
The system
Double board for all types of subjects in physics: one side coated in blue and one side in white with grind lines for optics experiments.
Board on a mobile experimentation stand with drawers for the various boxes.
Advantages: n quick
positioning and modification of the experiment set-up thanks to magnetic holders
TESS mechanics – 65 experiments TESS heat – 34 experiments
Optics – 70 experiments
n clear
1. Physical quantities and properties of objects
1. Thermal equilibrium and temperature measurement
1. Propagation of light
n flexible
2. Mirrors
2. Forces
2. Thermal expansion
n easy
3. Refraction
3. Elementary machines
3. Heat transfer
4. Lenses
4. Liquids and gases
4. Heat and internal energy
5. Colours
5. Oscillations
5. States of matter
6. Linear motion
6. Solutions
Electricity/electronics – 75 experiments
TESS experiments with Cobra4 – 26 experiments
Renewable energy – 45 experiments
1. Electric circuit
1. Mechanics
1. Conversion of energy
2. Electric resistance
2. Electricity
2. Storage of energy
3. Power and work
3. Theory of heat
3. Solar radiation (solar thermal energy, photovoltaics)
4. Capacitor
vertical set-up
n minimum
preparation time
Experiment literature Subjects from all types of physical fields can be taught with the aid of the demonstration board.
5. Diode 6. Transistor
1. Spectroscopy
7. Conversion of energy
2. Diffraction
8. Electrochemistry
3. Interference
9. Electromagnetism
4. Absorption and fluorescence
10. Electric motor 11. Induction
5. h-determination with light-emitting diodes
12. Transformer
6. Solar cells
n Optics
13. Self-induction
7. Polarisation
n Theory
14. Sensors
Optics/Atomic physics – 12 experiments
The board and experiment equipment can be pushed into the classroom. The experiments are easy to prepare and quickly available.
4. Water power 5. Wind power 6. G eothermal energy/ambient heat 7. Hydrogen technology/fuel cells
The boxes – the basic equipment is always ready at hand Subject-related storages boxes for the following fields: n Mechanics
of heat
n Electricity/electronics
A detailed description of the system together with an equipment and experiment list can be found in our brochure “Natural sciences on the board”.
n Radioactivity
12 13
Physics demonstration experiments teaching system for secondary school level I
Equipment and set-up components: n Basic set (87 experiments), 01510.88 n Complete set (325 experiments), 01530.88 n Supplementary set for individual adaptation
Physics demonstration experiments teaching system
Our didactic physics experiment units include the following sub-topics (examples): linear motion, rotational motion, wave phenomena, energy, magnetic field, light waves, electric field, etc.
The complex individual equipment units are extensively covered in comprehensive manuals, e. g. concerning the Magnus gyroscope, ultrasonic generator, electric work and power, laser physics, the X-ray unit, etc.
n Plastic trays, individual adaptation, illustration
and overview
Literature: n Demonstration experiments physics, 01500.01,
for secondary level I
The extensive collection of demonstration experiments for physics classes on secondary level I offers n ideally-adapted
system components (equipment, literature, and storage system)
n 325
n compliance
with the curricula of secondary level I including the subject of renewable energies
Teaching systems for demonstration experiments include the experiment literature, equipment, and storage system. The systems have a modular design and can be used repeatedly for the various experiments and subject areas. This enables supplements and extensions across the systems. The literature, which is compliant with the curricula, is detailed and extensive and provides reliable instructions concerning the preparation and execution of the experiments with clear results. One example is the PHYSICS demonstration experiments teaching system for secondary school level I: mechanics, acoustics, heat, electricity, regenerative energy, and optics
n easy
individual adaptation (basic set and supplements as well as already existing components)
n clear
storage in illustrated plastic trays
n experiments
with the demonstration track and physics demonstration board
Other teaching systems concerning the physics demonstration experiments and that are specifically adapted to secondary level II cover the following subjects:
The teaching system, e. g. the physics demonstration board, can be ideally complemented with our innovative wireless measuring system Cobra4. We have compiled matching sets, such as the Cobra4 basic set physics. Cobra4 basic set physics n Optimally
n Easy
n Experiments
n Can
suitable for demonstration experiments concerning mechanics, electricity, and thermodynamics can be performed right in the middle of the class since the system is independent from the location of the PC
realisation of measurements in reference systems that are in motion (rotation, free fall, parabolic throw, oscillations, etc.) be combined with a laptop and used in the field or schoolyard (accelerations during jumping, driving, etc.)
n Sturdy
aluminium case with foam padding
More information can be found in our physics catalogue or at www.PHYWE.com.
n Mechanics n Acoustics n Optics n Theory
of heat
n Electricity n Atomic
Cobra4 basic set physics for demonstration experiments
All of this can be found in our physics catalogue or at www.PHYWE.com
14 15
Student experiments with TESS biology and TESS microscopy
A wide range of student experiments are performed in biology classes in order to reinforce their acquired knowledge. P HYWE offers two TESS systems for this purpose.
TESS biology
TESS microscopy
TESS biology is a curriculum-compliant complete solution for all of the biological standard topics on the secondary levels I and II:
Microscopy plays an important role in the ex periments conducted in biology classes, since it covers numerous curriculum subjects, for example plant physiological subjects such as photosynthesis.
n Introduction
into botany and zoology
n Seed
germination and plant growth (introduction into plant physiology)
n Environment n Nutrition
and digestion
n Respiration n Sensory
and blood
n Plant
metabolism (plant physiology for advanced students)
n Reproduction
and development
TESS biology has the following advantages: n Complete
solution in a handy storage system, separated into glassware and other accessories
n Time-saving,
since it can be used without
preparation n Wide
range of 90 experiments and, thereby, easy adaptation to the curricula and individual preferences
n Experiment
literature with student worksheets
n Experiments
also included in the e-learning system interTESS.
For microscopy, PHYWE offers a TESS system with 50 experiments that are adapted to the curricula for secondary levels I and II. The experiments cover the following biological fields: n Fundamental n Microscopic n Cell
principles of microscopy
working techniques
n Seed
plants and ferns
n Vertebrates
and lower animals
n Fungi n Protists n Prokaryotes
Part of this Cobra4 experimentation case is a manual with numerous example experiments concerning the fields of air and weather, waEnvironmental problems are one of the core subjects in biology and interdisciplinary science ter, and soil. classes. Environmental questions can be treat- In addition, you can perform numerous addied the best in the field. tional experiments with your students. Experimentation case for ecological field experiments
Experimentation case “environment and field experiments” This case contains a class set for four workgroups that can perform their measurements independently from each other. The students measure with the robust and reliable MobileLink hand-held measuring instruments of the Cobra4 product range. Depending on the parameters to be measured, the various sensor units that are also included in the experimentation case are connected to the Mobile-Link units. The following parameters can be measured: air pressure, air humidity, air temperature, light intensity, altitude, pH, conductivity, and temperature.
The experiment literature with its 200 pages includes student worksheets with many selfexplaining drawings so that the students can be guided towards reliable findings and results. Every experiment is complemented with a teacher sheet with numerous colour photos of the slide preparations as well as extensive tips and assistance, e. g. concerning the procurement of the examination material. With these documents, even teachers with limited experience in microscopy can hold microscopy courses.
The Cobra4 experimentation case is also available as a single set with one instead of four Mobile-Link units for measuring all of the eight parameters. You can use it in combination with the Cobra4 Display-Connect unit and the digital large-scale display as a demonstration system and transmit the measured values from the hand-held instrument to the large-scale display by radio. As a result, you can perform measurements anywhere in the classroom and your students will immediately see the results also without a computer. Class sets for other ecological field experiments In order to deepen your students’ knowledge, you can also order the following subject-specific cases for field experiments during excursion or project days: n Soil
n Determination
of the biological water quality
n Determination
of the chemo-physical water
quality Apart from the class set material, every subjectspecific case also includes a comprehensive manual with detailed experiment descriptions. Demonstration experiments HYWE offers 197 demonstration experiments P covering 21 subject areas in genetics, structures and function, and ecology. The experiments are suitable for secondary levels I and II. Cobra4 experimentation case “environment and field experiments”
16 17
Chemistry student experiments teaching system – for optimum lessons
In chemistry classes, experiments are an important part of the learning process, either as teacher demonstrations or as experiments that are performed by the students themselves. Student experiments should be integrated as often as possible into chemistry lessons. Our TESS chemistry student experiments system helps you to do this easily and with minimum preparation time. Basic set The main manual “Student experiments chemistry TESS” includes 111 experiments in 12 chapters from the most important fields on secondary level I at all types of schools, such as: n Reaction n Water n Acids
with air and other gases
in chemistry and our everyday lives
and bases
n Salts
process of technical importance
n Hydrocarbons
and petroleum
n Alcohols,
carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acid, and esters
Polymer chemistry
The equipment for the experiment is stored in two boxes that are true to the motto “storage with a system”:
36 experiments can be performed in the field of polymer chemistry with the aid of TESS box 2 (from the basic set) and TESS box 4 (polymer chemistry). The “student experiments polymer chemistry” are described in the same manner as the experiments in the main manual and cover the following fields:
n quick
n Definition
n easy
check for completeness
to transport
n stackable
and, therefore, reduced space requirements
n robust
Additional equipment
n Chemical
Chemistry demonstration experiments teaching system – “show”
If a third box (TESS chemistry box 3) is added to the TESS chemistry boxes 1 and 2, 64 additional experiments can be performed.
The experiment descriptions on the student worksheets include a precise problem definition, complete equipment lists, set-up instructions with a detailed drawing, notes on hazards and disposal, instructions concerning the execution of the experiments as well as questions and drawing templates for the evaluation. The accompanying teacher sheet includes a definition of the learning goals, additional notes concerning the preparation and set-up of the experiments, exemplary measurement results and answers to the questions on the student worksheets.
of polymers/natural polymers
n Identification
of plastics
n Synthesis
of plastics/modification of plastics
n Recycling
of plastics
Food chemistry Food chemistry is ideal for integrating experiments into your classes. You can perform 52 student experiments concerning this field by combining TESS box 2 (from the basic set) with TESS box 5 (food chemistry). The description of the experiments is identical with the description of the main manual. The following subject areas are covered:
Chemistry demonstration experiments teaching system The four-volume “Demonstration experiments chemistry” collection has 40 chapters and 236 experiments from all the fields of general, inorganic, and organic chemistry. All of the experiments are described clearly and in great detail. The main advantage of this teaching system is its flexibility and adaptability so that there are various ways to adapt our teaching systems to your specific needs: n Adaptation
to your type of school
n Compliance
with your curriculum
n Covering
of certain subject areas, e.g. electrochemistry
n Integration
of already existing equipment
n Customised
selection of experiments
n Proteins/fats/carbohydrates n Stimulants/flavourings/additives n Vitamins/minerals/water
Cracking of carbohydrates
A detailed description of the TESS system with a list of equipment and experiments can be found in our TESS brochure.
18 19
Applied Sciences – always well prepared in our new science discipline
n The
manual includes 24 chemistry and 5 biotechnology experiments with detailed instructions concerning the set-up and execution of the experiments.
Complete experiments – chemistry/ biotechnology
A detailed description of the complete experiment system together with a list of the equipment and experiment titles can be found in our brochure “Vertical Science”
time-consuming assembly and disassembly are needed. The complete experiment is available in next to no time.
n Clamp
holders enable the quick removal of the glass components for cleaning.
n Natural
Cobra4 basic set chemistry for demonstration experiments
n Renewable
n Environmental n Ecology
Cobra4 basic set chemistry
The system “Complete experiments – chemistry/ The Cobra4 wireless basic set chemistry probiotechnology” enables the easy set-up and vides the ideal lead-in into wireless, computerexecution of experiments with minimum prep- assisted measuring: aration time and maximum comfort: n Optimally suitable for demonstration experin The components that are made of glass stand ments in chemistry out clearly against the dark blue background n Measurement of important parameters, such of the carrier plate. The students can clearly as pH, conductivity, and temperature see and understand the experiment set-up. n The PC can be set up far away from the exn The fastening elements for the glass compoperiment so that it is protected against agnents are nearly invisible. As a result, the exgressive solutions periment, and not the support material, is in n The set can also be used outdoors for field the focus of interest. experiments (e. g. for ecological measuren Thanks to various fastening elements and ments) in combination with a laptop the flexible positioning in the holes, a large n Multisensors (e. g. pH and 2 x temperature) variety of experiment set-ups is possible. enable the simultaneous, yet easy, measuren The experiment set-ups can remain on the ment of several quantities plate and be taken off the carrier frame. n The set comes supplied in a robust case with Then, they can be stored in a drawer system a foam inlay. under the table or in a cabinet. As a result, you can quickly switch between experiments during the lesson. n No
At school, the trend is moving from the classic subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology towards the interdisciplinary subject of natural sciences that covers the scientific phenomena of our everyday lives. PHYWE already offers more than 100 experiments and solution systems for applied sciences for young students up to laboratory project courses or advanced courses for graduation. The following subject areas are included in our range of products and experiments:
n Food
and field experiments
n Polymer
n Petrochemistry n Phenomena
of our everyday lives with C obra4
Natural phenomena with TESS beginner HYWE has developed student sets that are speP cifically adapted to the requirements of interdisciplinary classes as of the age of approximately 10 years. The following subject areas are covered: n Heat
sources of energy. 45 experiments in the following fields can be performed: n Conversion n Storage
power power
n Geothermal
n Motion
air, and earth
n Current
of energy
radiation (solar thermal energy, photovoltaics)
n Wind
n Senses
of energy
n Solar
n Water
n Water
n Light,
Age-appropriate experiments and descriptions – that is how experiments are fun!
and magnets
TESS beginner sets have the DIN A5 format and include all of the required equipment. Based on approximately 15 experiment descriptions, the students learn how to work with real experiment materials, such as support materials, laboratory glassware, dynamometers, etc. In addition, we also offer corresponding sets for demonstration experiments. TESS renewable energy Our TESS renewable energy system consists of two matching experiment sets concerning the field of energy and the use of regenerative
n Hydrogen
energy/ambient heat
technology/fuel cells
interTESS reduces preparation time to a minimum and considerably facilitates the execution of student experiments. In addition, the teacher can assess the results rather quickly. Cobra4 – phenomena of our everyday lives The Cobra4 measuring technology enables measurements without disturbing cables and is perfectly suitable for the execution of experiments on the phenomena of our everyday lives in the household, outdoors, concerning hobbies, technology, and traffic. All of this takes up the topics of the everyday experiences of the students and makes the teaching of science classes much easier.
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Excellent products, consulting, and service PHYWE provides assistance and brings people together
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Education in the natural sciences begins in the classroom, but our service starts a long way before all that. Our extensive and perfected customer care programme is based on the three columns Campus, Pre-Sales, and After-Sales. Campus is a training and education programme that provides our end users, sales partners, and employees with the opportunity to always be up-to-date in terms of the scientific and technical developments at P HYWE. Whether it is online, at the customer’s site, or in-house at PHYWE in Göttingen: our Campus is always there for you. The Pre-Sales area includes – among other things – the scientific contributions of P HYWE at specialised conferences, product and system
P. +49 (0) 551 604-130
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P. +49 (0) 551 604-137
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P. +32 (0) 436 162-30
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demonstrations, and seminars, but also consulting and support in the definition of projects and the selection of the optimal solutions and systems for your specific needs. We ensure that you make the right decisions, and that you receive and use the best cost-performance ratio. Please do not hesitate to ask us! With our AfterSales programme, we ensure that you can use your PHYWE product efficiently for a long time. This is indeed reliable protection for your investment. We are there for you if you have queries concerning the respective installation or utilisation, but also for the supply of spare parts or in the event of warranty claims and repairs. Our technical hotline supports you.
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 D-37079 Göttingen Germany
Sales Agency Liege Grand Route 79 B-4610 Beyne-Heusay Liège/Belgique
Further detailed information concerning our subject areas and scientific disciplines can be found in our specialised brochures and catalogues, which you can order on our website www.phywe.com.
Customer Services
Technical Support
Technical Hotline
PHYWE headquarters in Göttingen, Germany
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PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 D-37079 Göttingen
T. +49 (0) 551 604 - 0 F. +49 (0) 551 604 - 107
info@PHYWE.com www.PHYWE.com
Succursale belge
Grand’Route 79 B-4610 Beyne-Heusay
T. +32 (0) 436 162 - 30 F. +32 (0) 436 162 - 48 + 49
liege@PHYWE.com www.PHYWE.com
excellence in science
Subject to technical change. Errors excepted. Please refer to our general terms and conditions.
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