One Visayas e-Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue 26

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Vol 2

Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8

Issue 26


MARINA 6 Director Mary Ann Armi Arcilla recognizes the importance of Filipino seafarers and their contributions and impact to the country’s economy during a program held at the Iloilo Provincial Capitol Ground to celebrate the Day of Seafarer in Western Visayas on June 25. The activity was attended by maritime government related agencies, maritime schools, shipping companies, motorbanca associations and cooperatives, manning agencies and seafarers' wives and children. (LAF/PIA6)

More on Region 6, pages 2-3. Also CLICK Here…


June 25 - July 1, 2012

PRO-7 to form TWG to study impact of Helmet Law By Fayette C. Riñen CEBU CITY, June 27 (PIA) -- The Police Regional Office (PRO) 7 plans to form a technical working group (TWG) that will study the impact of the Helmet Law. “We will first form a technical working group and see what measures could be recommended on the specifications of the helmet that would also address motorcycle-riding criminals. The recommendations by the body would then be submitted to Camp Crame for any action,” said S/Supt. Orlando Ualat, chief of the PRO 7 Regional Directorial Staff during the monthly ‘Talakayan sa Isyung Pulis’ (TSIP) Forum. Under the law, which will be implemented Aug. 1, motorcycle drivers and their passenger are now strictly required to wear the standard protective gear which the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said should bear the ICC (import commodity clearance) or the PS (Philippine Standards) mark. The full-faced helmet aims to reduce the incidence of motorcycle accidents. However, police officials here said the law could have a slight impact on their anti-criminality drive especially in identifying motorcycle-riding criminals. Although both Mandaue Police Director S/Supt. Noel Gillamac and Cebu Police Director S/Supt. Melvin Ramon Buenafe admitted that still the most effective solution for identification are scientific means such as ballistic exam or fingerprint and also through their tattoos, height, or the plate number of the motorcycle and the type and kind of helmet used.

“There is a need to clarify whether a helmet covering half the face would be acceptable to address the security issue but such a request however, should never compromise the safety of driver and the passenger,” Napolcom 7 public information officer Zandro Ronnie Oriol said in the same forum. Land Transportation Office 7 Regional Director Raul Aguilos earlier said under the law, local government units can request the kind of helmet that would still allow the face of the driver or passenger be seen, where they can still be easily identified, relative to security concerns. Buenafe welcomed the news and said he would bring it up to the Cebu City Police Coordinating Council. On the other hand, Oriol said since it is a national law, it would be better if PRO-7 can work on its recommendations and submit it to the national headquarters which the latter can refer to the DTI. (FCR-PIA7 Cebu)

(Extreme right) ABS-CBN's senior reporter Junrey Nadela asks the police whether the two helmets he presented have passed the standard protective helmet as required by the Helmet Law or Republic Act 10054 during the June 27, 202 TSIP Forum in Cebu City. (PIA-Cebu/JSME)

DILG stamps Seal of Good Housekeeping on 83 more EV LGUs

PRESENTATION. Niño de Santis, Chairman of Aquahol Energy Group in the Philippines present the Best Growing Crops for Fuel Ethanol and by Products during the National Biofuel Board IEC Planning Workshop held recently at the Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City.(PIA-7/HFG)

More on Region 7, pages 4-5. Also CLICK Here…


TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 23 (PIA) -- The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) said that at least 83 more local government units (LGUs) in Eastern Visayas have qualified to receive the agency’s Seal of Good Housekeeping. DILG Region 8 Director Pedro Noval informed that the said LGUs have been added in the first semester of this year in the list of recipients of the SGH award from DILG. This makes a total of 118 LGUs in the region that are fully compliant with the government’s standards of good governance since the inception of Seal of Good Housekeeping Program under the helm of DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo, Noval said. Director Noval said that majority of the LGUs in Eastern Visayas are complying with the requirement of the present administration for transparency and public accountability. Under the said program, LGUs are required to adhere to the Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) and must have no adverse findings from the Commission on Audit (CoA) in order to receive the Performance Challenge Fund from

the government. The FDP requires all LGUs to post their budget and finances, bids, and public offering in government websites, newspapers of general circulation, or in any conspicuous and appropriate places as a way of promoting transparency and accountability. Provinces that comply with these conditions will receive P7 million while cities and municipalities will receive at least P3 million and P1 million, respectively. Noval said that in the Leyte province, 27 towns have passed the standards in the first semester of this year, 15 in Southern Leyte, and 14 in Eastern Samar. He added that 12 LGUs have also qualified in SGH program in Samar, five in Northern Samar, and two municipalities in Biliran province. During the Tapatan Roadshow in the region recently, Robredo awarded P1 million each to seven municipalities in the region. These are the local government units of Alang-alang, Burauen, and Jaro, all from Leyte; Naval, Biliran; Hinunangan, Southern Leyte; Guiuan, Eastern Samar, and Laoang, Northern Samar. (PIA-8)

W. Visayas moves to be premier tourist destination

Balyu-an Rites: An annual celebration where the images of Sr. Sto. Niño of Tacloban City and Basey, Samar are swapped by the local and religious leaders of Basey town and that of Tacloban in time for the city’s fiesta celebration on June 30. (Vino R. Cuayzon)

More on Region 8, pages 6-7. Also CLICK Here...

ILOILO CITY, June 26 (PIA6) -- The Regional Development Council in Western Visayas recently passed three major resolutions to boost the tourism industry here. First, the RDC will work towards making the region a tourism hub. Towards this end, it will formulate an Action Plan for the Tourism Development Areas (TDAs) through a two-day conference-workshop to be conducted by the Department of Tourism. The end goal is to draw ten million tourists by 2016. There are currently four tourism development areas (TDAs) in the region: Metro Iloilo and Guimaras; Bacolod-Silay; Boracay, Northern Antique and Kalibo; and Capiz. The said workshop slated in September will be attended by provincial/city tourism officers, planning/ investment officers, leaders of tourism related

organization, policy makers and tourism stakeholders in Western Visayas. Second is the creation of a permanent position for tourism officers in local government units (LGUs). This is required under Republic Act No. 9593, otherwise known as the Tourism Act of 2009. Many LGUs have yet to create the said position. This has affected tourism promotion efforts, and tourism report generation which is vital in planning. Third, the RDC has called on local government units to develop and market regional products through various strategies, including promotion in tourism sites, major events and local stores. It likewise urged local governments to assist households and communities in producing goods and services needed by tourism-related establishments. This would also mean additional income for families and communities in their areas. (JCM/PIA6)



PhilHealth says no interruption in its benefits MANGO (Mangifera indica), GUIMARAS

By Elsa S. Subong

ILOILO CITY, June 25 (PIA) -- For those enrolled under the Individually Paying Program (IPP) of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (NHIP) for one year, the agency has assured uninterrupted coverage.


PP members are self-employed individual professionals, those who have been separated from employment, employees of international organizations and foreign governments based in the Philippines that have no agreement with PhilHealth for their Filipino employees, and unemployed individuals who do not qualify as indigents. PhilHealth-6 information officer Larry Tabsing said the consistent availment of the benefits is given to those who intend to avail of a two-year lock-in period at an annual rate of P1,200 provided they pay the first premium before July 1. Members who can only pay at least 25 percent, 50 percent, or equivalent annual

premium contribution can also avail, while they must agree with the Individual Policy Contract (IPC) to settle the remaining balance of premium contribution on a quarterly, semi-annual,or annual basis. “It is, however, encouraged that the full premium contribution be made to ensure continuous availment of benefits,” Tabsing said. PhilHealth’s new IPC is a consensual agreement between the agency and its members which guarantees provisions of continuous health benefits to the latter and their dependents within the period. Tabsing said renewal of the IPCs shall be accomplished within the last week of the

validity period and only members who have fully paid the required premium contribution shall be automatically renewed upon payment of the premium for the new validity period. PhilHealth has enhanced string of benefits which members and their dependents can avail of, including regular hospital benefits, special benefit package under the New Case Rates, Benefit package under the Fee for Service Scheme. Moreover, the benefits also cover Outpatient Benefit package, including surgeries, dialysis, cancer treatment procedures, and others such as TB DOTS, SARS, Avian Influenza, and soon to be added Z-benefits for catastrophic cases. (JCM/ESS-PIA6, Iloilo)

Employment reduces poverty - Aklan solon By Venus G. Villanueva KALIBO, Aklan, June 25 (PIA) -- The only way to reduce unemployment and poverty is to give people jobs, says the representative of the lone district of Aklan. Miraflores also said t h e by engaging in livelihood and entrepreneurial ongressman Florencio T. Miraflores “Spesyalistas” were very lucky to receive activities. issued this statement when he delivered branded, good quality tools for their For Aklan, the aggrupations included a message during the Awarding of specialized courses and assured that as the Building/House construction/Repair and Toolkits to 40 aggrupation members of the government is very serious in its promise to Maintenance Services, Appliance and Other Technical Education and Skills Development reduce poverty in the country, he and Electronic Gadgets Repair Services, Beauty Authority (TESDA) Specialista governor Carlito S. Marquez are also doing Care and Wellness Services and Automotive/ Technopreneurship Program held at the their best to prepare the province for bigger Vehicle Maintenance Services. APSTA Function Hall, Kalibo, Aklan on June things, like the increasing needs of the tourism According to TESDA-Aklan Provincial 22. industry. Director Edwin Villanueva, these small and In his talk, Miraflores commended TESDA “The bigger the businesses and tourism, vibrant aggrupations are owned and operated Director-General Joel Villanueva for the bigger the need for more specialized skills,” by the members themselves and nurtured by conceptualizing a program with specializations Miraflores said. TESDA with the collaboration of the LGUs, in various fields. The TESDA S p e c i a l i s t a NGOs, NGAs, and some tech-voc institutions “You are very fortunate because the Technopreneurship Program (TSTP) was of Aklan. government, under President Benigno S. implemented by TESDA-Aklan Provincial Office TESDA’s nurturing mechanism, Villanueva Aquino, has a program to give you the on February this year, a flagship program of said, includes the provision of basic tools to necessary skills to be productive citizens of the TESDA DG Joel Villanueva and funded by the start their own business as self-employed country. This time, the government preferred Office of the President under the Training for individuals. to give you specialization courses to prepare Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). Also present during the awarding of tool you for your jobs or businesses,” Miraflores Under the program, TESDA-trained and kits were governor Carlito Marquez, TESDA-6 told the 40 “Spesyalistas” after receiving their certified workers (holders of National OIC Regional Director Yolanda Porschwitz, respective toolkits for use in practicing and Certificates) were organized into aggrupations Altavas Mayor Denny Refol and other performing their skills obtained through towards a productive undertaking of helping municipal officials. (JCM/VGV-PIA6 Aklan) TESDA trainings. themselves and their respective communities


Capiz IOs to set up blogsite to disseminate info By Alex A. Lumaque ROXAS CITY, Capiz, June 26 (PIA) -- The Capiz Association of Government Public Information Officers, Inc. (CAGPIO) through the help of the Capiz Provincial Press Bureau (CPPB) is setting up an online blog site as additional venue for its information dissemination activities.


he blog site and a Facebook account of the association are set to be presented before CAGPIO members during a regular meeting this week for comments and eventual webcasting. CAGPIO president Carlette C. Pretta said the use of online media to inform Capiceños on the various programs and projects of the government as well solicit feedbacks is among the priority thrust of the association for this year.

The use of internet sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace is in response to Philippine Information Agency (PIA) – 6 director Atty. Ma. Janet C. Mesa’s call to explore new and exciting outlets for government information. The regional top PIA official along with Capiz Legal Officer and Administrator Jose O. Villanueva and 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) Inspector General Col. Alex C. Capiña graced the recent induction of CAGPIO officers and

Board of Directors at the Villareal Stadium’s poolside here. Social networking sites help government agencies and local government units as they expand public offices outreach capabilities and improve civil servants’ interaction and service to the public. However, Pretta added that existing information dissemination practices already established will still be followed. (JCM/AAL/ PIA6 Capiz)



Filipino seafarers lauded for contribution to economy, society KAMUNSIL (Pithecellobium dulce), ILOILO


By Lilibeth A. French

ILOILO CITY, June 26 (PIA) -- Maritime Industry Authority 6 Director Mary Ann Armi Arcilla lauded the Filipino seafarers for their contribution and impact not only to the economy, but to family life, society, and the national image as well.


n her message during a program held in line with the Day of the Seafarer on June 25, Arcilla said the Filipino seafarers have significantly contributed in uplifting the lives of other Filipinos because of the multiplier effect of their remitted incomes, not only to their families but also in investments. Arcilla said the theme of this year’s celebration “Saludo Kami, Marinong Pinoy, Bayani Ka Talaga,” echoes the genuine recognition of the invaluable contribution of the seafarers not only to the country but also to the world economy, often at great personal cost to themselves and their families. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas press report dated June 15 posted at its website said that overseas Filipinos, both sea-based and land -based, had remitted $1.7 billion in cash in April this year, higher by 5.3 percent as compared to the level recorded in the same period last year.

Arcilla added that the event held is also an opportunity to educate the public about issues facing the modern day seafarers. According to her, there are many challenges and problems confronting the Filipino seafarers today – from their competitive employment up to their continued employment as a result of increasing requirements from new international regulations. “For us in the maritime industry, our biggest challenge is to feel and aspire like our seafarers, instead of looking at them as captive market for economic opportunities, as well as to plan for programs and measures to address their problems to give greater meaning to resolve and to pay tribute to our brothers in the seafaring industry,” said Arcilla.

She also recognized and commended the important role played by the families left behind by the seafarers saying, “without the love, understanding, sacrifices and inspiration that they give to the seafarers, it would be very difficult for them to cope with the challenges of seafaring.” The program was preceded by a mass and rites for the deceased seafarers at the San Jose Church followed by a walk for cause from Plaza Libertad to the Iloilo Provincial Capitol Grounds. Some 2,000 students from various maritime schools; representatives of maritime government related agencies, maritime training and review centers, shipping companies, motorbanca associations and cooperatives, and manning agencies; and wives and children of seafarers participated in the activities. (JCM/ LAF-PIA6)

Over 400,000 avail compre health care for poor in NegOcc. By Carolina A. Dionela BACOLOD CITY, June 27 (PIA) -- Over 400,000 indigent families in Negros Occidental have been enrolled in a local government health program since September 2010.


he Negros Occidental Com p re he ns iv e Healt h Care Program (NOCHP) aims to augment PhilHealth confinement benefits; prioritize government-hospitals for confinement using a referral system; focus on preventive health care, making available medicines, to prevent or reduce hospitalization; complement and optimize available services provided by DOH or LGU health centers and cost–sharing among provincial government, congressional districts and local government units. Neg. Occ. Gov. Alfredo Marañon Jr. said the advantage of the card recipients, chosen from the poorest of the poor, is that when they enter government hospitals, they will not have to pay anything for their hospitalization. Since it was launched in 2010, the NOCHP has been availed by 13,370 patients, treated in 10 provincial government-managed

health institutions, with P38,048,717. paid for their hospital bills. Of the amount, P7,111,551.53 was paid by NOCHP, while PhilHealth and Department of Social Welfare paid the bulk of hospital expenses. NOCHP records also show that the 3rd district has the most number of enrollees with 25,847 indigent families, followed by the 6th district with 22,441, second district with 20,847, fifth district with 6,844, fourth district-5,575 and 2,017 in the first district. The third district posted the highest availment of health services in the government hospitals, with having the most number of NOCHP enrollees. The qualifications for enrollment are: they should be active PhilHealth member; permanent resident in a barangay in Negros Occidental (outside Bacolod City) for at least six months; have an annual income of P12,500;

head of the family, regardless of age; single parents with qualified dependents and senior citizens with qualified dependents. The qualified dependents should be: legitimate spouse; legitimate children and legalized dependents below 21 years old; single; persons with physical and mental disability of all ages and parents over 60 years old. The cardholders were oriented on the mechanics for availment of the program, especially during hospital admissions. Enrolment is on going in the towns and cities of the province. Health services is one of the priority program of the province as noted in the Negros First Development Agenda of the present administration, with about 40 percent of the province’s budget allocated for health. (CD/JCM//PIA6,NegOcc)

Kidney disease prevention, control taught to Antique students By Pilar S. Mabaquiao SAN JOSE, Antique, June 27 (PIA) -- The Antique Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) held a symposia in selected schools in Antique to discuss ways to prevent and control kidney diseases.


ccording to Irene Dulduco, Information Officer of IPHO, the symposia were conducted at St. Anthony’s College (SAC) and Antique National School (ANS) last June 27 & 30 respectively. Kidney diseases, she said, is one of the top 10 leading causes of mortality in the country, thus the need to step up advocacy campaign among the youth so they become aware that early detection and healthy lifestyle are key factors to prevent end-stage renal

disease or ESRD. Likewise, she disclosed that they are also pushing for healthy lifestyle advocacy among the youth such as no smoking campaign, eating of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding stress, and doing regular exercise. IPHO has also enjoined schools to institutionalize the "hataw" exercise in their daily/weekly activities to give students and school personnel the time to exercise, she added. On the other hand, Dulduco echoed the advocacy of the National Kidney and

Transplant Institute that these diseases are potentially preventable if diagnosed early, avoiding the need for expensive ESRD treatment such as dialysis and transplantation. The only means to detect the presence of kidney problems is through routine urinalysis. So, it is important that everyone should see a doctor for checkup and urine examination once a year, she said. (JCM/PSM-PIA6 Antique)



Avail P27-M fund without collateral - LandBank By Jennifer C. Tilos

MANGO (Mangifera indica), CEBU

DUMAGUETE CITY, June 28 (PIA) -- The local Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) called on cooperative member-entrepreneurs to avail of the P27 million Credit Surety Fund (CSF) offered to micro, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).


BP officer Gerry Kinilitan encouraged qualified coop members in Negros Oriental to access the funds for any business expansion without collateral. Kinilitan said applicant for CSF loan has to be a cooperative member with initial deposit equivalent to 10 percent of his desired loan amount. The loan application will be submitted by the cooperative representative to any participating banks here such as the LBP, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), and Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) for approval.

Banks that offer CSF loan grant lower interest rates to beneficiaries. Land Bank helped secure the loans of cooperatives and MSMEs by committing P5 million for the CSF program. For the provincial government of Negros Oriental, more than P7 million has been put in as counterpart funds for the Cooperative Surety Fund program to boost up the cooperative movement in the province. Kinilitan said the participation of local government unit is integral to the CSF program because they are mandated by

law to help the development of cooperatives and MSMEs. The CSF program derives its funds from the pooled contributions of cooperatives and the counterpart contributions of the provincial government and donor institutions. The CSF program is part of the government's support for MSMEs, according to BSP statement. An initiative of the BSP, CSFs serve as trust funds used to guarantee loans to enhance the credit worthiness and borrowing capability of the MSME borrowers. (JCT/PIA 7, Negros Oriental)

DENR-7 plants thousands of mangrove propagules in Olango By Hazel F. Gloria CEBU CITY, June 26 (PIA) -- The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-7) in the region planted more than 2,000 mangrove propagules within the 1,028-hectare Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary in Lapu-Lapu City, as part of its environment month celebration.


ENR-7 regional executive director Dr. Isabelo Montejo said the DENR wants to make sure that the coastal areas are maintained by conducting a regular mangrove planting and maintenance, and coastal cleanup by enlisting the assistance of the communities and other stakeholders. “Mangroves are salt-tolerant, woody, seed-bearing plants ranging in size from small shrubs to tall trees, and they exist along sheltered intertidal coastlines and in association with estuaries and lagoons,” Montejo added. In a similar event, June 20, nearly 70 volunteers from DENR, local government units, and other stakeholders conducted maintenance and monitoring on the planted mangroves by removing tidal debris, which were attached to the branches and stems. They also collected around 20 kilos of garbage mostly plastics and other litters. Montejo explained that although

mangroves live on saline soils, they have the usual plant requirements of freshwater, nutrients, and oxygen, which is why maintenance is part of ensuring their survival. Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary in Lapulapu City, with a spread area of over 1,028 hectares, is the Philippines' first wetland of international importance for waterfowl and covers vast mangrove forest. Mangroves provide nursery grounds for fish, prawns, and crabs, and support fisheries production in coastal waters; protect the environment by protecting coastal areas and communities from storm surges, waves, tidal currents and typhoons; produce organic biomass (carbon), and reduce organic pollution in near shore areas by trapping or absorption, the DENR-7 brochure read. Montejo urged coastal communities to help in protecting the mangroves and participate in the maintenance as they

provide shelter for local and migratory wildlife, and serve as roosting and foraging grounds. Meanwhile, from Sept. to Nov., thousands of shorebirds migrate to Olango and farther south to Australia and New Zealand, after breeding in China, Russia, and Alaska following the East Asian -Australasian Flyway, the DENR official shared. Soon after winter, from March to May, the shorebirds begin their northward migration and thousands of them pass by Olango en route to breeding areas in northern hemisphere. The mangrove planting and monitoring, and coastal cleanup is one of the features of the Environment Month 2012 celebration with theme, “Green Economy: Does it include you?”. (mbcn/ hfg-PIA7/DENR-7)

Siquijor PNP launches e-blotter system By Rizalie A. Calibo MARIA, Siquijor, June 26 (PIA) -- The Philippine National Police (PNP) in Siquijor province has launched the electronic blotter system, a faster and reliable mode of transmitting crime information.


n a report from the PNP here, six new computer sets were specially designed for the e-blotter system. Each municipality will have one of the new computers programmed for the system, but all municipalities have to be internet-connected to access the new system. E-blotter is the fastest and most

efficient means of mapping out crimes, said Provincial Director Ernesto F. Agas in the same report. He added that it is also vital in mapping out strategies for quick response and crime prevention, and noted the need to pursue the development of the system for recording crime incidents across the

country as the old system using blotter books only provide reports that do not allow automatic cross-referencing of data. In the event of no glitches, the system will become fully operational in the p r o v i n c e , h e s a i d . (RMN/RAC/PIA 7-Siquijor)



Over 100 exhibitors from CVisayas join Sandugo Fest LANKA (Artocarpus heterophyllus), DUMAGUETE CITY

By Fayette C. Riñen

CEBU CITY, June 27 (PIA) -- Many may not realize it but the simple regional fairs have become part of the “part of the calendar of the foreign buyers,” disclosed DTI-7 Regional Director Asteria Caberte. On July 25 - 29, over 100 exhibitors from Central Visayas will feature their products in the five-day regional Sandugo Festival in Tagbilaran City, Bohol.


ome, if not most, of the products to be highlighted belong to the " O n e T o w n , O n e Product" (OTOP) items that the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 7 is pushing hard for marketing and promotion. Caberte bared that regional and international trade fairs significantly contribute to the marketing opportunities for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). “Our agency is pushing really hard in promoting the products of micro, small, and medium enterprises because these are the driving force of the country’s

economy, as 99 percent of the business sector is composed of MSMEs,” said Caberte. Caberte cited that the Regional Sandugo Festival, in the past, was just a simple provincial trade fair, but it has evolved to become a much-awaited big regional event. “There are some exhibitors coming from Region 6 and we welcome them to the Sandugo Festival as this is one way of promoting the products of our MSMEs,” disclosed Caberte. But the good news that awaits exhibitors is that the annual regional trade

fair event is also much awaited by buyers from abroad. “I received confirmation that there are foreign buyers that will visit the event in Bohol. In fact, there are some foreign exporters that are willingly to drop their appointments just for the trade fair. This is an opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their products as foreign buyers are always looking for sources for their raw materials or subcontractors for that matter,” revealed Caberte. Meanwhile, the "Tindahang Pinoy" in Cebu, which also displays a number of OTOP products, will be joining the Regional Sandugo Festival. (PIA 7, Cebu)

Dumaguete eyes mechanisms for waste mgt at brgy level By Rachelle M. Nessia DUMAGUETE CITY, June 28 (PIA) -- The city government here is eyeing measures to spur local barangays to initiate pollution management in the villages to reinforce the local government’s current waste management system.


his was revealed by City Administrator William Ablong during a meeting with representatives from Silliman University’s Dr. Jovito Salonga Center for Law and Development (SLCD) held June 14. One of the said measures is the establishment in each barangay of a material recovery facility (MRF) and a composting area. Ablong said the move is borne out of the city government’s efforts to identify a specific location for its planned sanitary landfill. In the same meeting, Lloyd Patrimonio of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR) and Albert Aquino, president of the Association of Barangay Captains (ABC) here, both stressed the need for a system of waste characterization and for this to be adopted in the households as well. They pushed for the enhancement of the garbage collection procedure of the city to ensure waste segregation at source continues until the dumpsite. Meanwhile, in the same gathering, a four-point action plan was drafted with the aim of boosting the solid waste management program of Dumaguete City. Silliman University Director for Information and Publications Mark Raygan

Garcia said, one of the action plan’s priorities is capacity-building geared towards a more efficient identification of solid waste management opportunities. The four points are: (1) to conduct a workshop on waste streaming (industry analysis) to identify the waste sectors, generators and users involved; (2) to conduct another workshop on waste segregation with the 22 barangays, excluding the poblacion areas; (3) to intensify efforts to locate viable landfill sites for metro Dumaguete and (4) to explore alternative options to landfill. (RMN-PIA7 Negros Oriental, with reports from SU-OIP)

NegOr has 296 dengue cases, 2 deaths By Jennifer C. Tilos DUMAGUETE CITY, June 26 (PIA) -- Dengue cases in Negros Oriental have reached an alarming level with 296 cases and two deaths recorded for the first semester of this year, said Assistant Provincial Health Officer Dr. Felix Sy of Negros Oriental Health Office.


he two persons who died of dengue hemorrhagic fever came from the municipalities of Sibulan and Bacong. Most of the the dengue victims are aged 21 and above, and both female and male almost equally represented. Sy said the January to June 2012 record is 21.62 percent higher compared to the same period of last year with 232 cases and zero death. For this year, majority of the cases are from Dumaguete City with 162;

followed by Bayawan City with 36 cases; Tanjay City, 17; Guihulgnan nine; and seven cases each from Dauin and Sibulan. The municipalities of Sta. Catalina and Bacong have six dengue cases each; and five each from Bais City and Pamplona. The health officials once again called for public cooperation in every household to have regular cleanup activities to eliminate, if not

lessen, the spread of dengue-carrying mosquitoes. Provincial Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit also encouraged the barangays and schools to organize dengue brigades for surveillance and inform local health units on dengue cases. The dengue virus is transmitted from one person to another by an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito, which thrives in clean and stagnant water. (RMN/JCT-PIA 7, Negros Oriental)


6 “Lingganay” Festival title


Pintados-Kasadyaan PILI NUT (Canarium ovatum), SORSOGON

TACLOBAN CITY Leyte, June 28 (PIA) – The Lingganay Festival of Alangalang, Leyte once again bagged the PintadosKasadyaan crown in a spectacular festival presentation held at the jam-packed Leyte Sports Complex on June 27.


losely behind Lingganay as the second placer was Pasaka Festival of Tanauan Leyte and third placer Karatong Festival of Dulag, Leyte. The grand champion through Mayor Loreto Yu received P500,000 cash prize, a trophy and the chance to represent the province of Leyte in the next Aliwan Fiesta in Manila. The Lingganay Festival got its name from the Waray word Lingganay which means a 'bell'. The festival was conceptualized sometime in 1995 based on th legend of the town's lost ‘golden bell’. It was said that one time when the moro pirates surprised the people, they tried to fled away with the bell. When they reached the Bakga River, they

threw the golden bell into the deepest part of the river to prevent it from getting into the hands of the Moro pirates. Until today, the bell has not been found but it is said that its sound can be barely heard coming from the bottom of the river. It is held in conjunction with the town's fiesta on the 19th of June. According to oral history, since 1995, Lingganay has been joining festival dance competitions especially during the Pintados Kasadyaan. Lingganay Festival has etched its mark in the culture and arts of Leyte, as it won as grand champion in the 2011 Pintados Kasadyaan Festival. It also bagged several awards in different festival competitions both locally and nationally. The Lingganay Festival was second runner

up in the latest Aliwan Festival in Manila in April. Earlier this year, it brought home P1 million cash prize and trophy as the grand champion in the free interpretation category in the Sinulog 2012 besting 28 other contingents from all over the country. Governor Carlos Jericho Petilla led the provincial government officials who graced the grand event in full force. His wife Mrs. Anne Petilla, Congressman Mark Villar of Las Pinas, Partylist Congressmen Bem Noel and Neil Montejo, regional directors, mayors in the different municipalities in Leyte and other local government officials were also observed to be present during the festival. (PIA-8)

Sinebata youth media festival officially launched TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 25 (PIA) -- Sinebata, a media festival for the Filipino youth, was officially launched on June 22 at the PIA Region 8 Office through the Harampang Ha PIA weekly media forum.


nak TV’s Mag Hatol Cruz and Plan Philippines’ Rodel Bontuyan announced that the Sinebata will be held at the Robinsons Place Tacloban on July 25-26 and the receiving of entries starts on June 29. Hatol started the launch by presenting short video presentations produced by young children. What started last year as a regional media fest for the youth as “Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival” has evolved into a nationwide media fest for the youth called as “Sinebata,” Hatol said. The Sinebata event encourages young people to express their views about issues that affect them, their families, and their communities using photography, music video, and filmmaking. Sinebata is a video and photo competition about hopes and wishes for the future, family concerns, education, environment, substance abuse, teenage life and problems, career plans

and ambitions, community issues, among others. Sinebata is a joint undertaking of AnakTV and Plan International with partners including the National Council for Children’s Television, Department of Education, DSWD, Philippine Information Agency, PDEA, University of the Philippines, Baguio Museum, West Visayas State University, Aquinas University of Legazpi, Goethe Institut, Robinson’s Malls, Leyte Normal University, PNP, East Visayas State University, Kairosolutions, and Columbia’s. The contest is open to all youth who are Filipino citizens living, studying, or working in any Philippine province, town, or city. They can use any camera, whether hand-held video, handycams, digital cameras, mobile phones with camera capabilities, and so on. There are two categories — one for those aged nine to 17, and another, for aged 18 to 23. Students as well as out of school youth

are invited to join the contest. Entries must be e-mailed to They can also be sent to any of the following reception centers: Sinebata, AnakTV, 8-A Matatag Street, Pinyahan, Quezon City; Sinebata, Plan International, 2/F Uytingkok Building, Veteranos Avenida, Tacloban City; Sinebata, Baguio Museum; Sinebata, Office of the VP for Research, West Visayas State University, Iloilo City; Sinebata, Office of External Affairs, Aquinas University, Legazpi City or to Sinebata, NCCT, 4/F, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. There will be independent screenings and discussions to be held at select universities and colleges in Manila, Baguio, Legaspi, Iloilo, and Davao while the awarding and closing ceremonies will be held in Tacloban City. (PIA-8)

AFP Chief, Japanese official visit Pacific Partnership 2012 CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, June 25 (PIA) -- Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief LtGen Jessie D Dellosa and Gen. Shigeru Iwasaki, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Self Defense Forces (JASDF), arrived at Calbayog City in connection with the on-going Pacific Partnership 2012 humanitarian missions on June 21 2012.


he visit of the Japanese military official is considered another milestone in AFP–JSDF relations that has been strengthened through the years. Dellosa and Iwasaki met at the Calbayog Pier as they were scheduled to have their tour of the Japanese landing ship tank Oosumi and the USNS Mercy. Local residents can avail of scheduled ship tours at the USNS Mercy through AFP-USN Public Affairs officers in charge of this activity. Everyday, since the opening of the PP12

Humanitarian Mission and Disaster readiness enhancement, local folks have been flocking various sites of the Medical Missions and other PP12 activities. PP12 activities include medical and dental missions, veterinary missions, construction projects, band shows, disaster preparedness symposium, and various subject matter expert exchanges on health care and other disaster related topics. The US Ambassador to the Philippines, Ambassador Harry K Thomas, attended the formal launching of PP12 to show the US’

appreciation and gratitude to the Philippines for hosting the PP12 in Samar Island. The 984-foot USNS Mercy Hospital Ship, anchored off the shores of Calbayog City, will only serve as a platform for surgery operations. No surgical operations will be performed outside the US Naval Hospital Ship. All patients recommended to undergo surgery will be ferried from the Calbayog City Pier to the ship and will stay on board the ship until full recuperated from surgery. (PIA-Samar with Lt Col A Lagamon and Lt Cdr M Breedlove)



Bountiful harvest enables farmers to give back to the feeding program PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus ), LEYTE

By Alicia F. Nicart

BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, June 27(PIA) -- The Provincial Rice Production Enhancement Program (PRPEP) of the local government unit of Eastern Samar has so far gained grounds as evidenced by the increased number of cavans of rice that each farmer-beneficiary produced in the recent harvest season.


his was reported by Sally Colico, Agricultural Technician II of the Office of Agricultural Services(OPAS) in an interview. Colico said that, as agreed, each farmer-beneficiary of the PRPEP is now giving back one sack of rice to the Feeding Program of the municipal government unit where the farmer comes from, except for Mercedes and Guiuan towns which are not really rice-producing areas. According to Colico, before the planting season, 11 farmers from several municipalities were granted loan by the provincial government which was entrusted to the OPAS. The loan comprised: one sack of certified seeds, two bags of Urea fertilizers, two bags of complete fertilizers, six bags of organic

fertilizer (Vermicat), one bottle insecticide, and 200 grams of Racumin. All these were applied in a hectare of rice plantation. The agreement, she added, included that, if a farmer is able to harvest 89 to 99 bags of rice, he will pay half of the P12, 000 grant but if he gets lower than 88 bags of rice, he will pay the full amount. On the other hand, if he harvests more than a hundred cavans per hectare, he has nothing to pay to OPAS, except for a cavan of polished rice which he has to give to the Feeding Program of his municipal LGU. Colico added that as observed, the program yielded favorably because more cavans of rice had been given to the municipal feeding programs. In truth, she said, some farmers lamented that they went reluctant

when the program was introduced last year that they did not avail of the package of fertilizers and certified seeds. Today, she said, these farmers are awaiting the same program and grants but it looks like the same could be hardly realized because the budget that they (OPAS) have requested had long been pending; and unless the P10 million proposed budget is realized from the P3 million spent for the latest cropping/harvesting time, they would not know where the rice enhancement production program would end up. Should it push through however, Colico believes that more rice-farmers would be assisted and more production could be expected. (PIA-Eastern Samar)

NNC spearheads Nutrition Month in East Visayas By Neil D. Lopido TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, June 27 (PIA) -- The National Nutrition Council (NNC) in Eastern Visayas spearheads the month-long celebration of the Nutrition Month in July with the theme, “Pagkain ng gulay ugaliin, araw-araw itong ihain.” arina Z. Santiago, NNC regional them. fair will showcase and display different coordinator said during the Suruswerte Every year, the Nutrition Month vegetables and fruits for the government ha PIA radio program that the launch of celebration is observed to call public attention employees to buy. the 38th Nutrition Month will be on Monday, and give action to a particular issue, Santiago Other activities for the month-long July 2. It will start with a motorcade to be emphasized. celebration include seminars and forum in followed by a program at Pawing Elementary The issue this year, she said, is the decline selected local government units highlighting the School in Palo, Leyte. in vegetable consumption among Filipinos theme for this year’s celebration. Santiago said that the Department of based on the survey conducted by the Food A media caravan in Samar and Northern Education has already issued a memorandum and Nutrition Research Institute. Samar will also be part of the lined-up activities circular that all schools should participate in School children will also participate in in partnership with the NNC-formed media the simultaneous vegetable planting during the other activities such as the “Best Gulay group, Harmonizing Initiatives for the Spread of nationwide launch. Costume.” There will also be acrostics to Good Nutrition (HIMSoG-8). In Eastern Visayas, she said, the show the importance of different vegetables NNC-8 chief is encouraging all sectors to ceremonial vegetable planting will be held at for the children to appreciate and for them to participate in the celebration to be united not Pawing Elementary School. The activity aims to eat these vegetables. only during Nutrition Month celebration but inculcate in the minds of the pupils the value, In the afternoon, there will be an also the whole year round. (PIA-8) not only of eating vegetables, but of planting agri-trade fair at the Government Center. The


Winners quit smoking By Marcelo M. Pedalino MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, June 26 (PIA) -- It is said that a winner never quits, and a quitter never wins. But the opposite is true when it comes to vices such as smoking. For those who wish to kick the smoking habit, a quitter always wins.


ake it from Maasin City Mayor The foundation motivates smokers to join Maloney Samaco, a certified the swelling ranks of non-smokers by inveterate smoker in his younger spreading the truth that the body’s lungs days. actually works like a sponge -- hence the Speaking before medical health name of the campaign -- that absorbs tar, a practitioners during the sponge campaign harmful substance found in cigarettes and launching of the World Lung Foundation, tobacco. Samaco said, “On our Charter Day, quitters on Tar, short for total aerosol residue, can smoking will be given citations, or tokens. This get into the lungs by way of the smoke inhaled is to show that in smoking a quitter always while a smoker seems to be enjoying the wins.” puffing act. For consuming at least one pack of The 12th Maasin Charter Day celebration cigarette in a day, the accumulated tar reaches will be held on August 10. 150 mililiters, equivalent to a glassful of a sticky The World Lung Foundation, through its fluid. 30-second sponge audio and video With this volume stored in the lungs, the presentation in the vernacular, also hopes to body over time becomes vulnerable to a host prove that such a tagline is real and right. of diseases as its defenses will eventually

weaken, and topping of the list of illnesses that may come in will be cancer of the lungs, explained Dr. Francilisa Tan, head of City Rural Health Unit I. There is another type of cancer, albeit in figurative sense, that results in the endless lighting of cigarettes or tobacco, and that is the cancer of the pockets, as the last loose change will not be spared just so a smoke addict can fulfill the senseless longing. And for this alone, the economic aspect, should be enough motivation, if not the disease, why a chain smoker should consider changing his or her ways, and subscribe to the idea that quitters in smoking, indeed, always win. (PIA-Southern Leyte)

One Visayas e‐newsletter is published weekly by the Visayas Regional Cluster of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) comprising Region 6, 7 and 8. Its main editorial office is located at PIA Region 6, Iloilo City. One Visayas e‐newsletter is part of the online news and information dissemination services of PIA and is powered by For inquiries and suggestions, call Tel. Nos. (033) 3378718/3377301 or e‐mail Ms. Minerva BC Newman Regional Director, PIA 7

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