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The Community Development Division of PCHS provides and/or funds housing supports and services in Pierce County. This community data will be shared with the Community Development Division. The division is actively engaged in the work related to Resolution 2021-30s passed by Pierce County Council in March 2021 to develop a plan to end street homelessness ; the Committee has developed an EndHomelessness-Action-Plan (piercecountywa.gov) and implementation of said plan is underway.
PCHS allocates a small amount of State CSBG funding to aid in the development of new transportation partnerships and opportunities. The transportation needs we exposed include increasing opportunities for bus service, assistance with purchasing gasoline, and making repairs. Access seemed to be a specific challenge for those in rural areas where public transportation options do not exist or are scarce and may not support activities like employment. As more people travel south from King County to seek more affordable cost of living, this will have a continued impact on all resources. There were 19,285 people who moved from King County to Pierce County and 11, 676 who moved from Piece to County between 2014-2018. 2 This is a net gain for Pierce County of 7,609 people. We have seen this trend continue in recent years. There are several improvements happening to help support the growing population throughout the county. The Pierce County Coordinated Transportation Coalition, supported by the Community Development Division, released a 2021
2Thousands of people left King County during peak of Seattle boom, new data shows | The Seattle Times