Message from Leadership
As a dynamic young professional making a name for herself in the research and advisory world, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Board of Trustees Vice President Development
KATHLEEN MERIANO , New York Eta, reflects on the profound importance of giving back to Pi Phi and how her commitment to philanthropy aligns seamlessly with her strategic investment approach.
This organization has given me so much—and continues to do so—from invaluable mentors and lifelong friendships to leadership opportunities. I deeply believe in the power of the member experience and am committed to doing everything I can to ensure future members have the same opportunities to thrive.
The work we do is meaningful, but it’s the people we connect with who make it extraordinary. Some of my closest friendships have blossomed through my volunteer roles. It’s

our shared purpose that unites us, but the unique personalities and brilliance of our volunteers that make the experience enjoyable.
My personal growth within Pi Phi has expanded with each volunteer role I’ve embraced. As a collegian, serving in a chapter leadership role helped me build confidence and hone essential communication skills. As a Fraternity volunteer, I learned how to successfully manage projects and lead teams. Now, as a Foundation volunteer, I’m further developing my strategic thinking and fundraising expertise.
Our Foundation safeguards the future of our Fraternity. I’m deeply passionate about providing members with meaningful personal development opportunities. Whether it’s empowering collegians to become confident leaders through College Weekend and Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute, or financially supporting their educational pursuits with scholarships and fellowships that open doors to new possibilities, this organization has invested in me—and now it’s my turn to invest in Pi Phi.
Supporting our Foundation is a top priority for me. Between work, life in New York City and constant marathon training, my schedule feels chaotic. That’s why I love being a monthly donor. I set my annual giving goal and know I’m making progress toward it each month. I’m also incredibly fortunate to work for a company that matches my contributions, which makes giving even easier. It’s reassuring to know I’m supporting our Foundation consistently, and that they can count on my monthly gift.
This organization has invested in me—and now it’s my turn to invest in Pi Phi.
There are countless ways to give back! Our Foundation thrives through its diverse committees, ranging from finance to stewardship, offering a place for every skill set and passion. When it comes to financial giving, the Friendship Fund is one of the most impactful ways to support the Foundation’s mission—allowing the flexibility to support member programs and the Fraternity’s greatest needs. Your investment can make a difference and align with a giving priority that’s meaningful to you.
Power to Create Positive Change
Washington Beta JESSI JOHNSON ’s journey with Pi Beta Phi began differently than most. After going through recruitment at Washington State University several times without finding the right fit, she felt discouraged, as none of the chapters aligned with her own values. Then, in 2015, she learned about the reestablishment of

Pi Phi’s Washington Beta Chapter. With her aunt CAROL KUTCH CAFFREY ’s positive experience as a Washington Beta in mind, she signed up for recruitment once more, feeling both curious and hopeful.
From the very beginning, something felt different about Pi Phi—the warmth and kindness of the members drew her in, making her feel instantly at home. But what truly resonated with Jessi was Pi Phi’s commitment to literacy, a cause that aligned perfectly with her personal passions—reading and helping others. For Jessi, Pi Phi was a place where she could blend her interests with meaningful impact, making it the perfect fit.
During her collegiate years, and even after graduating, she remained committed to Pi Phi. A few years after graduation, she moved to Seattle, where she became an active member of the Seattle, Washington, Alumnae Club. She took on several leadership roles, eventually serving as President, and later joined Washington Alpha’s Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC).
For Jessi, volunteering is more than just a commitment to an organization—it’s a way to pay forward the support she received during her collegiate years.
“Being part of a chapter that was reestablished, I saw firsthand how much effort and support it takes to ensure a chapter’s success,” Jessi says. “Volunteering allows me to give back and help ensure today’s collegians have the same opportunities for growth and success that I did.”
Jessi’s dedication to supporting Pi Phi’s mission of cultivating leadership potential and mentoring young women in the chapter comes from her belief in the value of Lifelong Commitment. She also understands the profound impact volunteers have on an organization. “Even if you can only spare five or ten minutes a day, it adds up,” she shares. “You can make a huge difference in someone’s life.”
As a Microsoft employee, Jessi has been able to extend her philanthropic efforts through
Volunteering allows me to give back and help ensure today’s collegians have the same opportunities for growth and success that I did. “
Microsoft Give—a program that allows employees to donate time or money to nonprofit organizations, with the company matching their contributions. “When you start as a full-time employee at Microsoft, you receive a $50 credit to donate to a nonprofit of your choice,” Jessi explains. “I used mine to support Pi Beta Phi Foundation.”
In addition to the initial donation, Microsoft Give encourages employees to track their volunteer hours, which are then matched with monetary donations to the employees’ designated nonprofit organization. For Jessi, this program has allowed her to support Pi Phi financially while also dedicating her time to the Fraternity. “In the past year, I tracked 89 hours of volunteer time, which translated to more than $2,300 in donations to Pi Beta Phi Foundation through the corporate
matching program,” Jessi states. “It’s a win-win situation—my time is valued and the organization I care about benefits financially.”
As someone who finds value in this initiative, Jessi encourages others to explore similar corporate giving programs at their own workplaces.
“If your company doesn’t have a program like this, reach out to your Human Resources department and advocate for it,” she advises. “You can be the one to create positive change in your organization.”
Utilizing corporate matching gift programs will amplify your impact and help ensure Pi Phi remains a constant in the lives of our sisters. The futures of our members and communities shine brighter because of your support.
If you’re unsure whether your company offers matching donations, you can search for your employer on our Foundation’s website.

A Foundation of True Friendship
As an out-of-state student beginning her first year at the University of Connecticut, Connecticut Alpha LIANNA
SMITH found a sense of belonging in Pi Phi. She recalls walking through the silver blue doors of her soonto-be chapter house and feeling welcomed into a community of comfort and genuine connection. Beaming with newfound love for Pi Phi and its philanthropic focus on literacy, Lianna knew she had found her home and would soon discover a lifelong source of friendship.
From heartfelt moments shared during recruitment to unconventional apple pie recipes and late-night chats, Lianna’s first year in Pi Phi was filled with boundless joy and laughter. While many members recall fond memories during their collegiate years, Lianna recently discovered the true value in staying connected after graduation.
To deepen her understanding of our sisterhood and foster new connections, Lianna attended the 2024 Halo Happenings event in Portland, Oregon, during her summer break after her first year of college. Meeting alumnae from different chapters and generations was an eye-opening experience for Lianna, one that planted a new seed of appreciation. “I loved hearing stories from alumnae about their experiences in college,” she shares. “It’s amazing that even though we attended college decades apart, our traditions and Sincere Friendships made in Pi Phi stay the same.”
As an aspiring chapter leader, Lianna also attended Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute in St. Louis in 2024, an equally fulfilling experience. Lianna felt the threeday event equipped her to be a strong leader in more ways than one. “Leadership Institute prepared me with tangible resources to be
From left: Connecticut Alphas APRILLE VETCHAPINAN , Lianna and RUBY ROBBIBARO
a better leader for my chapter and to advance my future career,” she says. “It taught me that being a leader isn’t dependent on the size of the impact you make, but by the difference you make in even one person’s life.”
While the leadership development added valuable and worthwhile knowledge to her skillset, Lianna’s biggest takeaway from Leadership Institute was the unforgettable connections it fostered. Attending the event alongside fellow sisters created an uplifting atmosphere to learn, seek advice and grow in confidence. “I appreciated getting to know other Pi Phis who had similar aspirations to one day serve in chapter leadership,” she reflects. “These women were passionate about Pi Phi, and to be surrounded by that strong, positive energy was truly empowering. I left St. Louis with friends from across North America. It’s amazing that there will be sisters supporting me from states away wherever I go.”
Despite the different purposes of each event, Lianna emphasizes how both Halo Happenings and Leadership Institute highlighted the importance of living Pi Phi’s
mission. As someone whose member experience was previously only attached to her college campus, these events gave Lianna a greater sense of gratitude for the profound impact and reach of our sisterhood across chapters, generations and the world. “Pi Phi events are incredibly important because they remind you why you chose the wine and silver blue,” she says. “To share Pi Phi Love with someone you’ve never met before is such a blissful and unique opportunity I believe everyone should experience.”
Though anticipating her transition from collegian to alumna may bring some anxiety, these experiences have sparked hope and excitement as Lianna looks toward her future. From building connections with alumnae mentors to aspiring to volunteer herself, Lianna is confident Pi Phi will continue to be an anchor in her life—especially as a foundation of true friendship. “Pi Phi friendships are truly lifelong, and new ones are always sprouting,” she shares. “While I may not know what my life will look like in ten years, I have comfort in knowing my Pi Phi sisters will always be there.”
Points of Interest
Mark your calendars for March 14, 2025—Pi Day—and plan to join us as we celebrate a day of fun, friendship and giving back to our sisterhood. Just like pi (3.14), the mathematical constant that represents infinity, Pi Phi is an endless source of support and true friendship in the lives of our sisters. A gift on Pi Phi Giving Day benefits the Friendship Fund, which helps us prepare members to lead, award scholarships, fund our literacy work, care for our sisters and so much more.
This year marks an extra sweet celebration as we’re honoring the 10-year anniversary of Pi Phi Giving Day! Donating on Pi Phi Giving Day is a simple yet meaningful way to live our values and fulfill our mission. As we reflect on the past decade of Pi Phi Giving Day, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future. In 2024, we raised $215,018.67 from 843 donors—help us reach our goal of $225,000 and 1,000 donors this year! Visit pibetaphi.org/ppgd to learn more.
Sign up to be a Pi Phi Giving Day Ambassador! Ambassadors are advocates for our Foundation, committed to sharing why they give to encourage sisters and friends to join them in the celebration. Ambassadors will be fully equipped with the tools they need for success and have the opportunity to win prizes as they achieve key milestones in their personal fundraising efforts. Learn more and sign up at pibetaphi.org/ppgd
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During the 2023-2024 fiscal year, Pi Beta Phi Foundation awarded $58,985 in Local Impact Grants to more than 20 organizations across North America. Thanks to the continued support from our chapters and alumnae clubs, Pi Beta Phi Foundation has collectively awarded $900,650 in Local Impact Grants—and needs your help to reach $1 million in grant awards!
Local Impact Grants provide funds to literacy-based organizations in your communities, making a meaningful difference at the local level and contributing to a broader impact. Chapters and alumnae clubs can nominate a literacy nonprofit in their area to receive a grant, allowing them to direct 25% of their fundraising, matched dollar-for-dollar from our Foundation to the selected organization. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Over the past few months, Pi Beta Phi Foundation has partnered with Aly Sterling Philanthropy (ASP) to engage in a deliberate and thoughtful review of our Foundation’s strategic plans and operations. After gathering input from the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, key stakeholders and staff from the Foundation, Fraternity and Fraternity Housing Corporation, ASP identified key priorities that will elevate fundraising strategies and position our Foundation for a bright future. The Foundation is moving forward with implementing these strategies to position Pi Beta Phi Foundation for sustainable, growth-oriented and donor-centered fundraising success. This includes realigning our Foundation staff and actively recruiting for three new roles! Scan the QR code to learn more about the Director of Development and Engagement, Major Gifts Officer and Foundation Operations Coordinator roles.
Join us in Louisville, Kentucky, June 19-21, 2025, for a celebration of sisterhood, heritage and Pi Phi Pride! Held each biennium, convention honors our history, celebrates the present and ensures we are prepared for a bright future. Registration will open in early 2025, and there will be several opportunities to gather in appreciation of your steadfast support of our sisterhood:
Members of the Evelyn Peters Kyle and Marianne Reid Wild Societies are invited to spend the morning together and celebrate their generosity. The Evelyn Peters Kyle Society recognizes donors who make annual gifts to our Foundation of $1,000 or more and the Marianne Reid Wild Society honors sisters and friends who have made planned gifts to our Foundation.
Sisters and friends who give to Pi Beta Phi Foundation are invited to a reception to celebrate their contributions and support of our sisterhood.
Learn more at pibetaphi.org/convention
Our investment partner, AMG National Trust, has prepared a comprehensive series of reports tailored to key life events. We are pleased to offer these exclusively to our donors. Whether you are beginning your career, growing your family or planning for retirement, these resources are designed to provide valuable guidance.
Busted: Eight Myths About Retirement Planning is a helpful resource that explores the concept of “ideal” retirement age, offers guidance on preparing for this life stage and debunks common myths about retirement. Scan the QR code to read the report.
Board of Trustees
President Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta
Town & Country Commons Drive
Town & Country, Missouri 63017
Kim Barger Durand, Oregon Alpha
Vice President Development
Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta
Vice President Finance
Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta
Michael Bettin, Utah Alpha
Connell Sullivan Branan, California Gamma
Heafitz, Illinois Zeta
Alison Veit
Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha
Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta
Ana Mancebo Miller, Texas Beta
Alisa Brooks Rudlang, Minnesota Alpha
The Bow is available to download in a fully accessible digital format, compatible with screen readers, to ensure everyone can enjoy our content.
Download The Bow at pibetaphi.org/bow .
See Foundation staff at pibetaphi.org/staff
You can ensure an even brighter future for our sisterhood. Your gifts to the Friendship Fund help Pi Phi prepare members to lead, award scholarships, fund our literacy work, care for our sisters—and so much more. Make a gift today at pibetaphi.org/bowgiving or scan the QR code.