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A Message from Leadership

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Dear Sisters and friends,

One of the main reasons I wanted to become a member of Pi Beta Phi is because we are a strong sisterhood with purpose and philanthropic spirit. While our organization offers many opportunities to celebrate fun and friendship, I am continually energized and inspired by our efforts to care for our communities and each other. As a donor, I choose to support Pi Beta Phi Foundation because—as cliché as it may sound—giving back is important to me. Through my service as a Foundation Trustee and committee member, I have learned our Foundation not only enriches every aspect of the Pi Phi member experience, but functions as the mechanism that supports our care for one another as sisters.

While we demonstrate this care in numerous ways, our Foundation’s Emma Harper Turner (EHT) Fund grant program is especially close to my heart. As the supervising Trustee for the EHT Fund Committee, I see firsthand the grant applications we receive from Pi Phis in unforeseen and devastating circumstances: lifethreatening illnesses, family crises, job losses and natural disasters. During the past year, our hearts have been with Pi Phis in Florida who lost everything in the wake of Hurricane Ian, sisters who started over after the wildfires in Colorado and sisters working to recover from severe storms, flooding and mudslides across the Midwest.

The ability to help a sister in need is a true honor and a deeply rewarding experience. I know we are making an impact because I see the immediacy of gifts to our Foundation at work. This sentiment echoes across our sisterhood, in all the ways donors to our Foundation invest in our members and our communities—through EHT Fund grants, scholarships, leadership development, literacy initiatives and so much more.

To continue to support our sisters, the best thing we can do is give to the Friendship Fund—the single most important way our Foundation helps Pi Phi fulfill its mission. Gifts to this fund provide critical, annual resources that support every Pi Phi program— including EHT Fund grants—as well as the operational work of our Foundation that makes it possible for us to award scholarships, empower women leaders and put books in the hands of children.

We often say that the support of every sister, every year makes a difference, and I take this sentiment to heart. I think of each gift to the Friendship Fund as a personal act of kindness to a sister; a small gesture that can mean so much to someone else. If you have yet to make your gift to the Friendship Fund this year, please join me in supporting our Foundation and sharing an act of kindness.

In Pi Phi,

Leslie Magnus, New Jersey Alpha

Trustee, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Board of Trustees

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