At home with Julie by
R. Leigh Krafft | Morgelli Photography
Does a house make a home? What is that
One of the things she finds most gratifying
elusive quality that makes a space feel like home?
about her work is guiding people to that
You know it as soon as you walk in the door: your
wonderful feeling of refuge and relaxation;
shoulders come down, you breathe out a gentle
feeling happy in their new space and ready for the
sigh, kick off your shoes, and sink in. The sense of
next chapter.
setting everything down, all of the day’s work and
burdens, along with your briefcase and groceries.
with her clients, making an effort to get to know
The place that is uniquely you, your own little
you, listening deeply, and using her formidable
habitat, your haven. Perhaps home means family
resource bank to offer fresh possibilities that you
to you, or it may be your fortress of solitude; in
may not have considered. With a great deal of
any case, finding a place to create your space is
experience personally in renovation, remodelling,
often an emotional journey.
and the cathartic process of minimizing, she has
a lot to offer, to say the least. If you are looking
When considering buying a home, generally
She dedicates herself to building relationships
the largest purchase we make, we often have
for some help with transforming your life,
certain parameters and non-negotiables. On the
simplifying, having more time for pursuing what
other hand, we may not really have a clear idea of
you love to do, perhaps starting at home base is
what we want, never mind what we actually need.
wise, with a good coach. Her IG is a good place
The reasons behind a move are often complex
to start; you’ll be feeling inspired and supported
and sometimes unfortunate, and it is invaluable
from the beginning, (@juliewoolsey_realestate).
to have someone patient, invested, caring, and
sincere to support you as you begin your search.
walks away feeling like it was a transaction,”
Julie Woolsey, Realtor with The Knowles/
she said simply, noting that her family’s
Woolsey Team, is there for you.
award-winning, boutique team prides itself on
“providing tailored, personalized service.”
“I haven’t done my job properly if someone