Pictoguard offers well-organized approach to promote their client's reputation
PictoGuard - Online Reputation Management Services A company may create the best products and offer best service, but this will not save the company from one misinterpreted comment on the internet. One negative comment is enough to tarnish the company's reputation and cause a decline in its sales. Pictoguard offers the best online reputation management services in New York. Some businesses try to work on their own to manage their reputation online, but they often miss out some major tasks. The team at Pictoguard takes over the job and saves their clients from more damage. From business executives to celebrities, Pictoguard has worked with everyone.
It helps to control the company's reputation on the internet and remove negative content, URLs or images. They make sure that everything negative is removed, so that it does not crawl back later on.
Pictoguard makes its clients look good on Google Photos on Google spread fast and these are the biggest reason that people are seen in negative light. Photos speak louder than words for celebrities or people related to political backgrounds. Even one bad photo can have a negative effect on their careers. Pictoguard has a team of professionals who know how to delete photos from Google. They have the tools and the necessary programs that are required to keep up with the changing algorithms of internet. Using these, they remove every photo, its links and thumbnails from every part of Google. Once done, they post latest pictures of the clients all over the internet that cover up for the negativity caused by the older ones.
Pictoguard helps to promote positive online reputation The company keeps regular checks using their software and web tools to make sure that any misleading or inappropriate content or images are efficiently and completely removed. In cases, where they need to remove complete websites or blogs, they take help from their programmers and consulting lawyers and use the most up-to-date internet practices. The company offers the best online reputation management services and helps the clients to have a strong foothold in the tough competitive internet world.
To know more, visit http://www.pictoguard.com/
Contact Us:: Address : 1 Little West 12th Street
New York, NY 10014 E-mail : info@pictoguard.com Telephone : +1 212 470 6452 http://www.pictoguard.com