Vol I
November 21—27, 2011
Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8
Issue 13
Construction of PNoy’s 'Peace & Prosperity Roads' in Samar ongoing
T Col. Perfecto Peñaredondo, Exec. Asst. of USEC. Benito Ramos of the NDRRMC delivers the message in behalf of USEC Ramos during the Regional Awarding Ceremonies of the Gawad Kalasag held Nov. 24, 2011 in Iloilo City (PIA 6) More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…
DPWH District Engineers of Cebu Province convene to discuss strategies on the hiring of Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries as labor workers, held in DSWD-7 Regional Office, Cebu City. (PIA-7) More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…
ACLOBAN CITY Leyte, Nov. 22 (PIA) - The construction works for the “Peace and Prosperity Roads,” a road project initiative. Of President Benigno S. Aquino to solve insurgency problems in Samar Island, are now ongoing, according to Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Region 8 Director Rolando Asis. Director Asis identified the five “Peace and Property Roads” that will connect the hinterlands in this part of Samar Island, as the 35 kilometers San Isidro –Lope de Vega Road; the 9.8 kilometer Bangkerohan_Galutan-Imelda-Hinatad-McKinley Road; the 20 kilometer Trujillo-Duran-Gemaraganan Road; the 12.1 kilometer Polangi-Gebulwangan-QuezonTrangue-Mabini Road; and the 13.5 kilometer Colab-og -Lugib-Buenasuerte-Pasabuena-Maxvilla Road. As of November 2011, the construction/ r e h ab i li t a t i on o f t h e 1 2. 1 ki l o m e t e r Polangi-Gebulwangan-Quezon-Trangue-Mabini Road project is now ongoing with a total funding of P50 million. Also ongoing is the construction and rehabilitation of the second component, the 20 kilometer Trujillo-Duran-Gemaraganan Road, Bobon road project with a funding of P50 Million, Director Asis continued. Meanwhile, the upgrading of the 13.5 kilometer Colab-og-Lugib-Buenasuerte-Pasabuena-Maxvilla Road with a funding of P50 million, has been bid out and is also ongoing. Furthermore, the construction and improvement of the 35 kilometers San Isidro –Lope de Vega Road, with a funding of P99 million and the construction and i mp ro v e men t of th e 9 . 8 kil o me t e r Bangkerohan_Galutan-Imelda-Hinatad-McKinley Road, with a funding of P75 million, which are being undertaken by the DPWH Regional Office, are also ongoing. The DPWH in close coordination with the Regional Offices of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the Department of Labor and Employment has adopted a community based employment program of hiring unskilled and skilled workers from the local community where the projects are located, Director Asis added. (PIA-8)
PIA chief graces 2011 College Press Conference and Awards by Elsa S. Subong
LOILO CITY, Nov. 25 (PIA) –- Philippine Information Agency Director General Atty. Jose A. Fabia was the the guest of honor during the 2011 College Press Conference (COPRE) and Awards, November 25 at the Iloilo Grand Hotel. Over 300 student editors and writers from colleges and universities in the region came together to vie for major publication awards and writing contests. PIA-6 Director Atty. Janet Mesa said this event is a yearly activity conducted by the PIA and is a platform for student publications to be channels of development issues and government programs. Director Fabia challenged the student writers to continue to search for the truth. He said that student writers should help promote not only the tourist destinations but all things about Western Visayas. Acc ording to the Direc tor General, community participation is important so that government knows the problems of the people and that it acts on it. He also led in the awarding of Best Campus B logge r s, a joint pr oje c t with Sm ar t Communications, where student writers use the journ.ph platform to upload campus and community news. The COPRE‟ 11 events included writing contests in the morning until early afternoon, followed by the Mr. and Ms. COPRE 2011 Pageant, and the awarding ceremonies. (ESS/PIA-Iloilo)
Cebu to house the country's 1st cyber crime lab by Fayette C. Riñen
Environmental Management Bureau 8 – Environmental Education and Information Section head Maribel Munsayac (center) talks on Clean Air Month, Climate Change Consciousness Week and Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 during the Suruswerte ha PIA radio program aired live over DYVL Aksyon Radyo, Shown in photo are (l-r) program host PIA regional director Olive Tiu with co-hosts Jimmy Angay-angay and Manny Maaño. (PIA-8/Vino R. Cuayzon)
More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...
EBU CITY, November 24 (PIA) -- The country's first cyber laboratory and training center will be set up in Cebu before the year
ends. Cebu Governor Gwen Garcia and Police Director Samuel Pagdilao Jr., chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), led the groundbreaking ceremonies for the construction of the laboratory and training center. The Cebu Provincial government will shoulder the P 1.2 million construction cost of the building, which will be completed by the end of December. Pagdilao said that with the establishment of a modern cyber laboratory, the CIDG will be the leading government unit capable of investigating internet-related crimes like cyber prostitution, internet fraud and illegal online gambling.
Equipment for the CIDG‟s cyber lab came from a P2 million grant of the United States Diplomatic Security's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATAP), Pagdilao said. These include mobile forensic equipment such as servers, software and other utilities. “Many of the foreign mafias involved in cyber crime are aware of the present organizational and technical incapability of the country‟s law enforcement agencies. The situation has inevitably made the country a safe haven for cyber crime operators involved in cyber pornography, cyber sex den, illegal gambling, credit card fraud and identity theft,” he said. The cyber lab will provide law enforcement units and investigative agencies with digital forensic capability, according to Pagdilao. The CIDG chief thanked Garcia for her efforts to augment the CIDG's capability to fight criminality in Cebu and in the Western Visayas region. (PIA-Cebu with PNP-CIDG PR)
WV nutrition awardees recognized by Lilibeth A. French
ILOILO CITY, Nov. 23 (PIA) -- The Nutrition Congress 2011 held Nov. 23 was highlighted by the recognition of nutrition awardees. Some 700 nutrition and health workers in Western Visayas gathered for the said event.
he municipality of Jordan, Guimaras was adjudged as Outstanding Municipality in the region and the recipient of the Municipal Green Banner Award for the province of Guimaras for year 2010. Jordan topped the 2010 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Local Level Plan Implementation of the nutrition programs of local government units in the region. Another Municipal Green Banner awardee was the municipality of Lezo, Aklan. The award was given to LGUs for their outstanding performance in the man-
agement of their nutrition programs. Mila Bico of Bago City was hailed as the 2010 Regional Outstanding Barangay Nutrition Scholar in recognition for her outstanding performance in the delivery of nutrition and health services in her barangay. She won P8,000, a trophy and a certificate of recognition. Als o, r ecog n iz ed w ere the Outstanding BNS in the six provinces of the region and in the cities. . Sipalay; and Roselyn Lansangan of Victorias. Aside from the giving of recognition and award, updates on health and nutrition were also discussed.
In his message, DOH 6 Director and Regional Nutrition Council Chair Dr. Ariel Valencia discussed the “Kalusugan Pangkalahatan: Aquino Health Agenda”. NNC 6 Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator Nona Tad-y presented the Integrated Action for Hunger Alleviation and Improved Nutrition program while DOH 6 Family Health and Nutrition Program Head Dr. Salvacion Dela Cruz gave an Overview of the Community Health Team (CHT): Its Implication to Nutrition Improvement.JCM/LAF/PIA-Iloilo)
DOLE launches job-site in Antique by Pilar S. Mabaquiao
SAN JOSE, Antique Nov. 22 (PIA) -- The Department of Labor and Employment has launched the PhilJobNet Café at Advance Central College in San Jose, Antique.
eg i on a l D i r ect or C r i s p i n Dannug, Jr. of DOLE Region 6 led the ceremony with Mayor Rony Molina of San Jose, Director Laura Villarico of DOLE Antique and Rani Rodriguez, President of Advance Central College (ACC). Dannug commended the management of the ACC for allowing the Phil-JobNet Café to be housed in their facility where online computers are available for use of their students and other Antiqueño jobseekers. PhilJobNet is a government website containing job vacancies, job offerings or
employment opportunities, schedule of job fairs, among others. Job seekers can open the website and apply for jobs as well as employers can post job vacancies. Rodriguez in response said, the opening of Phil-JobNet café at the ground floor of a six-storey building of ACC is their way of providing Antiqueños the opportunity to find jobs here and abroad which will eventually uplift their families. During the program, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed by Mayor Molina, Regional Director Dannug
and Rodriguez for the sustainability of the project. Likewise, Dannug challenged the Public Employment Service Officers of the different local government units, province, and municipalities to make Phil-JobNet café available in their respective offices. In addition, he encouraged local employers to participate and register in the Philippine job system so that local jobs can be made available through the Phil-JobNet. (JCM/PSM/PIA6 Antique)
2011 Outstanding Cooperatives in Capiz recognized by Alex A. Lumaque
ROXAS CITY, Capiz, Nov. 21 (PIA) -- Four cooperatives in Capiz received the Outstanding Cooperative award given out by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) – Capiz during the culmination of this year’s Cooperative Month celebration last Nov. 18 at the Capiz Gym here.
h e M a a yon D ev el op m en t Cooperative (MDC) bested three other contenders for the award which highlighted the celebration. MDC received a trophy and P10,000 cash.
T h e oth er a w a r de es w er e Mambusao Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc., President Roxas Economic Development Cooperative and Jagnaya Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc. (JMPCI) in Jamindan town.
The celebration hosted by the Roxas City government was attended by more than 1,000 cooperative workers and local government officials. (JCM/AAL/PIA 6 Capiz)
18-day campaign to end violence against women culminates with whistle-blowing by Elsa S. Subong
ILOILO CITY, Nov. 21 (PIA) -- An 18-day campaign to end violence against women (VAW) will culminate with a simultaneous blowing of whistles on December 12, at eight o’clock in the morning.
he Ugsad Gender and Resource Center (Ugsad) Chair Professor Evelyn Alobba said campaign organizers are taking the whistle as as symbolic device to show their unity in preventing VAW, in speaking against VAW and in supporting VAW survivors. Ugsad, a multi-sectoral group rallying for the promotion and protection of
women‟s rights, is joining the international 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, starting November 25December 12, 2011. Alobba said the 2011 campaign to end VAW focuses on information dissemination about anti-VAW laws, and the different programs and services of government and non-government agencies to address the needs of VAW
survivors. As a practical emergency device the whistle is handy and can be easily carried around, more attention grabbing than shouting, and helpful for women who cannot speak. The Ugsad members are still finalizing local activities for the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW. (JCM/ESS/PIA-Iloilo)
CEI holds forum on wildlife conservation by Easter Anne D. Doza
NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Nov. 22 (PIA) -- The Center for Environmental Initiatives recently held a forum on the conservation status of endemic and threatened wildlife in Negros at the Provincial Capitol.
isa Marie Paguntalan, director for Field Operation of the Philippine B i od i v e r s i t y C on s e r v a t i on Incorporated was invited to talk about the endemic and threatened wildlife of the Negros Island as part of the celebration of the Wildlife Month. Paguntalan, who gave a situationer on the bounty of wildlife species endemic only to the Philippines told members of the CEI that there is no actual data on wildlife species since 1998.
In her presentation, Paguntalan urged stakeholders to improve protected areas system, implement existing legislation, conduct effective advocacy, awareness and education programmes, conduct local capacity building, personnel training and enact longer term-strategies for wildlife conservation and protection. Meanwhile, Provincial Environment Management Office Head Atty. Aleta Nuñez said Wildlife Month is being celebrated to heighten awareness and hope-
fully generate commitment from stakeholders and the local government units. “At the end of the day, it is the barangay captains, the mayors and the governors who have the influence over their constituents,” Paguntalan added referring to biodiversity conservation efforts.* (JCM/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)
Aklanon men lead fight to eliminate VAWC by Venus G. Villanueva
KALIBO, Aklan, November 24 (PIA) -- A group of Aklanon men here is leading the fight to eliminate olence Against Women and Children (VAWC).
he group, Men Opposed to V i ol en ce Ag a in st Wom en Everywhere (MOVE), is leading this year‟s observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women in the province, in partnership with the Aklan Gender and Development Commission (AGADC). With the theme “UNITE: End VAW Now," the campaign will begin on Nov. 25 and will end on Dec. 12. The campaign will be capped on
December 12 with the Forum for Youth on Anti-Human Trafficking. Aklan Governor Carlito Marquez, honorary chair of MOVE Aklan, said the number of VAWC cases in Aklan is still alarming. Based on the records of the Philippine National Police Aklan Women and Children Protection Desk (WCPD), a total of 411 cases of abuse from January to November 12 of this year had been recorded.
On that same report, it was shown that that the town of Kalibo and the island of Boracay had the most number of cases. For his part, MOVE-Aklan Chapter President Franklin Quimpo said that while they continue to reach out to the men and other local government units and communities, the fight to eliminate VAW should be upheld by all sectors. (JCM/VGV PIA 6 Aklan)
Cebu City to send delegates for animal welfare expo in US by Amor Saludar
CEBU CITY, November 24 (PIA) -- Cebu City Government - Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF) Chief Dr. Alice Utlang said selected 40 barangay captains will participate in an animal welfare expo and observation of the proper control of animal population in Las Vegas next year.
he Humane Society International (HSI) will shoulder all the expenses, Utlang said. She said the HSI has already rendered a lot of contributions to the Philippines‟ pursuit of educating the public on the humanitarian treatment and how to take care of animals. The said group already conducted a free training to the various veterinarians
from the different local government units in the country so that they will be taught on the modern techniques and ways on animal raising and taking care of animals. The DVMF chief said Cebu City has already adopted the proper measures of hunting stray dogs around the city with the use of a net. Utlang said that HSI Director Kelly Omeara is set to visit Cebu this coming
November 29 to observe the projects undertaken by the City pertaining to the proper treatment and proper animal raising. The HSI director will also pay a courtesy call on Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama and will announce other projects. (FCR/AS/PIA-CEBU)
Paralegal system effective in anti-rabies campaign by Rey Anthony Chiu
TAGBILARAN CITY, Bohol, Nov 24 (PIA) -- The Bohol Rabies Prevention and Elimination Program (BRPEP) allows the community participate in a creative dog population control mechanism, said Dr. Stella Marie Lapiz, program coordinator for animal rabies.
t the meeting with the Galing Pook (GP) Awards validation team led by Professor and former Labor Secretary Nieves Confesor, BRPEP members said no one is exempt from complying with the anti-rabies ordinance. Confesor, who is also the GP executive director came to Bohol to validate the BRPEP as official Bohol entry to the 2011 awards that recognize innovations in governance. According to Atty. Abeleon Damalerio, Bohol legislator and agriculture committee chair, the creative use of paralegal forms in implementing the ordinance to communities, could make BRPEP a one of a kind innovation in the country‟s unified effort too make rabies‟ threat irrelevant. While there is a national law on rabies, Bohol passed much earlier a provincial rabies ordinance and devised a
system that made it easy for dog owners to comply with mandatory registration and vaccination of dogs. The BRPEP includes a successive vaccination program to make other dogs immune from the disease, explained Dr. Stella Marie Lapiz, who is also Bohol provincial veterinarian. She explained that the only way to get this done is to register and consequently vaccinate all dogs and isolate them from the stray dogs. The provincial ordinance provides that stray dogs should be kept in dog pounds where they are “eliminated” if not claimed by owners within three days, the vet explained during the meeting. Anybody who sees a stray dog can fill up a form and tick his complaint, added Atty Damalerio.
In rural communities, most people know the dog owners, so filing the complaints is easy. When this is formally submitted to the Bantay Rabies sa Barangay, the anti-rabies team in the village would immediately issue notice of violations to presumed owners. The owners may then decide either to get back the dog, have it register and immunized; or, sign a waiver so the BRB can initiate dog catching. There was a case where the complaint against a rich dog-owner got elevated to the higher courts as he refused to get his dog registered, Damalerio said. In most cases, the paralegal system is able to resolve cases before it even reaches the higher courts, making the said system effective in resolving cases such as these, the lawyer legislator said.
Valencia Rural Bank closes; PDIC holds depositors forum by Jennifer Catan-Tilos
CEBU CITY, Nov 21 (PIA) -- The Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (MB-BSP) placed Valencia Rural Bank under receivership of the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) by virtue of MB Resolution No. 1702 dated November 17, 2011.
DIC Executive Vice President, Cristina Orbeta said PDIC on November 18, 2011 took over the assets, records and affairs of Valencia Rural Bank in order to safeguard the interest of its depositors, and creditors as mandated under Republic Act No. 7653. With this turn of events, a Depositors‟ Forum will be conducted tomorrow November 22 at the Valencia
gymnasium at 9:00 a.m., Valencia, Negros Oriental to inform depositors of the process for filing deposit insurance claims and the requirements. Vice President Orbeta said PDIC tries to respond to the extent possible to queries regarding deposit insurance and claim forms will also be distributed during the forum. Initially, after the forum each depositor may be asked to submit the
following minimum requirements such as the duly accomplished claim form and claim status sheet, original evidence of deposit such as saving passbook or certificate of time deposit and enlarged and clear photocopies of two (2) valid photo bearing, identification of documents (IDS) with signature of the depositor. (PIA/JCT)
PNP NegOr reports higher accomplishment this year
by Rachelle M. Nessia
DUMAGUETE CITY, Nov. 23 (PIA) -- The provincial police office in Negros Oriental has reported a higher accomplishment on its fight against illegal drugs between January to November this year compared to the same period last year.
ecords from the Negros Oriental Pr o v i n c i a l P ol i c e O f f i ce (NOPPO) show that the Provincial Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Force (PAIDSOT) conducted a total of 109 drug-related operations since January up to November this year. This is 56 operations higher compared to PAIDSOT‟s accomplishment in the same period last year, said Provincial Police Director P/SSupt. Edward Carranza. Said operations resulted to 138 drug personalities arrested, of which 162 cases were filed in court for violation of Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Last year‟s operations led to only 61 drug arrests and 81 cases filed for the same period. The provincial police force has been carrying out the anti-drug operations in the province in coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), which is the lead government agency in the campaign to stamp out illegal drugs in the country. “It is actually PDEA and not the Philippine National Police that takes the lead role in the fight against illegal drugs. We just extend a support role to them since human resource is a problem in PDEA,” said Carranza during a recent forum held at Bethel Guesthouse, Dumaguete City.
PDEA‟s office here only has seven total personnel covering the entire province, said local PDEA Provincial Director Rayford Yap in the same forum. Aside from the police, local operatives from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) are also assisting PDEA during anti-drugs operations. A total of 390 persons are currently on the watch list of the authorities, of whom 273 were tagged as pushers and 117 as pushers. Carranza added that 16 more newly-identified drug personalities have recently been added to said list. (RMN/PIA Negros Oriental)
DOH launches ComPack in Siquijor by Rizalie A. Calibo
SIQUIJOR, Nov. 23 (PIA) -- The Department of Health (DOH) recently launched in Siquijor the Complete Treatment Pack Program (ComPack), a medicine access program designed to benefit the Pantawid Pampamilya Pilipino Program beneficiaries.
iquijor is one of the pilot provinces in Region 7 for this program and the towns of Enrique Villanueva, Maria and Lazi are the target beneficiaries. DOH-7 Regional Director Susana Madarieta and her staff graced the formal launching which was also attended by parent leaders from the pilot towns. Also present during the event were Congressman Orlando Fua Sr., Governor Orlando Fua Jr., SP member Arturo Pacatang, the municipal mayors of Lazi, Maria, Enrique Villanueva and San Juan, provincial health officials headed
Dr.Redempta Cortes and other line agencies. DOH-7 regional director Susana Madarieta said the Compack is a complete regimen access to cure the top most common diseases in the country such as diabetes, hypertension, diarrhea, pneumonia and other common diseases known to have contributed to increasing morbidity and mortality and high out-of-pocket spending for medicines and health services to majority of Filipinos. The program targets families enrolled under the DSWD‟s Pantawid Pamilya
program. According to Madarieta, household-beneficiaries shall receive full DOH subsidy for medicines under the following conditions: they must have a DSWD ID No; must be registered in a rural health unit (RHU) under the Conditional cast Transfer (CCT) program; and must adhere to the treatment regimen and comply with the follow-up schedules as advised by the physicians. (PIA-Siquijor/rac with reports from Inacher A. Abatayo)
DOLE releases P559,000 to associations in Siquijor by Rizalie A. Calibo
SIQUIJOR, Nov. 23 (PIA) -- The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in Siquijor province recently released P559,000 to three associations in the province namely the Basac Women’s Association, Canlambo Women’s Multi-Purpose Cooperative and the Lazi Bay Worker’s Association.
asac Women‟s Associati on received P230,000 for its squash noodles production enhancement, w h i l e C a n l a m b o M u l t i - P u r p os e Cooperative got P160,000 for the training cum production and skills upgrading on quilted items. Lazi Bay Worker‟s Association, on the other hand, received P169,000 and it was the first association in the province that was granted under the Worker‟s Income Augmentation Program (WIN-AP) of DOLE, Information Officer Jerome Alam said.
Alam said these associations have undergone proposal writers‟ workshop in Dumaguete City to equip them with the skills needed in making project proposals. He added they are all accredited by the project management team from DOLE regional office. Meanwhile, DOLE will grant financial assistance to three more associations before this year ends. These are the Siquijor Association of Food Entrepreneurs, Poblacion Women‟s Asso-
ciation in Siquijor town, and the Triple M Farmer‟s Association in Lazi. Alam said the DOLE‟s assistance is one of the government‟s many ways of helping the people and bringing them closer to the government. He said several opportunities are still open to other interested organizations and he encouraged them to submit proposals and to avail of the programs. For further inquiries, please visit the DOLE Office at Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor. (PIA-Siquijor/rac with reports from Inacher A. Abatayo)
PhilHealth – SoLeyte mulls drug consignment to ensure availability by ES Gorne
MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Nov. 23 (PIA) - The Philippine Health Insurance (PhilHealth) – Southern Leyte has been working closely with the provincial government of Southern Leyte to consider drug consignment to ensure availability of drugs and medicines to its members.
In order to ensure availability of drugs and medicines to PhilHealth members right at the hospital, the office is closely working with the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Committee Chair on Health for the provincial government to consider the drug consignment with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM),” PhilHealth Service Office – Maasin City Head Misael Paigan said during the “Action Center” MCTV program at Senior Citizen
Center this morning. Paigan said the provincial government has been considering such system in order to come up strategies to address the most pressing problems in government hospitals such as inadequacy of medicine and drugs. Paigan said he is hopeful that strategy will address the medicines and drugs availability in the hospitals and nonhospital facilities in order to provide quality services from PhilHealth and other
stakeholders for the welfare and health of the people. In addition, Paigan revealed that in Southern Leyte, PhilHealth has accredited 6 government hospitals, 5 private hospitals and for the non- hospital facilities - 18 Rural Health Units for the Out-Patient Benefit Package, 12 RHUs for the Tuberculosis Directly Observed Treatment Short course (TB-DOTS) and 15 health facilities for the Maternal Care Package.(PIA-Southern Leyte)
Tray method mussel farms yield close to Php 200T worth of partial harvest by Ninfa B Quirante
CATBALOGAN, Samar, Nov 21 (PIA) -- Partial harvest from the tray method of mussel culture in Samar towns netted close to Php 200 thousand.
his was revealed by Samar provincial fishery officer Rolando Ay-ay in an interview. He added that these mussel farms were „planted‟ in March this year and should at least be grown for seven to eight months to have achieved maximum growth. Among the mussel farms, it was Villareal that yielded the most at 128 sacks equivalent to Php 38,400.00. The towns of Villareal, Calbiga, Pinabacdao, San Sebastian, Talalora and
Daram are members of the South Maqueda Bay Fisheries Network or (SMBFish Net) which were given assistance by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). They were not only given funding but the technical expertise too, by Emil Cebu, a fishery expert that pushed thee tray method of mussel farming as different from the usual staking method Samar folks have been used to. Tray culture of mussels use bamboo
trays, the tray is either hung between poles of the hanging or stake methods or suspended on four bamboo posts, while staking method is when just planting bamboo posts at the bottom, where mussels cling to. “This is just the start of better production for members of the SMBFish Net being supported by BFAR,” Ay-ay said. PIA learned that more fishery projects have been lined up for the LGU members of the SMBFishNet. (PIA-Samar)
Project BEN relaunched by Alice Nicart
BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, Nov. 21 (PIA) -- Aimed to bring the government closer to the people, Project Barangay Empowerment Network (Project BEN) was launched anew recently by Congressman Ben P. Evardone.
roject BEN 2011: Biyahe para han padayon nga kauswagan is an a dvoca cy of con ver g ence involving the basic sectors, NGOs LGUs and government agencies demonstrating support for a continued and collective effort for development. Together with barangay officials, national agency heads, the city government unit of Borongan and the academe, Rep Evardone relaunched the program at barangay Maypangdan, Borongan, just some 10-minute ride from the city proper where he also inspected the construction of two high school
buildings there. In his keynote speech, Cong. Evardone said the series of special barangay fora, mirror the democratic process of his leadership as he opts to personally consult the barangay leaders in regard to their existing and pressing problems. He added the fora are opportunities for local residents and their officials to get to know the existing programs and projects of national government agencies which local residents could avail of: PHILHEALTH, Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), TESDA, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), National Irrigation Administration (NIA) and others. Each agency head shared their individual presentation. Barangay Maypangdan served as a convergence area of seven other barangays: Balacdas, Libuton, Maybacong, Bayobay, Amantacop, Tabunan and San Pablo, whose concerns of the respective barangay officials were heard by Cong. Evardone. (PIA-Eastern Samar)
24 North Samar LGUs to be covered by 4P’s program in 2012 by Teresita B. Cardenas
CATARMAN, Northern Samar, Nov. 22 (PIA) - The 24 municipalities of Northern Samar will all be covered by the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) come 2012.
his was learned from Alvin Maldos, the 4Ps coordinator during the Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting last Friday at the Governor‟s Conference Room, Capitol Building, Catarman, Northern Samar. M a l dos sa i d th e a ddi ti on a l municipalities (set 5) to avail the services of the program are: Allen with 1,730 beneficiaries; Bobon with 2,222 beneficiaries; Catarman with 6,779 beneficiaries; and San Antonio with 712 beneficiaries. Maldos reported that Northern Samar for 2012 will have a total beneficiaries of 50, 236 with Catarman as the
second to the highest number of beneficiaries in Region 8. 4Ps is a poverty-reduction strategy that provides grants to poor households to improve their health, nutrition and education particularly of children ages 0-14. The program offers a cash grant of P6,000 a year or P500 per month per household for health and nutrition expenses; and P3,000 for one school year or 10 months or P300 per month per child for educational expenses. The cash grants beneficiaries should comply with the following conditions: Pregnant women must get pre-and
post-natal care, and be attended during the childbirth by a skilled trained health professional. Parents or guardians must attend responsible parenthood sessions, mother‟s classes, and parent effectiveness seminars. Children 0 to 5 years old must receive regular preventive health check-ups and vaccines; while children ages 3-5 years old must attend day care or pre-school classes at least 85% of the time; and children 6 to 14 years old must enroll in elementary or high school and attend at least 85% of the time. (PIANorthern Samar)
Tanauan LGU wins 2 awards TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, Nov. 23 (PIA) - The Tanauan Community eCenter of Tanauan, Leyte has been adjudged as the country’s Most Outstanding Community eCenter for this year while Mr. Eugene Ramos, the manager of the Tanauan CeC was proclaimed as this year’s Most Outstanding Community Knowledge Worker.
he awarding was done during the opening ceremonies of the 7 th Kn ow l edg e E x ch a n g e Conference on Community eCenters held on November 22, 2011at Hotel Elizabeth Baguio in Baguio City. The awards were received by Tanauan Mayor Agapito Pagayanan, Jr. and Mr. Eugene Ramos from Undersecretary Louis Napoleon Casambre, Executive Director, ICTO DOST and Engr. Denis Villorente, OIC, NCC, assisted by Cheryl
Ortega, Acting Director, NCC-Field Operations Office For the outstanding Community eCenter, 20 nominations were received but only five were chosen as finalists. From among the five finalists, the grand winner was chosen. This year's set of nominees were evaluated by a panel of judges chaired by Dr. Elizabeth Manugue of the Development Academy of the Philippines. The process of narrowing down the
37 nominations to 20 semifinalists and eventually, 10 finalists was long and extensive. All nominations were truly examples of excellence, diligence and zeal. The Philippine CeC Excellence Awards is a continuing initiative spearheaded by the Philippine CeC Program to recognize the exemplary performances of both CeCs and CeC knowledge workers in the country. (PIA8)
Naval North District is 2011 Biliran provincial meet champ by Rodrigo S. Victoria
NAVAL, Biliran, Nov. 21 (PIA) - After two days of intense sports competition in 14 events with 12 participating athletic delegations of the 2011 Biliran provincial athletic meet, the athletic delegation of Naval North District emerged as champion.
r. Jose Mondido, Head, Task Force on Schools Sports(TFSS) , DepEd-Biliran, revealed that the Naval North District athletic delegation earned 102 points in 14 individual and team sporting events that include athletics, swimming, volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball/baseball, taekwondo, arnis, chess, badminton, table tennis boxing, archery and dance sports. Mondido said that Almeria delegation emerged as first runner-up with 84 points and Caibiran athletic delegation as 2nd runner-up with 74 points. There were 12 athletic delegations composed of elementary and high school students that participated in the 2011 Bili-
ran provincial athletic meet held on November 17 -18, 2011 at the Biliran provincial sports center that include Naval North, Naval South, Almeria, Kawayan, Culaba, Caibiran, Cabucgayan, Biliran, Cathedral School of La Naval, Lightbringer and Naval State University. Meanwhile, the TFSS head said in an interview during the closing ceremonies of the provincial athletic meet on Friday, November 18, that Biliran province will participate in the upcoming Eastern Visayas Regional Athletic Association (EVRAA) meet that will be held in Maasin City on January 29-February 4, 2012. He added that the athletes who qualified to represent the province for the
EVRAA will undergo a one week training either in the 2nd or 3rd week of January next year. He said he is also hopeful that Biliran will again achieve a good place in the over-all standing like in last year‟s EVRAA where the province placed 4th among the 10 athletic delegations usually participating in EVRAA athletic meet. “We will try our best to improve more our standing in next year‟s EVRAA by providing the athletes with the best support. This can also be achieved with the support of the local chief executives and school administrators here in Biliran province” Mondido said. (PIA-Biliran)
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