ACADEMIC SHOWCASE 2013 -14 Highlighting academic achievements by the students and faculty of Piedmont College
ACADEMIC SHOWCASE 2013-14 Highlighting academic achievements by the students and faculty of Piedmont College
Piedmont College enjoys a rich history of academic excellence. Its faculty continues to contribute scholarship to their professional fields. Students collaborate with their professors to produce scholarly papers, poster presentations, performances, and works of art. Student athletes are academically ranked among the best of their peers in the region and the nation. Academic excellence remains a pillar of Piedmont College. This publication highlights the many scholarly achievements of our faculty and students. Certainly our academic community has a great deal for which to be proud. Our faculty members are recognized by their peers, and growing numbers of our students are achieving scholarly excellence prior to their entrance into their chosen professional careers and advanced academic endeavors. Please join me in recognizing and appreciating the accomplishments of these faculty and students at Piedmont College.
Perry R. Rettig, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Augusta Gailey
Mass Communications
“An Investigation Into the View of Spousal Abuse in College Students” (winner of a Psi Chi Regional Research Award) (Dr. Cynthia Vance)
First place Novice NPDA Speaker at the 2013 University of North Georgia’s Chicken and Egg Parliamentary Debate Tournament (Dr. Janice Moss)
Terry Harlin Brandon Callahan Mass Communications Winner, Varsity Volunteer Classic International Parliamentary Debate Association Tournament (IPDA) at the University of Tennessee (Dr. Janice Moss)
Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction “Does Critical Thinking Pass the Test? The Influence of Critical Thinking Lessons on Achievement in Middle School Social Studies.” Published in Georgia Social Studies Journal (Vol. 3, No. 3)
Bryan Hudson Brooks Davis Mathematics “Writing Computer Simulations to Empirically Determine Probabilities That Can Be Used To Verify Theoretically Determined Results” (Professor Joshua Wood)
Biology “Thermal Characteristics of Shelter Rocks Used by Gravid Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in the Appalachian Mountains of Northern Georgia.” (Dr. Carlos Camp)
Susan Huff-Bell Rachel Davis
Capstone presentation “Culturally Competent Care of Transgender Patients” will be submitted for publication. (Dr. Norman Olsen)
“The Effect of Exercise on Hydration Status of Life History Stages in Post Metamorphic Toads” (Dr. Rick Austin)
Theonifi Deaton Early Childhood Education— (Athens campus) Two-time recipient of the Jeanette Rankin Foundation Women’s Scholarship, a national award for women 35 and older to improve their lives through college completion.
Katheryn Knarr
Trent Smith
Mass Communications
Placed first in Editorial Impromptu speaking and won the Pentathlon at the Georgia Intercollegiate Forensics Association State Championship Tournament (automatically qualified to compete in the 2014 National Forensics Association Championship Tournament at Eastern Michigan University.) (Dr. Janice Moss)
“An Investigation of Possible Mechanisms Behind the Behavioral Responses of Aphaenogaster carolinensis to Another Ant Species” (Dr. Tim Menzel)
First Place IPDA Varsity Team Award at the Valdosta State University International Parliamentary Debate Association (IPDA) Tournament (Dr. Janice Moss)
Winner of the Georgia Music Educators Association Composition Award (Dr. Philip Hayner)
Danielle Maffett Chemistry “Various Energy Drinks and their Effects on Osmosis” (Dr. Elaine Bailey)
Erin Meeks IT/Math “Approximations of Pi that Involve Quickly Converging Power Series, Probabilistic Methods, and Continued Fractions” (Dr. Shahryar Heydari)
Chris Sudderth Music
Jesse Sutton Mass Communications Georgia College Press Association (GCPA) for Journalism Excellence in 2013. First place for Best Sports Photo (Professor Ramsey Nix)
Sam Thomas Mass Communications First Place IPDA Varsity Team Award and First Place IPDA Varsity Speaker at the Valdosta State University International Parliamentary Debate Association (IPDA) Tournament (Dr. Janice Moss)
First Place Varsity NPDA Speaker at the 2013 University of North Georgia Chicken and Egg Parliamentary Debate Tournament (Dr. Janice Moss)
“Exploring Forum Theatre and Augusto Boals’s Theatre of the Oppressed with ‘The Wrestling Season’ by Laurie Brooks.” (Dr. Kathy Blandin)
Jessica White
Katie K. Robinson
Psychology Sarah Smagur Mass Communications Placed first in Poetry at the Georgia Intercollegiate Forensics Association State Championship Tournament and is the 2014 GIFA State Champion (automatically qualified to compete in the 2014 National Forensics Association Championship Tournament at Eastern Michigan University (Dr. Janice Moss)
“The Effects of the Presence of Therapy Dogs on Levels of Human Stress.” (presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, March 2014) (Dr. Cynthia Vance)
Dallas Wiley M.A. in Special Education Received a mini-grant from the Council for Exceptional Children to utilize technology to enhance standards-based instruction to increase both academic and functional skills for middle-grades students with intellectual disabilities. (Dr. Candice Southall)
Anthony Wright Chemistry “The Effect of Halide Ion Concentration on Fluorescence of the Calcium-Calcein Chemistry Complex: Fluorescence Quenching by the Halide Ion” (Dr. Sean Carrigan)
Austin Brick and Blake Stewart Business “Economic Indicators: How Do You Determine Which Economic Factors Matter and Why, Versus Those That Do Not?” Austin and Blake will be presenting their research on May 21, 2014, at the Mainstreet Technologies national conference on Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses, in Las Vegas, Nev.
Joshua Bailey, Tyler Byrd, Ashley Fannon, and Stephen Sherfy Business “Procedures Engagement: Student Research Project for an Educational Institution in Northeast Georgia.” Students conducted an audit-like study of the client’s financial statements to assist the client in maintaining accreditation. (Senior Fellow Walter Keel)
Laura Goodwin
Women’s Soccer
GPA – 4.00
GPA – 3.89
Coach Sid Feldman
Coach Stephen Andrew
Ashley Fannon Volleyball
Jessie Jenkins
GPA – 3.93
Men’s Basketball
Coach Sid Feldman
GPA – 3.83 Coach Greg Neeley
Kaitlin Norman Volleyball GPA – 4.00 Coach Sid Feldman
Stephen C. Carlson
Mass Communications
Selected as a faculty fellow for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Faculty Seminar (Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Burbank, Calif., November 11-15, 2013).
“Instructional Methods Influence Critical Thinking: Do Students and Instructors Agree?” Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, (2013), 17(1), 27-32.
Barbara Benson
“The Blind Side of Trust: The Impact of Isolation” Proceedings of the Business Studies Academy, (2013), 5(1).
Education Elected President for two-year term – Georgia Association of Teacher Educators (GATE).
“Ethical Leadership: Does Integrity Matter?” Presented at the Allied Academies International Conference, Nashville, Tenn., March 26–28, 2014.
Jennifer Betz
Isabelle Crowder
Presentation – “Glass in the Classroom — Are You Crazy?” (2014 Georgia Art Education Association (GAEA) Conference)
“Career Goals and Professional Roles” (2014 Georgia Association of Gifted Children Conference)
Kathy Blandin
Mary Edmond
Collaborated on a children’s theatre textbook with two other authors and is currently in negotiations with Dramatic Publishing Company.
Published (with two other authors) the article “Distressing Relationships, Anger, and Stress Amplification in a Sample of Young Adult African Americans” (Journal of Adult Development, 1-17, 2013)
Angela Humphrey Brown
Education “Show Me the Evidence: Searching for Student Thinking in the College Classroom.” (2013 International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning Orlando, Fla.) “What’s Your Plan? Designing Engaging Instruction for Middle and High School Students.” (2013 Student Professional Association of Georgia Educators Fall Conference - Macon)
Published (with two other authors) the article “The Effect of Neighborhood Disadvantage, Social Ties, and Genetic Variation on the Antisocial Behavior of African American Women: A Multilevel Analysis” (Development and Psychopathology, 2014) Published (with two other authors) the article “Gender Equality and Violent Behavior: How Neighborhood Gender Equality Influences the Gender Gap in Violence” (Violence and Victims, 29(1), 2014)
Walter Keel
Al Pleysier
Author of new book, Henry VIII and the Anabaptists, on the suppression of religion in Tudor England.
“Identifying an Outstanding Recruit for Your CPA Firm.” Current Accounts, July/August 2013, 26–27.
James Mellichamp
Betty Rogers
Performed seven organ concerts across Russia in May 2013 and performed in Nashville, Tenn., in March 2014.
Presented “Mathematics in Art: From Perspective to Projective Geometry.” (National Joint Mathematics Meeting)
Janice Moss
Mass Communications
Monika Schulte
Parliamentary Debate Association at the GPDA State Tournament, 2013-2014.
Presented the lecture “German and American Business Culture: Similarities and Differences.” (Metro Atlanta German Studies Group)
2013 Blazer Classic Coach of the Year Award, Valdosta State University International Parliamentary Debate Association tournament, October 26, 2013.
Linda Scott
Elected Vice President of the Georgia
Nursing and Health Sciences Keith Nelms
Business “Moodle Quiz & Digital Video: An Individualized Instruction Mashup.” Presented at the Digital Learning Conference, the University of Georgia, February 1, 2014. “Knowing Computers: Technical Literacy Perception and Performance at College Entry.” Presented at the Georgia Educational Research Association 38th Annual Meeting, Savannah, Ga., October 18, 2013.
Tim O’Keefe
English Featured poem “Pinwheel” (The American Poetry Review, January/ February 2014 issue)
Appointed to the Georgia Composite Medical Board Nurse Practitioner Committee as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.
Candice Southall
Education “Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Comprehensive Data-Driven Programming.” (2014 Georgia Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference - Savannah) “Use of Technology to Accommodate Differences Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the General Curriculum and Environment.” (Journal of Special Education Technology, 28, 23-34)
Barbara Brown Taylor
Religion Keynote speaker at the annual dinner of the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and preacher at the Royal Ponciana Chapel (Palm Beach, Fla., January 2014) Release of new book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, April 8 by HarperCollins Publishers featured in Christian Century and Time magazines.
John Misner and Edward Taylor (coauthors) “Sustaining Excellence in Business Programs: A Value Chain Approach to Continuous Improvement.” Proceedings of the Region 3 Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Annual Conference, Chattanooga, Tenn., (2012).
Edward Taylor
Business “Using Ansoff’s Matrix, Abell’s Model, and the DuPont Formula to Inform the Strategic Management Process.” Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 11(1), 2012.
Max White
Anthropology Featured with Candice Felice of WPPR in a documentary “Distant Voices” by Emory Jones and David Greear about the history of the Nacoochee Valley Indian Mound.
Stephen Whited
English “A Senior Capstone Experience: Amazing English Majors with Their Transferable Skills” (South Atlantic Modern Language Association Meeting, Atlanta, Ga., November 2013)
Edward Taylor and Charles Nichols (coauthors) “Competitive Status Assessment Enhances the Strategic Management Process” Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 11(1), 2012.
165 Central Avenue | Demorest, Georgia 30535 | 706-778-3000