Vol 2
Issue 23
Fisherfolks' association president Elisandra Almeida thanks the organizers of the Lakad Alay sa Karagatan for the donation which will be used to further develop the Culajao Mangrove Ecological Park in Roxas City. The walk-for-a-cause culminates Ocean Month celebration in Capiz last May 30. (PIA Capiz photo/A. Lumaque)
More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…
Certified Organic Rice Producer and Trader from BIOS Dynamic MPC of Region 12, Romano S. Laurilla Chief Agribusiness, DA-12 , Bai Dido Sum Ama and Chief Agribusiness, DA -7, Cris Lucero (L-R) faces members of Cebu media in a recent Kapihan sa PIA Cebu forum as they invite everyone to come for the FRUITS AND VEGETABLE MARKET ENCOUNTER AND TRADE EXHIBIT at Sm City Cebu Trade Hall. The said event will showcase the different farming products from Region 12 that comprise, Saranggani, South Cotabato and General Santos. (VVV and AS/ PIA-7, CEBU)
More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…
June 4 - 10, 2012
Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8
DOE asks biofuel detractors to prove blend is harmful By Rey Anthony H. Chiu TAGBILARAN CITY, May 30 (PIA) - - The Department of Energy (DOE) said detractors should show proof that biofuel blends in car fuel are harmful to car engines. “You cannot just cast accusations without showing proof of your allegations," Renewable Energy Management Bureau Director Mario Marasigan told non-adoptors of the blended fuels, during the recently concluded Information Education Communication Planning Workshop of the National Bio Fuel Board held on May 21 to 25, at the Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City. The REMB director also pointed out that since the introduction of the alternative fuel blends in diesel and gasoline in 2007, “five years have lapsed and even the old taxis are still running,” he noted. Marasigan further explained that the Philippine National Standards (PNS) tests and certifies the suitability of the fuel blends and the entire mix for brand new cars and old or used vehicles and there have not been any industry repercussions, he said.
“Of course, we have high-end manufacturers who refuse to use biofuel blended diesel or gasoline for their vehicles, but what we know is that the international association of car manufacturers has green-lighted the vehicle’s adaptability to bio-fuels, even without the necessary engine modification,", Marasigan added. Since passing the Biofuel Act of 2006, the law has mandated adding 1% to 2% biodiesel to diesel fuels in pumps all over the country in the first two years after the effectivity of the law. The same also mandates that the blend would be gradually increased to 5% in 2016. For gasoline, the DOE has regularly spot-checked gasoline stations to monitor compliance of the 10% bioethanol content supposedly present in gasoline. The law is in response to the need to wean the country from expensive imported fossil fuel and map the country’s direction in developing, testing and promoting the bio-fuels as indigenous energy resource. (mbcn/rahc/ PIA-Bohol)
Kidney Month promotes awareness, prevention of renal ailments TACLOBAN CITY, LEYTE, June 5 (PIA) -- The month of June is observed all over the country as National Kidney Month by virtue of Proclamation No. 184 issued by then President Fidel V. Ramos in May 1993. Leading the nationwide celebration is the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) which is determined to promote awareness and prevention of kidney diseases among Filipinos. In line with this year’s theme “Ikaw at Ako Panalo sa Malusog na Bato,” various activities are being prepared for the nationwide celebration to include outreach programs, free clinics, team building activities, and mass media information campaigns. Chronic kidney disease is now the 10th leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines, according to the Department of Health. The Philippines as a CKD country has pulled away from being comparable to Southeast Asian neighbors in incidence at 2.6 per 100,000 people in 2003 to 9.75 Filipinos having the disease within that same population as of 2008. Kidney disease is cousin to diabetes and hypertension, and therein lies the roots of nearly 70 percent of the CKD problem as these latter two medical conditions go on a rampage of their own in the Philippines and around the world. Kidney disease is described as a "multiplier," causing death in many people with diabetes and hypertension and increasing a person's risk of suffering a heart attack.
According to the Philippine Renal Disease Registry, diabetes mellitus was responsible for 42 percent of kidney diseases among dialysis patients in 2009. Hypertension, on the other hand, contributed 25 percent, closely followed by kidney inflammation, 20 percent. Kidney disease and kidney failure are important public -health problems because of the increasing prevalence of genetically transmitted diseases like diabetes and hypertension, the two most common causes of CKD worldwide. While it is true that it may not be the No. 1 killer disease among Filipinos, renal disease has its own bizarre way of creeping into a complacent, sedentary population. The Department of the Interior and Local Government has ordered all governors and all city and municipal mayors to fully support the Renal Disease Control Program (REDCOP) of NKTI. These local government executives were tasked to designate provincial city and municipal REDCOP coordinators; conduct fora on Renal Health and Renal Disease Prevention; and spearhead activities to promote renal health. The DOH, through the National Kidney and Transplant Institute and its REDCOP, conducts advocacy campaigns to increase awareness of renal disease prevention and the promotion of renal health. (PIA-8)
Iloilo airport ready for international flights
A handwritten notice on discounts of prices of several school supplies is displayed on top of school supplies sold in one of the store booths in the opening day of the Balik Eskwela Diskwento Fair 2012 held infront of the Naval Gymanasium on June 1. The Balik Eskwela Diskwento Fair 2012 is a joint undertaking of the provincial office of the Department of Trade and Industry in Biliran province and the local government unit of Naval. (rvictoria/PIABiliran)
More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...
By Easter Anne D. Doza ILOILO CITY, June 4 (PIA) -- Transportation Secretary Manuel Roxas III said that the Iloilo Airport is now ready to accept international flights. “The airport is already complete, what we need are international flights,” Roxas said in a press conference held during the closing ceremony of the 1st International River Summit. President Benigno S. Aquino III also attended the said event. Roxas added that the President ordered an open skies policy so that local airports can accommodate direct flights from Korea, Singapore, Bangkok. Meanwhile, President Aquino revealed that the average tourist arrival in the country per year is three million. “For the first quarter of the year there was an average of 400,000 tourist arrivals in the country,” Aquino added that there is a need to strengthen tourist arrivals in the country. “We are hoping for 10 million tourists this year,” Aquino added. The President was in Iloilo City recently to grace the closing ceremony of the three-day 1st
International River Summit and to witness the launching of the P11.2-billion Jalaur River Multi-Purpose Project II which is considered to be the first large-scale reservoir dam outside Luzon. Roxas considered the international summit as one great step so Iloilo City will be known as an international conference site.*(JCM/EAD-PIA 6, Negros Occidental)
NSO seeks support, assistance of village in mapping project MANGO (Mangifera indica), GUIMARAS
By Lilibeth A. French
ILOILO CITY, June 6 (PIA) -- The regional office of the National Statistics Office (NSO) in Western Visayas is asking the support and assistance of village officials to ensure the smooth conduct of the ongoing mapping project in the barangays of the region.
We are again soliciting the assistance of our barangay officials in identifying landmarks and boundaries in their respective barangays and for the safety of our field workers as we implement the mapping project,” said Arleen Bagoning, Statistician II of NSO 6. Bagoning said some 95 map data collectors and processors were hired and deployed in different barangays of the region to undertake the mapping activities in five months time. Of the total number, nine were assigned in the province of Aklan, 10 in Antique, 11 in Capiz, three in Guimaras, 40 in Iloilo, and 22 in Negros Occidental.
The mapping project aims to produce digitized maps at the barangay/ Enumeration Area level using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. “Mapping is an integral part of a census or survey operation to ensure the complete coverage of an area and avoid duplication. Enumerators and supervisors use barangay and EA maps to plot households and to sketch important landmarks and area features. It is therefore necessary that maps are complete and they must conform to the standard set by the office,” said Bagoning.
The NSO intends to map all barangays/EA nationwide through the project. To date, some 3,288 barangays have digitized maps, 19,524 barangays have high resolution Google Earth images which will have to be digitized and 19,114 barangays have no high resolution Google Earth which will be mapped using the Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. Bagoning said all the field workers have undergone training using the GIS and GPS receivers. (JCM/LAF-PIA 6)
Kalayaan job fair to mark local Independence Day celebration By Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. ILOILO CITY, June 7 (PIA) -- The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office 6 and in partnership with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) Iloilo Chapter will conduct a job fair dubbed “Kalayaan Job Fair” on June 12 to mark the 114th anniversary of Philippine Independence Day.
reparations for the activity were laid down at a multi-sectoral meeting held on June 5 at Sarabia Manor Hotel, this city. As of date, 60 companies have signified their intention to participate in the job fair, which will be held at Marymart Mall here from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.. The jobs offered by said companies are for foreign and local placements including those for the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector. The regional multi-sectoral committee overseeing the event advised
applicants to register beforehand with the city and provincial Public Employment Service Offices (PESO) so that their qualifications can be matched with the available jobs offered by participating employers or companies. Concerned national government agencies including DOLE, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Commission on Higher Education
(CHED), and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) are part of the committee overseeing the event. A program will be held to formally open the program with DOLE Regional Director Ponciano Ligutom, City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog, and Gov. Arthur Defensor Sr. as guests of honor. The theme of this year’s Independence Day celebration is “Kalayaan: Pananagutan ng Bayan para sa Tuwid na Daan” (Freedom: The Accountability of a Sovereign Nation of Responsible Citizenry). (JCM/JSC-PIA 6)
Malinao town gets fund for bamboocraft By Venus G. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, June 6 (PIA6) -- A total of P571,150 was released recently by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to the municipality of Malinao, Aklan for the Enhanced Pre-Treated Bamboo slats and Bamboocraft Production project.
ccording to DOLE-Aklan, the town of Malinao has good potential for the development of bamboocrafts and furniture industry because it is one of the top three municipalities in Aklan with abundant bamboos. Based on DOLE records, Malinao has 2,000 hectares planted to bamboo. The
livelihood grant from DOLE was released after the municipality sought its help to explore the many uses of bamboo and to create employment in the community. The bamboo enhancing project has 135 beneficiaries that include 115 farm workers and 20 students and unemployed graduates of Malinao School for Philippine Craftsmen that specialize on
bamboocraft. The release of the livelihood grant to the municipality represented by Malinao mayor Wilbert Ariel Igoy was facilitated by DOLE Assistant Regional Diriector Dax M. Villaruel with Aklan Field Office Head Vidiolo Salvacion. The project implementation started May 28. (JCM/VGV- PIA 6, Aklan)
KAMUNSIL (Pithecellobium dulce), ILOILO
Agencies sign protocol on unified forest law enforcement By Easter Anne D. Doza
BACOLOD CITY, Negros Occ., June 6 (PIA) -- A protocol on unified forest law enforcement was signed by representatives of various concerned agencies that will further protect and preserve the Northern Negros Natural Park (NNNP).
egros Occidental Governor Alfredo G. Marañon, Jr. led the signing of the protocol with the mayors of the 11 local government units covered by the NNNP, Negros Occidental Provincial Police Office (NOPPO) Director Col. Allan Guisihan representing the Philippine National Police, and 303rd Infantry Brigade Commander Col. Oscar Lactao representing the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The province, the DENR and PNP agreed to observe a common protocol in the conduct of the enforcement operations of Task Force Ilahas, the Bantay Bukid Brigades and the DENR personnel in line with the
incumbent directive of President Benigno S. Aquino through EOs 23 and 26 series of 2011. The protocol will serve as a guide on the step-by-step process and actions to be taken in the enforcement of forestry laws especially within the NNNP. “It is incumbent upon local leaders to protect, conserve and preserve what is left and as much as possible to bring back to the original state if not 50 percent of forest cover since we only have one fifth of the cover left because NNNP forest cover is very important for our food security,” Marañon said urging the leaders from barangay kagawads, barangay captains, representatives of various government and non-government
organizations to the mayors present during the NNNP Management Council m e e t i n g . Me a n w h i l e , P r o v i n c i a l Environment Management Officer Atty. Aleta Nuñez said she hopes that the protocol will be operational after the signing to address the issues raised during the meeting. NNNP has a total land area of 80,454.50 hectares and as of 2001, the forest cover was reduced to only 22,288.81. It is the largest watershed of the Province being the main source of water for 17 municipalities and cities in Central and Northern Negros and home to numerous species of flora and fauna.* (JCM/EAD-PIA6/Negros Occidental)
Antique ready to implement K to 12 By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, June 5 (PIA6) -- It's all systems go for the opening of classes in 460 elementary and secondary schools in Antique.
Teachers, educational stakeholders and schools in particular are eager for the launch of K to 12,” said Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Angelita Ragodo in an interview. This school year is the official year for the opening of K to 12 where Grade 1 pupils will be the first graduate for elementary level while Grade 7 or first year high school would be the pioneer graduate for the senior high school or Grade 12, she explained. Despite some issues that beset its implementation Ragodo assured the students and parents that DepEd is
prepared to launch K to 12 to make the educational system aligned with international standards. In addition, she disclosed that teachers assigned in Grades 1 & 7 both for public and private schools were trained during summer vacation for this purpose. As to teachers, Ragodo admitted that there is a need for more plantilla positions. In the meantime, the local school boards have hired teachers to help meet the desired teacher-pupils ratio. The ongoing school building program particularly supported by Office of the Congressman of the Lone District of
Antique and other local officials has help a lot decongest classrooms in schools where enrollment are high plus the fact that in the last 5-10 years more than five schools were created to meet the increasing number of students in far flung barangays. On the other hand, Ragodo reiterated the call for teachers and school personnel to welcome the students with a smile. This is line with the directive of DepEd to warmly welcome the children with happy faces on the first day of school. (JCM/PSM/PIA6Antique).
Ocean Month gives hope to Capiz fisherfolks By Alex A. Lumaque ROXAS CITY, Capiz, June 7 (PIA6) -- Presidential Proclamation No. 57 issued in 1999 mandates the observance of Ocean Month on May each year.
owever, for members of Katunggan sa Culajao Salbaron Association (KACUSA) in the city’s Barangay Culajao who benefited from the celebration’s Lakad Alay sa Karagatan, the month-long activity is not only for May but gives them hope and livelihood in the succeeding months. The fisherfolk’s association received around P10,000 from the proceeds of the walk-for-a-cause donated by various national government agencies, businessmen, and different private and socio-civic organizations.
KACUSA is helping concerned local government authorities in maintaining the 4.6-hectare Culajao Mangrove Ecological Park which was established in 2006. “Your financial aid will be utilized in the construction of the 220 linear meter catwalk,” said KACUSA President Elisandra Almeida in Hiligaynon. The catwalk, usually made of bamboo, is a pathway that connects the service area to the tree houses and other structures in the park. Almeida added that the association was already earning from the tourists and
visitors until its service area and all the facilities were burned down in 2010. She also thanked the private sectors as well as the City and Provincial Agriculture Offices who helped them recover from the fire incident which stalled their livelihood opportunities. The ecopark, located about three kilometers away is now home to 19 mangrove tree species and seven kinds of birds, 23 shellfishes, 10 mollusks seven fish, and eight insects. It is best for educational tours, family outings, and group fellowships. (JCM/AAL-PIA 6, Capiz)
Cebu LGU’s health services reach remote areas
MANGO (Mangifera indica), CEBU
CEBU CITY, June 1 (PIA) - - The city of Naga in the southern part of Cebu intensified its services and responsibilities to the people by coming up with initiatives that will bring its services closer to the people, particularly in far-flung areas where access to medical services is difficult.
ne of these initiatives is the provision of doctors who will regularly visit barangays every month, a move initiated by Naga City Mayor Valdemar M. Chiong. The mayor said he believes it is more practical to send health practitioners to the villages rather than come up with medical missions in the remote areas of the city. Chiong said that starting this year, all the city’s villages, except Barangays East and Central Poblacion, will have their own
medical doctors who will visit the residents twice a month on specific dates. The City Health Office will handle Barangays East and Central Poblacion. The doctors will conduct thorough assessments of the medical needs of the residents and determine their health problems, recommend and provide medicines, and find ways of enhancing the delivery of health and sanitation services. This move is seen to boost the city’s medical program intended for the poor since the presence of these doctors in the
brarangays also beefs up the work of midwives and nurses assigned in every barangay. “This is our way of touching base with the residents by bringing the doctors right at their doorsteps, so to speak, to ensure our immediate medical response, detection and prevention of disease,” Chiong said. This year, the City Government of Naga earmarked at least P28.5 million for its health and medical programs. (rmn/AS / PIA-7, CEBU with PR from Arnulfo Omani Naga City PIO)
Construction of Dumaguete port berthing dolphins mulled By Rachelle M. Nessia DUMAGUETE CITY, June 2 (PIA) -- Dumaguete City Mayor Manuel Sagarbarria invited Philippine Port Authority (PPA) General Manager Juan Sta. Ana to visit the city to discuss the proposed construction of berthing dolphins at the city port. he mayor said he has invited the He said that if the pier collapses, big needs to be repaired, he said there is a PPA official in his last visit to vessels carrying major goods for the city need to come up with alternative Manila. and the province will not be able to dock solutions to PPA’s proposal. “I expect him to come to Dumaguete at the port. “We cannot just disregard our on the first week of June,” said “Shipments will have to come from environment. We have to come up with Sagarbarria. Cebu, Northern Mindanao or Negros an alternative,” he said. The PPA here is proposing the Occidental and this will cost a lot of The mayor noted the possibility of construction of berthing dolphins, money,” Sagarbarria said, adding that this placing artificial reefs in the area to make structures that assist in the berthing of will lead to artificial inflation since the cost up for the coral reefs that will be damaged vessels to protect the pier from collision of basic goods will go up due to the by the construction of berthing dolphins. with ships, at the Dumaguete City port. increased transport costs. Sagarbarria is hopeful that a more The port’s Pier 1 sustained major PPA’s plan to put up berthing dolphins environment-friendly solution will come damage and is at the risk of collapsing were earlier met with strong opposition up after GM Sta. Ana’s visit in the city. anytime. from local fishermen and environmental “The most important thing is that our “If this happens, it will practically advocates groups due to the possible environment will not be destroyed,” the cripple the whole province of Negros damage on the coral reefs in the area. mayor stressed. (RMN/PIA Negros Oriental,” the mayor said. Although the mayor said the pier Oriental)
DTI, LTO warn motorists of strict helmet law starting
By Rizalie A. Calibo SIQUIJOR, June 1 (PIA) -- Starting August this year, the helmet law will be strictly implemented in the province.
The law is not created to bring discomfort to the riders but to protect them and promote safety," said DTI Provincial Director Nimfa Virtucio as she noted the prevalence of head injuries among motorists resulting from the non-use of standard helmets. Supervising Transportation Regulation Officer Gerald Dominguez likewise said the LTO and the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Siquijor have been intensifying their drive on the use of protective helmet regardless of what standard it is, but starting August this year, they have to comply with the DOTC-DTI joint memorandum order that prescribes the use of standard protective helmets while driving. Dominguez said LTO is mandated to
enforce specific violations on drivers of motorcycles with the corresponding fines and penalties: first offense is P1, 500, second offense, P3,000, third offense, P5,000, and succeeding offenses, P10, 000 and confiscation or suspension of driver's license. The LTO will coordinate with DTI in the proper identification of standard protective helmet markings for roadside enforcement purposes, he also said. Virtucio, on one hand, said drivers who possess non-standard helmets should secure ones that bear Product Standard or PS mark for locally produced helmet, and Import Commodity Clearance, or ICC marks, for the imported ones. “You still have two months to save and
buy new ones,” Dominguez and Virtucio said. Virtucio said the DTI has been conducting mandatory inspection on all helmet suppliers and dealers to ensure and promote the use of standard helmets. She also encouraged buyers to be responsible and report immediately to DTI the sellers of fake or non-standard helmets. Under the law, helmet manufacturers and importers need to secure a PS license or an ICC mark before selling and distributing their products, she said. The forum was attended by motorcycle and habal-habal drivers, PNP personnel, Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and representatives from the two media outlets in the province. (rmn/RAC-PIA 7, Siquijor)
Loay’s income doubles in last 5 years LANKA (Artocarpus heterophyllus), DUMAGUETE CITY
By Rey Anthony H. Chiu
TAGBILARAN CITY, May 30 (PIA) -- Loay town charted an unprecedented 100 percent increase in its local income in the last five years.
ocal observers attributed this to the leadership and administration of its town Mayor, Rosemarie Lim Imboy, who led the local government away from over dependence on national government revenue allotments. Focusing on the town’s money makers and instituting critical reforms led to efficient revenue generation resulting in over P9.6 million city revenues in 2011 from P4.9 million in 2007. Asked how they managed to achieve the phenomenal increase in generated local revenues, Imboy said they focused on the operation of the town’s economic enterprises. According to the lady mayor, who used to lead Bohol mayors in the local league, Loay has successfully sought funds for the construction and operation of its Fish and Commercial Port, a facility that can be seen at the mouth of the
Loboc River. Loay fish and commercial port has netted P233,399.20 in 2011, a far cry from the almost nil revenues the facility generated for the government after commercial boat trips from Loay to Nasipit and Cagayan de Oro, on wooden boats ceased in the late 1970, she pointed out. A town with a freshwater river cutting across it, Loay ironically had a tough time accessing potable water even as the local waterworks system laid out its infrastructure. Under the present administration, Loay Waterworks started earning P1.9 million in 2007, a figure that has long been surpassed when the town has earnings amounting to P3.7M as collected in 2011, the mayor said. With a town market still undergoing rehabilitation, the mayor expects more of the
market’s income coming in after the construction is completed. As the town enjoys the visually beckoning scenic Loboc River which has been a center for eco-tourism activities, Loay also opened its eco-tourism activities centered on the river to help decongest Loboc and at the same time, present work opportunities to its people. From P.4 million income in 2007, Loay has garnered P1.5 Million plus in 2011, from its town bankrolled eco-tourism activities. Other than those, leaders also noted more than a hundred percent increase in its business tax collection, a fact that can be attributed to the Imboy instituted reforms. Moreover, the town’s miscellaneous fees and permits collection also doubled to 1.3million from .6 million in 2007, records show. (mbcn/rahc/PIA-Bohol)
DOST-Siquijor moves to fast-track mosquito trap distribution By Rizalie A. Calibo
SIQUIJOR, June 1 (PIA) -- There is an upsurge in dengue cases in the country and government is addressing this problem with the help of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) which has come up with a mosquito trap technology that is proven to be effective, said DOST-Siquijor Provincial Director Mario E. de la Pena.
owever, de la Pena said science teachers, district supervisors, and principals should first undergo training that will enable them on the School-based Roll-out of the Ovicidal Larvicidal (OL) mosquito trap before getting the technology. He said the school-based roll-out of the OL trap program aims to distribute the DOST OL mosquito trap to approximately 900,000 classrooms in pre-elementary, elementary, and high schools nationwide. He said there are 534 classrooms in the elementary and 148 in secondary schools in the province hoping that all of them would avail of the OL. A training was held in Cebu last February but another division-level training should be
undertaken as soon as possible to fast track the distribution of OL trap in the province, he said. De la Pena said he expected the Department of Education to finish with the training in May so that they will be ready to distribute OL mosquito traps in June, the start of the rainy season. In a DOST press release, entomologist and University of the Philippines Manila public health professor Dr. Lilian de las Llagas, who facilitated the training, said it is important to understand the behavior of Aedes mosquito for the application of necessary control measures like the DOST OL trap. “Only female mosquito bites. They suck blood from the victims from sunrise to sunset.
This makes the OL mosquito trap significant in the school because most of the children, the most vulnerable dengue victims, are in school during this span of time,” Dr. de las Llagas added. “The DOST OL mosquito trap is proven effective, but how we use it makes a big difference. That is why training is very important," stressed Dr. de las Llagas. On the upsurge of dengue cases in the province, Provincial Health Officer Redempta Cortes called on local government units, health units, government hospitals, school officials and communities to actively support various actions against the disease. (rmn/RAC-PIA 7, Siquijor)
Almost 700 individuals in C. Visayas register with PhilHealth By Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, June 4 (PIA) -- More than three months after the launch of PhilHealth’s electronic registration system, 689 individuals in Central Visayas have already availed of the online facility.
hilHealth introduced its e-Registration and Amendment System (eRAS) on its 17th anniversary in February as a convenient alternative for enrolling into the National Health Insurance Program. The online registration program is especially useful for individuals based or assigned in places where the nearest PhilHealth office is still some distance away or those currently based outside the country. The web-based facility caters to individual transactions and accommodates applications for registration of individually paying members (IPM), Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), lifetime members and employees.
Use of the system is free of charge, but enrollees must have their own e-mail address to be able to transact. Supporting documents needed to process the application for registration may also be submitted online or sent via post. Once the registration process is complete, the member’s PhilHealth identification number (PIN), which shall be used for all PhilHealth transactions, will be sent to the member through email. Interested enrollees may visit the PhilHealth’s official website at www.philhealth.gov.ph. Look for Online Services and then Electronic Registration. Click
these options to lead you to the online application form. Upon submission of the online application form, the registrant will receive an email containing the transaction number and instructions on the next steps to complete the registration process. If the registrant opts to send supporting documents via post, the email printout should be attached or the transaction number should be written on the supporting documents. All documents must be received by PhilHealth within 30 days from registering online to complete the application. (FCR/HFG/ PIA-7/PhilHealth)
PHL to export rice next year - Alcala By Rodrigo S. Victoria
BANANA (Musa sapientum ), TACLOBAN
NAVAL, Biliran, June 5 (PIA) -- The top official of the agriculture department said that the country will start exporting rice in the early part of 2013.
griculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala made the announcement before officers of a farmers irrigators association in Biliran province during his visit to the province last May 31. “We will export early next year our Philippine rice to Middle East,” Alcala said. As a caveat, he said the plan may not push thru if typhoons destroy the crops for export. The agriculture department chief named Basmati X rice variety now developed by his department to compete with other top quality export rice being sold in the rice export market. He stressed that this export quality rice variety now developed by his department is a type of organic rice planted in upland.
It was learned that in the rice export market, Basmati rice variety produced by rice exporting country like India, occupies a prime position on account of its extra long superfine slender grains, pleasant, exquisite aroma, fine cooking quality, sweet taste, soft texture, length-wise elongation with least breadth-wise swelling on cooking, and tenderness of cooked rice. Meanwhile, Alcala challenged some 500 farmers and fisher folks who attended a forum held during his visit in Biliran province to be proud as farmers, as he recounted the experiences of the farmers in the second district of Quezon province when he was still the congressman of the district.
He shared to them how the lives of the farmers in his district have drastically changed through farming where some farmers have already their own sport utility vehicle out of the income derived from farming. Alcala recalled that the farmers in his district used to sell only three metric tons per day of agriculture produce at the start of the operation of Bagsakan center established in Quezon province. Presently, they are now selling 100 metric tons per day of agricultural produce in the agricultural trading center of the province, Alcala informed. (PIA-Biliran)
LCDE launches medical, relief mission in North Samar By Neil D. Lopido TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 6 (PIA) -- The Leyte Center for Development (LCDE), a disaster response and development-oriented non-government organization (NGO), spearheaded the launching of a medical, dental, and relief mission to poor villagers in nine interior barangays in Catubig and Las Navas in Northern Samar.
ccording to LCDE executive director Jazmin Jerusalem, the humanitarian mission which was conducted last May 8-13 this year granted free medical, dental services, as well as minor surgery to at least 1,428 patients. The activity has been successful with the assistance of an allied NGO called the Health Empowerment and Action in Leyte and Samar for medicines, medical supplies, and the medical team who rendered services, Director Jerusalem said. Distribution of food packs to some 1,612 families was simultaneously conducted during the medical services as
well as disaster management orientations with barangay officials and constituents to ensure sustainability, she said. Being a public-private partnership endeavor, Jerusalem added that LCDE partnered with government offices and provided capacity building on disaster preparedness, medical personnel, medicines and material resources to realize the mission. Both Catubig and Las Navas towns are reached through an eight-hour drive from Tacloban, the capital city of Eastern Visayas. The communities served are accessible only through a five-hour
motorbanca ride when there’s enough water in the river and a five-hour trek during dry season. The government agencies that took part in the above-said activity included the Department of Social Welfare and Development; Department of Health; Department of Heath Herbal Processing Plant; Department of Public Works and Highways; the Provincial Government of Northern Samar through Governor Paul Daza; Congressman Emil Ong of the 2nd District of Northern Samar; Las Navas Mayor Minda Tan; and Catubig Mayor Fredicanda Dy. (PIA-8/LCDE).
Education officials sign covenant on Public Higher Education Reform 2011-2012 By Ailene N. Diaz CATARMAN, Northern Samar, June 6 (PIA) -- School association and education officials signed a covenant on Philippine public higher education last May 17, 2012.
mong the signatories were University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) President Mar P. De Asis, who also stands as the Vice President for Visayas of the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC); and the Commission on Higher Education together with other presidents of 109 state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines. This was learned from Romula A. Obleopas, in charge of UEP Publication & Media Affairs Office, University of Eastern Philippines.
President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III witnessed the signing of the Roadmap of Public Higher Education Reform 2011-2016, initiated by Patricia B. Licuanan, CHED Chairperson. This roadmap, according to the report, captures President Aquino’s strategies to reform the public higher education in the country. The major objectives of the roadmap are aimed at raising the level of educational outcomes and increasing the social relevance of the SUC’s development functions and expanding access to quality
higher education among lower income and disadvantaged groups. In December 2011, President Aquino approved the additional funding of P4.28 billion in supplemental budget for SUCs, using savings from the 2011 budget. This initiated reform is expected to solve the long-running deficiencies of higher education: the lack of overall vision, framework, and plan; deteriorating quality; and limited access, Obleopas informed. (PIA-Northern Samar)
BEST practice yields 12 new high schools in Samar PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus ), LEYTE
By Ninfa Iluminda B. Quirante CATBALOGAN CITY, June 4 (PIA) -- A new Department of Education (DepEd) program called Barangay Education Strategic Team (BEST) has yielded 12 new high schools in the division of Samar.
ccording to Claire Menda of the DepEd Samar Planning Unit, these 12 new high schools will be opened to serve the rural students who live in rural or far-flung barangays. Last June 4, the program was launched in Cabiton-an High School in the island of Daram, Samar with Division Superintendent Thelma Quitalig in attendance. Other new high schools mentioned are Banquil High in Villareal; Malino High and Casapa High in Jiabong; Pinaplata in Gandara; San Fernando High in Basey;
Anibongan High and Hinangudtan High in Sta Rita, Samar to name some. BEST wants to achieve the Millennium Development Goals for education by involving the local government units in terms of increasing the active participation of parents and the academic communities at large; building local level capacity; and improving the quality of and access to basic education. Quitalig led the conduct of BEST dialogue/consultation with the local barangay folks to build makeshift classrooms in the meantime.
Quitalig sought the help of barangay officials to request LGUs to pay the teachers and tap the local school board fund. Meanwhile, Quitalig also shared that for those barangays with incomplete elementary schools, the same scheme on simple structures and school boards are being worked out. “BEST is a partnership with the barangays so that our school children will have access to education in remote areas,” Quitalig said. (PIA-Samar)
Maasin City gets DOH's Red Orchid Hall of Fame Award By Ma. Rebecca G. Cadavos MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, June 2 (PIA) -- The city government of Maasin was inducted into the Hall of Fame after winning three consecutive years of the Department of Health's (DOH) Red Orchid Awards 2012 for the effective implementation of the 100 percent tobacco-free environment in a ceremony held at the Philippine Trade Training Center in Pasay City, May 29.
ity Mayor Maloney Samaco during the regular “Maasin City in Action” program over radio station DyDM, disclosed that the health department recognized local government units, including government offices and hospitals, that are implementing 100 percent- tobacco-free environment. He reported that LGUs given distinction are Davao City from Davao Region; Legazpi City in Bicol; Calauag, from Quezon in Calabazon; Talisayan, Misamis Oriental in Northern Mindanao and Maasin City, Southern Leyte in the Eastern Visayas Region. These LGUs were elevated to the Hall of Fame for the successful implementation of anit-smoking campaign, Samaco added. DOH also
honored 25 other municipalities, six cities, 28 government hospitals, 12 government offices and 11 DOH centers for health development that are proclaimed as Red Orchid awardees for the year. Maasin City delegates who received the awards was led by Mayor Samaco, together with Healthy City Initiatives Team Leader Christopher Plateros who led the anti-smoking campaign throughout the city, City Planning Officer Engr. Othelo Rich, City Health Officer Dr. Francilisa Tan,DOH-Rep Letecia Tan among other city personnel concerning the implementation of smoking ban, the city mayor bared. Aside from the trophies and certificates that will be given to the Hall of
Fame awardees, the awardees will receive a P500,000 project grant to sustain their tobacco control activities, while the LGUs declared as Red Orchid awardees this year will receive an additional P100,000 worth of drugs and medicines to be used during their cessation clinics. MPOWER is an acronym that denotes the six proven tobacco control policies, namely Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies; Protect people from tobacco smoke; Offer help to quit tobacco use; Warn against the dangers of tobacco; Enforce bans on tobacco advertising; and Raise taxes on tobacco. (PIA-Southern Leyte)
KALAHI-CIDSS Cycle-2 continues in Hernani town By Samuel D. Candido BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, June 5 (PIA) -- After successfully completing the first cycle of the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS) program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Hernani local government unit (LGU) is again implementing another batch of infrastructure projects which would benefit 11 of its barangays.
or Cycle 2, the Sub-Project Implementation (SPI) started on January 31; the KALAHI-CIDSS total grant entitlement for Cycle 2 projects is P 8.3 million. Among the approved projects included in the second cycle are: construction of one-room Elementary School Building, construction of pathwalk with grouted rip-rap, sanitary toilets, drainage canal, barangay-based reforestation, and construction of
drainage system. These projects are still on-going. The KALAHI-CIDDS Cycle 2 projects are being implemented in barangays 1, 2, 3, 4, Nagaja, Batang, Garawon, San Miguel, Padang, Cancilides, and Cacatmonan. For this Cycle 2 projects, the KALAHI-CIDDS total grant entitlement is P 5.8 million; the provincial LGU counterpart is P 285,000; the municipal LGU counterpart is P 334,243; and the
barangay counterpart is P 392,906,000 or a total of P 1,012,149 from the LGUs. KALAHI-CIDSS Area Coordinator, Marlon B. Glino said that for Eastern Samar, the CIDSS areas are Sulat, Can-avid, Balangiga, Hernani, Jipapad, Maslog, and San-Policarpo. KALAHI-CIDSS is a government poverty alleviation project being implemented by DSWD. (PIA-Eastern Samar)
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