Banggalao - 1
Vol. 2 No. 01 | The Official Newsletter of the 2nd National Ecotourism Festival, Sta. Teresita, Cagayan
Feb. 24, 2014
Business tycoon insinuates
Sta. Teresita is vannamae capital By Benjie S. de Yro STA. TERESITA, Cagayan – At a combined production rate of five tons per day, this town can now be called the unofficial soft shelled shrimp (vannamae) capital of Northern Luzon. Engineer Danilo D. Tamayo of DATAJ Farms said the production comes from three independent farms
in Simbaluca and Caniugan this municipality and Calamegatan in Buguey. In a rare meeting and interview with the members of the local media from the Presidential Communications Operations Office through an arrangement made earlier by Mayor Lolita C. Garcia, Tamayo said the establishment of the three farms for the softshelled shrimp is for the purpose page 4
Diwata Ng Kalikasan fever is on By Angely L. Mercado With reports from Luis Tabulog, Jr.
Move over Mariang Makiling and Mariang Sinukuan. Your great grand daughters are out to take your roles as environment watchdogs, at least in Sta. Teresita, Cagayan. Mayor Lolita C. Garcia said the Search for Diwata Ng Kalikasan is a new attraction as the municipality goes on its second year of hosting the National Ecotourism Festival. A surefire crowd drawer, the pageant’s ultimate goal is to highlight the issue of environment protection and conservation not only to the present but likewise the future generations to come in the municipality and elsewhere, she said. Diwata ng Kalikasan like the legendary Mariang Makiling has always been a part of the Filipino cultural psyche that a mere mention of the name connotes environment protection. In fact, according to folklore, page 6 Makiling fell in love with a
Engr. DANILO D. TAMAYO Feature
What excites Design Center of the Philippines Aside from the lake and the hundreds of migratory birds sweetcalling their mates on a rather cold misty morning, the most common sight along the Laguna De Cagayan (historical name of Bangalao Lake) in Bangalao, Sta. Teresita, Cagayan is a plant, known in the scientific community as Hanguana Malayana. Known locally as Bakong and Sumsum in Myanmar, natives have always considered them as pests in the areas where they thrive. Not anymore. Not until the Product and Design Center of the Philippines (PDCP) conducted a massive research on the plant and unveiled its economic potentials. Formerly called Design Center of the Philippines, and part of the Department page 5 of Trade and Industry official