2024 - 2025 Planning and Public Works Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan It’s All Us – We Make It Happen

County Strategic Plan The Pierce County Strategic Plan establishes county-wide objectives and goals that are used to set priorities and allocate resources. The plan also identifies key initiatives, community indicators, and performance measures that help inform and shape decision-making. County leadership engages in ongoing plan refinement and regularly undertakes in-depth updates to continuously prioritize the needs of the residents served. The County Strategic Plan is the framework on which department-level strategic plans are built. This ensures that all County departments plan and operate in alignment with the broader county vision. The County Strategic Plan objectives and goals are:

Vibrant Communities

Entrepreneurial Climate

Effective Government

Safe and just communities

Jobs and entrepreneurship

Regional leadership and tribal partnerships

Healthy and happy people

Reliable and accessible infrastructure

Clean, sustainable environment Attainable housing


Skilled workforce

Accountability for results Customer-focused services Talented and diverse employees

Our Mission The Pierce County Planning and Public Works Department (PPW) helps plan, build, operate, and maintain a place people are proud to call home. We endeavor to deliver timely and reliable infrastructure and services at the lowest lifecycle cost by streamlining processes and focusing our efforts on results for all Pierce County residents. PPW is a diverse and fast-moving department filled with motivated professionals working to ensure Pierce County is positioned to handle growth while building, operating, and maintaining reliable infrastructure to support livable communities. PPW is responsible for a broad and complex portfolio of services that provides unique opportunities to collaborate, innovate, and inspire. We are responsible for the County road and levee systems, sanitary sewer and stormwater systems, solid waste and recycling, airports, ferries, land use and building permits, environmental review, sustainability and community planning, and code enforcement - just to name a few!

Strategic Plan Purpose PPW develops a biennial strategic plan in accordance with the priorities of the Pierce County Executive’s county-wide Strategic Plan, adopted land use and infrastructure plans, and the resourcing approved by the County Council. The intent of the PPW Strategic Plan is to provide clear direction and ensure we operate as One Department in support of the larger County vision. Across our portfolio and in our Department, there is no “they.” It’s all “us” and, together, we will do amazing things!

2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Strategic Principles For 2024-2025, PPW has identified five principles that guide our collective and individual work on behalf of Pierce County. These principles carry equal weight and priority and, together, they provide the framework for our Strategic Plan.

Access and Equity

Accommodating Growth

Fiscal Responsibility


Timely and Reliable Public Services Our individual and collective actions should always reflect our commitment to upholding and furthering one or more of these principles.

Strategic Initiatives Our strategic initiatives describe the specific actions we will take to achieve our mission and goals. Some initiatives reflect new efforts we are embarking on while others represent ongoing initiatives we are committed to completing.


Access and Equity PPW will prioritize equitable delivery of services and improving outcomes for communities with the greatest needs. We serve all residents of Pierce County and acknowledge that barriers exist that may prevent some residents from receiving our services. Department priorities for this biennium include removing barriers for residents with limited English proficiency by improving physical and digital accessibility to PPW services and gaining a better understanding of how our investment decisions benefit or harm underrepresented or disadvantaged communities. We will also focus our efforts on outreach, investment, and service delivery to areas with low social and environmental equity indices to realize better outcomes for marginalized communities.

Supporting Safer & More Just Communities • • • •

Update ADA Transition Plan and address ferry and airport facilities Update Safe Routes to School Plan Pilot street light program for low-income neighborhoods Develop a Vision Zero Action Plan to improve traffic safety on County Roads

Standardize code enforcement processes and communication practices to ensure equitable and more timely resolution of violations

Performance Target Resolve 50% of nuisance violations within 90 days

Expanding Tribal Partnerships • •

Collaborate with Tribes to eliminate fish passage barriers and restore Chambers Bay estuary Develop a county-wide salmon recovery strategy in partnership with Tribes

Create a Cultural Resource Protection program to improve preservation of cultural resources

Performance Indicator Hire new cultural resource preservation specialist and adopt new regulations

Improving Access to PPW Programs & Services • •

Expand language translation efforts and multilingual resources for PPW services Expand broadband services in unserved and underserved communities using available local, state and federal funding

Performance Indicator Understand our customer languages needs and develop tools to meet those needs

2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Accommodating Growth PPW will adopt resilient and sustainable growth plans and strategies that promote the livability and economic vitality of Pierce County. We plan for the long-term residential, industrial, and environmental needs of our County by undertaking periodic updates of our Comprehensive Plan. We will assess and anticipate growth in our region over the next 20 years through multiple lenses, including affordable housing, health and equity, parks and open spaces, sustainability, and transportation and traffic. Evaluating and recalibrating our plan actions and strategies keeps Pierce County moving, growing, healthy, and competitive across the region.

Advancing Clean, Sustainable Environmental Practices •

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Protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat • Acquire property to support the countywide salmon recovery strategy • Update and implement Clarks Creek Restoration Total Maximum Daily Load plan

Performance Target Deliver fish passage culvert priority proposal to council by 6/1/2024

Adopt 2024 Comprehensive Plan periodic update Adopt new Critical Area regulations Complete planned actions for Sustainability 2030 Plan • Develop Electric Vehicle Public Infrastructure Plan prioritizing underserved communities • Replace ferry diesel engines with certified clean engines • Maximize energy rebates to retrofit existing buildings, with a focus on affordable and multi-family housing • Create an urban forestry plan that sets tree canopy and planting goals • Develop and adopt Pierce County’s Land Conservation Plan • Implement the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Plan • Develop long term solid waste disposal strategy • Complete at least one community clean-up and coordinated litter pick up event in each Council district, prioritizing areas with multi-family housing Develop new metrics by 2025 that prioritize GHG emissions reduction and waste going to landfill Develop recommendations for residential and commercial food waste subsidies, fees, and disposal

Performance Indicator Reduction in greenhouse gas emission levels against 2015 baseline

Building Attainable Housing •

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Develop recommendations for reducing permitting costs and expediting review times for affordable housing and homelessness development projects Review and update SEPA exemption criteria for housing developments and support Multi-Family Tax Exemption updates

Performance Target Submit Affordable Housing Permitting Report to Council by 6/1/2024

Propose land use alternatives to match growth targets by income band Evaluate the effect of short-term rentals on housing supply and make recommendations for regulation changes

Developing Resilient Communities • • •

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Reduce flood risk to communities and maintain Community Rating System status Increase planning and administrative support to the FCZD and work closely with the FCZD Administrator Inspect, evaluate, and prioritize all concrete sewer interceptors in preparation for updating the Sewer Capital Facilities Plan Update Bridge and Road Design Manual to reflect modern standards that meet the needs of the Comprehensive Plan Update ROW needs plan Update the Traffic Impact Fee program to accommodate growth and current priorities

Performance Target 95% of County roads in good or fair condition

2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Fiscal Responsibility PPW will demonstrate responsible financial stewardship and work to deliver services at the lowest lifecycle costs. Our work is powered by public funding, and we are committed to conducting business in a manner that avoids incurring added costs and minimizes financial risk. Our fiscal priorities for this biennium include concentrating efforts to acquire external funding for large infrastructure and preservation projects and further capitalizing on our new hybrid working environment to reduce operating costs.

Pursuing External Funding Opportunities •

Improve County infrastructure by leveraging available state and local grant opportunities • Fish passage • Bridge Preservation • GHG Reduction • Climate Change Resilience • Shoreline Master Program Update

Performance Target Apply for 5 new grants in 2024

Reducing Operational Costs • • • •


Continue efforts to manage our assets at the lowest life-cycle cost and prioritize sewer collection system for asset risk assessment Move internal recycling program to Facilities Management Analyze fleet utilization and optimize fleet mix Evaluate GIS mapping tools for efficiency and consolidation opportunities

Consolidate and modernize PPW office spaces

Performance Target Reduce leased office costs by $1M

Transparency PPW will leverage technology to improve public accountability and build positive customer relationships. As a public agency, we are obligated to operate transparently and remain accountable in the work we do and the services we provide. We are continuously cultivating our skilled and resilient workforce to improve our ability to respond accurately and promptly to the needs of the people we serve. The department will add capacity to proactively engage the public on projects and clarify the costs of services we provide. Continued use of data-sharing platforms like Open Pierce County and Open Project will provide on-demand access to real-time information about our work.

Developing Talented & Diverse Employees •

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Establish Communities of Practice that share knowledge, identify process improvements, and cultivate an inclusive environment Identify supported employment opportunities Implement a knowledge transfer program that supports cross-training and professional development Create PPW ethics and conflict of interest training

Performance Target 90% of Supervisors complete bronze leadership training 95% of employees complete annual Safety Training program

Demonstrating Accountability for Results • • •

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Increase public awareness and engagement in PPW projects and services provided Increase awareness of Open Pierce County platform Provide regional leadership in planning and public works • Actively participate in state agency studies affecting Pierce County (WSDOT route jurisdiction, South Hill Incorporation, WSDOT Gateway Program (SR167/I-405), etc.) • Host County-wide planning and public works leadership forums • Update contracts for city service agreements Continue to optimize accounting practices to improve budget transparency and accuracy Continue simplification of fee schedules where appropriate Adopt proactive airport management practices to ensure equitable application of lease terms, timely notification of rate changes, and maximize airport revenue

Performance Target 95% of airport leases current

2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Timely and Reliable Public Services PPW will evaluate and prioritize infrastructure and service delivery needs using data and objective analyses of our performance. The core of our mission is delivering timely services and maintaining reliable infrastructure that is critical to the livability and economic vitality of Pierce County. We have a duty to reduce the risk of system failures, minimize disruption of services, and improve responsiveness and consistency in the quality of services we provide. Among the actions we will take in this biennium to realize our mission are developing and implementing workflow improvements to increase capacity and response times, adding customer feedback surveys to assess our performance, and increasing personnel where service demand is greatest.

Building Reliable & Accessible Infrastructure •

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Prioritize the following efforts to implement Transportation Improvement Program: • School zones and pedestrian facilities • Bridge Safety • Expand access to and availability of non-motorized/active transportation resources Update Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Right of Way Identify and pursue new revenue sources to ensure long-term financial stability for airports Adopt and implement Thun Field and Tacoma Narrows Master Plans

Improve ferry service reliability by dedicating resources to maintenance program management Pursue long-term financial stability for ferry system

Performance Target 90% of capital projects completed on schedule

Performance Target 95% Ferry on-time departures

Providing Customer-Focused Services •

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Improve customer intake experience to meet high demand for information about property rights and permitting requirements Streamline and document inter-division permit review process (Traffic, Floodplain, Sewer, Solid Waste, Airport) Continue to integrate Traffic and Sewer Maintenance services into See-Click-Fix Develop and expand customer feedback and engagement opportunities to assess customer satisfaction with PPW service delivery

Performance Target Lobby wait times <15 minutes Sewer Billing calls <4% of sewer customers Ferry Customer Satisfaction rate >75%

Supporting Jobs & Entrepreneurship • • •

Create a water utility district Maintain compliance with the County’s wastewater discharge permit in the Cascadia wastewater basin Support increased growth and economic development in Sewer District #2 (Tehaleh), including monitoring the number of permits issued, asset counts, and backlog, while maintaining level of service Support agricultural operations in floodplain areas

Performance Target • •

Provide Executive Priority permitting to key projects Implement streamlined application intake and resubmittal process to simplify customer transactions and reduce permit processing times

Number of days to approve permits: 65 days for projects that do not require public notice 100 days for projects that require public notice 170 days for projects that require a public hearing

2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Celebrating Our Progress It is important to acknowledge and reflect on our progress over the past year. The following strategic initiatives were fully or substantially completed in 2023: Completed 2023 PPW Strategic Initiatives Participated in the Litter Reduction Task Force Implemented the new PPW Safety Training Program Achieved APWA re-accreditation Improved Development Center application processing times and consistency Fully implemented the Wastewater Operator in Training program Implemented policies and procedures for compliance with Flood Hazard Management Plan Completed the “One PPW” Workday company merger project Evaluated passenger-only ferry service options

Planning for the Future The strategic planning process helps to prioritize resources, plan for the future, and assess progress made toward previous goals. Because PPW’s portfolio relies mostly on skilled professionals, our strategic plan must also help us attract, retain, and develop an agile workforce that will be needed to address emergent needs across Pierce County as the population is expected to grow to well over one million in the next 20 years and our environment continues to adapt around us. This growth and continuous state of change will significantly increase our PPW workload as we plan, build, and maintain the region’s infrastructure. We will succeed by identifying and eliminating procedural inefficiencies, documenting and sharing processes across divisions, and most importantly, leveraging the power of our department’s combined resources. We are one of the few agencies in the country that combines community development, land use planning, and public works into a single organization. This blend of long range planning, capital investment programs, maintenance, and operations into a single, integrated department is what makes us unique and able to tackle such enormous challenges. Together as One PPW, there is no limit to what we can accomplish!

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