Get it sorted

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Wydział Gospodarki Odpadami ul. Kościuszki 5, 05-500 Piaseczno


DEAR RESIDENT, PLEASE REMEMBER! • The owner of the real property is obligated to submit a declaration on the amount of the municipal waste management fee after the occurrence of the following circumstances:

WHAT HAPPENS TO WASTE? Over half of waste generated in Poland reaches landfills. However, in accordance with “the 3Rs rule” (reduce, reuse, recycle), the manner of waste handling should look much different. The 3Rs RULE

– taking up the residence on the territory of the commune, – generation of the municipal waste on the real property. • Submission of the declaration constitutes an obligation to pay fees. Piaseczno commune does not issue invoices. • The fee is paid:

REDUCE Reducing the number of waste

– in arrears, by the 10th of the following month for the occupied and unoccupied real property, – in two installments – until May 31 and September 30 – for the real property used for recreational and leisure purposes. • Payments can be made through: bank (to an individual bank account), post office or at the counter of the Municipal and Communal Office of Piaseczno. • The owner of the real property is obligated to submit a new declaration in case of changes in the number of residents or size of the container. • In case of change in the fee rate, Piaseczno commune shall inform residents of a new monthly fee. • In case of submitting the correction of the declaration or new declaration decreasing the amount of the liability under the municipal waste management fee, there is no overpayment of the fee for the months during which the service was provided.


If waste is collected in containers or bags contrary to its purpose, the container shall be marked with a red card. Incorrectly sorted waste will be collected on the date of collection of mixed waste. In the event the irregularity repeats, the owner of the real property shall be charged with a higher fee for waste collection, in the amount of PLN 18/per person.

REUSE Reusing of waste RECYCLE Reusing of raw materials in production

The manners of waste handling Landfilling


On waste landfills mainly household waste is collected.

Valuable raw materials that can be reused can be recovered from spent materials.




Thermal treatment

The effect of this natural green (biodegradable) waste management method is a fertilizer which can be used, e.g. in the garden.

Electricity and heat are generated thanks to the waste incineration in special plants (WTE plants).

11% Source: data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS) for 2014.


SORTING? YES, BUT HOW? In order to limit the number of stored waste and enable waste reuse it is necessary to divide the generated waste, i.e. waste sorting. It is not difficult if one remembers the rules applicable on the premises of the commune. Piaseczno commune provides yellow bags for dry waste and green bags for glass.

DRY WASTE PUT THESE ITEMS IN: newspapers, books, catalogs, notebooks, paper bags, school paper, office paper, boxes and cardboard and packaging made of them, empty packaging and crushed plastic drink bottles (PET type), plastic caps, empty plastic bottles of cosmetics and cleaning agents, empty plastic packaging of food (e.g. of yogurts, cream cheeses, kefirs), plastic films and bags, empty drink cans, tins, drink and milk cartons, textiles, small iron scrap and small non-ferrous metal scrap (e.g. toys, tools), packaging styrofoam.

GLASS WASTE PUT THESE ITEMS IN: glass and glass packaging waste, among others, empty bottles and jars of drinks and food (without caps), bottle of alcoholic beverages, empty glass packaging glass of cosmetics, white and colored glass KEEP THESE ITEMS OUT: porcelain and ceramics, flower pots, bulbs, neon, fluorescent and mercury lamps, reflectors, insulators, spectacle lenses, flameproof glass, window glass, faience, TV screens and lamps, mirrors, car window panes, drug packaging and thermometers.

Remember: • remove caps and metal bands, you do not need to tear off paper labels, • do not break the glass before throwing it into the bag, • put only clean and empty packaging.

Remember: • waste paper must be dry, clean and grease-free, • packaging must be empty, • bottles must be unscrewed and crushed. KEEP THESE ITEMS OUT: greasy and dirty paper (e.g. paper packaging of butter, margarine, cottage cheese), fax paper, wallpapers, sanitary waste (e.g. cotton pads, sanitary towels, diapers), bottles and packaging of cooking and engine oils, grease packaging, construction styrofoam, rubber, bottles and containers with any content, paint cans, batteries, aerosol packaging, herbicide or insecticide packaging, packaging of household appliances and audio/video devices.

Did you know that each recycled glass bottle allows to save energy needed to power 100-Watt light bulb for four hours? Did you know that plastic bottles thrown all over the world during a year if stacked one on the other would create a tower with a height of 28 million km which is 73 times the distance from Earth to the Moon? Did you know that 35 used PET bottles are enough to produce a fleece sweatshirt? Did you know that by recycling waste paper we can protect the trees - 1 ton of waste paper can save 17 trees? Did you know that recycling of one aluminum can allows to save enough energy to run a TV for three hours?


GREEN LIGHT TO SORTING Sticks, branches, flowers, leaves, grass cuttings, vegetables and fruit peelings these are just a few examples of waste, which can be subject to composting. As a result, you will get a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer, which may be used, among others, for fertilization of crops, lawns and flower beds. Composting (biodegradation) – the process of decomposition of the organic matter by microorganisms. Biodegradable waste is bio-waste.


Did you know that the compost is the richest source of organic matter in the form of humus and the cheapest material to fertilize soil?

Which products may be used to make the compost? • grass cuttings and leaves, • small garden waste: broken branches of trees, pot flowers (together with the potting soil), • fruit and vegetables peelings and leftovers, • tea leaves and coffee grounds, • eggshells and nutshells, • food leftovers of plant origin. Which products must not be used to make the compost? • • • • • •

meat leftovers and bones, animal droppings, sand and sorbents for cats, contaminated sawdust for animals, ash from the furnace and fireplace, cigarettes and butts.

Benefits of composting: • • • •

lower demand for chemical fertilizers, enrichment of the soil with the nutrients, reduction of methane from waste landfills, reduction of the quantity of waste stored at landfills by 30-50%.

Remember: On the premises of Piaseczno commune bio-waste is thrown into a bag or container of any color (excluding: yellow and green) with a capacity of max. 120 l (from March to November)

ECO FAIRY TALE Not so long ago, not so far away, behind containers, there lived Ecolin. He loved order and he lived at peace with nature. He enjoyed long walks a lot. One day, his short legs took him to a place he had never visited before... He reached the magical land called Cleanland. As far as his eyes could reach, he saw only well-kept houses and farms, tidy streets full of flowers and plants, and smiling people sorting waste to colorful containers. Against this fairytale, colorful landscape, he saw a person of incomparable beauty. This was Cleansy - the daughter of the Cleanland ruler. Ecolin fell in love with the healthy air, clean ponds, blooming hills and most of all with Cleansy. From this time on, he came every morning to Cleanland to feast his eyes on her beauty. He also became friends with the people of this land, whom he helped care for the environment. However, his happiness did not last long... One day, when he came to Cleanland, he could not believe his eyes... Before a beautiful, tidy land was now a huge landfill. Ecolin was terrified, and even more so that he could not see Cleansy. When he was walking through heaps of garbage looking for her, he met a scared cat who was trying to clean his fur, but in vain! “Terrible things happened, Ecolin! Last night, Wizard the Black appeared here and cast a bad spell on our land. From now on, it will be called Garbageland and all the inhabitants will spend their days producing all types of garbage and throwing it on the streets,” the cat wailed. “And where is Cleansy?” Ecolin asked, anxious. The cat made a sad face and started crying: “Wizard the Black covered the whole royal family with his soiled cape and kidnapped them to Dirtytown. Cleansy is kept prisoner in a tower made of a pile of garbage. Only a person whose love for nature is greater than hate for ecology of Wizard the Black can save her.” “I’ll go there! I’ll save Cleansy and restore order throughout Cleanland,” Ecolin shouted. “You can’t do it. Even the bravest knights had their helpers,” the cat told him. “Would you accompany me?” “I don’t know anything about ecology.” Take with you the Reader of this story, who will certainly help you complete your mission. Good luck!” Dear Reader, will you help Ecolin save Cleansy and Cleanland? If so, keep reading and solve the tasks as they appear.

ECO FAIRY TALE Ecolin went on. But the further he went, the more it seemed to him that he had already passed each of the places at least twice. “Oh, no,” he thought, “I think I’m lost.” Task 1 Help Ecolin find his way through the garbage labyrinth.

ECO FAIRY TALE “You have only five minutes to place this gorgeous litter in the correct bags. If you complete the task without any mistakes, you’ll be free to go on,” he said, bursting with laughter. Ecolin started to segregate the garbage. He felt a bit like Cinderella told by her step mother to sort peas from lentils. Cinderella completed her task thanks to the help of her friends, the birds, and went to the ball. I will manage to make my dream come true, too, if you help me. “Will you help me, my Friend, dear Reader?” Ecolin asked. Task 2 Using the arrows, sort the garbage into correct bags. Two pieces do not match any of them.


Ecolin was very thankful to his helper - the Reader - for showing the way through this horrible mess. He had never imagined people could amass so much garbage! He rushed on as fast as he could. Suddenly, he found that the way was blocked by waste bags: a yellow one, a green one and a brown one. And Wizard the Black emerged from behind one of them. “I will not let you make Garbageland back into Cleanland and I will not let its people live in a terrible order! They say you are a friend of the environment? So let me see how you’ll deal with this task,” he said pointing at the containers and garbage spread on the street.










5. 11.

7. 9.




“Well, not an easy task,” Ecolin thought and walked on. “I wonder what is still there waiting for me?” he pondered. Ecolin kept walking despite the bad smell from garbage flung all over the land. When



he climbed on the top of a huge garbage hill, he finally saw a high tower made of waste, where Wizard the Black kept Cleansy. She was guarded by the ferocious Trash Sphinx - a monster with a human face, lion’s paws and a body made of old car parts. The only way to get through to Cleansy was to solve three tricky riddles asked by the Trash Sphinx. “I won’t do this on my own,” Ecolin thought. “I need help from my Friend - the Reader. The Reader will certainly help me!” he added. Task 3 Solve the three Trash Sphinx’ riddles and save the princess and the whole of Cleanland.

The mixed waste includes waste produced after the sorting and not suitable for reuse. This group includes any food leftovers, sanitary waste and contaminated food packaging. They shall be thrown into a container or bag of any color (except for green and yellow ones). PUT THESE ITEMS IN: meat leftovers and bones, sanitary waste (sanitary towels, tampons, diapers), glass tableware, porcelain, fish and seafood, tea leaves and coffee grounds, eggshells, used paper towels and tissues, ash. KEEP THESE ITEMS OUT: large-size waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment, bulbs, debris, batteries, overdue drugs, glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, waste paper, green waste.

Trash Sphinx’ riddles: 1. Do you want to find out the cheapest way to get a soil fertilizer? Drop one letter in a fruit dessert and add S. 2. Bags used to segregate trash differ in color. Which of these colors can you see in the sky when it rains and the sun is shining at the same time?

Did you know that energy saved by recycling one PET bottle allows to power a washing machine for 10 minutes?

3. If you wanted to live as long as a plastic bottle decomposes, you would have to live 5 times longer than it is the custom to wish on a birthday in Poland.

Did you know that recycling 125 cm stack of newspapers allows to save a 6 m pine tree?

When Ecolin correctly solved the riddles, the Trash Sphynx vanished and the garbage tower fell apart. Ecolin found Cleansy and Wizard the Black was vanquished! As they went back home, the happy couple watched Cleanland regains its former shapes and colors. And this is the end of our fairy tale. For helping save Cleanland and the princess, the Reader got an EcoHero Medal. Cleansy and Ecolin lived together ever since, cared for the environment and taught others how to segregate waste so that nature would never be polluted again. And they lived eco-friendly ever after...


Remember: Do not throw waste which can be sorted, e.g. waste paper, glass bottles or plastic bottles into a mixed waste container!

3. 500 years Task 1 Answers:

and Green

Black: 1; 7; 13

2. Yellow

Green: 5; 14; 16

1. Compost

Yellow: 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9; 11; 12; 15 Task 2

Task 3



Many waste (e.g. overdue drugs, waste electrical and electronic equipment or old paint) due to its origin, composition and other properties constitutes a threat to the environment as well as to health and life of the residents. For this reason, they should be handled in a correct way.

LARGE-SIZE WASTE (furniture, carpets, large toys, bicycles, worn tires, etc.)



HAZARDOUS WASTE AND HAZARDOUS WASTE PACKAGING (paints, solvents, chemical agents and reagents, etc.)



The Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste accepts, free of charge, waste collected in a selective manner, related to non-industrial human activity. The Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste does not accept mixed municipal waste and waste from natural persons, indicating the origin from other sources than households (e.g. chemicals unusual for household works), especially in large quantities. Waste delivered to the Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste must be sorted and may not be contaminated with other waste. The waste, which may be delivered to the Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste includes, among others: • large-size waste (e.g. old furniture, big metal, wood or plastic elements), • branches, grass, leaves, • waste from overhauls performed independently, • waste electrical and electronic equipment (including fluorescent lamps, household appliances, electronic toys), • worn batteries and accumulators, • overdue drugs,


• thermometers, • used oils in packaging, MEDICAL WASTE (used syringes, needles, scalpels, etc.)

Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste (PSZOK, ul. Techniczna 6)


Collection in accordance with the schedule

1 2

Free waste collection from house/flat, call P.P.H.U. POLBLUME, tel. (22) 756-96-61 or e-mail: Special containers are located in the building of the Municipal and Communal Office of Piaseczno, Commune Sports and Recreation Center in Piaseczno, Culture Center in Piaseczno and schools or trading posts obligated to conduct such waste collection.

• brake fluids, cooling fluids and other, • paint and solvent remains, • worn tires, • ash from the domestic furnaces.


Special containers are placed in pharmacies.


Collect waste at the place of its generation in appropriate bags and containers and, following filling, report to the Waste Management Department, tel. (22) 736-29-88. The cost of purchase of the packaging shall be borne by the resident.

Did you know that approx. 34 kg of gold, 350 kg of silver, 15 kg of palladium and 15.87 tons of copper can be recovered from every million mobile phones recycled?

Liquid waste should be delivered in tight containers. On the premises of the Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste, the point of second-hand products is also located. Unnecessary but efficient equipment and household appliances (e.g. desk), which may be useful for someone else can be left in this place. The residents taking advantage of the Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste are obligated to strictly observe the rules and instructions of the point employee. Rules of functioning of the Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste are available on the website of the commune in the tab “Waste management”.

FURNACE FOR WASTE? NO! Quite popular coal-saving method is replacing it with waste. Plastic bottles, yogurt cups and even parts of cut tires are often thrown into the furnace. Such actions lead to very harmful substances (e.g. suspended dust, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides), which have a very negative impact not only on the environment, but also on the health of residents, being released to the atmosphere. Waste incineration in furnaces also results in damage to stacks where the wet soot is accumulated, causing clogging of stack flues. This can cause not only carbon monoxide poisoning of residents, but also house fire.

Waste is incinerated in waste incineration plants. During the thermal waste treatment in these plants incineration takes place in a very high temperature (from 850 to 1150°C) and with the use of the extended system of filters, which limits the possibility of harmful substances.

WASTE SIGNS The products packaging contains many information on the product composition, shelf life or manufacturer’s data. For the consumer, for whom environmental protection is of great importance, so-called eco-signs are also significant.


packaging suitable for recycling

packaging suitable for reuse

biodegradable packaging

packaging made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

glass packaging suitable for reuse

Please also pay attention to signs informing about the fact that we deal with hazardous substances and, at the same time, with hazardous waste.

flammable substance

harmful or irritant substance

toxic substance

Did you know that the pollution originating from waste incineration in home furnaces may cause cardiovascular diseases, breathing problems, asthma and cancer?

substance harmful to environment

corrosive substance

TIPS YOU CANNOT WASTE Every individual has an impact on the volume of generated waste. By following several simple rules, you can not only contribute to the reduction of its volume, but also to its reasonable management. • Buy only as much as you need. • When shopping, take your own bag, rucksack or basket. Avoid using disposable shopping bags. • Pay attention to the packaging. Choose such products, which are not excessively repacked or do not have the packaging at all. • Buy re-usable products. • Fix and re-use products. • Sort, recycle and compost waste. • If possible, manage bio-waste in your own compost bin. • Buy second-hand products and sell or give away things you do not need anymore. • Choose recycled products or products in packaging which can be recycled. Waste sorting is not hard to do. It merely requires a minimum involvement and development of daily habits. It is about respect for the natural environment paid by human and contributes to the rational management of natural resources.

Material to be released free of charge, not for sale. Piaseczno commune has all copyrights to the publication.

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