The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Spring 2023

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A Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends,

When I think of Pi Phi, I think of home—a home filled with my sisters, friends, supporters and cheerleaders who have provided Sincere Friendship to me through every phase of life. I’m keenly aware of the role Pi Phi plays in providing a home for our members through my service with the Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) Board of Directors. Housing for our collegians is not just a place to live, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Pi Phis to build bonds and foster friendships they’ll carry far beyond the walls of a Pi Phi chapter facility.

Through my service to FHC, I’ve also had the opportunity to become involved with Pi Beta Phi Foundation and serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. Coming into this position, I knew the value our Foundation has in supporting our sisterhood, but I didn’t fully understand the true power of Pi Phi until I participated in this work. Our Foundation was still in its early years when I was a collegian, so I’ve witnessed exponential growth over the course of my own Pi Phi journey.

Many of the programs made possible by our Foundation today were either newly created or didn’t exist when I was a collegian. Now, I look at the wealth of leadership development opportunities, scholarships, grants and other essential programs supported by our Foundation and am proud of the role we can all play in encouraging and empowering future generations of Pi Phis.

No matter where your priorities and passions lie—whether you share my interest in housing or find inspiration in another programmatic area—there are simple yet impactful ways to sustain our sisterhood and provide opportunities for future members to find the same sense of home we’ve all found in Pi Phi.

One of the most fulfilling ways to do so is by making a gift to celebrate our sisterhood on Pi Phi Giving Day. Pi Phi Giving Day is my favorite day of the year! We not only get to celebrate Founders’ Day and the history of our sisterhood, but also live our Lifelong Commitment by ensuring Pi Phi thrives for generations to come and provides a home for sisters long after our college days are over.

I’ll tell you what I tell my closest Pi Phi friends: Pi Phi gave us a home when we needed one—and we have the power to ensure the same can be done for future sisters. Every gift and every sister make a difference in the lives of current and future Pi Phis. Join me in ensuring our home in Pi Phi endures.

In Pi Phi,

T he Bow
Spring 2023
Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Points of Interest 4 7 Learning as a Leader 2
The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

Learning as a Leader

While there are countless opportunities for leadership development during our members’ collegiate years, many find their leadership journeys truly begin as alumnae. From life-changing scholarships to premier programming, Pi Beta Phi empowers every sister to cultivate their leadership potential.

After graduating from Michigan State University, Michigan Gamma JULIA FURTAW was asked to join Ohio Epsilon’s Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC). Over a span of five years, Julia held multiple advisory roles at Ohio Epsilon in member development, event planning and administration before coming to her current role as the Community Relations Specialist for Region Two.

Although Julia has worked in management throughout her professional career, her leadership experience in Pi Phi sparked a new passion and perspective. “I started to understand that I can work with people of different backgrounds and ages and still mentor effectively,” she says. “Pi Phi helped me identify and hone that skillset.” Julia found volunteering offered her a source of Personal and Intellectual Growth as well. “I've become a more intuitive and empathetic leader,” she reflects. “Seeing these amazing young women and the challenges they face—which are different from the challenges I faced as a collegian—has helped me better understand the collegiate experience today.”

Julia continues to find inspiration in her current role, particularly in the connections she builds with collegians. “Working with chapters and coming up with philanthropy events that are meaningful for the members is so fun,” she shares. “The creativity of our collegians never fails to amaze me.”

This creative and auspicious energy motivates Julia to continue serving as a volunteer—being able to guide collegians during a formative period of their leadership journeys is something she greatly values. “It's critical that we have more engaged women leaders in organizations,” she explains. “We need to help our collegians develop the skills they need so they can become those leaders after graduation. I really appreciate what Pi Phi is doing, and I want to be a part of it. When working with these young women, I know they will make a difference because they already are.”

When discussing Pi Phi’s leadership development support, it’s important to note those opportunities don’t end after graduation. Julia feels strongly that no matter what chapter of life you are in, there is always room to learn, and she treasures what Pi Phi offers to alumnae and volunteers. “As lifelong learners, there are so many wonderful ways to use and build your skills within Pi Phi," she shares. "Being able to work toward something that is important to you is a great way to start a leadership journey.”

Pi Phi is committed to shaping the next generation of leaders, which is why Julia not only shares her time and knowledge, but also gives back as a donor. Supporting our Foundation is a way for Julia to make a direct impact on the future of our

2 The Bow
Facilitators for the Vice President Community Relations College at College Weekend 2023. From left: Program and Literacy Coordinator Gaby Berberich, Julia and Region Nine Community Relations Specialist KRISTIN ZEMKE, New York Eta.
When working with these young women, I know they will make a difference because they already are."

sisterhood—one that has already made an impact on her own life. “Pi Phi gave me an amazing experience,” she says. “I want to make sure that experience is there for collegians today all over the United States and Canada.” Likewise, Julia truly believes the opportunities Pi Phi offers—such as scholarships—can change one's life. “Supporting our sisters in that way is so important, whether we know them or not.”

Supporting every sister is integral to maintaining a culture of friendship, trust and empowerment—fulfilling those intentions is equally important. As a volunteer, Julia finds her personal fulfillment through Pi Phi events. "It’s a way to reach out to sisters in person and say thank you,” she explains. “You can sit down with somebody who’s 19 or 79 and feel an immediate connection.” Julia also gains helpful insight at events which allows her to hone her professional skills and understand the greater impact of her role, “At College Weekend 2020, I took away this idea that no matter if we're collegians or alumnae, we can all make an impact in our community.”

Julia recently attended College Weekend 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri alongside hundreds of other Pi Phis. She co-presented the Vice President Community Relations college; this year’s event was her first as a facilitator. As someone who says she struggles with public speaking, Julia found the opportunity to mentor a large group of women in person was invaluable. “Leadership requires constant personal growth; it isn’t something you learn and forget,” she says. “It’s a journey and College Weekend reinforced that for me.”

As Julia continues to reflect on her experience at College Weekend, and her leadership journey within Pi Phi, she remembers the message “Friends and Leaders for Life.”

To her, this is the essence of who we are and what we value. Empowering young women in their journeys— and finding her own personal growth along the way— is what truly fulfills Julia as a sister and leader.

Friends and Leaders for Life

Leadership development opportunities provided by Pi Beta Phi—including College Weekend, the Leadership Development Consultant program and more—are made possible by supporters of our Foundation. Every Pi Phi is called to be a Friend and Leader for Life, and supporting this integral leadership development programming allows sisters and friends to fulfill their commitment to develop the next generation of women leaders. Learn more about supporting leadership development at

Spring 2023
Julia (back row, left) with attendees and facilitators of the Vice President Community Relations College at College Weekend 2023.

Thank You to Our Evelyn Peters Kyle Society Members

Pi Beta Phi wishes to thank the following donors who have made gifts of $1,000 or more or have current monthly donations of $83.33 or more between July 1, 2022 and February 15, 2023. You make a difference for every Pi Phi by supporting leadership development, scholarships, reading initiatives, housing, heritage and grants for sisters in need. Thank you for your loyalty, leadership and Lifelong Commitment to Pi Beta Phi! To join these sisters and friends of Pi Phi as a member of the Evelyn Peters Kyle Society this year, make your gift by June 30, 2023 at

Sharon Abeyta-Levey New Mexico Beta

Jill Klabzuba Ahrens Washington Gamma

Heather Alberts North Dakota Alpha

Sharron Marshall Alexander Mississippi Beta

Jennifer Johnson Allen Oklahoma Beta

Beth Simmons Amos Mississippi Beta

Marie Baldazo Andreasen California Eta

Judi Donaldson Baker Oklahoma Beta

Kay Cross Baker Indiana Zeta

Susan Weber Baker Oregon Gamma

Jamie Baldwin

Peggy Batson Ballard Georgia Alpha

Sheila Dugan Barton* Utah Alpha

Patti Root Bash Indiana Beta

Mary Cendana Batto New York Epsilon

Lacie Drogen Baumgartner North Dakota Alpha

Ethel Reiss Bean Iowa Beta

Liz Ann Beatty Louisiana Beta

Fran DeSimone Becque New York Alpha

Sue Kline Bennett Oklahoma Beta

Diane M. Bielman California Eta

Maria Barkman Black

Colorado Alpha

Elizabeth Ann Blanco Georgia Alpha

Dody Intveld Boat Iowa Gamma

Mary Lou Iglehart Bookhout Texas Beta

Jane Fitzpatrick Boudreau Oklahoma Beta

Rick and Roberta Boyd Bragan West Virginia Gamma

Caton Metzler Bredar Illinois Beta-Delta

Kay Gruntmeir Brezny Oklahoma Beta

Kara Kessinger Brittingham Missouri Alpha

Ann Warmack Brookshire Texas Beta

Sally Hewell Brown Texas Delta

Kara Damm Bryan Iowa Zeta

Kerry Jane Bryan Wisconsin Alpha

Leslie Anne Buford Oklahoma Beta

Jamie Rachelle Burke Alabama Beta

Connie Dubberstein Tatum Burnett Oklahoma Beta

Laura Isabel Bushnell California Alpha

Susan Butterfly-Ebert Arizona Alpha

Donna Lynn Butterworth Virginia Eta

Erin Hoffman Cambern Oklahoma Beta

Nancy Stasiak Carden Mississippi Beta

Jill Mackey Carrel Indiana Gamma

Lynn Aldridge Carswell Georgia Alpha

Kellee A. Casebeer Oregon Gamma

Karen Shelton Chevalier California Delta

Ann Herrald Christiansen Iowa Gamma

Kathi Hobbs Chulick Missouri Alpha

Trudy Hartzell Clark Maryland Beta

Melissa Malone Colvin Virginia Theta

Ann Tollefson Crampton Kansas Beta

Medie Rood Crockett Georgia Alpha

Corry McPherson Crowe Georgia Alpha

Jamie Feist Daniels Montana Alpha

Barbara Boggess Davis* Indiana Delta

Janet Pierce Davis Tennessee Gamma

Lynne Stevenson Davis Missouri Alpha

Donna Coffman Dawson Oklahoma Beta

Mandy Boreing Dillard Arkansas Alpha

Annie Geis Dillingham Oklahoma Beta

Doris Schnekloth Dittmer Iowa Gamma

Sara Inelle Doornbos-Williams Kansas Beta

Kathy Kontor Dougherty Texas Epsilon

Debbie Mulick Downs Oklahoma Beta

Joan Todd Duncan Georgia Alpha

Leslie Willard Dunsworth Arizona Beta

Kim Barger Durand Oregon Alpha

Jayme Lawson Durkee Missouri Beta

Natalie Wilkins Dyenson Iowa Zeta

Mary Beth Rhyne Dykes Alabama Gamma

Shawn Eagleburger and Chase Sechrist

Julia Buckingham Edelmann New Mexico Alpha

Michele Wilding Eichermueller Oregon Delta

Emory McGinnis Eison Mississippi Beta

Dana Morton Emery California Alpha

Ann Nicolay Erickson Kansas Beta

Gayle Etienne California Delta

Jim V. Eyre*

Diana Shorb Eyre Illinois Zeta

Judy Ogden Fabian South Dakota Alpha

Leila Krumhansl Faris* Maryland Beta

Malinda Berry Fischer Oklahoma Beta

Jill Ingvalson Fischer Minnesota Alpha

Kyra Kay Flatow Montana Alpha

Frances Shields Foster Texas Beta

Cathy Hutchinson Foster California Delta

Karin Daniel Frye Alabama Gamma

4 The Bow
*It is with great respect and sisterly love we acknowledge the members and friends indicated with an asterisk have passed away. Amanda Reid Austin Michigan Alpha

Jane McNeill George Ohio Alpha

Candi Parks Gershuni Georgia Alpha

Judy Walker Gibbs Louisiana Beta

Kari Erickson Gill Minnesota Alpha

Amy Shuart Gingrich Virginia Zeta

Stacia Long Glavas Oklahoma Beta

Ruth H. Gogel* Ohio Epsilon

Betsy Daniels Graseck New York Delta

Linda Richey Graves Oklahoma Beta

Janet Wickham Gregory Michigan Beta

Kendall Shiffler Guinn Mississippi Beta

Karen Anne Gunther Ohio Epsilon

Teresa McFillen Hall Ohio Alpha

Pat Brandt Hamilton* Florida Beta

Richard Hankins

Jen Mahon Harris Arizona Alpha

Dana Hart Ohio Eta

Margaret Steele Harvey New York Alpha

Kay Hammond Hazel Missouri Beta

Becky Flemmons Herren Mississippi Beta

Jane Thiem Hill Illinois Zeta

Anne Busch Hills Arizona Alpha

Faye Cardwell Hollingsworth Mississippi Alpha

Mary Morns Holman Arizona Alpha

Joanne Hunt Hook Missouri Alpha

Jessica Manning Hooper Washington Beta

Greer Horne Virginia Zeta

Mary Ann Behlen Hruska Nebraska Beta

Betty Staggs Huckabay Oklahoma Alpha

Bimi Lane Huebner New Mexico Beta

Mia Mulick Hughes Oklahoma Beta

Bunny A. Hultman Michigan Gamma

Beth Suttle Hunger Georgia Alpha

Celia Niessen Hunt Texas Beta

Sharlotte Jeffcoat Hyde Texas Gamma

Sandra McCracken Jacobsen Washington Alpha

Antoinette Terrell James Mississippi Beta

Janet Jones Jenkins New Mexico Beta

Pam Anderson Jessup Georgia Alpha

Linda Roberts Jinneman Texas Epsilon

Mary Jane Buchele Johnson Illinois Eta

Gina Garrison Jones Nebraska Beta

Margaret Waters Jordan* Missouri Alpha

Tamara Hayes Joslin New Mexico Beta

Sharon Bryan Keating Oklahoma Beta

Crista Carroll Keifer Mississippi Beta

Megan Fahrmeier Kelley Mississippi Beta

Melody Wimmer Kilgallon

Oklahoma Beta

Kathryn Kakenmaster Kinne Illinois Theta

Dorie Hertlein Kisner Mississippi Beta

Caitlin Pierce Kissee Missouri Gamma

Ruth McJunkin Klabzuba Oklahoma Beta

Judy Rector Knox Alabama Beta

Stephanie Kohan Pennsylvania Epsilon

Nix Lynn Kramer North Carolina Delta

Mardy Lynn Kramer South Carolina Alpha

Twyla Willey Kulp Virginia Gamma

Susan Crane Kyle Indiana Beta

Whittnee Cox La Chapelle Washington Gamma

Nancy Doerner Latta Michigan Gamma

Heather Henricks Lenkin Arizona Alpha

Margo Wilton Lesser California Gamma

Sherrie Pendley Liebsack

Idaho Alpha

Diane Malloy Lighthall Colorado Beta

Janice Worthington Lisko Oklahoma Beta

Vaneesa Williams Little Georgia Alpha

Carol Malesardi Litwak

Pennsylvania Beta

Jill Whitney Long Oklahoma Beta

Kaye Bailey Loughmiller Oregon Beta

Ken Love

Leisa Ebeling Lowrey Ohio Eta

Shannon Kimbrough Luce New Mexico Alpha

Leslie Magnus New Jersey Alpha

Peggy Claire Malone Georgia Alpha

Dorothy Will Marston

Iowa Gamma

Toni Martinovich California Eta

Michelle Gampper Maxwell Missouri Alpha

Susan Hadley Maynor Mississippi Beta

Stacy Cole McDaniel Oklahoma Beta

Ann Weaver McDonald Texas Beta

Sonnet Goodenough McKinnon New Mexico Alpha

Mary Foster McPhie Illinois Theta

Janet Smith Meeks Mississippi Beta

Pat Hutcherson Meharry Georgia Alpha

Sara Hill Memmott Oklahoma Beta

Kathleen Ann Meriano New York Eta

Heather Wilson Miller New Mexico Beta

Marjorie Lyman Miller D.C. Alpha

Susan Consalus Miller Missouri Alpha

Suzie Revell Minnix

Oklahoma Beta

Adrienne Hiscox Mitchell* Kansas Alpha

Bitsy Urvan Montgomery Georgia Alpha

Margy Harm Moorhead Indiana Gamma

Gina Gowens Mountsier Oklahoma Beta

Doreen Lynn Mueller Georgia Alpha

Sarah R. (Sis) Mullis South Carolina Alpha

Jo Anne Craver Murdock Texas Gamma

Carol Cornelius Neiman Iowa Gamma

Patricia Kelley Nicholls Montana Alpha

Lana Lott Nicholos

Georgia Alpha

Kim OBrien Ohio Zeta

Robin Hrabe Offill

Oklahoma Beta

Linda Ward O'Hara Kansas Alpha

Marion Swanson Oster California Zeta

Honey Henderson Owens Mississippi Beta

Anne Oehler Palmer Ohio Epsilon

Nancy Tuck Parkerson Georgia Alpha

Spring 2023 Continued on next page
Sara Gay Garland North Dakota Alpha

Cheri Raber Patterson Illinois Theta

Sally Hogsette Patton Georgia Alpha

Lynn Ridge Peacher Oklahoma Beta

Marilyn Wiegand Pecsok* Indiana Epsilon

Audrey Miller Pennings Arkansas Alpha

Kelly Zudycki Perry Illinois Zeta

Christina Nguyen Pham California Eta

Janice Jennings Phelps Oklahoma Beta

Laurie Paravati Phillips New York Delta

Bobbie Bliss Pittman Wisconsin Beta

Jenn Plagman-Galvin Iowa Gamma

Jan Turner Polk Oklahoma Beta

Lura Jane Powell Maryland Beta

Wendy Labreche Pratt Massachusetts Beta

Susan Bernadette Promes Missouri Beta

Keri Byars Purcell Mississippi Beta

Shannon Rainosek New Mexico Alpha

Lynn Moll Rassieur Louisiana Alpha

Alice Jean Reed Georgia Alpha

Laurie Renny Reich Wisconsin Alpha

Korinne Hague Rice Montana Alpha

Dee Rippetoe Richardson Oklahoma Beta

Tina Lynn Rivard Pennsylvania Theta

Pamela Ludlow Robinson Georgia Alpha

Janna Scott Roeseler Texas Beta

Lisa Rede Roman New Mexico Beta

Alisa Brooks Rudlang Minnesota Alpha

Tate Russell Mississippi Beta

Amanda Rychtanek Indiana Theta

Carol Jones Saunders Pennsylvania Gamma

Beverly Cregg Schafer Oklahoma Beta

Linda Schissel Colorado Beta

Jill Lanman Schneider Alabama Gamma

Rachael Rouprich Schuler Indiana Delta

Sande Elisabeth Schweier Oregon Gamma

Jean Wirths Scott* Pennsylvania Beta

Lisa Gamel Scott Colorado Alpha

Morgan Riley Sexton Kentucky Gamma

Karen Ski Johnson Seykowski Indiana Theta

Vivian Long Shah New York Eta

Courtney Comb Sheldon Minnesota Alpha

Paula Pace Shepherd Texas Epsilon

Betsy Beese Sheridan Texas Gamma

Sarah Catherine Shoaf North Carolina Gamma

Sally Minning Shoemaker Arizona Beta

Marcia Shurley Georgia Alpha

Bambi Kathryn Sidwell Oklahoma Beta

Peggy Bookhout Sisson Oklahoma Alpha

Nancy Arthur Smetts* Ohio Alpha

Cissy Whetsel Smucker Colorado Beta

Beth Seidelhuber Sordi California Kappa

Amy Lorenzen Southerland South Dakota Alpha

Kathy Wager Sprague Alabama Gamma

Susan Hansen Stannard Kansas Beta

Cheryl Bartlett Stephens Missouri Alpha

Betsy Campbell Stone Washington Gamma

Marla Helms Storm Missouri Gamma

Amanda Jo Sulc Ohio Beta

Margaret A. Sundberg Washington Alpha

Cindy Rice Svec Kansas Beta

Cheryl Brown Sykes North Carolina Alpha

Mary Rakow Tanner Maryland Beta

Mary Loy Tatum Oklahoma Beta

Patricia Wade Temple Virginia Gamma

Kim Gatlin Thomas Texas Delta

Lucina Beaver Thompson Oklahoma Beta

Melanie Merrill Thompson Kansas Beta

Danielle Melisa Thorsen Virginia Zeta

Mary Alice Classen Tinari North Carolina Beta

Anita Tracy Maryland Beta

Deanne Trent Pennsylvania Zeta

Pam Joy Turbeville Arizona Alpha

Alissa Rose Turnipseed D.C. Alpha

Ginger Rector Uehling Wisconsin Beta

Angie Killian Underwood Illinois Iota

Heather Donovan Van Ningen Iowa Eta

Julie Pick Vaughn Oklahoma Beta

Stephanie Adair Vickery South Carolina Alpha

Gayle Ruley Wagner Oklahoma Beta

Ashleigh Johnson Waits Georgia Alpha

Lisa Beliles Walsh Missouri Alpha

Veda Ward Pennsylvania Beta

Carol Inge Warren North Carolina Beta

Lisa Guengerich Way Kansas Beta

Kristy Lynn Weber Missouri Alpha

Staci Moss Wekenborg Oklahoma Beta

Diane Carlson White Georgia Alpha

Sally Sewell Wightman Oklahoma Alpha

Ann Wear Wiley Iowa Gamma

Ruth Dunlap Will Ohio Beta

Juli Holmes Willeman Iowa Beta

Janet Dubuisson Williams Mississippi Beta

Shaughnessey Miller Winkelhake Colorado Delta

Hallee Winnie Michigan Gamma

Sue Schedler Winterringer Oklahoma Beta

Tally Smith Witmer Ohio Zeta

Michelle Drouse Woodhouse California Eta

Ginny Mayberry Worden Oklahoma Beta

Marla Neelly Wulf Kansas Beta

Carolyn Lake Yenrick Ohio Epsilon

Paige Schroeder Yost Missouri Alpha

Linda Lake Young Oklahoma Alpha

Anonymous Arkansas Beta

Anonymous Mississippi Beta

Anonymous Wisconsin Gamma

6 The Bow
*It is with great respect and sisterly love we acknowledge the members and friends indicated with an asterisk have passed away.
Ann Hall Patten Missouri Alpha

Points of Interest

Save the Date for Pi Phi Giving Day

It’s almost time for every Pi Phi’s favorite day of the year—Founders’ Day and Pi Phi Giving Day! Join sisters and friends around the world on April 28, 2023, to celebrate and care for our sisterhood.

After April 1, visit to make a gift to the Friendship Fund and use #PiPhiGivingDay on social media to help spread the word and share why you support Pi Beta Phi.

As a Foundation donor, you are a champion for our sisterhood. We hope you will consider continuing this support by serving as a Pi Phi Giving Day ambassador. Learn more at

More Ways to Give

With the conclusion of the AmazonSmile program for philanthropic contributions, remember there are many simple and accessible ways to give to your Foundation. Below are two simple options to consider.


Setting up monthly recurring gifts is a convenient way to enhance your giving power. These recurring gifts are made automatically each month and provide peace of mind for you to fulfill your philanthropic goals over the course of the year.


Corporate philanthropy programs are readily available resources that can maximize the power of a gift to your Foundation. Check with your company's human resources office to see if they offer gift matching. If your employer does offer this program, your human resources department should provide you with a matching gift form to include with your gift or instructions for electronic submission.

Learn more about ways to give at

Thank You to Our Chapters and Alumnae Clubs for Your Support in 2022!

Every year, Pi Phi chapters and alumnae clubs perform exemplary work to benefit their communities and live our commitment to Philanthropic Service to Others by supporting Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Every chapter and club that gives back to our Foundation invests in each Pi Phi sister. It takes the work of every Pi Phi to provide the support our sisterhood needs each year—collectively, chapters and clubs raised $620,041.03 for Pi Beta Phi Foundation between January 1 – December 31, 2022! We extend our deepest thanks to every chapter and alumnae club for their continued support and congratulate the top 10 chapters and alumnae clubs listed below.

TOP 10


California Kappa

California Theta

Connecticut Gamma

Florida Eta

Georgia Alpha

TOP 10

Illinois Eta

Louisiana Beta

Missouri Gamma

Texas Eta

Virginia Eta

Alumnae Clubs

Colorado Springs, Colorado, Alumnae Club

Dallas, Texas, Alumnae Club

Fort Worth, Texas, Alumnae Club

Greater Kansas City Alumnae Club

Hidalgo County, Texas, Alumnae Club*

Nashville, Tennessee, Alumnae Club

Phoenix, Arizona, Alumnae Club

Richardson-Plano, Texas, Alumnae Club

South Bay, California, Alumnae Club

Stillwater, Oklahoma, Alumnae Club

*Club not currently active

Spring 2023

1154 Town & Country Commons Drive

Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Shared Vision of Pi Beta Phi

To be recognized as a premier organization for women by providing lifelong enrichment to its members and contributing to the betterment of society.


Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood.

Board of Trustees


Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta

Vice President Finance

Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta

Vice President Development

Terre McFillen Hall, OhioAlpha


Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta


Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta

Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta

Leslie Magnus, NewJerseyAlpha

Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta


Greer Horne, Virginia Zeta

Brenda Balkunas Wirth, WisconsinAlpha


Executive Director

Hallee Winnie, Michigan Gamma

Director of Advancement

Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma

Director of Operations & Programs

Betsy West McCune, MissouriAlpha

Director of Finance & Administration

Kim Sherman

Individual Giving Officer

Mary Showman Carpenter, KansasAlpha

Development and Engagement Manager

Emily Karcher, Maryland Gamma

Development and Engagement Manager

Megan Schwedtmann

Operations and Programs Manager

Mary Beth Unger Roy, MissouriAlpha foundation @PiBetaPhi


Join Us for Halo Happenings

Halo Happenings events are a special time to gather with your Pi Phi sisters and learn how gifts to our Foundation translate to meaningful impact. Whether it be through literacy, leadership or scholarship support, Pi Phis have the power to change lives within our sisterhood and our communities. All Pi Phi sisters and friends are invited to join as we celebrate fun and friendship in the following cities:

• Columbus, Ohio — Saturday, April 1

• Denver, Colorado — Saturday, May 6

• Louisville, Kentucky — Saturday, June 3

Learn more and register at

Update on the Meeting Ritual Research Committee

In January, Grand Council announced the 12 members appointed to serve on the Meeting Ritual Research Committee. The committee is working to explore the history of Meeting Ritual and New Member Meeting Ritual through the context of our membership, gaining insights and hearing perspectives from Pi Phis across our sisterhood. Through focus groups and surveys, the committee strives to speak to each collegiate chapter, alumnae club and all members wanting to provide their thoughts through various modes of communication. The committee was eager to begin their work and established a meeting cadence, broke into subcommittees and began conversations with members to garner feedback and insights about the relationship between Ritual and the Pi Phi member experience. On March 9, the committee hosted a webinar to provide an overview of their work thus far. Learn more about this work, how to share your perspective and meet the members of the committee at

Pi Phis Made an Impact in Long Beach and Seattle

Every year in early March, Pi Phis recognize Fraternity Day of Service (FDS) by participating in literacy-related service in their communities. As part of our commitment to inspiring a lifelong love of reading, Pi Phi selects cities to host FDS Signature Events, where our sisters distribute books and school supplies to their local communities. This year, 30,000 books were distributed to more than 100 local schools and organizations in Seattle and Long Beach, California.

Gifts to The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation are critical to the success of Pi Phi’s literacy initiatives—providing full financial support for all Read > Lead > Achieve® programs, including FDS Signature Events. Your support makes it possible for children to forge a lifelong love of reading and is an example of Pi Phi’s more than 100-year commitment to strengthening literacy in our communities.

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