The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Summer 2023

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A Message from Leadership

Dear Sisters and friends,

As Pi Phis, our core value of Sincere Friendship is reflected in all we do. It’s at the heart of our sisterhood, interwoven with our identity both as a collective and as individual members. We express it in the countless ways we love and support each other as sisters—and in all the ways we love and support this organization as committed members, volunteers and donors. No matter why or how we decide to support Pi Phi, staying close to our sisterhood brings Sincere Friendship to life.

Fortunately, we don’t have to look far to find a meaningful way to support Pi Phi. It’s as simple as staying engaged. For some of us, engagement means paying annual alumnae dues and keeping up with friends from our college days. For others, it’s joining an alumnae club, mentoring collegians as an Advisor or applying for a Local Impact Grant. Whether our involvement leads us to become a monthly donor to our Foundation or serve on Grand Council, it’s our decision to give back throughout our alumnae lives—however we’re able—that makes all the difference.

Friendships are what I continue to gain from Pi Phi and the fundamental reason why I choose to serve as an International Officer. As a young alumna volunteer, I found inspiration in the women who supported my chapter experience through their service as Advisors and officers. Now, I stay involved because of the opportunities to connect with Pi Phis across our sisterhood. While my chapter sisters are still my best friends, volunteering has uniquely enriched my life with cross-generational friendships and mentorships I wouldn’t have otherwise made.

Those connections also inspire me to give back to our Foundation as a donor to the Friendship Fund. We give to what we believe in— and I believe in what Pi Beta Phi offers to women throughout their collegiate and alumnae lives. Because gifts from our donors enable our Foundation to support all aspects of the Pi Phi member experience, our gifts are extensions of Sincere Friendship to every sister— not just those we know personally. Our support affirms everything Pi Phi means to each of us, as well what our sisterhood will mean to the women who follow in our footsteps.

Ensuring the next generations of sisters share experiences and opportunities like ours is a priceless gift. Our continued support for Pi Phi makes our future possible, and the impact we make is real. For 156 years, Pi Phi has helped women find their passions and purpose in our world—securing the next 156 years is a big challenge, but it’s one we’re ready to meet. When we support one another as Sincere Friends, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

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Summer 2023 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Every Sister Makes an Impact Points of Interest 4 6 A Heart Full of Pi Phi 2
The official publication for donors and friends of Pi Beta Phi Foundation

A Heart Full of Pi Phi

From having no sisters to having thousands, Iowa Gamma ANN WEAR WILEY quickly experienced the genuine love that exists within our Pi Beta Phi sisterhood. Now, as a volunteer and donor, Pi Phi remains a cornerstone in Ann’s life and fills her heart in more ways than one.

Although Ann was the first in her family to attend college, she felt emboldened by the opportunities at Iowa State University and quickly became involved on campus. Ann immersed herself within the community through various campus activities and found her home in Pi Beta Phi through informal recruitment. Soon after joining, Ann offered to be historian; her initial interest in the role was due to the fact that chapter histories were done scrapbook-style at the time. Little did she know a love for scrapbooking would inspire a lifelong love for serving our sisterhood.

Because of the special relationships they developed, Ann and many of her sisters lived in the chapter facility until they graduated. In her last semester—January 1986—Ann received a

call from Alabama Alpha ANNETTE MITCHELL MILLS, past Grand Council member and the Fraternity’s first Archivist. “I’ll never forget when Annette called our chapter house phone and left a message for me to call her,” she shares. “The person who answered the phone didn’t know who she was and left the message for me on a tiny piece of ripped notebook paper—I still have that piece of paper to this day.” Annette was calling to deliver the news that Ann secured an interview for a Traveling Graduate Consultant position—now known as Leadership Development Consultant. Ann became a Resident consultant at the Colorado Delta Chapter later that year.

Ann’s experience as a consultant brought her new perspectives within Pi Phi—some she still stands by today. “It opened my eyes to how big Pi Phi truly is and how we can influence our chapters and support them in significant ways,” she says. With this new perspective also came new lessons for Ann to apply to her personal and professional life, especially regarding leadership. “I learned that relationships always come first. If the relationships are there, the hard conversations are easier, and they’re handled with more respect and integrity. As women, we need those relationships to help us grow.”

Ann lives by the sentiment that if something fills your heart, you choose to support it—and she has stayed true to this through her continued involvement in Pi Phi. When Ann moved back to Iowa after finishing her consultant term, she joined Iowa Eta’s Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) in 1988 and met one of her best friends to this day, Iowa Alpha LAURIE HOSKINS. Ann recalls their very first project together which was creating study baskets for the collegians. The two have served Pi Phi side-byside for decades and joined Iowa Beta’s AAC together in 2014. Ann held multiple roles on Iowa Beta’s AAC, including AAC Chair from 2016-2022.

When asked why she continues to serve Pi Phi, it’s no question for Ann. “We all make choices with how to spend our time,” she shares. “I choose to spend my time serving Pi Phi because what I got out of Pi Phi—and what I continue to get out of Pi Phi—fills my heart. It’s the people that make it special.” Ann also finds great meaning in her role as a mentor; she hopes to inspire collegians to find their own voice and passion within Pi Phi. “I like to think I have an influence on growing our sisterhood. It’s

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From left: Laurie and Ann outside the Iowa Beta Chapter house.

important to model our commitment and show that when we say yes to Pi Phi, it’s not just for four years.”

This is especially true for Ann as she not only gives through her time—currently as the Operations Specialist for Region Five— but also through her dedication to ensuring our sisterhood remains strong for centuries. From the moment Ann graduated, she began donating in any way she could. “When you first get out of school, you don’t have a lot of extra money,” she says. “But I always made it a point to donate to the Friendship Fund, even if it wasn’t much, and that sentiment has continued even as I’ve gotten older.”

As someone who has benefited from Pi Phi’s leadership support, Ann knows the opportunities offered to collegians and alumnae are integral to our future and hopes every sister has an equal chance to experience them. “Not only does Pi Phi need our time, but our sisters need our financial support so they can continue to have those opportunities,” she explains. “I see the joy on Pi Phis’ faces when they receive a scholarship or win awards, and it just makes my heart feel good.”

A small donation as a young alumna turned into a forever promise when Ann listed Pi Phi as a beneficiary of her estate and became a member of the Marianne Reid Wild Society. Ann has always felt inspired by past Grand President MARIANNE

REID WILD, Kansas Alpha, and admired the example she set for sisters. Now, Ann is following in those same footsteps and hopes to make an impact for generations to come.

Whether her gifts create more leadership opportunities or help other women find their lifelong friends, Ann’s actions are rooted in the love she has for her sisters. “I hope we keep a focus on Sincere Friendship,” she says. “Especially when it comes to giving, so that when sisters are in need there are funds and people there to help. I know my best friends are still there for me to this day, and that’s important.”

As Ann and many others have experienced, the pure joy and genuine love that comes with being a Pi Phi is invaluable. Through all the ways Pi Phi has given to Ann—life-changing opportunities, a passionate career and sisters that turned into best friends—she gives back wholeheartedly.

Summer 2023
From left: Illinois Alpha ROSEMARY LAI SHEELER, Ann, Illinois Eta CATHY O'DEA PALLARDY and Laurie.
I choose to spend my time serving Pi Phi because what I got out of Pi Phi—and what I continue to get out of Pi Phi—fills my heart.

Every Sister Makes an Impact

When Pi Beta Phi members hear the phrase “it’s not four years, it’s for life,” the sentiment can evoke many responses. With the core value of Lifelong Commitment as a guiding principle, many Pi Phis dedicate their time, talent and treasure to supporting our sisterhood in the years and decades after their collegiate experience ends.

When and how an alumna first gets involved varies from member to member. While some Pi Phis come back later in life, there are others who remain involved from the start. No matter how or when you choose to engage or reengage with Pi Phi, your Lifelong Commitment is valuable to our sisterhood.

As Oregon Alpha KIM BARGER DURAND shared in the Spring 2023 issue of The Arrow, Pi Phi is there for every stage of life— and the service and support of our members contribute to the perseverance of our sisterhood and its future.

“I can’t think of a time since graduation when I haven’t been involved,” Kim says. “I wanted to invest my time and treasure in things I knew benefited me and my own growth and give opportunities for others to have the same experience. Early on, my gift was small; it was what I could afford, but it was important. As you grow, you make financial decisions based

on what aligns with your values and how you can do good in the world. My passion is leadership and empowerment of women, and I haven’t found an organization that does those things better than Pi Phi. That’s why I continue to prioritize our sisterhood— because I continue to be so filled with gratitude for everything Pi Phi gives to me.”

For the young alumnae who choose to give back the way Kim and many others have—including through volunteer roles and support of Pi Beta Phi Foundation—the reasons for remaining involved are abundant, as are the ways they demonstrate this support. Whether through monthly gifts to our Foundation, celebrating sisters with halos and wine carnations, contributing to scholarships or establishing a matching gift through an employer, there are many opportunities for sisters to live their commitment to Pi Phi and express Sincere Friendship through their philanthropic service.

The following young alumnae have each found the right fit for their support of our sisterhood and have their own reasons for contributing the way they do. We hope their stories and motivations serve as inspiration to alumnae and friends of all ages to channel the power of Sincere Friendship into making a difference for our sisters and communities.


Montana Alpha KYRA FLATOW became a monthly donor to our Foundation while attending College Weekend in January as a participant in the Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) program track. While already giving of her time and talents to serve Pi Phi, she found it important to also support financially to benefit the future of the organization. “I'm a big budgeter so it's easier for me to make monthly donations to our Foundation and smaller donations are more accessible than a big one-time gift,” she shares.

Reflecting on her role as an AAC Advisor to the Colorado Delta Chapter, Kyra says, “I strive to be the mentor I needed in college, an adult who can sympathize with what's going on in your life, help you see the bigger picture, but also have the difficult conversations. I hope to inspire the next generation of Pi Phis to be active alumnae once they finish college, to truly live out our value of Lifelong Commitment.”

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Below: Kyra Flatow.


“One of my favorite ways to celebrate our sisterhood and support the Foundation is by sending virtual wine carnations to a handful of my closest Pi Phi friends on Valentine's Day and Founders’ Day,” says Oklahoma Alpha KATIE QUALLS FAY. “This includes sisters I lived with during college, sisters I've met as an alumna and sisters who just mean a lot to me. It's an easy and meaningful way to keep in touch and demonstrate our Lifelong Commitment to each other. What's even better is that those gifts go directly to the Friendship Fund.”

Katie’s commitment to Pi Phi extends to her volunteer service, including the Undergraduate Scholarship Committee. “I wish everyone could read the applications and accomplishments of our collegians; they are truly remarkable and world changing,” she shares. “It's a no-brainer to support their academic and professional endeavors. I believe providing scholarships for women is a powerful investment.”


As a member of our Foundation’s Board of Trustees, New York Eta KATHLEEN MERIANO sees firsthand the impact made by every sister and friend who supports Pi Phi. Part of her reason for giving back through time, talent and treasure is that she

herself has benefited from that impact. “I'm inspired to give back because of all that Pi Phi gives me, daily. I simply would not be the person I am today if it weren't for my Pi Phi sisters,” Kathleen says. “As a collegian, I was provided with mentors that allowed me to learn, and to fail in an encouraging environment. As a Leadership Development Consultant, I witnessed strangers become best friends, who have since become bridesmaids and mothers together. Even in my daily career, when I'm having challenging conversations, I'm drawing upon the skills I learned through multiple Pi Phi opportunities.”

Kathleen became a monthly donor while still in college but saw the opportunity to maximize her giving power through a corporate matching gift with her employer. “It's so much simpler than people likely expect, and I'm able to double my impact to Pi Phi at no additional cost.” As for what keeps her engaged and giving back to Pi Phi, her answer to that is simple as well. “Pi Phi is so deeply intertwined into my life I don't know that I could ever not be engaged. In my lowest moments, I'm comforted by my Pi Phi sisters, and when I'm riding high, they're the first I want to celebrate with. By being engaged, I get to collaborate with many of my favorite people more often. It's secretly a gift to me.”

Are you ready to make an impact on Pi Phi? Take the next step at or contact to connect with a member of our Foundation team.

Summer 2023
Above: Katie Qualls Fay. Below: Kathleen Meriano.

Points of Interest



Thank you to every Pi Phi sister and friend who made a gift on Pi Phi Giving Day! Through your generous support, more than $225,000 was raised for Pi Beta Phi Foundation to meet the critical needs of our sisterhood. Your gifts enable our Foundation to support every aspect of the Pi Phi member experience as well as programs and services which benefit communities across North America.

We’d also like to extend a special thank you to our inaugural class of Pi Phi Giving Day ambassadors! These members said “yes” to being advocates for our Foundation and helped push us to an incredibly successful Pi Phi Giving Day. Our sisterhood thrives because of the Lifelong Commitment of sisters like you, and the day’s success wouldn’t have been possible without your support. To see the results, visit

Oregon Alpha KIM BARGER DURAND will join the Foundation Board of Trustees for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2023. Kim has extensively served the Fraternity throughout the majority of her alumna life, beginning with her role as a Leadership Development Consultant following her graduation from the University of Oregon. She has advised multiple chapters, helped lead the Seattle, Washington, Alumnae Club and served the Fraternity as a chair of the Leadership and Nominating Committee as well as a member of the Legislative Committee. Kim’s support of Pi Beta Phi Foundation is as extensive, exhibiting her commitment to support our sisterhood through time, talent and treasure. Kim will provide a well-rounded expertise about the needs of our Fraternity and professional expertise to contribute to the future of our Foundation. Congratulations and welcome, Kim!


Each year, Pi Beta Phi recognizes chapters, clubs and individual members for their excellence in various aspects of Pi Phi life, such as academics, philanthropic service and servant leadership. Join us in celebrating all our 2022 award winners! Individual award finalists were announced on May 15. On June 9, Alumnae Excellence Award winners were announced, followed by Collegiate Excellence Award winners on June 23. The full list of award winners will be announced at convention and shared on Pi Beta Phi's social media accounts and at on July 11.

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With Philanthropic Service to Others as a core value of our sisterhood, Pi Phis are committed to furthering literacy initiatives in our communities. Pi Phi’s philanthropic effort, Read > Lead > Achieve, inspires a lifelong love of reading, made possible by support to The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Throughout September, we ask every sister and friend of Pi Phi to be ONE who will participate, donate and advocate for literacy. Follow along on social media as the Fraternity and individual chapters share stories of impact in our communities and provide ideas to engage with literacy service all year long.


The Spring issue of The Arrow features stories from members who have met through chance encounters; serendipitous moments of sisterhood with women they thought were strangers and turned out to be sisters. Read the full issue at


We are only a few weeks away from gathering in Phoenix for Convention 2023! There are multiple opportunities for Pi Beta Phi Foundation donors to engage while at convention, and we look forward to connecting with many of you over the course of the weekend. To engage virtually throughout the weekend, stay tuned to Pi Beta Phi’s Facebook page for livestreams of various activities including the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Cookie Shine and the Chapter Banner Parade. Livestreams will be available at

Summer 2023
From left: Oregon Alpha MARISA STRAUSS STRIBLING, California Lambda ELISSA LIONG and Oregon Alpha GILLIAN TOBIN volunteering at the Fraternity Day of Service Signature event in Seattle.

1154 Town & Country Commons Drive

Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Shared Vision of Pi Beta Phi

To be recognized as a premier organization for women by providing lifelong enrichment to its members and contributing to the betterment of society.


Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood.

Board of Trustees


Cindy Rice Svec, Kansas Beta

Vice President Finance

Mary Jane Buchele Johnson, Illinois Eta

Vice President Development

Terre McFillen Hall, OhioAlpha


Wendy Labreche Pratt, Massachusetts Beta


Donna Butterworth, Virginia Eta

Kim Barger Durand, OregonAlpha

Gina Garrison Jones, Nebraska Beta

Leslie Magnus, NewJerseyAlpha

Kathleen Meriano, New York Eta


Greer Horne, Virginia Zeta

Brenda Balkunas Wirth, WisconsinAlpha


Executive Director

Hallee Winnie, Michigan Gamma

Director of Advancement

Jill Mackey Carrel, Indiana Gamma

Director of Operations & Programs

Betsy West McCune, MissouriAlpha

Director of Finance & Administration

Kim Sherman

Individual Giving Officer

Mary Showman Carpenter, KansasAlpha

Development and Engagement Manager

Emily Karcher, Maryland Gamma

Development and Engagement Manager

Megan Schwedtmann

Operations and Programs Manager

Mary Beth Unger Roy, MissouriAlpha

Every gift to our Foundation makes a difference for our sisterhood and allows us to fulfill the Fraternity's mission. Giving to the Friendship Fund provides an unrestricted gift to support Pi Phi's greatest needs and ensure our sisterhood's future. Scan the QR code to make your gift online today or visit


Halo Heaven is open now! Whether you send a virtual halo celebrating the Sincere Friends in your life or a halo charm to a sister attending convention, gifts made through Halo Heaven are expressions of Friendship True. All halo messages celebrate the recipients and the Pi Phi sisters and community members you support through our Foundation. Halo Heaven will remain open through July 10. Visit to share Pi Phi Love today.


Last month, Grand Council’s Meeting Ritual Research Committee (MRRC) launched a survey to garner feedback from members about Meeting Ritual and New Member Meeting Ritual. The announcement of the survey was shared with all members via email on May 15 and the survey will remain open through July 15. In addition to completing the survey, members will also have the option to indicate interest in participating in a focus group with the MRRC later this summer. Members can visit to complete the survey and access information pertinent to Meeting Ritual, including access for members to view Meeting Ritual and New Member Meeting Ritual behind a login. Please consider sharing your thoughts by completing the survey before July 15.


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