The Bow of Pi Beta Phi - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022

Points of Interest PI PHIS MADE AN IMPACT Every year in early March, Pi Phis participate in literacy-related service in their communities to recognize Fraternity Day of Service. As part of the celebration, Pi Phi originally selected three communities with tremendous need—Nashville, Tennessee, Lansing, Michigan, and Los Angeles—to host Fraternity Day of Service Signature Events this year. Although we couldn't safely conduct in-person Signature Events in Michigan and L.A., Pi Phi remained committed to serving these areas by providing new, age-appropriate books to children in all three locations. With only 29% of third-grade students in Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) reading at grade level, the Nashville community places a heavy emphasis on literacy support. After MNPS and the Nashville Public Library faced budgetary cuts to their literacy organizations with more than 20,000 books.

Grand Vice President Alumnae GREER HORNE, Virginia Theta, with Breana Wilkins, a Nashville Public Schools librarian and FDS recipient.

In Lansing, approximately 50% of third grade students are not


meeting literacy standards. Although challenges presented by

Join sisters and friends on April 28, 2022—Pi Beta Phi's Founders'

the pandemic required the Lansing event to transition to

Day—to celebrate and care for our sisterhood on Pi Phi Giving

a virtual format, Pi Phi plans to put 20,000 books into

Day. After April 1, visit to make a gift to the

the hands of children through schools and organizations

Friendship Fund and use #PiPhiGivingDay on social media to

across Michigan.

help spread the word and share why you support Pi Beta Phi!

With the second-largest school district in America and a large


population of unhoused students, Los Angeles was selected as a

Hosted by Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Halo

Signature Event host to provide at-risk students with access to

Happenings events provide members with the opportunity

books. After also transitioning to a virtual format, local schools

to gather, hear from Pi Phi leaders and learn how gifts to our

and organizations are registering to receive and distribute

Foundation are helping to make a difference for our sisterhood.

20,000 books to children in the community.

All Pi Phi sisters and friends are invited to join as we celebrate

programs, our sisters stepped in to provide more than 65

fun and friendship in the following cities: Gifts to The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation are critical to the success of Pi Phi’s literacy initiatives—providing full financial support for all Read > Lead > Achieve® programs, including Fraternity Day of Service Signature Events. Because of your support, children in Michigan, Los Angeles and Nashville will receive more than 60,000 books.

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Charleston, South Carolina Chicago Detroit New York City/Northern New Jersey Omaha, Nebraska

More details, including dates, will be available in late spring. Learn more at

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