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Meet Me In The Park!

Specialized recreation activities in a park near you!
Parents and caregivers seeking social recreation outlets for your children and family members (and perhaps some much-needed respite time for yourselves) look no further!
After several weeks and months of attempting online activities, we listened while you described the challenges your families are facing under the current “Safe Start” guidelines. We understand that while virtual programming may be difficult for many, it can be especially difficult for individuals and families in the specialized recreation community.
We brainstormed possible solutions and reached out to our friends at Metro Parks Tacoma to partner with us on this new program! Meet Me In The Park provides a wonderful alternative to virtual programming while encouraging social, and physical outdoor experiences that are safe, engaing and fun. The program is available for youth and adults, ages 5 and up with planned activities led by our trained Parks staff and geared towards individuals of all abilities.
Our recreation leaders are hosting one and twohour social activity sessions at various parks throughout Pierce County. Registration for each session is kept to a minimum as our current “phasing guidelines” allow. Participants meet to socialize with each other, play games, or participate in crafts. With a variety of locations available, we’re looking forward to seeing the smiling faces and fun in the parks!
“Meet Me In The Park offers the opportunity for safe, socially distanced, staff-led social recreation to continue in our community for a population that has only become increasingly isolated as a result of the current pandemic. Pierce County Parks is here and ready to provide meaningful services to those in our community who are most in need of this connection”. - Kim LeMay, Recreation Supervisor
See pg 32 for Meet Me In The Park dates, times and even more specialized recreation activities

Join us for some safe and socially-distanced fun in one (or many) of our parks!
Sign up for the park location near you to meet up outside with a small group of others for outdoor crafts, nature walks, or other small group activities – safely, of course – all while learning and practicing recreation and social skills! For more information or to register, visit: www.piercecountywa.gov/meetmeinthepark or call 253-798-4186.
* Participants are required to bring and wear a face mask or face shield during the program. Participants should also wear weather-appropriate clothing and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. This program is supported by **DDA funding and respite money may be used for this program.
** Developmental Disabilities Administration