Brief Building Projects

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Key links and connections

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Caldon Road Civic Space Opportunity Vineburgh Regeneration Area Football Pitches

s built upon it must be attractive. be agreed and integrated into al design will incorporate design pped rooflines’ and complimentary palette. Surveillance will be ted into final proposals.

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John Galt: Visual Brief

10 m

Quarry Road Civic Corridor

Open Space Opportunity Area

John Galt Development Site



Potential to connect green infrastructure

‘Walking Distance Amenities Matter’ - our communities should be designed to create good places for walking Future key investment opportunities

School Investment

Town Centre Investment Area


forward thinking & future strategy Policy & Frameworks Strategies & Initiatives Brief Building

TARBOLTON COMMUNITY CAMPUS, SOUTH AYRSHIRE South Ayrshire Council is planning to build a new community campus in Tarbolton which will include primary and nursery provision. Working in partnership with the Scottish Futures Trust discussions are also underway regarding the potential inclusion of Library, Community, Sports and Health facilities within the new campus. A number of place making workshops have already been held with service providers to scope the potential for service integration into one site. A similar workshop was also held with community and parent representatives before two further wider community workshops. These wider community workshops were facilitated by Pidgin Perfect towards the end of June 2013 to provide the local community with an opportunity to participate in the process and to ensure that the strategic briefs for the proposed new facilities are relevant to the needs and aspirations of the local community of Tarbolton. Over the next year the designs for the campus project will be developed and it is anticipated that construction work will begin in the Autumn of 2014 with completion in early 2016.

Case Study





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Key: 1 Engagment Initiator - South Ayrshire Council 2 Public Design Bodies - Scottish Futures Trust + Architecture & Design Scotland 3 Engagement Facilitator - Pidgin Perfect 4 Local Authority Departments - Schools & Service Support + Resources, Governance & Organisation, South Ayrshire Council 5 Local Community Participants 6 External Consultant - TBA










D The heart of the school should be a shared teaching and leisure space: “The Hall” LEARNING: School & Library

The community campus will provide education opportunities for all Creating connections to the ‘Ayrshire Alps’, outdoor activities and active tourism.

The new campus should provide opportunities for outdoor activities: gardening, socialising Community and School: and physical activity External Space

New Civic Spaces, internal and external to connect community functions and school

*URXQG ÀRRU FRPPXQLW\ spaces will be a ‘Showcase’ for the learning and activities of the school and wider community


Connections between the village, new school and community services across Main Street

SOCIAL: Community Involvement

The new school will create connections between the indoor teaching and outdoor play





Integrated Connection Route

New Civic Space facing onto Montgomerie Street connecting community functions and school

towards the Fisheries SPORT

Pedestrian connections between community services and the village The new campus should provide opportunities for outdoor activities: gardening, socialising and physical activity


Community Campus & Sports: External Space


NHS Outdoor learning and Activities

Connections to drop R̆ SRLQW DQG EXV VWRS for community campus and sports and services

24 Hour Accessibility

The new school will create connections between the indoor and Outdoor Learning

The community campus will provide education and social opportunities for all


Green route for integrated connections between the Village, Environment, Sport, School Campus, Library, NHS Medical & Green Civic Spaces

towards Outdoor Education & Walking Opportunities


forward thinking & future strategy Policy & Frameworks Strategies & Initiatives Brief Building

JOHN GALT AFFORDABLE HOUSING, IRVINE “The overarching vision for this North Ayrshire Council 80 unit, new supply of affordable housing development is to create: A finished development at this site that is both familiar and distinctive. The architecture will draw upon the finest precedents of urban design from North Ayrshire and the West of Scotland. Project distinction will arise from the level of care and attention taken in the design of buildings and public spaces. The project will be exemplary in terms of design quality and sustainable development at both a local and national level, as well as in terms of urban extensions and new neighbourhoods.� Trudi Fitzsimmons Principal Officer, Strategy | Housing Services, North Ayrshire Council Pidgin Perfect and A+DS led a multidisciplinary planning workshop, involving key stakeholders to re-think the approach to developing the John Galt site. Using this information Pidgin Perfect created a visual brief which formed the criteria of a design competition won by Austin-Smith: Lord Architects.

6 John Galt: Visual Brief


D 10 m


Key links and connections

will be integrated into the local vicinity and will include the best design principles from the surrounding area and the wider Irvine context.

Homes are anticipated as having public frontages and private back areas. The front of the properties will be tidy, with fixtures kept to a minimum (ie. no satellite dishes, alarms, wires etc). Front gardens will be designed in a




Caldon Road Civic Space Opportunity Vineburgh Regeneration Area John Galt Development Site

Football Pitches

The site and the homes built upon it must be attractive. Strategic planting will be agreed and integrated into the landscape. The final design will incorporate design elements including ‘stepped rooflines’ and complimentary materials and colour palette. Surveillance will be considered and integrated into final proposals. Thought will be given to ensuring play and interaction are inherent within the design, ultimately developing a place which feels like home for all residents, regardless of age or mobility.



Design Drivers

In order to provide some additional guidance to the Design Team, a number of design drivers are provided, which the Council require to be further developed before being incorporated in the site plans.




Quarry Road Civic Corridor

Open Space Opportunity Area

Sports Centre

Potential to connect green infrastructure

‘Walking Distance Amenities Matter’ - our communities should be designed to create good places for walking Future key investment opportunities

School Investment

Town Centre Investment Area


forward thinking & future strategy Policy & Frameworks Strategies & Initiatives Brief Building

BRECHIN COMMUNITY CAMPUS, ANGUS “Angus Council is progressing a project to replace the existing Brechin High School. The Council’s vision is for a community campus which signals the high value placed on learning and community life; which provides opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy facilities they enjoy and feel proud to be associated; which is well designed and includes a range of inspiring and exciting spaces optimising multi-functional use” Gordon Cargil Project Manager | Angus Council The Visual Brief for the new Brechin Community Campus, which will replace the existing Brechin High School, has been developed by Pidgin Perfect, in conjunction with Angus Council and Gingko Projects. The Visual Brief brings together the aspirations and values important to both the school and community users of the new Brechin Community Campus to create a wide reaching brief for the building that is emotive as well as quickly and easily understood.




Placing the community at the heart of the facilities

A welcoming, positive and safe SODFH IRU HYHU\ERG\

Bringing together a ZHDOWK RI H[FLWLQJ DQG proactive community and activity groups

Raising standards and providing opportunities for the school and the wider community

Values : Community

A place of honesty, EXLOGLQJ WUXVW DQG relationships within the Brechin community

Š Pidgin Perfect 2012 #BuildingBetterCommunities

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