The Bow of Pi Beta Phi Foundation - Summer 2024

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SUMMER 2024 PI BETA PHI FOUNDATION The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation SUMMER 2024 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Root of Meaningful Impact | Staying Connected Through Service

Message from Leadership

As a dedicated Foundation Trustee, Nebraska Beta GINA GARRISON JONES understands how meaningful connections can lead to profound passion—through our collective power as sisters, there is no limit to what we can accomplish together.

Why do you stay engaged with Pi Phi as a volunteer leader?

I have found the work to be so interesting and meaningful— an opportunity to make a real contribution to the growth and betterment of the organization. Put simply, I have found my experience with Pi Phi to be truly life-enriching.

What fulfills you about the relationships you form with other volunteer leaders?

There’s an instant bond that happens with a fellow Pi Phi leader based on our shared background and experiences. I love these commonalities as they serve as the springboard for forming lasting relationships with other engaged women from all life stages.

What role do you believe Pi Phi plays in fostering lifelong friendships— and how does that influence your commitment as a volunteer?

Nothing seems to compare with the instant rapport and sense of community that being a Pi Phi brings to forming new relationships and lasting friendships. Meeting each other and working together on common goals provides the opportunity to develop close bonds of understanding. Our friends shape who we are and who we are yet to be. Friendships are for a lifetime and that may never be truer than in the companionship of Pi Beta Phi.

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How does your involvement in Pi Phi contribute to your own personal growth?

Pi Phi involvement has kept my skill sets relevant to what’s happening today. It’s sharpened my communication, leadership and interpersonal skills; it has stretched me in ways I could have never imagined all in the safe space and comfort of sisters.

What inspires your support to our Foundation?

My own journey with Pi Beta Phi is defined by support from sisters and friends. Receiving a scholarship as a collegian provided a necessary framework for me as I completed my degree and began my professional endeavors. I consider that support a saving grace at a challenging time, and I channel those feelings of gratitude in my service and support of our Foundation.

What advice would you share with a sister considering a volunteer role in Pi Phi?

Every role I’ve had with Pi Phi whether it’s been at the local level, regional level or beyond has provided unique and meaningful opportunities for growth that can be applied both

Friendships are for a lifetime and that may never be truer than in the companionship of Pi Beta Phi. “

personally and professionally. If you have never been involved, now is the time! If you were involved in the past and are thinking about coming back, now is the time. There are so many ways to be involved and participate, don’t let it pass you by—“now is the time” is the answer to everything.


The Root of Meaningful Impact

Within the dorm walls of Birmingham-Southern College (BSC), Alabama Alpha BHAKTI

DESAI found herself drawn to Pi Phi sisterhood after a simple invitation from a friend led her to the chapter house. Inside, she discovered a sense of belonging and support which would eventually shape the experience of her collegiate life and future career. Now, as a pediatric

dentist and assistant professor, Bhakti reflects on Pi Phi as a cornerstone of her growth and success.

As a chemistry major on the predental track, Bhakti was aware of the time and attention required to invest in her studies. After joining Pi Beta Phi later in her first year at BSC, Bhakti quickly found a nurturing support system which helped alleviate some

From left: Bhakti and Alabama Alpha MCKENZIE DAVIES .

of the mental stress associated with her academic goals. However, she understood the financial strain her education could impose on her family and herself. To continue pursuing her career aspirations while mitigating as much student debt as possible, Bhakti turned to Pi Phi.

For the 2015–2016 academic year, Bhakti received the Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship—an undergraduate scholarship awarded to any member. Upon receiving the news, Bhakti recalls feeling pure excitement and gratitude. “I was so honored to be recognized by an organization that had already given me so much friendship and so many experiences that allowed me to grow as a person,” she shares. With the financial support of the scholarship, Bhakti pursued dental school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Dentistry right after graduating college. “I was very fortunate to be able to do that; I feel like that’s a testament to all the experiences I had from BSC and Pi Phi.”

I was so honored to be recognized by an organization that had already given me so much friendship and so many experiences that allowed me to grow as a person. “

As a college student, Bhakti felt a deep connection to Pi Phi’s value of Philanthropic Service to Others and knew she wanted to continue giving back. To embrace this calling, Bhakti applied for an Albert Schweitzer Fellowship and was selected during the 2017–2018 academic year while attending UAB School of Dentistry. Through this fellowship, graduate students can create their own project that addresses a need in their community and ultimately serves to produce meaningful change. Bhakti chose to work with Cahaba Valley Health Care—a non-profit organization which provides free dental care for those in need.

As a dental student, Bhakti developed realistic oral health plans for the patients of Cahaba Valley. “Most people don’t realize how oral health affects our systemic health,” Bhakti explains. “I wanted to be someone who could help these patients understand this connection and also create achievable goals.” This experience not only made a difference in the lives of those she served, but also helped Bhakti channel her innate passion for education. “Ensuring people have the

resources to create meaningful lives for themselves is a cornerstone of who I am. Education is an incredible tool everyone should have access to—a lot of my service was dedicated to that.”

Ensuring people have the resources to create meaningful lives for themselves is a cornerstone of who I am. “
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Continuing her commitment to education, Bhakti now teaches full-time at the University of Illinois Chicago as a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to teaching, Bhakti also works in private practice as a pediatric dentist, helps oversee a free dental clinic for refugees and serves on the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Pre-Doctoral Education. In all her career endeavors, Bhakti’s key aspiration is to give back and help inspire the next generation of dental students—but at the core, she recognizes her ability to create change stems from Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s support. “I wouldn’t be where I am without that scholarship,” she says. “It can be hard to achieve our goals without financial assistance but receiving that assistance is incredible. It makes you feel seen and heard, and it makes your dreams feel seen and heard.”


Pi Phis A re Connected by a D esire for E ducation

As young women ahead of their time, our 12 founders sought education when few universities even admitted women. In a world that needs sincere friends and strong leaders willing to work for the betterment of others, the values-driven membership experience Pi Phi provides is more relevant and needed than ever.

Today, Pi Phi’s scholarship program ensures academic achievement remains at the center of our membership experience. With awards for both collegians and alumnae, our scholarships echo our founders’ commitment to education by assisting as many members as possible in pursuing — and reaching — their academic goals. Scholarships play a key role in the ability of many Pi Phis to achieve their dreams of completing their formal education.

Donors can support scholarships by making a gift to the Friendship Fund, making a gift to an existing scholarship fund or establishing a named scholarship.

Congratulations to the 106 collegiate and alumnae Pi Phis receiving scholarship awards totaling $317,846 from Pi Beta Phi Foundation for the 2024-2025 academic year! We’re proud of all you’ve accomplished and look forward to seeing you achieve great things in the year to come.

See the full list at




Being awarded this scholarship means I will be able to take the important lessons from my undergraduate career without the weight that comes with student debt. Both education and Pi Beta Phi mean opening doors and unlocking opportunities to pursue my dreams, which is what this scholarship means in my life.



I am deeply appreciative of your support and how this scholarship will allow me to continue to chase my dreams in medicine.




This scholarship opens doors that would have otherwise remained closed, empowering me to reach for my dreams without the constant worry of financial constraints. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the difference you are making in my life and the lives of countless students like me. I am forever grateful for the doors you have opened and the brighter future you have paved for me.

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I am the first person in my family to receive a bachelor’s degree and will be the first awarded a master’s degree. I am grateful to Pi Beta Phi Foundation for making this possible for myself and many other deserving individuals. In the future, I desire the opportunity to give back and provide my sisters with a chance to further their education or help them in a time of great need. The act of giving further supports Lifelong Commitment to this wonderful organization.





Our sisterhood provided me with an opportunity to flourish and grow into a person I never thought I could be.

2023-24 ADELE COLLINS MASON ALUMNAE CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Pi Beta Phi sisterhood for its generous support through the Alumnae Continuing Education Scholarship. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and using my education to give back to my community and society as a whole.


Staying Connected Through Service

While the cost of higher education can often act as a barrier to academic pursuits, scholarships stand as a beacon of hope for countless students—even those who continue their education beyond their undergraduate years. As a dedicated volunteer on Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Alumnae Continuing Education (ACE) Scholarship Committee, Texas Beta ANNIE BURES COWDEN understands the transformative power of scholarships and the impact they can have on shaping one’s future. Her passion for giving back and empowering others through education is not only a reflection of her own experiences but also the shared purpose of our sisterhood.

As a collegian who found fulfillment in serving on her College Panhellenic, Annie knew she wanted to continue her involvement with fraternity/ sorority life after college. Although she was initially unsure what role to pursue, an opportunity appeared to join Texas Delta’s Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) in 2016. Annie’s love for volunteerism only grew stronger through her involvement on AAC as she forged new connections, worthwhile learning experiences and a deeper appreciation for Pi Phi’s

values. However, after getting married and soon welcoming a child, Annie knew her priorities were pivoting and that the time investment of AAC would become impractical, leading her to join the ACE Scholarship Committee in 2021.

“I knew I wanted to keep volunteering, but I didn’t feel like I could be fully present on AAC anymore,” she shares. “When the opportunity came to join the ACE Scholarship Committee, it felt like the perfect fit because I already work with students every day.”

Annie is currently the director of the BNSF Neeley Leadership Program, an undergraduate leadership development program for business students at Texas Christian University (TCU). Not only does her professional career align with the values of the ACE Scholarship Committee, but so do her personal goals and aspirations. Annie recently earned her Ph.D. in higher education from TCU, fostering a unique connection to alumnae pursuing academic scholarships.

“I understand the position these women are in, and I feel like my experience allows me to be empathetic yet impartial in this role.”

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Having pursued further education as an alumna, Annie recognizes the vital role of scholarships and how they benefit both individuals and our sisterhood in its entirety. Whether someone is pursuing undergraduate or post-graduate education, scholarships acknowledge that Annie (right) with her wife, Merrit, and son, Bishop.


college isn’t affordable for everyone. “Scholarships are more important now than ever,” she says. “To remain relevant, Pi Phi must support women beyond college, such as through alumnae scholarships. It all ties back to creating a lifelong experience for every member.”

While serving on the ACE Scholarship Committee can pose challenges, Annie has found true fulfillment and belonging in the role due to its purpose and flexible nature. “Since this role is virtual, it’s something a sister could do from anywhere,” she explains. “If an alumna wants to volunteer, but knows they need flexibility, it’s a great option. There are opportunities that can meet them where they are.”

It all ties back to creating a lifelong experience for every member. “

Volunteering for Pi Phi opens a plethora of doors, and Annie looks forward to exploring new pathways and opportunities as they find her. Regardless of where she lands in the future, connection and generosity remain at the heart of her service.

“Volunteering is my way to stay connected,” Annie shares. “When I can see and understand how my service is benefiting other women, I know I’m making the right choice. In Pi Phi, you can choose what you’re passionate about, and that creates meaningful opportunity.”

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Annie is one of more than 2,100 volunteers supporting our sisterhood.

No matter your background, interests or skill set, volunteering for Pi Phi gives you the opportunity to practice and grow your skills while contributing to our sisterhood. If you’re interested in volunteering or exploring opportunities like serving on the ACE Scholarship Committee, scan the QR code to learn more.


To help our Foundation staff and volunteer leaders plan for the future, we’re excited to announce a partnership with Aly Sterling Philanthropy (ASP). For more than 15 years, ASP has helped nonprofits like Pi Beta Phi Foundation meet their philanthropic goals, evolve and elevate meaningful development practices and engage leaders in developing philanthropic cultures within organizations. We look forward to realizing outcomes that will strengthen our ability to secure the resources we need to preserve Pi Phi’s past, focus on our present and dream of a bright future for our sisterhood.


Board of Trustees

President Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta


Town & Country Commons Drive Town & Country, Missouri 63017


We extend our most sincere gratitude to Ohio Alpha TERRE MCFILLEN HALL , Illinois Eta MARY JANE BUCHELE JOHNSON , Nebraska Beta GINA GARRISON

JONES and Wisconsin Alpha BRENDA BALKUNAS WIRTH as they end their service to the Foundation Board of Trustees on June 30.

“We are especially thankful to Terre, Mary Jane, Gina and Brenda for their unwavering commitment and dedicated service to Pi Beta Phi,” said Foundation Executive Director

JILL MACKEY CARREL , Indiana Gamma. “Their expertise and steadfast leadership have been instrumental during their tenure on the board, positioning Pi Phi for an even brighter future. The impact these women have made will continue for generations to come.”

Vice President Finance

Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta

Vice President Development

Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta

Secretary Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta


Kim Barger Durand, Oregon Alpha

Terre McFillen Hall, Ohio Alpha

Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta

Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta

Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha


Ana Mancebo Miller, Texas Beta

Brenda Balkunas Wirth, Wisconsin Alpha See Foundation staff a t

You can ensure an even brighter future for our sisterhood. Your gifts to the Friendship Fund help Pi Phi prepare members to lead, award scholarships, fund our literacy work, care for our sisters—and so much more. Make a gift today at or scan the QR code.


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