PRD PRESCHOOLS REGISTRATION FORM 2020/21 Complete PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM and submit, with tuition payment, to Piedmont Recreation Main Office. Multiple participants can register per form. Families can RANK preferences, per child, by indicating 1st/2nd choice. First month's tuition payment and signature are required to process Preschool Registration Form. First month tuition fees are refundable (less $50 processing fee) for 14 days from registration transaction date. Withdrawal requests MUST be made in writing. After 14 days, fees are non-refundable. Once registration is processed, a confirmation is emailed to you 3—5 business days following registration deadline. You will NOT be charged for any waitlisted programs.
Method of Payment PRD strongly encourages preschool tuition be made via an automatic payment schedule using a credit card stored on Active Net website: In accordance with new regulations, credit card information may not be written in full on our Registration Form. Please choose from the following when using paper registration: Check
Adult Name
Address Phone
Stored Credit Card in ACTIVENET ending:
Last Street
CVV Code:
Email City
State Emergency Contact
Zip Relationship
Consent: I hereby absolve the City of Piedmont, its employees, and officers from all liability that may arise as the result of my participation in the above mentioned programs, and in the event that the above named participant is a minor, I hereby give my permission for his/her participation as indicated, and in so doing absolve the City of Piedmont, Piedmont Unified School District, its employees, and officers from such liability. I agree to and understand that PRD Preschool withdrawal requests MUST be made in writing. First month tuition fees are refundable (less $50 processing fee) for 14 days from registration transaction date. After 14 days, fees are non-refundable. Exceptions cannot be made to this policy. I also understand that the City of Piedmont Recreation Department occasionally takes photos of department programs and that these photos may include me or my child. I hereby authorize use of these photos for promotional or marketing purposes at the discretion of the Piedmont Recreation Department. I have read the registration guidelines, tuition requirements, preschool withdrawal and refund policies and agree to abide by them.
PRD PRESCHOOLS REGISTRATION FORM 2020/21 PRESCHOOL 2020/2021 REGISTRATION DEADLINES Piedmont Residents: Tuesday, February 11th at 4:00pm Non-Residents: Tuesday, February 18th at 4:00pm First Step Ages 15-24 Months (must be walking) 15 Months BY 10/1/20 or 3 years AFTER 12/1/20 Lower Level Community Hall 9:00am-12:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri: Code 201810 R $561/Month NR $591/Month Tues/Thurs: Code 201811 R $385/Month NR $415/Month
Tiddlywinks Age 2 Years Must be 2 years BY 10/1/20 or 3 years AFTER 12/1/20 Lower Level Community Hall 9:15am-12:15pm Mon/Wed/Fri: Code 201812 R $550/Month NR $580/Month Tues/Thurs: Code 201813 R $378/Month NR $408/Month
Skipping Stones Ages 2.5-5 Years Must be 2.5 years BY 8/1/20 or 5 years AFTER 12/1/20 PRD 1st Floor Ongoing Registration 9:00am-1:00pm Mon-Thurs R $61/Day NR $73/Day
Hillside Playschool Ages 3-5 Years Must be 3 years BY or 5 years AFTER 12/1/20 PRD 2nd Floor 9:00am-1:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri: Code 201816 R $673/Month NR $703/Month Tues/Thurs: Code 201817 R $467/Month NR $497/Month
Enchanted Playland Ages 3-5 Years Must be 3 years BY or 5 years AFTER 12/1/20 PRD 1st Floor 9:00am-1:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri: Code 201814 R $673/Month NR $703/Month Tues/Thurs: Code 201815 R $467/Month NR $497/Month
PRE-K Ages 4.5-5 Years Must be 4.5 years BY 08/01/20 or 5.5 years AFTER 12/1/20 Lower Level Community Hall 8:45am-12:45pm Mon-Thurs: Code 201818 R $883/Month NR $913/Month