One Visayas

Page 1

Vol I

Issue 1

Published by PIA 6, 7 & 8

August 29– September 4, 2011


PIA 6 blood-letting at the Philippine Red Cross-Iloilo Chapter, Sept 2.

♦ Stakeholders discuss PH open skies policy

♦ DPWH improves roads in Guimaras ♦ Kalibo Airport needs improvement, says Aklan solon

♦ Victims of trafficking can avail SocTech packages

p. 22--3


DISCUSSION. PIA-7 Regional Director Minerva Newman discusses with the CAOCAMPIO members the flow of their upcoming radio program in DYDD Bantay Radyo featuring the best practices of every municipality in Cebu province. (pia7/hfg)

♦ Siquijor set for ruby jubilee celebration ♦ Gov't, civil society ink agreement on crusade against human trafficking

♦ NFA Negros Oriental welcomes new manager

♦ MGB-7 issues tips on what to do before or during floods

p. 44--5


BLOOD DONATION: Blood-letting activity held at the PIA-8 regional office in Tacloban City, August 26. (Vino R. Cuayzon/PIA-8)

♦ Equipment for bio-ethanol production from coco sap is E Visayas’ best invention

♦ 'Sunken' roads in So. Leyte are the effects of 12 daily tremors - DPWH

♦ NSU is 2nd in overall performance rating in Region 8 in the july 2011 nurses licensure examination

p. 66--7

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, Sept. 1 (PIA) –In line with the commemoration of the month of September as the Generics Awareness Month, the Department of Health (DOH) through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to stage a Generics Expo in Eastern Visayas.

Php 100 or less. Such secondary packaging was done based on existing clinical practice guidelines.

The specifics for the Generics Expo in Eastern Visayas are being finalized, Dr. Cabahit said but it is a joint effort to boost and sustain advocacy on quality affordable medicines through generics use and its role and importance in improving wellness and compliance with patients’ treatment regimens.

diabetes, and other chronic diseases, generic medicines allow our patients to better comply with or maintain their daily medication needs at much less costs.

The P100 program is an initiative of the DOH to enable indigent patients to avail of complete drug regimens pegged at a price of P100 which is substantially cheaper compared Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6675, the to buying medicines at single purchases. month of September is Generics Awareness Though medicine prices are going down Month and this year’s theme “Generics para sa due to voluntary price cuts and other Kalusugan, Gamot Pangkalahatan Mag initiatives, we could see that quality generic GENERICS na” underscores the need to medicine prices are still much cheaper. increase awareness on the availability of low Generic medicines give patients, consumers, cost, safe, and quality medicines, Dr. Sonia and different health institutions value for their Cabahit, FDA 8 Supervisor informed the money, Dr. Cabahit added. Philippine Information Agency. For patients suffering from hypertension,

Money saved can then be used for other needs of the family, so generic medicines help give hope and much healing, Dr. Cabahit said. The Generics Expo will also be the venue (PIA 8) for the relaunch of the P100 Program. The program allows the sale of a list of preparation drugs that are packaged in complete treatment course for antibiotics, or for better By TWVillavert compliance for maintenance drugs sold for ILOILO CITY, August 28 (PIA) -- The Department of Health (DOH-CHDWV), Center for Health and Development Western Visayas said that the region is doing well in its campaign to fight tuberculosis (TB) with the achievement of 90 percent cure rate last year. CEBU CITY, Sept1 (PIA) -- The Bohol provincial Dr. Jimmily R. Aguiling, Assistant Regional Medical government established the Technical Education and Skills Coordinator of the National Tuberculosis program of Development Authority (TESDA) Training Centers in the DOH said during the PIA-Cable TV program that the six municipalities of Bohol, namely, Bilar, Inabanga, Jagna, region’s case detection rate stood at 97 percent. Pilar, Tubigon and Balilihan through the donations of Dr. Aguiling said that “we achieved a good turn-out in parcel of lands estimated at more than P24M. our campaign through the DOTS or Directly Observed This project earned the praises and commendation Treatment Strategy, where patients are required to take of the Board of Judges to TESDA’s Kabalikat Awards for their medicine in front of a health worker to ensure the Bohol Provincial Government to receive the proper compliance with the entire treatment “National Kabalikat Award” that was given at the TESDA program.The medicines are also given for free. central office in Manila on August 24 in time for its 17th “We are proud to say that all of our health centers in anniversary. the region are DOTS certified or we call it DOTS Consistent with the Bohol Development Framework facilities, because every year these health centers are Agenda that focuses on Health and Sanitation, Education evaluated, based on a criteria, before they can be certified and Technology, Agriculture and Food Security, and as DOTS facility,” Aguiling said. Dr. Aguiling said that Pulmonary TB is suspected if a Tourism and Livelihood (HEAT), the Provincial Government of Bohol has pursued various programs to reduce person has symptoms of cough for more than 2 weeks, fever, chest and back pains, poor appetite, loss of weight poverty and facilitate development in the province. Foremost of these programs is Skills Training and hemoptysis. He should seek medical consultation and Advocating Reliance on Self Employment or STARS his sputum should be examined to detect the presence of project which has to date benefited more than 3,000 TB germs/bacteria. She emphasized that TB is a curable disease. Patients unemployed adults, out-of-school youths and women organizations which were given priority in job fairs are prescribed with appropriate regimen to render them conducted by the Bohol Employment and Placement non-infectious and cured, as early as possible. The office of the LGU.(PIA7/mbcn/Hazel F. Gloria & TESDA- treatment for TB is a combination of 3-4 anti-TB drugs. (JCM/TWV/PIA6) 7)

Western Visayas achieves 90% TB cure rate

TESDA training centers established in Bohol municipalities



Stakeholders discuss PH open skies policy by Lilibeth A. French

ILOILO CITY, Aug. 26 - Representatives from the tourism and airline industries, business, media and other stakeholders in Western Visayas recently gathered to discuss the open skies policy of PBSA III.


he “Philippine Open Skies Policy Roadshow” was conducted on August 24, 2011 by Atty. Jose Claro S. Tesoro in coordination with the Department of Tourism.


“The National Tourism Development Plan is very, very strong in terms of access to destination and when you talk of access to destination foremost in our minds would be air access, especially from the foreign markets that we have targeted to visit the Philippines,” said

with the tourists/travelers accessing destination throughout the airport hubs.

Philippine air panels to pursue more He added that considering the big target aggressively the international civil aviation of the department in tourist arrival by 2016, liberalization policy. which is about six million, there is a need to He said open skies will promote address the issues about access and conven- competition among airlines resulting to better DOT 6 Director Edwin Trompeta cited ience of visitors to come to their destination as and cheaper flights thus attracting more the importance of the activity with the recent well as their departure from these places. passengers and travelers to the country. completion of the National Tourism DevelopFor his part, former member of the Civil Tesoro said the pocket open skies policy ment Plan which is still pending for presenta- Aeronautics Board, lawyer Jose Claro Tesoro will make the secondary gateways in the tion to the Office of the President and the discussed Executdive Orders 28 and 29 country globally connected and competitive approval of the Chief Executive. regarding the development of regional tourism like our South East Asian neighbors citing what the it brought to Clark Airport in Pampanga in terms of the improvement of air traffic, jobs EO No. 28 reorganized the Philippine air and investment. negotiating and consultation panels while EO “Use that airport and Iloilo will fly,” said panel and the consultation while EO No. 29 Tesoro to participants referring to the Iloilo authorized the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Airport in Cabatuan, Iloilo.

DPWH improves roads in Guimaras ILOILO CITY, Aug. 26 - The national government is upgrading the national highways in the Island Province of Guimaras to improve the public’s access to activities, goods and services through ongoing projects worth P65 M.


he Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) said in its website that its Regional Office in Western Visayas headed by Director Evelyn T. Barroso is working together with Guimaras District Engineer Rolando Ubaldo in the upgrading of the circumferential and central roads on the island.

contract with a private construction company appropriation for the paving of about 8 the amount of P28.9 million. kilometers section of the circumferential road Started on August 2 of this year, the in the island province.

Engineer Ubaldo said that road upgrading project from gravel to concrete is presently being undertaken by the DPWH Guimaras District Engineering Office in the municipality of San Lorenzo, covering paving works of about 1,077 lineal meters roadway and under

paving works of about 720 lineal meters and increase the paved road density of highways in 2,030 lineal meters asphalt paving. the Philippines.

project has already posted 12.10 percent With 8,228 lineal meters of the Central completion, more than 4 percent ahead of Road still gravel, the Guimaras District schedule and is expected to be completed by Engineering Office has contracted the November of this year. upgrading through concrete paving of 423 lineal Similarly, the project for the meters San Miguel-Constacia-CabanoThe improvement through concrete rehabilitation/reconstruction/upgrading of a Igcawayan section in the amount of P6 million. paving of the Guimaras Circumferential and section of the Guimaras Circumferential Road The project is 95 percent complete. Central Road is being undertaken through a in Jordan town has progressed by 23 percent, The paving of roads in Guimaras Province multi-year program utilizing the DPWH Regu- more than 12 percent ahead of schedule. The is part of the target program of DPWH lar Infrastructure Program Fund. project costing P31 million involves concrete Secretary Rogelio L. Singson designed to

Under the 2011 Regular Infrastructure This is aimed at improving the global Program, DPWH Region 6 which was given the competitiveness of the country in terms of authority to implement projects costing overall infrastructure quality and sustainable beyond P50 million has an P80 million economic growth. (DPWH/PIA)

Kalibo Airport needs improvement, says Aklan solon by Venus G. Villanueva


ALIBO, Aklan, Aug. 30 - The increase in international and domestic flights landing and taking off from the Kalibo International Airport (KIA) daily strongly shows that there is a need to improve the airport’s various facilities.

desks in receiving passengers of international permanent BI and BoC personnel,” Miraflores flights at the airport, according to Aklan Rep. said. Florencio T. Miraflores during his recent With the ongoing budget hearing of the Interview over a local radio program here. DOTC, said to be allotting P75 million for KIA, Miraflores said there is a need to finish the Aklan solon expressed optimism however the new terminal building at KIA which is now that these improvements could be in place This development all the more stresses being shared by both international and soon. the importance of having permanent staff or domestic passengers. “When combined, the funds will be more personnel of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) “As an international gateway to Boracay than enough for the airport development”, and the Bureau of Customs (BoC) to man the Island, the airport in Kalibo should have Miraflores said.



Victims of trafficking can avail SocTech packages by Easter Anne D. Doza

BACOLOD CITY, Aug. 28 - The Philippines being one of the top 5 sources of human trafficking in Asia, is introducing the Social Techonology packages to the victims of trafficking in person (TIP).


elia Villa-Bagolcol, Social Welfare Officer IV and Focal Person on TIP of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in a forum here attended by barangay officials revealed that sexual trafficking tops the list of purposes for human trafficking, which include labor, involuntary servitude, removal or sale of organ, and armed conflict. Bagolcol told PIA that DSWD was able to introduce Social Technology (SocTech), which includes psychosocial recovery and social and economic reintegration packages to the victims of TIP.

Psychosocial recovery package offers psychiatric services, counseling and rehabilitation sessions to bring the victims back to normal functioning while the social and economic reintegration packages provide the victims financial assistance for their meal and transportation allowances when they attend hearings.

far now, DSWD is processing 6-8 livelihood requests from clients who are victims of TIP in Iloilo City and we are expecting to release their requests by September,” Bagolcol said in an interview with PIA.

Meanwhile, DSWD is still waiting for applications from the trafficking victims from Bacolod City and Negros Occidental to avail of Educational assistance is also provided for the packages. those victims who want to go back to school As of December 2010, Iloilo province after being rescued as well as livelihood assis- topped the list in Western Visayas with the tance through the SEA-K with a maximum of most number of TIP cases which reached to 48 P10,000 per victim. followed by Negros Occidental with 45 TIP “The SocTech is being pilot tested and so cases while Guimaras has zero TIP cases.

Pantawid Pamilya recipients get livelihood support worth P990,000 by Pilar S. Mabaquiao

SAN JOSE, Antique Aug. 26 - Recipients of Pantawid Pamilya program in various communities in Antique are getting livelihood support fund in the amount of P990,000.


he fund will be distributed to different organized groups or communities with viable livelihood projects, according to Geralyn Flores, Project Devt Officer II of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Antique Field Office.

Pamilya Program are the first to receive the development seminar, leadership trainings/ said livelihood assistance. workshops and business management training. This in a way will capacitate the recipients These are the towns of San Remigio who received P114,500, Valderrama – P238,000, to become responsible members of the Bugasong – P250,000, Laua-an – 145,500 and organization and eventually make their business succeed, said Flores. Barbaza with 242,000.

No less than Undersecretary Mateo Flores disclosed that this livelihood Montaño himself released the said funds during program is a strategy to make the his visit to the province recently. family-recipients of Pantawid Pamilya Program To ensure that the funds will serve its become sustainable in generating income for purpose not only of making them economically the family to overcome poverty. viable but also empowering them well as one In most cases, the funds were used as community participating in development augmentation to existing livelihood activity endeavors, DSWD has done a series of while others used it as a start-up capital for a activities for social preparation and capability small scale business, explained Flores. building. The five towns covered by Pantawid The group underwent organizational

Since the project is not a dole-out, Flores said the recipients will return the capitalization fund to the association plus generate some amount for the capital build up which they will use to fund other projects or activities of the group. DSWD and the local government units concerned will ensure that the funds are judiciously utilized through a regular monthly monitoring.

‘Oplan Kontra Dengue' records significant decline of cases by Jemin B. Guillermo

ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Aug. 28 - Capiz top local officials have attributed the decline of dengue cases in the province to the “Oplan Kontra Dengue”


ecords from the Provincial Health Office show that there is a 98-percent drop of dengue cases in Capiz from January to August 20 this year compared to the record during the same period last year.

The very high number of cases registered in the province in 2010 resulted in dengue epidemic here which placed the entire province under the state of calamity.

in Capiz last year has been a wake up call for Capiceños to unite and prevent the spread of dengue-carrying mosquitoes through intensified and regular clean-up activities.

Capiz Governor Victor Tanco said that the said campaign against dengue begun in 2010 The said report showed that as of August is now gaining ground in the entire province as 20 this year, Capiz has recorded 47 dengue shown by the significant decline in the number cases which are 98 percent lower than the of dengue cases compared to figures last year. 2,590 cases during the same period last year. Tanco stressed that the dengue epidemic

On the other hand, Capiz health officials urged everyone to continue taking preventive measures against dengue, employing among others the 4 S strategies as well as continuous clean-up drive and environmental sanitation activities.



Siquijor set for ruby jubilee celebration by Rizalie A. Calibo

SIQUIJOR, Aug. 27 - Exciting and meaningful activities await Araw ng Siquijor Ruby Jubilee this year.


s early as August 9, 40 days before its grand day, a simultaneous clean-up and tree planting activity was done provincewide that signaled the start of the 40th founding anniversary celebration of Siquijor Province on September 17.

and Island Tour/Visitations for Miss Siquijor Activities on September 13 are DOT Mobile Tourism 2011 Candidates on September 07, Accreditation of Tourism Related 2011. Establishment from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Another Halad sa Katawhan, specifically Provincial Capitol; Cultural Presentations of free eye surgery mission for Cataract and the LGUs of Ennrique Villanueva, Larena and the provincial government from 4:00 pm to Pterygium is slated on September 8 to 10. Provincial Governor Orlando “Shane” Fua Pre-screening is on September 8 for 6:00 pm.; and Coronation Rites for Little Miss said he expects a grander celebration as he Maria, Lazi nd San Juan towns at the Lazi Siquijor and Little Master Siquijor at 7:00 pm. counts on everyone’s support particularly in Medical Hospital and on September 9 for September 14 is a continuation of the the promotion of Siquijor island. Larena, Enrigue Villanueva in Siquijor towns at DOT Accreditation with other activities such as Peanut and Pigeon Pea Field Day and "Let’s disseminate all the good things the Siquijor Provincial Hospital. about us," he said. Celebrations such as Araw Following the surgery proper on Technology Fora at Salagdoong Beach Resort; ng Siquijor is the best chance to show to the September 9, a workshop on Cataract Binabang Balak Contest “Kasaysayan sa world that Siquijor is indeed a very good place, detection will also be given. Post operation Siquijor”; cultural presentations of Maria and he added. check up will be at 9:00 am of September 10. Lazi LGUs; and dance port at 7:00 pm. Among the activities lined up are: Island Tour/Visitation for the first Little Miss/Master Siquijor Candidates on August 31; Sports pening at 9:00 a.m and ABC Night at 7:00 p.m. on September 2; Jobs fair, public service dubbed Halad sa Katawhan on September 6;

Banca racing and Kayak racing at the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Frolics is at Salagdoong Beach Resort is on September 15 7:00 pm of September 9. September 12 will be the Grand Caravan at 9:00 am; Cultural Presentation for the around the province at 12:00 noon; opening of Department of Education (DepEd) from 4 to Agri,Trade and Food Fair at 4:00 pm; and Miss 12 pm. Siquijor






Gov't, civil society ink agreement on crusade against human trafficking by Amor Saludar CEBU CITY August 28 (PIA) -- Fifteen government agencies and 14 private organizations signed a memorandum of agreement recently to mark their full support to the crusade against human trafficking in Cebu Province and to effectively implement the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 or RA-9208.


overnor of Cebu Gwendolyn Garcia Maritime Industry Authority, NBI, Police led the signing of the agreement. Regional Office, CIDG, Cebu Philippine In September 2010, the province Coast Guard, Regional Maritime Office, PPA, established the Cebu Task Force Against Cebu Port Authority (CPA) and the Mactan Trafficking that was also supported by the vari- Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA). ous local government units here. Everyone recognized that the key to stop human trafficking is through cooperation among government, private sectors and the communities. The support Regional Tourism

government agencies that pledged against human trafficking are the State Prosecutor, Department of (DOT), DSWD, DOLE, POEA, BID,

Association of Tour Operators, Cebu Travel and Tours Association, United Trampers Association of the Philippines, National Association of Independent Travel Agencies, Inc., Metro Cebu Taxi Operators’ Association, Cebu Provincial Bus Operators’ Association, Private agencies and organizations that Cebu Provincial Mini Bus Operators’ swore to exert effort on the same endeavor Association and Universal Integrated Porters’ are the Visayan Forum Foundation, Inc., Association of Cebu. International Justice Mission, Mactan Airline Garcia expressed gratitude to these Operators Council, Visayan Association of sectors that showed willingness to put an end Ferry Boat and Coastwise Service Operation, to cases of human trafficking in the Province of Aboitiz Transport System, Hotel, Resort and Cebu. Restaurant Association of Cebu, Cebu

NFA Negros Oriental welcomes new manager by Rachelle M. Nessia


UMAGUETE CITY, Aug. 24 - The office in Cebu City. National Food Authority in Negros Prior to his assignment here, Cortes Oriental recently welcomed its was the manager of NFA Biliran, Leyte. new manager, Dr. Carlos S. Cortes, who offiA native of Bogo in Cebu, Cortes cially assumed office on August 11, 2011. expressed his pleasure to work in The turnover ceremony was held at the Dumaguete City. "I am back to the region NFA office in Dumaguete City. where I c ame from," he said. Cortes earned his Bachelor's Degree in Cortes accepted a symbolic key from outgoing Officer-in-Charge Francisco Lorico, Accounting at the University of Visayas, where Science in Jr. who is now assigned at the NFA regional he also completed his Master of

Business Administration and Doctor of M a n a g e m e n t d e g r e e s . He has been with NFA since 1987, starting out as an accounts examiner then field clerk and later as senior grains operator, a rank he currently holds. On August 23, Cortes made the rounds in Dumaguete City as he paid courtesy visits to high-ranking local government officials.



MGB-7 issues tips on what to do before or during floods by Hazel F. Gloria

CEBU CITY, Aug. 30 - The Mines and Geosciences Bureau 7 has warned the public anew of episodes of flooding particularly within the urban areas of Cebu and Mandaue cities.


mong the safety reminders issued by Keep a stock of food that requires little following: proximity to perennial river creek MGB-7 regional director Loreto cooking and no refrigeration; store drinking system; poor drainage facility; inherently low Alburo are: water in various containers. lying area; proximity to coastal area; heavily 1. The public should plan and practice a 4. Keep first aid supplies on hand. Move silted river or creek; and encroachment along flood evacuation route with their family. the livestock to higher ground and keep a bat- natural drainage channels. 2. Ask an out-of-town relative or friend to be the “family contact” in case their family is separated during a flood; make sure everyone in the family knows the name, address, and phone or cellular phone number of this contact person.

tery-powered portable radio and flashlights in He also recommended for people to be working order. extra cautious at night when it is harder to Alburo explained that flooding occurs recognize flood dangers. He added that vehiwhen the level of a body of water rises over its cles should not be parked near stream channatural or artificial confines and submerges land nels, particularly during threatening conditions.

in the surrounding area due to intense and "Be always aware of distant events, such 3. The family should also know the flood prolonged precipitation and other as dam breaks or thunderstorms that may cause flashfloods in the area," he said. risk and elevation above flood stag and get out geologic factors. of areas that are prone to flooding and bring According to Alburo, flooding incidents in the important documents some areas in the cities may be caused by the

Keeping tourists safe with PIPS in Panglao by Rey Anthony Chiu

PANGLAO, Bohol, Aug. 28 - A grossly outnumbered force and tourist police complement keeps Panglao a safe haven for tourists. How do they do that?


here are only 21 police officers at the Panglao Police station, and the town caters to an average of 2,000 t o u r i s t s d a i l y . Tasked with keeping peace and order for the almost 26,000 Panglao-anons and the daily influx of local and foreign tourists, the men in blue here must have an ace up their sleeves. The Police Integrated Patrol System (PIPS) is the key, revealed PInspector Cesar Acompañado, who said the system allows them to make do with the scant resources available to him and his force. The PIPS focuses on three crime areas and approaches criminology scientifically. Panglao’s alluring beaches and its homey resorts coupled with world class dive sites has made the town a popular destination for local and foreign tourists. This puts pressure on the police as tourism is sensitive to issues of peace and order. Through foresight and the strict implementation of the PIPS, Panglao police has seen a 78.5 percent decrease in crimes during the January 1 to August 15 period compared to the same period last year, said Panglao police deputy chief.

From January to August of 2010, Panglao police blotter recorded 49 crimes, according to Acompañado. With the implementation of the PIPS this year, the station recorded only 16 crimes, he reported at the Talakayan sa Isyung Pulis (TSI P) at t he Fl us hi ng Me a dow s R e s o r t o n T u e s d a y . Bohol PSSupt. Constantino Barot and his leadership at Camp Dagohoy adopted the PIPS. PIPS makes police crime response effective by getting to profile crime situations and apply these formats to future crime responses and preventive patrols, explains Police Deputy Regional Director for Operations Louie Oppus. Oppus, former Tagbilaran City Police chief before his promotion to a higher post in Cebu said PIPS profiles crime maps, crime days and crime clock to determine where and when to conduct mobile and foot patrols for crime deterrence. This is also complemented by a checkpoint manned by police officers who know what they are doing, he stressed. The checkpoints are manned by at least eight police officers who know what they are

doing and are doing it right, Oppus said. For Panglao, aside from the strict PIPS implementation, he also admitted before the media gathered at the forum that deterring crimes also means letting people know that somebody watches over them. When our intelligence network reports a stranger in town without a clear business interest, the police initiates contact with the person. Even the complimentary Tourist Police assigned at the Bolod detachment agree that the PIPS has raised the bar of police service in t h e a r e a o f t o u r i s m . Made a template for the national implementation of the tourist police, Bohol’s initiative at putting up more police visibility in tourist areas through foot and beat patrols or bike and mobile patrols has cut police response time, reports PInspector Cesar Misola. Tourist Police Chief said the unit has signed a memorandum of agreement with tourist establishments in their area of responsibility to have police officers on visibility patrols in the areas with a bulk of tourists to watch.



Equipment for bio-ethanol production from coco sap is E Visayas’ best invention TACLOBAN CITY Leyte, Aug. 30 (PIA) – The design and fabrication of equipment for the production of Bioethanol from coco sap was adjudged as the best invention in Eastern Visayas during the 1st Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE) held at Robinsons Place Tacloban on Aug. 22 – 25.


he first RICE was conducted under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology in the Region in coordination with Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI).

Creative Research) runners up are Mr. Jeff Homeres of Eastern Visayas State University for his Improvised Touch Remote Switch for Electrical Loads; and Mr. Pedro Japon of Abuyog for his Novel Cooking Stove.

for its Electronic Board Messaging through SMS.

In behalf of DOST-8 Regional Director Edgardo Esperancilla, Engineer Uy expressed the Agency’s appreciation to all those who The inventor, Engr. Engr. Jaime Gilbuela of For the SIBOL Category (Outstanding were instrumental in making the first ever Northern Samar, who was the winner in the Student Creative Research, High School), the RICE in the Region a tremendous success. Likha Category for Outstanding Creative winner is the Philippine Science High School The first Eastern Visayas RICE attracted Eastern Visayas Campus for its Blood and Research, will represent the Region in the the participation of inventors from all over the National Invention Contest and Exhibits, Engr. Bacteria Staining Robotic Arm. Region. After the first screening, 22 entries Ramil Uy of DOST-8 said during the Meanwhile, for the SIBOL Category qualified for the finals. Suruswerte Ha PIA radio program on August (Outstanding Student Creative Research, There were 2 entries for outstanding 30. College), the winner is Samar State University inventions (Tuklas award), 1 entry for the outstanding utility models, outstanding industrial “The invention is very relevant for its Smart e-loading Machine. considering that it is in line with the Philippines' The runners up are Samar State designs, 10 entries for the outstanding creative r e n e w a b l e a n d e n e r g y e f f i c i e n c y University for the Development of Fingerprint researches (Likha award), 9 entries for the program,”Engineer Uy said. and SMS Enabled Student School Attendance outstanding student creative researches (Sibol The Likha Category (Outstanding Monitoring System; and Samar State University award) for high school and college students.

'Sunken' roads in So. Leyte are the effects of 12 daily tremors - DPWH by Bong Pedalino

MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Aug. 29 (PIA) -- Citing a study done by a geologist, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) District Engineer Carlos Veloso disclosed that certain sections of the national highway in this province are always damaged due to a dozen daily movements of the ground.


n an interaction with local media Tuesday, Veloso, head of the Southern Leyte Engineering District (SLED), identified these perennially destroyed sections as the one along Bato, Leyte, to Bontoc road and the other at barangay Hindag-an, Saint Bernard.

The damaged road sections also fell along result of a resolution submitted by the the fault line that traverses the province, provincial government to Malacanang. Veloso said. Several motorists suffered accidents in the Assistant District Engineer Manolo Rojas past while negotiating this uphill, winding road, said they had installed gabions in these areas, and its imminent change in design is timely saying this kind of structure was permeable, or considering that a new Ferry terminal in Benit, allows the passage of water through piles of San Ricardo, was already in operation. A technical explanation of these seemingly stones hitched with tie wires. Both Veloso and Rojas were optimistic “sunk” sections was the presence of Veloso said his office has already complied the development of the much lower saddle underground water that over time eventually with the program of works for an initial budget road will be made part of the regular budget of loosened the soil coupled with the everyday of P 50 Million asked by the DPWH Central the agency, saying that DPWH Secretary dose of the natural earth-shaking move which office for a 700-meter alternate road to divert Rogelio Singson’s timetable was that all primary is not strong enough to be noticed. the saddle, adding that the instruction was the roads would be paved by 2013.

NSU is 2nd in overall performance rating in Region 8 in the July 2011 nurses licensure by Flor Jackson


AVAL, Biliran, Aug. 29 – The Naval State University (NSU) landed 2nd place in the schools overall performance rating in region 8 in Eastern Visayas in the July, 2011 Nursing Licensure Examination.

board examinations in July this year, NSU got a regional passing percentage of 75% placing the university 2nd to UP School of Health Sciences in Palo, Leyte which got the 1st place with a regional passing percentage of 93.33% in the exams which was released by the Professional This was learned by the Philippine Regulations Commission (PRC) on August 19, Information Agency (PIA), Biliran Provincial 2011. Information Center in an interview recently She said, 3rd place went to St. with Dr. Edita S. Genson, NSU President. Scholastica’s College of Health Sciences in According to Dr. Genson, among the 17 Tacloban City with 70.97%; 4th place – West schools in Eastern Visayas that offered nursing Leyte College – College of Nursing in Tacloban courses and whose graduates took the nursing City with 58.73%; 5th place, Remedios Trinidad

Romuladez Foundation, Incorporated in Tacloban City with 56.25% and 6th place was the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) in Catarman, Northern Samar with 52.38%. “Out of the four nursing graduates of NSU who took the 2011 Nurses Licensure Examinations in July this year, three of them successfully hurdled the exams,” she said. The NSU successful nursing board examinees are Reynaldo M. Impas, Jr; Riaselle M. Lee and Carlito L. Mondelo. NSU’s national passing percentage was 48 per cent.



More farming villages shine with SAMELCO by Alice Nicart

CATBALOGAN City, Samar , Aug. 31 – In consonance with the Energy Reform Agenda of the Department of Energy (DOE), guided particularly by their vision of, “Energy Access for more”, the Samar II Electric Cooperative (SAMELCO) has recently energized eight more far-flung farming villages of the province.


n Sitio Can-umran, of barangay Bulao, Basey, Samar, quality of life, as envisioned by the Aquino administration had begun with the switching on lately, their newly installed electric light, as provided by SAMELCO.

however, their children would spend more time for their school work, unlike before, when they had to rush to finish their assignments before dusk, or else they use their dim kerosene lamp which risks eye damage and too, of a possible fire.

Other communities which were energized during the 2nd Quarter of 2011:

Ice-candy and Ice-cube making are now in Before this, television programs, of her mind, she said, which could bring home information and entertainment were some centavos for laundry soap and children’s far-fetched dreams of the locales. Today, baon.

government in stimulating economic development in the countryside by extending powerlines to every Samar individual to fuel local productivity.

Situated in a hilly area of Basey, Can-umran is accessible only by a “habal-habal”, a single motorcycle with extended modified seats sideward, (left and right) but could carry five to seven passengers with their luggage underneath.

Sitio, Malogago, brgy. Rizal, Daram, Samar; Sitio Canla-as, Tinaogan, Zumarraga, Samar; Sitio Ipil, San Miguel, Daram, Samar; Sitio Dangcalanan, brgy Losa, Daram, Samar; brgy. Sheryl Leanda, a mother of three, could Hindang, Calbiga, Samar; brgy Gusa, San Jose hardly believe they now have their own de Buan, Samar and brgy. Aguingayan, San Jose electric meter where they could source out de Buan, Samar. numerous benefits from the electric service This recent achievement is part of SAMELCO has recently provided them. SAMELCO’s commitment to the Aquino

Red Cross fund raising to complete Borongan blood bank construction by Ninfa B Quirante

BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Aug. 31- A fund-raising campaign initiated by the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) Eastern Samar chapter hopes to finance the completion of a blood bank.


n an interview, PNRC Chairman of the Board Directors of the E Samar chapter Dr Jess Solidon said that the building is still to be completed as construction is almost one-third done.

grabs on September 5, for tickets worth Php Estehanon’s use,” said Josefa Tentativa –Red 100.00 each. Cross Administrator.

On September 5-6, they will also hold an “I am inviting all Estehanons who are ukay-ukay sale, where he said that most items healthy to join us in this cause,” Solidon urges were donated by friends from the US led by Dr the public. “The big support comes from outside Nimfa Aguila. The chairman said he is aware that blood sources,” referring to Boronganons from Meanwhile, on September 1, 2011, PNRC is very important as even in Manila , there abroad especially in the United States. with the Rotary will conduct a blood-letting to seems to be a shortage. It is important to have a blood bank for collect at least 50 bags of blood. Some personnel from the DOH, ESPH our Estehanon patients, Solidon told Radyo ng “Half of these will be deposited at the and the EVRMS will be coming to help the Red Bayan-DYES in an interview today. Eastern Samar Provincial Hospital while the Cross facilitate the blood letting activity to Solidon said that they will be conducting a other half will be stored at the Eastern Visayas save lives. raffle draw where three laptop units are up for Regional Medical Center (EVRMC) for

N. Samar SP approves local social integration program ordinance by Teresita B. Cardenas CATARMAN, Northern Samar, Aug. 21 – In order to pursue a sustainable and genuine social and economic integration of former rebels and contribute to healing divisions in the community, the members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Northern Samar has approved the local social integration program ordinance No. 8, series of 2011 last July 22, 2011 and was signed by Gov. Paul R. Daza last Aug. 10, 2011.


he ordinance has three components namely: the community awareness and acceptance, the force and arms management and the socio-economic intervention.

The socio-economic intervention provides former rebels’ access to economic and social opportunities. It includes capability building and skills training, livelihood and employment opportunities and education assistance, the The community awareness and ordinance reflected. acceptance aims to ensure awareness and The ordinance also provides program acceptance of the program and generate benefits like immediate assistance allowance of support from the community while the force Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) while and arms management involves the undergoing the process requirements for the registration, collection, valuation and grant of Socio-Economic Interventions. destruction of firearms ammunitions and Likewise, the ordinance will provide explosives. It will also ensure the security of assistance in goods or financial resources, former revels in all phases of the program to be determined by the Northern Samar implementation.

Social Integration Committee (NSSIC) after completing his/her training on livelihood skills development facilitated by the program. Healing and reconciliation for comprehensive psycho-social services for former rebels, their families and communities to enable them to reconnect with each other and build their lives together were also included in the ordinance. The NSSIC and its sub-committee will take the lead in the implementation of the program and shall formulate the necessary implementing rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of the ordinance.

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