The Award-Winning Monthly Newspaper For Kids
December 2013 • Vol. 3, Issue 4 • FREE!
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” A meaningful quote from one of the most famous play writes of all time, William Shakespear’s play, As You Like It. Granted, most of you have yet to enjoy the teachings on William Shakespear and the many other play writes who have paved the way for what we now see in theaters, on tv, or hear about in school. If your mind is boggled by this quote, do not fear! Shakespear had a point behind his weird wording. Now, remember this for when you reach High School English Courses…He is comparing the world to a stage and life as a play. The men, women, boys and girls living in it, are the “actors” and we ALL play several parts, like our experiences or jobs, throughout our lives. With that said, have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a part in a movie or what it would be like to be on stage? To be an actor… to be someone different every day!?! How super cool would that be!?! During the Holiday Season, many of us will be participating in plays for school, church or even at home. Regardless if you’re acting out a character or helping make the costumes, each part in putting on a play is very important. Through hard work of remembering certain lines, knowing when the curtain goes up and when it’s your turn to make your appearance, in the end, the applause is well worth it! We here at Class Candy felt that since you all may be busy remembering your parts, we would feature someone for our Career Spotlight for December’s issue, who could share some words of encouragement before a big performance, or if one day you see yourself acting as a profession. Brad Bass, originally of Ringgold, VA (held parts in famous Broadway Musicals such as Memphis, Jersey Boys and Wicked) did what many actors and actresses who star in movies, one day even dream of doing and performed in several plays on Broadway, in New York City. Enjoy reading about Brad’s journey, through ups and downs, and see where the Spotlight has taken him. “First off, a love for whatever you do is the most important thing. I know that my mother once said, “You don’t know how lucky you are to be able to do what you love.” I disagree. I think that your job should be WHAT you LOVE. So, whatever makes you the happiest, find some thread of that love and use it to make a living. I LOVE MY JOB. Right now, I’m attending college to get my degree to be able to teach at a college level, on my own. Seeing as many Broadway shows as I could was very motivational for me while in school. I would go see them over and over, because it was where I wanted to be. It was also a major education, watching the professionals perform. You have to work hard [as an actor] and get yourself out there to be seen. If you make sure everyone knows your name and face, that can do nothing but help you. Some courses that I find the most important in my occupation… DANCE CLASSES. I never took them when I was younger and I wish I had. I also wish that I had taken piano lessons. Playing instruments helps you in so many ways…and have an overall dedication to school. MAKE SURE YOU TRY! When I was performing on Broadway, I loved having a different audience every night. I loved playing to thousands of people a week! Now I teach at Averett University and I also take classes there. I teach musical theatre, dance and I’m currently taking piano lessons and Spanish… ESPANOL! One of my most significant accomplishments this past year was having directed and choreographed LEGALLY BLONDE at the PRIZERY in South Boston, VA… and in LESS than two weeks! Some words of advice for those of you with interests in this profession [or any profession], Trust your instincts! If there is something that you love just as much as performing, then go do that OTHER thing. The entertainment business is hard and tumultuous, but it can fulfill you in ways you never imagined. When I was a young student in school, I wanted to be either a roller coaster designer or an actor… guess which one won!?! After leaving Broadway to be a teacher, I get to watch my students achieve their dreams. I love seeing my students discover new things and be moved by the art of theatre. I feel like a proud papa so often. I wish I had known that Broadway was hard work. It’s a job and not always the most fun… but there are times when it is very rewarding! To be an actor, you need DRIVE. You need a fierce outer surface. You need to be able to be told “no” on a daily basis. To feel like you aren’t good enough. BUT! When you finally get a job… IT’S ALL WORTH IT!”
Inside this Issue... • Danville Public Schools • Pittsylvania County Public Schools • Westover Christian Academy • Carlisle School • The Locker (for Grades 6-8) • Puzzles • Games Science Fun AnD muCh more!
What’s happening at
Faces Around School
Students at Forest Hills react with cheers as Congressman Robert Hurt presents a flag to Principal, Ms. Catherine Lassiter. The flag was flown over the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. and was given in recognition of Forest Hills recently being named as a National Blue Ribbon School of excellence.
Students, parents, teachers, and staff from GLH Johnson Elementary School observed Disability Awareness on Tuesday, October 29, 2013. All students, teachers, and staff participated by wearing the color blue. A wrist band that stated we focus on ability was also worn in observance. Information was presented about disabilities during morning announcements. Public knowledge, awareness, and understanding of disabilities will help ensure the full participation of students with disabilities into the life of their schools and communities. Helping others become aware of the contributions that people with disabilities have made and are currently making nationally and in Virginia promotes inclusive communities. Many famous people have a disability. Despite their disability, they still have managed to exceed beyond their wildest expectations! People such as: Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Jason Kidd, Jim Carrey, Bill Cosby, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Ben Franklin, Walt Disney, and Whoopi Goldberg. These are just a few of the many people who have a disability but still remain shining stars in many fields. Turkey Dressing Project November was a very busy month at Grove Park. We are learning all about the very first Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful. We are also having lots of fun with our Home Projects. As a family, we disguised Tom Turkey so that he would not be eaten for Thanksgiving Day! We had turkeys dressed as Ninja Turtles, cheerleaders, football players, a snowman, Dora the Explorer, a scarecrow, a snowman and even The Incredible Hulk! We would like to say “thank you” to all of our parents for helping us with this project. We had fun creating VERY unusual birds!
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Pizza and a Movie Schoolfield students were treated to a special night-out of pizza and a movie. Title I invited Schoolfield families to a pizza dinner. Then, while parents were meeting and having conferences with their child’s teacher—the students enjoyed watching a movie. Danville superintendent, Dr. Newsome and Assistant Superintendent Ms. Yvette Smith were also on hand to greet parents. Schoolfield Science Projects Fifth grade students in Ms. Pyles’ science class completed projects on the solar system.
Breast Cancer Awareness Westwood raised $1,502.08 for breast cancer awareness by selling pink ribbons to the students during the month of October. The ribbons were sold the entire month and on October 29 we "Turned Westwood Pink". This was a dress down day for the students who paid $2. All proceeds went to the Danville Cancer Association.
GAVEL Program at Westwood The following students from Westwood Middle School have been chosen to participate in the GAVEL Program: Llyashia Blaine, Ajai Canada, Kayla Fisher, Janiah Hairston, Alex Hopkins, Jada Jones, Lance Christenson, Eric Lipscomb, Anthony Martin, Mary Ann Sorey, Eskini Pyles, Haley Scarbough, Katerra Thomas, and Anhagany Wilson. The GAVEL Program is designed to help students who may be interested in the legal profession.
Westwood’s Little Gingerbread Boy
Dream It, Build It The following students, Carmen Lugo, Sandro Bianchi, and Matthew Williams, from Westwood Middle School will be participating in the Dream It, Build It 3D Advanced Manufacturing Workshop at Danville Community College. The workshop is designed for students interested in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Middle School students in Halifax, Danville, and Pittsylvania counties will be involved in this workshop. Good News for Woodberry Hills Elementary
The students of Mrs. Hairston’s class performed The Little Gingerbread Boy play for some of the Westwood faculty and staff.
Woodberry Hills To celebrate American Education Week, students and faculty enjoyed participating in Drop Everything and Read! Everyone in the building dropped everything and took time out to read, from 8:40-9:00 on Tuesday, November 19th. This effort emphasized the importance of becoming a strong reader to help our students become successful throughout life!
Mrs. Beach's first grade class is becoming technologically savvy thanks to a donation by Donors choose. Last week they received 3 ipods which are being used to listen to books at a listening station. Students are able to listen to books and take AR test to help them become better readers!
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Gretna Elementary School Gretna Elementary School held its first BINGO for Books. The students and their parents enjoyed an evening of playing BINGO and winning books. Admission to the event was a two liter bottle of soda. The soda along with popcorn was served as refreshments for the evening.
Second grade students from Southside Elementary School performed "Thankgiving Moments" at our PTO meeting on Monday November 4, 2013. Many thanks to the students, staff, and families for making this event possible. PICTURED: Mrs. Sandra Lawton, Music Teacher Xavier Waddell and Madison Milkowski
Dr. Patricia Haskins came to Gretna Elementary School on Wednesday, November 6, and read the book, A Tiny Seed by Eric Carle to the kindergarten students. Dr. Haskins, a Pittsylvania County Farm Bureau Women's Committee member, donated the book, A Tiny Seed, to the Gretna Elementary School library.
Brosville Elementary School On Friday, October 18, Brosville Elementary School students, faculty and staff were treated to a BMX bike show. The show was a reward for a successful fundraiser campaign by the PTO. As a special treat for the students, one of the bikers jumped over the principal, Mrs. Felita Atkins.
Gretna Elementary School students that attended school everyday all day long for the second six weeks were able to attend the Gretna Elementary School student dance on Friday, November 15, 2013. Everyone had a good time. PICTURED: Nick Berger shakes to the music! Pictured behind him is Ms. Wendy Reese, volunteer for Gretna Elementary School
The Tunstall High School Interact Club has had a busy fall. The group raised $818.87 in a Trick-orTreat for UNICEF campaign, collected 300+ books for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and completed 30 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Twentyone members were also a part of the Stop Hunger Now! Rotary event held in Martinsville on November 2, 2013, where 26,000 meals were packaged. Additonal members are working hours weekly for God's Storehouse and Habitat for Humanity. The club has 199 members and is sponsored by Riverview Rotary
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Tunstall DECA collected items and filled 25 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Additional items were collected and will be donated to Shermont Baptist Church to fill additional boxes. Thank you to Mrs. Hutson’s Class for the Highlights!
Southside Elementary School held its Math Night and Science Fair on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Grades (1-5) were represented. There were over 200 projects entered into the fair. Participation ribbons were given to everyone. Ribbons for first, second, third, fourth, fifth and honorable mention were awarded. After the Science Fair, students and parents participated in Math Bingo. Everyone received a Bingo card in which they had to figure out the math facts in order to play. Winners received multiplication and division games, flash cards, triangle math cards and other math games. Many thanks go out to our science fair judges, Ms. Elizabeth Craig, Director of Middle and Secondary Education/Science, Mrs. Sonya Wolen, Danville Science Center, and Mr. Ron Smith, 5th grade science teacher at Gretna Elementary School. Special thanks also to the PTO volunteer Mrs. Mary Elliott and the Science and Math Committee members. We would also like to thank the faculty, staff, and families who helped make this event possible. Last but not least we wish to show our appreciation to all of the students for their hard work and effort.
Motto: Show Your Thanks By Giving Grace Audrey Powell, a 5th grade student at Southside Elementary School, recently held her second food drive to benefit the local Salvation Army. With the help of her fellow students, the school collected a “whopping” 811 items. This is surely going to help a lot of needy families in our community. Grace really saw a need for assistance and wanted to do something to help. We are so honored that Southside allowed her to accomplish her goal. To get the children excited Grace donated a pizza and ice cream party to the classroom with the highest percentage of donated items. (Grace used her own money to pay for this). The winning classroom was Mrs. Laura Walker’s third grade class bringing in an OUTSTANDING 153 items! Way to Go Students! The way we see it, everyone that brought anything is a WINNER, so we offer a Giant Thanks to the entire school and personnel! This event was a huge success! Next year, Grace will move on to middle school and hopes Southside will continue giving to the community.
Mrs. Walker's Third Grade Class Start front Grace Powell First Row left to right Rylee Morgan, Jaelyn Martin, Hannah Pierce, Rebekah Dalton, Kendra Williams, Caleb Robertson, Jason hart, Justin Hogan, Cheyann McGuire and Dillon Percario 2nd Row left to right Alexandra Hernandez, Micaela Clement, Alicea Farmer, Emily Yeatts, Gage Farthing, Kameron Tucker,Shontya Warren, Ajea Wilson, Hannah Stowe, and Mrs. Laura Walker
Dan River Region, in partnership with the Northern VA Healthy Kids Coalition, was pleased to introduce a new healthy zip code to our preschool families. Southside preschool students and families enjoyed a Get Fit Day and story time on Thursday, November 14, 2013. Families learned that the New Healthy Zip code is 95210. 9 = hours of sleep a day (for over 16 yrs. PreK kids 1113 hours recommended) 5 = fruits and vegetables servings daily (a serving is size of person's fist) 2 = hours of screen time a day (TV, computer, ipad, phone games) 1 = hour of physical activity each day 0 = soda or sugary drinks a day Each family received a Get Fit goody bag with a reminder folder about Healthy Zip Code and a few healthy kid-friendly recipes. Many thanks go to the families, students, teachers, and program coordinators for making this event a success.
“Thanks” By “Giving”
December 2013 • Classcandy© • Page 5
We hope you enjoy the second installment of the serial story, Hundred Dollar Cat. Every month we will feature a new chapter... watch for Chapter 3 next month! ...
HUNDRED DOLLAR CAT Created by Frances Milburn
Chapter 2: Where is the Change?
The story so far…Ben and his mom run errands Saturday morn. Afterwards, they have lunch at the local restaurant. Ben pays the bill at the cash register while his mom uses the restroom. The cashier accidentally gives him a $100 instead of a $10 bill for change. No one notices the mistake, and Ben pockets the money. The $100 bill was burning in my pocket, as we drove away from Toppers Restaurant. I worried about what I had done, but it was too late to give it back. I looked out the window to avoid talking. “Hey, Ben!” Mom’s voice cut into my thoughts. We stopped at a red light near the highway. I was sure she would ask for her change from lunch. What could I say? Instead of her ten dollar bill, I had a hundred dollar bill in my pocket. “Oh yeah,” I said, filled with guilt. “I forgot to give you your money.” I pretended that I couldn’t squeeze my hand into my pocket. “Can I give it to you when we get home?” I had thirty some dollars hidden in a box in the back of my closet where I stashed my spare cash. I could exchange the hundred for a ten and give her the correct amount. She laughed. “Of course. That’s not want I was going to say. I have an idea.” “What?” I felt a wave of relief. She looked over at me smiling and brushed her fingers across my hair. “I just wondered if you wanted to pick up some new soccer socks for your first game. I have to stop at the mall anyway.” Normally, I love to shop and beg my mom to take me to the mall. And she hates it because I always try to talk her into buying me new jeans, a shirt, Nike Air Max or a game for my Xbox. We usually argue. She says, “You don’t need that!” or “I can’t afford this!” And then I get mad and won’t talk to her. So her offer was something of a surprise. But shopping with a hundred dollar bill in my pocket was more than I could handle. I just wanted to get home and put it away in my closet. “No. Let’s do it another time. I’m tired.” “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you turn down an offer to shop!” she replied. “But, I’ve got to stop anyway. Conner texted me that he forgot to take the cash I left him this morning for his lunch.” She pulled into the mall. “Besides, I don’t know when we’ll get another chance to buy you soccer socks.” Parking in front of the sports shop where Conner worked, she asked, Page 6 • Classcandy© •December 2013
“Want to come in with me and look for socks?” “No!” I responded angrily. “I’ll wait here.” “Suit yourself.” Climbing out, she shut the door and walked toward Conner’s store. I locked the car since I had the hundred dollar bill in my pocket. I couldn’t stop thinking about the money in my pocket. It was such a big bill! If I tried to use it in a store, the clerk might get suspicious. Maybe, I could walk into town after school one day next week and deposit it in my bank account. I could just say that my uncle from Miami gave it to me for my birthday. Just then I heard a rap on my window. I jumped, having been lost in my thoughts. My mom shouted through the glass. “Open the door!” I pushed the unlock button and opened it. Mom dropped a pair of new socks on my lap and put out her hand. “Hey, give me the change from the restaurant. I don’t have any cash to give Conner for lunch.” I panicked, since all I had was the hundred dollar bill. Mom stared at me, her eyes searching my face. “You look worried. Is something the matter?” “Nothing,” I snapped, trying to think of what to do. I needed some time to come up with a plan. “Let me run and give it to Conner. I want to tell him something anyway.” Before she could say anything, I jumped out and ran for the store. Conner was waiting right inside. “Hey, Bro, what’s up?” He gave my head a gentle shove. “Mom’s supposed to give me some lunch money. She said you have it.” He put out his hand. I was sweating bullets. What was I going to do? “Listen, I lost Mom’s money. I must’ve dropped that ten when I took gum out of my pocket. I realized when she asked me for it that I didn’t have it.” I hated lying to my brother, but I’d already dug myself into a hole. When I got home, I could figure things out. I continued, “I’ll give you a ten of my own money when you get home from work.” Conner frowned at me. “I’m starved. And now I won’t be able to get anything to eat on my lunch break.” “Don’t you have any of your own money?” “A few bucks.” “You can get something at the gas station. I promise I’ll give it to you just as soon as you get home. “Lot of good that will do me now,” he groaned. “I just don’t want Mom to know I lost her money and get a big lecture all the way home.” “Ok. But you owe me, Bro.” He turned away. “Now get going. I have to get back to work.” “Thanks,” I replied with relief. I turned and headed out. “See you at home.” When I got back in the car, Mom said, “You’re acting so strange. Is something the matter?” “Let’s just get home. We’ve been gone half the day with your dresser, and I want to see Nate.” I turned toward the window, afraid my face would give something away. I didn’t feel very good about myself with all the lies I’d told.
December 2013 • Classcandy© • Page 7
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Q: Why did the birdie go to the hospital? A: To get a tweetment.
Give them what they really want. 2 Blue Reserved Tickets to Opening Day 2014 2 Blue Reserved Tickets to July 3rd Fireworks Game 2013 D-Braves Team Set 2014 Team Program 20th Anniversary T-shirt
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Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss? A: Ouch Q: What do you call a bee that lives in America? A: USB Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? A: Because he had nobody to go with. Q: Did you hear about the angry pancake? A: He just flipped.
Offer good thru December 18, 2013
Tech the Halls this Holiday Everyone loves finding the latest technology under the wrapping paper, whether it's a gadget to help you stay connected with family or enjoy your favorite entertainment. From a new tablet for grandma to headphones for dad, everyone has at least one cool gadget on their wish list this season that can be found at your neighborhood RadioShack. With so many products from which to choose, knowing the best picks for the loved ones on your list can be a difficult task. Here are some popular tech gift ideas to please everyone on your list this holiday: For the kids What's better than an electronic gadget where you can play and explore new worlds? Boys and girls alike will love playing with kid-friendly tablets made especially for them. With games that educate and engage in new, creative ways, they won't even know they're learning - a gift for parents, as well. Other great gadget gift ideas for children include radio controlled cars and helicopters, DIY toy kits and video games. For the teens For social media, music downloads and so much more, the one gift every teen looks forward to opening this holiday is a smartphone. The new Samsung Galaxy S4 provides a large screen, top of the line camera capabilities and all the necessary features to keep your teen connected. Other great gift ideas for teens include video gaming systems, mp3 players and cool cases for smartphones. For the fitness fan Look no further than the latest digital fitness product for a gift to inspire and encourage your favorite athlete. From heart rate monitors to activity trackers to track steps taken and calories burned, these right-sized devices are sure to please. Other great ideas for athletes include sweat-proof headphones and new mp3 players to jam to while working out. For the music guru For the man in your life with music in his heart, think of a special gift that combines the love of entertainment with high quality performance. A set of quality headphones, such as the Beats by Dr. Dre Studio Over-Ear Headphones, truly delivers great sound. Other options for the men on your list include indoor-outdoor speaker sets, streaming media players and satellite radio systems. For those who need extra help with gift giving, stop by your local RadioShack. Building on its heritage as a DIY destination and expert resource for tech know-how, RadioShack has created holiday Idea Centers in its stores. They feature easy-to-follow instruction cards that show you how to create some holiday fun using products from the surrounding shelves. For more great gift ideas for everyone on your list, visit
December 2013 • Classcandy© • Page 9
What’s happening at
During the earlier part of November, students in Mrs. Holden's 2nd Grade Class visited Harvest Ridge Farm. The students enjoyed their time jumping on the Jumping Pillow, climbing the Spider Web, and taking a ride on the Barrel Train.
Friday, December 13 8:50 am —Homecoming chapel Friday & Sat., 12/13-14 WCA MS Boys Basketball Invitational Saturday, December 14 WCA Band marching in Danville Christmas parade Thursday, December 19 Choral and Band concert @ 7 pm in Worship Center Friday, December 20 HALF Day of School Elementary Christmas chapel @ 10 am Elementary Christmas parties December 23—January 3 NO SCHOOL—Christmas vacation
Farmer Boys from Mrs. Owen’s K4 class – Harvest Party – November 8, 2013
Jackson Wilson, Kole Phelps, Andrew Walker, Ethan Wilcher, Patrick Nester, and Tucker Morgan
WCA’S SPELLING — QUALIFYING ROUND & PRE-SCRIPPS BEE Students in 5th—8th grade are eligible to compete for the opportunity to be WCA’s representative in the Danville Register & Bee Regional Scripps Spelling Bee on March 15. The winner of that Bee will then go to Washington DC to compete in the National contest. WCA will have a qualifying round on Friday, December 13. The top spellers will then go on to compete in WCA’s Pre-Scripps Bee during school on Friday, January 10. Information was sent home in Friday Folders. For more information, please contact Mrs. Thompson (
Congratulations to JOLEE TRAVIS from Pre-K at Chatam Elementary School, who won the Classcandy Hidden Object contest for November! To celebrate December, find the candy cane hidden someplace in the pages of this issue of Classcandy. Email the location to A winner will be chosen at random to receive a special prize!
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Kids & Parents Healthy Tips! By: Fitness Trainers (and Parents) Dave Gluhareff & Suzanne Stowe!
:Kids and Parents have a Healthy and Exciting
From Fitness Trainer Dave Gluhareff of This Christmas season lets all plan to do something a little bit different and healthy! Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas because of different religious beliefs most likely you still get and give gifts this Holiday season. Parents as you look for gifts this Christmas Holiday season please make some of your gifts about healthy activities, good nutrition, or sports. Kids as you look for gifts for your parents please pick out a few healthy gifts that would get your parents, and you, into more healthy and active lifestyles! Here are some healthy gift ideas: Camping gear Shoes for Walking, Running, Hiking, Cross Training, Basketball, Soccer, etc Healthy Restaurant gift certificates Gym Memberships, Personal Training Gift Certificates, Fitness Apps, Fitness Games Sports & Workout clothes Healthy snack & fruit baskets instead of junk food baskets Workout and Fitness equipment to use indoors or outdoors Sign up for a sport or dance class Buy a bike, roller blades, skateboard, scooter, or another healthy mode of transportation If money is tight then you can just write a note and place it in a card saying - “Because I love you, and want us to get healthy and active…I want to start spending healthy times together. Let’s start by doing one or all of the following: taking walks, throwing ball in the backyard, going for hikes, riding our bikes together and staying off the couch as much as possible. I want us to get Healthy and Stay Healthy together!” Merry Christmas everybody and enjoy a wonderful Holiday season with your family and friends!!
From Fitness Trainer Suzanne Stowe of “It is supposed to snow!” Do you get excited when you hear those words? I do! It is that time of year when we are hoping for a snow day or two hour delay. So get out the mittens and boots and stock up on the hot chocolate. What else gets you excited during this time of the year? Twinkling lights, jingle bells, candy canes and an upcoming Winter break from school? While you are waiting for the first snowfall, and it is so tempting to stay inside, think about what you can do to keep moving, and be healthy. Help rake leaves and have fun jumping in a pile before you are done. Make a bird feeder. When ice covers the ground, it’s a good idea to provide some seeds for the birds. Using a pine cone, attach a string to the end; cover the cone in creamy peanut butter. Then, roll the pine cone in birdseed. Hang the bird feeder on a tree or bush you can see from a window and watch the birds enjoy the treat. When the snow finally falls, get busy building a snowman. If you have to stay inside, try to leave the remote on the table and pick up a book, play a board game, or do what my daughter does, download music and make up a dance. Whatever you enjoy doing, indoors or out, keep your body and your mind active. Get excited, that Winter break is almost here!
December 2013 • Classcandy© • Page 11
Members of the “Top Dawg Kids Club” at URW enjoy...
Christmas is just r a l l o D around the Corner! . . . S Say Start Your Don’t miss your chance to “Kidz” Saving Today!
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URW Kidz Club Facts & Perks • Can be opened with a $25 deposit • An interest bearing account • A quarterly newsletter specifically for them with news of contests, upcoming events, etc. • Fun contests & Cool Prizes throughout the year • College Scholarships for High School Seniors that have Kidz Club account for minimum of one year
Skatetown Parties
• Huge Easter Egg Hunt each year with lots of food & fun • Annual Christmas Skating Party • Kidz Club accounts teach children about saving money from a young age • ”Top Dog Bucks” which are Incentives given to children each time they make a deposit and can be redeemed for prizes!
join the best club in town for kids 12 years old and younger!
photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus
Plus free food and treats all year long! Bring your parents on down to URW and let them know that you want to be in If you live, work or worship in the CityDollar’s of Danville, Pittsylvania County, or Caswell County, exclusive “Top Dawg Kid’s Club”! you can be a member of URW Credit Union!! 539 Arnett Blvd • 364 Lowes Drive, Suite H
Start enjoying Kid Only Benefits! 314 Lowes Drive • 539 Arnett Blvd. 434-793-1278 *Join the Top Dawg Kidz Club by opening up a Savings Account with as little as $25, a copy of your Social Secrurity Card & a parent/legal guardian 434.793.1278 KIDS FIND $98,000 - GET TO KEEP IT!
Kids Get To Keep $98,000 They Found Mother Says Money Will Be Used For College BOULDER, Colo. -- Three Boulder County children split more than $98,000 after finding the cash in a field last February and turning it in. The children were walking through a field on Feb. 14 when they came across a duffel bag filled with stacks of bills. The bag appeared to have been left in the field for some time and the bills were wet and moldy. The children took the money home and then turned it in to the Boulder County Sheriff 's Office, which said it could have been drug money, but finally determined it was not related to any current case. "The kids are dividing it among themselves," said one of the children's mother, who spoke to the Boulder Daily Camera on the condition of anonymity Monday out of concern for her family's safety. "It is a pretty good start on college savings, so they are happy about that." The sheriff 's office presented checks totaling $98,100 to the parents of the three children Tuesday. It is the largest amount of money ever found in Boulder and turned in, according to West. Page 12 • Classcandy© •December 2013
Notable Events for December Pearl Harbor Day: Anniversary, 1941 "A date that will live in infamy" Nearly 200 Japanese aircrafts attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The raid lasted a little more than one hour and left nearly 3,000 dead. This attack brought immediate US entry into WWII, a declaration of war being requested by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and approved by Congress Dec. 8, 1941.
Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia: Anniversary, 1862 Date:Dec 13th, 2013
National Day of the Horse Date:Dec 14th, 2013 The horse is a living link to the heritage and history of our nation and represents a common bond among all peoples who led the way in building our country. Today the horse industry contributes more than $112 billion annually to the American economy.
Wright Brothers Day Date:Dec 17th, 2013 The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were inventors and aviation pioneers. They achieved the first documented successful powered and controlled flights of an airplane. This day recognizes their accomplishments and contributions to transportation.
Confederate forces were victorious at teh Battle of Fredericksburg, VA. Total casualties on both sides estimated at more than 16,000 killed, injured or missing. General Ambrose E. Burnside led Union troops; General Robert E. Lee led the Confederates.
Bingo’s Birthday Month The game was originally called “beano” and dates back to 1530 with the Italian variation called Lo Giuoco del Lotto D'Italia. Bingo was made by toy salesman, Edwin S. Lowe, who initially overheard someone accidentally yell “bingo!” in their utter excitement playing Beano at a carnival. He produced the first commercial version of the game, which retailed at $1. RANDOM DETAIL: The mathematician, who Lowe hired to generate 6000 more different bingo cards in order to increase the number combinations on the cards, later went insane because he had to figure out these combinations manually! Remember there were no computers back then to come up with unique number combinations.
New Years Eve
Date:Dec 31st, 2013 The last evening of the Gregorian calandar year, traditionally a night for merrymaking to welcome in the New Year.
Christmas Day is a federal holiday celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.
December 2013 • Classcandy© • Page 13
Everybody Loves
christmas goodies!
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A Faithful Friend to Fetch Your Balance
The PARENT Corner Don’t Skip the Suds this Cold and Flu Season The importance of hand washing has long been advised by health professionals, especially during the cold and flu season. However, a recent study found that only 95 percent of Americans admit it is important to wash their hands after using a public restroom. This is particularly true with women compared to men. What’s even more interesting is that a growing number of consumers admit to simply rinsing their hands with water without using soap in public washrooms. In fact, this number has increased from 54 percent to 70 percent on the national level over the past two years. And just how long are they “washing” their hands? Suds or no suds, a majority of Americans do not wash their hands long enough. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recommended time to wash one’s hands with soap and water in order to kill bacteria is at least 20 seconds.
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These findings are part of the fifth annual Healthy Hand Washing Survey conducted by Bradley Corporation, a Milwaukee-based manufacturer of commercial plumbing fixtures and washroom accessories. Bradley is dedicated to innovating products that create more efficient washroom environments and promote healthy hand washing. The survey also revealed that increased media coverage or stories about foodborne or airborne illnesses have an impact on hand washing habits. More than half of consumers, 57 percent, claimed they wash their hands more often and more thoroughly in response to news coverage. Sixty-six percent also reported washing their hands more frequently in response to news about seasonal flu outbreaks. “These findings underscore the need for consumers to be mindful of good hand hygiene,” said Jon Dommisse, director of global marketing and strategic development for Bradley. “Everyone can play their part in preventing the spread of viruses such as influenza during the winter months. Always remember, it takes less than a minute to effectively wash your hands.”
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Q: How many books can you put in an empty backpack? A: One! After that its not empty! Q: What kind of button won’t unbutton? A: A bellybutton! Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: It saw the salad dressing! Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked in the court room? A: Odor in the court.
Stay healthy all year long To keep you and your family healthy, Bradley recommends five simple steps to effective hand washing: 1. Wash More Frequently - It’s important to wash your hands not only after using the washroom, but, before and after preparing and eating food; before and after treating a wound; after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; and after touching the garbage. 2. Count to 20 - Proper hand washing means scrubbing with water and soap for at least 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Be sure to scrub the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. 3. Don’t Forget to Dry - Smart hand hygiene should not only include washing, but thoroughly drying hands as well. The most hygienic and sustainable method is using an energy-efficient dryer such as the one found on the all-in-one touchless Advocate Lavatory System. 4. Hand Sanitizers Aren’t Enough - While 29 percent of consumers surveyed use a hand sanitizer, it may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty. Anti-bacterial gel is not a substitute for soap and water, and should only be relied upon if hand washing facilities are not available. 5. Clean Hands Means Healthy Kids - Hand washing among school-age children is especially important because nearly 2.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, according to a 2011 study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Kids should be taught healthy routines like hand washing at an early age For further information on hand hygiene find Bradley on Twitter @bradleycorp, Facebook/BradleyCorporation or visit
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