9 minute read
Classes & Clinics
PMS Coed Developmental Volleyball
grades 6–8 r$280f Come join the fun and engaging game of volleyball . This co-ed program is designed as an introduction to help develop an understanding of the sport . Players will be taught the rules, practice skills and technique through drills, and intramural scrimmages to become a more knowledgeable player . Whether you’re experienced or brand new to the sport, come have fun practicing and socializing with other players in the community . Program meets on Wednesdays and Fridays .
Wed/Fri Aug 24–Oct 5 (14 weeks) 3:00–4:30pm Instructor: PRD Sports Staff Location: PMS Buzz Gym Min: 10; Max: 32
Mr. Scherman’s AfterSchool Multi-Sport Camp
grades 6–8 r$395N$425f Join PMS middle school teacher, Ted Scherman, for a tech-free afternoon of sports and games . Make new friends or connect with old ones as we play a variety of games that may include: soccer, team handball, dodgeball, football, tag games, capture the flag, kickball, basketball, and more . Class meets on Mondays and Fridays . session i
Mon Aug 29–Oct 3 (10×)* 3:30–5:00pm Fri 3:00–4:30pm
session ii
Mon Oct 24–Dec 9 (10×)* 3:30–5:00pm Fri 3:00–4:30pm Instructor: Ted Scherman Location: PMS Sport Courts Min: 12; Max: 28 *No class on Sept 5, Oct 31, Nov 11, Nov 21 & Nov 25
Tennis Clinic: Beginning Middle School
ages 10–15 We will focus on fundamental stroke production of groundstrokes, volleys and serves . Games will be played that will reinforce the mechanics and have fun doing so . session i r$310 N$340f
Wed Aug 31–Oct 12 (7×)
session ii r$230 N$260f
Wed Oct 26–Nov 30 (5×)* 7:00–8:30pm Instructor: James Landes Location: Corey Reich Tennis Center Min: 8; Max: 32 *No class on Nov 23
Tennis Clinic: Intermediate Middle School
ages 10–15 We will review the fundamental strokes and then move on to movement, court positioning and shot selection . We will also play matches and develop strategic skills . session i r$600 N$630f
Tue/Thur Aug 30–Oct 13 (14×) 7:00–8:30pm session ii r$435 N$465f
Tue/Thur Oct 25–Dec 1 (10×)* 7:00–8:30pm Instructor: James Landes Location: Corey Reich Tennis Center Min: 8; Max: 32 *No class on Nov 22 & Nov 24
Skyhawks Performance Clinics
grades 6–8 Gain the competitive advantage on the field and/or court this fall with our Performance Clinics . These clinics teach young athletes the fundamentals of F .A .C .E .S . (Footwork, Agility, Calisthenics, Endurance, and Speed) . Coaches provide a positive environment where athletes can learn how to move in a safe, efficient, and effective manner . For too long kids have been categorized into fast/slow, strong/ week . No longer . Learning how to run, jump, turn, cut, pull, push and squat are skills and can be taught like any other sports skill . In this program, your child will become more agile by learning the correct way to run, jump and change direction . Our primary development objectives include core strength, upper body strength, lower body strength, long/short distance speed, agility, endurance/conditioning, running form, jumping form, balance, coordination, range of motion, flexibility and self-esteem . FACES gets you recognized on the court, field and playground . session i r$165 N$190f
Wed Aug 31–Oct 12 (7×) 6:00–7:00pm session ii r$145 N$165f
Wed Oct 26–Dec 7 (6×)* 6:00–7:00pm Instructor: Skyhawks Staff Location: PMS Multi-Purpose Room Min: 10; Max: 20 *No class on Nov 23
The 37 words that changed everything:
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972
Holiday Camps
Schoolmates November Holiday Camps
grades tk–5 r$79 N$94 School is out and it’s time to dive into play the Schoolmates way . Join our talented Schoolmates staff and your friends for one-day adventures during the holiday breaks this year . Creative themes, holiday inspired activities and camps, schoolyard games, and all the FUN we can pack into one day . Fee is per day.
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–4:00pm Instructor: Schoolmates Staff Location: Havens Schoolmates Facility Min: 10; Max: 30
Cooking and Crafts with Pete the Cat!
ages 4–7 r$280 N$310 We will create projects, listen and move to some groovy tunes and make some out of sight, dynomite cooking projects for snack and lunch . All inspired by our favorite chill dude, Pete the Cat! Because it’s all good . Material Fee: $40
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–1:00pm Instructor: Kerstie Mulligan & Patricia Castro Location: PUSD Classroom Min: 12; Max: 24
Comics Camp
grades 4–8 r$275 N$305 Students will learn character design, expression, body movement, one point and two point perspective backgrounds, color, lettering, paneling, inking, story boarding, and how to create a graphic novel . Material Fee: $25
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 10:00am–12:00pm Instructor: Cara’s Art Studio Location: Beach Schoolmates Facility Min: 4; Max: 25
Holiday Workshop
ages 5–8 r$225 N$250 Let’s create fun gifts for the people we love . During our workshop, we’ll make a treasure box, charm bracelets, bird feeders, tie dye shirts, cookie mix and more . Each day, we’ll share wonderful stories and work on fun projects to keep or give away . Material Fee: $45
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm Instructor: Giena Vogel Location: PUSD Classroom Min: 10; Max: 25
Artist’s Workshop
ages 5–8 r$225 N$250 “Let’s make art inspired by the works of famous artists . We’ll paint, draw and sculpt together . Come and create your own masterpieces . Material Fee: $45
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 1:00–4:00pm Instructor: Giena Vogel Location: PUSD Classroom Min: 10; Max: 25
Aloha Ukulele
ages 5–8 r$260 N$290 Aloha Ukulele takes students on a musical journey through the beautiful islands of Hawai’i . The keiki, meaning “little ones,” will learn how to play songs on their ukulele while also learning the art, language and traditions of Hawai’i . All students will receive a ukulele to use during class and a songbook that’s theirs to keep .
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 1:00–4:00pm Instructor: I.R. Guitar Lessons Location: Beach Schoolmates Facility Min: 6; Max: 12
grades 1–5 r$150 N$170 This is the way! Get ready to embark on your LEGO® journey as we defend the Wookies on Kashyyyk, repair the Rebel shield generator on Hoth, and rescue Baby Yoda from Moff Gideon . Come explore a galaxy far, far away with the help of an experienced Play-Well instructor and learn which “Force” is actually with us!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies Location: Veterans Memorial Building Min: 10; Max: 16
Pokémon Engineering using LEGO® Materials
grades 1–5 r$150 N$170 Calling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship approaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well Instructors as we build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S .S . Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 1:00–4:00pm Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies Location: Veterans Memorial Building Min: 10; Max: 16
Photo: Julie Reichle
Art and Science Creations
grades 3–5 r$200 N$225 We will explore and experiment with a variety of natural and art materials including paints and pigments, soap, salt, sunlight and beyond . Experiments will lead to creations as we discover the beauty, structures and mysteries of science through art and art through science . Participants will take home a variety of creative projects along with a recipe book to use for further exploration . Material Fee: $20
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm Instructor: Vanessa Miller Location: Recreation Building Classroom Min: 8; Max: 12
Chess Challenge
grades 1–5 r$195 N$220 Immerse yourself in the exciting world of chess! Chess is fun and can be learned quickly and easily . Studies have shown that chess improves test results in reading, science and math, and produces growth in critical cognitive skills . Beyond academia, chess influences social behavior including self-esteem, respect for others, patience and good manners . Did we mention—it’s fun!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm Instructor: The Berkeley Chess School Location: Wildwood Schoolmates Facility Min: 10; Max: 20
Flag Football Camp
grades 1–8 Get ready for 3 action-packed days of jaw dropping catches, highlight reel runs, and relentless defensive stands . This holiday camp is perfect for new players looking for a positive introduction to the exciting game of Flag Football . Intermediate players looking to take the next step in their Football career . Advanced players looking for additional on the field training . And anyone looking to get outside, get some exercise, and play with their friends . Players learn positions, plays, formations, route combinations, and how to use a real playbook . Our development objectives include passing, rushing, receiving, route running, defense, and Football F .A .C .E .S . training (Flexibility, Agility, Conditioning, Explosiveness, Speed) . Gain your competitive edge on the Gridiron this Thanksgiving Break with Skyhawks! grades 1–3 r$170 N$190f
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm grades 4–5 r$295 N$325f
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–3:00pm grades 6–8 r$295 N$325f
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–3:00pm Instructor: Skyhawks Sports Staff Location: PHS Witter Football Field Min: 10; Max: 20
Field Hockey 101
ages 6–12 r$90 N$102f Enjoy 3 fun-filled days and learn field hockey basics . This camp is for beginners to advanced players . Your skills will be put to the test and you’ll have a blast!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–1:00pm Instructor: East Bay Field Hockey Location: Linda Beach Playfield Min: 8; Max: 30
Basketball FUNdamentals Camp
ages 8–13 r$178 N$203 f Putting the FUN back in basketball FUNdamentals! This program is designed to make a better basketball player and improve your skills . Coach Bryan Gardere will train athletes to be comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations . Athletes will have a blast and make new friends while improving their skills through drills and games . Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, drills taught at this camp will help you improve your game . This camp is open to all genders and abilities!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 9:00am–12:00pm Instructor: Bryan Gardere Location: PMS Buzz & Morrison Gyms Min: 10; Max: 50
Mr. Scherman’s Tennis Camp
grades 6–8 r$275 N$305f Join Mr . Scherman, current middle school teacher and former tennis professional for three days of tennis camp . Beginner players will learn the fundamentals, while more experienced players will benefit from more advanced instruction!
Mon–Wed Nov 21–Nov 23 (3×) 12:30–2:00pm Instructor: Ted Scherman Location: Corey Reich Tennis Center Min: 16; Max: 32
Mr. Scherman’s MultiSport Mini-Camp for Middle Schoolers
grades 6–8 r$295 N$325 Staying in town for Thanksgiving Recess? It is time to get outside and move . Join PMS middle school teacher, Ted Scherman, and his sons for a few days of sports and games . As always, we play a variety of fun outdoor games . This is a technology-free two-hour block . If your child comes with a phone, I will keep it in a safe place .