January 2015 ClassCandy

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The Award Winning Monthly Newspaper For Kids

January 2015 • Vol. 4 • Issue 5


2 • ClassCandy ® • January 2015

Danville Reads in association with Danville Mall are excited to partner with local elementary schools. For more information how to become involved contact Katie Keatts at 434-792-0400x53 or Email: kkeatts@hullstoreygibson.com

Send Your ClassCandy News In By Emailing info@classcandy.com The Deadline For February’s Issue Is January 30th, 2015

January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 3

KATHY Crumpton Owner/Publisher



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cell: 434.548.3204 michelle@piedmontshopper.com

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cell: 434.441.0900 jill@piedmontshopper.com

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4 • ClassCandy ® • January 2015

5th grade teacher, Debra Emerson, Keemon Tucker, JoAnn Howard

5th Grader to Represent Park Avenue Elementary for the National Scripps Spelling Bee

Keemon Tucker, former Park Avenue teacher, JoAnn Howard

Fifth grader, Keemon Tucker, took 1st place at the school wide level for the National Scripps Spelling Bee which was held on Friday, December 19, 2014. Keemon will now advance to the local/district level to represent Park Avenue Elementary at Averett University – Blount Chapel, 3:00 p.m., on March 21, 2015.

January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 5

Lt. Pace Visits Second Grade We Had The Holiday Spirit!!

Park Avenue Elementary students, faculty, and staff participated in “Decorating The Trees For A Cause” this holiday season. Students worked very hard to create unique ornaments to decorate the tree. Grades K thru 2 created popsicle ornaments and grades 3 thru 5 created book cover ornaments. The school’s reading themed tree was displayed at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research from December 1st thru 19th for voting. The public voted by placing monetary donations in boxes in front of the trees. Voting took place Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and the tree that collected the most money could also win the bonus award in the amount of $1,200. All money collected went to our PTO fund to help with student activities.

Second grade was very excited to welcome Lt. Jerry Pace to our school on December 17th. The students were informed on several different topics about our local police department. Lt. Pace explained the different types of jobs in police enforcement such as patrol officers, detectives, and the S.W.A.T team. He also discussed other important topics like calling 911 if students were faced with an emergency, proper rules and expectations for riding a school bus, and what students should do if they are offered drugs or alcohol. The students were allowed to hold a bulletproof vest, look inside a police car, and see a fingerprint kit used by police officers. The students asked various questions throughout the presentation. On behalf of Park Avenue Elementary School, we would like to thank Lt. Pace for visiting with our second graders! Thank you, Lt. Pace, for all you do for our community!

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6 • ClassCandy ® • January 2015

Do You Remember When At

Southside Elementary School’s pre-school through second grade students participated in Jumpstart’s Read for the Record® on October 21, 2014. Jumpstart’s campaign purpose is to “promote literacy in early childhood education. On October 21, people across the Country will read the children’s book, Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells, in support of Jumpstart’s mission to work towards the day that every child in America who enters kindergarten is prepared to succeed. Southside Elementary School celebrated with Ms. Regina Majied, Principal, by reading Bunny Cakes in a bunny costume and asking students story questions. Afterwards, teachers broke out into groups with activities ranging from writing to decorating cakes.

Max (Regina Majied, principal in costume) shows the children his super delicious earthworm cake and the cover of his book.

Mariah Graham, Nadia Moore, Regina Majied, Andrew High, Amare Tasker enjoy listening to Max’s story.

Mrs. Denise Dawson helps Sydney Woods decorate her birthday cake.

Front Row left to right Landon Stevenson, Peyton Weatherford, Steven Lumpkin Middle Row left to right Alexis Burgess, Kaitlyn Stevenson, Patrick Botkin, Antwain Royal, Christopher Dixon, Alyssa Pruitt Back Row Mrs. Tina Hendrix, Mrs. Melissa Stuckert, and Mrs. Stefanie Price

January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 7

Do You Remember When At Hurt Elementary School students celebrated Read for the Record promotion on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, with a special visitor who read “Bunny Cakes.” Students also enjoyed cupcakes at the end of the day. Pictured L to R are: Mrs. Amy Rigney, Zander Miller, Richard Mayer, Betty Floyd, Title 1 Reading teacher, Derrious Rosser, Kevin Baynes, Jr., Mrs. Dawn Aaron and Ella Tramontano.

We Want To Know Who Your Favorite Leader Is! Is It Your Mom? Is It Your Dad? Is It Your Teacher? TELL US!! Send Us A Small Paragraph On Who You’ve Chosen As Your Favorite Leader & Why. You Can Email Your Work To info@classcandy.com Once Received, Your Answer Will Be Submitted Into February’s Issue Of ClassCandy As Well As Featured In The Piedmont Shopper!

The Air Elite Dunkers visited the Gretna Elementary School (GES) students and performed amazing basketball stunts. The students enjoyed the show. The show was sponsored by the GES PTO. Air Elite Dunkers as pictured: Alec Kossoff, Curtiss Baker, Jordhon Horelien, Eric Locklin, Sterling Jones, Javoris Carlisle

8 • ClassCandy ® • January 2015

“The Fifth Grade classes at Westover Christian Academy wrote to local businesses and raised $543.00 for the American Cancer Society. This was a Christmas giving project, and they chose cancer research because so many people have been affected by the disease. They were very excited to be able to help a great cause!”

Mrs. Beach and Miss Nunn’s K4 Class at WCA learned about the true meaning of Christmas through the legend of the candy cane. They learned that the red and white stripes stand for Jesus’ blood which wash away our sins. It also can be flipped to make a “J” to stand for Jesus! After, the students worked together to make candy canes and hung them on the classroom’s tree to help us remember Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas!

Mrs. Hoover’s K3 class had fun making edible manger scenes and learning the true meaning of Christmas.

Special Guests Stopped By Carlisle School In Danville This Past December. From The Smiles Seen Here, We Know That Ms. Sandy Made The Nice List!

January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 9

10 • ClassCandy ® • January 2015 Keep a Holiday Attitude By Professional Fitness Trainer and Writer Suzanne Stowe

Choose to Make Your New Year’s Awesome! By Professional Fitness Trainer and Writer Dave Gluhareff Your New Year 2015 is right in front of you with 2014 behind. I hope you had an awesome past year making great memories and enjoying quality time with family, learning and absorbing all your school has to offer, and got to stay active and healthy! 2015 has begun and you all have the choice to make it a Great Year! Choose to have great attitudes, spend time with family, stay out of trouble, stay positive even when things are negative around you, hang out with good friends who choose to stay out of trouble, surround yourself with people that care about you, study and do well in school, take-on healthy hobbies, eat nutritious foods, be active indoors and outdoors, if you haven’t already then please begin an exercise program, be active for at least 30 minutes/6 days out of the week, and choose to go to bed early and get plenty of rest.

The holiday decorations may be back in the boxes, cousins and grandparents have returned home, and the excitement of the Winter break is over, but you can keep a festive attitude going into the new semester. Pack away your old attitudes, bad study habits, and be joyful for a fresh start. Think about what grades you would like to have and what it will take to make it happen. Improve your performance in a favorite sport. Put forth the effort to realize a goal that is important to you. One of my daughters graduated from college in December. I rented a vehicle to make the eight hour trip. As we pulled into the parking lot, my daughter smiled and said, “O, thank you, Mommy!” as if the car was her graduation gift. No, she did not get a new SUV for graduation, but she did achieve a major personal and educational goal. Maybe you did not get everything you wanted last year, but you can start now by celebrating every good grade and accomplishment going forward without comparing yourself to anyone else. It is up to you. Make this a Happy New Year!

As a Christian I believe God made us all unique as individuals. We are made unique and He gave us “Free Will” which means we have the opportunity to make decisions and choices. I discuss this with my boys (Dylan 9yrs & Matthew 5yrs) often how they can choose to do right or wrong. When choosing the right way and good way to do things and help people I tell my boys they will be blessed and things will go smoother for them. But if my boys choose to do the wrong things and choose bad options with bad attitudes they will suffer the consequences. Just like in my work in fitness if my clients choose to eat junk and be lazy then they will get out of shape and not feel good. Like in school if you choose not to study and not do homework then you will suffer the consequences of losing privileges and receiving bad grades. If we choose to be Positive we will be Positive. If we choose to be good in school then we will be good in school. If we choose to listen and better communicate with our parents then we will have better relationships with them. We have the choice to make smart decisions and we should surround ourselves with good people that keep us focused on doing the right thing and making wise choices. Please know You are awesome and I pray you all have an awesome year full of positive blessings!!

January 24th, 2015 Is National Compliment Day!

Pay Someone A Compliment By Telling Them You Like Their Style!


January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 11



This month’s Parent’s Corner isn’t something I have written. It’s something I read on a blog I follow, found on www.scissortailsilk.com. It really spoke to me, and I think it will speak to you, too. Happy New Year, parents!! “I push my babies on the swings in our backyard almost every night. Over the last few months, we have spent hours on those swings. I push, and they giggle and chat and sing and kick their little feet pretending to run through the air. I wouldn’t trade the time that we have spent in that spot for anything in the world. Sometimes I wonder what moments will become memories for them. What series of minutes… seconds… they will recall one day when they are grown and gone. What special things they will tell their own children about their time in this home…on those swings… in our backyard… I wonder what memories they will have of me. Last night, we noticed something interesting when we went out to our favorite spot. Right in the center just behind their swings was a place on the ground where the grass had been worn thin. The hours of standing behind them and pushing them back and forth had left an in imprint in the grass. You could clearly see the place where mommy had been. And I know that it is a gift to see this place where a memory has been made… because they won’t always be able to see with their eyes the places that mommy has been. No, they won’t be able to see the hours that I spent holding them when they were sick, but mommy was there. There will be no permanent markings next to the bathtub where I have spent hours getting splashed and soaked… If they could only see the path that I have worn from my bedroom to theirs as I stumbled to check on them in the night and ran to them when they woke-up crying my name… There will not be any physical markings from the hours I will spend praying for them and for their future careers, spouses, children… And their foreheads won’t show where I kissed them after they fell asleep… There are no indentations in the carpet around the couch from all the games of chase… And there are no worn spots on the front porch where we have sat and enjoyed all of our popsicles… But. Even though there will not be a place just behind them where they can see that I have been with them through it all… with every moment…. With every string of minutes turned memories… I am wearing a familiar place onto their hearts that they will be able to point to and say, “That’s where my momma was.” Tonight, after dinner, my kids hopped down from the table and said, “Can you push us on the swings, mommy?” I agreed, and out we went. I helped my daughter onto her swing and helped my son up onto his. I stepped back and looked down at my feet perfectly positioned in the comfortable grooves that I had worn.....”

Michelle Freeman Piedmont Shopper • ClassCandy • MOM

Gaming Reviews By Kids For Kids & Their Adults Stay Tuned To February’s Issue Of ClassCandy For Our Next Review


January 2015 • ClassCandy ® • 12


“Stewardesses” is the longest word typed with only the left hand. “Lollipop” is the longest word typed with your right hand. No word in the English language rhymes with “month, orange, silver, or purple.” “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.” The sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter of the alphabet. The words “racecar,” “kayak” and “level” are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left. There are only four words in the English language which end in “dous”: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.” Typewriter is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

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