EN Demo: Natural Sciences on the Board

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Natural Sciences on the Board

Two board systems ... Physics Board which can be used on both sides for all scientific fields in physics: one side plain, the optics side covered with a white plastic coating with grid lines. Fast positioning and modification of the experimental set-up using magnetic holders.

Chemistry / Biotechnology Frame with a perforated matrix panel for a secure fastening of equipment parts using special holders with hooks or magnetoadhesive holders. The perforated matrix panels with their complete experimental set-ups can be exchanged.

… one common idea clear vertical set-up flexible positioning easy assembly minimum preparation time


find: re you will u h c ro b is In th th systems o b c fields f o w ie us scientifi o ri a v an overv e th n from bjects take u s c fields l ta n e m us scientifi o ri a v experi e th lated to rmation re fo in t n e m equip

Natural Sciences on the Board

The Physics Demonstration Board system Board on a moveable experimental table with a shelf with storage boxes The board and the experimental equipment can be moved into the classroom easily. The experiments are easy to prepare and thus quickly available.

Extensive experimental literature Subjects taken from all fields of physics can be studied with the aid of the demonstration board


Winfried Rössle eyer Georg Schollm

rd Magnet Boa

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2 Mechanics


1 hanics d Mec t Boar Magne

Regina Butt

Magne tic Boar d Heat






Magnet Board Optics

Experimental descriptions laid out in a very clear way „Read it once – understand it all!“

Subject-related storage cases The necessary equipment is neatly arranged and stored in storage cases fitted with foam rubber inserts.

Demonstrative marking and lettering of the experiment directly on the board.

All the equipment ready at hand. 6 weeks of class in one box!


Natural Sciences on the Board

Physics Demonstration Board: one board, two sides Physics Demonstration Board Board to be used on both sides, one side plain, the other side for optics experiments covered with a white plastic coating with grid lines.

Galvanised steel panels mounted in aluminium profile frames. The spacing of the support bases is adjustable so that the board can be placed on desks of any given size.


Natural Sciences on the Board

Magneto-adhesive components ensure easy handling and freedom of positioning Secure fastening using magnets or magnetic film with an adhesive force of at least 10 N Demonstrative display of measured values by attaching a large-format display or other measuring instruments to the frame of the board Magneto-adhesive, coloured markers for the board enhance observation. Magneto-adhesive optical (angular) disc and measuring scale to facilitate measurements. Lettering of the experiment directly on the board using water-soluble pens

The board system for Chemistry / Biotechnology can be combined with the Physics demonstration board system: The panel for complete experiments can be simply attached to the demonstration board. 5

Natural Sciences on the Board

The System The system „Complete Experiments: Chemistry“ allows you to set up glass apparatus in an easy

Complete Experiments Chemistry / Biotechnology

and clear way. The glass equipment can be clearly distinguished from the dark blue background of the large-format carrier panel. Due to the sharp contrast between this background and the glass equipment, the students can clearly recognise and comprehend the experimental set-up. The fastening elements for the glass equipment are hardly visible. Thus only the experiment and no distracting support material catches the eye.

Rapid exchange of experimental set-ups:

Several holders are available for mounting the

out of the cabinet

various experimental set-ups. These can be fitted into the perforations of the matrix panel

onto the frame

wherever they are needed. Thus numerous ex-

that’s all

perimental arrangements are possible some of which are shown in this brochure. The experimental set-ups can remain on the panel which can then be taken off the frame and stored in a special rack system. It is thus possible to prepare several complete experiments (as indicated by the name „Complete Experiments: Chemistry“) in advance and to store them for immediate use whenever they are needed. During class, the experiments which are no longer needed can be removed and replaced very quickly.


Magnet Board Chemistry/Biology


Complete experiments Chemistry /Biotechnology 01855.02 with detailed instructions concerning the set-up and execution of experiments together with results and evaluations. 6

Neat and comfortable storage in the special rack system for trolleys or in cabinets

Natural Sciences on the Board

Specially designed for the time-saving conduction of demonstration experiments The new system „Complete Experiments: Chemistry“ allows you to set up and conduct experiments with minimum preparation time and maximum comfort: Nevertheless, one remains flexible due to the following facts: Free arrangement and modification of the experimental apparatus by means of universal fastening elements

Free set-up of apparatus using already existing equipment

Clamp holders ensuring rapid mounting and dismounting of the equipment for cleaning or modification purposes 7


Mechanics Part 1 Experiments concerning forces and simple machines The experiments can be modified in next to no time Coloured arrows enhancing observation and explanation Magneto-adhesive optical (angular) disc and measuring scale to facilitate the measurements

List of topics (31 experiments)


1 * 1.1 * 1.2 * 1.3 * 1.4 * 1.5 * 1.6 * 1.7 * 1.8 * 1.9 1.10 * 1.11 * 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15

Forces Mass and weight Extension of a rubber band and a helical spring Hooke’s law Making and calibrating of a dynamometer Bending a leaf spring Force and counterforce Composition of forces having the same line of application Composition of non-parallel forces Resolution of a force into two non-parallel forces Resolution of forces on an inclined plane Resolution of forces on a crane Restoring force on a displaced pendulum Determination of the centre of gravity of an irregular plate Frictional force Determination of the coefficient of friction of an inclined plane

2 * 2.1 * 2.2 * 2.3 * 2.4 * 2.5 * 2.6 * 2.7 * 2.8 * 2.9 * 2.10 * 2.11 2.12 * 2.13

Simple machines Double-sided lever One-sided lever Double-sided lever and more than two forces Reaction forces Torque Beam balance Sliding weight balance Fixed pulley Free pulley Block and tackle Step wheel Toothed gearing Belt drives

3 * 3.1 * 3.2 * 3.3

Oscillation Thread pendulum Spring pendulum Physical pendulum (reversible pendulum)

Sets of Equipment Mechanics on the magnetic board, complete set 02150.55 Including the necessary equipment for all 31 experiments in a storage case. The demonstration board and the experimental literature are not included. Mechanics on the magnetic board, basic set 02150.77 Including the equipment for the 26 experiments marked with * and a storage case. The demonstration board and the experimental literature are not included. Mechanics 1, magnetic components 02150.66 Including the magneto-adhesive holders and components necessary for carrying out experiments on the demonstration board. For detailed order information including the necessary accessories and consumption material see page 31.


Magnet Board Mechanics 1


The experiments marked by * only require the basic equipment set no. 02150.77.

Experiment literature Magnet Board, Mechanics 1



Resolution of forces on an inclined plane The angle of the inclined plane can be read off in a direct way using the magneto-adhesive optical (angular) disc. The marking arrows serve for showing the direction of the weight, of the down-slope driving force and of the normal force. It is also possible to draw force arrows of the correct length onto the board using water-soluble pens thus allowing to develop the parallelogram of forces.

Fixed pulley Has a fixed pulley by means of which a weight is to be lifted got any influence on the force needed for this purpose? This question can be answered using a wide range of demonstrative material such as rulers, arrows and lettering on the board.

Restoring force on a displaced pendulum If a thread pendulum is displaced and released again, it tries to reach its resting position and starts to swing. In the experiment shown in the picture the pendulum is held at its maximum deflection by a torsion dynamometer. The force indicated by this dynamometer corresponds to the restoring force of the pendulum. Whether this force depends on the deflection of the pendulum or not can be tested in the course of the experiment.



Mechanics Part 2 Experiments using liquids and gases concerning motion and energy The liquid level is easy to observe on the plain background Easy marking of motions using coloured arrows and points

List of topics (18 experiments) 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Motion Uniform rectilinear motion Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion Horizontal and diagonal motion of projection Newton’s basic principle

5 5.1 5.2 5.3

Mechanical forms of energy Energy transformation during upward & downward runs Kinetic energy Energy of refraction

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11

Mechanics of liquids and gases U-tube manometer Hydrostatic pressure Communicating vessels Hydraulic press Artesian well Archimedes’ principle Density determination by measuring buoyancy Discharge velocity of a vessel Pressure in flowing fluids Pressure in gases Boyle & Mariotte’s law

Sets of Equipment Mechanics 2, magnetic components 02160.88 This set of equipment is a complement to the Mechanics 1 set (basic set 02150.77 or magnetic components 02150.66). It only includes the magneto-adhesive components to complete an already existing set of mechanics equipment and to conduct the experiments on the demonstration board.

An itemised list of the individual items of equipment included in this system can be found on page 31. Please request a quotation giving a complete list of all equipment necessary to perform individual experiments.


Magnet Board Mechanics 2


Experiment literature Magnet Board, Mechanics 2 10



Uniformly accelerated motion The track is fixed on the demonstration board with the aid of two magneto-adhesive holders. Light barriers serve for recording the motion of the model car. The new universal timer 4-4 (13605.99) can be attached to the top of the board for demonstration purposes.

Horizontal and diagonal motion of projection There is no demonstrative method for showing the horizontal and diagonal motion of projection in a better way than by using a continuous water jet. The discharge vessel contains about 1 litre of water thus giving the experimenter enough time to explain all aspects of the motion of projection in the course of the experiment. It is especially impressive to change the angle of projection while the water flows out.

Energy transformation during upward & downward runs A special feature of the PHYWE mechanics equipment for the magnetic board is the flexible track which allows you to set up completely unconventional track shapes for the experiments. The experiment here shows an upward and downward track (rollercoaster) which serves for demonstrating the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. The flexible track can be bent in a wide range of different shapes. The outer rim is fitted with a raised border to keep the model car or little balls, which can also be used for the experiments, on the track.



Demonstrative measurement value indication using hand-held instruments with large-format displays Lettering of the experiment and drawing of sketches directly on the board Secure fastening of burners and hot vessels Glass equipment, liquid levels and flowing liquids can be observed easily on the plain background

List of topics (15 experiments) 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Thermal expansion Volume expansion of liquids Preparing a thermometer scale Linear expansion of solid bodies Volumetric expansion of gases at constant pressure Pressure elevation by heating gases at constant volume

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Heat transfer Heat flux in liquids and gases Heat conduction in solid bodies Heat conduction in water Absorption of thermal radiation Utilisation of radiated energy with a solar collector Utilisation of radiated energy with a solar cell

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Gas laws with the glass jacket-system Gay-Lussac law Charles (Amonton’s) law and Gay-Lussac’s law Boyle’s and Mariotte’s law Molar volume and universal gas constant, molar mass determination

Set of Equipment Thermodynamics, magnetic components 02170.88 This set of equipment only includes the magneto-adhesive components to complete an already existing set of thermodynamics equipment and to conduct the experiments on the demonstration board. An itemised list of the individual items of equipment included in this system can be found on page 31.


Magnetic Board Heat


Experiment literature Magnet Board, Heat




Absorption of thermal radiation

Utilisation of solar energy

Experiments using a solar collector The clamp on holder no. 02164.00 is attached to the aluminium frame of the demonstration board to hold a reflector lamp. The absorber plates of the solar collector no. 02165.00 allow you to study, for instance, the influence of the colour of the absorber. Large-format display units for indicating the temperature and time values can be attached to the board.

The solar collector can also be used to heat water flowing through the collector. The increase in temperature depends on the volumetric flow of the water.

Experiments on thermal expansion The measurement of the volumetric expansion of gases at constant pressure can be done using a U-tube manometer with mobile legs. The heated air volume expands thus displacing the right leg until the water

is on the same level in both legs again (p = constant). The volumetric expansion can be measured with the aid of the measuring scale and marked by means of coloured arrows. The measurement concerning the linear expansion of solid bodies can be carried out using a metal tube which is tightly fixed at one end while the other end rests on an indicator. When hot steam passes through the tube, the tube expands. The deflection of the indicator can be marked with the aid of magneto-adhesive arrows.

Volumetric expansion of gases

Linear expansion of solid bodies 13


Light-intense halogen lamp Demonstrative models Minimum preparation time The student experiment can be carried out parallel to the demonstration experiment

List of topics (60 experiments)


1 * 1.1 * 1.2 1.3 * 1.4 1.5 * 1.6 1.7

Propagation of light Rectilinear propagation of light Shadow formation by a point light source Umbra and penumbra with two point light sources Umbra and penumbra with an extensive light source Length of shadows Solar and lunar eclipse with a point light source Solar and lunar eclipse with an extensive light source

2 * 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 * 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 * 2.11 * 2.12 2.13 * 2.14 2.15 * 2.16

Mirrors Reflection of light The law of reflection Format of an image point by a plane mirror Image formation by a plane mirror Applications of reflection by plane mirrors Reflection of light by a concave mirror Properties of a concave mirror Real images with a concave mirror Law of imagery & magnification of a concave mirror Virtual images with a concave mirror Aberrations with a concave mirror Reflection of light by a convex mirror Properties of a convex mirror Image formation by a convex mirror Law of imagery & magnification of a convex mirror Reflection of light by a parabolic mirror

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10

Refraction Refraction of light at the air-glass boundary Refraction of light at the air-water boundary The law of refraction Total reflection of light at the glass-air boundary Total reflection of light at the water-air boundary Passage of light through a plane-parallel glass plate Refraction by a prism Light path through a reversing prism Light path through a deflection prism Light transmission by total reflection

4 * 4.1 * 4.2 * 4.3 * 4.4 4.5 4.6 * 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 * 4.12 * 4.13

Lenses Refraction of light by a convergent lens Properties of a convergent lens Real images with a convergent lens Law of imagery & magnification of a convergent lens Virtual images with a convergent lens Refraction of light at a divergent lens Properties of a divergent lens Image formation by a divergent lens Law of imagery & magnification of a divergent lens Lens combination consisting of two convergent lenses Lens combination consisting of a convergent & a divergent lens Spherical aberration Chromatic aberration

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

Colours Colour dispersion with a prism Non-dispersivity of spectral colours Reunification of spectral colours Complementary colours Additive colour mixing Subtractive colour mixing

6 6.1 6.2 6.3

The human eye Structure and function of the human eye Short-sightedness and its correction Long-sightedness and its correction

7 7.1 7.2 7.3 * 7.4 * 7.5

Optical equipment The magnifying glass The camera The astronomical telescope The Newtonian reflecting telescope Herschel’s reflecting telescope

The experiments marked by * only require the basic equipment set no. 08270.55.


Panel with a white, highly reflective coating Grid lines to facilitate a correct positioning Lettering possible using watersoluble pens

Image formation using lenses

Set of Equipment Magnetic board optics, complete set 08271.88 Including the equipment for all 60 experiments arranged in a storage case. The demonstration board and the experimental literature are not included. Magnetic board optics, basic set 08270.55 Including the equipment for the 19 experiments marked with *, arranged in a storage case. The demonstration board and the experimental literature are not included. Magnetic board optics, supplementary set Supplement to the basic equipment set.


Reversing prism

For detailed order information including the necessary accessories and consumption material see page 32.


Light guide

Georg Schollmeyer


Magnet Board Optics

Experiment literature Magnet Board, Optics


Ray trajectory on a concave mirror 15


The Geiger-Müller counter is attached to the top of the board where it is clearly visible Magneto-adhesive components for a simple and clear arrangement The student experiment can be carried out parallel to the demonstration experiment due to identical holders

List of topics (19 experiments) 1 * 1.1

Detection of radioactive radiation Determination of count rates using the Geiger-Müller counter tube Zero pulse rate Detection of radioactive substances using the ionisation chamber (dose rate measurement) Visualisation of the trajectories of radioactive particles with the help of Wilson's cloud chamber

Magnetic board radioactivity, basic set 09200.55 Including the equipment for 16 experiments out of 19, arranged in a storage case.

2 * 2.1

Statistics of radioactive processes Statistical fluctuations and frequency distributions of count rates

For detailed order information including the necessary accessories and consumption material see page 32.

3 * 3.1 * 3.2 * 3.3 3.4

Natural radioactivity Radioactivity of minerals Radioactivity of potassium Radioactivity of incandescent mantles Detection of radioactivity in the air

4 * 4.1 * 4.2 * 4.3 * 4.4 * 4.5 * 4.6 * 4.7 * 4.8

Characteristic properties of radioactive radiation Range of ␣-particles Attenuation of ␤-rays Deflection of ␤–-rays (electrons) in the magnetic field Deflection of ␤+-rays (positrons) in the magnetic field Attenuation of ␥-rays Behaviour of ␥-rays in the magnetic field The square law for ␥-rays Half-life determination

5 * 5.1 * 5.2

Application of radioactive substances Level control Layer thickness determination

* 1.2 1.3 1.4

Apart from the basic equipment set no. 09200.55 the experiments marked with * only require a counter tube, a counting instrument and several sources of radioactive radiation. 16

Set of Equipment

Magnetic board radioactivity, magnetic components 09200.77 Including the magneto-adhesive components for carrying out the experiments on the demonstration board.


Magnet Board Radioactivity


Experiment literature Magnet Board, Radioactivity



For all fundamental experiments concerning radioactivity Safe experimentation Rapid set-up and easy modification of the experiments

Deflection of radioactive particles in a magnetic field

Set-up of an absorption experiment

Filling level determination

Half-life determination

The student experiment can be carried out parallel to the demonstration experiment. The magnetic holders needed for the student experiments are the same as for the demonstration experiments. This facilitates the identification of the experiment. Another advantage is that the individual components are easy to exchange (cost-saving factor).

Deflection of radioactive particles in a magnetic field 17

Electric/Electronic building block system Set 1

All the advantages at a glance.

The building blocks give you the following advantages:

Worldwide unique building block system, registered for a patent!

100-percent reliable contact due to interlocking building blocks

Demo building blocks can be fixed to all magnetically adhesive boards. With Phywe you only need one board for all topics. The building blocks are easy to remove from experimental set-ups using the gripper rims and because of their perfect fit.

Labeling easily legible

Impact strength material

Transparent side walls: components visible

Wiring diagram of the experiments can be completely illustrated. 100-percent compatibility between student and teacher building blocks (only difference is the size).

Gold contacts (no corrosion)

Segments can be easily removed

Student building blocks can be set up without their mounting plates but with secure contact on any flat surface like a table or desk.

demo building block magnetically adhesive

Building blocks secure against manipulation

Optimum literature to match the system with numerous experiments and topics.

List of topics (36 experiments)


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Electric Circuits The simple circuit Measurement of voltage Measurement of current Conductors and non-conductors Changeover switches and alternate switches Parallel and series connection of voltage sources The safety fuse The bimetallic switch AND and OR Circuits

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Electrical Resistance Ohm’s Law The resistance of wires – dependence on length and cross-section The resistance of wires – dependence on material and temperature The resistivity of wires Current strength and resistance with resist. connec. in parallel Current strength and resistance with resist. connec. in series Voltage in a series connection The potentiometer The internal resistance of a voltage source

3 3.1

Electric Power and Work The Power and work of electric current

4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Capacitors Capacitors in direct current circuits The charging and discharging of a capacitor Capacitors in alternating current circuits

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Diodes, Part 1 The diode as electrical valve The diode as rectifier The characteristic curve of a silicon diode Properties of solar cells – the dependence on the illuminating intensity

5.5 5.6


The characteristic current-voltage curves of a solar cell Solar cells connected in series and in parallel – characteristic current-voltage curves and performance Series and parallel connections of solar cells – characteristic current-voltage curves and power The characteristic curve of a germanium diode

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

Transistors, Part 1 The npn transistor The transistor as direct current amplifier The characteristic current-voltage curves of a transistor The transistor as a switch The transistor as a time-delay switch The p-n-p transistor


1, 2, 3, 4 = Introductory set 09400.66

5, 6 = supplementary set 09400.55

Experiment literature Magnet Board, Electrics/Electronics 1


Electric/Electronic building block system Set 1

hing c t a m e h ition, t d d a n i d system t n e “… an d u t rable s a p m o c 100% 8)” (05600.8

The transistor as a switch.

The transistor as a switch

Set of Equipment The system for electric/electronic demonstration experiments consists of 2 sets that can be put together and which supplement each other. Detailed information on Set 2 is given on page 20. Electrics/Electronics, Set 1


As a starter kit, we also offer the chance to purchase the set in two steps. Demo experiments, introductory set 09400.66 Demo experiments, supplementary set to 09400.66 09400.55 Recommended accessories: The Display building block and the Measuring building blocks (see page 35) which are not part of the equipment set. For detailed order information including the necessary accessories and consumption material see page 33.

The simple circuit with the new display building block 19

Electric/Electronic building block system Set 2

n, the o i t i d d a rable “… and in a p m o c 100% g n i h c t a .88)” m 1 0 6 5 0 ( system student List of topics (60 experiments)


7 7.1 7.2

Transformation of energy The transformation of electrical energy to thermal energy The transformation of electrical energy into mechanical energy and back again

8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8

Electrochemistry The conductivity of aqueous solutions of electrolytes Voltage and current strength in conductive processes in liquids Electrolysis Galvanization Galvanic cells The lead accumulator The PEM Electrolyser and the PEM Fuel cell The PEM Solar-Hydrogen model

9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8

Electromagnetism The magnetic effect of a current-carrying conductor The Lorentz force: A current-carrying conductor in a magetic field The electric bell The electromagnetic relay Controlling with a relay The twilight switch The galvanometer The reed relay

10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Electric motors The permanent magnet motor – direct current motor The main circuit motor The shunt motor The synchronous motor

11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

Induction Induction voltage with a permanent magnet Induction voltage with an electromagnet The alternating current generator The direct current generator Lenz’s law The behaviour of a direct current generator under load

12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4

Transformers Voltage transformation Current transformation Forces between primary and secondary coils of a transformer The high current transformer

13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4

Self-induction Self-induction on switching on Self-induction on switching off Coils in alternating current circuits Current strength on switching coils on and off

14 14.1 14.2 14.3

Safe working with electricity Earthing of the power supply line The protective lead system The protective separating transformer

15 15.1 15.2 15.3

Sensors The NTC resistor The PTC resistor The Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

16 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6

Diodes, Part 2 The characteristic curve of a Z-diode The Z-diode as voltage stabilizer The light emitting diode The photo diode The bridge rectifier The filter network

17 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6

Transistors, Part 2 Voltage amplification of a transistor Stabilization of the operating point Transistor control with light Temperature control of a transistor Undamped electromagnetic oscillations The Darlington circuit

Electric/Electronic building block system Set 2

The shunt motor

17.7 17.8 17.9

The two-stage transistor amplifier How do phototransistor functions The transmittance of information by a light conductor

18 18.1 18.2 18.3

The operational amplifier and applications The basic circuit of an operational amplifier The operational amplifier as a direct voltage amplifier The square pulse voltage by the operational amplifier

The PTC resistor

Set of Equipment To perform Set 2 experiments, Set 1 is also required. Electrics/Electronics, Set 2


For detailed order information including the necessary accessories and consumption material see page 34. The twilight switch

NEW! g block n i d l i u b Display ilding u b g n i r u s and Mea ge 35) a p e e s ( blocks Experiment literature Magnet Board, Electrics/Electronics 2


Measuring of current and voltage 21


Minimum preparation time Maximum comfort Once assembled, the experimental set-ups can remain on the panels and are immediately ready to be used in class Clamp holders ensure a rapid mounting and dismounting of the equipment for cleaning or modification purposes


Magnet Board Chemistry/Biology


Experiment literature

Complete experiments Chemistry /Biotechnology


List of topics (29 experiments)* 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24

Chemistry Fractional petroleum distillation Reaction of aldehydes with ammonia Determination of molar mass according to the vapour density method Distillation – Determination of alcohol in wine Determination of combustion enthalpy Synthesis of ethyl acetate and n-butyl acetate Electrostatic flue gas purification Column chromatography – Separation of leaf pigments Molar mass of metals Faraday’s law Avogadro’s law Air analysis (nitrogen in the air) EMF-measurement using the normal hydrogen electrode Isolation of vegetable oils through extraction Model experiments concerning flue-gas cleaning Chemical fountains Boiling point elevation Gas laws Contact process Electrolysis of a melt Gas chromatography Steam distillation PEM fuel cell Synthesis of water

* List of topics Biotechnology see page 26. 22

(P1308600) (P1308700) (P1308800) (P1308900) (P1309000) (P1309100) (P1309200) (P1309300) (P1309400) (P1309500) (P1309600) (P1309700) (P1309800) (P1309900) (P1310000) (P1310100) (P1310200) (P1310300) (P1310400) (P1310500) (P1311000) (P1311500) (P1312000) (P1312100)


Chemical fountains Some gases, such as hydrogen chloride, are extremely soluble in water. 1 liter of water solubilises approx. 443 liters of hydrogen chloride at 20°C. In a closed flask the gas gets in contact with water resulting in low pressure which draws more water into the flask. This is the basic principle of a chemical fountain, an exciting experiment for demonstrating the solubility of gases in water. In the shown version, the production of the hydrogen chloride, the filling and the sputtering of the fountain flask occur in one and the same apparatus.

Easy to set-up: in the manual a drawing shows the positioning of the holders and the picture shows the assembly of the items.

Faraday's law An electrical current through a solution may result in conversion of substances. The current is the driving force of the concurrent redox reactions. During electrolysis of water which is made conductive by the addition of ions, hydrogen is formed at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. By separate collection of the gases (e.g. using the electrolysis apparatus – Hofmann type) the reaction can be observed in a quantitative way and both the Faraday’s laws can be derived. The first law proves that the amount of substance produced during electrolysis is proportional to the amount of charge which flowed through the solution. The second law proves that the electrochemical equivalents of elements behave to each other in the same way as their equivalent masses (molecular mass divided by the valency). Both laws can be derived in demonstrative experiments using the shown set up. 23


PEM fuel cell The PEM (proton exchange membrane) technology is the fuel cell type favoured by automobile manufacturers and the manufacturers of combined heat and power stations. In the demonstration set-up shown in the picture, hydrogen is produced the classic way in a gas generator by the reaction of hydrochloric acid on zinc. It is then passed through distilled water for cleaning. Inside the PEM fuel cell, the hydrogen is converted into water and electrical energy using oxygen (taken from the air). The electrical energy thus produced by the fuel cell is used to drive a small motor. The advantage of the experimental set-up shown here is that this way to generate hydrogen does not require an external power supply (electrolysis) or a pressure gas container. One can generate as much hydrogen as one needs and whenever one needs it in a particularly simple way.

Fused-salt electrolysis The fused-salt electrolysis of sodium chloride to produce chlorine and sodium which can be further processed and turned into caustic soda solution is an important commercial-scale process. The experiment shown in the picture allows demonstration of the important steps of this process in a simple way. However, as the melting point of sodium chloride is extremely high, lead chloride with a significantly lower melting point is used as the model substance.



Model experiment on the desulphurisation of flue gas At an average, German black coal contains 1 ton of sulphur in 100 tons of coal. During combustion thereof, 2 tons of sulphur dioxide are formed. Therefore a large power plant with a power of 700 MW which burns approx. 200 tons of black coal per hour produces approx. 100 tons of sulphur dioxide each day. Such large amounts of pollutant cannot be blown into the air, the flue gas must be desulphurised. The model experiment shows the chemical processes of desulphurisation of flue gas in a simplified manner such as take place in power plants today. The clear and compact set-up and simplification compared to an industrial process makes it easy to understand this procedure.

Gas chromatography The shown didactical set-up for demon-stration of gas chromatography in a tempera-ture range up to 100°C suits well for an introduction to the principles of the gas chromatographic separation of mixtures of substances. The stationary phase of the gas separating column can be easily be self-filled at low costs, e.g. using dinonylphthalate adhered to diatomaceous earth. Helium gas is used as a carrier. A NTC temperature probe shows the thermal conductivity of the separated components of a mixture as a signal which can be recorded via the control unit of a plotter or on a PC interface. The modular set-up allows the identification of every component which is used in the process in a simple way. These components are not observable in the commercially used chromatographs due to their compact design. The separating column and its heating mantel are manufactured out of glass. So, exactly where the separation of the mixture happens is completely transparent. The amplified signal of the heat conductivity sensor can be comfortably recorded using an interface like the shown Cobra3 CHEM-UNIT.



Clear functional relationship All components on one level Demonstrative large-format temperature display

List of topics (5 experiments)* 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


Biotechnology Fermentation of molasses to ethanol with the aid of yeast Microbial synthesis of ethanol by Zymomosas mobilis Preparation of amino acids through a fermentation of Corynebacterium glutamicum Bacteria in the service of mining: Microbial ore leaching with the aid of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thiooxidans Immobilised cells serve Biotechnology – Microbial synthesis of acetic acid by Acetobacter aceti

* List of topics Chemistry see page 22.


(P1313600) (P1313700)

Magnet Board Chemistry/Biology


(P1313900) (P1314000)


Experiment literature

Complete experiments Chemistry /Biotechnology


Microbial synthesis of ethanol by means of Zymomonas mobilis Zymomonas mobilis proved to be much more efficient than yeast in the synthesis of ethanol. In this experiment, Zymomonas mobilis is fermented in a bioreactor. The experimental set-up is quite simple. The inoculated reactor pot is placed in a hotwater bath on a magnetic stirrer and a hotplate assuring temperature control and thorough mixing. It is not necessary to withdraw consumed medium or to add fresh medium as this is a static culture also known as a batch culture. The samples taken can be submitted to a photometric determination of the cell density. Apart from that it is also possible to determine the number of cells in a counting chamber in order to set up a growth curve. Chemical or enzymatic tests show the consumption of glucose and the production of ethanol.



Biotechnological production of ethanol Biotechnological production methods are becoming increasingly important. Every day, the list of products produced with the aid of bacteria, yeast or certain cell cultures gets longer and longer. Production takes place in so-called bioreactors (fermenters) allowing control of the mixing, the aeration, the pH-value, the temperature etc. in a very precise way. However, these fermenters are too complicated for being used in class. The bubble bioreactor shown in the picture is not only very simple but also an optimum, low-cost solution for experiments in the field of education. To demonstrate the function of such a reactor, molasses (sugar production waste product) can be fermented to ethanol in a so-called batch process.

Bacteria in the service of mining In the 1950’s, the importance of certain bacteria for the extraction of metals out of ores was discovered. Nowadays, microbial ore leaching of so-called lowgrade ores constitutes more than 10 % of the total production of copper in the USA alone. The bioreactor shown in the picture serves to demonstrate this method of ore leaching (e.g. copper out of copper ores) with the aid of these bacteria (Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) in a very simple and comprehensive way.


Equipment Information

Equipment: Complete Experiments Chemistry / Biotechnology 햳

햴 햲

Frame for complete experiments 45500.00 Made of aluminium profiles, with support bases made of sheet steel; width 46.5 cm, height 90 cm; to hold shelves or plates.

Shelf with hanging device 45505.00 Made of sheet steel; width: 40 cm, depth: 30 cm. Up to two shelves can be hung into a frame to hold measuring instruments etc.

Panel for complete experimental set-ups 45510.00 A perforated matrix panel made of sheet steel to insert the equipment holders; can be attached to the frame in an upright or oblong position; one panel is required for each individual experimental set-up. Width: 48.7 cm, height: 65 cm.

햲 Rear cover for complete experiment panel 45501.00 Made of plastic. Serves as a rear cover for the panel no. 45510.00 in order to prevent light from shining through the perforations of the panel. Only required once for the system. Width: 45 cm, height: 65 cm. 햳 Push-in storage system, width: 36 cm 45540.00 Can be installed in cabinets or under desks; consists of a plate with grooves and a rake; can hold up to 8 panels. 햴 G-clamp 02014.00 To clamp the frame onto desktops; two G-clamps are required per frame.


Magnet Board Chemistry/Biology


Steam distillation 28

Determination of combustion enthalpies

Please request a quotation giving a complete list of all equipment necessary to perform individual experiments.

Experiment literature

Complete experiments Chemistry /Biotechnology


Equipment Information

Equipment Holders Two different kinds of equipment holders are used for the system „Complete Experiments Chemistry / Biotechnology“: Holders for equipment parts which are to be fixed to the panel no. 45510.00 by means of two hooks which are to be inserted into the panel perforations. These holders are secured against accidental loosening by two little magnets. In addition to that these holders can be fixed on the panel in an immovable way with the aid of spring plugs thus allowing an extremely secure and stable arrangement of the equipment on the panel. Holders which can be fixed on the panel no. 45510.00 with the aid of one or two strong fixing magnets or by means of a magnetic film. The advantage of these holders is that they can be positioned on the plate in any desired position. 햵 Clamping holder d = 18...25 mm


햶 Clamping holder 45521.00 d = 18...25 mm, rotary type 햷 Clamping holder 45522.00 d = 8...10 mm, rotary type

햷 햶 햵

햾 Set of holders for bioreactor 45550.00 Including the holder for the bioreactor and the additional plate for the apparatus carrier with fixing magnets (order no. 45525.00). In conjunction with the apparatus carrier, the additional plate serves for holding the magnetic stirrer (mini format) (order no. 35712.93).

햿 헀 헁

햹 Holder for glass jacket 45524.00 With two clamps to hold the glass jacket (order no. 02615.00).

햿 Holder for hand-held instruments, magneto-adhesive 02161.00 Back covered with a magnetic film. To the hold the PHYWE hand-held instruments with RS232 interface (e.g. hand-held instrument 2xNiCr-Ni, order no. 07140.00).

헀 Hook on fixing magnet 02151.03 Metal hook mounted on a magnet. To hold equipment parts fitted with a bore hole so that they can be suspended. 헁 Clamp on fixing magnet 02151.01 Clamp made of die-cast metal with a clamping screw mounted on a magnet. To hold rods with a circular or a square cross-section (e.g. universal clamp). 헂 Clamping holder, d = 0...13 mm, on fixing magnet 02151.07 To hold tubes with a diameter of 13 mm max. or thermometers and temperature sensors.

헄 헅

햸 Holder for syringes 45523.00 With rubber-lined clamps to hold 100 ml and 50 ml syringes; with an adjustable safety stop.

쎻 21

헃 Clamping holder, d = 28...36 mm, on fixing magnet 02151.06 Rubber-lined clamp with a rod mounted on a fixing magnet. To hold vessels with suitable diameters.

햺 Apparatus holder, variable 45526.00 Holder with a round rod (length: 16 cm, d = 10 mm) made of stainless steel; flexible usage as the rod can be fixed in the holder in three different positions; to hold heating mantles etc. 햻 Spring plugs, 50 pieces 45530.00 To fix holders on the panel no. 45510.00 from the rear. 햽 Apparatus carrier with fixing magnets 45525.00 Attachable in any desired position; to hold the „glass jacket heater“ or to carry beakers, Bunsen burners etc. Width: 14.5 cm; depth: 11.5 cm

헄 Clamp on holder for demonstration board 02164.00 To be fixed on the frame for complete experiments. The clamp serves for holding rods with a circular or square cross-section (e.g. universal clamp). 헅 Fixing bands, univ., 100 pcs. 45535.00 Black polyamide; length: 200 mm; width: 3.5 mm. To hold hoses, cables etc. on the panel no. 45510.00. 헆 Marker points for demonstration board, 24 pcs. 02154.02 8 red, 8 blue and 8 yellow points made of a magnetic film (diameter: 20 mm). To mark certain aspects of the experimental set-up or to post notes on the board. 21 Pointers f. demo. board, 4 pcs. 02154.01 쎻 2 red and 2 blue pointers made of a magnetic film. To mark certain aspects of the experimental set-up or to post notes on the board.


Equipment Information

Physics Demonstration Board, with frame


Board to be used on both sides, one side plain, the other side for optics experiments covered with a white plastic coating with grid lines. Galvanised steel panels mounted in aluminium profile frames. The spacing between support bases can be adjusted in any desired way. Screw clamps included. Dimensions of the board: 600 mm ⫻ 1000 mm

Moveable experimental table 54081.00 Width 1050 mm, table top 4 mm with PP-edge and shelf but without storage boxes, with socket

Shelf with 3 storage boxes 54088.00 Readily mounted shelf with three storage boxes and one free compartment for a fourth box and socket board on the left side panel Shelf for storage boxes 54087.00 To stow away existing storage boxes

Overview: Moveable experimental tables Order-No. 54080.00 54080.01 54080.02 54080.03

Equipment Moveable experimental table 75, 40 mm table top with PP edge Moveable experimental table 75, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom Moveable experimental table 75, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with socket board Moveable experimental table 75, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom and socket board Dimensions (width x depth cm): 75 x 60

54081.00 54081.01 54081.02 54081.03 54081.04 54081.05 54081.06

Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with socket board Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom and socket board Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with shelf (incl. 3 storage boxes) and socket board Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with shelf (without storage boxes) and socket board Moveable experimental table 105, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with connection for vacuum pumps


Dimensions (width x depth cm): 105 x 75 54082.00 54082.01 54082.02 54082.03 54082.04 54082.05 54082.06

Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with socket board Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with intermediate bottom and socket board Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with shelf (incl. 3 storage boxes) and socket board Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with shelf (without storage boxes) and socket board Moveable experimental table 135, 40 mm table top with PP edge, with connection for vacuum pumps Dimensions (width x depth cm): 135 x 75




Ordering Overview

List of articles and consumables. The equipment sets are only available as complete units.

Mechanics on the board, Complete set of equipment Clamp on fixing magnet Rod on fixing magnet Hook on fixing magnet Inclined plane for Demonstration Board Scale for Demonstration Board Pointers for Demonstration Board, 4 pieces Torsion dynamometer Helical spring, 3 N/m Helical spring, 20 N/m Weight holder for slotted weights Slotted weight, 10 g, black Slotted weight, 10 g, silver bronze Slotted weight, 50 g, black Slotted weight, 50 g, silver bronze Weight, 150 g Leaf spring Pulley, movable, diameter 65 mm, with hook Pulley, movable, diameter 40 mm, with hook Rod for pulley Block and tackle, with 4 pulleys Friction block Center-of-gravity plate Gear wheel, 20 teeth Gear wheel, 40 teeth Axle on fixing magnet Wheel and axle Holding pin Balance pan, plastic Lever Pointer for demonstration lever Optical disk, magnet held Roller for inclined plane Fish line, l = 100 m Rubber bands, 50 pieces Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Mechanics 1” Label “Mechanics 1“ Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics

02150.55 02151.01 02151.02 02151.03 02152.00 02153.00

1 1 1 1 1

02154.01 03069.03 02220.00 02222.00 02204.00 02205.01 02205.02 02206.01 02206.02 11060.01 02228.00

1 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 1 1

02262.00 1 03970.00 02263.00 02265.00 02240.01 02300.01 02350.13 02351.03 02151.04 02360.00 03949.00 03951.00 03960.00 03963.00 08270.09 11301.01 02090.00 03920.00 13270.00 13269.00 02150.25 168825

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

02150.00 1

Mechanics on the board, Basic set of equipment


Clamp on fixing magnet Rod on fixing magnet Hook on fixing magnet Scale for demonstration board Pointers for Demonst. Board, 4 pieces

02151.01 02151.02 02151.03 02153.00 02154.01

1 1 1 1 1

Torsion dynamometer Helical spring, 3 N/m Helical spring, 20 N/m Weight holder for slotted weights Slotted weight, 10 g, black Slotted weight, 10 g, silver bronze Slotted weight, 50 g, black Slotted weight, 50 g, silver bronze Weight, 150 g Leaf spring Pulley, movable, diameter 65 mm, with hook Pulley, movable, diameter 40 mm, with hook Rod for pulley Block and tackle, with 4 pulleys Axle on fixing magnet Wheel and axle Holding pin Balance pan, plastic Lever Pointer for demonstration lever Optical disk, magnet held Fish line, l = 100 m Rubber bands, 50 pieces Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for "Mechanics 1” Label “Mechanics 1“

03069.03 02220.00 02222.00 02204.00 02205.01 02205.02 02206.01 02206.02 11060.01 02228.00

03970.00 02263.00 02265.00 02151.04 02360.00 03949.00 03951.00 03960.00 03963.00 08270.09 02090.00 03920.00 13270.00 13269.00 02150.25 168825

Mechanics on the board, Magnetic components 1


2 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 1 1

02262.00 1

Clamp on fixing magnet Rod on fixing magnet Hook on fixing magnet Inclined plane for Demonstration Board Scale for Demonstration Board Pointers for Demonstration Board, 4 pieces Torsion dynamometer Axle on fixing magnet

02154.01 1 03069.03 2 02151.04 2

Mechanics on the board, Magnetic components 2


Clamp on fixing magnet Track holder on fixing magnet Clamping holder, 0-13 mm, fixing magnet Marker points for Demonstration Board, 24 pieces Support plate on fixing magnet Syringe holder on fixing magnet Overflow vessel on fixing magnet Rollercoaster track, fixing magnet

02151.01 02151.02 02151.03 02152.00 02153.00

1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for "Mechanics 2“ Label “Mechanics 2”

13270.00 13269.00 02160.25 168827

1 1 1 1

02150.00 02407.00 02610.00 02614.00 02615.03 02618.00 02632.00 02636.00 02765.00 02766.00 03090.00 03903.01 03916.00

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4

Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Weight holder, 1 g Gas syringe, 50 ml Gas syringe, 100 ml Rubber caps, pack of 20 Plunger plate for gas syringes Immersion probe Hollow and solid cylinder Flow pipe with uniform cross-section Flow pipe with varying cross-section U-tube manometer Sinker, aluminum Slotted weight, 1 g, natural colour Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, yellow Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, blue Battery cell, 1.5 V, baby size, type C Car for measurings and experiments Car, motor driven Light barrier, compact Track, l = 900 mm Digital counter, 4 decades Glycerol 250 ml Microspoon, special steel Glass beaker, tall, 600 ml Beaker, 100 ml, low form, plastic Graduated vessel, 1 l, with handle Funnel, plastic, diameter 50 mm Rubber tubing, inner diameter 8 mm Silicone tubing inner diameter 7 mm Pinchcock, width 20 mm Commercial weight, 200 g Commercial weight, 500 g Commercial weight, 1000 g Storage tray 413 x 120 x 100 mm Patent Blue V, 25 g Pipette, with rubber bulb, long

07363.04 07922.01 11060.00 11061.00 11207.20 11606.00 13600.93 30084.25 33393.00 36006.00 36011.01 36640.00 36890.00 39283.00 39296.00 43631.20 44096.20 44096.50 44096.70 47325.01 48376.04 64821.00

Thermodynamics on the board, Magnetic components


07363.01 2 07363.02 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

02151.01 1 02151.05 2 02151.07 2 02154.02 02155.00 02156.00 02158.00 02159.00

1 1 2 1 1

Clamp on fixing magnet Rod on fixing magnet Clamping holder, d = 28-36 mm, fixing magnet

02151.01 2 02151.02 1 02151.06 2 31

Ordering Overview

Clamping holder, 0-13 mm, fixing magnet Scale for Demonstration Board Pointers for Demonstration Board, 4 pieces Marker points for Demonstration Board, 24 pieces Support plate on fixing magnet Overflow vessel on fixing magnet Holder for hand-held meters Burner-holder on fixing magnet Wire gauze holder on fixing magnet Clamp on holder Solar ray collector, magnetic Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Heat” Label “Heat” Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Support rod, stainless steel, l = 600 mm Swivel clamp -PASSFish line, l = 100 m Syringe 1 ml, Luer, 10 pieces Cannula 0.6 x 60 mm, Luer, 20 pieces Gas syringe, 100 ml Glass jacket Rubber caps, pack of 20 pieces Stop clock, diameter 13 cm Collar for linear expansion Brass tube Iron tube Aluminium tube Rotating shaft with pointer Thermometer, non-graduated Heat sensitive paper Convection of liquids tube Beaker, polished Aluminium rod, U-shaped Copper rod, U-shaped Brass rod, U-shaped Glass rod, U-shaped Steel pot, 1 l Immersion heater, 300 W, 220-250 VDC/AC Magnet, d = 10 mm, l = 200 mm Ceramic lamp socket E27 with reflector, switch, safety plug Solar battery, 8 cells, switchable Filament lamp, 220 V/120 W, with reflector Barometer/Manometer, hand-held Pressure sensor, absolute pressure Temperature meter 2 x NiCr-Ni, hand-held Data cable RS 232, SUB-D/USB Large-scale display, digital Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 750 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 750 mm, blue Thermocouple NiCr-Ni, sheathed Immersion probe NiCr-Ni, -50/1000°C Diethyl ether, 250 ml Glycerol, 250 ml Sodium sulphate, 500 g Butane burner, labogaz 206 type Heating apparatus 32

02151.07 2 02153.00 1 02154.01 1 02154.02 02155.00 02158.00 02161.00 02162.00 02163.00 02164.00 02165.00 13270.00 13269.00 02170.25 168829

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

02150.00 1 02037.00 02041.55 02090.00 02593.03 02599.04 02614.00 02615.00 02615.03 03075.00 04231.55 04234.01 04234.02 04234.03 04236.00 04256.00 04260.00 04510.00 05903.00 05910.00 05910.01 05910.02 05911.00 05933.00

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

05947.93 1 06311.00 1 06751.01 1 06752.03 1 06759.93 1 07136.00 1 07136.01 1 07140.00 1 07157.01 1 07157.93 1 07362.01 1 07362.04 13615.01 13615.03 30007.25 30084.25 30166.50 32178.00 32246.93

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Wire gauze 160 x 160 mm, ceramic center Microspoon, special steel Glass beaker, tall, 600 ml Beaker, 100 ml, low form, plastic Glass beaker, short, 250 ml Glass beaker, short, 400 ml Erlenmeyer flask, wide-neck, 100 ml Graduated vessel, 1 l, with handle Glass tube, straight, d = 8 mm, l = 80 mm Glass tubes, straight, d = 8 mm, l = 37 mm Funnel, plastic, diameter 50 mm Beads, 200 g Universal clamp with joint Rubber stopper, d = 32/26 mm, 1 hole Rubber stopper, d = 32/26mm, 2 holes Rubber stopper, d = 32/26mm, 3 holes Silicone tubing inner diameter 7 mm Silicone tubing inner diameter 2 mm Hose clip, diameter 8-12 mm Nickel electrode, d = 3 mm, with socket Magnetic stirring bar, 30 mm, cylindric Tubing adaptor, ID 3-5/6-10 mm Butane cartridge Patent Blue V, 25 g Precision Balance, Sartorius CP323P

Optics on the board, Complete set of equipment Optical block, semicircle, magnet held Optical block, planoconvex, magnet held Optical block, planoconcave, magnet held Optical block, trapeze, magnet held Optical block, triangular, magnet held Model earth/moon, magnet held Cuvette, magnet held, 230 x 75 mm Optical disk, magnet held Diaphragm with holder, magnet held Light guide model, magnet held Concave/convex mirror, magnet held Plane mirror, magnet held Lamp, halogen, magnet held, 12 V/50 W Light box 12 V/20 W, with magnet held Light box accessories for colour mixing Color filter set, additiv color mixture Color filter set, subtractiv color mixture Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Optics” Label “Optics”

33287.01 33393.00 36006.00 36011.01 36013.00 36014.00 36428.00 36640.00

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

36701.65 1 36701.67 36890.00 36937.20 37716.00 39258.01 39258.13 39258.14 39296.00 39298.00 40996.01 45231.00 46299.02 47517.01 47535.00 48376.04 48800.93

2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Optics on the board, Basic set of equipment


Optical block, planoconvex, magnetic held Optical block, planoconcave, magnetic held Model earth/moon, magnet held Diaphragm with holder, magnet held Concave/convex mirror, magnet held Plane mirror, magnet held Lamp, halogen, magetic held, 12 V/50 W Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Optics” Label “Optics”

08270.03 08270.07 08270.10 08270.12 08270.13

1 1 2 1 1

08270.20 13270.00 13269.00 08270.25 168831

1 1 1 1 1

Optics on the board, Supplementary set of equipment


Optical block, semicircle, magnet held Optical block, trapeze, magnet held Optical block, triangular, magnet held Cuvette, magnet held, 230 x 75 mm Optical disk, magnet held Light guide model, magnet held Plane mirror, magnet held Light box 12 V/20 W, with magnetic base Light box accessories for colour mixing Color filter set, additive color mixture Color filter set, subtractive color mixture Magnetic bottom for light box

08270.02 2

08270.01 08270.05 08270.06 08270.08 08270.09 08270.11 08270.13

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

09804.00 09806.00 09807.00 09808.00 09804.10

1 1 1 1 1

Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Multitap transformer, 14 VAC/12 VDC, 5 A

13533.93 1

Radioactivity on the board, Basic set of equipment


02150.00 1

08271.88 08270.01 1 08270.02 2 08270.03 08270.05 08270.06 08270.07 08270.08 08270.09 08270.10 08270.11 08270.12 08270.13 08270.20 09804.00 09806.00 09807.00 09808.00 13270.00 13269.00 08270.25 168831

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Support rod, stainless steel, l = 100 mm Support clamp for small case Scale for demonstration board Support plate on fixing magnet Clamp on holder Lead shot, d = 3 mm, 120 g Optical disk, magnet held Columbit, low radioactive mineral Absorption material for student experiments Counter tube holder on fixing magnet

02030.00 02043.10 02153.00 02155.00 02164.00 03990.00 08270.09 08464.01

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

09014.03 1 09201.00 1

Ordering Overview

Source holder on fixing magnet Plate holder on fixing magnet Specimen tube with holder Deflection magnets for plate holder, 2 pieces Plate holder on fixing magnet Petri dish, d = 40 mm Absorption plates for beta-rays Holder for ionization chamber Incandescent mantle, 4 pieces, hermetically sealed in PE bottle Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Radioactivity” Label “Radioactivity”

Radioactivity on the board, Supplementary set of equipment Counter tube holder on fixing magnet Source holder on fixing magnet Plate holder on fixing magnet Specimen tube with holder Deflection magnets for plate holder, 2 pieces Plate holder on fixing magnet Scale for demonstration board Support plate on fixing magnet Optical disk, magnet held Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Support base -PASSBarrel base -PASSSupport rod -PASS-, square, l = 400 mm Right angle clamp -PASSBosshead Vernier caliper Insulating stem Copper wire, d = 0.5 mm, l = 50 m Conductor ball, d = 40 mm Danger sign - High Voltage Cylinder shell Pin electrode Plate electrode High-value resistor, 50 MOhms Connecting cord, l = 250 mm, red Connecting cord, l = 250 mm, yellow Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 500 mm, blue Connecting cord, 30 kV, l = 1000 mm Screened cable, BNC, l = 750 mm Adapter, BNC socket, 4 mm plug Insulating support Housing for experiment lamp Holder G 6.35 for 50/100 W halogen lamp Halogen lamp, 12 V/50 W Single condenser, for 100 mm Counter tube, type B Cloud chamber, without radiation source Source Ra-226/60 kBq Radioactive sources, set Isotope generator Cs-137, 400 kBq Variable transformer, 25 VAC/20 VDC, 12 A

09202.00 1 09203.00 1 09203.01 1 09203.02 09204.00 64704.00 09024.00 09205.00

1 1 1 1 1

08360.01 13270.00 13269.00 09200.20 168833

1 1 1 1 1

Geiger-Mueller-Counter DC measuring amplifier High voltage supply unit, 0-10 kV Power supply, 0...600 VDC Multimeter ADM2, demonstration, analog Potassium chloride, 250 g Copper-II sulphate, 250 g Pipette, with rubber bulb

13606.99 13620.93 13670.93 13672.93

1 1 1 1

13820.00 30098.25 30126.25 64701.00

1 1 1 1

09200.77 09201.00 09202.00 09203.00 09203.01

1 1 1 1

09203.02 09204.00 02153.00 02155.00 08270.09

1 1 1 1 1

02150.00 1 02005.55 1 02006.55 3 02026.55 02040.55 02043.00 03010.00 06021.00 06106.03 06237.00 06543.00 07158.01 07158.02 07158.03 07159.00 07360.01 07360.02 07361.01

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

07361.04 07367.00 07542.11 07542.20 07924.00 08129.01

1 1 1 1 2 1

08129.04 08129.06 08137.01 09005.00

1 1 1 1

09044.30 09044.32 09047.50 09047.60

1 1 1 1

13531.93 1

Electrics/Electronics on the board, Set 1 Connector, straight, module DB Connector, angled, module DB Connector T-shaped, module DB Connector interrupted, module DB Junction, module DB Connector straight with socket, module DB Connector angled with socket, module DB Switch on/off, module DB Switch, change-over, module DB Socket for lamp E10, module DB Resistor 1 Ohm, module DB Resitor 10 Ohm, module DB Resistor 50 Ohm, module DB Resistor 100 Ohm , module DB Resistor 500 Ohm, module DB Resistor 1 kOhm, module DB Resistor 10 kOhm, module DB Resistor 47 kOhm, module DB Potentiometer 250 Ohm, module DB Potentiometer 10 kOhm, module DB Capacitor (ELKO) 0.047 mF, module DB Capacitor (ELKO), 0.1 mF, module DB Capacitor (ELKO), 0.47 mF, module DB Germanium diode AA118, module DB Silicon diode 1N4007, module DB Transistor BC337, module DB

09400.88 09401.01 09401.02 09401.03 09401.04 09401.10

6 6 4 4 4

09401.11 2 09401.12 09402.01 09402.02 09404.00 09411.10 09412.10 09412.50 09413.10 09413.50 09414.10 09415.10 09415.47 09423.25 09425.10 09445.47 09446.10 09446.47 09450.00 09451.00 09456.00

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tansistor BC327, module DB Battery box, module SB Conductors/non-conductors, l = 150 mm Solar cell (2.5 x 5) cm, module DB Bimetal strip Crocodile clips, bare, 10 pieces Connecting plug, 2 pieces Clamp on holder Clamp on fixing magnet Scale for Demonstration Board Motor, 2 V DC Disk for 11031.00 Electrical symbols for Demonstration Board, 12 pieces Filament lamps 1.5 V/0.15 A, E10, 10 pieces Filament lamps 4 V/0.04 A, E10, 10 pieces Filament lamp 6 V/3 W, E10, 10 pieces Filament lamps 12 V/0.1 A, E10, 10 pieces Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Electrics/Electonics 1” Label “Electrics/Electonics 1” Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Support rod, stainless steel, l = 500 mm Swivel clamp -PASSPointers for Demonstration Board, 4 pieces Stop clock, mechanical Constantan wire, 15.6 Ohm/m, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m Constantan wire, 6.9 Ohm/m, d = 0.3 mm, l = 100 m Constantan wire, 0.98 Ohm/m, d = 0.4 mm, l = 50 m Iron wire, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m Copper wire, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m Ceramic lamp socket E27 with reflector, switch, safety plug Filament lamp, 220 V/120 W, with reflector Connecting cord, l = 250 mm, red Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 500 mm, blue Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, blue Battery cell, 1.5 V, baby size, type C Cobra3 BASIC-UNIT Power supply 12 V/2 A Power supply, universal Multimeter ADM2, demonstration, analog Software Cobra3 Universal recorder Data cable, plug/socket, 9 pole Recommended accessories: Display building block Measuring building block ± 300 mA Measuring building block ± 3 A Measuring building block ± 3 V Measuring building block ± 30 V Power supply 12VDC/2A

09457.00 1 05605.00 2 06107.50 09470.00 05913.00 07274.03 07278.05 02164.00 02151.01 02153.00 11031.00 11031.01

1 2 1 3/10 1 1 1 1 1 1

02154.03 1 06150.03 1 06154.03 1 35673.03 1 07505.03 13270.00 13269.00 09400.25 168835

1 2 2 1 2

02150.00 1 02032.00 1 02041.55 1 02154.01 1 03074.00 1 06100.00 1 06101.00 1 06102.00 1 06104.00 1 06106.00 1 06751.01 1 06759.93 1 07360.01 1 07361.01 1 07361.04 1 07363.01 3 07363.04 07922.01 12150.00 12151.99 13500.93

3 2 1 1 1

13820.00 2 14504.61 1 14602.00 1

09485.01 09485.02 09485.03 09485.04 09485.05 12151.99

1 1 1 1 1 1 33

Ordering Overview

Magnet holder, d = 18 mm Pole shoes, 1 pair (18 x 4 x 70) mm Reed contact, module DB Magnetic rotor for generator model Magnet, d = 18 mm, l = 70 mm Circular trough Tray cover Storage case, h = 130 mm Foam insert for “Electrics/Electronics 2” Label “Electrics/Electonics 2”

Electrics/Electronics on the board, Set 2 Wire crossing, insulated, module DB Universal holder, module DB Transistor BC337, module DB Capacitor 47 nF, module DB NTC-resistor, module DB PTC-resistor, module DB Photoresistor LDR 03, module DB Z-diode ZF4.7, module DB Photodiode, module DB Light emitting diode, red, module DB Bridge rectifier, module DB Bridge rectifier with LED, module DB Phototransistor, module DB Operational amplifier, module DB Optical fiber, l = 2 m Coil 400 turns, module DB Coil 1600 turns, module DB Contact spring with armature, module DB Contact element, module DB Bell gong, module DB Relais 6 V, module DB U-core Yoke Tightening screw Holder for electric motor, magnet board Motor model for magnet board Magnetic rotor for electric motor model Bearing plate Holder for U-magnet, module DB Insulating support Conductor swing Motor 12 V-, module DB Coil for galvanometer model, module DB Scale for galvonometer model, module DB Human model for electrical safety, module DB Support plate with holder, module DB Plate electrode holder Glass tank, 100 x 50 x 120 mm Copper electrode 76 x 40 mm Zinc electrode 76 x 40 mm Lead electrode 76 x 40 mm Iron electrode 76 x 40 mm Transmitter for optical fiber, module DB Wire crossing, connected, module DB Capacitor 10 nF, module DB 34

09401.88 09401.05 09403.00 09456.00 09442.47 09430.00 09431.00 09432.00 09452.00 09453.00 09454.00 09455.00 09455.01 09458.00 09460.00 09461.02 09472.01 09472.02

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

09473.00 09473.01 05673.02 09474.00 07832.00 07833.00 07834.00

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

07849.00 1 07850.40 1 07850.21 07837.00 09476.00 07924.00 06412.00 09475.00

1 1 1 1 1 1

09477.00 1 09477.01 1 09480.00 09471.00 06618.00 06620.10 45212.00 45214.00 45215.00 45216.00 09461.00 09401.06 09442.10

1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1

Additionally required material: Demonstration Board for physics Support rod, stainless steel, l = 500 mm Emery paper, medium, 5 sheets Swivel clamp -PASSBosshead Fish line, l = 100 mm Support plate on fixing magnet Weight holder for slotted weights Slotted weight, 10 g, black Slotted weight, 10 g, silver bronze Slotted weight, 50 g, black Rod for pulley Stop clock, mechanical Pulley, movable, diameter 40 mm, with hook Hot/cold air blower, 1700 W Constantan wire, 15.6 Ohm/m, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m Constantan wire, 0.98 Ohm/m, d = 0.4 mm, l = 50 m Iron wire, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m Copper wire, d = 0.2 mm, l = 100 m PEM electrolyser, junior PEM fuel cell, junior Ceramic lamp socket E27 with reflector, switch, safety plug Filament lamp, 220 V/120 W, with reflector Connecting cord, 2 mm-plug, 5 A, l = 500 mm, red Connecting cord, 2 mm-plug, 5 A, l = 500 mm, blue Connecting cord, l = 250 mm, red Connecting cord, l = 250 mm, blue Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 500 mm, blue Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 750 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 750 mm, blue Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, red Connecting cord, 32 A, l = 1000 mm, blue Neon lamp 110 V AC, E10 Adapter, BNC-plug/socket 4 mm Battery cell, 1.5 V, baby size, type C Flashlight, without battery, medium Oscilloscope 30 MHz, 2 channels Smoke distillate Reducing plug 4 mm/2 mm socket, 1 pair Cobra3 BASIC-UNIT Power supply 12 V/2 A Power supply, universal Power supply -2op-, 2 x 15 V/2 A

09476.10 09476.11 09463.00 07850.22 06318.00 07835.00 13270.00 13269.00 09401.25 168835

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

02150.00 1 02032.00 01605.02 02041.55 02043.00 02090.00 02155.00 02204.00 02205.01 02205.02 02206.01 02263.00 03074.00

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1

03970.00 1 04030.93 1

Power supply variable, 15 VAC/12 VDC/5 A Variable transformer, 25 VAC/20 VDC, 12 A Function generator Loudspeaker, 8 Ohm/5 kOhm Multimeter ADM2, demonstration, analog Software Cobra3 Universal recorder Data cable, plug/socket, 9 pole Copper-II sulphate, 250 g Denatured alcohol (Spirit forburning), 1000 ml Sodium hydroxide solution, 10%, 1000 ml Sulphuric acid, 10%, tech. gr., 1000 ml Universal clamp Laboratory thermometer, with stem, +15..+40 °C Spoon, with spatula end, 18 cm, plastic Sodium sulphate dried, 250 g

38057.00 1 38833.00 1 48344.25 1

Recommended accessories: Display building block Measuring building block ± 300 mA Measuring building block ± 3 A Measuring building block ± 3 V Measuring building block ± 30 V Power supply 12VDC/2A

09485.01 09485.02 09485.03 09485.04 09485.05 12151.99

13530.93 1 13531.93 1 13652.93 1 13765.00 1 13820.00 14504.61 14602.00 30126.25

1 1 1 1 1


3 1 1 1

31150.70 1 31630.70 1 31828.70 1 37718.00 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

06100.00 1 06102.00 06104.00 06106.00 06736.00 06737.00

D w

Complete experiments Chemistry / Biotechnology Please request a quotation giving a complete list of all equipment necessary to perform individual experiments. For more information see page 22 and the following.

A m


06751.01 1 06759.93 1 07356.01 2 07356.04 07360.01 07360.04 07361.01

2 2 2 2

07361.04 2

Literature Magnet Board, Mechanics 1 Magnet Board, Mechanics 2 Magnet Board, Heat Magnet Board, Optics Magnet Board, Radioactivity Magnet Board, Electrics/Electronics 1 Magnet Board, Electrics/Electronics 2 Complete Experiments Chemistry / Biotechnology

01152.02 01153.02 01154.02 01151.02 01156.02 01001.02 01003.02 01855.02

07362.01 1 07362.04 1 07363.01 5 07363.04 07506.90 07542.26 07922.01 08164.00 11459.95 11605.01

5 1 1 2 1 1 1

11620.27 12150.00 12151.99 13500.93 13520.93

2 1 1 1 1


Display and Measuring building blocks

Display building block with analog and digital display


for the electricity/electronics building block system The new display building block for measurement of AC and DC voltage. Frequency range: 2 Hz – 20 kHz

Connecting cable for connecting the 300 mA, 3 A, 3 V or 30 V measuring building block.

LED bar for analog display.

Seven-segment LED display, 3 digits (including polarity), digit height 14 mm

DC/AC selector 12 VDC power supply

Display building block 09485.01

A combination of the display building block and the following measuring building blocks allows you to simply measure and clearly display the most important values in many different current and voltage ranges: 1. Measuring building block ± 300 mA


2. Measuring building block ± 3A


– Resolution: 1 mA

– Resolution: 10 mA

– Internal resistance: 0.5 ⍀

– Internal resistance: 75m⍀

– Maximum current: 500 mA

– Maximum current: 3.5 A

– Plug for connecting cord to display building block.

– Plug for connecting cord to display building block.

3. Measuring building block ± 3V


4. Measuring building block ± 30V


– Resolution: 10 mV

– Resolution: 100 mV

– Internal resistance: 1 M⍀

– Internal resistance: 1 M⍀

– Maximum voltage: 10 V

– Maximum voltage: 50 V

– Plug for connecting cord to display building block.

– Plug for connecting cord to display building block.


Phywe Systeme GmbH & Co. KG

2006.12.03 Â Nr. 00116.02

Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 D -37079 Goettingen/Germany Phone: ++49 551 604 0 Fax: ++49 551 604 115 e-mail: int.sales@ phywe.com internet: www.phywe.com


Errors excepted. Subject to technical alterations. Please refer to our general terms and conditions of sale.

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