The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Summer 2022

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Summer 2022

The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

A Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends, You’ve probably heard Pi Beta Phi use the phrase “participate, donate, advocate” to encourage members to find a niche within our Fraternity’s literacy work. It’s a strong, tangible call to action: we can volunteer our time, share our financial resources and champion literacy within our communities. During my time on the Board of Trustees, I’ve come to think about the “participate, donate, advocate” approach as a way Pi Phis can become involved with our Foundation. Whether serving on a committee, supporting the Friendship Fund or sharing the exciting, Foundationsupported work happening within our Fraternity, each one of us has something to bring to the table. No matter our background, skills or past involvement, our Foundation offers an opportunity to contribute and stay connected to our sisterhood. The invitation to serve as a Trustee was my own opportunity to reengage with Pi Phi. Though I loved my collegiate experience and stayed close with friends from my chapter, I wasn’t sure how to become involved after graduation beyond membership in my local alumnae club. That’s when ANDREA ARMSTRONG SHULTZ—a past Foundation Executive Director and a friend from Virginia Eta—reached out for my help. She explained that our Foundation needed volunteers with a background in finance and investments and asked if she could recommend me to serve as a Trustee. The opportunity to support the strategic and business functions of our Foundation was a natural fit, and I’d be able to leverage my volunteer experience from several boards and my professional experience in corporate governance, policy and best practices to serve our Fraternity. Stepping into the experience with fresh eyes empowered me to ask critical questions and throw out new ideas. A short time into my tenure, I led the Investment Committee through a proposal review for a new investment manager in support of the SHINE THROUGH campaign. While our investments had performed well, we wanted to ensure we were providing the best possible stewardship for our donors. Being part of an effort that will make such a significant and lasting impact for Pi Phi is one of my proudest achievements. Serving our Foundation has been especially meaningful to me because my work supports our entire sisterhood—and my story shows it’s not just the most involved members who can make a difference. Even if you feel disconnected or don’t think you have the “right” background, your individual expertise and skills may be exactly what’s needed; all it takes is a willingness to raise your hand. If Pi Phi holds a place of meaning for you, I invite you to give back in a way that feels fulfilling to you—as a donor, an advocate for Pi Phi or a volunteer. Together, we’ll ensure current and future members continue to experience the leadership opportunities and Sincere Friendships we’ve all found in Pi Beta Phi. In Pi Phi,

Jennifer Hazelton, Virginia Eta Outgoing Trustee, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Board of Trustees

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Building Confident Leaders


The Unending Impact of a Supportive Sisterhood


Service and Sisterhood: Volunteering with Pi Beta Phi


Points of Interest


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