Services for Justice-Involved Individuals: Coordinated behavioral health services for the justice-involved and provide timely care and reduce demand on jails and the courts. Investment Opportunities: • Sustain the Trueblood program funded through contempt fines: Trueblood programs funded through contempt fines end in June 2021. These programs include pretrial and prosecutorial diversion, a dedicated wraparound team to support those diverted, and five of the six Pierce County co-responders. Additional funding would sustain the Trueblood programming beyond June 2021 and permit expansion to a greater number of justice-involved individuals. Impact on short- and long-term outcomes/goals: Reduced jail utilization. Measurement methodology: The Data Strategy Collective will allow for increased transparency of outcome data for individuals involved in health and corrections systems. The availability of these data, ultimately across health systems and payers, will allow for measurable impact of these programs over time. Other funds leveraged: A significant number of the individuals who will engage in these services will be Medicaid-eligible. By tracking outcomes, the County will be able to demonstrate a cost-savings to the Pierce County ACO, as well as County Corrections. Since the Pierce County ACO will be governed at the local level, these savings can be shared back with the community through investments into the sustainability of these interventions over the long haul.
Conclusion The RSCC recommends that the region adopt the Medicaid ACO pilot and allocate any additional revenue according to the principles discussed herein and in coordination with the ACO governance body.