The Bow - Spring 2020

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Spring 2020

The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

A Message from Jill Mackey Carrel, Director of Advancement Dear Sisters and Friends, More than half my life has been blessed with sisters, friends and mentors whom I have the privilege to know because of my membership in Pi Beta Phi. My special Pi Phi memories span major life milestones, including weddings and welcoming children, and everyday moments, like phone calls in the school carpool line and catching up over coffee. My own Pi Phi story is one of transformation. I started as an eager chapter and campus leader, spent a year as a Traveling Graduate Consultant (now called Leadership Development Consultant) for Pi Phi, became a young professional, transitioned to life as a stay-at-home mom and international volunteer and eventually re-entered the workforce as an advancement officer.

At each step in my life, my Pi Phi sisters have been there to guide, support and encourage me — and most importantly, to challenge me to stretch myself. I cherish my Pi Phi sisters, especially my consultant class and the countless women I've served alongside as a volunteer, for the Sincere Friendship we continue to share. In this new season of my life, as Director of Advancement for Pi Beta Phi Foundation, it's such an honor to hear so many Pi Phi stories like mine — stories of transformative experiences, all in the name of sisterhood and friendship. For the past 153 years, Pi Phi has promoted friendship, cultivated leadership potential and enriched lives through community service. It's clear our membership in Pi Phi has shaped the women we've become — and in turn, our sisterhood needs the constant care of every member to ensure future generations of women benefit from the support of sincere friends and the inspiration to achieve our goals. We ask ourselves and our members: What has Pi Phi given you? I can say with confidence that Pi Phi has given me some of my dearest friends, most beloved memories and fulfilling opportunities to support the sisterhood I hold so dear. And, as Pi Phi continues to evolve, giving of our time, talent and treasure will continue to make an impact for our sisterhood in ways we can't yet imagine. Every gift makes a difference as we approach new horizons and work to ensure Pi Phi's future. That's why I believe supporting Pi Phi through gifts to our Foundation is a tangible way to live the values at the core of our sisterhood. Giving embodies friendship in its truest form — sisters supporting sisters. And, though our Pi Phi stories are all unique, it's my hope that the power of Sincere Friendship is the common thread woven through each one.

Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma Director of Advancement, Pi Beta Phi Foundation

INSIDE THIS ISSUE My Friend, My Sister, My Inspiration


Evelyn Peters Kyle Society


A Beacon of Goodness in the World


The Power of Pi Phi



The Bow

My Friend, My Sister, My Inspiration by RAINEY LYNCH, California Nu

Of all the gifts Pi Phi has offered me, two I find especially

Over the course of Leadership Institute, Annie and I, along with

meaningful are friendship and the opportunity to grow as a

the other amazing women in our Halo Huddle, opened up about

leader. That's why I immediately said "Yes!" when my Advisor

our ambitions and our insecurities, had honest conversations

asked if I'd like to attend Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute in 2018.

about confidence and authenticity, and empowered each other

Having already thoroughly enjoyed my experiences at both

to set and go after our

Convention and College Weekend, I thought Leadership Institute

goals. Though we all

would be another valuable opportunity to make new friends

returned to our chapters

and learn leadership and life skills — and I was right!

afterward, our shared experience at Leadership

When I arrived in St. Louis, I met the group of women with

Institute helped us

whom I'd spend most of the weekend, otherwise known

form friendships and

as my Halo Huddle. One of those women was ANNIE

mentorships that aren't

JURGENSMEYER. At the time, I was Chapter President at

limited by distance.

“Our shared experience at Leadership Institute helped us form friendships and mentorships that aren't limited by distance.”

California Nu, and Annie was an emerging leader at Missouri Alpha. We discovered we both are Pi Phi legacies and bonded

Before our Halo Huddle

over our shared love for our sisterhood.

parted ways, we started a group text message to stay in touch. It quickly became clear that Leadership Institute, and the friendships we developed there, truly made an impact on all of us. One by one, we began stepping into new leadership positions. In the fall of 2018, Annie was slated Vice President Membership (VPM) for Missouri Alpha. And, a few months later, I was hired as a Leadership Development Consultant (LDC) for Pi Phi. We celebrated our accomplishments and continued to share our joy and gratitude in our group text. When I received my LDC fall visit schedule, I was thrilled to see Annie's chapter on my list! Annie and I were reunited during my visit to Missouri Alpha. Shortly before we met to discuss her experience as VPM, we learned Annie was slated Chapter President for the coming year. I'm so proud of Annie for everything she's already accomplished and can't wait to see what she achieves in the future. It's such a delight to call her my friend, my sister and my inspiration. Our friendship wouldn't have been possible without our incredible sisterhood and the opportunities Pi Phi provides to

From left, Missouri Alpha Chapter President ANNIE JURGENSMEYER and Pi Beta Phi Leadership Development Consultant RAINEY LYNCH, California Nu, reunited at the Missouri Alpha chapter house during Rainey's chapter visit.

its members — including transformational experiences like Leadership Institute. Thank you, Pi Phi, for giving me friends who inspire me to be the best version of myself every day!

Spring 2020

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members Pi Beta Phi wishes to thank the following donors who have made gifts of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2019 and February 21, 2020. You make a difference for every Pi Phi by supporting leadership development, scholarships, reading initiatives, housing, heritage and grants for sisters in need. Thank you for your loyalty, leadership and Lifelong Commitment to Pi Beta Phi! Sharon Abeyta-Levey New Mexico Beta

Diane M. Bielman California Eta

Susan Butterfly-Ebert Arizona Alpha

Ashley Holmes Corley Tennessee Beta

Jill Klabzuba Ahrens Washington Gamma

Sandra Boschee Bishop North Dakota Alpha

Donna Lynn Butterworth Virginia Eta

Laura Hauck Covington Georgia Alpha

Anne O'Connell Albrecht Missouri Alpha

Cindy Crawford Black Missouri Alpha

Patricia Rose Carlton Arkansas Alpha

Cathy Cravens Crass Arkansas Alpha

Catherine Gessler Allen Arkansas Alpha

Jeanne Krouse Bliss Illinois Theta

Julie Carney Texas Beta

Angie Pinion Crawford Mississippi Beta

Gwen O'Neal Anderson Mississippi Beta

Dody Intveld Boat Iowa Gamma

Jill Mackey Carrel Indiana Gamma

Elizabeth Yarbrough Cross Arkansas Alpha

Nadine Pastolove Baccellieri Ohio Delta

Demory Schwarzbauer Boeneke Florida Beta

Julie Herron Carson Georgia Alpha

Brenda Heck Crouch Arkansas Alpha

Lou Ann Montgomery Carter Oklahoma Alpha

Corry McPherson Crowe Georgia Alpha

Kellee A. Casebeer Oregon Gamma

Candace Cuniberti New York Delta

Roberta Boyd Bragan West Virginia Gamma

Carolyn Choboian Chaikovsky California Gamma

Jamie Feist Daniels Montana Alpha

Caton Metzler Bredar Illinois Beta-Delta

Karen Shelton Chevalier California Delta

Deb Wind Brekken Ohio Zeta

Alicia Harris Clark Texas Delta

Kathleen Kilburn Brewer Indiana Gamma

Trudy Hartzell Clark Maryland Beta

Katy Mendelsohn Brooks Arkansas Alpha

Jan Kincaid Clifford Indiana Delta

Ann Warmack Brookshire Texas Beta

Mike Clifford

Kathy Kontor Dougherty Texas Epsilon

Jamie Latture Collier Mississippi Beta

Carol Winn Dunaway Arkansas Alpha

Gail Thompson Collins Mississippi Beta

Joan Todd Duncan Georgia Alpha

Karen Kennedy Compton Arkansas Alpha

Joanne Flowers Duncan South Carolina Alpha

Anne Smith Conkin Alabama Beta

Kim Barger Durand Oregon Alpha

Kara Rawls Cook Mississippi Beta

Laura Olmstead Durmon Arkansas Alpha

Kimberly Brooke Cooper Oregon Alpha

Kim Knight Dutton Arkansas Alpha

Charleen Meyer Copeland Arkansas Beta

Natalie Wilkins Dyenson Iowa Zeta

Kay Cross Baker Indiana Zeta Susan Weber Baker Oregon Gamma Peggy Batson Ballard Georgia Alpha Linda Knutzen Barbo Washington Alpha Patti Root Bash Indiana Beta Sallie Kinman Baum Arkansas Alpha Jan Maxwell Beauchamp Arkansas Alpha Carol Dempsey Beazley Mississippi Beta Betty Hogan Bechtel California Beta Donna Huskey Beckett Missouri Alpha Peggy Pattillo Beckham Texas Alpha Fran DeSimone Becque New York Alpha Maureen Day Bernard Oregon Alpha Oriana Rebecca Bertucci Ontario Gamma Janine Patterson Bethel Georgia Alpha

Mary Lou Iglehart Bookhout Texas Beta Mary-Pat Borgess Ohio Epsilon

Sally Hewell Brown Texas Delta Susan Bruch Michigan Alpha Kara Damm Bryan Iowa Zeta Beth Yancey Bryant Arkansas Alpha Donna Zay Burgard Indiana Gamma Ann Dee Burke Missouri Alpha Laura Isabel Bushnell California Alpha

Julie Pilkington Dickerson Arkansas Alpha Betty Clark Dickey Arkansas Alpha Lila Henslee Dickey Arkansas Alpha Mandy Boreing Dillard Arkansas Alpha

Continued on next page



The Bow

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members Jonna Michelle Dyer Missouri Gamma

Carly Miller Giesbrecht Alberta Alpha

Katey Newell Hobbs Missouri Alpha

Jacque Bankston Johnston Alabama Gamma

MaryBeth Rhyne Dykes Alabama Gamma

Amy Shuart Gingrich Virginia Zeta

Sandy Stancil Hodges Arkansas Alpha

Gina Garrison Jones Nebraska Beta

Shawn Eagleburger & Chase Sechrist

Carol Haddenhorst Goldenhersh Missouri Alpha

Corrie Young Hollingsworth Arkansas Alpha

Janet Morley Jones Arkansas Alpha

Marlese Lowe Gourley Missouri Alpha

Faye Cardwell Hollingsworth Mississippi Alpha

Lane Williams Joyce Missouri Alpha

Grant & Christine Kurtz Foundation

Jacque Nelson Holloway Iowa Zeta

William K. Greenhaw

Mary Morns Holman Arizona Alpha

Julia Buckingham Edelmann New Mexico Alpha Emory McGinnis Eison Mississippi Beta Jana Harris Elkins Arkansas Alpha Jenny Arnold Elkins Texas Alpha

Janet Wickham Gregory Michigan Beta

Julie McKittrick Engelbrecht Missouri Alpha

Karen Anne Gunther Ohio Epsilon

Ann Nicolay Erickson Kansas Beta

Betty Anderson Haisten Arkansas Alpha

Suzy Stone Erstine Arkansas Alpha

Terre McFillen Hall Ohio Alpha

Heather Marie Estrella California Iota

Pamela Williams Hallin Arkansas Alpha

Gayle Etienne California Delta

Toni Post Hamilton Georgia Alpha

Ellen Wintroub Feigal California Eta

Amne Harrington Florida Alpha

Caroline Daly Fief Arizona Alpha

Dana Hart Ohio Eta

Malinda Berry Fischer Oklahoma Beta

Margaret Steele Harvey New York Alpha

Jill Ingvalson Fischer Minnesota Alpha

Misty McIlroy Hawkins Arkansas Alpha

Frances Shields Foster Texas Beta

Jennifer Windell Hazelton Virginia Eta

Monica Mhoon Frame Arkansas Alpha

Alison Veit Heafitz Illinois Zeta

Jennifer Canterbury Frazier Arkansas Alpha

Deborah Ann Healy Georgia Alpha

Claire Freier Michigan Alpha

Jackie Cramer Hegman Indiana Delta

Melissa Phillips Fritz South Carolina Beta

Ann Douglas Henagan Alabama Beta

Karin Daniel Frye Alabama Gamma

Barbara Dawson Herrig Georgia Alpha

Barbara Gabriel George Oklahoma Beta

Anne Busch Hills Arizona Alpha

Joanne Hunt Hook Missouri Alpha Greer Horne Virginia Zeta Mary Ann Behlen Hruska Nebraska Beta

Carolyn Craig Keeble Arkansas Alpha Amy Bader Keirle Georgia Alpha Kay Kenimer Georgia Alpha Heidi Dake Keogh Colorado Alpha Alexander Kepler Jean Ann Kerr Georgia Alpha

Betty Staggs Huckabay Oklahoma Alpha

Kathryn Kakenmaster Kinne Illinois Theta

Bimi Lane Huebner New Mexico Beta

Caitlin Pierce Kissee Missouri Gamma

Bunny A. Hultman Michigan Gamma

Jenny Bilek Klein California Eta

Sara Brown Humphrey Missouri Alpha

Vicki Borman Knight Arkansas Alpha

Leah Ann Hurley Mississippi Beta

Margo Mazzocco Koval Arizona Alpha

Sharlotte Jeffcoat Hyde Texas Gamma

Twyla Willey Kulp Virginia Gamma

Linda Noel Ibsen Colorado Beta

Susan Crane Kyle Indiana Beta

Sandra McCracken Jacobsen Washington Alpha

Whittnee Cox La Chapelle Washington Gamma

Lesley Whitehead Jaggers Kansas Beta

Susan Jean Lane Michigan Delta

Antoinette Terrell James Mississippi Beta

Chantel Hagner Lanier Florida Epsilon

Sharon Jett Texas Delta

Sharon Vaughn Lapin Washington Alpha

Linda Roberts Jinneman Texas Epsilon

Nancy Doerner Latta Michigan Gamma

Mary Jane Buchele Johnson Illinois Eta

Nicoletta Polychron Lawson Arkansas Alpha

Elizabeth Weir Johnston Indiana Gamma

Spring 2020

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members Heather Henricks Lenkin Arizona Alpha

Lisa Nicole Masters Georgia Alpha

Mary Williams Nelson Missouri Alpha

Jan Turner Polk Oklahoma Beta

Margo Wilton Lesser California Gamma

Anita Maurras Arkansas Alpha

Kathy Swinea Nevill Tennessee Gamma

Kathy Morrisey Porter Minnesota Alpha

Julie Johnson Lewis Oklahoma Beta

Michelle Gampper Maxwell Missouri Alpha

Julie Ternes Oakhill Arkansas Alpha

Wendy Labreche Pratt Massachusetts Beta

Carolyn Chappell Light Texas Beta

Kathryn Norris May Arkansas Alpha

Kim OBrien Ohio Zeta

Patty Shelton Pyle Arkansas Alpha

Diane Malloy Lighthall Colorado Beta

Chantel McCollum Arkansas Alpha

Pia M. O'Connor Indiana Gamma

Shannon Rainosek-Hurley New Mexico Alpha

Janice Worthington Lisko Oklahoma Beta

Rose Elizabeth McCoy Nebraska Beta

Trish Dwyer O'Donnell California Gamma

Lynn Moll Rassieur Louisiana Alpha

Vaneesa Williams Little Georgia Alpha

Ann Weaver McDonald Texas Beta

Linda Ward O'Hara Kansas Alpha

Eileen Norcross Rauschert Illinois Zeta

Leslie Arnold Loftis Texas Beta

Sonnet Goodenough McKinnon New Mexico Alpha

Kay Holmes O'Jibway Texas Gamma

Amanda Marie Reid Michigan Alpha

Marion Swanson Oster California Zeta

James Remington

Betty Blades Lofton Indiana Gamma Jill Whitney Long Oklahoma Beta Leisa Ebeling Lowrey Ohio Eta

Beth Butler McLean Georgia Alpha Pat Hutcherson Meharry Georgia Alpha

Honey Henderson Owens Mississippi Beta

Dee Rippetoe Richardson Oklahoma Beta Laura Martin Ricks California Delta

Sue Meindl

Barbie Edwards Paige Oklahoma Beta

Nell Williams Luce South Dakota Alpha

Allison Mencer Arkansas Alpha

Ann Hall Patten Missouri Alpha

Shannon Kimbrough Luce New Mexico Alpha

Heather Wilson Miller New Mexico Beta

Cheri Raber Patterson Illinois Theta

Gayle Gillum Macdiarmid Louisiana Beta

Kelli Nicholson Miller Arkansas Alpha

Sally Hogsette Patton Georgia Alpha

Lisa Rede Roman New Mexico Beta

Leslie Magnus New Jersey Alpha

Lisa Hornibrook Miller Arkansas Alpha

Cheryl Ann Payne Louisiana Beta

Ann Bodenhamer Rosso Arkansas Alpha

Rae Wohlhueter Maier Kentucky Beta

Susan Consalus Miller Missouri Alpha

Audrey Miller Pennings Arkansas Alpha

Tate Russell Mississippi Beta

Lea Anne Berry Mallot Missouri Alpha

Kristie McCown Mitchell Arkansas Alpha

Kelly Williams Peterson Missouri Alpha

Callie Joe Rutherford Mississippi Beta

Leslie Atkinson Marshall Connecticut Alpha

Barbara Tremble Molinaro Arkansas Alpha

Christina Nguyen Pham California Eta

Sandra D. Rutherford Arizona Alpha

Dorothy Will Marston Iowa Gamma

Margy Harm Moorhead Indiana Gamma

Laurie Paravati Phillips New York Delta

Gioia Mariani Ryan Arizona Beta

Mallory Paige Martinez New Mexico Alpha

Meredith Katherine Morrill Tennessee Beta

Ann Dudgeon Phy Texas Alpha

Amanda Rychtanek Indiana Theta

Toni Martinovich California Eta

Debbie Gold Morrison Arkansas Alpha

Bobbie Bliss Pittman Wisconsin Beta

Anna Haag Sabiston Minnesota Alpha

Scott Hammans Mason Arkansas Alpha

Sarah (Sis) Mullis South Carolina Alpha

Jenn Plagman-Galvin Iowa Gamma

Jackie Andrea Sabol Indiana Gamma

Lori Page Massey Arkansas Alpha

Jo Anne Craver Murdock Texas Gamma

Ursula & Louis Pofi

Tina Lynn Rivard Pennsylvania Theta Tamara and John Roberts Susan Hart Rogerson Arkansas Alpha

Continued on next page



The Bow

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members Deb Jackowniak Scarlett Illinois Alpha

Amy Lorenzen Southerland South Dakota Alpha

Mary Alice Classen Tinari North Carolina Beta

Sally Sewell Wightman Oklahoma Alpha

Jill Lanman Schneider Alabama Gamma

Ann Trieschmann Spikes Arkansas Alpha

Kim Kimmy Tomczak Washington Alpha

Alinda Hill Wikert Texas Alpha

Sandra M. Schwan Arkansas Alpha

Kathy Wager Sprague Alabama Gamma

Anita Tracy Maryland Beta

Natalie McCollum Wilks Arkansas Alpha

Lisa Gamel Scott Colorado Alpha

Susan Hansen Stannard Kansas Beta

Trek Advancement

Kathleen Hinkle Will Arizona Alpha

Morgan Riley Sexton Kentucky Gamma

Betty West Stedman Texas Alpha

Vivian Long Shah New York Eta

Cheryl Bartlett Stephens Missouri Alpha

Kristin Buhl Sheehan Missouri Alpha

Alex Meyer Sternstein Georgia Alpha

Paula Pace Shepherd Texas Epsilon

Ann McDaniel Stinson Nebraska Beta

Karen Kampe Sheppard Arizona Alpha

Gretchen Dawn Stockdale Missouri Alpha

Heather Donovan Van Ningen Iowa Eta

Betsy Beese Sheridan Texas Gamma

Amanda Strickland Stout Louisiana Beta

Janet Brown Van Pelt Arkansas Alpha

Sue Schedler Winterringer Oklahoma Beta

Curtis Shipley

Judith Friend Strohm Iowa Gamma

Chris Mills Verity Texas Gamma

Julie Wisbrock & Chris Wisbrock

Leah Beth Faulk Sutton Arkansas Alpha

Ashleigh Johnson Waits Georgia Alpha

Ginny Gaines Wiseman Arkansas Alpha

Cindy Rice Svec Kansas Beta

Lisa Beliles Walsh Missouri Alpha

Betsy Bender Witt Arizona Alpha

Cheryl Brown Sykes North Carolina Alpha

Veda Ward Pennsylvania Beta

Barb Haddenhorst Woehle Missouri Alpha

Scott Tabor

Lucy Baker Warner* Indiana Zeta

Marla Neelly Wulf Kansas Beta

Beth Williston Webb Mississippi Beta

Paige Schroeder Yost Missouri Alpha

Kristy Lynn Weber Missouri Alpha

Carolyn Dinner Zecca-Ferris Arizona Alpha

Ann Denker Webster Arkansas Alpha

Anonymous Arkansas Beta

Elizabeth Horridge Weigel Kansas Beta

Anonymous Mississippi Beta

Carol Crane Wells Alabama Gamma

Anonymous Wisconsin Gamma

Susie Elling Shuler Minnesota Alpha Marcia Shurley Georgia Alpha Jamie Shuster North Carolina Alpha April Shy Peggy Bookhout Sisson Oklahoma Alpha Mia Francesca Sliman

Mary Rakow Tanner Maryland Beta

Katherine Fristoe Tronco Georgia Alpha Pam Joy Turbeville Arizona Alpha Alissa Rose Turnipseed D.C. Alpha Angie Killian Underwood Illinois Iota

Carrie Westbrook Smith Mississippi Beta

The Ebert LeBlanc Family Foundation Inc.

Marietta Irving Smith Arkansas Alpha

Leigh Thiedeman Iowa Gamma

Susan Haddenhorst Smith Missouri Alpha

Kim Gatlin Thomas Texas Delta

Susan Mitchell Smith Missouri Alpha

Martina Moss Thomas Arkansas Alpha

Cissy Whetsel Smucker Colorado Beta

Sally Rahe Thomas Oklahoma Alpha

Beth Seidelhuber Sordi California Kappa

Melanie Merrill Thompson Kansas Beta

Megan Vanlandingham Westlake Arkansas Alpha

Lori Franklin Soukup Ohio Theta

Karen Sulley Thorn Nebraska Beta

Diane Carlson White Georgia Alpha

Ruth Dunlap Will Ohio Beta Elizabeth Montgomery Wilson Texas Beta Shaughnessey Miller Winkelhake Colorado Delta Hallee Winnie Michigan Gamma

* Deceased

Spring 2020


A Beacon of Goodness in the World by WENDY LABRECHE PRATT, Massachusetts Beta

Shortly after arriving at the University of Massachusetts, I realized I needed some way to make such a big place feel smaller. At that time, the student population was larger than three times the size of my hometown! Two friends living in my residence hall showed me that sorority life was one way to find a home on campus. Pi Phi became my home during my four years at UMass and gave me some of my closest friends for life. One of the friends from my hall — fellow Massachusetts Beta KATHY OUIMET PERRIN — became my big sister, and we’re still in touch to this day. After graduation, I moved around a bit before earning my MBA at Indiana University, and served one year on the Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) for Indiana Beta. For the 30 years that followed, my Pi Phi involvement was diligently reading The Arrow and staying in touch with my Massachusetts Beta sisters — but not actively volunteering.

From left, Massachusetts Betas CHERYLANN CHASE TAYLOR and WENDY LABRECHE PRATT share their Pi Phi Pride at the Boston Halo Happenings in 2015.

About 10 years ago, I received an email from Pi Phi inviting

Whatever needs arise, I want Pi Phi to be prepared — and I have

alumnae in my area to support our extension presentation

faith that our leadership uses the money wisely. We’ll still be a

at Quinnipiac University. On a whim, I went, and ended

beacon of goodness in the world 150 years from now, just as we

up being asked to serve on Connecticut Gamma’s first AAC.

were 150 years ago.

When I was asked to help, I didn't think I was qualified for the position — but then I thought, "what if nobody else raises her

I believe that our core values are a blueprint for how to live a

hand?" I quickly learned that the level of support Pi Phi gives

good life. Pi Phi gives me a chance to be surrounded all the time

to local volunteers is unparalleled. After several years, I had

by women who also live this way. Sincere Friendship means

the opportunity to join the Region One Team as Operations

it doesn’t matter which side of the friendship you’re on —

Specialist. I count the six women I served with among my

sometimes you’re the one in need, sometimes you’re the one

closest friends.

giving support and sometimes you’re just enjoying each other’s company. In those relationships, you don’t keep score; you’re

Whether it’s my time or money, I give to Pi Phi because I believe

there for your friend in whatever capacity is needed. Through

that we’re as relevant as we were when I pledged, and when

Pi Phi, I know hundreds of women who are there for me,

we were founded. We’re still a safe place for young women

whether we’re celebrating, commiserating or just getting

to navigate the challenges of today’s world. If we’re going to

through. Being a Pi Phi is one of the best experiences of my

continue, our needs will only grow, and we must help support

life, and I can’t say I knew the depth of that experience as a

that growth.

collegian. Now, I truly know what it means to be a friend and leader for life.

I choose to designate my financial support to the Friendship Fund because the needs and priorities of our sisterhood change.


1154 Town & Country Commons Drive Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Shared Vision of Pi Beta Phi To be recognized as a premier organization for women by providing lifelong enrichment to its members and contributing to the betterment of society.

Mission Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood.

Board of Trustees President Kate Blatherwick Pickert, Kansas Alpha Vice President Finance Janice Worthington Lisko, Oklahoma Beta Vice President Development Kathy Wager Sprague, Alabama Gamma Secretary Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta Trustees Terre McFillen Hall, Ohio Alpha Jennifer Windell Hazelton, Virginia Eta Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta Ex-Officio Marla Neelly Wulf, Kansas Beta Brenda Balkunas Wirth, Wisconsin Alpha

The Power of Pi Phi We are so proud of the commitment each Pi Phi chapter dedicates to bettering the lives of others through philanthropic service. In 2019, every single Pi Phi chapter hosted an event to engage their communities and raise support for local and international literacy efforts. In addition to the time and effort committed, our chapters collectively raised $1,213,943.91 for our Foundation!

Collegiate representatives from the 2019 Top 10 chapters for giving.

Staff Executive Director Hallee Winnie, Michigan Gamma Director of Advancement Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma Director of Operations & Programs Betsy West McCune, Missouri Alpha Director of Finance & Administration Kim Sherman Individual Giving Officer Courtney Hammock, Colorado Epsilon Development and Engagement Manager Emily Karcher, Maryland Gamma Development and Engagement Manager Megan Schwedtmann Housing Advancement Manager Julia Budde Operations Manager Joanna Sell Finance & Programs Specialist Mary Beth Unger Roy, Missouri Alpha Foundation Coordinator Emma Wigmore

Save The Date April 28, 2020, is Pi Phi Giving Day! Join sisters and friends around the world to celebrate and care for our sisterhood by making a gift to the Friendship Fund. After April 1, visit and use #PiPhiGivingDay on social media to help spread the word and share why you support Pi Beta Phi!

Fraternity Day of Service We want to extend a proud thank you to all who participated in Fraternity Day of Service 2020! Alumnae clubs and chapters across North America dedicated time to give literacy service to their communities, including our five Signature Events across the U.S.! Children in these five communities received a total of 100,000 books thanks to your support of The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Visit to read more.

Stay connected all year long!




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